
by Xrevias

First published

Guardians, defenders of Equestria and preservers of harmony. Golden Dusk, their teammate, returns to Canterlot after a two month long mission. With trouble brewing within the city’s shadow, and his infatuation for his teammate, how bad is it, really?

The Royal Guard, defenders of Equestria with three different factions. The Celstial Guard, the Lunar Guard... and the Specialists.

One for day, one for night, and one for the most dangerous tasks.

Specialists serve directly under the princesses, their rank equal to the captain.

One team rose above the rest in terms of strength, devotion, and sense of justice. They call themselves the Guardians.

Six ponies strong enough to rival alicorns make up this team. None of their identities were made known to the public, it is said that only the princesses and Captain Shining Armor know their names.

Golden Dusk a member of the Guardian , had gone missing during a mission for about two months. Then suddenly, he returned in mostly good condition .

He had thought that the last mission would be the last one for a while. However, another threat brews within the shadows of the majestic city of Canterlot.

Not to mention, Scarlet Gem, his teammate, has been acting slightly different lately.

Unbeknownst to him, so was he.

Later chapters proofread by Javarod

Cover art by Vector Brony


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“Who would’ve thought a missing ponies case would lead to Klugetown of all places...”

A unicorn clad in black and yellow armor sat on a rooftop in a barren town. Bipedal creatures of all sorts roamed the dry streets. Small stalls selling exotic creatures and other items were placed throughout the town.

The unicorn sighed and stood up. Silently, he crossed the different buildings with ease, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, searching for any signs of pony life.

Suddenly, he felt Equine magic close by. He stopped and walked onto the edge of a terrace. Looking down, he saw four ponies, caged and terrified. They shrunk back to the end of the enclosure when one Klugetowner eyed them.

The unicorn felt rage well within him. Not only were they selling ponies, they were selling them as if they were some trophy to be collected.

The one that eyed the four ponies nodded to the stall owner and dropped some bits for him. They picked up the cage, letting it rest on his back. Whistling, he walked away casually.

The pony in armor followed him until he reached an alleyway. He dropped down to be level with the bipedal creature and tossed a rock his way.

The Klugetowner turned to face him. With a toothy smile, he let the cage rest on the sandy floor, unfazed by the armored pony.

“Ain’t it my lucky day... five ponies at once?” The bipedal creature walked closer.

The unicorn’s horn lit up. “What makes you think I’d let you take me?”

“Ponies don’t put up much of a fight,” it shrugged. “That armor’s probably gonna fetch me a sweet deal too.

The unicorn smiled inwardly. “Good to know your guard’s down.”

The Klugetowner was raised up in a gold aura of magic before getting slammed into a wall, leaving a crack. It coughed as it looked up. His eyes widened when he saw the unicorn standing beside his body, eyes glowing gold through the helmet.

“You’re lucky I’ve got high moral standards,” the pony growled. “Leave.”

He stood up and ran away with a limp. The unicorn slowly approached the caged ponies who were still in a state of terror. He unlocked the cage, the door clicking open. The ponies, a father, a mother, and two foals, were shivering in terror.

“Don’t worry, I’m here to take you home.”

The foals both jumped at the pony, wrapping him in a hug.

“Thank you!” they both shouted.

They were put down gently by the pony. The mother wrapped them in a gentle embrace and gave him a thankful smile.

“May we know your name?” the father asked respectfully.

The unicorn hummed lightly and tapped a hoof on his armored chin. “Hunter. You can call me Hunter.”

The stallion smiled. “Thank you, Hunter.”

The mother spoke up, “We saw other ponies too, I don’t think they should be left behind.”

“And they won’t,” Hunter nodded. “For now, we need to find a place for you to stay. Something like...”

“A safe house?” one of the foals suggested.

“A safe house,” he nodded.

The five ponies made their way down the alleyways, Hunter taking point. They crept around town and found a secluded spot in an abandoned building. They found blankets, and other common necessities in it. Though, no food and water.

Hunter went out scavenging and stealing to get them supplies. He came back not too long after he left, and he saw that the family had already calmed down to an extent. The foals were already playing, though their parents told them to stay quiet.

He left the supplies on a small counter, sitting down to rest as well.

“Mister Hunter?” a foal asked. “Other than a cool pony that beat that meanie, what are you?”

Their mother looked ready to chide them but was stopped by Hunter’s raised hoof.

“What’s your name?”

“Cherry Blossom!” the foal chirped.

Under his helmet, Hunter wore a smile. “Well, Cherry Blossom, I suppose you could call me...”

“A Guardian.”

Chapter 1 - Return

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It was a normal day in the city of Canterlot. High-strung ponies walking about with their heads held high, tourists who want to see what the capital of Equestria has to offer. And of course, a pair of Royal Guards standing in front of the castle’s throne room doors.

The hall was quite empty at the time. Orchids hung up on the sides of the tall pillars, clear glass windows making way for the sun’s light and an excellent view. The chandeliers provided an extra amount of light for the guards as they stood still… waiting for something to happen.

Unfortunately for them, something did happen. A unicorn wearing broken and cracked black armor walked into the hall, looking severely tired. Their armor seemed to have had yellow accents, but they were all but feint. Its helmet had a missing chunk that would normally cover the pony’s muzzle, and one eye was almost completely revealed. They stomped their hooves much harder than a pony would while walking towards them. The guards pointed their spears at the unicorn, signaling them to halt.

“Stop, by the name of the princess!” one of them shouted.

The unicorn groaned excessively loudly. “Of all the times that they had to replace ‘Tia’s throne room guards, it had to be today,” he muttered with a hoof rubbing his temple.

The unicorn walked closer, and the two guards tensed slightly as they saw a gold glow emanate through the eyes of his helmet.

“Okay, listen here, greenies.” The two guards faltered slightly in their stance. “I have absolutely zero patience left to entertain your usual ‘what’s your business here’ charade.”

The black-armored stallion stepped closer. “So I suggest moving out of the way, or I’ll get Shining Armor himself to smite you.”

The two guards were now backed onto the front door. Both of them trembled with fear and the spears they had wielded proudly were dropped onto the ground. Suddenly, a white-coated unicorn stallion with a blue mane ran into the hall. When he saw what had caused a small but sudden surge of magic, he wore a look of surprise.

“Golden Dusk, you’re back?!” he bellowed. He then took a look at what was happening in front of him. “If you would be so kind as to not terrify your comrades?” he deadpanned.

The black armored pony turned around to face the new voice. A small, yet dangerous, smile could be seen coming from a hole his helmet.

“Ah, Captain Shining Armor… or is it Prince now? Yes, I am back. Though, If you would be so kind as to tell these two to let me in to see the princess before I make them… it would be much appreciated.” Golden Dusk raised his left foreleg and flashed a silver and gold band on it.

What then happened next was something the two guards didn’t expect. Their Captain… shuddered. Their usual, proud, and confident captain, showed a sign of fear!

“Alright, alright, and by the way, either title is fine.” Shining Armor sighed. “You two!” he barked at the pair of guards.

“Sir!” They stood at attnetion.

“Permit our Specialist over here to enter,” he stated.

The guards’ eyes widened before they nodded slowly. They pushed open the doors without second-guessing, the Specialist walked in indignantly, and the doors closed.

“P-permission to speak freely, sir?” one of the guards asked.

Facing them, he replied, “Granted.”

“W-was that pony… really a Specialist?” they stuttered.

Shining Armor sighed. “Yes, yes, he was.” He looked back at them. “And he is the Hunter.”

The two guards felt feints. The Hunter?! A member of the Guardians and one of the most deadly Specialists?! By Celestia… if they hadn’t let them in…

He would have made good on his threats.

“Yeah… usually he’s much more amicable,” Shining said. “He rarely gets this mad either. I swear, he has so many buttons for you to press, but if you find the right ones…” A chill crawled up his spine as he imagined the implications of angering Golden Dusk.

“As you were,” he said to the guards.

The two stood there… silently praying for their life to be spared.

Inside the throne room, Golden Dusk walked in, and his irritation increased tenfold when he saw Prince Blueblood inside the throne room. Princess Celestia seemed surprised at his appearance, while the ‘prince’ just scoffed.

“I see that one of your guards must’ve failed terribly on their mission, Aunt Celestia,” he said to the princess.

Golden Dusk’s eye twitched again. He opened his mouth to retort but was beaten by Princess Celestia.

“Blueblood, if you would be so kind as to put our discussion on hold… I believe I have much to discuss with my guard,” she said.

Blueblood was about to refuse but was stopped by the glare Celestia gave him. He got up from his haunches and left the room indignantly.

The two guards standing outside prayed for the safety of the prince.

Celestia’s glare dropped and was replaced with a sweet smile. “Specialist Golden Dusk… we had thought that we’d lost you.” She stepped down from her throne to sit in front of him.

Dusk sat down, and his mood got slightly better. “Yeah… well when you have to track down a case of ponynappings that led to Klugetown,that tends to happen,” he snarked.

The princess’ eyes widened. “You… had to go beyond the badlands?” she asked in a hush whisper.

Dusk sighed and pulled off a piece of his now loose armor. “Klugetowners have been kidnapping ponies to sell,” he explained. “I had to gather up as many ponies as possible, and find a way to get them all out of there.”

“I see,” Celestia smiled darkly, “so Klugetown has been taking advantage of my little ponies?”

“Yes, princess.”

She sighed. “Very well, a matter for a different time I suppose.” She looked back at Golden Dusk. “So, how did you handle the situation?”

“Well when I first saw the ponies I made a safe house,” he said. “I broke out a few of them and made them stay there. Brought them food, and water to drink.” He pulled off his chest piece, revealing... a black hoodie. “Anyway, I repeated the cycle until I got all the ponies out. It was made harder since some of them snuffed out the safe house I made, so we migrated from one safe house to another.”

Celestia nodded. “How about your escape?”

“Well if you look out to the front gates, there should be an airship filled with over a dozen ponies.”

She took a peek outside, and there was an airship parked with ponies inside.

“I swear, two months of hiding and running…” Dusk muttered. “It would‘ve been so easy to just blow the town right off the map… don’t think my conscience is ready for that though.”

He then pulled off his broken helmet and revealed a stallion’s face… that looked more like a mare’s. A pair of yellow eyes that shined like gold was one of his most defining features. His white mane and light grey coat were mostly dirty as he finally took in a breath of fresh, Equestrian air.

“A question, dear Golden Dusk,” Celestia started, “would you be the cause of a small surge of magic from outside my throne room?”

“Ah… yeah, that was me,” he said sheepishly. “I wasn’t in the best of moods. I’m much more… irritable when I’m tired.”

“Very well, I was just making sure,” she nodded. “You should report to your team, they have been very worried about you… as was I.” Celestia hugged him with one of her legs. That was all she needed to embrace a regular-sized pony anyway.

Dusk leaned into the hug. “Yeah, I will.” Celestia let go of him and smiled. He put on his chest piece and helmet once more as he left the room and waved goodbye to the princess. To his dismay, Prince Blueblood was standing right outside the door.

“It took you long enough,” he scoffed. “Lowly servants should not be allowed anywhere near my dear aunt.”

One of Golden Dusk’s eyes twitched. The two Royal Guards he had threatened earlier were now hiding behind one of the support pillars. He emitted magic strong enough to make the three ponies near him fall back onto their haunches. Prince Blueblood tried speaking, but it felt like he was being gagged as barely any air went through his throat. Dusk turned around and flashed him a dangerous grin.

“I take issue with everything you just said.” He stalked closer. “Don’t you remember me?” He leaned extremely close to his muzzle. Prince Blueblood leaned backward as he saw his eyes… they looked just like a batpony’s now! Though he could only see half of his muzzle, one of his fangs was showing.

“H-hah!” he snorted. “So, the freak actually made it into the guard!” he managed to get out. “Serves you right, you might as well die like your—” Prince Blueblood was cut off by an extremely hard stomp to the ground. The floor shook slightly as a newly formed crack appeared. In the center was Dusk’s hoof, inches away from his hind leg.

Shining Armor, for the second time that day, ran into the hallway to see two cowering royal guards, a now fainted Prince Blueblood, with Golden Dusk in the middle of it all.

“Dusk,” he deadpanned, “Do I want to know?”

Golden Dusk turned back to face him, and his eyes and teeth were back to normal. “No, I don’t think you do,” he said sweetly and walked away. The two Royal Guards finally got back up and only quivered slightly now.

“I swear, everypony should stop ticking off Dusk today or Equestria will end.” Shining Armor muttered.

The two Royal Guards tensed again. “Sir… you must be exaggerating.” One of them nervously said.

“Yes, I was…” The guards relaxed. “Probably just Canterlot. Equestria would take him a week at most.” The two guards stared at him before they promptly fainted onto the cold, hard, castle floor. Shining Armor sighed; he had to carry three unconscious ponies to the infirmary now.


Golden Dusk walked through the halls of the castle. His destination? The Royal Researchers’ Dorms.

The ponies he had saved from Klugetown were going to be questioned by Royal Guard detectives to find out where they live and find out whatever information they could on the Klugetowners.

Dusk made a left turn and he readjusted a loose piece of his armor so it wouldn’t come off. He sighed, thinking of what his teammate was going to say about the state of the armor she had made.

Royal Guards stationed by the sides of the halls eyed Dusk with a small amount of tension. He paid no mind to them and just kept walking. Maids and butlers were busy making sure the castle was in tip-top condition.

Eventually, he had reached his destination. He entered a hall with doors lining the sides. Each door had a carving of a pony’s cutie mark. At the end of the hall, a large circular clock made of crystal hung on the wall. Below it, a double door which led to the Royal Research Facility. Here, Royal Researchers study different things according to their interests. Be it metals, chemicals, potions, or magic, they would work on different things at the same time to further improve the technology of Equestria.

Golden Dusk walked towards a door that had a crescent moon with stars surrounding it carved onto it. He knocked thrice, and once he did, the clamoring of a multitude of different objects being dropped or knocked over could be heard. A surprised yelp accompanying the sounds.

“Coming, coming!” A mare’s voice called out. The door opened slightly, and a unicorn with a blue coat and white mane fixed her glasses with a weary look on her face appeared beyond it. “Who is it?”

Her eyes widened slightly as she saw a pony wearing black armor in front of her door. Only, her eyes didn’t show any signs of surprise or horror… it was of anger.

“What did I say about breaking your armor?!” she bellowed, and her white eyes glowed immensely.

Dusk winced. “Sorry, Aunt Moonie,” he said, bowing his head slightly.

After a few moments, Dusk found himself in a hug for the second time that day. His broken armor now had little droplets of water running down the back of it.

“Y-you’re alive!” his aunt said in joy. “I thought… I thought…”

Dusk hugged her back even tighter. “Like I’d leave you behind.”

The two shared a few extra moments of reuniting before his aunt pulled back. “You better have a good excuse about your armor…” she left her threat hanging. Instead of telling, she showed. Her eyes and horn glowed white, and Dusk could feel a tingling sensation crawling up his spine.

Mythic Moon, Specialist of the Royal Guard, member of team Guardian, with the title of ‘Warlock.’ She specializes in magic, and created the unique equipment of her team. Her magic prowess can rival even that of Twilight Sparkle’s. When off duty, she works as a Royal Researcher, and keeps her Specialist rank and title hidden from colleagues. Only her team, and the Royal Sisters know of her true line of work.

But most importantly, she is Golden Dusk’s aunt… so she has all the right to punish him.

“How about ‘I had to go the the badlands and save ponies from being sold and we had to run and go into hiding for two months, and I had to fight off crowds of Klugetowners to keep us safe?’” he said hopefully.

Mythic Moon stared at him flatly before sighing. The glow from her horn and eyes disappeared. “Alright, that’s fine.” She narrowed her stare once more. “Don’t expect to have your armor back within the next few days.”

“Yes, Auntie.” Dusk felt so small under her stare.

“Good.” Moon unsnapped all the pieces of his armor with her magic and pulled them inside her room. “I’ll take these for now… maybe an upgrade or two?” she said to herself with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Seems like you missed my armor more than me,” Dusk said with fake hurt in his voice. Now, he was a silver unicorn with a white mane wearing a plain black hoodie. His gold eyes stood out from his entire body and they shimmered everytime light would hit them.

“Oh please, I missed you more… this one needs just as much attention as you,” she cooed and caressed the black plates. “How about your Gold Fury?” she asked.

Golden Dusk pulled up his left sleeve and revealed the same silver and gold band. “Don’t worry, I can take care of her,” he said. “She just needs some sharpening. I can do it myself,” he smiled.

“Aw, my Goldie’s learning!” She ruffled his mane. “So, how many of the ponies that you saved thought you were a mare.”

“None,” he deadpanned, “I didn’t take off my helmet even once.” He didn’t fight the ruffling… he liked the attention.

“Ah, right. Safety and all that,” she said with slight disappointment. “Well, good to know you won’t be rebellious.”

“Y’know I’m 27, right?” He hadn’t noticed that they were inside her room now. It was pretty messy. Books were scattered on the floor, and a dimly lit desk with tools on top of it.

“Yes, but you’ll always be that cute little colt-filly to me!” She hugged him again. “I don’t hear you complaining.”

“Okay fine, I kind of like this— I did not just admit that.” He covered his face with his hoof as he blushed slightly.

Mythic Moon squealed but let him go. “Should I tell the others?”

“Tell them what?” Dusk smoothened out his hoodie.

She rolled her eyes. “That you’re alive and well.”

“Ah… right. Yeah, sure.”

“Why do you sound so apprehensive about it?”

“Well, for one, Titan and Berserker are probably gonna ask me to fight them to check ‘how much I’ve grown.’ Maestro and Valkyrie will probably chew me out for not contacting them,” he explained.

She thought about it for a moment before nodding. “Sounds about right.”

Moon then proceeded to light her horn as she checked on his health. Some bruises on his body, a small cut on his left cheek, and… severe physical exhaustion.

“Mind shifting back to normal for a moment?”

Dusk nodded, and he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his pupils changed akin to a cat’s, and he had grown fangs and fuzzier ears.

His dad had been a carrier for thestral genes. He’d suddenly grown fangs, and his eyes changed when he was a colt. His mom and aunt had to look up books on thestrals and what would happen if they had a child with a pony. However, due the little information the Canterlot Library had to offer, it took them quite a while to find a proper book on thestrals.

Enventually, they found that half-thestrals could hide their bat-like features through magic manipulation. Aside from that, they’d also learned that thestral-unicorn Hybrids often had a low amount of magic to start with. It explained why Dusk couldn’t cast too many spells consecutively.

After a painful process of teaching Dusk how it worked, he learned how to hide his batpony features.

She continued her examinations on Dusk to make sure he was healthy. “Levitate this, please.” She pointed to a small book.

Dusk's horn glowed gold, and the book floated in front of her. She looked at it for a few moments, her horn glowing as well. “Alright, your magic seems normal.”

The book floated back to the spot it was on.

“Aside from apparent physical exhaustion, you seem perfectly fine.” She nodded. “You do know what happens when you stop flowing magic to your muscles to keep you going, right?”

“I’ll probably pass out when I get home.” He sighed.

“Which is why you should get some rest.” She got up and showed him out the door.

Golden Dusk shifted back to ‘normal,' and with one final hug goodbye, he left Mythic Moon to whatever she was up to. He walked out the dorms, and back into the ever gigantic halls of the castle. The guards didn’t stare this time, they didn’t feel threatened at all with his armor off.

As he walked down the halls, he lost himself in thought of what he would do when he got home. His house would probably be dusty, and be in need of extreme cleaning. Dusk sighed at the thought as he shifted his hoodie slightly and made a left turn. He remembered his encounter with the faux prince earlier that day and scowled slightly. He’d been bothering him for basically his entire life!

Then, he was struck with realization. Shining Armor had mentioned his name out loud and he had revealed himself to Blueblood!

Specialists, usually, are allowed to state their rank and name, it really isn’t that much of a scent. However, his leader, the Maestro, wanted to keep team Guardians extremely enigmatic. Not to mention, his face was slightly visible through the broken helmet.

Dusk immediately changed his destination to the infirmary. He’d remembered the pair of guards fainting and thought they’d be there. As he ran through the castle, guards and work eyed him curiously but continued their respective duties. He made a right turn, and saw Shining Armor down the end of the hall.

“Captain!” he called out, running towards him.

Shining Armor turned to see Golden Dusk frantically approaching him at high speeds.

“Yes?” he asked, bemused.

“About the two guards and the prince…” he said after he’d stopped in front of him.

“If you’re worried about your name, I’ve already wiped them from remembering. All they’ll remember is ‘Hunter’ and ‘batpony,’” he reassured him with a smirk.

Dusk sighed in relief. “Thanks. Saved me from Maestro.”

“Ah right… your team and being enigmatic and all that,” he said with a shrug. “What’s up with that anyway?”

Dusk fixed his mane. “Something about safety. She thinks having our identities publicized risks our daily lives.”

“I get it,” Shining smiled. “Though, you should probably head home. We’ll take care of the ones you saved.”

“Alright, thanks. Tell Cadance I said hi!” He called out as he turned back to the path he was supposed to take. Shining smiled and walked the opposite direction.


Golden Dusk stood outside a two-story home. A small garden decorated its front, and the windows seemed to be in severe need of cleaning. He sighed and pulled out a small key from a bush and used it to open the door with a click.

He nudged it open and walked inside, the sun’s light being enough to see within... mostly. Thankfully, he had exaggerated his thoughts on how much he had to clean. An arc opening to the left led straight into the living room, while a similar opening to his right led to the kitchen. The living room had a sofa in the middle with a small shelf of books to its left. A coffee table in front of the sofa looked like it needed a wipe down. He flicked the light switch by the door frame, but nothing turned on.

“Welp, add that to the list of things to do,” he muttered. He shifted back to his thestral form to be able to see better. His now-slitted eyes glew slightly.

He then walked into the kitchen which had an L-shaped counter with a table in the center. Cupboards adorned the walls and were filled with dishes and culinary tools. A small chandelier was supposed to light up the environment. He walked over to the sink and let the water run. He splashed his face with water to at least clean it slightly.

Dusk walked back to the shelf of books and held a picture frame with one hoof, a wistful smile across his face. A unicorn mare with a purple coat and pink mane stood to the left, a pegasus stallion with a gray coat and blonde mane stood to the right, and a foal version of Golden Dusk stood in the middle with a wide smile on his face. He wore the exact same hoodie he is today. The two older ponies each had a leg wrapped around him and smiled for the photo.

The moment was cut short when he felt hostile magic aimed at him. He quickly let go of the photo and turned around. He fired a minor blast of magic that would stun the attacker. The silhouette of a pony got hit but they weren’t fazed at all. A pair of emerald eyes glowed slightly in the shadows of the kitchen, and so did Golden Dusk’s gold ones. He sighed, and powered down his magic when he recognized the magic signature.

“Mel, have you got something better to do than test my reflexes?” he deadpanned.

The pony in the shadows laughed but walked forward and let the light of the sun reveal them. In front of him was a light green earth pony with a dual-toned black and gray mane, and she wore a bracer with green accents flowing from an emerald on her right front leg. She smiled at him warmly, her emerald eyes showing nothing but relief.

“Glad to see you’re alive, Hunter,” she said.

“Y’know we probably shouldn’t be using our titles here right?”

“Right, right.” She shook her head. “Welcome back, Golden Dusk,” she said as she walked closer to him.

The mare in front of him was his team’s leader, Emerald Melody. Her Specialist Title is the Maestro. For an earth pony, she has a high affinity for magic, and wields it in the battlefield. She devastates enemies with deadly spells, and can offer support for her teammates as well. Her title originated from her capability to lead, akin to a music maestro. She is a quick thinker and helps her team adapt depending on the situation. She works with the Royal Canterlot Orchestra as a downtime job.

Emerald Melody was now in front of Dusk. She looked at the floor reluctantly before giving Dusk a quick hug. “Don’t worry us next time, okay?” she chided softly and let go of him.

That was one for the history books. ‘The Maestro had hugged somepony!’ He giggled to himself. “Yeah, I won’t.”

She nodded and another figure entered the house, this time a pegasus. Said pony immediately tackled Golden Dusk in a hug.

“Goldie!” They shouted while Emerald chuckled softly.

He groaned but replied, “Yes, Gem?” Golden Dusk returned the embrace.

Scarlet Gem is his other teammate with the title ‘Valkyrie.’ She is a tan colored pegasus with a wheat colored mane. Her scarlet eyes stood out from the rest of her form, and so did her dual toned wings. Around her neck, she wore a necklace with a gem that was colored similarly to her eye. She’s the aerial fighter of the Guardians and can fly at altitudes much higher than pegasi should be able to. She works at a restaurant during her downtime.

“Don’t worry us like that!” she cried, her eyes showed signs of excessive moisture.

Dusk wiped her eyes with his hoodie’s sleeve. “Won’t happen again.”

The two hugged a little longer before Emerald butt in, “If you two are quite done flirting in front of me, I think we should leave Dusk to rest?”

Both ponies blushed and quickly let go of each other. Emerald let out a hearty laugh and shook her head.

“Hm, I do remember our dearest captain hugging somepony…” Gem teased with a smirk.

“Hey, I care about my teammates and friends, you know?” she huffed.

“We barely see you do stuff like that,” Dusk added.

Emerald suddenly found the door frame interesting. Her two teammates laughed before pulling her into another embrace.

“Everypony’s been so huggy today,” Dusk commented.

“Like you don’t like it,” Gem snarked.

“I didn’t say anything.”

Then they both were cut off when they were squeezed a bit tighter than expected. Emerald Melody was hugging them tighter than she would normally.

“I really do care about you guys, you know…” she muttered.

The two ponies looked at each other before they too tightened their grip. She yelped but didn’t fight it.

“Aw, cap’s so sweet!” Gem cooed.

Emerald blushed lightly while her two underlings cooed again.

She cleared her throat, cursing the blood that’d gone to her face. “Scarlet, I think we should let Goldie rest. I can tell he’s running on his magic at this point.”

Scarlet nodded and sighed. She and Emerald let go and walked to the door to see themselves out. The two stopped in front of the door with Dusk beside them.

“I’d warn you about Titan and Berserker, but you already know that don’t you?” Emerald asked.

Dusk rubbed his temple. “Yeah, that’s gonna be a headache.”

“We’ll keep them off of you for a while. They’re out of town anyway,” Gem offered.

“That’d be great,” he smiled.

The two mares nodded and left him to his own devices. Golden Dusk closed the door and the sun began to set. He flicked a light switch and the living room and kitchen... stayed dimly lit. Dusk groaned and made his way towards the stairs, his room was on the second floor after all. He took one more glance at the picture on the shelf before sighing and making his way up.

“Time to pass out I guess…”


It was only a matter of time now. The steady increase in their number, the scientist’s potions… maybe they could finally get what they wanted. A dark, concealed figure stood up from a desk. A black raincoat’s hood covered their face. They looked out over a window and saw other hooded ponies gathered about a room filled with crates. They held, swords, knives, or whatever weapons they could find.

The pony nodded before there was a knock on the door. Her purple eyes shifted their gaze.

“Come in,” a mare’s voice answered.

A pony in the same raincoat opened the door slowly. “Members need briefing.”

She smiled and walked outside the room, going down a flight of stairs. She saw two ponies anxiously waiting for her. Giving them a soft smile, she approached them.

“H-hello?” one of the ponies greeted. “Are you the leader?”

She nodded and responded, “Indeed, but names can come later. For now, we will have to confirm that we all want the same thing.”

What she said next brought a grin to the ponies’ muzzles.

“The nobles’ demise.”

Chapter 2 - Recovery

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“Goldie, Goldie, wakey, wakey!”

Golden Dusk groaned into his pillow. He turned over on his bed and looked to the side where the voice came from. Groggily, he opened his eyes, and he saw a scarlet-colored necklace dangling in front of the form of a tan pegasus standing to the side of his ever soft bed.

“Gem?” he mumbled as he opened his eyes wider. He pulled his blanket closer to him but winced at the pain he felt when he moved his foreleg.

“Good morning, sleepy head!” Scarlet greeted with a smile. “Who knew you’d lock yourself in here for two days straight,” she mused.

Dusk processed that for a moment. “Two days?!” He suddenly got up on the bed but immediately yelped in pain. Scarlet rushed to hold him still with both of her forelegs.

“Yeah, you’ve been what was basically a rock.” She helped ease him into a sitting position. “Take it easy, okay? Your body’s still recovering.”

Dusk nodded and stretched his hind legs that were now dangling at the side of his bed. “Ah, this’ll be a pain…”

“Don’t even think about using your magic to boost yourself." She held him gently. "It’ll hinder your recovery,” She chided.

He sighed. “I won’t.”

He, with the help of Scarlet, got up from his bed and stood on all fours. He winced slightly when his last hoof rested on the ground. Dusk attempted to walk but had a limp with each step he took. Scarlet looked at him with sympathy. She walked up to his side and nudged him slightly with her wing.

“Here, lean on me,” she said softly.

Dusk leaned closer to Scarlet as she guided him out his room and down the stairs. Each step he took going down was a difficult task and was extremely uncomfortable. Gem stayed by his side and even used a wing to help balance him as they went down. Once in the hallway with two large arches on its sides, Dusk gestured to the left and they turned for the kitchen. His horn glowed and one off his cupboard’s doors opened. A box of oatmeal floated over to him and he scrutinized it. He rotated the box until he found the side he was looking for.

To his dismay, it was expired.

Dusk sighed and put the box back where it came from. He hadn’t even noticed that Scarlet had left his side until she walked back to him with a glass of water in her wings.

“You’re probably really thirsty,” she said as she brought the glass closer to him.

Dusk smacked his lips together. “True,” he mused. He took it in his magic and chugged it down with vigor. Scarlet giggled at the sight.

He let out a content sigh once he’d finished his drink. He levitated the cup to the sink to be cleaned later. With a gold flash, a small bag popped into existence in front of him. Scarlet raised a brow, but then recognized the jingles coming from the bag as bits. Dusk opened it slightly and eyed it for a few moments before nodding and placing it into the pocket of his hoodie.

One that probably hasn’t been cleaned in two months.

“Uh, when was the last time you cleaned that?” Scarlet asked nervously.

“The bag?”

“Yes, the bag of bits and not the only piece of clothing you’re wearing,” she snarked.

Dusk glanced at his hoodie before laughing. “Why? Y’scared I got some badlands residue on you?”

“No?” she said unconvincingly.

He shook his head and smiled. “It can’t get dirty. Ever. It’s enchanted, remember?” he stood proudly to showcase his enchanted piece of apparel.

Her mouth formed an ‘O’ as she remembered. “Right, I forgot about that,” she nodded. “What do you need the bits for though?”

“Ah, right. I have no food to eat in here, so I might as well grab breakfast someplace else,” he explained.

Scarlet hummed thoughtfully. “Can I come?” she asked. “I haven’t eaten either.”

“Sure, you got your own bits though?” He raised a brow.

“I carry a fair amount of bits on me wherever I go, thank you very much,” she huffed before she smirked at him. “Or, would you rather treat this mare to a fine meal?” She teased.

“I was planning to go to a Donut Joe’s, so no ‘fine meals.’” he snorted. Scarlet just stared at him.

“Joe’s? Really?” she deadpanned.

“What? His stuff’s good!”

“Yeah, I got that! But seriously, I—”

“I’ll treat you if you stop complaining.”

“Deal!” she chippered. Her eyes sparkled as she got up to leave. Her wings fluttered slightly as she walked.

Dusk winced slightly as he took his first step out the door, but didn’t complain either way. He closed the door and locked it with his key which he hid once more in the bushes. Scarlet was already on the sidewalk, waiting expectantly.

The two then went on their journey for food!

“Say, where’re you working right now?” Dusk inquired. “I know that Maestro’s still part of the orchestra.” Heh, the Maestro works at an orchestra.

“I… um…” Scarlet didn’t know what to say. “I don’t have one,” she admitted.

Dusk stared at her for a moment but still kept up with her. “What?”

“I have no job.” She sighed. “I… don’t really know what to do.”

“Didn’t you used to be a chef?”

“Yeah, I worked for one of the fancier restaurants.” The two made a left turn and she scowled slightly. “Their new manager didn’t want a pegasi in their kitchen…”

Dusk scowled slightly as well. “One of the unicorn superiorists?”

“No,” she snarked, “I didn’t get fired for being a pegasus after all.” Her wings twitched dangerously.

He sighed. “Sorry, stupid question. Won’t you try for another one though?”

“I’ve applied for a few,” she nodded. “They haven’t gotten back to me yet.” Probably because they don’t want a pegasus in the kitchen…

“Ah, well just keep trying, yeah?” Dusk encouraged. “Better than lazing around for Celestia knows how many days straight.”

“Look who’s talking.” She gave him a flat stare.

He was about to retort, but was stopped short by the sound of the jingling of a bell. Scarlet had pushed open a door that led straight into Donut Joe’s. Ponies sat on circular tables, chatting away, while Joe was on the counter minding his award-winning pastries. She walked up to the counter with Dusk right behind her, already eyeing the food.

“Welcome to Joe’s!” Donut Joe greeted cheerily. “What can I get ya?”

The two looked at the counter for a moment.

“Strawberry with sprinkles for me please,” Scarlet said.

“I’ll take the Almond Cream, Chocolate Nut, Cookie Sprinkles, and the glazed please!” Dusk chippered. She looked at him in disbelief while Joe was more than happy to take his bits.

“That’ll be thirty bits.” Joe handed them two trays with their orders.

Scarlet shrugged and took hers in her wing. Dusk levitated his with magic while counting the bits in his bag. He left the exact amount on the counter and the two sat down on a corner table.

They settled their trays on the table and Scarlet started to calmly eat her donut. She enjoyed it and at the same time tried to discern what went into creating such a fine pastry.

Golden Dusk on the other hoof… made an extremely accurate impression of a vacuum.

Scarlet swallowed. “Geez, Goldie, calm down,” she chided but he continued to inhale his food. “No one’s taking that from you.”

“I ‘on caw!” He said through a mouthful of food. “Ungwy!”

She rolled her eyes and took another bite of her donut.

Dusk finished his food within a few minutes. He’d gotten up and filled himself a cup of coffee — which was free — and now drank it at a much calmer pace.

“Ah,” he sighed happily, “So, any news since I was gone?” He took another swig.

Scarlet nodded but kept a straight face. “We’ve got… strange activity.”

He leaned forward. “What kind?”

“The dangerous one.” She looked around to make sure no one would overhear them. “We’ve got a new terrorist group on the prowl.”

Dusk managed to keep in the coffee he was about to spit. “What?!” he whispered rather loudly.

Scarlet nodded. “There’s been graffiti put up around the lower parts of Canterlot. Most have been about how the nobility is a ‘plague that must be purified.’” She made air quotas.

He rubbed his temple. “While I can see where they’re coming from… have they done anything yet?”

She shook her head. “So far, just graffiti and propaganda.” She finished her donut. “There have been… interesting texts and letters that came with them too.”

Dusk’s raised a brow.

Scarlet coughed into a hoof. “The nobles have been… mistreating some of their servants.” She sighed.

He frowned. “I’m not that surprised.” He downed his coffee. “Nobles always think they’re all ‘high and mighty.’ Not to mention, they look down on everypony else,” he growled.

Oh? There was a story behind that one. “So anyway, they haven’t done anything major so far. Though, we’ve been told to keep an eye out for them.” Scarlet fixed her mane.

“These guys have a name?”

She laughed slightly. “The Purifiers,” she said.

“Easy enough to remember,” he shrugged. “Have we gotten any new members?”

“If it’s the Guardians, no,” she laughed at her terrible attempt at a joke. “We’ve gotten three new recruits though.”

“Three?” Disbelief was clearly written on his face. “That’s… a surprising number.”

“Yeah, I know,” she nodded. “They are pretty skilled.”

“They get their titles yet?”

Scarlet shook her head. “No, not yet.”

With that, Dusk let out a suppressed, yet audible, burp. The two stared at each other for a moment before giggling. He took their trays in his magic and set them off to the cleaning bin. They shared a moment to let their food — mostly Dusk’s — settle in their stomachs.

Though, they were then approached with a snooty looking unicorn stallion, two others watching them from another table.

“Hey, cutie, wanna go out sometime?” he asked at the table, with a look that Dusk didn’t like.

Unfortunately, Scarlet responded.

“Hm, well aren’t you a flatterer,” she said back at him.

The unicorn scoffed, “Not you, ruffian, her.” He pointed at Golden Dusk

Under normal circumstances, Dusk would’ve been laughing heartily. However, the stallion had just insulted Scarlet. ‘Ruffian’ is one of the derogatory terms that some ponies use on pegasi. He swore he heard something from Scarlet crack, as she wore a dark smile on her face.

“Excuse me?” she asked.

“Very well, the ruffian may leave,” the stranger nodded.

She stared at him, clearly debating on whether to leave with Dusk, or leave the stallion with a broken leg.

“Well, what are you waiting for?”

Golden Dusk stood up with two of his forelegs slamming the table. He winced, the pain reminding him of his body's current state.

“I think we should go, don’t you think, Gem?” he feigned a smile.

“Of course, no rest for the weary!” she wore a similar smile as she stood up.

“Oh, don’t be shy!” The unicorn insisted. “Why not leave your friend here and we can… discuss things, yes?”

Dusk couldn’t believe he was going along with being a female. “No thanks, you’re not my type.” With that, he and Scarlet made their way to the door.

Joe was concerned but stayed out of it until he was truly needed.

“Hm, perhaps you could be persuaded?” He levitated a bag of bits in front of her- him.

Dusk smiled and held the bits with one hoof. Scarlet wore a look of worry, thinking that he would actually go with the stranger. Those thoughts were cut short, however, with Dusk dropping the bits on the ground like they weren’t worth anything and scowling at him.

“No thanks. Let’s go, Gem.” The two made their way for the door as the stallion exploded with anger,

“You dare defy me?!” His horn lit up and he encased Dusk with blue magic. “I am of the Astral House!

Scarlet kept walking forwards, paying no heed to the fact that her friend was floating. She knew he could handle it.

Golden Dusk frowned as he hovered slightly off the ground. With one fluid motion, the levitation spell broke and a sound similar to shattering glass filled the room. The stallion recoiled back as his two other friends caught him. Dusk continued to walk out the door.

