• Published 8th Aug 2020
  • 1,122 Views, 27 Comments

Guardian - Xrevias

Guardians, defenders of Equestria and preservers of harmony. Golden Dusk, their teammate, returns to Canterlot after a two month long mission. With trouble brewing within the city’s shadow, and his infatuation for his teammate, how bad is it, really?

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Chapter 5 - How about work?

The streets of Canterlot were busy the following day. Apparently, the Canterlot Carousel was having a sale!

Scarlet Gem walked the streets with a slight pep in her step, she was in a surprisingly good mood! The morning air was so refreshing and gave her the energy to even move. She made a left turn around the block, making sure not to bump into anypony.

She was on her way to the castle. Celestia sent her a letter via magic fire and wanted to speak with her. Why, however, was not made clear to her. Maybe the Purifiers had made their move? Something about Swift Star? Or was she just getting lonely? After all, spending hours upon hours on her throne entertaining nobles and paperwork won’t do anypony’s mind any good.

She hummed in thought and kept her eyes ahead. Her necklace swayed slightly in her step.

Perhaps, Celestia had news about Titan and Berserker? It was unlike the pair to be gone for more than two weeks. Their mission was to capture, and if necessary kill, a chimera that had wandered into the borders of Manehattan.

Scarlet mentally shrugged and turned right on another block. The two were tough ponies, and more than enough to handle a chimera.

She approached the very same castle gate with a badge in her hoof. A guardspony nodded and the gate slowly opened. She nodded in thanks to the gate’s guards who saluted in response.

Scarlet entered the castle halls and made her way to the throne room. On the way, she passed by the royal kitchen and took a curious sniff of the outside of the room. The smell of what she thought was something baked, probably cake, and it had a slight tang that tickled her nose. She made a mental note of it and continued walking.

The throne room doors opened as a guard ushered her in. Princess Celestia sat on her throne with a scroll in her magic. She saw Scarlet and immediately put down the scroll and smiled.

“Hey, ‘Tia!” Scarlet greeted.

“Scarlet Gem, how have you been?” Celestia responded and went down to sit in front of her.

She shrugged. “Good, all things considered.” She sat down and continued, “How about you? Anything new?”

Celestia sighed. “Other than petty noble complaints and what you and Golden Dusk discovered last night? Nothing, really.”

She nodded. “Well, you can always call on us if you just want to talk,” she said and smiled.

The alicorn smiled back. “Yes, I know, and I am extremely grateful for you Guardians.”

Scarlet felt even better after making Celestia smile. “So, you got the news about the Purifiers?”

“Yes, and it worries me,” she answered. “Luna also told me about Golden Dusk’s input on the situation.”

“What do you think of it?” she fluttered her feathers to make herself more comfortable.

“While it is rather an unlikely method, it shouldn’t be ruled out,” she nodded. “We must act carefully if we want to end this without involving the public.”

Scarlet leaned forward. “Do the nobles know?”

Celestia sighed. “While they are very well aware of the Purifiers’ existence, they do not think that they will be able to do much to the noble houses,” she scowled slightly.

Only on rare occurrences does the sun princess show emotion. It is either amongst friends, or with her sister. However, it was very clear to Scarlet that this was neither of those.

“Well, nobles will be nobles,” Scarlet concluded. “Wanna sic a couple of guards on ‘em?” she suggested.

She laughed. “Then that would reveal that we are preparing for something.” She looked back to Scarlet and said, “I believe Golden Dusk would suggest having our marksmen watch over them instead.”

Scarlet hummed and nodded. “True, he does prefer to stay out of fights when he can.”

Princess Celestia sat straighter, indicating she would shift to a much more serious topic. “Moving on, I had summoned you here for a specific reason other than just to chat, Scarlet Gem.”

Instinctively, she too sat straighter and had the demeanor of a Royal Guard. “Yes, princess?”

“I spoke to the Warlock the other day during her,” she coughed. “... creating, and she mentioned something interesting.”

Scarlet tilted her head. “What might that be, princess?”

