• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 2,010 Views, 131 Comments

Physics Bubble - LordBucket

As everyone knows, humans are immune to magic. Goodness, how ever will all these poor, helpless ponies deal with such a clearly overpowered ability?

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9 - Anti-magic human vs Twilight Sparkle and conservation of energy

"Mwahahaha!" the human twirled his mustache. "You can't hurt me, Twilight. I am immune to magic!"

"Wait," Twilight frowned. "How is that possible?"

"Because I'm from another universe!" the human laughed. "And we don't have magic where I'm from, so of course I'm immune to magic! Why would you even think otherwise?"

"But that doesn't make sense!" Twilight stomped her hoof in frustration. "We don't have nuclear bombs in Equestria. If I went to your universe, would I be immune to nuclear bombs exploding on my head? Would I get stuck in elevators because we don't have them Equestria so they'd refuse to work for me?"

"I don't make the rules, Twilight," the human shrugged. "I'm just exploiting them to conquer Equestria. Now, submit! There's absolutely nothing a unicorn like you can do to stop me!"

"Ok," Twilight gently rested her face in her hoof and took a deep breath. "I like science. So let's do science. How does this work?"

"If you must know," the human rolled his eyes. "It depends on the fic. Sometimes it's just me that's immune, but not things I bring with me. For example, if you blast me with magic nothing happens, but you can use magic to recharge my cellphone, because that's super convenient for me. Other times, I carry a physics bubble around with me, and even standing near me can turn magic off."

Twilight let loose with a magic beam to his face. It vanished the moment it hit him. Or...wait, did it vanish a few inches before it him?

"Mwahahaha," he laughed. "Do you see?!?"

Her scientfiic curiosity piqued, Twilight lit her horn and began investigating the astral space surrounding him. Sure enough, there was a bubble, and beyond its threshold she received no feedback from her spell of any kind.

"So, this bubble," Twilight prompted. "Works according to the physics of your universe?"

"Yes! And there's no magic where I'm from, so it can't work in my bubble. You're completely helpless! Mwahahaha!"

"And," Twilight continued, "is energy conserved in your universe?"

"I'm not sure why it matters," the human tried to roll his eyes again, but found it interrupted by a few drops of sweat rolling down from his forehead. "But yes, conservation of energy, mass/energy equivalence, e=mc^2, all that's pretty standard where I'm from. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious," Twilight shrugged, her horn now glowing a little brighter. "How do you feel?"

It was a strange question. But now that he thought about it, it suddenly seemed very hot for some reason.

"Is it just me, or it really hot here?" the human asked from the very safe confines of his physics bubble.

"No, it's totally normal here," Twilight explained. "It's hot where you are, because the magic I'm applying can't function inside your physics bubble, but its energy isn't being properly returned to Equestria's aether, because the physics of your universe doesn't allow for it. And since energy can't be destroyed in your universe, it's being converted to waste heat."

"Oh, that's...umm, nice?" the human began panting heavily and frantically fanning his face with his hands. "Now hurry up and give up already."

"Which makes me wonder," Twilight pondered, then suddenly her tone became cheerful. "Hey! Would you be willing to participate in Equestria's first cross-dimensional physics experiment? I'll be sure to add your name as a supporting author on the paper."

Twilight poured more energy into her spell, and over the next few seconds, the human in the complete safety of his physics bubble burst into flames as the air around him turned to super-heated plasma.

"Oops," Twilight sighed. "Didn't get his name."