“Why you little-” one of his friends started but was cut off with Golden Dusk flashing his fangs and slitted eyes.

“F-freak!” the other stuttered as all three of them backed up.

Dusk chuckled lightly and walked out the door to follow Amethyst.

By the counter, Donut Joe sighed in relief. At least nothing too bad happened. Then, a small gold light flashed under his counter and he found a small bag of bits with a note beside it.

Sorry for the trouble.

Joe laughed and stashed away the bits.

“That colt keeps getting into all heaps of trouble.”


Scarlet Gem and Golden Dusk, now full and in a slightly off mood, made their way to Canterlot Castle.

“Maybe I should join the Purifiers?” Scarlet mused darkly. She stumbled slightly in her step when Dusk hit her lightly with a hoof.

“Please don’t,” he deadpanned.

“I’m kidding!” she cried. “If they really wanted to out the nobles, they could just bring the issue to court.”

Dusk sighed. “Yeah, only to be overturned by all the nobles.”

She sighed as well knowing it was true. There was a second of silence as Scarlet hummed thoughtfully.

“Did you give your mission report yet?” she asked, remembering that she had to do the same thing before.

“No, not yet,” Dusk answered. “Why do you think we’re going to the castle?”

She stared at him for a moment. “We’re headed to the castle?”

Dusk facehooved. “Yes, yes we are.”

“Well this wasn’t how I saw my day going,” Scarlet mused.

“And how exactly did you expect it to go?” Dusk raised a brow.

“Hm, let’s see,” she started, “Wake you up, go out for breakfast, I go home and sulk for a while before bothering Mel for the rest of the day.”

“Sulk?” He asked.

“Ah… the whole job thing y’know?” She looked down on the path. “I… really liked it there...” She whispered. Her gaze was then brought up by Dusk pushing her head up with his muzzle.

“Things happen, and we move on,” he said to her. “You can let the noble’s stigma on pegasi and earth ponies bother you… but don’t let it bring you down. Try harder, fight against it — not violently though — and become a better pony,” he smiled.

Scarlet sniffed lightly. “When did you get all sage-like?” She smirked.

He shrugged. “Comes with experience.”

She knew the meaning behind that and didn’t want to delve deeper. “So, who'll get your report?”

“If Shiny’s still there, him. If not, either of the princesses.” The two made a left turn and avoided a group of nobles. “My armor’s with Aunt Moonie and she’s… going to take a while.”

Scarlet deadpanned, “Upgrades?”

Dusk chuckled and nodded.

“As usual,” she said with a smile. “That’s our Moonie.”

A few moments later, they stood in front of the castle’s gate. They both flashed a royal guard badge of the Celestial Guard to the two guardsponies stationed there. The pair nodded and stepped aside, and the gate creaked open and the two walked in.

The cobblestone path led through what would be considered a front yard. Flowers of different kinds bloomed in the grass, a few trees populated the area as well. The sound of birds chirping got louder whenever they ever got close to a tree’s shade. At the end of the path there was a giant, arching, ornate purple door with two more guards stationed in front of it.

Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem walked up to them and flashed their badges again. The guards stepped aside as the doors opened. They walked inside and were greeted with the sight of the giant hallways, carpeted floor, and guards stationed everywhere they would walk. Maids and butlers were busy, doing whatever was assigned to them.

Dusk led the way through the halls, and eventually, they reached the back of the castle where the training field was.

By one side of the field, there were three buildings with different flags hanging from them. One had a moon, another a sun, and the last one had the Equestrian flag. Each building housed the different guard sectors. The Lunar Guard, the Celestial Guard, and the Harmony Guard respectively. The Harmony Guard were composed mostly of commanding officers from the other two and they work together to unite the two very different groups.

Out on the field, guards were running laps and were led by Shining Armor. Even though he was a prince, he still was a member of the Harmony Guard and is one of the captains. Dusk and Scarlet walked up to him without alerting the captain.

“Hey, Shiny!” the two greeted loudly.

Shining Armor jumped slightly and turned around. “I’m in the middle of something,” he deadpanned.

Scarlet giggled. “How are they?” She pointed to the guards running the field.

“I don’t know who trained them, but they need a lot of work,” he groaned “They’re on their tenth lap and are already showing signs of exhaustion.”

“Recruits or actual guards?” Dusk inquired.

Actual guards,” Shining answered.

The Specialists and the Captain sighed. Who exactly was training them?

“Well, sparring is up next,” Shining smirked. “Care to show them how it’s done?”

Scarlet raised a brow. “Won’t we reveal ourselves?” Mel wouldn’t be happy…

“I can cast an illusion spell,” Dusk offered. “Auntie taught me before."

She sighed and nodded. “Oh, but you’ll have to take Dusk’s report after.” She looked at the white unicorn.

“Deal!” he chippered. “Now we can show them how much they’re lacking.

The white unicorn wore a smirk that had way too many teeth. He took a few steps forward, placing himself slightly in front of the other two.

“Is it just me or is Shining getting all sadistic on us?” Dusk asked flatly.

“Eh, aren’t all the captains like that?” she answered back.


“Get ready you two!” Shining Armor said cheerily.

Dusk stared at him for a moment. “Yep, I feel bad now.”

His horn glowed as he casted the illusion spell. Small lines of gold magic floated over to Scarlet as she transformed into a baby blue coated, and pink maned pegasus. Dusk’s magic flowed over himself as he turned into a light-green coated, and blue maned unicorn.

“Fall in line!” Shining bellowed with Dusk and Scarlet standing beside him.

The guards quickly formed one straight line in front of the trio. Each one had already recovered after a small break from the run. Their gold armor shined in the light of the sun.

“You know what comes next?” he asked loudly.

The guards gulped.

“Sparring!” he shouted.

The ponies in front of him clearly wanted out.

“These two ponies with me will spar with one of you.” He gestured to the two beside him.

The group of guards gazed at Scarlet and Dusk. Some of them wore looks of disbelief, and concern. However, there were a few who stood arrogantly, clearly thinking it would be easy.

“Permission to speak freely, sir!” one guard requested.


“Aren’t they civvies?”

Another one snickered, “Well since they are I’ll take one on then!” The one that spoke stood forward and was a unicorn. “I’ll spar with the unicorn!” he declared.

Dusk was about to step forward but winced. He took a step back and Shining Armor noticed. Scarlet walked to his side and stopped him from entering the fight.

“Sorry, my friend here isn’t actually feeling very well,” she said. “I’ll take you on in his place.”

Shining Armor held Dusk back as well. “Sorry, I forgot you just got back,” he whispered.

Dusk nodded but sighed. He was slightly disappointed.

The unicorn guard snorted. “Please, you won’t even be a challenge.” He flicked his head up to flex his horn.

Scarlet smirked. “You scared to get shown up by a mare?” she tried to vex him. The mare guards in the line shared the same facial expression.

It worked.

“Alright fine!” the guard huffed. “I’ll take you on!”

Shining Armor sighed, hopefully she wouldn’t beat him up too badly. “Alright guards, circle ‘em!”

With that order, all the guards circled the unicorn and Scarlet, effectively forming a ring. Dusk stood beside Shining Armor.

“Ready!” Shining shouted.

The unicorn guard took a spell-casting offensive stance. “The name’s Swift Star, it’ll be the last thing you’ll remember from this.”

Scarlet smiled. “You can call me… Scar.” She flared her wings. “You’ll have one by the end of this.”

“Fight!” Shining bellowed, and blew a whistle.

Immediately after the signal, Swift fired off beams of magic at Scarlet. She dodged them nimbly, the magic blasts impacting a shield Shining had put up around them. Swift Star growled and charged forward. His horn threatened to pierce right through Scarlet.

She took to the skies in a flash. His response was to fire more spells in Scarlet’s direction. She hovered in the air while dodging the magic with a bored look on her face. This proved to aggravate Swift even more.

“Hey, you gonna hit me or what?!” She shouted at him.

Swift yelled as he planted his hooves firmly into the ground. His horn glowed brightly as he prepared the most powerful spell he had. Scarlet watched in anticipation, hopefully it would be worth her while.

“Take this!” he called out.

His horn fired out a Star-shaped beam about the size of two ponies standing on top of each other. It flew towards Scarlet who sighed. She dove under the attack as it impacted the captain’s shield. She was back on the ground when white flashed behind her.

“Gotcha,” Swift smirked with his horn aglow.

Scarlet turned around while using her left wing to strike Swift. He blocked it with two hooves, leaving his chest wide open. She was now facing him, and used her left hoof to punch him right at his chest plate. He groaned in pain as he held his chest and stepped back. Scarlet then proceeded to jump off the ground and fly right by him.

She stopped on the opposite end of the field, with her left wing extended and her right folded. The guards forming the ring wondered what happened, and were answered by Swift’s face bleeding from a small cut to his cheek. The pain from his chest plate being dented then finally made him collapse onto the grass. The crowd gasped in surprise while Dusk smirked.

Shining lowered the barrier. “Scar wins!”

Swift Star groaned as he stood up. “Impossible! She cheated!” He got through ragged breaths.

“No she didn’t,” Dusk defended her. “It was due to your own incompetence that you were bested.”

“Incompetent?!” he bellowed. “I used the most powerful spell you’ll ever see, and you call me incompetent!

“Yes!” Dusk hissed, the ponies around him sans Scarlet and Shining stared in shock. “You used your most powerful spell without anyone to fall back to! What if you had drained your magic and fainted and your enemy survived? You’d be dead! Not to mention your complete lack of CQC skills!”

Shining Armor nodded. “He's right, Swift Star. It just goes to show your carelessness which grew from your pride.”

Swift Star boiled with anger. “I doubt he would’ve done any better!” He pointed at Dusk. “After all, he was the one who chickened out!”

Dusk laughed. “Oh trust me if I was in peak condition…” His horn glowed as he fired off a spell that brought down a bolt of magic onto the ground leaving a... sizeable crater. “You’d be in a much worse position right now.”

Swift Star stared in shock, as did his fellow guards.

“Remember our deal, Shiny,” Dusk sang out as the two, still disguised ponies, walked back into the castle.

Shining Armor sighed; he hated taking reports.

The guards in front of him still stood still before one spoke up. “S-sir, why are they not in the guard?”

Their captain laughed heartily. “They are,” he said.

“B-but… we haven’t seen them-”

“They’re Specialists.

The mention of that one word caused the guards to tense again. Specialists?! No wonder why Scar was so powerful...

“More specifically, the Hunter and Valkyrie.”

The guards felt faint at this point. They were Guardians?!

Swift Star snapped out of his daze. “Then I can just reveal who she was for revenge!” He declared too loudly.

“Strike one, Swift Star.” Shining Armor glared. “And they aren’t careless when it comes to their true identities. They were in disguise.”

The ponies under his command started to silently pray that Swift Star’s actions wouldn’t reflect on them.

“Alright, next fight is…”


“I knew I shouldn’t have used that spell…” Dusk complained as they walked the halls of the castle.

Scarlet rolled her eyes. “Just recharge you big baby.”

He stuck his tongue out at her and stopped walking; he didn’t want anypony to see this. Once he was sure that nopony else aside from Scarlet would see him, his horn and eyes started to glow a gold color. Suddenly, specks of glittering white appeared around them. Each one sparkled while floating in the air. One by one, the specks flowed towards Dusk’s horn and shifted to a gold color to much his aura. His appendage absorbed each one and he started to feel his magic recover.

“That is still as cool as ever,” Scarlet commented idly.

Dusk smiled before the specks of magic disappeared and his eyes and horn stopped glowing.

“Ah, that’s better.” He stretched a hindleg before recoiling. “Doesn’t help with that though,” he muttered.

She laughed. “C’mon let’s get to the briefing room, Shining will be there later,” she said as they started to walk again. Dusk sighed and followed suit.

After a few twists and turns, they were in the west wing of the castle and in a room with a few other ponies with them. They sat by a row of chairs along the wall and waited for the oh so revered captain to arrive.

Speaking of captains, Shining Armor is the captain of the Celestial Guard and the Specialists, if they so choose, form teams with one of them being their captain. Emerald Melody, the Maestro, is the captain of her team the Guardians.

And lo and behold, who would walk into the room an hour later with a look of indignation on his face.

“Captain!” Dusk and Scarlet called out as a gold, translucent checker board disappeared.

Shining Armor turned his head irritably at them. “Report, yes? In the room,” he said as he entered another room.

The two looked at each other before shrugging. Must’ve been a bad day in training.

They followed Shining Armor into another room with a small round table in the center. The three sat down and the captain begrudgingly pulled out a set of papers and an inkwell and quill. He tapped on a recorder and it gave a low beep.

“Mission Report. Identification,” he said in a flat tone.

“Specialist Golden Dusk, ‘Hunter,’ serial number RGS658.”

Shining Armor nodded and looked to Scarlet. “Witness, identification.”

“Specialist Scarlet Gem, ‘Valkyrie,’ serial number RGS657,” she replied.

The captain turned back to Golden Dusk. “Mission details?”

Dusk nodded. “Reports of ponies going missing by the South Luna Ocean Resort had been going around for a few weeks,” he explained.

“Princess Celestia sent me to investigate and find any leads. I packed my armor as well just to be sure. At first, the suspicion was changelings but then they would have replaced the ponies they’ve taken.”

He leaned forwards so the recorder’s mic could hear him better.

“However, I found Klugetowners who were breaking into a pony’s hotel room through the window. I averted them from the pony napping and received information that they’d been taking ponies for months.”

Scarlet and Shining’s eyes went wide. How dare they!

Dusk sighed. “All of that led me to requesting guards to be stationed there until further notice. I followed the lead and went into Klugetown. I used the alleyways and rooftops to remain unseen. There were some ponies in cages and Klugetowners treating them like nothing more than… merchandise.” he growled, and the other two ponies with them suppressed theirs.

“I broke out a few ponies and we created a mock-safe house in an abandoned windmill. I told them to stay there, and I brought them ample supplies of water and food. My goal was to get all the ponies I could away from that place.” He said.

“However, complications arose. Klugetowners discovered our safe house and I had to ward them off. We had to make another one in a different spot, and I created a few more just in case,” he added. “Once I’d gotten all the ponies I could find, I secured an airship which was what we arrived in… three days ago?” He looked to Scarlet with a tilt of his head.

She nodded with an amused smile on her face.

“The pony count was a little over a dozen.”

Shining Armor looked at him with a raised brow, to which Dusk nodded.

“Mission report, end.” Shining Armor sighed in relief. Now all he had to do was… paperwork.

Shining groaned and planted his head on the table. Dusk and Scarlet laughed.

“Okay, Dusk, you can rest. Scarlet, I’ll need your witness report.” Shining Armor floated a paper and a quill to her.

She immediately stopped laughing.

Dusk giggled as he got up. His body wasn’t aching as much now. “I’ll leave you two to it?” he asked the two.

“Yeah, we got this,” Scarlet replied.

“Unfortunately,” Shining mumbled.

“Okay you two, good luck!” he chirped to which he received an irritated glance from the two behind him as he closed the door.

“Hm, maybe Joe’s still open?”


“Are you sure this will work?”

Four ponies, wearing black raincoats, stood in an alleyway in the city of Canterlot. They directly faced a brick wall, cans of paint and brushes around them. A bag of envelopes was in the grasp of one of them while another was attaching them to the wall. Red, orange, and brown paint formed a figure, but it was now too dark for them to see clearly.

“It will,” a mare’s voice responded while her purple eyes gave the illustration a once-over. “We’ll have some scouts perched by the roof, and they will tell us if someponies stopped by.”

“Do we have specific targets?”

“We have access to some of their records, so…” The mare craned her neck to face the pony, revealing a small smile.

“How about some Royal Guards?”

Chapter 3 - Purifiers

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One week had flown by quickly. Golden Dusk continued to rest at home, and Scarlet Gem visited him frequently. The two spent a lot of time together. Most of the time, they’d just hang around Dusk’s house doing whatever they could think of. Movies, board games, and on occasion they’d go out for walks around Canterlot. The Lunar park specifically was where the two often went.

Dusk often wondered what drove Scarlet to visit him so frequently. Was she simply worried for her friend and teammate? Or was it something more? She did tease him once about taking her on a date but he paid no heed to it.

He reclined on his couch and sighed. He was probably overthinking it, they’d been friends for almost a decade after all.

Golden Dusk sipped on his tea as the TV played the animatic of Power Ponies. Honestly, he thought that the story had gotten duller as the series progressed, but the animation and graphics never ceased to amaze him.

It was around afternoon, the same time frame when Scarlet usually visits. She’s taking longer than usual and that worried him a bit.

That was when three knocks resounded from the door. His mood lightened as he got up to answer it. He walked by the arched opening to the miniature hallway of his house to the door. Dusk opened the door to find a blue coated and white maned unicorn standing outside. She readjusted her black glasses which had white accents as she smiled at him.

“Hey, Goldie,” Mythic Moon greeted him. “Can I come in?” She asked.

Golden Dusk smiled. “Of course! I needed the company.” He stepped aside so she could walk inside.

Mythic took a few steps in and immediately noticed that the house was in surprisingly good condition.

She whistled. “It’s been one week and you’ve got it back to normal already?”

Dusk nodded. “I had some help.”

She hummed as she sat down on the couch and Dusk followed suit. He floated a kettle and poured some tea into a cup and levitated it in front of his aunt. She took it in her magic and took a sip.

That was when she noticed what was playing on the TV screen.

“Aren’t you a little too old to be watching Power Ponies?” she snickered.

Dusk shrugged. “You did say I’d always be your colt-slash-filly. I don’t see why you should care,” he shot back.

Mythic laughed and drew him in for a one legged hug. “That is true,” she said.

He smiled and leaned on her slightly as he took a sip of his tea. “Is there a reason for your visit?” He asked her.

“Aside from wanting to see how you’re doing? Yes, yes there is.”

She set her cup down on the coffee table and stood up. She stood by the side of the room where space was available. Mythic’s horn then glowed as white flashed in front of her. Dusk squinted his eyes slightly but then they widened as they saw what she teleported in.

It was his armor.

He immediately got up and stood right beside Mythic like a foal getting a new toy.

“Excited aren’t you?” she laughed and adjusted her glasses. “I present to you… the Hunter Mark IV!” She made a show of bowing.

Dusk scrutinized his new and improved armor. If somepony were to place this outside, it’d be hard to tell whether a pony was in it or not. The black armor had yellow lines that decorated it and gave it color. The joints were barely exposed, and the helmet had a tinted visor that made it extremely hard to see through the suit. The armor plates were layered on the back and chest, adding extra protection.

“It’s beautiful,” Dusk said with a single tear running down his cheek.

“That’s not all!” She smirked and walked beside it. Her horn then lit up, then the part of the helmet that covered the muzzle pulled back and the tinted visor pulled up into the helmet. This basically gave a clear view of the wearer.

“Woah!” Dusk shouted as he looked over the helmet.

Mythic giggled. “I’ll show you the spell to do it. I did the same thing with the others’ armors. One different spell each, it’s like a key.” She then proceeded to give Dusk the spell details.

“Can I try it on?” Dusk asked with a sparkle in his eyes.

She nodded and showed him how to separate and put on each of the armor’s pieces. The forelegs legs detached first, then the helmet and then the chest piece. The lower half stayed mostly the same, though it splits open slightly to make it easier to equip.

Dusk slid his two hind legs into the lower piece first. They fitted perfectly! Next, he pulled the chest piece on top of him and it clicked into place with the lower half. The two front leg sleeves had to be worn through a straight foreleg to avoid complications with the joints. Next, the helmet went on and, though the visor was tinted, he could still see clearly.

“How is it?” Mythic asked anxiously.

He took a few steps around the room and felt his movement to be completely the same as it was when he wasn’t wearing the armor. It was easy to breathe too.

“It’s great!” he said as he used the key spell to open the helmet.

“Thank goodness.” Mythic sighed in relief. “I thought it might be a little too tight… you must’ve lost weight.”

“Maybe,” Dusk nodded.

“Oh and one new feature,” she started, “try to pour magic into it.”

He was about to ask but did it anyway. He let his magic flow outside of his body and the yellow lines on the armor started to glow gold.

“Remind you of anything?” She smirked.

The armor… it was doing something similar to Golden Dusk’s ability! It was absorbing magic directed at it!

“But if I try to use my spells-”

“It’ll only absorb magic that’s aimed at it,” Mythic cut him off. “Try casting anything.”

He nodded and a bright, gold, and glowing orb appeared in front of him. “Wow…” He whispered.

“Oh, and best let the magic it absorbed right now fade naturally… we don’t want any accidents.” She shivered.

“Accidents?” Dusk titled his head and the orb disappeared.

“It’ll release the absorbed magic into the next physical attack,” she said. “Or… actually… try taking the magic from the armor into your own!”

He nodded, and slowly, the glow from the lines in his armor disappeared. The magic flowed towards the helmet’s horn cover.

“Hah! It worked!” she exclaimed happily. “Now, imagine doing that when it’s absorbed one of my spells.”

Dusk stared in awe at the implications.

“Now, remember, it’s got a limited capacity. If the spell uses too much magic then it’ll damage the armor instead. So will physical attacks,” she warned him.

He nodded and unequipped the armor slowly. After that, he put them back together to make it look like a statue. Mythic smiled at his gleeful expression as she flashed the armor away.

“I suppose you like it?” she asked.

“Like? Like?!” He unintentionally let his form slip as he now stared at her with slitted eyes and a toothy grin. “I love it!” he exclaimed as he tackled her in a hug.

“Thanks, Auntie!” He nuzzled her chest and she giggled and patted his head. He was such a foal sometimes.

Mythic then glared at him with glowing eyes. “Now, you know what’ll happen if you break the Moonie Rules… right?

Dusk gulped audibly. “Repairable damage is excusable, completely destroyed is not!” he said quickly.

She smiled. “Good.”

The two now sat down on the couch and enjoyed the tea Dusk had. Then, five knocks sounded from the door. The aunt and nephew pair looked through the arched opening and they saw a scarlet-colored necklace before Scarlet Gem’s head poked through. She walked in the house, slightly surprised that Dusk had his fangs out. She had an eco-bag balanced on her back too.

“Oh, Moonie!” Scarlet exclaimed with a smile when she saw Dusk’s aunt.

Mythic smiled. “Hello, Scarlet, what’s that you got there?” she asked.

Scarlet looked at her bag. “Some food I made for Dusk.”

Mythic Moon smirked while Dusk got up and gave Scarlet a hug.

“I got a little worried since you were late,” he whispered.

Scarlet grinned. “Oh, did Goldie miss me that much?” She poked him with a hoof.

Dusk blushed lightly but nodded. “I may like being alone sometimes… but I can’t stand the idea right now,” he admitted.

The two mares in the house cooed.

Dusk coughed as the blood retreated from his face. “Anyway, what did hold you up?”

“Well,” she started, “I spaced out making the first batch so I had to do it again cuz they got burnt.”

“Ah, well, at least you can cook,” Dusk sighed.

“Hey, Goldie,” Mythic called out from the living room, “I’ve tried some of your food, they aren’t bad.”

“Yeah,” Scarlet nodded. “I just see you holding back with seasonings. Be more generous!” She patted him on the back.

He nodded and smiled. “What did you make anyway?”

She smirked as she pulled out a small box from the bag. Dusk sniffed the air, thestrals have enhanced senses compared to normal ponies. Almost immediately, he had snatched the box from Scarlet’s hooves. She yelped but laughed right after, it seemed like he liked it!

“Fruit tarts,” Scarlet smirked and looked at the other mare in the house. “You can have some too, Moonie. Not even Celestia knows how much food you’re getting being holed up in your room and lab all the time,” she snickered.

Mythic Moon got up and huffed. “I’ll have you know, I still eat properly but-” She caught a glimpse of a fruit tart Dusk basically devoured.

“I take that back, I’m not missing this opportunity!” She teleported next to her nephew and took a tart, to which his response was to hiss at her.

Scarlet had made about a dozen tarts the size of a hoof, with two of each flavor. Apple, mango, coconut, and whatever she could find! Mythic picked up an apple tart and held it with two hooves. It seemed to be glazed slightly and the top crust reflected light. Some apple juice was pouring over the crust and dripped onto her hooves. She looked to Dusk who had devoured three already. Best to eat while there’s more to take!

She took one bite and she went wide eyed before her face melted. They were absolutely delicious!

Mythic swallowed and said, “Your employers are extremely lucky to have you.”

Scarlet’s mood dropped slightly. She forgot that she hadn’t told any of her teammates other than Dusk.

Said thestral-unicorn hybrid broke out of his eating streak and took notice of her mood. He looked at her and wordlessly asked her if he could tell his aunt. She nodded.

“Um, Auntie,” he started, “she was… let go.”

Moon immediately stopped eating before she looked at Scarlet who bobbed her head to confirm it.

“Why?!” she shouted.

“New manager,” she said flatly with a slight glare. “Unicorn, probably a noble,” she added.

Mythic Moon scowled. “Those ponies give us a bad name.”

Scarlet sighed. “Don’t worry, it’s mostly nobles that’re affected.” She took a bite of a tart. “Unless you have a noble title, you won’t be bad-mouthed by the Purifiers.”

Moon tilted her head. “Purifiers?”

The two other ponies with her facehooved. She needed to go out more…

Dusk responded, “New group, most likely terrorists, that hate nobles.”

What?!” She shouted.

“You should really go out more,” Scarlet deadpanned.

“Nopony told me!”

“Because the last time we did that we were sent all the way to the Crystal Empire,” Dusk deadpanned.

“I said sorry!” She pouted. “I picked you guys up anyway!”

“Yeah, it was so sudden that my shift broke,” Dusk added. “Then, Crystal ponies were asking why I looked like a vampony.”

“Like things like that don’t happen when you’re in your ‘normal’ form,” Moon snarked.

Scarlet smirked. “You know… last week when we were at Joe’s- mfph?!” Dusk covered her mouth with a hoof.

“No idea what she’s talking about!” he feigned a smile.

Mythic raised a brow.

Scarlet pulled his hoof off. “Some random stallion hit on him!” she blurted out.

Dusk stared at her with his mouth agape. She didn’t just…

His aunt started to howl with laughter.

“Great,” Dusk deadpanned, “now not one day will go by without her reminding me of this for the next month.”

Scarlet patted him on the back, a sympathetic look on her face.

“This is your fault y’know?” He glared at her.

She just shrugged as the sympathy shifted to amusement.

Dusk sighed and Mythic finally calmed down.

“Oh, my niece is so big now!” she chuckled. “When will you bring home a colt friend?”


“Aw, why’s that?”

“Maybe because I don’t swing that way?” he asked snarkily.

“So you want a marefriend?” She smirked.

“Sure, why not?” he shrugged. Mythic and Scarlet stared at him for a moment.

“My, my... does my Goldie have his eyes on a mare?” his aunt teased.

“Right now? No, I guess.”

Scarlet and his aunt hummed.

“Ah, well, cross that line when you want,” Mythic nodded.

“Mhm,” Scarlet agreed.

The three enjoyed the baked goodies that Scarlet had made for a while. The tea Dusk had made for a great accompaniment! Then, their host started to feel uneasy. He hadn’t left the house in two days.

“Do you guys wanna go to the park?” he asked the two who looked at him with tarts in their mouths. “I could use the fresh air,” he explained.

“Sure,” Scarlet said. “Moonie?”

“Okay,” she replied.

“Great! You could use the fresh air anyway,” Dusk smirked.

“What’s that? You don’t want your armor? Okay.”

“No! I’m sorry!” He repeatedly poked her with a hoof as he hid his fangs again.

Scarlet laughed and got up to leave. She was followed suit by the aunt and nephew. The trio walked through the streets and the sun was getting lower and lower. There was still ample amount of light to warrant a walk in the park, but they’d better head home soon or they’ll have to walk around at night. Something they’d rather not do with word of the Purifiers being around.

Mythic Moon let Golden Dusk take the lead and she walked beside Scarlet Gem a few paces behind her nephew.

“So, you’ve been visiting my nephew for the last few days?” she asked nonchalantly.

Scarlet sputtered. “What makes you think that?”

“Well, he did mention that you were ‘late.’”

She felt heat rise up to her cheeks. “Yes… I’ve been visiting him for about a week now…” she admitted,

Mythic hummed. “I suppose it’s normal to care for your teammate and friend when they are recovering,” she said before smirking. “Something tells me that there’s more to it than that though.”

“W-what makes you say that?” she stuttered.

“The fact that you’re blushing almost as much as I coup myself up in my room,” she deadpanned and gestured to Scarlet’s face.

“I… damnit,” she cursed. Good thing Golden Dusk didn’t mind the two walking behind him.

Mythic laughed. “Not to mention the way you reacted earlier.”

“I…” Scarlet didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry.”

“What for?” She asked, bemused.

“You probably don’t want-”

“I didn’t say that,” she interjected. “In fact, I’m kind of happy about it.”


Mythic sighed. “Look, you two have known each other for almost a decade. Not to mention, you seem to enjoy each other’s company,” she explained. “If you want to, I’m not stopping you. I trust that you’re able to take care of Goldie,” she smiled.

Scarlet fell silent for a moment before saying, “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet, you’ve still got to catch him,” she chuckled.

Scarlet groaned. “Stupid stallion won’t even respond to my teasing,” she complained.

“Oh trust me,” Mythic began with a smirk, “he may act like he doesn’t care, but I bet he’s thinking about it in reality.” She glanced at her nephew.


“Mhm.” She leaned in closer to her. “If you succeed, you’ll see a side of him you’re really going to love.”

“Huh?” Scarlet looked confused.

“I’m not telling~” Mythic sang.

She pouted but paid no mind. She then bumped into Golden Dusk who looked like he was in a daze.

“Ah! Goldie, what’s wrong?” Scarlet asked. Mythic was standing beside him, staring at something.

Golden Dusk pointed to an alleyway. She let her gaze follow to where his hoof was pointing and she stared as well.

On a wall, a symbol of fire was drawn onto it. In the fire, different names of ponies that were members of the major noble houses were scribbled. There were small envelopes attached to the wall as well. On the top of the fire, it read ‘Purifiers.’

Scarlet walked closer, pulled off an envelope, and opened it. Dusk and his aunt stood beside her as they skimmed it.

“It’s… about Blueblood’s family,” Dusk whispered.

“They treat their maids and butlers like trash,” Scarlet scowled. “This one was written by one of them.”

“We need to tell Celestia…” Mythic said.

“They aren’t taking action yet. It might just be some-” Dusk was cut off when he saw his aunt point at something.

At the bottom of the fire, there was a drawing of a pile of wood that fueled it. Written onto it was, ‘We begin on the next full moon. Then, we shall be rid of this plague. If you so desire to aid us, we shall will be at the place where the land's beauty relies on the moon.’

“Oh no…” Scarlet quietly said.

“When’s the next full moon?!” Dusk almost shouted.

“We’re going to the castle.” Mythic’s horn flared as the three disappeared in a white flash.


In the throne room, a dark blue alicorn sat atop her throne. She had a slow time at the night court that evening… just like every single one. She sighed as she put down a small pile of papers onto a table to her side.

She then stood up when a white flash appeared on the other side of the room. Her horn lit up in case it was an intruder.

Golden Dusk, Scarlet Gem, and Mythic Moon tumbled onto the floor and were an entanglement of limbs.

“Hey, Princess Luna,” Dusk groaned as he got up from the pile.

Luna chuckled as the glow on her horn faded. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Guardians?”

The three then looked around the room in a panic.

“Relax, ‘tis only us here,” she reassured them and glanced at another thestral in the room who nodded.

Scarlet got up. “Uh, is your sister still awake?” she asked.

Luna pouted. “Very well, t’would seem we are unneeded. We shall send for her immediately.”

“Wait! No! We need both of you!” she cried.

“I jest, Scarlet Gem,” she grinned. “Nightingale, kindly send for my sister at once,” she said to her batpony aide.

“Yes, princess.” The thestral melted into the shadows and out of sight.

Dusk whistled. “Teach me sometime?” He gave the best pleading eyes he could to the princess of the night.

“Unfortunately, only purebloods can learn such a skill,” she said. “Besides, I believe you have much more effective tactics than that.”

He sighed and nodded.

Surprisingly, Mythic Moon was the last to recover. “We’re at the castle, right?” she asked in a slur.

“Princess, may we present to you, the Warlock.” Scarlet and Dusk bowed and Luna giggled.

“Oh, shut up you two.” Mythic groaned. “Teleporting after not sleeping in…” she trailed off thoughtfully.

“I’m not even surprised that she doesn’t know,” Dusk deadpanned.

“Me neither,” Scarlet nodded.

Gold flashed as Princess Celestia teleported to the throne beside her sister’s.

“Good evening, sister, Specialists,” she greeted them.

“Good evening, Tia,” the four ponies said in unison.

“So, you three needed us?” Luna asked.

The three ponies stood in one line formally.

“Yes, princesses,” Dusk confirmed.

“We’ve reason to believe that the Purifiers are making their move.” Scarlet glanced at Mythic.

The two princesses listened with blank faces.

The unicorn nodded. “This evening, we came across their graffiti. It said, and I quote, ‘We begin on the next full moon. Then, we shall be rid of this plague. If you so desire to aid us, we shall will be at the place where the land's beauty relies on the moon.’”

The two rulers’ eyes widened.

Dusk stepped forward and asked, “When’s the next full moon, princess?”

“T’would be about… two months from now.”

“Can’t you make it a longer time?”

Luna shook her head. “The moon is its own magic entity. I merely draw power from it and can move it, as can my sister.” She nodded at Celestia. “The different phases are out of my control. I only learned of their pattern and can estimate when each one will occur,” she explained.

Scarlet sighed. “How about the other statement? Where is the place where 'the land's beauty relies on the moon.'”

The five ponies looked up and hummed thoughtfully.

“The lunar park?” Mythic suggested. “Its got plants that bloom at night, nocturnal animals, and the small lake is really clear.”

“Ah, the Lunar Park at its finest,” Luna nodded.

“I can’t think of any other place that could match the description,” Dusk admitted.

“Me too.” Scarlet sighed.

“Very well, we shall have our guards scout the area,” Luna said.

“I do not think that’s favorable, sister.” Celestia shook her head. “If they find out that we have got a lead, for sure, they will change locations.”

“How about Scarlet and I check it out?” Dusk offered. “We already go outside every now and then, I doubt it’ll be suspicious.”

Scarlet blushed lightly and looked away while the two princesses raised their brows and his aunt smirked. Dusk titled his head.

“That is acceptable.” Celestia nodded.

“Agreed,” Luna said.

“As long as you two stay safe and look out for each other, okay?” Mythic Moon hugged the two younger ponies.

“Yes, Moonie.”

“Yes, Aunt Moonie.”

She gave them another squeeze before letting them go. Celestia and Luna had gotten up from their throne and stood in front of the two specialists with Mythic to their side.

“Specialist Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem, you are to go undercover and scout the lunar park for more information about the Purifiers.” Celestia stated.

“Do you accept?” Luna asked.

“Specialist Golden Dusk, ‘Hunter,’ accepts.”

“Specialist Scarlet Gem, ‘Valkyrie,’ accepts.”

The two princesses nodded and smiled.

“Remember to stay safe,” Tia said.

“Have each other’s backs,” Luna added.

The specialists nodded, and Dusk laughed. “It’s only been a week and I’ve already got a mission, huh?” he mused.

“You could’ve said ‘I refuse’ but you didn’t” Scarlet bumped him with a shoulder.

Dusk shrugged. “I’m a Specialist, what can you do about it?”

She giggled. “True, true.”

“Oh, Scarlet,” Mythic began, “does your Scarlet Flux need any tuning?” She looked at her necklace.

Scarlet shook her head. “It’s alright, I got it covered.”

Mythic pouted. “Fine, okay.”

Celestia and Luna laughed.

“Relax, Warlock, instead of tuning, why not create?” Luna suggested.

She immediately beamed. “Brilliant!” She shouted before disappearing in a flash.

“Great, now she’ll be in there for another week,” Dusk deadpanned. “She didn’t even say bye…”

Mythic then flashed back and gave the four ponies a big hug.

“Stay safe, bye!” Then she was gone once again.

Dusk sat still, dumbfounded. “Eh, I’ll take it,” he shrugged.

Tia hugged Dusk and Scarlet. “I’ll say it again, do stay safe,” she said softly.

“I second my sister.” Luna hugged them as well.

The two ponies looked at each other and shrugged.

“We’ll be safe, don’t worry.” Dusk replied.

“The only danger we’ll face is Dusk getting a coltfriend,” Scarlet added slyly.

The Royal Sisters looked at each other, bemused. It was true that Golden Dusk resembled a mare…

“You’re not gonna live that down are you?” Dusk asked blankly.

She hummed in thought. “Give it a couple of months,” she smiled.

Dusk groaned as the two sisters laughed and let go of the pair.

“Very well, it is getting late, the two of you should head home.” Luna said.

“Would you like a quick teleport?” Celestia offered.

Dusk looked at Scarlet. “My house or yours?”

“Yours,” Scarlet replied. “I can fly home quickly anyway.”

“Okay, you heard her Tia.” He looked back to the solar princess with a thankful nod.

Celestia’s horn glowed. “Have a good evening you two.”

“You too, Tia, Luna,” the two echoed before they disappeared.

The Royal Sisters remained silent for a moment. Nightingale stood quietly beside Luna's throne, taking note of the Guardian's report. The night princess proceeded to nudge her sister with a hoof.

“Shall we place a bet on which one of them will initiate the relationship?” Luna asked.

“We are not even sure whether it will happen or not.” Tia raised a brow.

“You have seen Scarlet Gem’s actions earlier.”

She hummed in thought. “Very well, fifty bits on Scarlet.”


Dusk and Scarlet reappeared at the front door of his house. The cool evening air blew across their faces. The moon started to rise and the sun had already set. Fewer ponies roamed the streets that were illuminated by street lamps.

“Well, this day has been interesting.” Dusk turned to face Scarlet.

“Yep,” Scarlet agreed. “I should go, I still need to make food for myself. You’ll live on those tarts right?”