“Well, she was making something new and made it very clear to me that if I told any of you, she would send me to the moon,” she laughed. “Well, the topics shifted quickly to her visiting her dear nephew.”

Scarlet was able to fight down a blush. If she had told her about…

“She mentioned you being there and you making the most delicious tarts she had ever tasted,” she smiled. “Apparently, it was ‘out of this world!’”

Scratch that, she started to blush lightly now.

Her cheeriness disappeared quickly after that. “Then, she told me about you being… let go,” she frowned.

She paled immediately. She didn’t want anypony else to know…

Celestia sighed. “The nobles have been taking it too far recently. To even dismiss an extraordinary chef for having wings… how disappointing.”

She frowned as she remembered the moment she wasn’t allowed in the kitchen. Her friends there couldn’t do anything either.

The princess shook her head and smiled. “In ‘compensation’ for their actions, I would like to offer you a mission, Valkyrie.”

She stood up on four legs and so did Celestia. “Yes, princess?”

“You…” she let the tension build.

She leaned in closer to Scarlet. “Will…”

Scarlet audibly gulped in nervousness. She was a Specialist! Why was she nervous?!”

Celestia smirked and leaned back. “Work as a castle cook!” she exclaimed giddily.

Her jaws dropped. Should she accept or just stick to the average restaurants? Well, she’d be closer to ‘Tia so she’d be able to protect her better. Plus, all the things she could learn from the other cooks! With all that in mind, how could she decline?

“Valkyrie, do you accept?”

Trying to hide all the excitement in her voice, she responded, “Specialist Scarlet Gem, ‘Valkyrie,’ accepts!” she could only hold it in for so long…

The princess fought the desire, no, the need to jump around in joy. Luckily, a castle maid walked in with a small cart.

“Princess, your mid-morning snack is here,” she bowed slightly before pushing the cart to the two ponies.

Scarlet’s guard reflexes took over and she subtly stood defensively with her eyes glowing dimly. The lid was pulled off by the maid to reveal…

A three layer cake…

She chuckled to herself, she was being way too paranoid. The maid cut the cake into even slices and revealed the differently colored layers. The top being chocolate, the middle being vanilla, and the top being… orange? Was that the tang she smelled earlier? The frosting surrounding the layers was pink in color, and had some white chocolate toppings.

The maid also pulled out a plate and cutlery and set a slice of cake in front of Celestia. She gave a subtle flick of her head in Scarlet’s direction, and at her princess’ nod she smiled and gave Scarlet her own slice. The maid bowed once more, and brought the cart with her as she left.

The princess took the initiative and put a piece of cake in her mouth. She chewed for a few moments before smiling and taking another bite.

Scarlet looked slightly apprehensive. Orange… and white chocolate and strawberry? Was that even good? Slowly, she put some cake in her mouth and chewed. Yes, the slightly zesty flavor from the orange was odd but it tasted better than she’d expected. The sweetness from the strawberry blended with the tang, and the chocolate just rounded it all off. So, this was the level of the Royal Cooks?

Immediately, she took another bite of the cake and hummed in approval.

“Your thoughts?” Celestia asked with some frosting on her muzzle.

“It’s great! Not the flavor combination I expected but it’s great!” Scarlet exclaimed, her wings fluttering from the pleasant flavors.

She nodded with a smile. “I suppose you’re excited then? After all, you will be working alongside the ponies who can appease my appetite for pastries,” she said and winked.

Scarlet giggled. “Definitely!”

“I shall send you a letter one day before you start.” She put another slice of cake on her plate.

“Okay,” Scarlet mumbled with her mouth full.

Princess Celestia giggled at her antics. Very rarely did Scarlet Gem get so engrossed in another pony’s food! In this case, rather, ponies’. The two shared idle chatter while the cake was very slowly consumed by the pair. They left two dirty plates and sets of utensils on a small tray that would be picked up by a maid later on.

Celestia gave Scarlet a few more details for her ‘mission,’ and told her that she would require a resume from her, a task that she would be more than happy to accomplish.

Scarlet left the castle in an even brighter mood than before. A new job and it was as a Royal Cook? How could she not be ecstatic?!

