• Published 13th Jul 2020
  • 2,010 Views, 131 Comments

Physics Bubble - LordBucket

As everyone knows, humans are immune to magic. Goodness, how ever will all these poor, helpless ponies deal with such a clearly overpowered ability?

  • ...

2 - Anti-magic human vs Applejack

"Mwahaha!" the human twirled his mustache, marching his way up to a certain apple farm.

"Howdy pardner," Applejack tipped her hat kindly to the newcomer. "Don't reckon I've ever seen you in these parts before. Come to try out the famous Apple family apples?"

"Yes, I'm here to 'try' your applies!" the human laughed while making obvious air-quotes. "But I'm immune to magic, so I'm not going to pay for them, mwahahaha!"

"Hmm," Applejack frowned. "Well, I don't know what magic's got ta do with it, but Granny Smith always says it pays to give out samples once in a while. After all, can't expect a pony to know how good an apple is 'til they've tried it."

Reaching into her basket, she selected a fine red apple and tossed it to the human, who caught it in his magic-immune hand and bit into it with his magic-immune teeth.

"Wow," he mumbled through a mouth full of apple. "That's really good."

"Yep, sure is," Applejack nodded agreeably. "Every pony's a happy pony once they've had an Apple family apple."

"But now I have some bad news for you," the human grinned, licking his magic-immune lips clean.

"What's that, sugarcube? If ya don't got any bits on ya, ahm sure we can work somethin' out."

"No, mwahahaha!" the human laughed cruelly. "I am going to steal the rest of your apples, and because I'm immune to magic, there's nothing you can do to stop me!"

Applejack blinked. Then paused, and blinked again.

"Ahm sorry sugarcube, but I ain't the sharpest apple in the barrel, so I ain't sure I get ya. Do you mean to tell me that yer immune to magic so yer gonna steal apples...from an Earth pony?"

"Mwahahaha!" the human laughed. "You understand perfectly!"

Applejack blinked one more time as he rushed her, then whipped around and kicked him in the nads.