• Published 8th Aug 2020
  • 1,122 Views, 27 Comments

Guardian - Xrevias

Guardians, defenders of Equestria and preservers of harmony. Golden Dusk, their teammate, returns to Canterlot after a two month long mission. With trouble brewing within the city’s shadow, and his infatuation for his teammate, how bad is it, really?

  • ...

Chapter 17 - Guardian

A single pony stood at the base of the dais where the royal thrones typically sat in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. Those thrones though had been moved to the back wall, flanking the entrance there, while an ashwood podium had been moved to the front of the dais. Along with a simple stool, and a silver coloured gavel, the furnishings transformed the throne room into a courtroom.

The pony wore what appeared to be an archaic version of the dress uniform the Canterlot City Guard wore, though oddly he wore a single armored shoe. As Princess Luna entered through the back entrance, he stepped forward and struck that hoof on the ground twice, silencing the crowd.

“All rise for the honorable Princess Luna presiding over this session of the Equestrian High Court.”

Lifting the gavel in her magic, Luna rapped it twice upon the podium singalling the start of court, “Be seated.” While she sounded casual, she could see this was anything but a typical session.

While the first traces of sunlight peeked into the room from the stained glass windows dominating the wall to her left, to her right the galleries, typically empty except for a few reporters, were packed with nobles. Likewise for that audience, sight before them was equally as strange. The rare high court sessions were exclusively Luna’s domain, hence the dawn schedule, but today Celestia had taken her throne behind her along with Princess Cadance sitting on Luna’s throne. Flanking them were the Prince Consort of the Crystal Empire and several fully armored guards in unfamiliar armor that many presumed to be part of their guard.

“Today I am called to address the crimes of those calling themselves the Purifiers. Each prisoner was arrested by the guard while commiting the crimes that they will be sentenced for.”

At the mention of the group’s name, an uproar burst forth from the gallery, demands for justice, and demands for harsh and creative punishments were heard. Luna slammed the gavel hard on the podium repeatedly, the podium shaking from the force. Such blows revealed the gavel to be made of something other than the simple silver it resembled.

“Order, order, I will have order in my court. Anyone disrupting this court will be held in contempt and sentenced to one week in the dungeon,” a threat that did much to silence the audience.

“Bailiff, call forth the first prisoner.”

“The court calls the unicorn Close Ward.” The unicorn shuffled forward, her left foreleg joined to her right hindleg via a hobble, a second one joining her remaining legs, along with a ring on her horn. Stopping before the princess, flanked by a pair of Royal Guards, she glared at the floor.

“Close Ward,” Princess Luna spoke, “former head researcher for the Royal Institute of Magic and Science. You were stripped of your title for recklessness including but not limited to brewing unstable potions, disregarding safety procedures and violating testing standards in the use of unsuspecting ponies in addition to abuse of animals.”

Close Ward scowled downwards.

“You are hereby charged with contributing to the terrorist attacks on several prominent members of Canterlot, promotion of sedition, attempted regicide, and resisting arrest.”

Luna looked down at Close Ward, “You have shown a clear disdain for proper procedure as well as the safety and well being of those around you. Your disdain for your fellow ponies is appalling, and were we not living in civilized times, I would call for your execution for your crimes. As my hooves are tied, I can merely sentence you to six years within the Canterlot dungeons, six years of house arrest, and six years of parole, the latter do years including a restriction of your magic to type two spells.”

Close Ward glared up at the princess, defiant to the end, “Level two? That’s magical preschool level, you can’t do that!”

Princess Luna raised an eyebrow, “Consider yourself lucky that what I can’t do is have your horn removed for your crimes and past transgressions, as that punishment is now considered to be barbaric.”

The unicorn gulped and nodded before the guards led her out of the room, but not before she heard the bailiff call forth Lotus Mist. They passed each other, one being led to her fate, the other about to find out hers, both equally hobbled, both with their natural gift taken away as Lotus’ wings had been bound like Close Ward’s magic had been blocked.