The position of the sun indicated that it would be noon in a few hours. She doubted that she’d have anything for lunch.

They may or may not have eaten a second cake…

She chuckled and walked down the street, pondering on what to do. The resume she could do once she goes back home, though she would be incredibly bored if she went to finish it straight away. After the gathering of information she and Golden Dusk had done, they were put on hold as the royals decided on what action to take.

Maybe she could stop by Mel’s? Bother her for a bit? Nah, she wouldn’t take too kindly to somepony messing up her orchestra while they were practicing. Mythic Moon was out of the question too. Unless she desired to listen to a lecture on magic theory for the rest of the day.

Golden Dusk should also be free, so why not?

Scarlet flapped her wings and took off in the direction of Dusk’s house.


Golden Dusk was bored!

He had already reread all of his Daring Do books, rewatched the Power Ponies, and slept in later than usual!

Dusk sighed as he reclined further onto his couch. The TV played the first episode of Power Ponies again just to try and divert his attention elsewhere.

He wasn’t given any orders, and while he can appreciate some relaxation, he didn’t stock up on ‘at home entertainment’ since he’d gotten back. He planned on purchasing any new Daring Do books, and maybe a few of the later Power Ponies comics and seasons, but with recovering and the Purifiers… he couldn’t find the time.

He groaned as he rested a foreleg on his head. The TV’s sounds filled his ears and that’ll keep him busy for a while.

His mind wandered into the previous days. Purifiers and their suspicious behaviors, coming back from Klugetown, seeing his friends again, and the last ingredient that Scarlet had—

Dusk sighed and sat up straight. His horn glowed and the picture on the shelf levitated into his hooves. He held the frame with care that one would give to the most precious gems. It was so valuable to him, he’d probably give up anything just to keep it safe.

He looked to the purple mare’s smile, the silver stallion’s amused face, and a younger Dusk’s own smile that came from his mane being ruffled. A small hint of pain shot through his chest, it’d been so long. Had he not moved on yet?

A simple, simple trip. That’s all it took for them to…

Tears threatened to fill his gold eyes as a wistful smile crossed his face. He trailed a hoof on the glass cover of the picture and his body shook slightly. An idle hoof ran through his chest.

Vacation, that’s what they called it. A way to unwind from all the Canterlot drama. Excitement filled their days for a while… then pain. The pain of loss, the flood of anger, it still troubled him to this day. Such emotions that he feels can only be held in for so long.

A tear ran down his cheek as his eyes changed and fang grew. A fickle thing, emotions are, it took so much to blind him from all rational thought.

He looked down onto the silver and gold band on his left foreleg. If only he had been stronger...

Dusk remembered… screams. Screams of fear, distraught, disorder, and pain. Small explosions filled his head, and the TV didn’t help either. The sounds of magic being shot, the grunted cries of ponies protecting each other. If only… if only that gosh darned Que—

His head quickly turned to the door as he heard a few knocks resound from it. Quickly, he put back the frame into its original spot, wiped away that single tear, and hid his fangs and eyes. He slowly approached the door and felt Scarlet Gem’s magic signature on the other side.

“I’m such a hypocrite…” He mentally punched himself and put on the best smile he could manage.

Dusk opened the door to see a cheerful Scarlet Gem waiting for him.

“Hey, Goldie, you busy?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Nah, pretty bored actually. Come in!” He stepped aside and let her in.

Scarlet Gem entered his house and her ears were immediately greeted by the sound of the Power Ponies show. Amused, she sat down on the couch and was followed by Golden Dusk.

“So, you’re in a pretty good mood today,” he said as he sat down beside her.

She nodded her head with a huge smile on her face. “Good— no, great news!”

Dusk leaned in closer with a raised brow.

She clapped her hooves together. “I got a new job!” she exclaimed and bounced slightly on the couch.

He smiled. “Really? Where?” It was good to know she’s in a better mood now.

“The Royal Kitchen!” she squealed.

Dusk recoiled. That… that would explain why she’s so giddy.

