• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 2,006 Views, 131 Comments

Physics Bubble - LordBucket

As everyone knows, humans are immune to magic. Goodness, how ever will all these poor, helpless ponies deal with such a clearly overpowered ability?

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10 - Anti-magic human vs doors

"Mwahaha!" the human twirled his mustache, banging on the door to Carousel Boutique. "Open up and be subjugated!"

"It's not locked, darling!" a lilting voice called from within.

Frowning, the human examined the strange two-part door. Placing his hand on the top, he pushed, but it didn't budge. Perhaps the bottom? No, pushing there didn't help either. There were matching bronze mechanisms of some sort on both parts of the door, but they how were they supposed to work?


Several hours later, Rarity stepped out of her boutique and nearly tripped over a mustachioed human sleeping on her porch, still twirling his mustache and mumbling in his sleep.

"Oh dear, poor human," she cooed, glancing back and forth between him and the bronze door lever. "Looks like he wasn't able to open the door. No wonder they're always asking how we can pick up cutlery with our hooves. No contact telekinesis."

Author's Note:

Technology is made to match the biology of the people who use it. Good luck typing on a keyboard with hooves, for example. Or consider capacitive touch screens, that require contact with an electrical conductor (like your finger) in order to work. Try using your tablet with your fingernails. It probably won't work, and both human fingernails and horse hooves are made out of the same material, keratin, which is non-conductive.

If ponies have hooves, most cellphones probably wouldn't work for them, simply because electricity doesn't flow through their hooves the way it flows through human fingers.

If an anti-magic human has no magic in their body, there's probably a lot of common, every-day pony technology that wouldn't work for them for similar reason.