As they passed, Close’s already slow shuffle slowed more, “Good luck Lotus, until the bitter end.”

Lotus nodded as she continued forward to stand before the princess.

She did her best not to cry, she had gotten that out of her system during her stay in the dungeon. At least she thought she had. Hearing an insult from the crowd, her wings tried to flutter. She quelled the growing anger, keeping her head straight and face blank. Her gratuitous amount of housekeeping training, as well as her experience working under Blueblood’s house as a maid, taught her to remain silent and mute her emotions.

“Lotus Mist, it has been a long time since you have stood before us. While your past is much different than that of your companion, graduating at the top of your class, and giving many years of your life in faithful service to the crown, you are likewise charged with the same crimes of terrorism, promoting sedition, attempted regicide and resisting arrest.”


‘Prince’ Blueblood stepped forward, pointing an accusatory hoof at Lotus Mist.

Lotus slowly turned to face him. Her smile was coy and innocent, but it hid an inner smirk beneath it.

“Sir, it has been quite some time, do you fare well?” she asked in a soft tone.

Princess Cadance noticed a pink sparkle in her purple eyes. Strange, ponies don’t usually have more than one color in one eye.

Luna glared, “Blueblood, go back to your-”

“It must have been you who bombed our home!” Blueblood shouted.

She held a hoof to her chest and winced. “Sir, why would I do something so violent? You have been nothing but a marvelous employer.”

He scowled. “When I get my hooves on you I will personally-”

A figure dropped down in front of the ‘prince,’ and gold light rippled across the floor, startling the audience. Metallic hooves met the ground, and a unicorn in black and yellow armor was now in his way. He raised his head up slowly, luminous gold orbs shining through the eye-piece.

“Return to your seat sir,” they said.

Blueblood scoffed. “Who do you think you are?!”

Luna sighed. “Blueblood, back to your place.”

He gawked and altered his glances between the princess and the guard. With one last look to the armored unicorn, he gasped.

“Y-you… you’re…’ he whimpered. He scampered back to where he was standing moments before.

Lotus Mist recognized the unicorn. Black and yellow armor, silent and unseen, gold, glowing eyes…

“Hunter,” she whispered to herself. Her escorts’ ears twitched as they shivered in place.

Silence pervaded the throne room for seemingly forever. The Guardian who had dropped from the ceiling, joined the guards flanking Lotus, almost like he was assuming that would allow the princesses to carry on as if nothing happened.

“I believe we may need a demonstration, Luna stated. She gave her sister a nod, and as one they called out, “Guardians.”

An armored pegasus glided down from a secluded part of the rafters. Scarlet armor shined in the dawn light spilling through the window as she landed beside Lotus, though the opposite side from Hunter. The gathered ponies couldn’t help but notice a strong breeze as she landed.

Two more ponies stepped forward from the back of the dais, two unicorns. One in green armor, and another in a blend of blue and white. Wordlessly, they took their places flanking the podium, looking down at Lotus.

Cracks formed along one side of the room, and a hoof covered in dark blue metal reached out through it. Some ponies screamed as a large earth pony clad in dark blue armor sprung out of the hole. He stepped over to stand behind Lotus while the floor repaired itself.

As if that wasn’t enough, flames ignited from the ceiling, embers falling to the floor. More ponies screamed this time, but those whom the embers struck found them to lack any heat. The flames formed a circle, a pegasus in red armor dropped from within them and onto the floor, taking his place beside the earth pony.

“Flashy as ever, Berserker,” Azure Spark said with a different voice.

“Could say the same, Titan,” Wild Blaze returned with a nudge to him.

Golden Dusk sighed as he looked back at them, “Do you all have to be so dramatic?” he groaned through his black helmet.

Scarlet Gem smirked in her helmet. “Can it, Hunter, yours was just as bad.”