“Yeah, don’t worry. Thanks for coming over everyday by the way,” he smiled. “It’s been fun.”

She blushed lightly. “Can’t leave you alone now can I? It’s what friends do.”

Dusk nodded. “Well, I shouldn’t hold you up. See you tomorrow?”

“See you tomorrow,” Scarlet smiled and took off, leaving Dusk alone at his house.

He walked back into his home and closed the door. The next day should be interesting...

Chapter 4 - Reconnaissance

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“Goldie! I’m here!”

Scarlet Gem stood outside Dusk’s home. Coincidentally, it was right around dusk at the time. The sun was close to setting, and the air was much cooler than it would be in the morning or afternoon. She heard a few hoofsteps from inside the house, and the door creaked open to reveal Golden Dusk with a smile on his face.

“Heya, Gem!” he chippered.

She smiled as well. “Hey, Goldie,” she replied. “Ready to go?”

“Uh, in a bit,” he said. “I just need to finish something.” He walked back into his house and motioned for Scarlet to follow.

Almost immediately, the scent of food filled her every breath.

“You cooking?” she asked as Dusk walked into the kitchen.


It wasn’t an uncommon thing for Golden Dusk to cook. She has seen him make a few dishes here and there. Scarlet walked over and leaned on the arched opening to see him in action.

He held a pan in his magic over a stove while his hooves worked on a bowl of seasonings. The pan gave off a crackling noise, indicating that something was being fried.

“What’re you making?” Scarlet approached the counter to get a better view.

“Stir-fried hay,” he chirped as he finished mixing a bowl of spices.

Scarlet looked into the bowl and mentally listed the different ingredients she saw in the bowl while Dusk was by the stove checking on the hay.

She tentatively dipped the tip of her hoof in the bowl and gave its contents a lick.

“Not bad… I see what he’s going for...” she said as she smacked her lips together. “Hey, Dusk, try adding some allspice to it,” she told her teammate.

He tilted his head but shrugged, she was a cook after all. He floated over a small container filled with the spice and added some to the mix. He then tested it with a small dip of his hoof before his eyes widened.

Scarlet smirked. “Better, right?”

Dusk nodded slowly and immediately added the entirety of the mix into the pan. The scent of the spices being added filled the house.

“It even smells the same…” he thought to himself. “Could this really be…”

She gave a curious look to Dusk but waited for a few moments for the hay to be cooked. She stood idly at the side of the counter as she let the sizzling sounds fill her eyes. Neither pony spoke, a rare occurrence for the pair.

A few moments passed by and the food was done. Dusk levitated the pan and tilted it to place the hay onto a sizable serving bowl. He used tongs to serve himself and Scarlet a plate. The two sat down by the table and took a bite.

Scarlet hummed in approval. “Pretty good… if I didn’t know better, I’d say a three-hoof restaurant made this.” She swallowed.

Dusk… was in a trance. His eyes remained wide and the spoon was still in his mouth. Scarlet raised a brow as she looked at him.

“Goldie, I get that it’s good, but is it really-”

“It tastes the same,” he said in a whisper.

“The same as what?”

“It tastes the same…” His eyes started to water as he took another bite of it.

Scarlet wore a look of worry on her face as she walked to stand beside where Dusk sat.

“What’re you saying?” she asked softly.

Dusk gulped as a tear flowed down his cheek. “I’ve… I’ve been trying to recreate my mom’s recipe,” he said shakily as he took another spoonful.

She gasped lightly as Dusk’s emotions started to take over. His fangs and ear tips grew out and his eyes became slitted as well. He gently put his spoon down and stood up and hugged Scarlet tightly. Her back started to feel slightly moist.

“Th-thank you,” Dusk stuttered. “Thank you so much!”

Scarlet hugged him back just as tight, her own tears forming around her eyes. Dusk sniffled on occasion as he just let his tears flow. It had been almost a decade since he’d tasted that dish. It reminded him of what his home once was… the warmth, the comfort… the love.

… and the pain. How an occasion filled with his and their joy turned into one of pure anguish.

He was about to relive that moment again, but Dusk managed to calm down and breathed shakily. “We should probably finish up and get going, huh?”

Scarlet wiped away her tears. “Yup,” she agreed.

The two sat down and finished their meal, Dusk still in his thestral form. Whenever his emotions were out of his control, he’d shift back to it. It’s an indicator to his friends that he was really really emotional.

It also told them when to be cautious whenever he was angry.

Four of the Guardians had an unspoken agreement. Valkyrie, Titan ,Berserker, and Warlock agreed that whenever Hunter and Maestro were mad, they’d either take a step back and let them vent, or stop them from having any… casualties.

Dusk put the dishes in the sink for later. Scarlet made her way outside and was now standing by the sidewalk. He walked to the door, took one glance back to a picture on the bookshelf, smiled, and closed the door. He turned to face Scarlet but had to shield his eyes with a leg as the sun’s rays shined brightly, despite it already starting to set.

“Shall we?” Dusk approached Scarlet who smiled.

She hummed an agreement, and the pair made their way through the streets of Canterlot once more.

Their mission is supposedly simple. Just walk around the park as if you were a normal visitor, and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. Though, it is usually missions like these that have the most complications. While both ponies were more than ready for any conflict, it would compromise their identities and the fact that the Royal Guard was onto them.

Speaking of identities...

Golden Dusk glanced around to see if anypony was looking. He nudged Scarlet with a hoof before his horn glowed and his magic flowed onto the both of them. The magic covered both of their bodies completely, and once it had disappeared, the two ponies that had a little intervention session with the Royal Guard stood in their place.

“Just in case,” Dusk whispered and Scarlet nodded.

The Purifiers were still mostly a mystery to them so they’d have to take the necessary precautions. Other than their intentions, their numbers, firepower, and their plans were a completely blank page. .

“So, what’s the plan?” Scarlet asked.

“Well, I was thinking of maybe just to sit on a bench for a while or walk around just to scout the area,” he said. “The less we act like we’re looking for something, the better,” he nodded.

Scarlet hummed in thought. “And if we see anything suspicious?”

“Investigate.” They made a left turn and he continued, “We should avoid confrontations though.”

“What happened to the bravado last week?” she teased.

Dusk rolled his eyes. “You should know by now that unless it’s in a controlled environment, I’d rather not get into a fight.”

“I know, I know. So, we just have to act ‘normal,’ right?”

“Yep! Shame, we might run into some complications,” he sighed.

Scarlet glared at the unicorn. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing!” he said quickly as they approached the park’s entrance.

Small, metal fences surrounded the park’s area. Lavish greenery accompanied by different flowers gave it so much more color. A playground was built on one side, while opposite to it was a small lake. The sunset reflected off its water, and birds sang their tunes.

Dusk sat down comfortable on the bench and took in the view and Scarlet sat next to him. A feeling of serenity washed over the two, and a cool breeze passed by.

“It’s beautiful, huh?” Scarlet murmured, leaning closer to Dusk.

“Yeah…” he whispered as he felt a small amount of heat rise to his cheeks.

“Though, I heard it’s much more beautiful at night,” Dusk added.

“Mhm,” she agreed. She leaned in closer and whispered, “Don’t let the view distract you from our mission.”

He felt a bit cheeky and smirked. “Which? You or the sunset?”

Scarlet stared at him for a moment before blushing and looking away.

Dusk laughed. “Calm down, I’m teasing.”

“So… you’re saying that I’m…” She was tempted to fly away.

“Yes, I think you’re pretty.” He rolled his eyes. “C’mon take the compliment.” He nudged her with a hoof.

“Thanks,” she murmured and unfurled her wings to hide behind them.

He shook his head and smiled. He had finally one-upped her. Though, he couldn’t understand the slight flutter in his stomach.

Dusk looked back to where the sun was setting, and only saw its rays poking out by the horizon. It was almost time…

Well, if Scarlet could calm down then they could continue.

“Gem, you good?” he asked playfully.

Scarlet lowered her wings with only a slightly pink hue to her cheeks. “Yeah, I’m good.”

Dusk chuckled and got up. “Let’s check the playground.”

She stood up as well and they followed a path to the playground. A stone path circled the main part of it. Outside the circle, wood chairs and tables lined it, this was where the parents would usually stay to have idle chatter and keep an eye on their children. Two slides were connected by a small bridge. One of them was a swirl, and the other was straight all the way down. A seesaw took up a space to it’s side, and there were a few tic-tac-toe games too. Some swings were placed by the trees and gave shade to anyone who would use them.

Golden Dusk walked to the slide and climbed the small stairs. He stood behind where the swirly slide was and looked out to Scarlet who was still on the ground. Though the height difference was not much, just a few feet.

Dusk sat down on the slide and slid down, giving off an amused squeal as he reached the bottom.

“What are you, five?” Scarlet teased.

“Oh, shush and let me have my fun,” he impishly chided her as he stood up.

She too decided she’d give it a go. She flapped her wings and gently flew to the top of the slide. To her amusement, it looked higher than it did when she was on the ground. She positioned herself on the slide and let gravity do the work. She slid down to the bottom and giggled but stopped when she saw Dusk smirking at the bottom.

“Having fun, little gem?” His grin would be seen by even a blind pony.

Scarlet scoffed. “No,” she denied and stood on four legs.

“Sure, sure.” He bumped her with a shoulder. “C’mon the seesaw’s free!” He bolted for said contraption.

She rolled her eyes with a smile and followed suit. It’d take seeing Celestia not eating cake for a day for her to admit she was having fun.

Dusk sat down on an adequately sized seesaw and balanced it for Scarlet to take a seat on the other end.

“Ready?” he asked cheerily.

She nodded and grinned.

He let gravity take over as he lowered onto the grass and Scarlet went up. He kicked off the ground and they found themselves in the opposite of where they were at. They continued to go up and down, Dusk laughed whenever he reached the highest point.

“Whew!” He wiped off some sweat from his brow. “Look! The sun’s gone!”

“Tired already?”

Dusk huffed. “No! I’m just… perspiring?” he countered weakly.

Scarlet giggled and stood up. “C’mon, we still gotta check the other places.”

He sighed and almost begrudgingly left the seesaw.

The moon shone brightly now. Owls flew around the park and their hoots resounded throughout the woody areas. They passed by glowing flowers as they walked by the paths. Each one glowing their respective colors. Red, yellow, blue, and others luminated the ground.

“It really is beautiful,” Dusk murmured without stopping in his step.

Scarlet nodded with a smile as they continued to walk around the park.

“Have you seen anything?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No, nothing yet.” She turned to look around a dark corner.

“Yeah, definitely nothing,” she confirmed.

Then, Dusk’s ears twitched and he glanced to his left. Had he heard something?

“Wait a moment.” His disguise shifted and his ears suddenly had much more acute hearing.

He heard rustling in the foliage, the kind that grass would make if somepony were to walk on it!

“In the trees!” he whispered.

Golden Dusk silently made his way to the edge of the greenery. The flowers only grew by the path, so it would be pretty hard to spot him in the dark. Scarlet Gem flew to the branches, her wing flaps barely having any sound.

They both stopped to see two hooded ponies speaking to one another in a small clearing. They wore what seemed to be raincoats, and their race wasn’t identifiable. Neither were unicorns for sure, however,

“I cannot believe that we are being told to wait here,” one of them grumbled. “Who would we even find that would want to join us?”

“Do not complain, we were ordered to wait for recruits here.” The other one made themselves look bigger.

Dusk and Scarlet stayed silent and watched from the shadows.

The first one sighed. “Yes, yes, I know… though, who would even think to look here?”

The sounds of leaves rustling caught all the four ponies’ attention. They turned to see an mauve pegasus slowly walk towards them.

“Um… excuse me?” She hid behind her blue mane, barely covering her purple eyes. “Are you the Purifiers?”

The Purifier members smiled and approached her steadily.

“That, we are,” both chuckled.

Her wings fluttered slightly. “Well, I’d like to join your ‘cause,’” she smiled rather darkly.

One of them nodded. “Very well. However, there still is a recruitment process.”

“We will give you your part depending on your specialities.”

Dusk tilted his ear towards them.

“Well, I am a maid of the Blueblood house,” she said. “Are names a requirement?”

“Of course, how rude of us.”

Both ponies took off their hoods to reveal a grey pony, and the other was khaki.

“Quick Clean,” the khaki one said.

“Rock Steady,” the grey pony nodded.

The maid smiled and introduced herself, “Lotus Mist.”

“Okay then, Lotus,” Quick Clean started, “we’ll take you back to our leader and get you acquainted with the rest.”

“Are we not going to wait for more?” Rock Steady asked.

Quick turned to look at Lotus. “Have you seen anypony else?”

She shook her head. “None.”

That said, he let Rock Steady begrudgingly climb onto his back and a pair of wings cane out from under his coat and started flapping.

“Maybe you should lay off on the cake?”

“I am not that heavy!”

Lotus giggled, were they really going to overthrow the nobles?

The three took off into the sky, leaving the two spies down at the ground.

Dusk walked out calmly into the clearing from some bushes. He looked to his upper right, exactly where Scarlet was hiding within the trees.

Their disguises broke when she stepped onto the branches. “Tail them?” she asked.

He shook his head. “You might get noticed.”

She huffed. “Please, I can take care of myself.”

Dusk hopped up onto the branch she was standing on. “I know, but getting into a fight right now won’t help us in any way.”

Scarlet thought about it for a moment. If she goes after the trio, they might find their base of operations. They raid that, take out their leader, and the threat is gone!

...or so she thought.

She factored in the fact that probably not all the Purifiers would be gathered there at night. If she would take down most or some of them, the others might just regroup somewhere else. They do that, then they also know that the Guard is onto them.

“Okay.” She sighed. “We have some names at least.”

Dusk smiled. “Exactly. We give the princesses the names and they can ask some ponies to go through some files.”

The two left the park with haste, they had what they needed.


“Are you certain of this information, Scarlet Gem?”

Princess Luna, for the second night in a row, sat atop her throne and listened to what the Guardians had to say. Her aide, Nightingale, took note of the confidential information the Hunter and Valkyrie gave.

“Yes, princess,” Scarlet confirmed. She stood formally in front of the Night Princess.

Luna nodded. “Very well. Nightingale, relay the names of these ponies to Captain Shining Armor.”

“At once, “ the formally-attired thestral said before disappearing into the shadows again.

Dusk stood beside Scarlet as she spoke with the princess in much clearer detail of what they saw. He, on the other hoof, was contemplating on how easy it was. The graffiti, though slightly obscure, gave them the hint they needed to find them. Not to mention, the way that the two Purifiers they saw weren’t on edge at all times. He doubted that anypony would be like that in their situation.

As the Hunter, he always liked to gather information about his ‘prey’ before engaging. This… this was far too easy…

“— we might be able to see them again tomorrow evening,” he heard Scarlet finish.

Princess Luna was about to reply but was stopped by Dusk saying, “This was too easy…”

The two other ponies in the room looked to him quizzically.

“Think about it,” he said. “Even though the propaganda we saw didn’t have the most obvious information, I doubt anypony with even half of their brain would hand out clues like that so freely.”

“Not only that, neither of the Purifiers we saw were on guard when we were there.” He turned his gaze to Scarlet. “Not to mention, we most likely would’ve seen Lotus Mist enter the park and how they resorted to flying so freely.”

Luna tapped her chin with a hoof. “A valid point, Golden Dusk. However, what of their names?”

“What do you mean?”

“They spoke of their names freely, yes?” At Dusk’s nod, she continued, “What do you make of that?”

He hummed for a moment before saying, “Maybe they’re planning to frame us?”

“Frame us, how?” Scarlet inquired.

“If the guard takes action and questions them, then most likely word will spread about noble houses being suspicious of ‘common’ ponies.” He looked back to Luna. “Their comrades could easily twist that gossip into far more harmful words.”

At Scarlet’s look of confusion he added, “They could so easily say that ‘the nobles are always suspicious of us ‘common’ ponies,’ or something of the sort. Basically, dragging down and bad mouthing the Guard, and princesses at the same time, and to justify the need for ‘purification.”

Luna nodded. “Your input has been taken note of, Golden Dusk.” She gestured to Nightingale who was back somehow.

He flatly stared at her aide. “Good to know that he’d be able to get past me.”

Despite what many ponies might think, magic is present in every single one of them. It merely manifests in their own unique ways. For earthponies, their magic can manipulate trees and plants to produce fruit and grow at a much faster rate. For pegasi, they are able to control the weather to some extent, as well as walk on clouds. The unicorns have the purest form of magic, as their horns can control it directly.

Golden Dusk held pride in being able to sense the magic signature of different creatures. He’d be able to tell if a spell was being casted, or if magic was being manipulated. So, of course, when Nightingale reappeared without him sensing it... his ego took a small hit.

Luna laughed. “It is because the Shadow Form is not a magic ability, it is something that pureblooded thestrals are capable of doing. Akin to yours or Scarlet’s, though in a more natural way.”

Nightingale nodded and fixed his tie. “Princess, Captain Shining Armor has received the message. He says he’ll look into it when his schedule is free.”

“What could keep him from helping us at a time like this.” She raised a brow.

He rolled his eyes. “A simple answer, princess. His wife.

Luna’s eyes widened before she shook her head. “Of course, I had forgotten he was on vacation.

Dusk and Scarlet laughed. “We could always ask somepony else to do it,” she offered.

She shook her head. “Nay, ‘tis a job for our highest ranking guards. Maestro is busy with the orchestra, Berserker and Titan should be due to return anytime soon, and Warlock…” she trailed off and let them fill in the blanks.

The Guardians facehooved. “Creating,” they uttered at the same time.

“Apologies, t’was my fault.” She wore a sheepish grin and Nightingale chuckled.

“Don’t worry about it, Luna,” Dusk reassured her.

Scarlet added, “Whatever she’s up to will probably benefit all of us anyway.”

Whenever Mythic Moon, also known as the Warlock, would stay in her room for days or weeks on end, it usually meant she’s found something to improve on. It can be their gear, magic techniques, or plain technology everypony can use in their day to day lives. Dusk’s armor alone took her a week, and with a brilliant mind like hers, it was a long time for one project.

“Of course, apologies again,” Luna said. “Shall I inform Our… my sister of what transpired today?”

“If you’d be so kind, princess Luna.” Dusk bowed with a grin on his face.

Scarlet and Luna rolled their eyes. “Stand straight, Golden Dusk, otherwise I will not be allowing you to have cake in the next gala,” Luna threatened.

He gulped and stood up normally, to her amusement.

“I will inform our sister once she rises from her, as she calls it, ‘well earned and needed beauty sleep,’” she laughed.

“The Element of Generosity has rubbed off on her,” Scarlet said.

“No doubt about that,” Dusk mused.

Luna nodded and with one word of farewell, dismissed the two guards as she closed up the night court.

Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem walked out of the castle gates before realization struck the unicorn.

“We didn’t get any orders!”

Scarlet rolled her eyes. “Think of it as a day off.”

He was about to retort but he liked the sound of that.

“Yeah, I won’t complain.”


Lotus Mist stood in an alley with Quick Clean and Rock Steady at her side. The latter holding knives as if ready to strike. Her purple eyes gazed steadily to where the open streets were. Silence permeated their surroundings, as none of them dared to lose focus.

“They did not follow us,” Lotus told the two. “Not to mention, the two of them were disguised fairly well.”

They sighed and sheathed their weapons in their coats. “So we proceed with plan b?” Quick asked.

“Of course,” she confirmed. “Are the potions ready, Close Ward?”

A unicorn walked out of the shadows, a flask, filled with a substance alternating between an orange and red color, floated to her side in a green glow. “All ten batches are ready,” she said with a smirk.

She smiled. “Good, then plan b is in action.”

After all these years… she would finally have her revenge.

Chapter 5 - How about work?

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The streets of Canterlot were busy the following day. Apparently, the Canterlot Carousel was having a sale!

Scarlet Gem walked the streets with a slight pep in her step, she was in a surprisingly good mood! The morning air was so refreshing and gave her the energy to even move. She made a left turn around the block, making sure not to bump into anypony.

She was on her way to the castle. Celestia sent her a letter via magic fire and wanted to speak with her. Why, however, was not made clear to her. Maybe the Purifiers had made their move? Something about Swift Star? Or was she just getting lonely? After all, spending hours upon hours on her throne entertaining nobles and paperwork won’t do anypony’s mind any good.

She hummed in thought and kept her eyes ahead. Her necklace swayed slightly in her step.

Perhaps, Celestia had news about Titan and Berserker? It was unlike the pair to be gone for more than two weeks. Their mission was to capture, and if necessary kill, a chimera that had wandered into the borders of Manehattan.

Scarlet mentally shrugged and turned right on another block. The two were tough ponies, and more than enough to handle a chimera.

She approached the very same castle gate with a badge in her hoof. A guardspony nodded and the gate slowly opened. She nodded in thanks to the gate’s guards who saluted in response.

Scarlet entered the castle halls and made her way to the throne room. On the way, she passed by the royal kitchen and took a curious sniff of the outside of the room. The smell of what she thought was something baked, probably cake, and it had a slight tang that tickled her nose. She made a mental note of it and continued walking.

The throne room doors opened as a guard ushered her in. Princess Celestia sat on her throne with a scroll in her magic. She saw Scarlet and immediately put down the scroll and smiled.

“Hey, ‘Tia!” Scarlet greeted.

“Scarlet Gem, how have you been?” Celestia responded and went down to sit in front of her.

She shrugged. “Good, all things considered.” She sat down and continued, “How about you? Anything new?”

Celestia sighed. “Other than petty noble complaints and what you and Golden Dusk discovered last night? Nothing, really.”

She nodded. “Well, you can always call on us if you just want to talk,” she said and smiled.

The alicorn smiled back. “Yes, I know, and I am extremely grateful for you Guardians.”

Scarlet felt even better after making Celestia smile. “So, you got the news about the Purifiers?”

“Yes, and it worries me,” she answered. “Luna also told me about Golden Dusk’s input on the situation.”

“What do you think of it?” she fluttered her feathers to make herself more comfortable.

“While it is rather an unlikely method, it shouldn’t be ruled out,” she nodded. “We must act carefully if we want to end this without involving the public.”

Scarlet leaned forward. “Do the nobles know?”

Celestia sighed. “While they are very well aware of the Purifiers’ existence, they do not think that they will be able to do much to the noble houses,” she scowled slightly.

Only on rare occurrences does the sun princess show emotion. It is either amongst friends, or with her sister. However, it was very clear to Scarlet that this was neither of those.

“Well, nobles will be nobles,” Scarlet concluded. “Wanna sic a couple of guards on ‘em?” she suggested.

She laughed. “Then that would reveal that we are preparing for something.” She looked back to Scarlet and said, “I believe Golden Dusk would suggest having our marksmen watch over them instead.”

Scarlet hummed and nodded. “True, he does prefer to stay out of fights when he can.”

Princess Celestia sat straighter, indicating she would shift to a much more serious topic. “Moving on, I had summoned you here for a specific reason other than just to chat, Scarlet Gem.”

Instinctively, she too sat straighter and had the demeanor of a Royal Guard. “Yes, princess?”

“I spoke to the Warlock the other day during her,” she coughed. “... creating, and she mentioned something interesting.”

Scarlet tilted her head. “What might that be, princess?”

“Well, she was making something new and made it very clear to me that if I told any of you, she would send me to the moon,” she laughed. “Well, the topics shifted quickly to her visiting her dear nephew.”

Scarlet was able to fight down a blush. If she had told her about…

“She mentioned you being there and you making the most delicious tarts she had ever tasted,” she smiled. “Apparently, it was ‘out of this world!’”

Scratch that, she started to blush lightly now.

Her cheeriness disappeared quickly after that. “Then, she told me about you being… let go,” she frowned.

She paled immediately. She didn’t want anypony else to know…

Celestia sighed. “The nobles have been taking it too far recently. To even dismiss an extraordinary chef for having wings… how disappointing.”

She frowned as she remembered the moment she wasn’t allowed in the kitchen. Her friends there couldn’t do anything either.

The princess shook her head and smiled. “In ‘compensation’ for their actions, I would like to offer you a mission, Valkyrie.”

She stood up on four legs and so did Celestia. “Yes, princess?”

“You…” she let the tension build.

She leaned in closer to Scarlet. “Will…”

Scarlet audibly gulped in nervousness. She was a Specialist! Why was she nervous?!”

Celestia smirked and leaned back. “Work as a castle cook!” she exclaimed giddily.

Her jaws dropped. Should she accept or just stick to the average restaurants? Well, she’d be closer to ‘Tia so she’d be able to protect her better. Plus, all the things she could learn from the other cooks! With all that in mind, how could she decline?

“Valkyrie, do you accept?”

Trying to hide all the excitement in her voice, she responded, “Specialist Scarlet Gem, ‘Valkyrie,’ accepts!” she could only hold it in for so long…

The princess fought the desire, no, the need to jump around in joy. Luckily, a castle maid walked in with a small cart.

“Princess, your mid-morning snack is here,” she bowed slightly before pushing the cart to the two ponies.

Scarlet’s guard reflexes took over and she subtly stood defensively with her eyes glowing dimly. The lid was pulled off by the maid to reveal…

A three layer cake…

She chuckled to herself, she was being way too paranoid. The maid cut the cake into even slices and revealed the differently colored layers. The top being chocolate, the middle being vanilla, and the top being… orange? Was that the tang she smelled earlier? The frosting surrounding the layers was pink in color, and had some white chocolate toppings.

The maid also pulled out a plate and cutlery and set a slice of cake in front of Celestia. She gave a subtle flick of her head in Scarlet’s direction, and at her princess’ nod she smiled and gave Scarlet her own slice. The maid bowed once more, and brought the cart with her as she left.

The princess took the initiative and put a piece of cake in her mouth. She chewed for a few moments before smiling and taking another bite.

Scarlet looked slightly apprehensive. Orange… and white chocolate and strawberry? Was that even good? Slowly, she put some cake in her mouth and chewed. Yes, the slightly zesty flavor from the orange was odd but it tasted better than she’d expected. The sweetness from the strawberry blended with the tang, and the chocolate just rounded it all off. So, this was the level of the Royal Cooks?

Immediately, she took another bite of the cake and hummed in approval.

“Your thoughts?” Celestia asked with some frosting on her muzzle.

“It’s great! Not the flavor combination I expected but it’s great!” Scarlet exclaimed, her wings fluttering from the pleasant flavors.

She nodded with a smile. “I suppose you’re excited then? After all, you will be working alongside the ponies who can appease my appetite for pastries,” she said and winked.

Scarlet giggled. “Definitely!”

“I shall send you a letter one day before you start.” She put another slice of cake on her plate.

“Okay,” Scarlet mumbled with her mouth full.

Princess Celestia giggled at her antics. Very rarely did Scarlet Gem get so engrossed in another pony’s food! In this case, rather, ponies’. The two shared idle chatter while the cake was very slowly consumed by the pair. They left two dirty plates and sets of utensils on a small tray that would be picked up by a maid later on.

Celestia gave Scarlet a few more details for her ‘mission,’ and told her that she would require a resume from her, a task that she would be more than happy to accomplish.

Scarlet left the castle in an even brighter mood than before. A new job and it was as a Royal Cook? How could she not be ecstatic?!

The position of the sun indicated that it would be noon in a few hours. She doubted that she’d have anything for lunch.

They may or may not have eaten a second cake…

She chuckled and walked down the street, pondering on what to do. The resume she could do once she goes back home, though she would be incredibly bored if she went to finish it straight away. After the gathering of information she and Golden Dusk had done, they were put on hold as the royals decided on what action to take.

Maybe she could stop by Mel’s? Bother her for a bit? Nah, she wouldn’t take too kindly to somepony messing up her orchestra while they were practicing. Mythic Moon was out of the question too. Unless she desired to listen to a lecture on magic theory for the rest of the day.

Golden Dusk should also be free, so why not?

Scarlet flapped her wings and took off in the direction of Dusk’s house.


Golden Dusk was bored!

He had already reread all of his Daring Do books, rewatched the Power Ponies, and slept in later than usual!

Dusk sighed as he reclined further onto his couch. The TV played the first episode of Power Ponies again just to try and divert his attention elsewhere.

He wasn’t given any orders, and while he can appreciate some relaxation, he didn’t stock up on ‘at home entertainment’ since he’d gotten back. He planned on purchasing any new Daring Do books, and maybe a few of the later Power Ponies comics and seasons, but with recovering and the Purifiers… he couldn’t find the time.

He groaned as he rested a foreleg on his head. The TV’s sounds filled his ears and that’ll keep him busy for a while.

His mind wandered into the previous days. Purifiers and their suspicious behaviors, coming back from Klugetown, seeing his friends again, and the last ingredient that Scarlet had—

Dusk sighed and sat up straight. His horn glowed and the picture on the shelf levitated into his hooves. He held the frame with care that one would give to the most precious gems. It was so valuable to him, he’d probably give up anything just to keep it safe.

He looked to the purple mare’s smile, the silver stallion’s amused face, and a younger Dusk’s own smile that came from his mane being ruffled. A small hint of pain shot through his chest, it’d been so long. Had he not moved on yet?

A simple, simple trip. That’s all it took for them to…

Tears threatened to fill his gold eyes as a wistful smile crossed his face. He trailed a hoof on the glass cover of the picture and his body shook slightly. An idle hoof ran through his chest.

Vacation, that’s what they called it. A way to unwind from all the Canterlot drama. Excitement filled their days for a while… then pain. The pain of loss, the flood of anger, it still troubled him to this day. Such emotions that he feels can only be held in for so long.

A tear ran down his cheek as his eyes changed and fang grew. A fickle thing, emotions are, it took so much to blind him from all rational thought.

He looked down onto the silver and gold band on his left foreleg. If only he had been stronger...

Dusk remembered… screams. Screams of fear, distraught, disorder, and pain. Small explosions filled his head, and the TV didn’t help either. The sounds of magic being shot, the grunted cries of ponies protecting each other. If only… if only that gosh darned Que—

His head quickly turned to the door as he heard a few knocks resound from it. Quickly, he put back the frame into its original spot, wiped away that single tear, and hid his fangs and eyes. He slowly approached the door and felt Scarlet Gem’s magic signature on the other side.

“I’m such a hypocrite…” He mentally punched himself and put on the best smile he could manage.

Dusk opened the door to see a cheerful Scarlet Gem waiting for him.

“Hey, Goldie, you busy?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Nah, pretty bored actually. Come in!” He stepped aside and let her in.

Scarlet Gem entered his house and her ears were immediately greeted by the sound of the Power Ponies show. Amused, she sat down on the couch and was followed by Golden Dusk.

“So, you’re in a pretty good mood today,” he said as he sat down beside her.

She nodded her head with a huge smile on her face. “Good— no, great news!”

Dusk leaned in closer with a raised brow.

She clapped her hooves together. “I got a new job!” she exclaimed and bounced slightly on the couch.

He smiled. “Really? Where?” It was good to know she’s in a better mood now.

“The Royal Kitchen!” she squealed.

Dusk recoiled. That… that would explain why she’s so giddy.

“Really?” he asked in slight disbelief. “I thought they didn’t accept anypony unless…”

He trailed off and Scarlet smirked. They didn’t accept anypony unless…

“... unless you’re recommended by a chef or hired by the princesses themselves,” he whispered. “So, ‘Tia’s finally recognized your skills?”

Scarlet giggled at how Celestia found out about how good she was at cooking. “I guess you could say that.”

Dusk tilted his head and shrugged. It was probably a weird story. His horn glowed and he got a carton of orange juice from the fridge, and procured the two of them glasses. He poured them both a glass and the two took a sip of their drink.

“So, Goldie,” Scarlet started after she set her glass down onto the coffee table, “what’s got you kind of quiet today?”

He froze with his glass held to his muzzle. Slowly, he put the glass onto the table and sighed. “Nothing, really.”

She didn’t believe him. “Look, I can tell something’s got you in an off mood, are you sure it really is nothing?”

He stayed silent for a good few seconds. “I just… it really is nothing…”

Scarlet sighed. “Well, I'm here if you need somepony to talk to,” she said softly and gave him a one-legged hug.

Dusk leaned into her embrace. “Thank you… but… I’m not ready to share yet.”

She nodded with a smile. “As I said, I’m here if ever, and so are our other friends.”

He didn’t know how to express his gratitude. His teammates had been his friends for a good amount of time already. They all were like… like family.

“Thank you,” he whispered with a light sniffle.

Scarlet gave him a small nuzzle before leaning back. “Y’know… maybe you should get a job,” she suggested.

He raised a brow. “Me. A job?”

She rolled her eyes. “Well, it’d be better than sitting around here all day, sulking, and being bored to death.”

“While I can see your point, what would I even do?”

She tapped her chin with a hoof. “What do you enjoy?”

“My hobbies include reading, a bit of cooking, and checkers,” he snickered.

She frowned. “What can you do as a job?

The two ponies went silent as they pondered on what Dusk could do as a side job. While it is not necessarily required, it’s always nice to have something to do away from missions.

“Maybe you could be a castle worker?” Scarlet suggested. “You did a pretty good job with cleaning your house after all.”

Dusk pictured it in his mind. Him walking around the castle and doing different assigned tasks. Cleaning windows, sweeping rooms, maybe even bringing food to the ambassadors of other nations! Sounded like a bit fun, until he thought about some downsides.

Well, first of all he would have to take off his hoodie, which is something he’d never do for… reasons. Second, the nobles and their snooty attitude would be irritating to deal with on an almost daily basis.

Dusk snorted. “One, you helped me with the chores, and two, I’d rather not be looked down on by the nobles.”

Scarlet sighed. “Well, so much for that.”

More silence… and then an idea crossed his mind.

“D’ya know what the lab assistants do?” he inquired.

She shuddered, an unpleasant memory had sprung up. “Yes, and I’m not gonna tell you how I know, but they mostly just make sure everything’s in order and that nothing blows up. Which is pretty inevitable if you ask me.”

He shrugged, his aunt probably did something. He imagined him walking around with a lab coat over his hoodie, and working with Mythic Moon. Different experiments, creations, and so many different things to tinker with!

Although, he’d have to deal with the technical side of things. While he is no stranger to math, science, and magic theory, he didn’t find them the most thrilling things to discuss on a technical level. Plus, his aunt would probably give lectures while she’s working.

“Never mind, not for me.” He took another sip of his juice.

Scarlet groaned and planted a hoof on her head. “Then what will you do?”

“Stay at home, laze around, read a couple of books, and sleep the day away?” he offered.

Dusk effectively dodged a small but strong gust of wind sent his way. He looked behind him and saw a small dent on the wall. Slowly, he turned back to see Scarlet with a wing pointed at said dent, her eyes glowing scarlet, and an irritated look on her face.

“One way or another, we’re gonna find you a job,” she basically growled. Her wing folded back to her sides and her eyes reverted back to normal.

He gulped, he didn’t want to make her mad. “Okay, okay, but I really have no idea what to do.”

“Well, so far the ones we’ve thought of both were related to the castle,” she sighed. “Maybe you actually wanna work there?”

He hummed in thought. “Maybe… though I really don’t want to deal with the nobles.”

“How about being an assistant working directly under the princesses?” She poured herself another glass of juice. “Not exactly the most thrilling job but there’s a lower chance of the nobles being all snooty to you.”

“True… though don’t I already work directly under them?” he joked.

Scarlet laughed. “Well I do too, don’t I? Yet, I’ve got another job technically directly under them.”

“Well, what do they do though?”

“Something similar to Raven and Nightingale most likely. You probably won’t be dealing with paperwork at least, since they’ve already got that covered.”

Dusk thought about it for a moment. Being near Celestia or Luna at all times will let him keep an eye on them. Plus, they’re always up for a good conversation!

He pictured him in a fancy suit standing at the bottom of the throne room stairs. He’d most likely help either of the other aides with handling the paperwork and schedules. Not the most thrilling, but he’d at least have something to do. He has also seen Raven and Nightingale enjoying tea with the princesses.

Though… the paperwork was something he’d absolutely hate doing. Why can’t he just find a job similar to being a Specialist? Emerald Melody and her enigmatism was to blame. Though, he understands where she’s coming from.

Dusk’s eyes widened as he came to a realization. Specialists… assistants… Royal Guard…

Undercover guard?

“I’ve got an idea…” he said to Scarlet.

“What is it?” She tilted her head.

“How about being an undercover guard?” he suggested. “I’d maybe play the role of a butler or something, be near Celestia or Luna, and I can do something other than be here all day.”

She smiled softly. “Now we’re getting somewhere. You sure you want something like that?”

“I do like being near friends and undercover is something I can definitely do.” He nodded.

“We’ll just have to ask the princesses if they’ll entertain you,” she said.

“Yeah… think they’d wanna deal with me?”

She stood up and headed for the door. “Let’s find out!”

Dusk stared at the mare who began to walk out his door at this very moment, processing what she just said.

“Wait, right now?!


The two princesses sat on their thrones once more. Scarlet Gem had called for the both of them… and for a reason that was not related to her job as a Specialist. An odd occurrence for the mare.

Adjacent to them, Golden Dusk sat down with an embarrassed aura coming off of him. Scarlet Gem stood to his side with much more confidence and readiness.

“So, princesses, you’re both probably wondering why I had requested for your attention, right?”

Celestia and Luna nodded slowly.

The sun princess said, “Scarlet Gem, if this is about your—”

“Actually, it’s not about mine,” Scarlet cut her off. “It’s about his.” She pointed at the pony sitting on the floor.

Golden Dusk shuffled in his place as the gaze of the princesses were turned to him.

“I… u-um…” Dusk stuttered and failed to find the words to explain the situation.

He… was never early good at asking for things from friends. He can shamelessly ask for help if he really needs it, or ask for a few small favors here and there. However, if it’s about something as big as asking for work…

Not exactly a strong point of his.

“Would you kindly explain why our Hunter is acting in such a way?” A bemused Luna told Scarlet.

“Ah, well, I thought that since I’ve gotten a new… assignment, maybe Goldie should get one too,” she said before smiling sheepishly. “I might have been a bit pushy…”

Dusk coughed and stood up beside Scarlet. “You weren’t pushy… I’m just… kinda embarrassed that I’m asking y’know…” He waved a hoof in the direction of the princesses. “... them for that.”