“Really?” he asked in slight disbelief. “I thought they didn’t accept anypony unless…”

He trailed off and Scarlet smirked. They didn’t accept anypony unless…

“... unless you’re recommended by a chef or hired by the princesses themselves,” he whispered. “So, ‘Tia’s finally recognized your skills?”

Scarlet giggled at how Celestia found out about how good she was at cooking. “I guess you could say that.”

Dusk tilted his head and shrugged. It was probably a weird story. His horn glowed and he got a carton of orange juice from the fridge, and procured the two of them glasses. He poured them both a glass and the two took a sip of their drink.

“So, Goldie,” Scarlet started after she set her glass down onto the coffee table, “what’s got you kind of quiet today?”

He froze with his glass held to his muzzle. Slowly, he put the glass onto the table and sighed. “Nothing, really.”

She didn’t believe him. “Look, I can tell something’s got you in an off mood, are you sure it really is nothing?”

He stayed silent for a good few seconds. “I just… it really is nothing…”

Scarlet sighed. “Well, I'm here if you need somepony to talk to,” she said softly and gave him a one-legged hug.

Dusk leaned into her embrace. “Thank you… but… I’m not ready to share yet.”

She nodded with a smile. “As I said, I’m here if ever, and so are our other friends.”

He didn’t know how to express his gratitude. His teammates had been his friends for a good amount of time already. They all were like… like family.

“Thank you,” he whispered with a light sniffle.

Scarlet gave him a small nuzzle before leaning back. “Y’know… maybe you should get a job,” she suggested.

He raised a brow. “Me. A job?”

She rolled her eyes. “Well, it’d be better than sitting around here all day, sulking, and being bored to death.”

“While I can see your point, what would I even do?”

She tapped her chin with a hoof. “What do you enjoy?”

“My hobbies include reading, a bit of cooking, and checkers,” he snickered.

She frowned. “What can you do as a job?

The two ponies went silent as they pondered on what Dusk could do as a side job. While it is not necessarily required, it’s always nice to have something to do away from missions.

“Maybe you could be a castle worker?” Scarlet suggested. “You did a pretty good job with cleaning your house after all.”

Dusk pictured it in his mind. Him walking around the castle and doing different assigned tasks. Cleaning windows, sweeping rooms, maybe even bringing food to the ambassadors of other nations! Sounded like a bit fun, until he thought about some downsides.

Well, first of all he would have to take off his hoodie, which is something he’d never do for… reasons. Second, the nobles and their snooty attitude would be irritating to deal with on an almost daily basis.

Dusk snorted. “One, you helped me with the chores, and two, I’d rather not be looked down on by the nobles.”

Scarlet sighed. “Well, so much for that.”

More silence… and then an idea crossed his mind.

“D’ya know what the lab assistants do?” he inquired.

She shuddered, an unpleasant memory had sprung up. “Yes, and I’m not gonna tell you how I know, but they mostly just make sure everything’s in order and that nothing blows up. Which is pretty inevitable if you ask me.”

He shrugged, his aunt probably did something. He imagined him walking around with a lab coat over his hoodie, and working with Mythic Moon. Different experiments, creations, and so many different things to tinker with!

Although, he’d have to deal with the technical side of things. While he is no stranger to math, science, and magic theory, he didn’t find them the most thrilling things to discuss on a technical level. Plus, his aunt would probably give lectures while she’s working.

“Never mind, not for me.” He took another sip of his juice.

Scarlet groaned and planted a hoof on her head. “Then what will you do?”

“Stay at home, laze around, read a couple of books, and sleep the day away?” he offered.

Dusk effectively dodged a small but strong gust of wind sent his way. He looked behind him and saw a small dent on the wall. Slowly, he turned back to see Scarlet with a wing pointed at said dent, her eyes glowing scarlet, and an irritated look on her face.

“One way or another, we’re gonna find you a job,” she basically growled. Her wing folded back to her sides and her eyes reverted back to normal.

He gulped, he didn’t want to make her mad. “Okay, okay, but I really have no idea what to do.”