“Was the wind necessary?” he deadpanned. “You sure do like your entrances, Valkyrie.”

The gathered audience stood in silence and confusion, listening as the bickering continued. They kept silent, fearing what may happen if they spoke.

“Oh, the kids are fighting again,” Mythic Moon squealed. “Hey, Maestro, do we have any popcorn?”

“No, Warlock, we don’t,” Emerald Melody sighed, rubbing a hoof on her metallic temple. “Guardians, quiet.”

With her commanding tone, the other five members shut their mouths. Princess Cadance giggled lightly at their antics, whereas the Royal Sisters remained quiet, waiting for them to finish.

“Apologies, your highnesses.” Mel bowed.

Princess Luna nodded. “Quite alright, but see that there will be no further interruptions.”

“You lot hear that?” Mel said to her team, eyes glowing a threatening green.

Everypony in the room shuddered, sans the Guardians. They merely bobbed their heads in understanding.

“Very well, let us continue.” Luna looked to Lotus. “As we had said, you are charged with same crimes of terrorism, promoting sedition, attempted regicide, and resisting arrest as well as the use of illegal magic potions.”

The crowd gasped, but Lotus resisted the urge to wince.

A raised hoof drew Princess Luna’s attention. Lieutenant Star Chaser, the guard Scarlet and Dusk encountered, looked eager to speak.

“Yes, lieutenant?” she permitted him to speak.

“May we know the properties of this potion?” he asked in a deep, polite tone.

She shook her head. “No, that information is classified to avoid attempts to reproduce the potion.”

He nodded and fell silent.

Lotus Mist shifted slightly in place, chains jangling between her hooves. Her escorts eyed her suspiciously, but realized she would not be able to do anything and looked straight ahead once more.

Celestia spoke up, “Due to your previous service and the circumstances that led to your departure, we are willing to offer you a choice of banishment instead of confinement within the dungeon.”

The crowd unconsciously leaned forward, shocked at the offer from the Royal Sisters. The four Guardians standing beneath the throne also shifted an ear towards their princesses, whereas Mythic and Mel already knew the details of the offer.

The nobles cheered, she wouldn’t be a threat anymore.

And Lotus Mist? The ponies who stood in front of her were shocked by the shift in her expression. Her lips quivered, eyes wide as saucers. Her wings twitched, desperate to break free from their bonds. The pink in her irises sparkled, but it was only visible to the more perceptive ponies. The luster shined through the gathering moisture.

“Do you have anything to say, Lotus Mist?” Luna asked, not minding her sudden shift in expression.

The guards beside her smirked, clearly appeased by her reaction.

“I-I…” she stuttered. If she was to be banished, then she wouldn’t be able to-

She took a deep breath, calming herself. “May I… request the privilege of visiting... once a year?”

“We may be amicable to the idea, but the terms of your banishment may preclude that,” Luna explained. “It will be a matter to discuss with your parole officers whom you will meet during transport to your new home.”

Lotus tilted her head looking at the princesses in confusion, hiding the shakiness in her throat.

Celestia nodded. “We will not be discussing the details publicly, for your protection.”

A round of murmurs shot through the room.

Lotus’ head dropped, quickly blinking away any traces of her tears. Her heartbeat quickened as unpleasant thoughts intruded her now-fragile mind. If she couldn’t come back to Canterlot… she wouldn’t be able to visit her parents’ gra-

The sisters looked down at her before Luna spoke, “What dost thou choose?”

Lotus drew in a shaky breath, “I accept.”

Luna rapped her gravel on the podium, “That concludes the business of this court, court is adjourned.” Standing, her sister followed her, and Cadance joined them as they left the courtroom.

The bailiff once again struck the floor after the princesses and the Guardians departed, “This concludes this session of the High Court of Equestria. All visitors are asked to exit in an orderly fashion.”

Lotus was led from the room by the guards. Would this be it? Was this the last time she’d set hoof in this city? Would she never be able to see them again? Had it been worth it?