“What would you have to be embarrassed for, Golden Dusk?” Celestia inquired.

“Well, I was hoping if I could…” He took a deep breath and the two royal sisters leaned in closer with one of their brows raised.

“... if I could maybe work as one of your butlers?” he said in speeds only Wonderbolts would be able to manage.

Celestia and Luna stared at him with wide eyes for a moment. The anticipation and anxiety crawled up Dusk’s spine as he waited. Then, the two rulers started to laugh quite loudly.

“Oh my... sweet Celestia…” Princess Celestia used an expression that had her in it.

“Thou were scared to ask us of that?” Luna followed up.

The sun princess stopped laughing and smiled softly. “Are you sure you would want a position as a butler? It might not be what you think.”

Dusk rubbed the back of his head with a hoof. “Well, I was pretty keen on the idea of a sort of undercover guard playing the role of a butler… so yeah, I’m pretty sure I can do something like that.”

“Now the real question is…” Scarlet trailed off after her own fit of giggles.

“Which princess will you serve?” Celestia and Luna said at the same time.

Well, he hadn’t thought about that. “Honestly? I don’t know. And don’t ask me to choose, because I don’t wanna be banished to the sun or the moon.”

Celestia giggled and was about to speak up. However, she was stopped by a blue flash beside her and behind Golden Dusk. Luna reappeared behind the unicorn and had scooped him up in a hug.

“You have yours already, ‘Tia!” She pointed at Scarlet with a wing. “This one’s mine!”

Her sister pouted. “Fine, I can share.”

“Maybe thou should do that with your cakes as well,” Luna snarked without letting go of Golden Dusk.

Celestia gasped in mock horror. “Such accusations! Scarlet Gem, tell her!”

Scarlet giggled at her being called upon for back-up. “She does share, Luna. She gave me some earlier.”

Luna huffed. “Our dearest sister only did that to evoke your interest in joining her staff!”

The two princesses continued their playful argument and Golden Dusk was stuck in Luna’s grasp. While he does enjoy being embraced, he found this one strange. Like he was being treated like a—

He looked up to Luna with a flat stare. “What am I, a dog up for adoption?”

Luna gasped. “Nay, Golden Dusk! Do not think of us as such a crude pony!”

Scarlet giggled and Dusk added, “Really? But you and—

“Thou art a puppy up for adoption!” she chirped and patted his head.

That did it, Scarlet fell over laughing and Dusk sighed.

“If thou are unhappy with working under me, it is alright for you to join my sister’s crew,” she said softly and gave him a small nuzzle.

“It’s not that, I just wanted to make a little joke,” Dusk smirked. “Plus, I can probably milk more information about thestrals outta you!”

Luna laughed. “Loyal and plotting… we will be able to make a proper pony of the night out of you.”

The night princess finally put him down and returned to her seat beside her sister. The sun princess gave her a small nuzzle which she returned.

Dusk hoofpumped in victory and Scarlet finally got up from her spot on the floor.

She wiped away a tear and said, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

He shook his head with a smile. “Nah, it wasn’t bad.”

Dusk gave her a hug to show his gratitude. “Thanks for convincing me to do this,” he said softly.

Scarlet blushed lightly but returned the embrace nonetheless.

The two princesses started to whisper to each other. Dusk overheard something about bits?

He let go of Scarlet and turned to face Luna.

“Are there any details I need to know about being a butler, princess?” he asked.

Luna nodded. “I shall have Nightingale assist you on your first day. For now? You are going to need something formal to wear.”

He sighed. “Can’t I just be a batpony butler in a hoodie?” he asked as he shifted to his thestral form.

She shook her head. “Unfortunately not. The nobles will pester us about it to no end.”

“I heard the Canterlot Carousel was having a sale. Maybe you can get some sort of suit that can go over your hoodie?” Scarlet suggested.

“A suit is fine as well,” Luna agreed.

Dusk hummed for a moment. “We’ll have to see if they can come up with anything.”

Celestia chuckled. “If there is anything about the Canterlot Carousel that you shouldn’t doubt, is their ability to please their customers. No matter how odd or strange the requests they receive are, they have always delivered with the highest quality.”

“Well, that’s coming from one of Equestria’s princesses, I’ll have to trust it,” he giggled.

The four ponies exchanged their farewells shortly after. Noon had just flown by and that left Golden Dusk hungry and Scarlet Gem was still full. She’d gotten out of the castle from her private talk with Celestia not long before she took the initiative and brought Dusk to them.

“Wanna grab some lunch?” Scarlet asked Dusk as they exited the castle gates.

Dusk held a hoof to his stomach. “Now that you mention it…”

She giggled. “C’mon! My treat this time!”

Chapter 6 - An Eventful Day

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Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem roamed the streets in search of a place to eat. The purple and white colored architecture of Canterlot never ceases to amaze them. Each building was so intricately designed, that it in of itself may as well be an art form. The glass windows of each building seemed so clear, yet at the same time so strong and reinforced. Which, would most likely be because of the thought of somepony breaking into their home or store.

The pair made a left turn and Celestia’s sun shined brightly upon them. While the early morning light would be rejuvenating, this was just making the pair feel slightly uncomfortable. Scarlet more so than Dusk, even though the latter was wearing a hoodie.

“How come I’m sweating more than you?” Scarlet asked rather indignantly.

“Enchantments,” Dusk stated. “Regulates the temperature.”

“Where in Equestria did you find a hoodie like that?”

“Mythic Moon.”

“Oh.” That name was more than enough to explain why.

The two made a right turn and entered Restaurant Row, the set of streets that have the largest number of restaurants in the whole city. The pair of ponies could smell hints of food from each breath they took, but it was rather faint. Ponies, nobles and non-nobles alike, trotted around either eyeing the different restaurants, or stuffed and moving on with their day.

Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem walked around and eyed the different buildings. Each one had a sign right on top of their door that indicated their rating. One, two or three hooves engraved on them. The more hooves, the better the rating, basically.

They passed by multiple restaurants who’s menu just didn’t appeal to the two. Either it seemed way too sophisticated or too simple and plain. A short while later, Golden Dusk stopped walking and eyed at a restaurant that caught his interest.

The usual purple and white theme of Canterlot was barely present in the building. The outside walls were decorated with green accents and fake flowers, the window gave a wide view towards the inside which was similarly themed. Hanging from the wall, a sign had two hooves engraved on it and the name of the restaurant.

“The Meadow Blossom,” Dusk read aloud. “Seems interesting.”

To his right, Scarlet stopped in her tracks and stared at the building, a hint of sorrow in her eyes.

He glanced back at the restaurant and back to his friend. Slowly, he put two and two together.

He groaned and facehooved. “This is way too cliche,” he muttered.

Dusk poked Scarlet three times to garner her attention. She turned to face him with wide eyes to see his sympathetic smile.

“If you don’t wanna eat here, that’s fine. But, I think closure would be good for you,” he told her softly.

Scarlet Gem glanced back at Meadow Garden before looking back at him and sighing. She gave him the best smile she could manage and said, “Sure, if you say so.”

Dusk raised a brow for confirmation to which she just rolled her eyes and nodded.

He approached the glass door and opened it, a chime resounding from a bell. Dusk poked his head inside first and saw the place was not completely packed, but not empty either. He entered the restaurant and was greeted with a unicorn mare in a smart-casual outfit.

“Good morning, sir,” the pony greeted and Dusk realized it wasn’t noon yet. “Will you be dining on your lonesome?”

He shook his head as Scarlet walked in tentatively. “Table for two,” he responded.

The pony went wide eyed as she recognized his companion. She managed to calm herself down and coughed into her hoof. “Very well, sir, please follow me and we’ll get you seated.”

Dusk nodded in appreciation as Scarlet followed closely behind them. She got looks from the staff but she was not sure if she should be worried or not. The pair followed the waitress to a small corner table for two, the seats being across each other. They took their seats though Scarlet showed signs of being slightly uncomfortable.

“I’ll be back with your menus,” the waitress smiled and left them for now.

Dusk patted his hoodie down while Scarlet sat quietly in her seat.

“So,” he started softly, “you know any of these ponies?”

“All of them,” she murmured.

The waitress came back and levitated two menus in front of them. “Please, just raise a hoof when you’re ready to order,” she said and walked away.

The pair went over the menus and scrutinized each dish. Scarlet noticed a few changes here and there but not for the better. Some of the food she had improved had different descriptions, and none of them were as thrilling as they were before. Dusk hummed in thought as he made assessments as well. He may not be a trained chef, but he’s learned a thing or two from being around her.

“This’ll do, I guess,” Dusk said rather apprehensively.

“Made your choice?” Scarlet asked.

“Yeah, you?”

She nodded and raised a hoof. The waitress that showed them their seats a while ago came back quickly.

“Your orders?” She asked.

“I’ll, uh, have this… Salad Car… Carpack… just, here.” He sheepishly pointed to the dish at the menu.

Scarlet giggled softly while the waitress rolled her eyes. “The Salad Carpaccio. It has raw fish, are you fine with that?”

“That’s fine,” Dusk replied, he’d already tried fish before.

The waitress nodded. “And for you, Scarlet?”

Scarlet tensed slightly. “Do you still have it?” she asked.

The waitress sighed but nodded. “Yes… though you may not be happy with it.”

She tilted her head and shrugged. “I’ll still take it, Orchid.”

Orchid nodded reluctantly. “And for drinks?”

“Just water,” the two said simultaneously.

She nodded once more and said, “It won’t be long, I’ll bring you your water in the meantime.” With that, she bowed slightly and took her leave, taking the menus with her.

“So, what’s ‘it?’” Dusk asked, having lacked context.

Scarlet had a foreleg on the table and rested her chin on its hoof. “A little dish I made for the restaurant specifically,” she answered. “I just wanted to see if they kept it the same or changed it.”

“Oh,” Dusk hummed. “Well… we’ll have to see.”

She nodded and the two sat in silence for a moment. She mulled over how different the menu had gotten, it hadn’t even been a month yet!

Dusk returned about two weeks ago, and she was dismissed the week before that. Scarlet hasn’t seen the new manager yet, but she remembered him to be extremely snooty and arrogant. Hopefully, she could keep her emotions in check, that was more of Dusk’s thing after all.

Two weeks… she had been with Dusk the whole time and they were practically inseparable. While they don’t see each other everyday, more often than not when they were together, they were having a good time. Minus the whole Purifiers ordeal, of course.

Now, she was extremely unsure on whether Dusk was interested in her or not. She’d tease him every now and then, but he either shrugged it off or made a small retort back that left them both laughing.

She internally groaned as she looked around the restaurant aimlessly. Stupid stallion…

Dusk, who sat in front of her, was having a major introspection session as of the moment. Scarlet’s teasing confused him a lot, and yet his stomach always fluttered whenever it happened. Could it be…

He blushed lightly and did everything he could to avoid making eye contact with her.

“Do I really…” he thought to himself, adding more blood to his cheeks. “Then… is this… a da—”

“Your water,” Orchid interrupted his thought. She levitated two glasses and a small pitcher onto the table. “Your orders will be here shortly.” She gave a respectful nod and walked away again.

Dusk downed his glass in an instant and filled it once more. When Scarlet raised a brow and looked him in the eye, he nervously looked away like nothing was wrong. She shrugged and took a sip of her own water.

“Goldie, you okay?” she asked, worried by his odd behavior.

He fought down everything he was feeling and went straight back to normal. “Yeah, sorry, I’m fine.”

She gave him a doubtful look.

Dusk rolled his eyes. “I’m fine, Gem, really.”

Scarlet shrugged and nodded, unaware Orchid was back already.

“One Salad Carpaccio.” She levitated a plate in front of Dusk and startled Scarlet.

The waitress snickered before reluctantly levitating the pegasus her food. “The Meadow Blossom Special,” she said.

Scarlet eyed the plate in front of her and so did Dusk. He had a salad with a few bits of raw fish hanging around. He could instantly recognize tomatoes, lettuce leaves, and some olives. A little bit of dressing was spread around on top of it all, and gave it overall an appealing look. Scarlet, on the other hoof, had a collection of flowers on her plate. Daisies, poppies, and other different flowers that were fairly common. She made this in the image of the restaurant, and yet it seemed different somehow.

Orchid coughed, interrupting the two’s judging. “I know we aren’t supposed to speak to our customers but… Scarlet, is he your coltfriend?”

The pair stared at her for a few seconds before Scarlet blushed and looked away, avoiding eye contact with the other two. Dusk didn’t blush, and opted for letting out an exaggerated breath of air.

“Thank you!” he practically cried.

Scarlet felt more blood rush to her cheeks while Orchid raised a brow.

“For what?” the waitress asked.

He leaned back onto his chair as if in relief. “For not calling me a mare,” he muttered.

Scarlet’s blush retreated as she slowly turned her head to meet his gaze. It wasn’t a glare, but there was a rather amused sparkle to her eyes.

Orchid chuckled. “To be honest, sir, I wasn’t sure in the first place. Though, I took the fifty-fifty chance of getting it right.”

Dusk groaned and almost wanted to plant his face on the table. In front of him, Scarlet started a small laughing fit, but not loud enough to disrupt other customers.

“You still didn’t answer the question.” She looked to Scarlet, which halted her laughter.

Scarlet coughed lightly. “We’re just friends, Orchid,” she managed to get out, paying no heed to the slight pain in her chest.

Unbeknown to her, Dusk felt something similar but he nodded at Orchid’s questioning gaze at him.

The waitress sighed in disappointment. “A shame, here I thought she’d finally brought the stallion she has been pinning for—”

Scarlet covered her mouth with a hoof to stop her from continuing. She gave Dusk a sheepish smile before glaring at Orchid. The waitress raised a brow, as if she was questioning why she did that.

Scarlet gave a subtle flick of her head in Dusk’s direction. Orchid’s eyes darted back and forth from the two ponies as she was struck with realization and nodded.

“Sorry about that Dusk, little bit of mare talk,” she feigned an innocent smile.

Dusk raised a brow. “There wasn’t much talking.”

“A skill only mares can acquire,” Orchid added with a smirk.

He sighed, he’d never understand them.

Orchid realized that they haven’t touched their food yet. “Apologies, I took up too much time. Please, enjoy your meal,” she smiled and departed.

Scarlet and Dusk stared at each other for a few moments before breaking into a small fit of giggles. That encounter had been rather entertaining.

Dusk looked at his salad once more before taking a tentative forkful into his mouth. He chewed for a few moments, and decided that it was passable. Scarlet bit into a flower and her eyes immediately widened. She was shocked at how different it was. The flowers remained the same, but underneath them there were a few different things. She’d originally made it to not be aromatic when it arrives to a customer, but rather for the aroma to explode in their mouth. This one, it gave of a strong smell at first but became muted as it is being chewed. Not to mention, the taste was rather different, and not the good kind.

Scarlet swallowed and gave the dish a disappointed look.

Dusk leaned forward and asked, “What’s wrong?”

She sighed and took another bite. “They changed it way too much, it’s not as good as before.”

“Well, my salad tastes fine,” he nodded.

“Does it reflect the two-hoof rating?”

He was about to answer but his voice got caught in his throat. Yes, the salad was good, but even he could make a salad of the same caliber. While it may be rather picky of him, salads were not that hard to make after all, but he’s had much more complex salads in similarly rated restaurants.

“No, it doesn’t,” he murmured and picked out some lettuce and ate it.

“Exactly, even if it’s not bad, it’s not the same as before.”

“Thank our manager,” Orchid said from her side. “Too many changes, not the right ones.”

“Why’re you here again?” Scarlet asked before her eyes widened. “Not that I mind, but isn’t it policy to not interrupt customers unless they ask?”

Orchid chuckled and shook her head. “This is more business than pleasure, I assure you.” She floated another plate to the center of the table, looking like dessert.

“On the house.” She winked and walked away.

The plate had a brownie, some chocolate on the side, and a dollop of ice cream on top. A simple, yet effective combo.

The two now had something to look forward to after they finished their lunch. Dusk, almost swiftly, finished his salad, while Scarlet went a bit slower with her food. He took the initiative and used a smaller sized spoon to sample the brownie. He cut into the soft brownie with it, along with some ice cream. The spoon floated in a gold aura as he brought it closer to his mouth and ate the sweet treat.

The ice cream melted almost instantly when it entered his maw. The brownie’s flavor blended well with its sweetness, and he happily licked his spoon clean before taking another bite.

Scarlet giggled as she finished her flowers and took a scoop for herself. She made a similar assessment, and smiled. They hadn’t changed this recipe.

Suddenly, they heard a small yelp coming from the kitchen. A moment later, a rather irate unicorn stallion walked out of the kitchen and up to the table with an apologetic smile. Following behind him, Orchid and a stallion in a chef’s outfit were rubbing their heads as they settled behind the counter.

“Apologies, dear customers, it would seem that my staff had given you an older recipe,” he said. “Please, allow us to—” he stopped once he saw the empty plate with small traces of melted ice cream.

Scarlet licked her lips and put her glass of water down. “Actually, I’d like our bill, please.”

The stallion, wearing a suit and tie, sighed indignantly and nodded.

Dusk teleported his bit bag as he started counting, to be stopped by a small gust of wind sent his way. He looked up to Scarlet who had a wing pointed at him.

“I said, I’d pay,” she said softly.

Almost guiltily, he gave a small nod as he popped his bag out of existence.

She smiled and held her two hooves around her necklace. The scarlet-colored gem glowed dimly and a ball of magic left it and slowly formed into a bit bag in Scarlet’s hooves.

The stallion walked back and levitated a small brown folder and stood back respectfully. Scarlet opened it and immediately gawked at how much she had to pay.

“This… this is overcharged!” she exclaimed to the stallion.

He gave her a smirk. “We charge pegasi extra.”

Really? That was the best excuse he could come up with?

She looked at him in disbelief and turned to look at Orchid who was beside the counter. Orchid gave her a sad nod in turn.

“Still, this is way too much!”

“I thought I had told you to not come here again,” the stallion shot.

So, he did recognize her. “I just wanted to see how much worse this place has gotten,” she refuted.

The stallion huffed and looked irate. “I’d rather say how much better it's gotten now that a pair of wings have left the kitchen.”

Orchid and her colleagues collectively glared at their new manager. Scarlet stood up, left some bits on the table, and Dusk followed suit, keeping his anger in check.

The manager grinned as he counted the bits she left… to see that it was underpaid.

“You’re missing quite a few bits, miss Scarlet,” he said as they neared the door, which was being held open by Orchid.

Scarlet’s eye twitched and Dusk made sure not to look behind him.

“Just go, I’ll pay for the ‘extra.’” Orchid ushered them out.

Scarlet was about to stop Orchid, but she kept pushing them to leave. Dusk was having none of it, he wouldn’t let two ponies pay for his meal.

He opted for turning around, keeping his face emotionless as he said, “Unjust charges.”

The manager looked at him, bemused. “What?”

“Harassment, discrimination, mistreatment of patrons and staff.” He stalked closer to him as he listed different offences. “Shall I go on?”

The stallion scoffed, trying to keep his composure. “So? What are you going to do?”

Dusk smiled grimly as he pulled out a small badge.

The manager looked at it and immediately paled.

He held out a royal guard badge, specifically, a Celestial Guard badge.

“I’m going to assume you know what this means?”

“S-sir, you can’t possibly be—”

Scarlet walked back in despite the protests of Orchid. She stood beside Golden Dusk, a smile on her face as well, as she too pulled out a similar badge.

Her former colleagues stared at her in disbelief, while the manager paled some more.

“I’m sure the princesses would love to hear your defence.” Dusk leaned in closer to the manager and let his fangs grow and eyes change.

“Tell the truth, otherwise…” He gave him a dangerously toothy grin. “... your charges are going to be far worse than they already will be.”

Dusk nodded as he smiled chipperly and walked out the store, ignoring the looks he was getting from Orchid and her colleagues. He left, with Scarlet following close behind. The Meadow Blossom’s door chimed once more as Orchid’s head poked out and she mouthed:

“Thank you.”


They two found themselves making their way to the Canterlot Carousel. The food in Meadow Blossom was passable, though it did not fully represent their two hoof rating anymore.

“Did we take it too far?” Dusk asked Scarlet who was walking beside him.

She shook her head. “No, he should have been reprimanded earlier.”

He nodded, making a left turn around the block.

“So, when do we give the report?”

“Just file an accusation and let the Guard handle the rest,” Scarlet shrugged. She didn’t want to do any more paperwork.

Dusk giggled. “But what if we are the Guard?”

“Shush, you.”

He laughed as they had stopped in their tracks, interrupted by a line of ponies outside the Canterlot Carousel. This was Dusk and Scarlet’s first time seeing it. The building, colored in different shapes of purple, fit just right in with the rest of Canterlot. Two large windows displayed different outfits and a small stairway led to the door.

A line of about eight ponies formed right outside, meaning that the two had to wait for their turn. The door opened, and a tall baby blue mare stood outside. She brushed her dual-toned orange and yellow mane to the side. She wore what looked like a black jacket and skirt, and… a gold saddle?

She looked around outside and when she caught sight of Dusk and Scarlet, she motioned for the two to come over.

Confused, Scarlet and Dusk slowly walked past the line of ponies who complained lightly at them being brought in first.

“Are you two Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem?” the tall mare asked them.

“Yes,” Dusk nodded.

She smiled. “My name is Sassy Saddles, you may call me Sassy for short, please come in.” She ushered them in.

“How come they get to go in?!” a pony in the line complained.

Sassy shot them an annoyed look. “Reservations, ponies. They help sometimes.”

The complaints died down quickly as Scarlet and Dusk walked in. The racks were embedded into the walls rather beautifully. The stairs had a slight curve as they went up, and the lighting somehow accentuated the clothing they had for sale even more. There was a surprisingly moderate number of ponies inside, browning or already paying for their clothes.

“Aren’t you guys on sale? I thought there’d be more ponies here,” Scarlet asked.

Sassy giggled. “While that is true, we only let a select number in at a time, as to not overcrowd the place.”

“Oh,” Scarlet nodded in understanding.

“So,” Dusk started, “we have a reservation?”

Sassy nodded as she walked into a room. “Yes, please come in.”

Scarlet and Dusk followed as they entered a private room in the store. There were a few racks of test suits and dresses of different sizes. To their right, mirrors with some lights around them were placed on the wall, and a small bench for ponies to sit on.

Sassy’s horn lit up as she floated a scroll to her.

“Dear Sassy Saddles,” she began, “Princess Luna has informed me that one of her future butlers is in dire need of a suit! I shall send you the details of this pony, do have him reserved as the princess mentioned he may come by today. He may or may not be in the company of his friend, I will write down the details of these two ponies below!”

Sassy walked towards Golden Dusk and gave him an inspection.

“For the butler, a white maned unicorn with light grey coat named Golden Dusk. He wears a black hoodie at all times, and you cannot be helped but be drawn to the sparkle of his gold eyes!”

Golden Dusk blushed and Scarlet giggled. She non-verbally agreed after all!

Sassy then approached Scarlet.

“For his friend, a pegasus mare with a wheat colored mane and a tan coat who’s name is Scarlet Gem. Her dual-toned wings speak nothing short of graceful, and her scarlet eyes dazzle like the gems they are!”

It was Scarlet’s turn to blush, hiding behind her slightly poofy mane and Dusk couldn’t help but silently agree.

Sassy nodded and finished the letter, “That’s it for now, darling! We really should catch up sometime in the future. With love, Rarity.”

The two ponies were able to calm down enough.

Though Sassy just had to add, “P.S., Princess Luna said to not mistake the butler’s features for a mare!”

Scarlet howled with laughter while Dusk glared at the inanimate piece of paper.

Sassy chuckled. “Sorry dear, all in good fun.”

Dusk nodded and laughed lightly as well. “It’s fine, really.”

She nodded and put down the scroll on a small table. “Onto business then, would you like or do you have a preferred style of apparel?”

He hummed lightly. “Well, the princess just said to get a suit and nothing more,” he smiled a bit sheepishly. “Do you maybe have a way to… make a suit that would go over this hoodie?”

Sassy raised up a hoof, with a brow raised. Dusk nodded with a smile, and raised his leg for her to feel the fabric.

“Hm… it is not that thick so it should be possible,” she concluded. “Though, I may have to measure you and it.” Her horn glowed and a measuring tape floated towards her.

Scarlet took a seat and watched the seamstress do her thing. Golden Dusk stood as still as possible as she ran her tape through his forelegs and chest.

Sassy’s muzzle scrunched up in slight irritation. “Sorry, dear, but would it be alright if you could take off your hoodie? With what I’m measuring, it may be inaccurate.”

Dusk’s eyes widened. He didn’t want to take it off.

She noticed his apprehension. “Dear, I am a professional, you can trust me. It’s not unlike ponies to walk around with nothing on, right?”

He gave her a small nod but still showed signs of discomfort. Scarlet approached him and rested a hoof on his shoulder.

“C’mon, the quicker you get this done, the quicker you can put it back on.”

He gulped and nodded again. His magic glowed around his apparel, and he raised up his hooves. Slowly, he dragged it off of him and Sassy’s eyes widened and Scarlet’s had a wistful sparkle.

He sported a rather large diagonal scar across his chest. It wasn’t gnarly, the wound seemed to have closed up properly. Though, it was still fairly obvious.

Sassy kept her composure as Dusk stood up straight and still once more. She quickly got his measurements and noted them down on a clipboard.

“Alright, thank you dear,” she smiled.

Dusk gave her a small smile in return as he put his hoodie back on, patting it down so that it fit to a T.

“Well, your hoodie doesn’t add that much to your overall foreleg thickness, we’ll have to make the suit maybe half a size larger for it to fit comfortably,” she said. “So, if you ever wear it without your hoodie, it may be loose. Is that alright?”

“Yeah, that’s fine,” Dusk answered.

Sassy nodded and started noting down different notable aspects of Dusk. Rather timid when getting into touchy topics, but she could tell there was a hint of confidence in him. His gold eyes are his most notable physical feature, so maybe she could add some gold accents to the suit as well.

“You’re not gonna ask about it?” Dusk inquired.

Sassy bobbed her head slowly. “I do not ask my customer’s about their personal life, that would be unprofessional.” She noted down a few more things.

“Thank you,” he said softly.

She grinned. “Thank me when you get this stunning suit, dear.” She turned to look at Scarlet. “And you too. You’re going to have to thank me for giving you some eye-candy.”

Scarlet blushed lightly and smirked. “Isn’t he already that?”

Dusk glanced at the two of them before he turned a delightful shade of red and looked away.

Sassy laughed. “Well, for making him sweeter then.”

“Deal!” Scarlet chippered, a pink hue lightly tinting her cheeks.

Chapter 7 - First Shifts

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Three days later...

Golden Dusk received a letter from Luna via magic fire. It stated that he was to report to her as soon as he had hold of his formal wear.

He let a pen he held in his magic rest on his desk. A piece of paper he’d been writing on was in the center. He gave it a once over before he stored it in a drawer. Dusk got up and opened the door to his room. He glanced at the drawer and felt a flutter in his stomach.

“I’ll give it to her after the Purifiers are dealt with,” he mused, closing the door behind him.

He walked out of his house and locked the door. It was past noon, and the afternoon light seemed dim. Dusk looked up to see that clouds had covered the sun’s rays, making the breeze much cooler that usual.

He started walking through the streets, his destination being the Canterlot Carousel.

Princess Luna also mentioned that the night court was slightly different from the day’s. Nobles from where the thestrals usually reside come over to discuss their reintegration within the society. They ostracized themselves after her banishment, feeling though as if they would be next if they stayed. Thus, there were barely any records of thestrals being in Canterlot.

It excited him. His unknown heritage might become clearer once he starts his new job. All he knew was that he has some thestral blood in him, other than that there wasn’t much else.

Dusk made a left onto another street and continued his miniature journey.

He thought of Scarlet, she was going to start her first day as well. Her being able to cook within the Royal Kitchen gave her joy to no end, and he could tell. Maybe they’d run into each other from time-to-time? The castle is a lot smaller than most ponies think.

Immediately, at the thought of his friend, his mind wandered. To the little outings the two had, to the moments they shared in his home. The way Scarlet’s smile radiated and how it would make him smile as well. Her grace whenever she would borrow his kitchen was akin to a dancer performing on stage. The softness he would feel whenever she would embrace him and—

“Seems like somepony’s mind is elsewhere.”

His train of thought immediately came to a screeching halt. He looked up to see that he was already at the Canterlot Carousel. Dusk stood in front of an open door, with Sassy Saddles in front of him.

Sassy grinned. “Now, I am quite knowledgeable about stallions, and something tells me you were thinking about something…” She leaned in closer and whispered, “Or rather, somepony.

Apparently, he had walked all the way to the store and Sassy went out to greet him. Unbeknownst to him, he wore a wistful smile on his face, as well as a small blush.

“Pft.” He waved a hoof dismissively. “You can prove nothing.” The slightly darker red hue on his cheeks betrayed him.

“Sure, dear,” Sassy giggled. “Come in, you’re here for your suit, no?”

Dusk nodded and she stepped aside, the blush he sported slowly dying down. Other employees of the boutique gave friendly nods, which he returned, as he passed by. Sassy and Dusk walked back into the private fitting room, excitement building up within the latter.

Sassy closed the door with her magic and approached a rack of clothes. Dusk sat down on the small bench, waiting for her to do her job.

“Golden Dusk… G… G... G... aha!” Sassy dramatically pulled out a suit-shaped bag.

“It’s in there?” Dusk inquired.

Sassy nodded and motioned for him to come over. Dusk stood up and walked in front of her.

She made a show of slowly unzipping the bag, building up the suspense. Sweat threatened to run down Dusk’s head as Sassy continued to torment him. Once the bag was open, she pulled aside its two separate sides and pulled out the suit.

Dusk’s eyes went wide with awe. It was a tail-coat suit, a detail that he thought was fitting for a butler of the night. The suit looked like it was a size bigger than his normal one, but that was understandable since he did want it to go over his hoodie. Gold lines trailed across the two sides of the chest and down to the suit’s tail.

Sassy spun it to let him see the back. More lines of gold ran through the cloth, making sure that, even from behind, it would still look stunning.

She floated it over to him, and Dusk reached out for it with his magic. Slowly and carefully, he put the suit on. He made sure that his hood was on the inside, and it seems the suit was tailored with that in mind. He let the tail rest on his lower back, giving him a feeling of elegance. He tried moving his forelegs and it gave him the same range of motion if he just wore his hoodie.

Sassy motioned for the mirror and Dusk approached it tentatively.

He had to do a double take when he saw how he looked in it. The suit, despite not having a proper inner, still looked formal. The gold accents really gave it character and matched his eyes perfectly.

“This… this is amazing,” he said in a hush whisper. Dusk turned his form slightly to see how it looked from the side.

“And we are glad you think so,” Sassy replied, content that her customer was overjoyed.

Dusk continued to look himself over for a few moments before his horn glowed and a bag appeared in front of him. He held it with his magic as he turned to face Sassy.

She shook her head. “Your fees are already paid for,” she smiled.

He did a double take and loudly said, “By who?!”

“Well, there was this excessively blue unicorn the other day…” she giggled.

Blue… unicorn…

“Was her name Night Sky?”

“Why yes, yes, it was!”

Dusk felt his heart sink slightly. He didn’t want to trouble the princesses in any way, shape or form! And yet, Luna went out of her way to buy the suit for him. He mentally swore to himself to pay her back. Though, he probably shouldn’t mention it later tonight.

“Well… okay then…” he reluctantly said. “Do I put it back in the bag or…?”

“Unless you plan on walking around in a suit, yes.” Sassy levitated the bag towards him.

He chuckled lightly and nodded. He took off the suit carefully, making sure not to wrinkle it. He zipped it up and floated it by his side.

Sassy Saddles lead him out the door, and outside the shop. Before Dusk left, he turned around to face her once more with a small smile.

“Here,” he whispered while levitating a small bag of bits.

Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “There’s no need, dearie, your satisfaction is more than enough,” she smiled.

He floated the bag closer. “I insist,” he pushed.

Sassy looked unsure. Sighing, she accepted the offer.

Contented, Dusk departed with one more wave goodbye. The bag followed closely at his side.

Sassy Saddles walked back in and opened the small bag he gave her. She gawked when she saw more bits than she was expecting. She smiled and murmured:

“How generous of him…”


“Okay, now just use the…”

Scarlet Gem stood in the Royal Kitchen. The whole thing might as well be as large as a house! A plentiful amount of stoves on one side, different tables in the center for plating and ingredient prepping, and of course a storage room just off to one side. The silverwares were polished and reflected an extremely clear image of its surrounds, the plates had no signs of dirt on them, and the plethora of tools would bring joy to any chef.

The Royal Cooks were filled with variety. There were no signs of any discrimination among them, only competition. Each one of them wore a white chef coat with some purple tailored on their sleeves, chest, and shoulders. A chef’s hat just completed the entire look.

Scarlet held a piping bag filled with pink frosting with two hooves. She stood next to one of the counters, her muzzle scrunched in concentration. Beside her, a blue pegasus was giving her guidelines on this particular cake recipe. He was the head chef, Royal Palette. Credited for his skills, he has served many foreign ambassadors within his time. Thus, he is quite knowledgeable on different cuisines and flavors.

She put the piping bag down. Standing on four hooves again, she wiped off some sweat with her wings. She successfully piped a three-layer cake evenly. Not one of the hardest things she’s done, but it looked rather impressive to her.

“Nicely down,” Royal Palette commended her. “Usually, our interns have a much harder time with this particular cake,” he chuckled.

Scarlet smirked. “Well, I’m not an intern, am I?”

He snorted and asked for another chef to take the cake she frosted. “No, I suppose not.”

The entire kitchen was abuzz, preparing food for the princesses and the other castle staff was quite tasking. Making sure that the nutritional value of each food was proper, and making them taste heavenly? The staff sure was lucky to be working in the castle.

There was a small cafeteria-like area opposite the kitchen. There, most of the staff gathered and ate the lunch prepared for them, even Royal Guards!

Scarlet remembered her time as a recruit. Before each day of training, she, along with her peers, would take advantage of having access to the area. She discovered new flavors and secretly took note of every detail she could find in the food. After wholly enjoying it, of course.

She also remembered how she originally met Golden Dusk. Even though the unicorn was rather quiet, he was still her greatest rival back then. He was the only one who could even hit her with a magic beam while she was in the air! Not to mention, he didn’t slack off with his CQC either.

However, he often ran out of magic very quickly. Despite facing magical exhaustion, he would still be able to stand tall with only minimal effects to his physical capabilities.

The two had never engaged in conversation often. Only during team exercises would she even hear him talk.

Then, one time, his teammates were being uncooperative and extremely close-minded. They, apparently, didn’t want an ‘inferior unicorn’s’ ideas. Before Scarlet could intervene, Dusk suddenly let off a dense aura of hostility. She remembered the grim smile on his face as fangs grew from two of his teeth, and his eyes changed into a thestral’s. His teammates were immediately cooperative, and Scarlet took the lesson to heart.

Never ever get him mad.

What really got her curious, though, was his ‘transformation.’ Dusk often dined on his lonesome in the cafeteria, so she decided to eat with him. Not only to ask her question but to also see if she could form a bond more than just silent rivals.

To her surprise, he talked much more than she’d expected. Apparently, his father was a pegasus and his mom was a unicorn. He speculated that his dad may carry thestral genes, and they somehow carried onto him. He rambled on about his school, and asked his fair share of questions as well. She also mentioned his gender wrong, and after he feigned indignation, Dusk admitted to her that he’d gotten rather lonely. Apparently, he didn’t have the courage to approach the others unless it was training related.

Her heart sunk slightly when she heard that. He seemed like such a fun pony to be with! Quicker than she expected, she offered her friendship to him. She could remember vividly the sparkle his gold eyes had, the smile that grew on his face, and his reply.

“I’d love to be your friend!” she heard his voice echo.

A few years flew by quickly after that. The training got repetitive, but its effects were noticeable. She remembered being tested by Emerald Melody, their captain now, for the Specialist program.

Emerald studied her daily routine. She placed herself in a dangerous situation just to see how Scarlet would react. Pretending to be mugged, Scarlet took care of the two robbers and helped Emerald to safety. Once they were alone, her persona shifted into a calm, and collected pony who wasn’t shaken at all by what just happened. She explained that Scarlet caught her eye and that she was offering her to become a Specialist. More specifically…

A Guardian.

At the time, she heard rumors of a group of Specialists who rivaled the power of the alicorns. Ponies who could do almost anything, and who could take down armies, and quite possibly, kingdoms if they so desired.

Scarlet accepted the offer, and found that Golden Dusk was offered the same. They mused on how the two were chosen, and went right into having extra training by the end of their regular days. They were still recruits at the time, about a year or so before they were scheduled to become actual guards.

Then… that happened.

Back in the now, she shook her head, no need to remember that in the middle of work. She idly stirred a pot of soup and added some more vegetables with her free hoof.

When Golden Dusk left for his mission, she felt like she was missing something. Only then did she dwell on how she truly feels towards him. The radiance of his smile, the sparkle in his eyes, and, of course, his rather cute appearance? It all made her feel a flutter in her stomach.

“I know that smile,” Royal Palette smirked. “Who’s in your thoughts, Scarlet Gem?”

She shook her head, a light blush adorning her cheeks. “Nothing, chef!”

At his comment, she fought down the tingle in her stomach. She continued stirring as her goofy smile shrunk into a soft one. Scarlet giggled lightly, she can think about him later. Right now...

They had an entire castle to feed!


Later that evening, Golden Dusk found himself entering the castle gates once more. It was his first day on the job, of course he’d arrive early!

The pair of gate guards nodded at him, and the gates creaked open. He flashed them a small smile of thanks and entered.

Dusk already wore the suit he had tailored. The sheer formality of it kept other nobles who were walking around from scoffing! The gold lines reflected light to a certain extent, and wearing it on top of his hoodie? Super comfy!

He opted for keeping his fangs and eyes hidden, he didn’t want to attract more attention than he already was.

When he entered the castle itself, different workers and guards alike spared glances his way. The suit he wore caught their attention rather quickly. Dusk made sure to not look overly arrogant, he kept his gaze forward and not up high like some nobles.

