• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 2,010 Views, 131 Comments

Physics Bubble - LordBucket

As everyone knows, humans are immune to magic. Goodness, how ever will all these poor, helpless ponies deal with such a clearly overpowered ability?

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8 - Anti-magic human vs Pinkie Pie

"Mwahahaha!" the human proclaimed loudly as he strode boldly forth into Ponyville. "I am immune to magic, and-"

His sentence was interrupted by a smiling pink blur filling his vision.

"Oh my gosh are you new!" PInkie bubbled with eagerness. "You look new! I love it when new ponies show up, even when they're not ponies! I'm Pinkie Pie! Now that you're here in Ponyville, I'll have to throw you a 'Welcome to Ponyville!' party and introduce you to lots of new friends!"

"Actually," his eyes glimmered as he twirled his mustache. "I'm here to conquer you all with my overpowered magic immunity!"

"Ohmygosh!!!" Pinkie gasped, shoving a cupcake into his mouth. "In that case I'll have to throw you a 'congratulations on conquering Ponyville for the seventeeth time ever' party! Ponyville's only been conquered sixteen times before, and it can only be conquered the seventeeth time once because next time will be the eighteenth and that's different so the seventeeth time is totally special and absolutely needs a party! This one time, my friend Trixie conquered Ponyville and-"

She kept talking, but the human didn't hear the rest because he was so distracted by the surprisingly delicious cupcake. Really, it kind of made him wonder why he wanted to conquer Ponyville in the first place. Before he could think up an answer, she shoved another cupcake in his mouth, and his train of thought was derailed entirely.

"-and then I'll introduce you to Cloud Kicker and she'll want to bang you and then I'll introduce you to Lyra and she'll probably want to bang you too, and here have another cupcake aren't they great!?!"

Properly subdued, the human allowed himself to be led away, resigned to his fate.