Days ago…

“Moonie, look over here!”

Las Pegasus, renowned for its casinos, still had to cater to families, so there were foal-friendly places scattered around. With a few turns, and, unsurprisingly, a few stops at souvenir shops, the four Guardians had found themselves in an amusement park. Looping and twisting rails stood tall on their beams, cars of screaming ponies shooting through the coaster. On the ground, different fair games were set up for the less daring. Haunted houses, bumper cars, and even a love tunnel were there.

Mythic Moon giggled as she approached Emerald Melody. The earth pony had taken a liking to a game where… one had to do some fake fishing.

“Should we play?” Mel asked, rather gleeful.

Mythic rolled her eyes. “Sure, sure.”

Behind them, Wild Blaze lined up a dart to throw. With swift motion, his dart flew straight, popping the balloon. He smirked as the pony behind the counter gawked. He’d hit twenty in a row… and that meant…

Grand prize…

Sighing, the pony grabbed the largest stuffed bear they had and gave it Blaze. They didn’t question his rather bright smile at receiving a stuffed toy.

Azure Spark, who was standing beside him, nudged him with a leg.

“Are you seeing this?”

Blaze turned around, oversized bear around his leg, to see Mythic and Mel fishing. Well, if magnetic fishing rods and fishes counted.

“I see our two friends playing a carnival game,” he deadpanned. “What about it?”

Az chuckled. “Have a closer look…”

He squinted, mocking him scrutinizing the mares. Okay, the two were standing a fair distance away from each other, Mel was strangely happy, not that he minded, and Mythic to a tiny step to her left, bringing them closer together…


Was that a small blush on Mythic’s cheeks?

“Oh, gotcha,” he smirked. “How many bits, Az?”

Mythic couldn’t help but feel like a filly again. Here she was, heart beating fast, warmth around her cheeks, glancing sparingly at Mel whose smile, to her, was simply magical. Her emerald-green eyes shimmered as she eyed whatever pseudo fish would come close to her line.

“There’s no escaping this, is there?” she groaned to herself internally. “To think I told her I love her… well, it’s true. Friend or more, I really do…”

Her mind shifted to having dinner with Mel. Oh how she would love to make her smile, for that smile was something she cherished. It wasn’t too long ago that the earth pony decided to drop the cold act and bring out her repressed emotions.

No, really, it was only three days ago.

Since then, she smiled more often. Not only at her groups jokes or antics anymore, no, but whenever she got to spend time with them; her aura was different now. Before, there was a glimpse of warmth behind everything. For years that’s all she could feel. She knew Mel cared for them, that much she could confirm, but she would rarely initiate silly acts herself.

The past three days were a major step for Mel. Slowly, the walls she kept up had crumbled, opening her up to Mythic and her teammates. She let her mane down, and started to initiate physical contact more. She had an extremely strong desire to make up for lost time, and she was doing just that.


Mythic snapped out of her mental escapade and back into reality. “Yeah?”

Mel tilted her head. “Are you okay?” Her eyes, filled with concern, shot a warm arrow to her heart.

“You don’t have a cold, do you? You look like you’re burning up…”

Mythic shook her head. “I’m fine, just got stuff on my mind.”

“Better not be another project,” she deadpanned.

The unicorn laughed. “If it was, what would you do?” she smirked. “Not much, I’m sure.”

“Perhaps you’re right…” Mel sighed. “If only I didn’t have the authority to cancel all your material orders…”

Mythic’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t…”

“Try me, Mythic Moon,” Mel grinned. “I may not be holding back my feelings for you lot anymore, but I’m still your leader.”

She pouted. “Fine, fine, don’t worry, it wasn’t a project.”

“Good,” she smiled. “Now, let’s go get on the roller coaster!”

“... Yay.”


It had been a long night in Twilight Sparkle’s castle. Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem had stayed up late, not that they minded, waiting for the afterparty. Ponyville’s ponies left slowly until it was only the Princess, her guests, Spike and Pinkie Pie.