He turned a corner and passed by the hallway where the kitchen and cafeteria were. The cafeteria had a few staff members dining together, and the kitchen was rather noisy. The muffled sounds of clattering of dishes and running water reached his ears. The kitchen door opened, and he saw a familiar pegasus with scarlet eyes wearing a chef’s outfit walk out tiredly.

She looked to her left, her scarlet eyes meeting his. A smile grew on both of their faces as they approached each other.

“Heya, Gem,” Dusk greeted.

“Hey,” Scarlet replied.

“You finish your first day?” He asked.

She nodded, the two making their way to the throne room. “Yeah, they let me off earlier with how helpful I’ve been.”

Dusk chuckled. “Getting commended on the first day already?”

“Would you expect anything less?”


Scarlet eyed her friend’s outfit, not trying to make it subtle at all. She hummed softly taking in how he looked.

She definitely approved~

“Looking good,” Scarlet smirked. “I’m surprised none of the maids have approached you yet.”

Dusk blushed. “Thanks.” He gave her a bashful smile. “A chef uniform really suits you.”

Scarlet felt warmth form around her cheeks. “Please, it might as well be a lab coat.” She gestured to the coat she wore.

He rolled his eyes. “So? I still think it looks good on you.”

Her wings fidgeted, the compliment gave her a small tingle. “How we look in our uniforms aside, do you know what you’re supposed to do?”

He shook his head. “Luna said that Nightingale would tell me.”

“Are you excited?”

“Nervous,” he admitted. “I went into this with the idea of being some sort of undercover guard. I don’t know anything about being a butler!”

Scarlet giggled. “You’ll be fine. We’re trained to do pretty much everything, right?” She bumped her flank with his.

Dusk returned the action with a laugh. “True.”

The two arrived in front of the throne room doors, a pair of Lunar Guards standing in front. A different and uncommon sight for the two. They were rarely in the castle this time of day.

“I feel like we’ll both see Lunar Guards more often,” Scarlet giggled.

“What, need more batpony in your life?” he raised a brow.

“I dunno, I think one’s more than enough.” She gave him a small nuzzle.

Dusk blushed and gently returned the gesture. Scarlet pulled back and also had a slightly pink hue to her cheeks. The two Lunar Guards watching them smirked, both clearly holding back their mirth.

“Alright, I’ll head home, I need to get an early start tomorrow.” Scarlet turned to walk away.

Dusk stopped her, holding her by her right foreleg. She turned to face him to see a rather anxious look on his face. He glanced around nervously too...

“Is… something wrong?” she asked, concerned.

“Just… stay safe, okay?” he whispered and gave her a hug. “With the whole Purifier thing…”

Scarlet mentally cooed. “Don’t worry, I can take care of myself,” she giggled as she returned the embrace.

Dusk smiled. “I know…”

She caught the smirks of the throne room guards. “You might wanna head in, before those two over there get any wrong ideas.” She let go of him with a pink tint to her cheeks.

He turned around to see the guards and blushed. He faced Scarlet once more and said with a slight squeak, “Okay, I won’t hold you up any longer.”

She nodded, and with one more farewell, left Golden Dusk to the mercy of the guards.


Golden Dusk entered the throne room as a stammering mess. The two Lunar Guards teased him lightly before he entered. His face was covered in a deep blush, his ears folded back, and his fangs and eyes showing.

His ears flicked up when he heard a melodic snicker in front of him. Dusk looked up to see an amused Princess Luna sitting atop her throne.

“This is not the first time I have seen our Hunter act this way,” she mused. “Though, I believe it is for a much different reason.” Her knowing smirk made him shrink back slightly.

“I-I… um…”

Luna was more than thoroughly amused.

He took a few deep breaths to reassert himself. “Whew, okay.”

The night princess giggled and Nightingale said, “Golden Dusk, shall we get down to business?”

Luna pouted, her fun was cancelled. Dusk couldn’t mentally thank his now-colleague enough.

Nightingale approached him with a small box held in his leathery wings. Dusk stood motionless, waiting to see what it was.

“Here.” Nightingale gave him the box. “It’s yours.”

Dusk sat down on his haunches, making sure his suit’s tail wouldn’t get dirty. He opened the box with his hooves, to reveal a bowtie. It was similarly colored to his suit’s gold accents and had a makeshift collar. He didn’t really understand why it was being treated so specially, though. He turned it to its back and saw why. There was a stitching of Luna’s signature, marking him as an official butler.

“Thank you,” he smiled at the two ponies in front of him. He carefully put it on, the faux collar making him look twice as formal.

Nightingale added, “For tonight, we’ll just have you observe how court usually works. We’ll assign you personal tasks tomorrow.”

“So… I just stand like… over there?” He pointed to a corner at the bottom of the throne stairs.


He gave him a deadpan stare before shifting it to Luna. “I might as well be a regular guard.”

Luna laughed. “One night, Golden Dusk, just for a night.”

He sighed and nodded. “I can do that.”

Dusk briskly walked to the spot to which he gestured to. He turned around to face the adjacent wall, to see Nightingale gesturing for him to move slightly to his left. Slowly, he followed his hoof until the aide gave him a nod of approval.

“When will the nobles arrive?”

Nightingale was about to speak, but Luna answered, “We have a good amount of time before their arrival.”

He sighed, he’d probably have to stand still for—

“Giving us ample time to discuss the event that took place right behind those doors.”

Nightingale facehooved as Dusk slowly turned his head to meet the princess’ gaze. The impish smirk on her muzzle tormented him to no end.

Yeah… this was going to be worse than standing completely still.

He coughed into his hoof, ignoring the pinkish hue to his cheeks. “What event, princess?”

She snickered. “The one that caused our Hunter to enter the throne room in a questionably embarrassed state.”

Dusk gave her an innocent tilt of the head. “I really have no idea what you might be talking about, princess.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Perhaps, a trade?”


“We will provide each other with… enlightenment about specific topics of interest.” She looked down upon him, a grin on her face.

“I get to go first, though!” Dusk cried.

Luna snickered. “Very well.”

His mind raced and searched for different questions he could ask. He’d have to make this count! After a few moments, he settled on one.

“Why do thestrals have tufts on their ears?”

“Allow me to answer that with a question,” she replied. “What changes do you feel are apparent to your senses once you shift?”

“Well, my hearing’s sharper, and I can see in the dark better. My fangs are really sharp too.” he answered. “That has nothing to do with the tufts, though.”

Luna giggled. “That is not all of the changes, Golden Dusk. How about your sense of touch? Does it change anywhere at all?”

He hummed for a moment. “Well, when a breeze passes by, my ears twitch. I guess they’re more sensitive.”

“You have your answer,” she said cryptically.

Dusk frowned, he’d prefer a straight reply rather than one he’d have to think on. He shifted and closed his eyes, focusing more on what he’d feel from his ears. The tufts sent a tingling sensation that changed directions every now and then. Probably the wind, but—

“They’re for sensing wind direction?” He looked to Luna with wide eyes.

“Precisely,” she nodded. “The usefulness of this should not be questioned.” She looked to Nightingale who bobbed his head as well.

With how sensitive the tufts were, he might be able to tell if something was flying towards him. The dissonance in the wind would be the indicator.

“Now, it is my turn, Golden Dusk,” Luna grinned. “What. Transpired?

Dusk gulped and gave her a nervous smile. “Surely the princess of the night would be merciful enough to spare me from my fate?”

She laughed darkly. “We had a deal, Hunter.” Oh no, she was using titles now! “T’would be unwise for you to… breach it.”

He sighed, there was no way out of this one. Just when he was about to speak up, the throne room doors creaked open.

“Princess, the Duke of Hollow Shades and his son have arrived,” a Lunar Guard called out.

Luna clicked her tongue in annoyance, things were just getting good! Dusk was more than relieved.

The guard nodded and two thestrals entered with their own small entourage of guards. Instead of the dark blue and purple color, the armor they wore was grey. The two ponies they were in charge of were dressed regally.

“Princess, it is good to see you again,” the older-looking thestral said and bowed. His dark blue mane not moving in the slightest.

“Of course, Duke Moonstone,” Princess Luna said.

Duke Moonstone nodded and smiled. “Princess, my son—”

“Moon Strike,” the younger thestral finished. Dusk sensed arrogance from him. His bow was not as low as his father’s was.

The Duke took notice of Dusk’s presence. “You have a new servant, your highness?” he inquired.

Luna nodded. “Yes, it is his first night as of now. I can assure you, he will not be interfering with us.” To her side, Nightingale nodded.

Duke Moonstone scrutinized Golden Dusk. “I must ask, but are you a half-breed of us thestrals and a unicorn?”

Dusk looked to Luna as if asking for permission. She nodded and he replied, “Yes, my father was a pegasus who harbored thestral genes, and my mother was a unicorn,” he replied solemnly with a slight bow.

“Ah, the wonders of genealogy!” the Duke chuckled. “Thank you, for sating my curiosity.”

He smiled, he might actually like this Duke. “I live to serve.” He bowed.

Then, his son snorted, “A half-breed with no wings.” He turned to the princess. “Princess, if I am correct, your servants should also be capable of protecting you should the time come?”

Luna nodded, keeping her amused smile invisible. “Yes, of course.”

He chuckled. “Would he be able to accomplish that task?” He pointed at Dusk.

The Duke looked irate. “Son—”

“I heard that thestral-unicorns have weaker magic than most.”

“Do not question the princess’ choice!” his dad bellowed. “Her personal servants are chosen by her and her alone!

His eyes widened and he looked to the princess. “My deepest apologies. For mine and my son’s behavior.”

Luna shook her head. “‘Tis no problem. We understand his concern for our safety, and I can attest to my newest butler’s capabilities.”

Moon Strike snorted and his dad forced his head lower. The guards they were with cast curious glances at Dusk, some of which were looking down on him.

The princess smirked. “If you’d like, we could run a mock test for your… reassurance.”

The Duke raised his head. “How would we do that, princess?”

“The throne room is quite spacious,” she said. “Position yourselves in a defensive formation. You and your son at the rear with your guards in front protecting you.”

Dusk internally sighed. She was toying with him.

“I will agree as long as no lethal force is used,” the Duke replied.

“Of course.”

The Duke nodded and sighed. He and his son walked to the opposite end of where Dusk was standing. Dusk could see that he was nagging his son rather quietly for his behaviour. The six guards that walked in with them took a defensive formation. A simple division into three pairs of ponies, each one positioned around the three weak points of their charge. The Duke and his son stood in front of a wall, meaning that Dusk would have to break through the guards to get through them.

“Should my butler break past your defenses, we shall win. Should my butler falter and give up, you win,” Luna stated.

Dusk weighed out his options. Going for the middle pair would end up in him getting pinched by the other two. Going for either side would still end up in him in a tight escape. What if he separated the groups?

“Use of lethal weapons and force not allowed.”

A simple earth-magic spell should do the trick. The floor was made of fancy rocks, right?


Golden Dusk stepped forward calmly. His suit’s tail waving slightly. His eyes thought of each approach and how much he would reveal. After all…

A fight was all about tricks.

The guards readied their stance. Each one kept themselves grounded and their wings were spread should they need to fly.

“If I attack they’ll just take off,” Dusk thought to himself.

“Should be easy enough.

His horn blazed with gold magic as he fired off a spell into the ground. The castle floor shook and a wall made of rock formed between the three groups. The middle pair was forced to fly, while the other two remained in their spots, making sure that the Duke was safe.

The two guards flew towards Golden Dusk at impressive speeds. They readied their hooves in front of them to strike him once they were close enough. The two dove downwards and Dusk fired off two spells that hit both targets directly. The two ponies’ flight paths were messed with, and they found themselves unable to move. The guards hit the ground and were going to stay there for as long as Dusk wanted.

The earth spell had withdrawn, and the ground was back to its original state. Dusk calmly walked closer as the last two pairs took up a different formation. One of the pairs flew and the other remained on the ground.

The ground pair wielded staffs, they removed the head of their spears! They pointed the weapons at Dusk as he approached.

He responded by firing off the same spell, only to be blocked by a flourish of their weapons. The two ponies charged and used an overhead thrust to strike him. Dusk blocked the attacks with one hoof each, now he was standing bipedally. The two guards retreated back into their old position, wondering why he wasn’t hurt.

Dusk’s sleeved forelegs and entire body suddenly had a gold aura of magic ripple through them. He covered his entire body with a magic barrier!

The aerial pair attempted to get around him to no avail. He saw them maneuvering earlier and already prepared a trap-spell behind him. A large circle of magic revealed itself on the floor, and gold ribbons ensnared the two flying thestrals. They were pulled down until they hit the ground.

Golden Dusk looked at the two thestral guards in front of him. “Just surrender, you already lost.”

One of them scoffed nervously. “Nothing is stopping us from avenging our comrades.”

Dusk sighed. “Yes, yes, there is.”

He gestured to the staffs they wielded. The guards looked at their weapons quizzically as suddenly, a smaller circle of magic activated. It sent out mists of minor paralysis spells that incapacitated the guards.

The Duke was not surprised at all, whereas his son stared at the butler with his mouth agape.

Luna grinned as she said, “T’would seem that was the end, Duke Moonstone.”

Duke Moonstone nodded, slightly ashamed of the quality of his guards. “Yes, princess, it would seem so.” He turned to look at his son. “Now, keep your mouth shut.”

“Yes, father...”

Golden Dusk felt the expectant gaze of Luna. He cancelled out all the spells he casted. The paralysis on the four ponies receded, and the ribbons dissipated into the air, joining the ambient magic around them. Those weren’t the hardest spells he’s casted, but the ribbons he casted were usually for incapacitating large targets or groups. And he had used them on a pair of ponies.

He’ll tinker with it sometime soon.

The six guards stood up and hung their heads in shame. They were bested by one pony.

Golden Dusk spoke up, “Don’t look so dejected, you’re still way stronger than most guards here.”

One guard looked up and asked, “How could you say that?”

“Because discrimination is still present in the Celestial Guard,” he replied. “Their teamwork was mostly formed through tolerance for each other. I could tell that you six had something more than that.”

The guards’ moods brightened, clearly affected by the compliment. The Duke gave Dusk an appreciative smile and asked, “I haven’t heard your name yet.”

“Golden Dusk. Just, Dusk, for short.”

The Duke nodded. “Well, you’re no doubt a worthy butler of our princess, Dusk.” He glared at his son. “Isn’t that right, son?”

Moon Strike glanced nervously at Dusk and gulped audibly. “Yes, father.”

“Well, now that’s settled, shall we get straight into business?” Luna more told than asked.

Duke Moonstone nodded. “About the reintegration of thestrals to Canterlot…”

Chapter 8 - Emergence

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“Are we ready?”

Lotus Mist stood in a warehouse. Littered around her were boxes and other items that weren’t of her concern. Metal rafters above them supported the roof, and a large table was in the center of it all. She sat down on a chair, different plans and blueprints laid about on the table. This was where they planned their attack.

“If we’re fortunate, the Royal Guard believed the entire ‘next full moon’ charade.” Quick Clean held a knife in his wings.

“They haven’t suspected anything to be happening,” Rock Steady added.

Lotus nodded. “This is happening tonight, whether we are opposed or not.”

The two stallions stood up as they faced a small crowd of ponies gathered in the warehouse. Each one wore a black-colored raincoat, a way to conceal themselves in the shadows of the night.

Quick and Rock pulled up their hoods as the three faced the crowd. Lotus following their motion. The crowd responded with them donning their own hoods.

“The potions are ready, the plan is set, all that’s left is to put it to the test,” Lotus said to the crowd who murmured their agreement.

“Close Ward!” she called out.

The unicorn walked from the crowd and said, “I have given each team their ‘primers.’ We’re ready.”

Lotus nodded. “The night is young but not for long. Our time is now... we shall make them bow.”


A few hours earlier…

Golden Dusk had just finished his first night as Princess Luna’s butler. The scuffle between him with the Hollow Shade guards was unexpected, yes, but everything else went off without a hitch. The Duke and Luna discussed the reintegration of thestrals in Canterlot. Thestrals appearing in other places in Equestria were met with little to no refute, yet the nobility of Canterlot seemed to refuse.

Dusk was appalled by the information. As if the discrimination wasn’t bad already…

Scarlet Gem’s first day was rather draining for her. She had worked in professional kitchens before, but it was a completely different experience. Each portion of food was so meticulously measured, the silverware was handled with care, and the amount they had to prepare? It was more than she was used to.

Her schedule was figured out at least. She would be working three days of the week, while another chef covers the last four. The higher-ups wanted to lighten the workload of the pony she was rotating with. She insisted on taking the four days instead, but the other chef was stubborn.

The two decided to use their freetime to grab some late-lunch at the Meadow Blossom. The sun looked just about ready to set.

Scarlet heard from Orchid that their old/new manager was fired after the owner heard of his behavior. The owner could not refute information given by the guard.

Golden Dusk sat down in one of the tables that had sofas for seats. They were super comfy! Scarlet Gem sat opposite to him, both awaiting their orders.

“So, how was your first day? We didn't really get into detail.” Dusk inquired.

Scarlet put down a glass of water she held. “Tedious,” she responded. “We had to cook for so many ponies and Princess Celestia’s ‘special meals,’” she giggled.

Dusk whistled. “How about the dishes?”

“You don’t wanna know.”

“... that bad?”


The pair chuckled and Scarlet asked, “How was your first night on the job?”

He let out a fake laugh. “Eventful.”

“How so?”

Dusk gave her a deadpan stare. “Luna made me fight a group of well-trained guards for no reason. Oh! She also tormented me to no end, so yeah, pretty good first day— night.”

“Aw, couldn’t handle a little action?” she smirked.

“Well, when it’s clearly for her amusement…” he sighed. “It’s fine, I got to exercise.”

“Which you so dearly needed,” she teased.

Dusk huffed. “I do not eat that much!”

“Your orders,” Orchid suddenly said.

She levitated onto the table a plate for Scarlet and about three for Dusk. Once they’ve said their thanks, Orchid left them to eat. Scarlet glanced at all three plates opposite to her, then flatly stared at Dusk. His response was to sheepishly smile and look away.

“You were saying?” Scarlet raised a brow, holding back her mirth.

He coughed into his hoof. “I may have... tendencies to eat more than I should…”

She started laughing and Dusk just grumbled and helped himself to his food. He noticed Orchid whispering to one of her colleagues, sparing glances his way every now and then. He shrugged and looked to Scarlet who wiped a tear from her eye.

That… is the understatement of the day,” she chuckled, panting slightly from her fit.

“Kay,” Dusk mumbled through a spoonful of food, to her amusement.

He didn’t really mind her occasional teasing, he usually gets back at her anyway. Besides, seeing her smile was more than enough.

Scarlet helped herself to her food and added, “So, how’d the whole ‘I had to fight some guards’ thing work out?”

He swallowed. “Six guards, one formation, had to break through it,” he stated simply.

“Let me guess, you shot them with magic,” she deadpanned.

“I gave them a show,” he shrugged. “It would be… against my interest if I just used long-ranged attacks.”

She raised a brow. “Why?” He doesn’t really go for direct engagements.

Dusk rolled his eyes. “Duke’s son was arrogant and said that I wasn’t ‘worthy’ of being Luna’s butler.” He took a sip of water. “So, I shut him up.”

Scarlet actually looked shocked. “That’s… kind of unlike you.”

He shrugged again. “Luna started the whole thing, I went along with it.”

“Now that makes more sense.”

She was about to put a fork of food in her mouth, but she nearly dropped it when she saw that Dusk had already finished two plates. She gawked and stared at him. He responded by giving her an innocent smile.


She sighed and mumbled, “Nothing.”

He tilted his head but dropped it nonetheless. They two halted their conversation as they enjoyed their meals.

Scarlet spared conservative glances at Dusk. She remembered the suit he’d worn last night. It gave her quite the view. He doesn’t seem like the type to wear or even look good in formal wear, but she was proved wrong. Sure, he looked more like a mare, but wearing a suit brought out his stallion features. His build was smaller than any stallions, yet him wearing the hoodie under it made him look even a little bigger. She swore that she could just get lost in the gold sea that is his eyes…

She stopped her glances and focused on her food. A blush adorned her cheeks.

Golden Dusk ate at a much calmer pace now, his mind overrun by thoughts. The Purifiers still worried him. Yes, their name could have used something more original, but that doesn’t reduce the potential threat they could be. The next full moon would be in a few weeks, so they’d have time to prepare.

He sipped on his glass as his mind wandered elsewhere. While Scarlet was much more confident than him, she didn’t let confidence turn into arrogance. He wished he could be more like that. He’d always avoided getting into fights, even in missions, and tries to stay out of any sort of conflict. Unless it’s in a controlled environment, he won’t start anything.

Dusk’s train of thought’s path altered. It chugged down a completely different route now! Scarlet’s confidence was inspiring to him. He looked up to her, she was great in so many ways. While her confidence sometimes leads to recklessness, ponies make mistakes, right?

Not to mention her she always held herself in some poise. Not in an arrogant way, no, but as an underlying thing. The way she moves around the kitchen, to how she maneuvers when she walks. It was always so graceful! And when she’s flying? Even if it’s just slightly above ground-level? The light reflected from her eyes was just jaw-dropping.

He avoided making eye-contact with her and looked down on his food, a pinkish hue to his silver cheeks. Was he that smitten?

He sighed internally. He’d figure this out when the recent threat is taken care of.

“Your dessert,” Orchid said, floating a small tray behind her.

Dusk jumped slightly. Was she doing this on purpose?

“Wait, we didn’t order dessert,” Scarlet said, confused.

Orchid levitated two plates onto the table. “Thanks to you two, we’re in proper working order again. This is our way of saying thanks.”

The pair thought about it for a moment. They looked at each other and sighed, Orchid would just insist on it.

“Thank you,” Dusk said first.

“And thank you.

Orchid left them again, having done her part.

“Well… that’s the second time this week,” Dusk chuckled.

Scarlet shrugged. “Free food?”

“Free food.”

They helped themselves to the dessert. It was really good!

“So, you’re going to work after this?” Scarlet inquired.

“Too early, will work later.”

She giggled. “What’re you gonna do then?”

He swallowed. “Park?”



After lunch, Dusk and Scarlet went to the Lunar Park. They spent their time enjoying the fresh air and the sights. The last time they were they it was... more for business.

The sunset left only the sun’s rays in view. A cool breeze blew past them as they sat on a bench. Their manes swayed slightly in the wind. Both of their eyes sparkled, watching the foals play. The laughter of young ponies, the clopping of their hooves along the grass, and the smiles on their faces as they played warmed everypony’s hearts.

Dusk too was affected by this. His friend — that he is totally not infatuated with — sat to his left, and having her there was a plus.

Scarlet spread her wings slightly to let them feel the breeze. She closed her eyes and focused her senses on that. She hasn’t flown recently. Whenever she was with Dusk, she’d stay on the ground to be with him. Not to mention, she can’t fly around a kitchen!

Maybe she’d take a short flight home once Dusk got to work.

Said stallion stood up and stretched a hind leg. “I could use a walk,” he told her. “You up for it?”

She rolled her eyes. “With what you ate earlier, you definitely need it!” she mused.

Dusk groaned and started to walk along a stone path. Scarlet giggled and followed.

They trotted and followed the line of concrete. They passed by a small lake and saw fishes swimming around, and ducks paddling along its surface. The clear, blue water reflected the surrounding greenery and ponies perfectly. They saw a few couples sitting on picnic blankets, enjoying their time together.

How they both wished that could be them.

Dusk walked a little slower as they entered some foliage. The trees’ leaves were so thick, only a few beams of sunlight could pass through. Birds flew above them while others stayed in their nests. Scarlet spotted an owl’s den, and some other places where nocturnal animals would rest in the day.

Despite being a Lunar Park, it was still beautiful under the sun.

Golden Dusk looked right and made a sudden turn. He pushed past some bushes and continued to walk. Scarlet wondered what he was doing but followed either way.

She pushed through some bushes and branches. She tumbled when she found herself out of the foliage, and her eyes were blinded by sunlight. She reflexively covered them, and once they adjusted, she found herself in a patch of flowers.

Dusk was walking around and was admiring each one. He sometimes ran his hoof along the flowers. Scarlet looked around and saw butterflies flying, bees buzzing by, and a few other ponies too.

She saw Golden Dusk walk towards her with his horn aglow. She was sitting down on a bed of flowers as he approached.

From behind him, a scarlet-colored flower floated in front of him. Scarlet looked taken aback, and he gestured to the side of her head.

“May I?” he stammered, a blush on his cheeks.

Scarlet nodded with a grin. She didn’t notice the blood that crept to her face.

He gently levitated the flower and used his hooves to tuck it behind her ear. He took a step back and looked at Scarlet.

“Wow...” he thought. The flower matched her eyes perfectly, and the radiant smile on her face completed everything.

Scarlet smirked and used her wings to control some wind. Slowly, a daffodil flew to Dusk’s head and landed perfectly behind one of his ears. The blush on his face grew deeper, but he tucked it in properly.

“Adorable.” That’s what all Scarlet could think.

Stallions rarely went with wearing flowers behind their ears. Golden Dusk was the exception.

They stared at each other for a few moments. A tingling sensation in their stomachs grew stronger and stronger. Their hearts started to beat faster.

Scarlet’s face had a pink hue to it. Dusk, on the other hoof, had a much deeper color of red. They heard the birds chirping their songs, and the added sound of the wind blowing.

Some unknown force told them to do something. Slowly, they inched closer to each other. Something about each other’s eyes just... hypnotized them.

They got close to the point that their muzzles were almost touching. They could even feel each other’s breaths!

Like inertia, the two kept moving closer. Their muzzles almost touching, the two—


They broke out of their daze and looked to their side. The pair saw a foal who had their mouth covered by the hoof of an older mare. The mare flashed them a sheepish smile and ushered the foal away.

Slowly, Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem turned their heads. Their gazes met, and they held it for a few seconds. Once they realized how close their muzzles were, they stumbled backwards.

“Uh…” Dusk looked anywhere but her eyes. He fell on his haunches.

Scarlet coughed. “Well… that was…”

“Weird?” he offered.

She rolled her eyes. “Let’s go with, odd.

Dusk gave a nervous laugh and stood up. “C’mon, I still have work.”

She stood on four legs as well. “Are we… going to talk about… whatever that was?” she asked.

He paused in his step and replied, “M-maybe… but not right now…”

Her heart sank. Just when she thought she was getting somewhere…

He coughed lightly. “I promise we will.”

Scarlet looked up and gave him a soft, yet sad smile.


After the entire… fiasco at the park. Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem made their way to Dusk’s home. The sun started to set, and the moon and stars slowly revealed themselves. They kept their flowers in their respective magic storages.

The two were silent for most of the trip. A few awkward conversations here and there, but Scarlet was acting different.

“Uh, who did you say was the head chef?” Dusk inquired. They were talking about their jobs.

“Royal Palette,” Scarlet replied, uninterested.

He internally gulped. “The one from all those fancy magazines?”


“Well, you sure are lucky then, huh?” he said.

“Mhm.” She was looking straight ahead, emotionless.

Dusk mentally facehooved. Did he do something that bad? Sure, he said that they wouldn’t talk about… it, well not right now at least. He needed to ready himself if they were going to.

Scarlet sighed rather loudly. Dusk glanced at her but kept walking silently. She could barely feel anything right now. With how he seemed so uncomfortable about what happened.

They eventually reached his humble abode. Scarlet stayed by the door, leaning on the frame bipedally with her forelegs crossed. Dusk went up the stairs and into his room. He approached his closest and glanced at his desk. Specifically, at its drawer. He sighed and opened the closest, pulling out the suit. He put it on and went back down.

When he went back down, he didn’t go straight for the door, to Scarlet’s surprise. He instead went to the kitchen and pulled out a small ceramic water container. He let the faucet run, as he let a small amount of water into it. He placed it on the living room’s coffee table, and his horn glowed. The daffodil that she gave him appeared, and he placed it into the container.

“Hopefully she’ll see this as a sign…” he thought.

Dusk smiled as he neared the door, Scarlet had a far-away look in her eyes. She stood on four hooves to follow.

The moon and stars were completely visible now. There was still some light left from the sun, but it was really dim. It looked like it was an extremely rainy day, but darker.

Scarlet walked onto the sidewalk as Dusk locked the door with his key. She didn’t feel like going with him now. She wanted to wallow in her sadness. Dusk approached her, suit looking sharp.

“Do I look okay?” he asked, adjusting his suit.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it—”

The ground suddenly shook, sounds of explosions resounding throughout Canterlot. Ponies screamed and ran for their homes. Scarlet took off, and Dusk climbed to the top of his house. Jumping onto different segments, he reached the top and looked off into the distance.

He didn’t even need his night-vision. He saw at least six different buildings glowing brightly and emitting smoke. Scarlet saw the same thing. They both went back down onto the sidewalk, though Scarlet was more graceful.

“Castle!” Scarlet shouted and started to gallop, getting ready to take off.

She stopped when Dusk held her by a hoof with magic. She turned around to face him.

“Gem, I need you right now,” he said softly. “What happened at the park… we’ll talk about it later.” He looked up at her with a hopeful smile. “Right now, I need my ever-treasured friend with me.”

She looked at him for a few moments. She sighed and smiled. “Is that why you call me ‘Gem?’ Cuz I’m your ‘treasure?’”

Dusk flushed red and bellowed, “Teasing later, saving Canterlot now!”

“Sure.” She rolled her eyes as she took off.

Scarlet flew close to the ground, making sure that nopony was injured. Dusk barely kept up with her with body-enhancement magic.

They reached the castle gates. There were guards stationed outside, almost like an army. Different squads — from both the Celestial and Lunar Guards — were being sent out to the different explosion sights. Opposite to them, they saw Shining Armor and Princess Cadence bolting for the gates. The two picked up their pace in hopes of meeting up with them.

A squad of guards saluted their former-captain as the couple slowed their pace. Scarlet and Dusk approached and flashed their badges. The guards saluted as well as the four entered the castle at the same time, a light run in their pace.

“Captain, princess,” the Specialists said.

“Golden Dusk, Scarlet Gem,” Shining Armor replied.

Princess Cadence looked at them to reply, but her eyes widened instead. Slowly, her look of shock grew into a knowing smirk.

“Throne room, ponies?” The pink princess asked.

The other three nodded as they ran down the castle hallways. The Lunar Guards were on high alert, spears drawn and ready to defend the palace.

They barged into the throne room, the two guards that were stationed outside the door looked confused. The four saw Luna and Nightingale sitting calmly. The aide was scribbling down things on a scroll, while Luna looked outside the window.

The night princess looked to the four. “A total of seven explosions, all occurred in the residences of nobles.”

Shining Armor stepped forward. “What do we do?”

“You are staying here with me and my aunties,” Cadence said, to his disappointment. “You’re a prince now, we need you here.”

“Guess I’ll help plan,” he muttered.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadence went to sit beside Luna on the side of her throne. The night princess looked to the Guardians in front of her.

“Hunter, you are to visit the different sights of explosions. Valkyrie shall assist you,” Luna stated.

“Pretty vague, if you ask me,” Dusk murmured.

“I can hear you, Hunter!”

“Yes, princess!” He bowed so low, his head almost hit the ground.

Scarlet chuckled, their antics kept everypony in the room calm.

“Princess, intruders!” The throne room guard barged in before getting knocked on the back of the head. He collapsed onto the floor.

A group of ten hooded ponies calmly walked in the room. To the royalties’ surprise, they didn’t look nervous at all. They sensed confidence, almost to the point of arrogance.

That wasn’t all, Dusk could sense strong magic emanating from them. It wasn’t natural…

One of them walked forward. “Princess, we’ve come to bargain.”

Luna scoffed. “And what makes thee believe that negotiations are possible?”

They smiled. “We have a select number of ponies you may want… alive.”

Almost immediately, each and every single Purifier in the room faltered in their stance. They all looked up to see different colored glowing eyes. Princess Luna’s and Cadence glowed with anger, the Captain’s similar to theirs. Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem’s glowed, though emotionless.

“I-I think this was a bad idea…” one of them whined.

“We will follow through,” their, presumably, squad leader said. “Our powers combined should be enough to stop them.”

They dropped their hoods and revealed their horns.

The leader smirked. “We are still open to negotiations, princesses.”

Luna’s glare died down and she sighed. “What is it that you want?”

“The abolishment of the noble houses,” one of them nodded. “And a system wherein we get to decide whoever rules over us.”

She hummed for a moment and answered, “Unfortunately, I cannot allow either of those.”

Their horns flared. “I suppose we’ll do it ourselves then.”

Suddenly, they began to compress an extremely large amount of magic together. A giant sphere formed above the group.

Luna’s, Cadence’s, and Shining Armor’s horn blazed with magic. They formed a prismatic barrier around them, including the Guardians.

A flash of white went off outside the bubble, and a unicorn wearing blue and white armor appeared. Dusk and Scarlet smirked as a purple glow appeared through the unicorn’s helmet.

All of a sudden, the sphere of magic the Purifiers had gathered disappeared. They all looked at each other in panic and attempted the spell again. None of them found themselves able to use their magic!

Their heads turned to face the armored pony. The purple glow remained and pierced their very soul. One of them looked past the unicorn, to see that the butler and the pegasus had disappeared.

“Guys! The butler and the—”

The one who called out to them was knocked out by a shot of magic. They all turned to look behind them and saw nopony. Four of them had small tornadoes form underneath them, and they were slammed into a pillar.

The five that remained panicked and attempted to shield themselves. Their magic still not working, they bolted for the door. Dusk walked out from behind a pillar calmly, a fanged smirk on his face. He fired off two spells that chained into all five ponies, paralyzed them, and put them to sleep. He looked to the unicorn in blue armor with his now-slitted eyes.

“Good work,” the unicorn in armor commended.

“Nicely done, Warlock,” Luna said.

Mythic Moon’s helmet opened and they could see her face. The purple glow from her eyes were gone. It was back to its normal shade of white.

“Where’s ‘Tia?” she asked.

“In her quarters.”

Mythic nodded and her horn glowed. Two flashes brought a pair of armor sets into existence. One was Dusk’s, and the scarlet-colored one was… well, Scarlet’s. Nothing much changed from the original design of Dusk's armor.

Strangely enough, they were sent in standing bipedally.

“You two remember that movie from the other side of the mirror with the guy named ‘Tony Stank’ or something, right?” Mythic asked.

The two nodded and chuckled at the memory.

“Use your key spells.”

Dusk’s horn glowed, and Scarlet’s necklace emitted a similar one. The two sets of armor hissed, and the back completely opened up. They could just equip it by walking into it!

Mythic gave them a smile. “I’ll tell you guys how it works later. For now...” Her horn blazed. “I’m coming ‘Tia!”

Mythic Moon, the Warlock, disappeared.

Scarlet and Dusk stood on two legs as they let their bodies become one with the armor. They stepped in and let gravity do its thing. The two dropped onto all fours, and the armor slowly closed up on them.

Golden Dusk stretched his legs and turned to Luna and Cadence. “Mind firing a spell or two at me?”

The two princesses looked at each other and shrugged. Two beams of magic melded together into one as it hit Dusk. The yellow running along his armor glowed a subtle blueish-green aura.

“Thanks,” Dusk smiled.

Scarlet flexed her wings. “The wing plates are great!”

“Alright, Guardians, new toys aside, I believe you have a city to save.” Luna flicked her head to the window.

The Hunter and Valkyrie nodded. Now that they were both armored-up, they galloped and flew respectively out the throne room.


Mythic Moon stood in a small hallway. About five paralyzed, but still conscious, Purifiers were tied up in a bundle of magic. She knocked on the door to Princess Celestia’s bedroom. The door opened slowly, and the princess poked her head through.

“That would explain why none of them entered,” she muttered.

“Um, what?” Mythic asked.

Celestia cooed. “Oh, Warlock, they attempted to invade our castle and caused disorder within my city? Possibly harming hundreds of my little ponies?” She took a step out the door, her smile growing darker and darker. She leaned in close to the bundle of criminals.

“I would love nothing more than a moment with these ones… away from prying eyes...

The five failed-invader’s eyes widened as they all simultaneously passed out.

Celestia’s dark smile and glowing eyes disappeared quickly.

“Well, that’s that. Throw them in the dungeon please! I need to check on my sister,” the princess chippered as she teleported away.

Mythic Moon, underneath her armor, had eyes as wide as plates, and sweat dripping down her form.

“That… was a first…”

Chapter 9 - Dissonance

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Canterlot was in a state of disarray. Panicked ponies ran around, looking for some form of safety. Royal Guards, both Celestial and Lunar, gathered them and brought them to the castle for safety. Different buildings still emitted smoke; all of them stemming from noble houses.

Golden Dusk, now wearing armor, galloped through the streets to the closest site of Purifier activity. Scarlet Gem flew in front of him, only slightly ahead.

Dusk looked around him for a moment and saw chaos. Memories sprung up that he much rather remain buried. Shaking his head, he kept running.

They reached a tall two-story house. A metallic fence surrounded a small perimeter, and Royal Guards were outside. The squad looked to be frustrated.

Scarlet approached their lieutenant who was a well-aged unicorn stallion in gold armor with a star-shaped badge.

“What’s the situation?” Scarlet asked, landing gently behind the lieutenant.

The unicorn jumped and looked behind him. “Identification.”

Scarlet sighed and Dusk caught up, now standing beside her. She pulled out her badge and flipped it to its back. Engraved in a scarlet color was ‘Valkyrie.’ The lieutenant‘s eyes grew in size, and he nodded.

“Sorry, Guardian, didn’t know I’d live long enough to see one of you,” he chuckled.

“Make that two,” Dusk smirked under his helmet. He pulled out his badge and flipped it around. A black metallic plate was layered on it and engraved in gold was ‘Hunter.’

“Valkyrie and Hunter?” He shivered a little. “Lieutenant Star Chaser.”

“Lieutenant, what’s the sitrep?” Scarlet asked.

Star Chaser sighed. “This is the Sparkle residence.”

“The Sparkles?”

The lieutenant nodded. “Purifiers managed to sneak into the residence. They breached through a back wall, and are holding Sir Night Light and Miss Velvet hostage.”

Oh, they were going that far?