“Well, so far the ones we’ve thought of both were related to the castle,” she sighed. “Maybe you actually wanna work there?”

He hummed in thought. “Maybe… though I really don’t want to deal with the nobles.”

“How about being an assistant working directly under the princesses?” She poured herself another glass of juice. “Not exactly the most thrilling job but there’s a lower chance of the nobles being all snooty to you.”

“True… though don’t I already work directly under them?” he joked.

Scarlet laughed. “Well I do too, don’t I? Yet, I’ve got another job technically directly under them.”

“Well, what do they do though?”

“Something similar to Raven and Nightingale most likely. You probably won’t be dealing with paperwork at least, since they’ve already got that covered.”

Dusk thought about it for a moment. Being near Celestia or Luna at all times will let him keep an eye on them. Plus, they’re always up for a good conversation!

He pictured him in a fancy suit standing at the bottom of the throne room stairs. He’d most likely help either of the other aides with handling the paperwork and schedules. Not the most thrilling, but he’d at least have something to do. He has also seen Raven and Nightingale enjoying tea with the princesses.

Though… the paperwork was something he’d absolutely hate doing. Why can’t he just find a job similar to being a Specialist? Emerald Melody and her enigmatism was to blame. Though, he understands where she’s coming from.

Dusk’s eyes widened as he came to a realization. Specialists… assistants… Royal Guard…

Undercover guard?

“I’ve got an idea…” he said to Scarlet.

“What is it?” She tilted her head.

“How about being an undercover guard?” he suggested. “I’d maybe play the role of a butler or something, be near Celestia or Luna, and I can do something other than be here all day.”

She smiled softly. “Now we’re getting somewhere. You sure you want something like that?”

“I do like being near friends and undercover is something I can definitely do.” He nodded.

“We’ll just have to ask the princesses if they’ll entertain you,” she said.

“Yeah… think they’d wanna deal with me?”

She stood up and headed for the door. “Let’s find out!”

Dusk stared at the mare who began to walk out his door at this very moment, processing what she just said.

“Wait, right now?!


The two princesses sat on their thrones once more. Scarlet Gem had called for the both of them… and for a reason that was not related to her job as a Specialist. An odd occurrence for the mare.

Adjacent to them, Golden Dusk sat down with an embarrassed aura coming off of him. Scarlet Gem stood to his side with much more confidence and readiness.

“So, princesses, you’re both probably wondering why I had requested for your attention, right?”

Celestia and Luna nodded slowly.

The sun princess said, “Scarlet Gem, if this is about your—”

“Actually, it’s not about mine,” Scarlet cut her off. “It’s about his.” She pointed at the pony sitting on the floor.

Golden Dusk shuffled in his place as the gaze of the princesses were turned to him.

“I… u-um…” Dusk stuttered and failed to find the words to explain the situation.

He… was never early good at asking for things from friends. He can shamelessly ask for help if he really needs it, or ask for a few small favors here and there. However, if it’s about something as big as asking for work…

Not exactly a strong point of his.

“Would you kindly explain why our Hunter is acting in such a way?” A bemused Luna told Scarlet.

“Ah, well, I thought that since I’ve gotten a new… assignment, maybe Goldie should get one too,” she said before smiling sheepishly. “I might have been a bit pushy…”

Dusk coughed and stood up beside Scarlet. “You weren’t pushy… I’m just… kinda embarrassed that I’m asking y’know…” He waved a hoof in the direction of the princesses. “... them for that.”

“What would you have to be embarrassed for, Golden Dusk?” Celestia inquired.

“Well, I was hoping if I could…” He took a deep breath and the two royal sisters leaned in closer with one of their brows raised.

“... if I could maybe work as one of your butlers?” he said in speeds only Wonderbolts would be able to manage.

Celestia and Luna stared at him with wide eyes for a moment. The anticipation and anxiety crawled up Dusk’s spine as he waited. Then, the two rulers started to laugh quite loudly.

“Oh my... sweet Celestia…” Princess Celestia used an expression that had her in it.

“Thou were scared to ask us of that?” Luna followed up.