“You know…” Scarlet started, “I’ll never get used to this…”

Pinkie Pie darted around the hall, quickly cleaning up any messes left by the party goers. Her sheer speed may even put Wild Blaze to shame.

“Well, maybe by the end of the week, you will,” Dusk giggled, sitting beside her.

To their right, by the staircase, Spike nodded to Twilight Sparkle with bleary eyes. The lavender mare gave the young drake a hug before letting him go as he ascended the steps.

“Spike’s rather tired, he helped Pinkie after all,” Twilight said as she approached the pair.

Scarlet nodded. “Does Pinkie need help?”

Twilight glanced behind her, only to see the faintest pink blur dart by. “She’s adamant about cleaning up herself, after all, she organizes things by herself.”

“Where’s Starlight?” Dusk asked.

She groaned. “She had one too many mugs of cider. Good thing Trixie caught her before she fell…”

The three laughed as Pinkie had come to an abrupt stop. A cardboard box was balanced on her head, but that didn’t stop her body from performing different, odd motions. She lifted her left foreleg, her tail twitched, and her back arched.

Pinkie’s eyes widened as she turned to the trio.

“Twilight, we-!”

A castle door slammed open, letting the cool night air in. Rainbow Dash hovered for a moment before swiftly entering the room and darted to Twilight.

“Twilight!” she called. “The Crusaders… Timberwolves… help!” she said, fairly breathless.

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes widened. “Pinkie, we need to-”

The pink mare had already zoomed past them.

Scarlet Gem stood up, wings flared. “Where?”

Rainbow Dash eyed the mare carefully, but figured they could use all the help they can get.

“The orchard, we need to go, now!”

She nodded. “I’ll follow.”

“I could just-”

Twilight was interrupted when Rainbow shot off. A prismatic trail left the castle through it’s door, a scarlet one following closely behind.

“-teleport.” Twilight facehooved.

Golden Dusk stood beside her. “I’ll take that free ride.”

The princess nodded. With a Guardian with her, the problem should be fixed in no time. In a purple flash, they disappeared.

Rainbow Dash looked behind her, the rest of the world a blur, and saw Scarlet Gem. The other pegasus had a determined expression on her face as she kept up with her?!

She shook her head, that didn’t matter right now. She picked up speed, and Scarlet did the same. Two trails, one prismatic, the other scarlet, were left in the skies, indicating the path the two had taken.

Rainbow slowed down before stopping above a grove of apple trees. Scarlet Gem halted beside her, and followed her as she hastily glided downwards.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were beside Scarlet when she landed. In front of her, Rarity’s horn was aglow as she defensively stood in front of three Timberwolves. The creatures surrounded a single tree, where she saw three fillies hanging onto the branches. Applejack was in a skirmish with one of the wolves, using her strong hindlegs to buck the wood creature.

“This thing won’t go down!” Applejack grunted.

A claw loomed over her, about to scratch her. Applejack’s balance was off enough that she couldn’t dodge. A blue shield conjured around her, blocking the strike.

“Careful, darling!” Rarity chided her.

“Thanks, Rares!”

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle, absolutely terrified, exclaimed. “Help us!”

“I’ll try to get them outta there!” Rainbow dashed towards the tree. A timberwolf stood on two legs, blocking her. She retreated, not willing to risk it.

A raspberry color flashed behind Scarlet, then Dusk and Twilight rushed to her side.

Rainbow Dash tried once more to grab the fillies, and, with Rarity’s support, managed to snag the Crusaders and bring them back to the group. The two other wolves attempted to chase, but Applejack put a stop to them.

“T-thank you…” Sweetie Belle stuttered, sitting down shakily.

Scootaloo merely clung to Rainbow Dash, sobbing quietly.