“What are their demands?” Scarlet inquired.

“The abolishment of the noble houses and having a ruler other than the princesses,” he deadpanned.

Dusk sighed. “So, basically the same thing.”


“Purifiers attempted to invade the castle. They have been taken care of, and their demands were the same,” Scarlet explained.

“Do we need to reinforce the palace?” Star Chaser asked.

Dusk shook his head. “We have the Warlock there already. Captain Armor as well.”

Right on cue, a large raspberry-colored bubble surrounded the royal palace, ensuring no invaders would get in or out.

Star Chaser nodded. “Back on topic, the Sparkles are being held in the first floor living room. We’re unsure of their numbers, and our guards can’t sneak in without being spotted.”

Suddenly, a familiar unicorn stepped beside the lieutenant. “Sir! They are growing restless!” He gestured to their squad of guards.

“We’re working on it, Swift Star.” He rolled his eyes.

“Swift Star?” Scarlet inquired, looking at the familiar stallion. “Oh, I see that wound on your cheek healed with no fuss.”

The guard looked in front of him and saw two Guardians. He let out a light gasp and took a step back.

Star Chaser noticed the glow through the helmet of Valkyrie and stepped in. “Did my nephew do something… untoward you, Guardian?”

She hummed. “Well, it’s in the past.” She turned to look at Dusk. “Think you can hit them from here?”

Golden Dusk was already eyeing the windows with a gold shine through his helmet.

“Windows aren’t big enough. I can’t see any good spots to get an angle either,” he sighed. “I’ll go in through the back.”

“Won’t you get spotted?” Swift Star asked.

Scarlet held a hoof to her chest in mock hurt. “We show you what we’re capable of, and you still doubt us?”

Star Chaser glared at his nephew. “There’s a story behind that, and I intend to know.”

Seeing as Swift Star gulped, he sighed. “Okay, so Hunter—”

He was gone.

Star Chaser glanced around and found no trace of him. He looked to the Valkyrie with a questioning gaze. When she returned it, she looked to her left where Dusk was standing. She laughed when she saw nopony there.

“He’s like that,” she giggled. “It’s good to know he’s confident about this.”

Golden Dusk silently walked around the metallic fence. He used a spell to hide his presence. He found a small opening behind the house, it seemed they pried the fence open. He jumped through it and landed silently. The moon shining brightly above him now, there would be plenty of shadows to hide in. Though, he casted a spell to hide his presence, just in case.

There was a large chunk of wall missing behind the Sparkle residence. Smoke still sprouted from it, and fires burned excessively. It didn’t seem to be spreading, however. He checked to see the magic flow and found that the flames were being controlled. They weren’t going to spread, but they were still hot.

Ignoring the flames for now, he entered the house lightly. Once in, he found himself in the kitchen. It still seemed to be in order, despite a few signs of struggle. A chair tipped over, and a few broken plates were the most notable. They were probably preparing for dinner.

Dusk peeked out the kitchen and found himself in a dimly lit hallway. He already had his eyes shifted, so it seemed a lot brighter to him. Quietly, he snuck through the hall and found a large opening with a lot of light coming from it.

“They aren’t doing anything,” he heard a voice say.

“We have to wait, our orders say so,” another added.

Curious, he used the magic Luna and Cadence gave him to cast a spell. A gold orb formed in front of him; it reflected its surroundings perfectly, making it almost invisible. He made sure that he couldn’t sense magic from anywhere in the house but the living room. Once sure, he closed his eyes.

Dusk saw everything through the little orb as it flew into the living room. Night Light and Twilight Velvet were tied up and had their mouths covered. Both conscious, the mare was shaking and the stallion calm. Though, he could tell he was putting up a front so that his wife wouldn’t lose hope.

Six Purifiers were in the room. Two standing in close proximity to their hostages, and the other four spread out by different furniture. A pair of them stood directly behind the wall he was leaning on. Two earthponies, three pegasi, and one unicorn.

“I should be able to manage,” Dusk whispered to himself, eyes still closed.

The orb flew to the two farthest away from his entrance. The Purifiers were a decent range from each other, but it would work. The orb planted itself on the wall, and Dusk’s view of the room slowly disappeared.

Satisfied, he opened his eyes and his horn glowed. He cast two more spells on the wall, directly behind where the two other Purifiers were standing.

It was all ready. His horn blazed once more and ribbons of magic sprouted where the orb planted itself. It snared the two Purifiers that were adjacent to each other. The pair by the wall readied short swords and rushed to help their comrades. The spell Dusk cast behind them activated and they found themselves trapped in a gold aura of magic and were slammed into the wall and glued to it. Their swords dropped to the ground.

The last two, who were supposed to guard their hostages, drew knives. One rushed to one pair, and the other went to the ones on the wall.

“Damn the Guard!” the one working on the ribbons of magic cried.

Weakly, a pegasus trapped in ribbons called out, “Behind y-you…”

They turned around and saw that their last comrade who wasn’t trapped was knocked out. A unicorn in black and yellow armor standing over his body.

“So, the guard sent you after us?” they spat, readying his knife.

The unicorn in armor remained stoic and calmly approached him.

Shaking, they flicked their up to point their horn at Dusk. It blazed with magic, preparing a large spell.

“Take this!” With a pained cry, a large beam of magic shot at Dusk.

He found himself blinded, but he took the hit with courage. Once the beam had died down, the Purifier found himself panting. He looked up with a sense of victory, only to be changed into one of fear.

Dusk was still in one piece. He covered the four ponies behind him in a gold bubble to make sure they wouldn’t get hurt. The yellow in his armor glowed brightly, and so did his horn.

The Purifier that fired the spell was briskly tossed out the window, knocking him out. The guards outside were surprised except for Scarlet. The squad immediately sprang into action and started to advance into the house while others bound the Purifier outside.

Inside, Dusk’s armor stopped glowing as he absorbed the magic. It still didn’t feel natural… it felt... enhanced somehow.

He approached Night Light and Twilight Velvet calmly. Using his magic, he removed the tape from their mouths, making sure it wouldn’t cause them any pain.

Breathlessly, Twilight Velvet asked, “W-who are you?”

Dusk untied them, and showed them his badge, specifically, the side with the engraving.

Night Light stood up. “Thank you,” he smiled.

The squad of guards stormed the room, and Scarlet entered through the broken window.

“Sir Night Light and Miss Velvet, please come with us,” Lieutenant Star Chaser said. “We’ll have you stay at the castle.”

Night Light and Twilight Velvet gave one more thanks to Dusk and left with a pair of guards. Star Chaser eyed the Purifiers who were still struggling against their binds.

“Shall I take them to the dungeon?”

“In a moment,” Dusk said, leaving the lieutenant bemused.

The unicorn in black armor approached the two who were tied with ribbons. “Where is your hideout?”

One of them snorted weakly. “We’d never tell you.”

Dusk sighed inwardly and he fired two spells onto the pair. “Where?” he asked in a dark tone.

“On the moon,” one of them snarked. Suddenly, they were met with a sharp pain throughout their body that lasted several seconds.

Dusk turned to look at the other one. “Where?”

Shakily, he admitted, “T-there’s a warehouse in the lower parts of Canterlot! It’s the only one, you can’t miss it!”

Seeing as they didn’t erupt in pain, Dusk nodded. He turned to face the lieutenant.

Now you can take them,” he said.

Star Chaser nodded, slightly disturbed.

Golden Dusk approached Scarlet. “Shall we?”


The pair of Guardians made their way outside, a squad of guards following behind them with bound rebels. The ponies they saved were just outside the fence, a purple alicorn hugging the two tightly.

“I’m glad you two are okay!” the princess cried.

Her parents returned the embrace. “Twilight, we’re okay, but we—”

“I would’ve come sooner, but I just got the letter from the princesses! Then, I had to explain to Starlight and Spike where I was going and—”

Her mom tapped her on the nose, ending her rant. “We’re fine, dear, but we need to go to the castle, as the guards said,” Velvet said.

Twilight Sparkle nodded and wiped away a tear. “I’ll go with you.”

The family of three made their way to the palace, escorted by the entire squad of guards now. Star Chaser bid the Guardians farewell.

Dusk stood motionless for a few moments. One of the reasons he joined the guard was to keep ponies safe. Seeing the Sparkles and their reunion brought both warmth and pain to his heart.

Scarlet nudged him with a wing. “Ready?”

Dusk nodded.

“Let’s end this.”


“Why is your magic power unnaturally high?”

Back at the castle, Purifiers were tied up in the throne room whereas others were sent straight to the dungeon. Mythic Moon wanted some to be in the presence of royalty for the interrogation. Shining and Princess Cadence were discussing plans of what to do with the prisoners while Princess Luna and Celestia were standing beside Mythic.

“I-I’ll never tell you!” the Purifier cried.

Mythic sighed. Her horn glowed as a sharp pain struck the Purifier. They held back a scream, and their body tensed. After a few moments, they relaxed and breathed heavily.

“Why?” Mythic asked once more.

The Purifier spat at her helmet, a weak smirk growing on his face. Mythic wiped it off with magic, and her eyes started glowing white.

The two princesses held a hoof in front of her, telling her to stop.

“T’would seem they are uncooperative, sister,” Luna said.

Celestia nodded. “I believe so.”

“Shall we show them what alicorns can do?”

The sun princess’ smile grew. “Sister... I cannot help but agree with you more…”

The Purifier shook and his ears folded back. The princess’ horns slowly emitted glows, and he started sweating.

“Potions!” he cried. “She gave us potions!”

“Who is ‘she?’” Mythic asked.

He gulped and added, “Close Ward. She gave us potions and said it’d make us powerful enough to take down alicorns!”

Mythic looked horrified, something the princesses took note of. “Was it colored orange and sometimes shifted to red?”


She recoiled and stood up. She shot a sleep spell at the Purifier. The two princesses stood up as well as she walked towards a pillar.

“Warlock? What’s the problem?” Luna asked.

Mythic Moon held a hoof on the pillar. She pulled it back before slamming her hoof into it. A sizable crack left from the impact.

“Damn you, Close Ward…” she cursed.

“Warlock?” Celestia asked, the loud noise of her action drawing the attention is Shining Armor and Cadence as well.

“Four from Valkyrie, and one from Warlock,” Luna noted in a whisper, eyeing the different cracks in the pillar. “T’would seem repairs will be needed,” she sighed.

Her sister gave her a subtle glare and she smiled sheepishly.

“Close Ward… was a former Royal Researcher,” Mythic explained. “She managed to create potions that boosted a pony’s magic to alicorn levels.”

“That sounds like quite the discovery,” Luna said. “How come she was removed from her position?”

She sighed. “It’s how the potion’s made.” She turned to face them. “Most ingredients were fairly common, different plants and such. Then, she told us the last ingredient…” She stepped forward. “Magic.”

“That sounds fairly normal,” Luna raised a brow.

“No, not our magic. Pony magic is stable, constant, the amount we have can translate to how powerful we are. Hence, me having power equal to alicorns.”

“Then how was it made?”

“You know how volatile the magic of creatures other than us is?” Mythic asked.

Luna nodded. “Of course, creatures such as the cockatrice and Timber Wolves have magic that is unstable.”

“Take the hint.”

The night princess hummed in thought, though her sister had already figured it out. Her eyes widened when she came to realization.

“She took magic from innocent creatures?” she asked, horrified.

“That would leave them dead,” Cadence whispered audibly.

“Close Ward found a way to extract their magic forcefully. She made a device that we should have destroyed,” Mythic growled.

“So, she has taken the lives of those creatures?” Celestia asked.

She shook her head. “No, she didn’t have the heart to do it.” Her mood turned sour. “Though, with the amount they were left with, they might as well be dead when she released them…”

Suddenly, a familiar green pony walked in the room calmly. Her dual-toned grey and black mane swishing lightly. She wore an ornate bracer with an emerald gem on her right foreleg.

“Finally, you’re here,” Mythic deadpanned.

Emerald Melody scoffed. “You try being in the middle of orchestra rehearsal in this mess and suddenly leaving your band alone.” She glared lightly. “Not suspicious at all.”

Mythic sighed and chuckled lightly. “Alright, here.”

With a white flash, a set of green armor came into existence. It stood bipedally and... it had a spot for a horn on the helmet.

Mel deadpanned, “Warlock, I don’t have a horn.”

“Do you want everypony to know you can do magic without one?”

She sighed. “Fair enough. Why is it bipedal though?”

“Use your key spell.”

Mel’s eyes glowed a bright green, and the back of the armor clicked open. She got the idea and walked into it on her two hind legs, aligning her forelegs with the armor. Using gravity, she fit into the armor as it wrapped around her.

She stretched her legs. “Perfect,” she said.

Mel held up a hoof as green magic gathered on it. She let it compress into a small ball and threw it at Mythic. The Warlock put up a barrier. The ball exploded, and Mel could feel the deadpan stare coming through her helmet.


“I needed the warm-up,” she explained.

Mythic was tempted to make her unable to use her magic but decided against it.

“So, what’s the plan?” Mythic asked.

“I’m sure you can feel the magic of Hunter and Valkyrie. We help them.” Mel cracked her neck.

“Of course, so shall we?”

Mel turned to face the royalty in the room. “By your leave.”

“Go, bring an end to this. The squads of our guard will be more than enough to address those who were attacked.” Celestia and Luna sat on their throne once more. Beside them, Raven Inkwell and Nightingale were both writing on scrolls.

Mel and Mythic nodded. Maestro stood closer to her teammate whose horn glowed white. In a flash, they were both gone.

Shining Armor stared blankly at the royal sisters. “You do know what you’ve done, right?”

They gazed at him with a smile. It was so sweet and innocent, it would give even the Element of Laughter diabetes.

Cadence asked, “What did they do?”

Shining’s gaze remained flat as he faced his wife. “They just siced four Guardians on the Purifiers.”

Cadence eyes widened and she could only say one thing.



Golden Dusk stood outside a large, purple, metal door. The warehouse had a similar style to the other buildings in Canterlot. He thought it would be ominous and broken down. Instead, a pristine coat of white paint covered the walls, a bright, purple roof covered it. Windows were placed high up and on the roof. The night sky easily revealed the light coming from inside.

Scarlet Gem landed in front of him after scouting the area. “Large windows on the roof, no back entrances.”

Dusk sighed. “So, we go in loud?”

“We could try slipping in through the windows.”

“They’ll notice a moving window that nopony is touching,” he deadpanned.

Suddenly, white flared behind them. The two took a bipedal fighting stance before lowering back down to the ground with a sigh.

“Maestro, Warlock,” they greeted.

“Hunter, Valkyrie,” the pair that teleported in greeted back.

“What’s the situation?” Mel asked.

“We have confirmed information that this is their hideout,” Dusk replied.

“And we plan on taking out their strongest players first,” Scarlet added.

Mythic’s horn flared, but she was stopped by Mel putting a hoof in front of her.

“What are our options?” She asked.

Mythic sighed as she powered down the spell she was casting.

“No back entrances, so loud and proud,” Dusk said.

Mythic smiled inside her helmet and her horn flared.

Mel sighed. “Okay, Warlock and I will distract whatever numbers they have in there. Look for where their leaders are and take them down.”

Dusk and Scarlet nodded. He raised his forehooves up and Scarlet picked him up and they flew to the roof. Once they landed, Scarlet flew up once more and gave the two a go signal.

“Just like old times, eh, Mel?” Mythic giggled.

“Maestro,” she corrected. “But yes, just like old times,” she smiled.

The Warlock’s horn blazed a bright white. She opened the large doors open, an explosion resounding outside and inside the building. She walked in calmly, Maestro close behind her. She estimated about a hundred ponies in black raincoats.

Mel subtly looked up and saw Dusk and Scarlet entering through the windows. Dusk walking upside down and the pegasus flying silently.

“Good luck, Guardians,” she whispered.

“Please, they can take care of themselves.” Mythic rolled her eyes.

A Purifier’s horn blazed and they tossed multiple large crates towards them. The two dodged but found their exit blocked. Another Purifier casted a magic barrier, ensuring that teleportation wasn’t possible.

The Purifiers surrounded them, planning to use their advantage in numbers.

“Now, you are trapped here with us,” one said arrogantly.

After a few moments, Mythic burst into laughter, confusing the Purifiers.

After Mel’s own fit of giggles, she said, “Please…”

Mythic’s voice added:

You are trapped here with us.

Chapter 10 - One Step Further

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Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem slipped through a small opening by the ceiling. They entered a separate room, leaving Mythic Moon and Emerald Melody to deal with their numbers. The last words they uttered still echoed in their minds bringing a chill down their spine.

The opposite room had less crates and ponies. A small round table was in the center, and a room for overseeing workers was opposite to them. They recognized Lotus Mist and the other two ponies they saw at the Lunar Park, but not the unicorn.

Dusk continued to walk on the ceiling, sticking to the shadows. Scarlet following closely behind, flapping her wings silently.

“What do we do?” Scarlet asked in a whisper.

He settled onto one spot, still upside down. “Wait a moment…”

She nodded. Dusk was always the one who knew when to strike.

Lotus Mist indignantly rubbed a hoof on her temple, bothered by the noise in the opposite section of the warehouse.

“Quick, check on it.”

The khaki pegasus nodded. He flapped his wings to gently fly towards the door.

“On my signal, knockout Rock Steady,” Dusk said.

Scarlet started gathering wind on her hooves, preparing a small amount of it to quickly build up into a large one.

Quick neared the door, and held a hoof to open it.


Dusk’s horn flared and a spell fired and hit Quick Clean. The pegasus dropped onto the ground, groaning, trying to stay conscious. Alarmed, the other three ponies stood up as well.

Scarlet’s eyes glowed as she sent the wind using her wings. A tornado formed under Rock Steady, and he was lifted off the ground and tossed to a nearby crate. The box shattered as he struggled to get up. He groaned before falling limp.

Lotus Mist flared her wings in aggression. Close Ward’s horn readied a spell. She fired it where she saw the gold blast of magic come from, and the spell exploded. Dusk and Scarlet landed a fair distance from them, unharmed.

Dusk looked up to where they were and found a large hole in the ceiling.

“Yeah, that isn’t natural,” he muttered. She used way too little magic in that spell.

“We’re giving you one chance to turn yourselves in,” Scarlet stated calmly. “Resistance will result in conflict.”

Close Ward laughed. “You think you can beat us?”

“We aren’t sloppy fighters,” Lotus added with a smirk.

Dusk shook his head. “I don’t doubt that.”

Scarlet’s eyes glowed once more. “But can you handle us?” she asked confidently.

Close Ward snorted. “I guess we’ll get to see how powerful the potion really is then.”

“It would seem that way,” Lotus agreed.

“Anyway,” Close Ward smiled as she held Scarlet in her magic. “You’re dancing with me.

Scarlet was tossed into one side of the warehouse, separating her from Dusk. Once she was released from the magic, she landed roughly on her hooves. she immediately had to dodge a blast of magic sent her way.

Golden Dusk turned to face Lotus Mist who held knives in her wings. Her azure eyes had a faint glow as she licked on one of the blades. She seemed less… threatening at the park. Where was her confidence coming from?

“This’ll be fun…”

“I politely disagree with you,” Dusk replied, horn glowing gold.

Lotus threw two daggers in his direction. They hit his armor but couldn’t pierce it. The blades dropped comically to the ground.

“What?” Dusk asked.

“What?” Lotus replied, looking innocent.

He then noticed the faint light the daggers gave off. Immediately, they exploded, smoke filling the surrounding area of the guard. Lotus smirked, thinking she had won. Suddenly, gold flashed behind her.

“Not bad,” Dusk commended as he delivered a punch.

Lotus blocked it with two hooves but she was still pushed back. A trail of dust was left as she skidded through the floor. She looked up to see Dusk preparing another spell.

She drew her knives, opting for closing the distance. She kicked off the ground with her hind leg while flapping her wings. She flew closer to Dusk with a knife pointed straight at his throat. Dusk made a move to block and counter, but she threw the knife as she flapped her wings hard enough to bring her behind him.

Dusk caught the knife and tried to strike Lotus with it. She caught his hoof, and she attempted to stab him through his chest. When that failed, she left both knives in close proximity to him and they exploded once more. His armor was tough!

“Six left,” she muttered in a volume only she could hear. She drew two more knives.

Dusk’s ears couldn’t help but twitch at that. Wait, his ears could twitch?! He wiggled his ears a little just to be sure. Setting aside his excitement for now, he faced Lotus once more.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said.

Lotus stretched her forelegs. “I’m sure you’ve already done that.”

He sighed. “Well… I gave you a chance…”

His eyes glowed a bright gold. Slowly, he seemed to just fade from existence! Lotus looked around, knives held in her hooves. All she could hear in the background was the fight between Close Ward and the pegasus guard.

Scarlet Gem was in the air. She glanced to where Dusk and Lotus were fighting and saw that her teammate had disappeared. Oh, he was taking her seriously now!

“Eyes here!”

Her eyes focused back on her opponent who launched a barrage of spells at her. She dodged left, and maneuvered around the projectiles. Once the attack had died down, she held her hooves out in front of her, holding them up as if she were casting something. She gathered wind on her hooves; it swirled around at high speeds. It spun faster and faster until it’s usually dull color turned into a bright scarlet.

Scarlet wore a smirk only she could see. Close Ward had prepared another round of spells already.

She threw the wind at Close Ward. The unicorn cast a thick barrier, and the wind diverged into two directions.

“Wind is so easy to deal with,” she laughed.

Scarlet’s eyes glowed brightly, and the wind she had thrown started to gather around the bubble, the scarlet color unwavering. Then, the wind shaped itself into arcs and launched at the shield. Close Ward’s arrogance took a dip when each gust exploded onto her shield. She groaned as she amplified the bubble.

“Magic and wind equals that,” Scarlet said to herself. “If she can still take that… lets take it even further.”

Multiple gusts of wind still attacked Close Ward’s shield. Scarlet flew the farthest distance she could from the bubble. Using the wall as a launchpad, she kicked off of it sending her rocketing towards the shield. The unicorn braced herself for the impact, adding more magic to her already crumbling defense.

Scarlet suddenly stopped half-way and gave her wings one hard flap. A large gust of wind that was dense with magic sped right for Close Ward. Her shield slowly developed cracks, and she screamed once it gave in.

Lotus’ gaze found her ally after hearing her cry. She still couldn’t find the unicorn she was fighting! Seeing Scarlet tower over her comrade made her bolt to attack the guard. Once she crossed a large crate, it exploded, sending her flying back.

The pegasus coughed and stood up. She recalled the she saw a gold glow right before the crate exploded. Scarlet bound Close Ward and placed an anti-magic ring on her horn.

Lotus Mist looked around and narrowly dodged a bolt of magic sent her way. She looked up and saw a gold light power down. She threw a knife at the spot, and it exploded. Suddenly, a bolt of magic hit her from another direction. Magic was shot at her consecutively, but the locations were always different. If one was on the right, the next could be anywhere.

Scarlet couldn’t help but feel even a little bad. When Dusk got going… only an overwhelming force or an equal could stop him. Well, that went for all the Guardians.

Lotus cried when she was shot with another spell, the effects of the potion dying down. Desperately, she flew in one direction with her knife drawn. She was met with another explosion that sent her straight back to the ground.

“It’s over, Lotus Mist,” Dusk’s voice echoed from one side of the warehouse.

“Give up,” he somehow said on the opposite side.

Scarlet glanced both directions. She hadn’t seen this trick before…

“Like Tartarus it is,” Lotus spat.

She reached for something in her coat. She pulled out a potion that glowed a dangerously dark purple. Close Ward slowly woke up and panicked when she saw what she was holding.

“Lotus! Don’t!” she cried. “That one’s way too dangerous!”

Scarlet glanced back to the bound unicorn and back to Lotus. She opened the potion and was about to drink it down in one gulp.

“Hunter!” she called out as she flew towards Lotus.

Two bolts of magic shot at Lotus. One was aimed at her, and the other at the potion she held. She shielded the potion with her wings and took the hit from the other.

“Why aren’t my paralysis spells working?” Dusk mentally cursed from the shadows.

Scarlet neared the other pegasus, hooves carrying scarlet-colored wind. Once she was close enough, she delivered a blow that sent the other pegasus flying into a group of crates. She sighed, thinking that was it. She glanced to the ground and found the potion bottle empty. Her gaze made its way to the collection of broken wood, and saw Lotus Mist standing there, perfectly fine.

“No…” Dusk heard Close Ward murmur.

The two Specialists shielded themselves when lightning somehow found its way into the warehouse. The light blinded them for a moment, and once their eyes were open, they saw something that made them nervous.

Lotus Mist, blue lightning covering her entire body, eyes aglow.

Close Ward tried to get up, but found herself unable to. Her mouth opened and closed, eyes showing nothing but fear.


“Well… this was unexpected…”

Mythic Moon had a barrier around her and her teammate. They were being bombarded with spells from the powered-up unicorns, earthponies banged against her shield, and the pegasi hovered above them, ready to strike once the shield breaks.

Like they’d be capable of that…

“Why are we in here again?” Mythic asked Mel. Multiple spells hitting the barrier.

“Because I don’t want to have you blowing everything up,” Mel deadpanned.

“But it would be so easy!”

“Just…” She pawed at the ground. “Give me a moment…”

Mythic sighed and sat down impatiently. The unicorns were still relentlessly firing spells at her shield. It was an annoying feeling, really. She glanced at Mel again, she was still pawing at a concrete floor!

“What are you doing?” she asked.


Mel moved her hoof and revealed that she broke through the concrete and into the dirt. Emerald streams of magic flowed from where her bracer was as some rock-looking things fell into the hole. She quickly began covering it up once more.

“I get that you’re an earthpony, but shouldn’t you be farming elsewhere?

Maestro glared at her. A bright green glow emanating from her helmet.

“Think you can disable all of their magic?” she asked, rather irate.

Mythic scoffed. “The fact that you even asked offends me.”

“Can you?”


“Then get ready.”

Mythic stood up with her eyes glowing purple instead of white. She was granted with the ability to disable a creature’s magic, no matter their race and origins. The purple glow was a result of her using it.

Mel’s eyes glowed and so did her right hoof. She raised it up before slamming it onto the hole. No cracks formed, but magic definitely flowed into the ground. She looked up to face the Purifiers outside the shield. Cracks formed from different parts of the warehouse, and beneath them sprouted her plan.

“Now!” Mel cried.

Mythic dropped her shield and her eyes illuminated with a purple light. It was much brighter than usual; it was nearly blinding.

The unicorns spell-casting stopped, and the pegasi and earthponies felt weaker, Mel excluded. The cracks broke into holes, and vines sprouted from them. One managed to grab all the unicorns in the back line, binding them in smaller ribbons. Two more sprouted around the Guardians, either picking up ponies in bindings or pushing them away.

The pegasi tried to out-maneuver the plants, but they got caught either way. They were grabbed and bound to the ground.

Mythic grew tired of using her eyes for so long, she needed to blink!

Mel injected a last amount of magic, strengthening the vines before nodding to her teammate.

She finally blinked, letting the Purifiers’ magic flow again. They struggled against their bindings, and the unicorns tried casting whatever spells they could muster. All of their attempts were unfruitful.

Mythic was thankful for the interior of her armor… Mel wouldn’t see her sweat. Her gift was powerful, but it still took a lot out of her.

“What now?” she asked.

Mel tapped one of the vines, ignoring the curses the Purifiers spat. “This should hold them. Let’s check on Hunter and Valkyrie.”

She nodded, and the two made their way to the large door separating the two sections. They heard the sound of thunder, startling both of them. Mythic’s eyes shot wide, and she blasted the door open.

They were met with the sight of Scarlet on the defensive, and another pegasus who had blue lightning surrounding her body. Golden Dusk’s magic was faint, but he was definitely there.

Two other Purifiers were trying to stand, one an earthpony and another a pegasus. Though, they seemed to struggle. Their bodies quivered from both their loss of strength and the fear of what Lotus Mist could do.

Dusk and Scarlet should be able to keep her busy for the time being. They had to ensure the other Purifiers weren’t going to get caught in the crossfire.

Mel approached the earthpony. “What’s happening?”

“I… don’t know…” he answered weakly. “I… was slammed into the wall… I can’t remember what happened after that…”

So, this was Scarlet’s doing. “Will you continue to fight?”

The Purifier tried to stand up. When he found himself unable, he laughed. “No… I know when I’ve lost…”

“Then no extra harm will come to you.” Mel nodded. She weaved magic ribbons with her hooves and tied him up.

“Keep… Quick Clean safe too…” he pleaded.

Mel glanced at Mythic who nodded. Their jobs may need them to be ruthless, determined, and unstoppable… but they weren’t heartless.

Mythic stood over Quick Clean’s weak form. She was able to recognize Dusk’s paralysis spell.

She picked him up with her magic. “No more fighting… you’ve lost already.”

Quick Clean managed a small glare that lasted only a few seconds. He managed a sigh, the paralysis spell started to lose it’s effects.

He was placed beside Rock Steady, bound as well. The two stallions were left near a pile of crates. They didn’t have the time to bring them to the other section. Close Ward had an anti-magic ring on her horn as she struggled to get up. She was dangerously close to the fight.

Scarlet was getting overwhelmed with quick, consecutive attacks. Lotus’ knives were charged with lightning, and her speed increased ten-fold!

Dusk struggled to get a good shot in. He fired magic whenever the two would have intervals long enough for him to hit her. Yet, his spells weren’t doing anything. Would he have to go lethal?

Mythic Moon approached Close Ward and levitated her with magic. She briskly brought her beside the other two Purifiers. Emerald Melody went to help Valkyrie.

“Close Ward,” Mythic said coolly. “What did you make?”

Close Ward gulped. She knew Guardians were powerful. “I made an updated version of my magic potion… it’s supposed to give power above alicorn level.”

Scarlet dodged another strike from Lotus. Mel tried to use a levitation spell but found that it had no effects. Lotus’s gaze found her’s, and she charged at the earthpony. Mel dodged and retreated while Scarlet got her attention back.

“And how did you make it?”

“I used the previous recipe but added…” she trailed off nervously.

“Added what?

“... stolen magic from the Crystal Heart,” she admitted.

Mythic actually paused to process that. “You mixed magic from the Crystal Heart with…” She rubbed her temple.

“It was unstable! I didn’t even give her the ‘go’ signal to drink it!”

“And yet here we are.” Mythic glanced at Lotus Mist who managed to shoot lightning. “How did it come to lightning specifically?”

“I… have no idea,” she admitted. “Maybe it’s because of the volatility of the magic of creatures mixed with the ancient magic of the Crystal Heart?”

“But the Crystal Heart is a constant stream of magic. Not to mention, Love Magic.”

Golden Dusk dodged a lightning bolt that was fired his way. The metal rafters conducted the electricity. Scarlet was a good distance away from his target, so he sent out a barrage of spells. The blasts made Lotus stagger and aggravated her further.

Close Ward sighed. “Look, Warlock, I don’t know why and how because it’s a prototype.”

“You are going to have to answer for a lot of charges.”

“Right now? I’d take that over trying to bring Lotus back to her senses,” she said. “I may be willing to take risks other ponies wouldn’t… but even I know not to drink unstable potions of magic.”

Mythic Moon nodded and left Close Ward to join the fight of her teammates. Scarlet was struggling against the lightning, her wind control useless against it. All she could do was boost herself and redirect Lotus Mist’s flight path.

Elsewhere, Mythic could feel Dusk’s magic. He was prepared to attack, but he couldn’t find an opening. Mel was in a similar situation. She could see the attempts to grow vines to bind her, but they were all burnt to a crisp.

Mythic approached a frustrated Maestro. “Do you think it’s time?”

Mel nodded indignantly. “It would seem so…”

At the thought of getting out their toys, Mythic smiled.

“Let’s try one more time, though.”

Mythic frowned a little.

“Try blocking her magic.”

She nodded and her eyes glowed purple once more. Lotus Mist’s lightning abilities were toned down, but it still crackled around her body. Scarlet took the opportunity to strike her with a hoof. The pegasus was sent tumbling out of the air, and onto the floor. Dusk and Mel fired a barrage of ailment and binding spells.

Gold ribbons of magic formed around Lotus and so did vines. The lightning sparked once more and both were undone. Mythic recoiled as her purple eyes shifted back to white. Those were the effects of a potion?!

Emerald Melody sighed, and Golden Dusk dropped from the ceiling to stand behind the two.

“What do we do?” he asked. “Valkyrie’s our only CQC fighter right now.”

Mythic grinned. “Not if Maestro let’s us use them.”

He slowly turned his head to face Mel. She nodded and her eyes glowed green, a magic link forming between all Guardians.

If she gives the go, Golden Dusk may have to switch with Scarlet in close-quarters.


Emerald Melody’s voice resounded in their minds. Scarlet glanced at Mel as she dodged another lightning strike. She and Mythic grinned softly… she was using a tone they were too familiar with. Golden Dusk couldn’t help but feel excitement well up as well. They were about to take it…

“Lethal force is now authorized.”

One step further.

Chapter 11 - Chaos

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Lotus Mist drank the potion Close Ward specifically told her not to. Being backed into a corner… she had to. The nobles had to pay.

After downing it in one gulp, she felt different. She didn’t feel the pain when she was launched into a stack of crates. All she could really feel…

Was unbridled rage.

Lightning overtook her body, and her thinking dulled. Her surroundings seemed… slower… or was she just faster? The crackle of electricity jolted her muscles awake. Volatile magic ran through her veins, pulsing, giving her strength.

Seeing the guards and her comrades injured sparked more than enough memories for her to lose control.

Curse the nobles.

The black-armored pony was still hiding somewhere. His friend, however, was wide open.

Curse the guard.

Lotus Mist bolted right at the pegasus guard, stirring a reaction from her. She dodged, and Lotus kept chasing. If she wanted change… she’d have to take it by force.

The guard managed to slam some wind onto her, and she tumbled in the air. Another gold bolt of magic hit her, but she shrugged it off like it was nothing. Right now? All she could think of was destroying them.

Curse the princesses.

The sun and moon wouldn’t escape her wrath. Once she was done with the ones here…

They’re next.

Yet… despite all that rage… there was a form of warmth…

When another pair of guards entered the room, she felt about ready to attack them as well. Especially when they approached her injured comrades. Yet… they showed mercy instead of wrath.

Lotus Mist paused mid-flight. What was she doing? Inside of her, it felt like there were two forces clashing head on, fighting for dominance. Her rational thought came back for a few moments.

The warmth left as quickly as it came. Another gold beam of magic had hit her. She knew… she knew that they had to pay. So why…

Why was there a pink glimmer in her eyes?


“Lethal force is now authorized.”

Mythic Moon’s grin grew wider under her helmet. She managed to fit her armor to accommodate her glasses. She held a hoof to the side of her head, and a white stream of magic flowed outward. It melded with her armored horn as another metallic layer came to existence. It was colored a lighter blue, and had white lines running along it.

Scarlet Gem wore a similar smirk as she flew around to dodge Lotus Mists attacks. She maneuvered to loop around and get behind Lotus. As she was doing so, she held both hooves by her chest. Red magic flowed from it and covered a portion of her forelegs. A set of scarlet bracers formed around both forelegs; a set of rubies on both.

Once she finished her loop, she pointed both forelegs at Lotus and magic shot from it. Lotus staggered mid-flight and fired another bolt of lightning. Mythic’s horn flared and so did the lines of its armor. A barrier formed in front of Scarlet who nodded in thanks.

Emerald Melody had a line of green magic form in front of her right hoof. She made a motion to grab it, and a weapon that looked like a baton fabricated. An emerald sat proudly on its tip, and the body was colored black and gray. She made motions that made the gem glow and leave green trails as she cast a spell. She launched a barrage of magic projectiles at Lotus who struggled to dodge.

Golden Dusk held out his left foreleg as if he were trying to grasp something. Gold magic flowed from where he wore his band, and it formed an arcing weapon. It had a handle and two curving blades that formed in opposite ends of it. Dull gray lines ran along the weapon’s silver coloring.

The lines started to glow a bright yellow, and a gold string of magic formed and connected the two blades. Magic bow in hoof, Dusk stood bipedally and pulled back on the drawstring with the other. A gold arrow formed, and it was pointed at Lotus Mist, following her movements.

Scarlet dodged left and fired off more beams of magic at Lotus, stunning her again.

Dusk made a brisk inhale as he let go of the arrow, and it flew straight for her chest. Lotus managed to put up a foreleg to attempt to block it. She screamed when the arrow pierced through her leg, blood dripping from the wound.

The arrow slowly disappeared and the blood continued to trickle. The wound covered itself up a few seconds later.

Golden Dusk clicked his tongue in annoyance. He prepared another arrow, this time with a different spell embedded in it. His bow pulsed once more as he fired it.

Mythic Moon and Emerald Melody continued to bombard Lotus with spells that continued to stagger her. Scarlet used her wind to give them openings, and they relied on Dusk to deliver a killing blow.

Each time an arrow was aimed for her, Lotus would block it with a hoof. Scarlet grew tired from flying too much.

Dusk glanced at Scarlet who crossed her forelegs and formed a T. He nodded and she flew right for Lotus. Her bracers glowed and sent a blast of magic once Lotus was hit. The blow brought the pegasus crashing to the ground.

Lotus found herself lying on cracked concrete, and Dusk stepped forward with his bow on hoof. She laughed when she realized they sent their ranged attacker to face her. Though… why were the bow’s limbs sharp?

Golden Dusk, still standing bipedally, held the bow by his left flank with his grip on it shifting upward. Then, he brought his right hoof to the other end of that handle. After a subtle click, he pulled out his right foreleg and he now wielded two swords.

The weapons still glowed a bright gold as he readied his stance. His horn was lit and so was his eyes. Scarlet was now hovering a farther distance away from the fight.

Mythic Moon grinned. So, he did take good care of it.

Lotus Mist was in a stand-off with the Hunter. The Maestro, Warlock. And Valkyrie kept their distance, playing a more supportive role that Dusk would usually fill.

He took a deep breath. “Just give up.”

Lotus prepped her knives once more. Her wings flared as she prepared for take off.

“She’s unresponsive,” Dusk said to his teammates through a mental link.

“Try to incapacitate her,” Maestro replied. “If we can’t… you know what to do.”