The sun princess stopped laughing and smiled softly. “Are you sure you would want a position as a butler? It might not be what you think.”

Dusk rubbed the back of his head with a hoof. “Well, I was pretty keen on the idea of a sort of undercover guard playing the role of a butler… so yeah, I’m pretty sure I can do something like that.”

“Now the real question is…” Scarlet trailed off after her own fit of giggles.

“Which princess will you serve?” Celestia and Luna said at the same time.

Well, he hadn’t thought about that. “Honestly? I don’t know. And don’t ask me to choose, because I don’t wanna be banished to the sun or the moon.”

Celestia giggled and was about to speak up. However, she was stopped by a blue flash beside her and behind Golden Dusk. Luna reappeared behind the unicorn and had scooped him up in a hug.

“You have yours already, ‘Tia!” She pointed at Scarlet with a wing. “This one’s mine!”

Her sister pouted. “Fine, I can share.”

“Maybe thou should do that with your cakes as well,” Luna snarked without letting go of Golden Dusk.

Celestia gasped in mock horror. “Such accusations! Scarlet Gem, tell her!”

Scarlet giggled at her being called upon for back-up. “She does share, Luna. She gave me some earlier.”

Luna huffed. “Our dearest sister only did that to evoke your interest in joining her staff!”

The two princesses continued their playful argument and Golden Dusk was stuck in Luna’s grasp. While he does enjoy being embraced, he found this one strange. Like he was being treated like a—

He looked up to Luna with a flat stare. “What am I, a dog up for adoption?”

Luna gasped. “Nay, Golden Dusk! Do not think of us as such a crude pony!”

Scarlet giggled and Dusk added, “Really? But you and—

“Thou art a puppy up for adoption!” she chirped and patted his head.

That did it, Scarlet fell over laughing and Dusk sighed.

“If thou are unhappy with working under me, it is alright for you to join my sister’s crew,” she said softly and gave him a small nuzzle.

“It’s not that, I just wanted to make a little joke,” Dusk smirked. “Plus, I can probably milk more information about thestrals outta you!”

Luna laughed. “Loyal and plotting… we will be able to make a proper pony of the night out of you.”

The night princess finally put him down and returned to her seat beside her sister. The sun princess gave her a small nuzzle which she returned.

Dusk hoofpumped in victory and Scarlet finally got up from her spot on the floor.

She wiped away a tear and said, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

He shook his head with a smile. “Nah, it wasn’t bad.”

Dusk gave her a hug to show his gratitude. “Thanks for convincing me to do this,” he said softly.

Scarlet blushed lightly but returned the embrace nonetheless.

The two princesses started to whisper to each other. Dusk overheard something about bits?

He let go of Scarlet and turned to face Luna.

“Are there any details I need to know about being a butler, princess?” he asked.

Luna nodded. “I shall have Nightingale assist you on your first day. For now? You are going to need something formal to wear.”

He sighed. “Can’t I just be a batpony butler in a hoodie?” he asked as he shifted to his thestral form.

She shook her head. “Unfortunately not. The nobles will pester us about it to no end.”

“I heard the Canterlot Carousel was having a sale. Maybe you can get some sort of suit that can go over your hoodie?” Scarlet suggested.

“A suit is fine as well,” Luna agreed.

Dusk hummed for a moment. “We’ll have to see if they can come up with anything.”

Celestia chuckled. “If there is anything about the Canterlot Carousel that you shouldn’t doubt, is their ability to please their customers. No matter how odd or strange the requests they receive are, they have always delivered with the highest quality.”

“Well, that’s coming from one of Equestria’s princesses, I’ll have to trust it,” he giggled.

The four ponies exchanged their farewells shortly after. Noon had just flown by and that left Golden Dusk hungry and Scarlet Gem was still full. She’d gotten out of the castle from her private talk with Celestia not long before she took the initiative and brought Dusk to them.

“Wanna grab some lunch?” Scarlet asked Dusk as they exited the castle gates.

Dusk held a hoof to his stomach. “Now that you mention it…”

She giggled. “C’mon! My treat this time!”