Twilight pulled Apple Bloom in a soft embrace, comforting the filly until Applejack drove them back. Fluttershy did the same to Sweetie Belle.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t ask them to stop,” Fluttershy told the unicorn filly.

“I-it’s okay…” Sweetie Belle responded, leaning into the embrace.

Rarity grunted. “Er, magic’s running low, Applejack! Care to finish up?”

“I’m tryin’!” She shattered a wolf’s leg, only for it to piece itself back together. “Darned things won’t stay down!”

“Okay, Scoots,” Rainbow said. “I’ll go help them, stay with them for now.”


Rainbow Dash whipped her head towards Dusk. His denial of her attempt to help her friends did not elicit a good reaction.

“What do you mean no?!” she shouted. “AJ and Rarity need help!”

“So does Scootaloo,” Scarlet added. “And you’re the best one for that.”

Wordlessly, Golden Dusk stepped forward, horn glowing a bright gold. He closed his eyes for the slightest moment, revealing his slitted-eyes, fangs, and tufted ears.

“Rarity! Applejack!” he called out. “Get back here!”

“Darling, we would get chased if we did!” Rarity responded.

“Same sentiment with Rares!” Applejack added.

“Trust me.”

Did Rarity have much choice? Her magic was rapidly depleting, and she could see Applejack’s sweaty coat.

“Applejack, let’s go!” she screamed to her friend.

The apple mare nodded and with one last buck a wolf’s face, trotted towards Rarity’s direction. Rarity waited for her and together, they ran back to the group. Surely enough, the timberwolves gave chase, but were swiftly denied by a gold barrier of magic.

“Not the most original thing I’ve seen, but that works,” Scarlet shrugged.

“Oh, shut up and fly already.” Dusk glared before recoiling. “Oh, I uh… I love you?”

A timberwolf howled, trying to push through the barrier.

She giggled and gave him a quick nuzzle. “Love you too.”

Their nonchalant behavior stunned the ponies around the two. Dusk casually approached the three wolves, acting like nothing bad could happen. Meanwhile, Scarlet had taken flight only a slight distance off the ground, following him. All the while, they made doe eyes at one another, something that brought abundant bemusement.

“Will they be okay?” Pinkie asked.

Twilight nodded. “I’m sure.”

The group trusted Twilight’s judgement, only hanging on to a sliver of doubt. Fluttershy hoped they wouldn’t hurt the timberwolves too badly...

“So, do we bring them back to the forest?” Dusk asked.

“Duh,” Scarlet responded.

“Well then…” his eyes glowed a bright gold.

“Let’s get to work.”

Dusk cancelled the barrier, making the wolves pounce towards him. However, they would soon regret that action. While they were in the air, he used magic to directly punch the wolves’ belly with a conjured, gold pillar. The three were sent flying back, and their flight didn’t end there.

Scarlet used her wings to summon wind to aid her. She flapped the appendages, and tornadoes formed around the wolves, tossing them towards the ground, hard. They were buried a few feet deep, and wearily got up on all fours.

Dusk patted his hoodie, it got some dirt particles on it. His horn glowed again as he telekinetically tossed the wolves down, binding them.

Scarlet hovered over the small crater, eyes ablaze. She gathered a gratuitous amount of wind with two hooves, before sending steady and strong gusts of wind towards the wolves. The timberwolves howled in pain. The wood of their body cracked into pieces.

The entire display shocked the onlookers. They were… they were bullying the wolves.

“Let’s wrap this up,” Dusk called to Scarlet.

She nodded and cancelled her wind. Dusk gathered the pieces of wood and tossed them farther away. Once the shards had pieced together and the three timberwolves formed again, they whimpered and ran back towards the Everfree Forest.

“Easy enough,” Scarlet shrugged, landing beside him.

The pair walked back towards the other ponies, before wincing.

The fillies had looks of horror on their faces. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle both had mouths hanging open. Applejack was staring at the crater Dusk formed.

“Oh, shoot, the hole,” he said sheepishly, about to fill it in with magic.