He nodded and he fired a spell at Lotus. She dodged and responded with a bolt of lightning. It flew to the ground next to Dusk. Quickly, he absorbed the magic left behind by the strike. He flinched by how uncontrollable it was.

Lotus saw his reaction and charged at him, sparks left in her trail. Dusk recovered quick enough to block one of her knives with a blade and went to strike her with the other. She blocked it, and found herself in a white aura as she was pushed away from him.

Mythic Moon pried the pegasus away from her teammate, and Mel fired more spells at Lotus. Scarlet used wind to mess with her movements. Dusk took a step back as she was assaulted by spells.

Lotus Mist screamed and lighting bolts sprung from her form. Mythic covered Mel and the other Purifiers in the room while Dusk shielded himself and Scarlet. Once the strikes died down, Lotus glanced at her teammates, and her expression softened.

Dusk absorbed her magic again, to analyze it a bit more. He flinched again, but there was some form of warmth…

He dodged when Lotus got up close and personal with him. She used her knives to send attacks in quick succession. Dusk used his armor to absorb the magic and to block the strikes. He countered with his own flurry of well-timed cuts that brought wounds to her body.

Which healed up unfairly quickly.

“Damn,” he cursed and put some distance between them. Another barrage of ranged attacks fired at Lotus who dodged by flying around them. The poor concrete floor was absolutely destroyed.

For the last time, Dusk absorbed the magic that was stored in his armor. His horn crackled for being overcharged. He put the gathered magic into his weapons. They sparked and were now also imbued with lightning. While he was transferring the magic… he felt that same warmth again.

“Warlock,” he called out, “do you know what was put into the potion?”

“Volatile magic, some plants, and magic from the Crystal Heart,” Mythic responded, firing another spell.

“Love magic?” he whispered to himself.

“Have an idea, Hunter?” Mel grunted as she conjured a shield that was struck.

“If I can absorb the magic running rampant in her… we might be able to end this.”

“Okay, we need to weaken her first.” Mel fired off another spell.

Dusk sighed, this was going to be hard.

Lotus made an attempt to attack the pair of magic casters with her knives. Mythic responded with a blast of magic that sent her tumbling back. Mel had small green orbs floating around her, and they launched themselves at Lotus. She took off and flew to avoid them, but they were tracking her. Scarlet used wind once more to throw her off-course.

Struck by the orbs, she tumbled down to the ground once more. Dusk took the opportunity to strike her with her own ability. His sword slammed into the ground, and the lightning caused a small explosion. Lotus managed to evade it and made to strike him.

“Auntie, if you can weaken her magic enough…” He groaned as he used a shield. “I might be able to get her.”

“Okay. Scarlet, be ready to move in.” Mythic's gaze focused on Lotus.

“Don’t be reckless, Hunter,” Mel chided.

He rolled his eyes as he weaved under a knife strike. He made to slash Lotus but she dodged again. Dusk stepped back and cast a spell, and gold spikes of magic sprung from the ground; he made sure it was slow enough for her to dodge.

And dodge she did. Lotus took off in the air, leaving her balance off in the reaction.


Mythic’s eyes flared purple, and Lotus’ movements slowed and her lightning dissipated.

Scarlet took the chance to get her off the air completely by sending a small whirlwind towards her. Lotus was sound around before her flight faltered and she crashed onto the ground. Mel waved her baton and vines sprouted underneath Lotus, binding her tight. Dusk charged at the pegasus but not going in for the kill. Instead, he stood in front of her struggling form, his horn glowing brightly.

Glimmers of magic pulsed from Lotus Mist’s body, and they flowed into Dusk’s horn. He grunted and struggled in holding his stance. Lotus’ gaze went upward as she felt the magic from the potion being drained from her. She struggled even more against her binds.

Scarlet flew in to hold Lotus down. Dusk continued to absorb the magic, though showing sign of difficulty. The purple glow from Mythic died down, and she casted a spell that formed tendrils of magic to further bind Lotus. Her magic was way too unstable now!

Dusk finished absorbing the last of the volatile magic and staggered. Lotus twitched before she fell limp against the vines around her. The glow from Mythic’s and Scarlet’s eyes died down.

Emerald Melody approached Lotus and checked her consciousness. The strength of her magic was much lower than before, and she was barely awake.

“What… happened?” Lotus asked breathlessly. She took in her surroundings and noticed the destruction. Black cracks along the floor, piles of wood that have been incinerated, and her teammates who were bound and caught.

“The potion happened,” Mel replied. “We will be taking you and the rest to the castle.”

Lotus tried to fight but found her body weak. She sighed and glanced behind the green-armored pony. Her eyes shot wide.

Scarlet noted her action, and followed her gaze. She stared at what she saw, the urge to help welling up inside her.

Mel and Mythic looked behind them.

They saw Golden Dusk, eyes blazing and shifting between gold, blue, purple… his form crackled with lightning as he tried to keep control of himself. He was grunting and stood shakily on all four legs. His weapon was left on the ground.

“Hunter, let it out!” Mythic cried.

Dusk turned and walked dizzily, her voice barely reaching him. When he finally registered what she said, he looked to the ceiling and pointed his horn at it. Lightning struck the rafters and an explosion brought a hole in the roof.

He stood shakily in a daze before slowly losing balance and falling to the ground. Scarlet managed to catch him. Through his armor, electricity sparked around his form on occasion.

Mythic approached the pair and tried using her eyes to stop it. She tried multiple times, but found it had no effect.

Mel tightened the vines around Lotus as she walked to her teammates. The three other Purifiers in the room watched in sympathy. They showed them mercy… why wouldn’t they?

The Maestro held a hoof on Dusk’s head, analyzing his magic. Mythic’s horn lit up to do the same. It was… far too chaotic.

“Why can’t our Hunter catch a break,” Mythic muttered.

Dusk came to, and he chuckled weakly. “P-part… of the… job…”

Scarlet looked at him in worry, blue sparks still came off of him. Mythic picked up his weapon and put it back together, forming a bow. She held it to his left foreleg as it was absorbed back into his band.

“While Warlock would be the best option to get him to the castle, I doubt Valkyrie and I would be able to bring back all the Purifiers,” Mel assessed.

“I’ll bring him,” Scarlet replied. Dusk twitched and groaned, he was clearly in pain.

Mythic nodded weakly. She wanted to be able to look after her nephew…

“Warlock, the sooner we get this done, the faster we can watch over him,” Mel reassured.

She sighed. “Okay, keep him safe?” she asked Scarlet.

“Always,” Scarlet nodded. She gently picked up Dusk with two hooves, and flew out the window.

Mel and Mythic turned to look at Lotus with both their eyes glowing. This… was her fault.

Lotus shivered. She had very strong beliefs about the nobles and some of the guard… but this… this felt different. She felt like she had it give up and accept punishment.

You…” Mythic started, “are lucky that even we have rules to follow.”

Mel’s glare disappeared and she sighed. She tapped Mythic on the side. “Let’s get to work.”

Mythic huffed and she levitated the trio of Purifiers they left tied up in the corner. Mel cut off the vines from the ground, and levitated Lotus in those.

The Guardians walked beside each other, both levitating their baggage closely behind them.

Close Ward glared at Lotus. “Why?!” she whispered loudly.

“We… I needed to…” Lotus responded.

The four of them had similar beliefs, but the other three knew Lotus took it too far by drinking an unstable potion.

“Well…” Rock Steady sighed. “So much for our little crusade.”

“Yeah…” Lotus said weakly. “I suppose I took it too far…”

The three stared at Lotus. Did… did she just say admit she was wrong?!

“You’re all looking at me as if I can’t tell if I’m wrong,” she deadpanned.

The four were placed beside another collection of crates while Mel and Mythic worked on the rest of the Purifiers.

“Well…” the trio said at the same time.

Lotus actually laughed. “Damn you three…”

Her eyes had a pink twinkle to them.


Scarlet flew above Canterlot briskly as she carried Dusk. The moon shone brightly, and the smoke from the noble houses were gone. She could still see guards roaming around, making sure everything was okay.

Dusk twitched slightly as another spark of electricity left his form. Scarlet quickened her pace, surely the princess knew what to do.

“Isn’t it… supposed to... be the other… way around?” Dusk giggled weakly.

Scarlet stared at him. “We don’t conform to normal gender stereotypes,” she scoffed.

Dusk chuckled and leaned in closer to his friend. She may have been wearing armor… but it made him feel safer. He was never really good with heights, so he opted to not look down.

“We’ll get there soon,” Scarlet reassured him.

Blue sparked once more... and it shifted colors.

“Just… don’t drop me…”


Princess Celestia and Luna sat on their respective thrones. They were discussing the possible punishments for the Purifiers. Shining Armor and Cadence were sitting next to a purple princess by the side of the throne room.

Lightning suddenly flashed outside, alarming the ponies. Nightingale and Raven Inkwell stood close to their princesses.

Shining Armor got up and looked out the window. “There aren’t any clouds…” he said.

“Well, Shiny, ya don’t need clouds when you’ve got magic.”

All ponies looked around to find where the voice came from. Though, Celestia and Twilight already knew who it was.

A draconequus popped into the room. He sat on a large couch, his form extending to occupy its entirety. He tossed popcorn into his mouth and chuckled.

“Have to say, you ponies are absolutely chaotic at times.” He popped the couch and popcorn out of existence. “It’s very… invigorating.”

Celestia sighed. “How can we help you, Discord?”

Discord scoffed. “Well, if you really wanted to help, you’d let whatever is going on outside continue.” He floated over to Celestia. “Though, I doubt you will.”

“Nope,” she denied.

He sighed. “A pity… chaos can be so much fun.” The pillars started to sing a capella, accompanied by the instrumentals of the curtains.

“Discord!” Twilight Sparkle complained.

“Oh, don’t get your mane in a knot, bookhorse,” he chuckled. “Oh? What’s that?”

The purple princesses mane suddenly became messy. She tried fixing it with her magic but found herself unable to.

Luna chuckled and got up. “Captain Wuzz! Shall we enter the world of Ogres and Oubliettes?”

Discord smirked. “Why, I never thought you’d ask, Archmage Selene!”

The throne room started to contort into a world of strange proportions. The trees looked to be made of cardboard, and dice were placed around. Celestia and Twilight’s horn flared as they cancelled the spell.

“Sister!” Luna cried. “What art thou doing?!”

“Staying focused on the task at hoof,” Celestia replied. “Our Guardians haven’t come back yet.”

Luna’s ire soon turned into worry. They shouldn’t be taking this long…

Discord and Twilight stopped bickering. The purple princess asked, “Guardians?”

Discord sighed. “You haven’t told your newest purple princess?”

“We haven’t had the time to bring it up.”

He clicked his tongue and rubbed his goatee. “I leave you to it. For now, something that concerns all you princesses and me is inbound.”

The four alicorns tilted their heads, and right on cue, the doors were pushed open. A pony in scarlet armor glided in with another pony in black pony in her forelegs. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence immediately got up and approached them. Discord hovered behind them curiously, and Shining Armor ushered for Twilight to go with them.

Scarlet slowed down to sit on her haunches, cradling Dusk in her forelegs. The unicorn’s body sparked purple and he groaned.

“Hunter?” Celestia asked in worry.

“Please tell me you know how to fix this,” Scarlet pleaded, to everypony and Discord.

Twilight’s horn lit up purple as she examined Dusk. His magic was… strangely familiar but she ignored that for now. There was another form of magic inside him that was unstable, volatile, and difficult to control. That magic was fighting against the pony’s regular and already powerful one. The conflict between the two is probably causing this… but she had no idea how to fix it.

“I… I have no idea,” she admitted sadly. “I haven’t seen this before.”

The royal sisters gave it a try as well. Their magic washed over Dusk’s body, but nothing changed. Cadence tried next, but healing wasn’t her speciality. Especially when it came to magic ailments. All three came to the same conclusion as Twilight Sparkle.

Dusk turned his head. “Oh… princesses,” he whispered. Weakly, he tried getting up.

“What are you doing?” Scarlet asked, keeping him down.

“Gotta bow,” he giggled.

She rolled her eyes. “Nope, you gotta rest first.”

Discord was tapping his chin. “Hunter, remove your helmet,” he stated.

The other ponies in the room stared at him. Did he really ask for that?

“I need to see your eyes,” he explained. His serious tone was… unsettling.

The two Guardians in the room looked to the three taller alicorns.

“You’ll have to explain to princess Twilight,” Scarlet said.

Twilight Sparkle was visibly bemused. The princesses nodded and Scarlet poked Dusk. He nodded and struggled to use the key spell. Finding his magic was too unstable to use, he motioned for Scarlet to take off his helmet. She obliged and used one foreleg to do so.

His silver coat made itself known, and so did his white mane. He kept his eyes closed to make sure nothing dragged along them. When he opened them again, all the ponies around him gasped.

“I… get that… I don’t look good… right now… but…” he chuckled.

Even Discord looked surprised.

“Why?” Celestia asked. “Purple… yellow… blue…”

“Chaos,” Discord stated in a serious tone. “There’s chaos magic brewing in him.”

Dusk had sparks around him once more.

“How does chaos give somepony lightning powers?” Scarlet wondered.

“Well, whatever that magic was, it turned into chaos magic,” Discord explained. “Your Hunter’s normal boring pony magic is fighting against whatever else he absorbed. So, it’s absolutely chaotic inside of him right now.”

“What do we do?” Scarlet asked.

“Wait… chaos magic?” Dusk inquired. “Sounds cool…” he slurred.

Celestia gazed at Discord. “What do we do?”

Luna trailed a hoof along Dusk’s mane. Cadence and Shining looked at Discord, anxious about his answer.

“I could try to drain it from him,” he suggested. “But…” Using his claw and paw, he made a motion of bringing them apart. “I might take his regular magic as well. The two different types of magic in him are fighting over control.” He formed two blobs of magic. “One is trying to absorb the other, so they’re basically melding together. I take out one, the other might be dragged along.”

Scarlet gulped and asked, “What’s the other?”

Discord couldn’t help but grin. “We let him keep it, learn to control it, and master it.” He popped in a perfect representation of Dusk running around with chaos magic.

“What do you wanna do?” she asked Dusk.

“Second,” he managed to get out.

Discord nodded and he formed an orb of chaos magic with his claw and paw. “I’ll give you a catalyst. It’ll absorb the magic and separate your pony magic from the newly formed chaos,” he said.

Dusk nodded weakly and Discord ushered the orb to enter Dusk.

“Go on now, it’s your new home,” Discord urged.

The small bundle of chaos magic managed to look hesitant. It slowly brought itself inside Dusk and it disappeared in his form. The unicorn groaned and the sparks started to fade. Twilight couldn’t help but look intrigued.

“Did… you just put something inside of me?” Dusk asked.

“Well, technically it’s a someone, but yes,” Discord nodded.

“I… have… another living creature in my body,” Dusk shuddered. His eyes slowly reverted back to their normal gold.

“Oh please, think of it as a pet.” He waved his paw dismissively.

Scarlet looked at him quizzically. “You’re okay?” She was still holding him in her hooves.

“I feel better…” he replied. “But I really wanna—”

He was cut off by Scarlet wrapping him in a tight embrace. Everypony and Discord grinned, sans Twilight. She wondered why they were grinning. The two were friends, right?

Dusk returned the embrace and sighed. “Might wanna loosen up a bit.”

Scarlet squeaked and let him sit down properly. Good thing she still had her helmet on…

Discord hummed. “Ah, your magic should recover completely by the ‘morrow,” he nodded.

“So,” Dusk began, “how does the whole… ‘I’m an emissary of chaos’ thing work?”

Discord laughed. “Well, I didn’t think about it like that. But if you say so…” He snapped his claws and Dusk had a patch on his armor; it had Discord’s face on it.

“Hm…” he hummed before grinning. “I don’t mind…”

“Oh sweet Celestia what is going to happen,” Scarlet moaned, earning a raised brow from the mentioned princess.

Discord looked at his non-existent watch. “Oh, look at the time, and I have a tea party with Fluttershy tomorrow!” He prepared another snap. “Tip, Hunter, don’t force the chaos.” A loud click resounded in the room and he disappeared in a flash.

“I… guess?” Dusk said, perplexed.

Luna chuckled and her gaze was brought to Scarlet’s forelegs. She had her weapons equipped?!

“What…. brought you to use them?” Luna inquired, gesturing to her weapons.

Celestia gaze followed to where her sister pointed. Her eyes widened as she saw what Scarlet had on.

“It’s what caused Dusk’s ‘condition’ in the first place,” Scarlet explained. “A potion… ask Warlock.”

Scarlet gaze back to Dusk who looked rather exhausted. A strange occurrence, since his magic usually kept him going. The unicorn mumbled something incoherently as he leant on Scarlet’s shoulder. She blushed under her helmet but kept her form stoic.

Cadence grinned and had to stop herself from giggling like a filly.

The doors opened once more and Mythic Moon and Emerald Melody rushed in. They immediately approached their teammates and startled Golden Dusk.

“Was… tryna sleep…” he complained.

Mythic Moon left no words for complaining and wrapped her nephew in a hug. His eyes opened wider, and he returned the embrace. Emerald couldn’t help but notice that his helmet wasn’t on—

“Hunter,” she said calmly. “You’re helmet?”

He lazily gestured to where Scarlet put down his helmet. “I was told to remove it, calm down.”

Mel sighed and moved in to join Mythic’s embrace of her teammate. The Warlock was shocked under her helmet. Mel… was hugging now?!

The gesture went as quickly as it came. Mel looked to the princesses. “I suppose we are now introducing ourselves to our newest princess?”

Mythic let go of Dusk as they too stood up. Scarlet moved to be beside the Hunter and gave him his helmet. He nodded in thanks and put it on.

“Princess?” Twilight asked. “Introductions?”

“Yes, Twilight,” Celestia nodded. “The four ponies standing in front of you are members of the Royal Guard,” she explained. “Are you aware of the rank ‘Specialist?’”

Twilight nodded. “The rank is specifically given to elite guards that serve directly under the princesses.”

“Correct. Now, the group in front of you are all Specialists.” She gestured to the Guardians. “But… even that rank doesn’t suit them.”


Shining Armor stepped in. “The ponies in front of you might as well be the Specialists of the Specialists.”

Luna added, “Their power may even rival ours.”

Twilight Sparkle's eyes widened and she nodded slowly.

“These Specialists are so powerful and committed to preserving Harmony, that we have grown to be friends with them,” Cadence smiled.

“They are there for us in our times of need, to accomplish tasks that possibly no other pony would do.” Luna stood tall.

“We may as well call them…” Celestia trailed.

“Guardians,” all ponies said.

Twilight looked around the room, eyeing the different ponies and deadpanned, “Did you guys practice this or…?”

Luna giggled. “The idea of us explaining to you has come up more than once.”

Mel stepped forward. “Princess Twilight, Emerald Melody, the Maestro, at your service.” She bowed.

Mythic went next. “Princess, Mythic Moon, the Warlock, at your service.”

Then, Scarlet said, “Scarlet Gem, the Valkyrie, at your service.”

Dusk went last. “Golden Dusk, the Hunter, at your service.”

After their introductions, their helmets opened up to show their face. Though, Dusk had some trouble finding his magic again. He felt better already!

Though, he still wanted to sleep.

“Question, Golden Dusk,” Twilight said. “Have we met before?”

He chuckled. “Sort of,” he answered. “Who do you think kept all the creatures of Everfree away from you and your friends?”

She nodded in realization. “Thank you,” she smiled. The thoughts of what more they might have encountered if he wasn’t there… were unpleasant.

“Of course.” He bowed.

Twilight faced Celestia. “So, the Guardians are a group of elite guards?”

Celestia nodded. “That is correct, Twilight.”

“Then, these mares were the ones who… resolved what happened tonight?”

“Yes, Twilight,” she snickered. Even Luna started giggling.

“Huh?” The purple princess asked, bemused.

Scarlet Gem suddenly burst into laughter, followed shortly by Mythic Moon. Shining Armor howled, laughing, and Luna stopped holding back. Celestia had to make do with small chuckles.

“Why’s everypony laughing?”

Golden Dusk rolled his eyes. “Princess, we’re not all mares.”

Twilight Sparkle’s brain paused as it processed the statement. It’s gears clunked against each other, wires sent signals, and, eventually, a light bulb lit up brightly.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, now understanding. “Sorry!”

Dusk chuckled. “No worries.”

Mel cut in after her own fit of giggles, “The Purifiers have been sent to the dungeon, princesses.”

Celestia calmed herself and nodded. “We’ll deal with them in the future. For now, we need you Guardians to make sure none of them are still running around.”

All four nodded and made their way to the door. Dusk was stopped by the magic of Luna.

“Hunter, you are to rest,” she said softly. “Your magic will come back to you by the sun rise, if Discord’s assumptions are correct.”

“I am always correct!” Discord’s voice echoed. Luna rolled her eyes.

He hid his joy in being let rest. Dusk nodded and followed closely behind his teammates as they left the throne room.

“Sorry guys, Luna’s making me rest.” He caught up to them.

“More than well-earned,” Mel said.

“We’ll take care of it,” Scarlet added.

Mythic shook her head. “Mel and I will, you kids go get some rest.”

“But I’m not even tired!” she retorted.

“We all know what happens when you use your wind too much.” Mel rebuked.

Scarlet’s mouth opened and closed a few times, unable to come up with an answer.

“Just rest,” Mythic laughed. “We got this.”

Mel nodded and Scarlet sighed. The quartet separated into pairs as Dusk and Scarlet went to the armory. They went to a discreet and hidden section of the castle where Mythic told them to store their gear. Dusk prodded at the wall, and a brick slowly sunk in. A door slid open and the two entered.

There were six spots dedicated to just their armor, and weapon racks just in case. Dusk pondered on how it would work since they could just stand on two legs and leave the armor.

He gazed over two extra armor stations that were colored silver and red.

“What’s taking them so long?” he thought.

He walked over to one spot, colored yellow, and stood bipedally. The back of his armor opened and he calmly moved out of it. Once he left the spot, the metallic plates closed and the armor slowly moved back to standing on four legs.

“Neat,” he murmured.

Scarlet got out of her armor as well. “Oh, sir butler, where have you been?” she mock-swooned, and her accent shifted to one of nobility.

Dusk remembered he hadn’t taken off the suit. “Apologies, the maids were being rather difficult.” He bowed impishly.

“Wanting to know your address I presume!”

Dusk kept his head down for the duration of his blush. “Not Luna’s butler if I’m not a bat!”

“Oh, but you are!

He grumbled, he forgot he still didn’t shift. “Let’s go…”

Scarlet giggled. It was good to see he was back to his original self!

They left the totally-unsuspicious-room-hidden-in-the-castle and left through the front gates. Shining Armor’s shield pulsed as they walked through it. Unconsciously, the pair made their way to the streets and straight to Dusk’s house.

“Hey, isn’t the stallion supposed to be walking the mare home?” Scarlet asked innocently.

“‘We don’t conform to normal gender stereotypes,’” he quoted in a mocking tone.

She laughed. “Touché, Goldie.”

Dusk unlocked the door to his house. Instead of going in straight away, he surprised Scarlet with another hug.

“Thanks again,” Dusk said softly. “Prolly would’ve been worse if you hadn’t flown me there.”

Scarlet returned the embrace. “What’re friends for?”

Both of their stomachs twisted at that statement.

Dusk pulled back. “Well, I shouldn’t hold you up.”

She nodded. “I’ll check on you tomorrow, okay?” She flared her wings for take off.

“Shouldn’t I do that for you sometime?”

“Hush up, Goldie, we both know you’re sleeping in tonight.”


Scarlet giggled and left him. His pout was visible but it dropped and was exchanged for laughter as he went back inside his house.

Chapter 12 - Where the Chaos Brought Us

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Golden Dusk woke up the next morning… a tad too early. He grumbled and pulled his blanket over his head. He found himself unable to fall asleep again, so he reluctantly stood up to start his day. He indignantly rubbed his eyes to wake himself up.

Dusk pushed off his blanket and stood up. He blinked multiple times to clear his vision a bit more. He left his room and made his way down the stairs, dreading the emptiness of his house.

He sighed as he settled down on the couch. The cushions immediately beckoned him to do so!

Now, what was he supposed to do today? The Purifiers aren’t going to be a problem anymore, and he was pretty sure he’s on leave from being a butler. Would he have to be a witness for the trial? He sure hoped not, it was usually boring, and the princesses are powerful enough to judge them themselves.

Though… What caused him to have chaos magic? Love magic was in Lotus Mist’s body, didn’t he absorb that?

Pondering on it a bit more, he was able to come to a conclusion. The volatile magic of the different creatures clashed with the magic from the Crystal Heart. That, in turn, gave Lotus little control over her actions, as she was moving based on her emotions. Lightning was probably the form that the magic took as a means of output.

Dusk groaned and he rubbed his temple. Too. Much. Thinking!

The door to his house produced three knocks. He lit up his horn to answer it, feeling too tired at the moment. Once open, Scarlet Gem walked in, a paper bag in her wing.

What was she greeted with? The sight of Golden Dusk, looking half-dead, and a smile on his face when she entered. Not to mention, the lights were off. She flicked the light switch and the room was much brighter.

“Hey, Gem,” he greeted, his eyes showing why he didn’t need the extra light.

She gawked. “What happened to you?”

“Tired,” he groaned.

Scarlet giggled. “Well, I brought you something.” She placed the paper bag on the coffee table. “Hope you like it,” she winked.

“When have I ever not liked your cooking?” Dusk asked rhetorically, magic already working on opening the bag.

Scarlet settled to sit beside him. “Good question…”

“Oh!” Dusk exclaimed in excitement. She made fruit tarts again!

He began to take tentative bites, not wanting to rush it. Scarlet giggled as she watched her friend eat in his thestral form. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw what was in the bag. It would take the princess’ orders for her to not admit it was cute.

Dusk sighed in satsifaction. His horn lit up to levitate another tart to him as he faced his back to Scarlet and leaned on her. She raised a brow but rested a hoof around his chest to be more comfortable. He started eating again.

“You’re leaning on me… why?” she asked. Though, she didn’t mind.

Dusk swallowed. “Because you’re still somehow softer than my couch!”

She chuckled, giving him a light nuzzle. “Then why don’t you buy a better one? We have the salary.”

He stopped eating and gave her a frown. “But then I wouldn’t have an excuse to do this…”

She cooed and ruffled his mane lightly. He blushed as he ate, not fighting the attention. Seemed she managed to get the ire out of him!

Scarlet glanced at the daffodil that was still on the table in front of them. Right… the thing that happened at the park. When would he bring it up?

While she was distracted, Dusk managed to finish three tarts.

“You want some?” he offered.

“No thanks, I already ate,” she replied.

Dusk nodded, eating more. “D’ya think we gotta go to work?” he mumbled through a full mouth.

“Not sure… there aren’t a lot of ponies outside either.”

He sighed. “I hope not... “

Suddenly, Scarlet’s necklace glowed and magic flowed out of it and onto the table. A letter formed with the royal seal on it. Dusk used his magic to float it to Scarlet, so that she wouldn’t lean forward making him lean on the couch. She rolled her eyes and opened the envelope, giving the paper inside a read.

“Oh, lucky us. We don’t have to go to work for today.”

“Just today?!” Dusk commented.

Scarlet rolled her eyes. “You can always take a sick leave.”

He grumbled. “I’ll just go to work…”

“Again, sick leave if you really don’t wanna.”

“I like my job,” he mumbled. “Luna and Nightingale are fun.”

Scarlet smiled and patted his head before pulling out another paper. “They’re also ‘permitting ponies to roam the streets again.’”

He swallowed and sat properly, resting his head on Scarlet’s shoulder. “Auntie and Mel round them all up then?”

“Most likely.”

Dusk’s head left her shoulder, and he poked his tongue out at her. His horn lit up as he gathered the scattered crumbs before dropping them in a trash bin. Scarlet remembered what happened last night.

“Does your magic feel… different?”

He faced her and shook his head. “No, it doesn’t,” he answered. “Discord did say to not force the chaos.”

Scarlet nodded in understanding. “If you’re not gonna play around with your magic, what’re you going to do?”

Dusk hummed. “Well, it’s way too early to go to the park.”

She gawked. “Way too early?

“Yeah… isn’t it?” he asked with a tilt of his head.

Scarlet groaned and pointed to the clock hanging on the wall. Dusk’s gaze slowly followed where her hoof was pointing. He recoiled when he saw the time, to Scarlet’s partial amusement.

“It’s past noon…” he murmured breathily, showing shock.

“I brought the tarts as a sort of dessert… guess that was breakfast,” she mused.

Dusk moaned and rubbed his forehead. “Not too early for the park then, I guess,” he muttered.

She giggled. “You know, if you love the park so much, why don’t you get a house there?”

He grumbled. She poked him playfully with a hoof which he returned twice as strong. She glared at him. So, that’s how it was gonna be?

Scarlet made to shove him and he tumbled onto the couch, laying down sideways. She laughed for a few good seconds until she was hit with a pillow to the head. Her back fell onto the couch, and she swore that there was a gold glow to that pillow!

Dusk sat up straight and smirked. His attack was successful!

Scarlet wore a deadpan stare at the ceiling when she pulled off the pillow. She slowly sat up to give that exact same look to Dusk. He kept his impish grin, basically challenging her. She smirked, held up the pillow, and threw it at him with assistance from her wind.

He yelped as it struck him, knocking him down again. He giggled and threw it back at her. She took the hit and chuckled when she was knocked back onto her back. Dusk quickly got up and pinned her to the couch, a smirk on his muzzle.

“I win?” he asked, a light blush on his face.

Scarlet found here cheeks washed with a slightly deeper pink. “Fine…”

Dusk flashed a victorious smile before realizing the position they were in and sheepishly backing off. Scarlet sat up straight, noticing her friend’s new shade of red.

“You okay, Goldie?” she asked.

“I’m fine,” he reassured her.

In truth, his heart was beating at above average speeds. He brushed his banges to the side, and he felt a tingle in his stomach.

Scarlet felt something similar… she swore that if she was sure that he liked her back, she may have made her move then.

Dusk coughed. “We still on for the park?”

She raised a brow. “I thought it was ‘too early?’”

He rolled his eyes. “It’s gonna be sunset soon!”

She laughed. “I’m kidding, calm down.”

He feigned an indignant scoff and got up.”You coming?” He hid his fangs.

“Yes, yes, I’ll come with you to the park.”

Scarlet got off the couch and made her way to the door. Dusk opened it for her, and she nodded in thanks as she walked out first. He followed after her, locking the door. The knob clicked, and he stored the key in his magic storage. She was already on the sidewalk when he descended the short flight of stairs.

This… this development was oddly familiar. Dusk and Scarlet bonding, then going to the park, and Dusk ended up upsetting her. Hopefully it won’t happen again.

Surprisingly enough, Canterlot seemed to be back in its original state. Ponies were already up and about despite the recent attack.

Eventually, they made their way past the familiar gate and into the park. They followed a cobblestone path until they reached the main area. The playground already had foals running around it, but their parents kept a watchful eye. The lake also had a small amount of ponies gathered around its reflective water.

Dusk found an empty bench and took a seat; Scarlet followed closely behind, taking a seat as well. They hummed as a cool breeze made their manes dance. The sound of foals cheering and laughing added to the whole scene.

That, and having the pony that was beside them there.

Scarlet rested her head on Dusk’s shoulder. “At least we don’t have to worry about Purifiers anymore.”

He smiled, receiving a pinkish hue to his cheeks. “Yeah… guess we can rest easy.”

She nodded, keeping her head where it was. By the sun, if he still didn’t take a hint…

Scarlet may as well make the first move.

Dusk glanced at her before looking up. The sun was starting to set, leaving purple, orange, and a bit of red in the sky. There were only a few clouds, and beneath the cheering of foals, he could hear the subtle chorus of birds.

A few minutes passed by, and the pair was still sitting on the bench idly. They received a few glances from the foals’ parents, each one ending with a smirk. Ignoring them, Scarlet closed her eyes and relaxed.

After a few more minutes, Dusk said, “Wanna go for a walk?”

She opened her eyes and lifted her head to face him. “This is suddenly getting really familiar…”

Dusk sputtered. “I promised we’d talk about it some other time, right?”

She sighed and nodded. “Well, let’s walk then,” she smiled and stood up.

He nodded and got up from his seat. Dusk led her along the same path and through the foliage. He pushed past bushes and branches once more, holding them with his magic for Scarlet as well. They made their way to the same patch of flowers, though there were less ponies around than before.

Dusk walked around and found a small patch of green grass. He settled onto it and enjoyed the view, the air, and the sounds. He closed his eyes to focus on his hearing. The rustling of the leaves behind him, the birds chirping, and the soft hoofsteps of Scarlet getting closer.

She sat down beside him. “I thought this was a walk?”

He opened one eye. “I didn’t say for how long, did I?”

Scarlet giggled. “No, I guess not.”

She thought that right at that moment would be a good time. The setting was perfect, and there were barely any ponies around. She made subtle gestures with a hoof, and a small bouquet of flowers gathered to her side. He’d go along with getting flowers from a mare… maybe.

“Hey, Gem,” Dusk called out to her.

She jumped, thinking he noticed. Turning her head to meet his gaze, she was shocked to see that he had a rather dull look to his usual sparkling eyes.

“Is… something wrong?” she asked.

He took a shaky inhale. “Just… question…”

She leaned in closer.

“Do… do you… are you mad at me?” he asked, stuttering slightly.

“What?” she replied incredulously. “Mad? Why would I ever be mad at you?”

“The whole thing that happened here before…” he explained. “You were acting pretty… apathetic to me after that…” he added in a sad tone.

Scarlet pulled him in for a hug. “Goldie, I could never be mad at you,” she said softly. “I guess… I guess I was just a little hurt…”

She heard his breath get caught in his throat. “I… I hurt you…?”

She tightened the embrace. “It’s okay, though… I got over it. We’re fine, I promise.”

“I still hurt you though,” he answered. “If only I wasn’t so stupid… I shoulda said something…”

Scarlet let go of him and held both his cheeks with her hooves. “Goldie, you are not stupid.”

“But I—”

“You’re not!”

Dusk kept his gaze locked with hers for a few moments before nodding and sighing. A breeze of air flew by, filling in the silence. All the while, his eyes seemed dull, but it twinkled all of a sudden.

“Maybe… maybe instead of saying… I should be doing,” he whispered to himself.

“Huh?” Scarlet asked, bemused. “What’re you-”

She was cut off by Dusk’s muzzle pressing up against hers. Scarlet’s wings flared in surprise, and her eyes were filled with nothing but silver, white and gold. The gold started to fade as Dusk closed his eyes. Slowly, she melted into the kiss and wrapped her hooves gently around him.

Butterflies flew rampantly in her stomach. A blush crept up to her cheeks as Dusk showed no signs of pulling back. He was shaking a little, but he relaxed when he felt her embrace him. Time slowed for a few moments, but it sped back up when he pulled back, a stuttering mess.

“Um…” Dusk stammered.

Scarlet pulled up her hoof and gently touched her lips… they were still tingling…


Scarlet looked up to face Dusk. He was a nervous wreck, and the deep red color on his cheeks showed visible signs of being flustered.

“Goldie…” she said cooly.

Dusk gulped. “Y-yeah?”

She leaned forward, a smirk growing on her face… and a blush.

“You…” she said huskily. “Are in so much trouble…”

He blushed at the tone of her voice. “I… I am?”

“Yup,” she cooed.

Suddenly, Dusk was pushed down and he found himself lying on the patch of grass. Scarlet held him down, her blush intensifying. He showed no signs of resistance, so Scarlet just went in and whispered to him.

“This is payback for the pillow fight~”

She pressed her lips against his and closed her eyes. Dusk didn’t resist her so-called ‘payback.’ He melted into the kiss and unconsciously pulled her closer with a hug, one Scarlet very much enjoyed. Her wings twitched and fluttered as time went on. She trailed a hoof upward to caress his cheek. Dusk’s tail swished, sending specks of dirt into the air.

Scarlet pulled back, a goofy grin on her face. “Do instead of say, huh?” she asked, a pink hue on her cheeks.

Dusk nodded, a deeper blush on his face. “Yeah… but I think saying will do both of us some good…”

She hadn’t noticed but his horn was glowing gold. Slowly, a familiar bouquet of flowers floated in front of him. He held it with two hooves and offered it to her, still laying on the grass. A coy smile graced his face.

“Gem…” He brought it closer to her. “I love you.”

Scarlet’s eyes moistened as she accepted the bouquet. How long she had yearned to hear those exact words come from his mouth. She knows just what he would like to her right about now.

Setting aside the bouquet for now, she pulled him up to sit directly in front of her. Scarlet embraced him, not only with her hooves but also her wings. She said:

“I love you too.”


Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem left the park, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. They walked closer to each other, and they wore soft smiles on their muzzles. Scarlet gave Dusk small nuzzles every now and then.

She couldn’t be happier! They finally sorted out what happened at the park, and it ended with both of them admitting their feelings for each other! Her wings fluttered and the pink hue to her cheeks returned.

Dusk felt the same way, but his blush was a darker shade than hers. Every small nuzzle she gave him, he eagerly returned. Though, he wanted more, it would be of improper public conduct to do so.

They reached his house once again, and the sun was about nearly gone. The moon appeared, giving some light for the ponies roaming the dim streets, and stars twinkled in the sky.

He unlocked the door with a key and went inside; Scarlet followed behind him.

“So… dinner?” he asked with a smile.

Scarlet giggled. “Well, I did offer!” She started to turn to face the kitchen, a pip in her step.

“Do you want help?” he offered.

She stopped half-way and faced back at Dusk. Scarlet smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek that sent tingles through both of their forms.

“Sure,” she accepted and made her way to the kitchen.

He blushed and followed her.

Scarlet opened a few cupboards to see what Dusk had. She hummed as she assessed on what she could make. Dusk waited for her to finish, planning to act as a supporter. Scarlet nodded to herself and pulled out different vegetables, and spices. She organized them by what they were, and grabbed a pan from a rack.

“What’ve you got in mind?” Dusk asked, approaching her.