“An’ that’s fine, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “We were gonna replant a couple o’ trees anyway.”

The group remained silent for some time. The only sounds that they could perceive were the rustling of the leaves, and the crickets chirping. The Crusaders looked at each other, from their respective sister’s embrace, and opened their mouths to speak.

“That…” Sweetie started.

“Was…” Apple Bloom continued.

“Awesome!” Scootaloo finished.

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Well, it wasn’t that awesome…”

“I had thought your magic was rather… oh… let’s go with limited, Golden Dusk?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, yeah it was,” he nodded. “I got some practice in, though.”

“Ah, that would explain.”

“But…” Fluttershy started, “Where did you learn to… do that?”

“Yeah, and what was with the wind, Scarlet?” Rainbow added. “I don’t think any pegasus can do that.”

“Oh, uh…” Scarlet said unsurely.

Dusk leaned in to whisper to her. Scarlet nodded, and both of them stood alarmingly straight.

“You guys know that I’m a retired guard, right?” Dusk asked them. At their nods he continued, “While that’s true, it’s not the whole story.”

They tilted their heads.

“See, I’m retired from the Celestial Guard,” he added. “That doesn’t mean I’m not a guard anymore though.”

Scarlet spoke, “Do any of you know the Specialists?”

Rainbow nodded. “A group of ponies a rank higher than or equal to captain. They’re made up of a mix from any of the guard factions.”

Rainbow’s friends were stunned by her answer.

“What?” she blushed. “It came up in a Wonderbolts briefing, guard, special forces like the ‘bolts and specialists...”

“Okay, moving forward,” Scarlet interjected. “We’re Specialists ourselves.”

“But not the exact same kind,” Dusk commented. “We’re a bit more like… ah, Specialists of Specialists.”

“What?” Rainbow asked dubiously. “What rank is higher than that?

“Well, we answer directly to the princesses,” Scarlet said. “We preserve harmony just like you, and, if it weren’t for the universe’s curse, we would have helped you all with most of your conquests.”

“We would have been there for Chrysalis, Tirek, and all of the above.” Dusk stood tall.

“Our team is dedicated to the good of Equestria. All we want is peace, but we do it in the shadows.” Scarlet mimicked him.

“Six ponies who dedicate themselves to defend everything we have made ponykind to be.” He stepped closer, suddenly seeming taller than all of them. “And you stand before two of them.

“We set our pride aside, risk everything for our land, friends, and family,” Scarlet added.

Dusk held out his left foreleg and his bow materialized onto his hoof. He swiftly grasped the weapon with a flourish, allowing his magic to flow into the runes. The veins on the bow luminesced a bright gold.

“I am Golden Dusk, the Hunter.”

Scarlet hovered two hooves above her necklace, whose gem glowed a beautiful shade of red. Wisps of magic flowed out, covering her two forelegs and forming bracers. The rubies embedded shined a color similar to her eyes.

“I am Scarlet Gem, the Valkyrie.”

“We are...”

Their eyes glowed as they stopped holding back. Dense amounts of magic pervaded the environment, causing flowers to bloom further, and the ponies to feel some pressure. Shivers crawled up their audiences’ spines, suddenly feeling the sheer power these two had. Preservers of harmony, defenders of Equestria. If they weren’t guards, specialists, nor even regular ponies, what were they?

The answer came; they were...


Author's Note:

And done and done. Thanks to everyone who stuck around for this :yay:

It’s my first ever story posted, and I know it’s flawed in many ways. Though, it definitely a blast to write!

There’ll be two sequels to this, one for Crystal (Lotus) and another, shorter story for Mel and Mythic. I do hope some of y’all stay tuned :twilightsmile:

Moving on, these last couple of chapters were proofread by the amazing Javarod I cannot reiterate enough how much I’ve learned just from having him workin’ with me.

Yeah, anyway, thanks again! Y’all remember to stay safe especially during these times.