Scarlet hummed. “Well, I don’t really have a name for it. Could you julienne the carrots for me?”

He tilted his head. “Jul… lienne?”

She paused as she placed the pan on the stove. “You don’t know?”

“Do I work at the Royal Kitchen?” he deadpanned.

She giggled and nuzzled him. “I’ll teach you,” she said.

He nodded and levitated a cutting board and two knives onto the counter in front of him. He washed a carrot and peeled it cleanly. Scarlet honestly thought that if he got actual training in, he might just make the cut to be a professional chef.

“Okay, so,” Scarlet started while taking hold of a knife, “you just have to make it into a sort of box.” She proceeded to trim a carrot’s four sides, letting it lie flat on the board. She was standing on two hooves and Dusk watched closely.

“Then, cut it into strips.” She cut the rectangular carrot into thinner sticks. “And make those shorter!” She finished with cutting the sticks in half.

Dusk nodded and stood bipedally, opting to use his hooves for cutting. Sometimes, there are side-effects when peeled vegetables or foods come in contact with magic!

He held a knife in one hoof and a peeled carrot in the other. He successfully trimmed the four sides, making a rectangle. Though, he probably should have trimmed it less. Ignoring that blunder for now, he proceeded to cut it into thinner rectangles. Stacking those up on top of each other, he managed to turn them into thinner, smaller sticks.

“Like that?” he asked Scarlet.

She turned to face him after placing a pot of boiling water on the stove. She eyed his work and nodded. “Yep, but you could’ve trimmed it less.”

Dusk nodded. “Do you need more?”

Scarlet shook her head. “Two carrots is fine.” She pushed over some potatoes. “Just peel these and I’ll handle the rest.”

He took the potatoes in his hooves and gave them a rinse. Scarlet was working on some form of dough. She kneaded it with her hooves, getting flour on her hooves and coat. Dusk shook his head and smiled, gotta peel some potatoes!

He used a peeler to remove the skin, twisting each one with one hoof, and moving the tool with the other.

“Are you gonna boil these?” he asked.

Scarlet nodded while placing the carrots he just julienned in a small bowl.

“Want me to cut them into smaller pieces?”

She hummed. “Sure.”

He chopped up the whole potatoes in half, basically making them faster and easier to cook. He rinsed them one more time and left them on a plate for Scarlet to use.

To his side, she had laid out some dough in a circular shape. She was frying some carrots and other vegetables with spices in the pan. Dusk plopped the potatoes into the pot once he deemed them ready.

Almost sadly, he went to sit by the table.

“There nothing else you need?” he asked, pulling out a chair.

Scarlet checked to see if there were enough potatoes. “For now, no. I’ll ask for your help if I need it though.”

Dusk sighed, he had to face the torture of the smell of food being cooked!

Though… did it only have to be him that was getting tortured?

“Hey, Gem,” he called out, “what’re the rules about distractions in the Royal Kitchen?”

She quirked a brow and glanced at him. “We’re supposed to be able to work despite annoyances… like construction or the lieutenants shouting outside. Why?”

He smirked. “Let’s test that, shall we?”

His horn lit up a bright gold and Scarlet yelped. Did he… oh he did.

“Nice try, Goldie.” Her ears twitched after being subjected to a small round of tickles.

He hummed and his horn lit up again.

A flower from the bouquet he gave her levitated towards her. He brushed it along her muzzle, opting for attempting to make her sneeze. She smirked as she continued to work.

“Gotta do better than that,” she shot at him.

Dusk sighed and brought the flower back to him. A brush popped in in a flash, and floated over by her head. Scarlet didn’t notice at first, but she nearly jumped when he started to comb her mane with it.

“I think my mane’s fine as is,” she remarked.

“So you don’t want me to braid your already stunning, and rather poofy mane?” he asked innocently.

Scarlet placed the dough in a circular baking pan, preparing it with a pink hue to her cheeks.

She answered, “Just be gentle…”

Yes, he was being playful, but he would never dare to mess with a mare’s mane. In soft strokes, he brushed out the knots and his magic started to play with the strands of hair.

She had to calm herself down… it’d been far too long since somepony had braided her mane, but she never felt quite like this the last time it happened. Her wings fluttered as she pulled out the cooked potatoes from the pot. She placed them in a large bowl and began to mash them.

Dusk’s magic pulled gently on two spots on her mane, beginning to braid it. As Scarlet moved around the kitchen, he would pause to make sure she didn’t get hurt. She placed the mashed potatoes and what she had fried into the dough. She covered it with more of the uncooked pastry and placed it into a preheated oven.

“And… thirty minutes,” she said to herself, standing back up straight.

She turned to face Dusk who looked completely… lost. He was staring at her, unflinching, and unresponsive.

“Golde?” she murmured. “You okay?”

He shook his head and his magic floated a small mirror in front of her.

“I… think I did a bit too much.”

Scarlet eyed her reflection, finding that her mane had been done up neatly into one single braid. Dusk managed to embed some of the flowers into it, and it hung over one shoulder. She slowly turned her head to one side to get a better look. The puffiness of her mane was gone, for now, and it seemed smoother. It was simple but fetching.

“Oh… well, I…” She ran a hoof along it. “Who taught you?”

“I grew up with two mares for my best friends,” Dusk chuckled. “I’m not sure if you know them, but they ended up brading my mane and I did theirs too.”

Scarlet giggled, eyes not leaving the mirror. “I’d pay to see that!” She grasped the floating mirror before resting it onto the table. “Who were your friends?”

“Well… Lyra Heartstrings and Vinyl Scratch.”

“Oh, Lyra Heartstring and Vinyl—”

Once her mind caught up to what he just said, she shouted, “Lyra Heartstrings and Vinyl Scratch?!

Dusk covered his ears with both hooves and sighed. “Yeah…”

Scarlet stammered and leaned in closer to him. “You were close friends with DJ Pon-3 and Lyra Heartstrings?!”

He winced. “Yes.”

She immediately gave him a filly-like grin. “Can you get Vinyl Scratch’s autograph for me?”

“Didn’t know you were into her stuff.”


Her pout may as well have equaled a foal wanting some ice cream.

He chuckled. “Sure, sure, next time I send her a letter.”

Scarlet hoofpumped, causing her mane to bounce.

“You know,” Dusk mused, moving to Scarlet’s side, “the braid’s nice and all… but…” He undid the braid with a hoof, letting her mane poof up once more. The flowers fell gracefully onto the floor.

“I still think this suits you best,” he blushed and buried his face into her mane.

Scarlet smirked, a pink hue to her cheeks. “Is this your way of flattering me?”

Dusk squeaked, keeping his face hidden. “Uh… yes?”

She chuckled and pulled him into a hug. “You’re so cute…” She pecked him on his cheek.

He returned the embrace, steam emitting from his… now tufted ears?

Scarlet squealed and tightened the hug. “Goldie, did I just fluster you into becoming a bat?”

He remained unmoving as heat crawled up to his cheeks. He couldn’t shift back!

“Goldie~” Scarlet sing-songed. “Are you a bat right now?”

Scarlet Gems relied on movement to perceive objects! Don’t move…

She started to pry him off the embrace. He struggled to stay attached, but alas, his efforts were unfruitful. She managed to pull him back far enough to see a new coat of red on his face. His mouth opened and closed, repeatedly revealing his fangs, and his gold, draconic eyes quivered.

Scarlet swooned over it. Be it bat or just a normal unicorn, he was still cute!

“I feel like you looking like a mare should be a crime,” she teased.

“Why? Want a big strong stallion to protect you?” he snarked.

She shook her head and laughed. “No, because you’ve stolen way too many hearts.” She leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Including mine…”

Dusk stammered and his ear twitched. Wow it was hot in here… He pulled on his hoodie’s collar to let some air in. Wait, but it’s enchanted to…

Oh… he was just blushing way too hard…

Luckily for him, the oven bell dinged. The two glanced at the source of sound. Scarlet pouted, having had her fun interrupted, and she made retrieve the food. Dusk held her back and his horn lit up. He smiled as plates, forks, knives, and the baking tray floated over, laid about the table neatly.

“Wanna be a waiter?” Scarlet whistled.

He rolled his eyes, the blood leaving his cheeks. “Sorry, am a butler already.”

She shrugged, sitting beside him. “Close enough.”

Dusk chuckled and finally noticed the baked pastry in the tray. Didn’t she fry vegetables and make mashed potatoes? Were they in there?

Scarlet pulled it over to her, a knife in her hoof. The tart crackled as she cut into it. She pulled out a portion, and underneath the layer of pastry were the mashed potatoes combined with an assortment of fried vegetables. She placed it onto Dusk’s plate.

“Thanks,” he nodded.

He held his fork in a hoof and dissected the food. Scarlet, after getting her own portion, did the same. At the same time, they brought their forks into their mouths to sample Scarlet’s cooking.

Dusk’s eyes shot wide, sparkling in amazement. His body relaxed considerably as the flavors flooded his taste buds.

Scarlet’s reaction was tamer, only nodding in her own self-approval.

“What is this?” Dusk asked before hurriedly taking another bite.

“Remember that… ‘Shepherd’s Pie’ back in the mirror?”

“The one made with meat?” He shuddered slightly.

She nodded. “I liked the idea of the pie, so I made my own version.”

“It is really good though…” He pulled out another portion from the tray.

Wait, he finished one already?!

“Then again, when has your cooking not been good?” he mused.

Scarlet nudged him with a bashful smile. He giggled and gave her a small nuzzle before resuming his meal. They continued to eat dinner for a few minutes, sharing idle chatter. This… this was a rather big moment for the two. They were able to confess their feelings for each other, and they couldn’t be any happier!

They eventually finished eating and Dusk was doing the dishes quickly. The sound of running water resounded throughout the house, and so did the noise of dishes being placed on the rack. Scarlet gawked at the speed his magic worked, clearly surprised.

“Again, wanna be a chef? Just a supporter?” Scarlet asked.

Dusk snorted and floated the last plate away. “Butler,” he simply stated.

She sighed and went over to the living room. She settled on the couch, eyeing the vase with the same daffodil from before. She remembered she still had the flower Dusk had given her.

The silver unicorn dried off his hooves and went to sit down beside her. He immediately leaned on her, finding comfort in doing so,

Scarlet smiled and unfurled a wing to wrap around him. He blushed lightly but liked the feeling nonetheless.

“Y’know…” Scarlet said, “there’s something missing…”

Dusk raised a brow. “What is?”

Her necklace lit up and a scarlet-colored flower floated in front of her. Slowly, she used wind to place it into the vase with the daffodil.

“There we go,” she nodded. “Now it’s obvious that we’re a thing.”

He chuckled. “You sound like a kid.”

“Says the foal.”

He shook his head. “Does… will anything change? Between us?” he asked.

Scarlet hummed. “Not much, but more snuggles!” She squealed as she tightened her embrace.

Dusk nuzzled her in return. “I… I could get used to this,” he admitted.

She returned the gesture. “I could too.”

They sat in silence, embracing each other all the while. Dusk enjoyed the softness of the wing that was wrapped around him. Though he was wearing a hoodie, it felt like a comfy blanket whenever it reached his coat. Scarlet rested her head on his shoulder until he pulled back, a deep red to his cheeks.

“Um, Gem?” he stammered.

Her eyes widened, visibly concerned. “Yes?”

“C-can I… can you…” His draconic and innocent eyes looked up at her with a downward gaze. “Can I k-kiss you again?”

Scarlet felt blood creeping up to her cheeks. She chuckled and pulled his chin up to plant a soft kiss on his lips, eliciting a happy sparkle in his eyes. She gazed at him softly, a warm smile on her face.

“For long as you want to.”


“She stole magic from the Crystal Heart?!”

The four alicorn princesses of Equestria sat in Canterlot Castle’s throne room. The night sky beckoned the stars to twinkle, and the moon shined brightly. Mythic Moon and Emerald Melody covered their ears at the level of volume the pink princess decided to use.

“Yes, princess.” Mythic lowered her hooves. “She managed to steal magic from the Heart and used it for her abomination of a potion.”

“That’s strange,” Twilight Sparkle commented. “I didn’t feel any of it from Golden Dusk last night… you said he absorbed it all?”

“Yes,” Mel replied. “He took all of the magic the potion had granted Lotus Mist. The lightning strike you all probably saw-”

“More like definitely saw,” Shining Armor said nonchalantly.

“- was a byproduct of it.”

“But if he did absorb it, why didn’t I feel it?” Twilight asked. “Cadence, you checked on him too, did you sense it?”

Princess Cadence shook her head. “As somepony who’s always near the Heart, I can say that I didn’t feel any of its magic from him.”

Mythic sighed. “Well, this got more complicated.”

“But if Golden Dusk doesn’t have it, where did it go?” Luna asked.

“I would’ve thought you lot would’ve gotten it by now.”

All ponies in the room looked up to see Discord watching them closely with a monocle.

“I mean really, it took you all one day to realize he didn’t have the Crystal Hearts magic…” he sighed.

“Care to enlighten us, Discord?” Celestia more demanded than asked.

He scoffed, throwing his monocle away. “Allow me to answer your question with a question.” He floated closer to the group of ponies, still a good distance above them. “Was there anypony else who had it?”

Mel frowned. “We just said that Golden Dusk absorbed the magic from Lotus-”

She paused, and Discord began a slow clap.

“Bravo, the Maestro figured it out faster than the Warlock,” he deadpanned, showering her with flowers.

“So it’s still with Lotus Mist?” Mythic asked incredulously.

Suddenly, she wore a silver medal and Discord started to cheer. “Woohoo! Second place!” he congratulated her.

She indignantly removed the medal, tossing it to the ground. “How is that possible?!”

All eyes shifted to stare at the draconequus. He sighed, popping all his shenanigans out of existence.

“You understand that ponies have different types of magic, yes?” At their nod, he continued, “And you all understand that your bodies can attract and use them?”

“Your point?” Mel asked.

“Affinities, ponies,” he deadpanned. “She’s got an affinity for the Crystal Heart’s magic, making it stick to her.”

“Affinity?” Celestia asked. “How could one have an affinity for Love Magic.”

Discord facepawed. “Seriously? You guys dubbed it ‘Love Magic?’”

Cadence grinned sheepishly.

He sighed. “Well, this ‘Love Magic,’ clearly likes this Lotus Mist, which is why your Hunter was not able to absorb it.”

“Wait… I just realized… how can Golden Dusk absorb magic?” Twilight inquired.

The Lord of Chaos groaned. “Your fellow princesses will tell you later, Twilight.”

Luna nodded. “What are we to do with Lotus Mist?”

“Banishment from Canterlot?” Shining suggested.

Celestia hummed. “I most certainly will not be locking her up for eternity…”

“Talk about pony bias…” Discord mumbled, a statue of him before his reformation appearing in the room.

She rolled her eyes. “Because I now understand that even the most chaotic of hearts can achieve friendship.”

Discord scoffed and looked away, hiding the small smile on his face. He stroked his goatee, making it look like he was doing some serious thinking.

Twilight nodded with a warm smile. “The magic of friendship… or so Rainbow Dash calls it, ‘Rainbow Lasers.’”

They all giggled while the sole draconequus shuddered. He’d been on the receiving end of that.

“Banish her from Canterlot, then what?” Mel asked.

“Let her walk away with what she did to Goldie?” Mythic added.

Oh? So the Guardians were unhappy with what happened to their teammate?

“Believe me, Golden Dusk got more out of it,” Discord chuckled, holding up a claw that cracked with chaos magic.

“Oh… right…” Mythic said nervously. “Is there… anything we need to know about his chaos magic?”

“Well, he first needs to find a way to activate it,” Discord explained. “For me, it’s snapping, for him? It’ll come naturally.”

Mythic shuddered. So, he could randomly activate the magic at any time.

“Bah!” he scoffed. “This is way too much serious time for… the next month,” he shuddered with an exaggerated motion of his skin crawling. “Ta ta, ponies.” He snapped his claws and popped out of existence.

“Maybe we could take Lotus Mist?” Cadence suggested. “She’s a trained maid, right?”

Shining Armor gawked. “Really, Cadey?”

“Affinity for Lo… the Crystal Heart’s magic, and our shortage of staff with combat training?” she argued. “If we can reform her, it’d be a benefit for us.”

Her husband stared at her for a few moments before sighing. “We could give it a shot…”

Cadence smiled. “What do you think, Aunties, Twilight?”

“I see no problem with that,” Twilight replied.

“As long as you keep a watchful eye on her,” Celestia added.

“Perhaps you could cast a spell ensuring her compliance?” Luna suggested.

Princess Cadence nodded and turned to face Mythic and Mel. She felt tension well up within her when she saw Mythic writing something on a scroll.

“Guardians?” she called out.

Mythic showed the scroll to Mel who nodded in approval. She sighed and floated it over to Cadence.

“Spell that paralyzes Lotus if she tries to do something that you’d rather not,” she explained. “Only a split second of pain, then you’ll have to cancel it.”

“Best if you two link up and cast it,” Mel said to Shining. “That way, either of you can deactivate it.”

Twilight immediately leaned over Cadence to see what was written on the scroll. This… she’s never seen this before!

Suddenly, she bolted from where she was sitting and was in front of Mythic Moon with a sparkle to her eyes.

“Where’d you learn to make this? Is there a painless variant? Which Starswirl theories did you use?” she bombarded the mare with questions.

Mythic Moon was happy to reply. “Brushed up on magic manipulation and enchanting when I was younger, yes there is a painless variant, and it uses Starswirl’s theory on Command Magic.”

Twilight lit up even more and asked even more questions. Mel tuned out the two ponies’ new teacher-student relationship lectures, and faced the princesses.

“So, that’s it for the night?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, Maestro, that’s it for-”

“Oh, come on!

They all turned to see Cadence standing by the window with ire written all over her face.

“What’s wrong?” Shining asked. “Did you miss another pair of ponies you were… you called it ‘shipping?’”

“Yes!” she cried. “And it’s not just anypony!”

“What? What’d you see?” Twilight asked, Mythic now listening attentively.

She huffed. “Let’s just say there were two really bright lights of Love Magic shot up to the sky that started to meld together.”

Only she could see it, which was why she had to explain what it was.

“What colors were they?” the purple alicorn followed-up.

Her anger left and soon turned into a smirk. “They were gold and scarlet.”

Mythic Moon stared at her for a few moments. “How far high up did it go?”

“Might as well be an alicorn couple,” she responded.

Mythic grinned. There were only two ponies in this city that could achieve that, and Mythic already knew who they were. She glanced at Mel who was grinning, then to the other royalty in the room who wore the same expression.

Well, all of them except Twilight Sparkle. She looked around and noticed their smiles. She asked:

“Am I missing something?”

Chapter 13 - They're Back!

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“Ah, it is good to be back!”

A burly earth pony stallion stretched his legs as he got off the train. He took a deep breath, practically savoring the fresh, Canterlot air. Other ponies got off the platform, and were being met by their families. The night sky made everything dimmer, yet a red pegasus stood out from behind him. They groaned as they dragged two bags of heavy luggage out the train door.

“You could at least help me, Az!” they complained, dropping the luggage in front of him and glaring at the blue earth pony.

Azure Spark chuckled. “You could use the practice, Wild Blaze!”

Wild Blaze’s glare didn’t falter. His gray mane resembled the color of smoke, and his eyes were colored like fire. Keeping the stare, he attempted to pierce Azure’s soul.

Azure sighed, picking up the heaviest bag and placing it on his back.

“Thank you,” Blaze said. Now, he was able to carry the other on his back.

The two ponies trotted off of the platform and directly into the streets. Some ponies spared glances at Azure for his larger build than most, and some looked at Blaze, in awe of him being able to carry such large baggage.

“If you are having difficulty with that bag, I can carry it for you,” Azure offered.

Blaze snorted. “This much, I can manage.”

He nodded and looked forward, eyeing the large castle. “Shall we announce our return to the princesses?”

“Sure…” Blaze trailed off and was now staring at something.

Azure followed to where his gaze was and gawked. A noble house with a large hole in its wall. Guards were stationed around its perimeter, and workers were hastily trying to repair it.

“Sir, what happened here?” Blaze approached a lieutenant.

The pony in armor sighed. “Purifiers did a number on it.”

“Purifiers?” he asked.

“With your baggage, I assume you just arrived at Canterlot?” At his nod, he continued, “The Purifiers were a group that despised the nobles, and they proceeded to attack a number of noble houses. Even tried to invade the castle.”

Azure walked to the side of Blaze. “Come now, Blaze, the guard has to focus on his task.”

The red pegasus nodded, both thanking and apologizing to the guard. The guard responded, waving dismissing the need for an apology.

The pair were now back on track to the castle.

“Do you think Golden Dusk’s back?” Blaze asked.

“If he isn’t, we will arrange a search party,” Azure responded. “Though, we have no right to complain about what took him so long.”

He chuckled. “Took us three months to deal with five manticores? We’ll have to explain why.”

Az snorted. “Well, now that we are back, we’ll need a decent amount of drinks!”

He cheered his agreement, sharing a hoof bump with the bigger stallion. Though, whoever those Purifiers were?

They were lucky they missed out on the Titan and Berserker.


Golden Dusk walked down the halls of the castle, on his way to the Royal Kitchen. He wore his suit and tie proudly and showed no shame in his thestral form. Keeping his form dignified but humble, he approached a double door with small windows on them. He knocked three times before a thestral mare opened the door slightly. They recognized him and nodded. Him being there meant the princess wanted a snack!

He pawed a hoof on the carpet to feel its silkiness. It should take a minute or two before they have a small cart prepared.

Eventually the same chef pushed out a cart with several plates, the cloche atop them there to keep the food warm He gave them a thankful nod as he rested his hooves on the handle. The chef nodded and blew him a kiss.

Staying calm, he mouthed the word ‘taken.’

The thestral mare pouted but nodded. She went back inside the kitchen to resume her duties.

Dusk feigned a chuckle and turned to make his way back to the throne room, ignoring the indignant and jealous stares of the Lunar Guard stationed about. Well, a mare making a move on you was a compliment.

He pushed the cart down the halls, admiring the lavender flowers that bloomed in pots that were hanging from the side of the pillars. Apparently, Princess Luna suggested it as lavender was believed to aid ponies in their sleep.

He reached the large, ornate, purple doors, and the guards stationed there saw him and opened the doors. He nodded his thanks as he entered with the cart.

“Ah! The butler returns!” Princess Luna’s voice echoed. “And with my treats!”

Dusk chuckled as she stepped down from her throne. Nightingale rolled his eyes, prepared to note down anything strange that may happen.

“Princess, your meal.” With a flourish, Dusk unveiled her snacks. Cookies!

Luna practically squealed as she hurriedly picked up one of the treats. Her two aides laughed as she ate.

Dusk levitated a separate plate to Nightingale who voiced his thanks. Dusk took a seat beside the cart and nibbled on his own portion. Luna devoured her plate in mere minutes, leaving her pining for more. She immediately lit up when she saw more of the treats floating onto her plate. She looked up and saw Dusk’s horn glowing gold.

“I’m not that hungry,” he explained with a smile. “Plus, you have a night court to run.”

“Many thanks, dear butler,” Luna nodded.

He chuckled and finished his last cookie. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he looked at the princess nervously.

“Will the night princess be ever so humble to allow me to disappear?” he asked with a shaky smile.

She raised a brow. “Very well, but for what purpose?”

“You’ll see…”

With his cryptic answer said, his horn glowed and he slowly faded from view. He invisibly stood up and walked onto the sides of the pillars, climbing them. Once he reached the ceiling, he found a rafter to settle onto. Luna glanced at Nightingale who shrugged.

Suddenly, the doors burst open and a large earth pony stallion trotted in. He howled with laughter, proud of the destruction. A red pegasus was showing the Lunar Guards outside a gold badge and was apologizing for the burly stallion’s behavior.

Luna gawked before repairing the doors with a spell once the pegasus went inside.

“As energetic as ever, Titan,” she frowned.

Azure Spark chuckled loudly. “What better way to announce our return?!”

“Getting proper permission to enter the throne room?” Wild Blaze deadpanned.

“I still sometimes wonder why somepony titled ‘Berserker’ is much calmer than the Titan,” Nightingale commented. So, this was what his gut was telling him was gonna happen! He started scribbling on the scroll the return of the other two Guardians.

Blaze rolled his eyes. “Same, buddy.”

“Have the pair of you just arrived?” Luna asked.

He nodded. “We just dropped off our stuff at the armory.”

“Ah, the princess had her cookies once more!” Az said nonchalantly.

“Shall we announce your return?” She ignored him. “Properly and orderly, this time.”

“If you’d be so kind,” Blaze nodded.

“Luna!” Az shouted. “Would you like to join us in drinking a few days from now?” he offered.

She hummed in actual consideration. “Depending on the schedule, I might. Oh, but you’d have to take the others with you.”

“Tia too?”

“If she’s available.”

“Speaking of ‘others,’” Blaze started, “Is Golden Dusk back yet?”

That would explain why he wanted to hide…

Dusk breathed quietly, doing his best not to draw attention to himself.

“Yes, he returned a month ago,” she responded. “Shall we call for him?”

Up on the rafters, he could see the wide smirk she sported.

“Call for him?” Blaze asked. “It’s in the middle of the night, he’s probably sleeping.”

“What would you do if he doesn’t come?” Luna responded.

“Then we pay him a visit!” Az said.

“And I’ll make sure this fool doesn’t destroy anything,” Blaze sighed.

Oh, no… Dusk didn’t want any collateral damage!

“Very well, let us test the odds then,” she nodded. “Golden Dusk!”

Gulping, the unicorn dropped back down onto the floor silently. He stood behind his two teammates as he slowly dropped the invisibility. He was bowing, and he kept his face blank.

“Yes, princess?” he basically announced his appearance. His teammates jumped and turned around.

Luna smirked.

“Golden Dusk!” Az exclaimed, putting a foreleg around his shoulder. Dusk yelped at the sheer weight.

Blaze eyed his form, noticing the formal attire. “You’re… wearing a suit?’

He sighed. “Yeah, got butler duties now.” He did his best to return Az’s gesture. Though, the larger build of the stallion brought much difficulty.

“Butler?” Az asked.

“Gem told me to get a job… here I am,” he replied.

The other ponies in the room smirked at the mention of Scarlet Gem’s nickname. Yes, they already knew he called her that, but they all knew there was some sort of spark to the pair of ponies. However, Luna already knew that Golden Dusk and Scarlet were an item… she just made an agreement with her fellow ponies the night before.

“So you are now serving our night princess?” Az chuckled. “I believe that was what you were already doing.”

Dusk rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to drink my days away.”

“Lies!” Az denied. “We only drink once or twice a week.”

Blaze snorted. “Az, with the amount you drink, it might as well be everyday.”

“I can handle my booze!”

“You know, that’s probably the reason it took you guys three months,” Dusk commented.

Blaze shook his head. “You know that Az takes work seriously… most of the time.”

“All the time!” Az huffed. “I just prefer to have some fun.”

“You call wrangling five manticors fun?” He deadpanned.

“Of course!”

“Azure Spark’s antics aside,” Luna cut in, “shall we send word to our sister?”

“Shouldn’t she be sleeping?” Dusk inquired.

Luna hummed. Celestia would probably want her head if she’s disturbed. “Very well, by tomorrow then.”

“Anyway,” Dusk started, “you guys missed a lot.”

“Something about ‘Purifiers?’” Blaze asked.

“Really,” Az sighed, “what a plain name.”

Dusk deadpanned, “They still attacked ponies.”

“Though the crisis was averted, yes?” he replied. “What more do we need to know?”

“Well, for one, I’m a butler now, but you already know that,” Dusk nodded. “Then, Gem’s working in the Royal Kitchen now too.”

“A good job for her,” Blaze commented.

“And Auntie is gonna want your armor,” he finished.

The two older stallions slowly craned their heads to gaze at each other. They wore shaky smiles and their eyes were twitching.

“You guys messed them up, didn’t you?” Dusk deadpanned.

Luna held back her laughter.

“Az just had to charge into three manticors!” Blaze shouted.

“If you hadn’t thrown your flames, I would’ve been fine!”

“The other two were circling you!”

“And the state of your armor shows how well you handle that,” Az snarked.

The two continued to bicker and Dusk sighed. He knew that the two had one of the strongest bonds in the team, but it also meant that disagreements were this bad.

Az stomped a hoof, leaving cracks running along the floor. “It was your fault!”

“Mine?!” Blaze’s eyes glowed a bright red, looking like something was being ignited. “How about you?!

“Don’t use your magic on me, Blaze!”

“Or what?!”

He held back a wing and a condensed ball of fire spiralled within it. He proceeded to throw it at Az who just scoffed. The earth pony had blue magic formed around his hooves and he swatted the ball away like it was a baseball. Luna rubbed her temple, seemed a crater was about to be formed...

Unbeknownst to all of them, the fire headed straight for Dusk. His eyes widened right at the last moment. He was daydreaming, darnit!

He managed to activate his shield and it surrounded his body. The impact left an explosion, knocking Dusk back a few notches. Az and Blaze stopped bickering and they turned to look at where their teammate was standing.

Dusk’s eyes blazed gold and he clenched his teeth together. His fangs seemed to become more apparent, and his ear twitched.

Seriously?!” he yelled. “Here? Of all places?!” He moved closer to the pair.

The ponies in the room stared at him with wide eyes.

“I know you two disagree sometimes, but really?!

Az actually winced… an angry Dusk was a fearsome one.

“Here I thought you were the mature one.” He pointed at blaze. “I get that you’re both probably tired, and Auntie’s gonna give it to both of you, but I doubt she would mind if I got first dibs!

“Uh… Dusk?” Blaze started.

What?!” he hissed.

“Is that normal?”

Dusk was taken aback, so he calmed down for a moment.

“What’s what normal?”

He then took a look at the two ponies in front of him. They were supposed to be taller than him… why was he eye-level with Az now? He glanced downward and gasped. His hooves weren’t touching the floor!

“Uh…” he gulped, now floating in a random direction. “A little help?”

Blaze faced Az with a blank face. “What do you think?”

The earth pony hummed thoughtfully.

“Really?” Dusk deadpanned, floating up higher. He squeaked as the distance grew.

“Perhaps if he drops his ire?” Az suggested.

“I’ll drop that ire on your head if you don’t help me!

Blaze chuckled. “Let’s give him a few moments… maybe he’ll learn to respect his elders.”

“I am respectful enough!”

“I can agree to that,” Az responded.

Dusk dearly wished he could really drop his ire on them now. Maybe in the form of a piano. Hearing the snapping of its strings, the different distorted notes, and the look on their face would be appealing. He turned to face the ceiling, not wanting to look down. His ear twitched and he heard some form of pop, followed by a crash.

He twisted his body to look at where the sound came from. He was met with the sight of Az’s head poking out of a grand piano’s body. Shards of wood were scattered around the floor, and Blaze stood a small distance away from him.

“Where?! What?!” Blaze exclaimed.

Luna stared in shock. She didn’t know where that came from.

“Can you bring me down now?!” Dusk shouted.

Blaze quickly flew up and dragged him back to the ground. His hooves touched the floor, and he used magic to make sure he stuck to it.

“This… is strange,” Az commented. “Conjure a shield for a moment?”

Dusk obliged and his horn glowed gold to summon a shield around himself and Blaze. Luna shielded herself and Nightingale as well. She also placed another around the earth pony, knowing what he was about to do. Az nodded and took a deep breath before his eyes flared a bright blue. Magic exploded from his form, reducing the piano to small fragments that flew towards her shield.

He stretched his legs. “Now I can move again.”

Luna’s and Dusk’s shields dissipated before he collected what was left of the piano with his magic.

“Where’d that piano come from?” Blaze asked.

Dusk shrugged. “Don’t know, but Az deserved it… probably.”

“Perhaps the source of the piano came from you, Golden Dusk?” Luna voiced.

“Uh, how?” he replied, clearly confused.

“Yes, princess, how would it have been Dusk?” Az added.

She chuckled. “You two clearly have some context missing, but he should be able to explain to you.” She shifted her gaze back at Dusk. “Did you perform any specific motion whilst hovering?”

“Unless you count twisting and turning, then no.”

She rolled her eyes. “Something more… reflexive, perhaps?”

He raised a brow. “Well, I guess my ear twitched, and that wasn’t me.”

“Correction, it was you, but it wasn’t intentional.”

He shook his head “Where are you going with this?”

“What did Discord tell you the last time you were here?”

“‘Don’t force the chao-’”

He suddenly fell silent, looking down onto the ground thoughtfully.

Az stepped forward. “Discord was here?”

Luna nodded. “For reasons you will be briefed on.”

“How does that tie to Dusk?” Blaze followed-up.

Suddenly, a gigantic, plain purple cube appeared behind them. They saw the unicorn gaze at it with a jubilant smile on his face. They barely noticed the subtle flick of his ear, but they did notice the flash of the box disappearing.

“Hah!” Dusk exclaimed. “I can use chaos magic!”

Az recoiled. “Wait, chaos magic?!

“Since when?!” Blaze added.

“Briefing, later… for now…” His ear twitched and a cluster mini-catapults loaded with dodgeballs appeared to his sides. “I wonder how good those two are at dodging?”

His teammates snorted but gwaked when the balls started to glow gold. Dusk grinned darkly as he readied the first round of shots. The catapults creaked as they stalked forward, getting closer and in range.

“Hunter! Sit!” Luna bellowed.

The volume of her voice caused his ear to twitch, causing the catapults to disappear. He whined as he planted himself on the floor. She chuckled with mirth, acting like a mother scolding her foal always worked.

“The fact that that works…” Blaze sighed. “When do we get briefed?!”

Luna hummed. “I suppose now would be fine. We aren’t expecting any more nobles tonight.” She looked to Nightingale who nodded.

Az asked, “If it wouldn’t be much trouble?”

She chuckled. “Believe me, it’s fine.” She glanced at Golden Dusk.

The unicorn had a gold ribbon around his barrel, anchoring him to the floor. He hovered in the air and looked akin to a balloon… albeit, a living, pony-shaped one.

“Are you quite done, Hunter?”

Dusk coughed, the ribbon pulling him back to the ground and using a spell to make his hooves stick to it again. “Alright… I’m done.”

“Were you actually mad?” Blaze deadpanned.

He laughed. “A bit, but it left as quickly as it came.” He approached the side of Luna’s throne, looking like a proper and dignified butler. The princess nodded and gazed over the two other Guardians.

“Let’s start from the beginning.”


“Let me get this straight.”

Princess Luna, with the help of Golden Dusk, told them of a tale not so easily forgotten. One of well-planned attacks, explosions, and utter stupidity. Seriously, the Purifiers barged into the throne room thinking they can overpower four ponies of royalty? Then, there was their simpleton name for a group.

Dusk covered what happened in the warehouse, although it wasn’t entirely complete; he missed out on what Mel and his aunt did. He gave a rough explanation of the potion and what it was made out of. He even pushed his theory of how it turned into chaos magic.

He used to be into studying… some of it remained.

They eventually reached the part where he absorbed the magic from Lotus Mist. For a potion, it seemed to have long-term effects. Some of the jailed ponies, apparently, still showed signs of much more powerful magic than average. He told them of how he absorbed it so that she would come to her senses, and he mentioned the state it left him in. The story moved forward onto Discord’s ‘catalyst,’ and how he felt almost immediately better.

“This pony, Lotus Mist… managed to harm Golden Dusk?” Blaze finished.

Az chuckled. “Maybe we should train him once more?”

“So, me absorbing magic to stop a pony from going crazy equals to lack of combat training?” Dusk deadpanned.

“It was a suggestion.”

“What will her sentencing be?” Blaze asked.

“Princess Cadence has laid claim to her becoming a maid of the Crystal Empire.”

He sighed. “Nothing else?”

“Banishment from Canterlot.”

“That’s fine, I guess,” he said hesitantly.

Ah, the Guardians, ever so protective of their teammates. It was astonishing Scarlet Gem didn’t come back with a complaint.

Oh, and before she forgot. “Do the pair of you think you can have your reports in by tomorrow morning?” she asked.

Az and Blaze tilted their heads. “Oh, sure. Do you need it that early?” Blaze responded.

“No, we just need all the Guardians assembled here by the afternoon,” Luna nodded.

“Wait… all of us?” Dusk said.

She chuckled, “Do not worry, there are no catastrophic threats… yet.”

They stiffened, thinking for the worse.

She laughed. “I jest, one can never know when something disastrous can occur.”

They all sighed.

“So, by what time tomorrow?”


“Well, I wasn’t exactly expecting this development.”

Emerald Melody stood in front of the two Royal Sisters. Mythic Moon was to her left, and Scarlet Gem and Golden Dusk on her right. Princess Celestia was skimming through a scroll, and her sister had a jar of cookies on hoof. Luna eagerly munched on the snacks, and their casualty left the Guardians rather perplexed.

“Are we waiting for anyone?” Mythic asked rather drowsily.

“How many nights, Moonie?” Scarlet deadpanned.

She groaned. “Not nearly enough.”

“To answer your question, Warlock, yes. We are waiting for someponies.” Celestia rolled up her scroll and dared to take a cookie from Luna. Her sister sighed and reluctantly gave her a treat. She smiled and gave her a light nuzzle in thanks.

Mythic Moon nodded and looked to her right. Her nephew and Scarlet were standing a tad closer together than usual. She smirked and brought her gaze to meet Mel’s. The green mare tilted her head, so she jerked her head, basically pointing to the two beside her. Mel slowly craned her neck to her right before smirking.

Dusk caught wind of their grins. “You two okay?” he asked.

The older mares whistled innocently. “We’re fine.”

He shrugged and looked straight ahead. He so dearly wanted to ask Luna for a cookie…

Scarlet glanced at Mythic who gave her a wink. The unicorn’s horn lit up, and white trails of magic formed with each motion she made. Moving her head, she managed to form a white heart.

Scarlet blushed and looked away with her wings fluttering slightly and keeping her head low. Dusk used his muzzle to push her head back up, and his eyes showed concern.

“You good?” he asked.

Mythic Moon grinned and watched with one eye kept on them, and Mel did the same.

She leaned in closer to his ear. “We didn’t tell them yet…”

The gears in his brain worked together to process that statement. An audible ding of bell resounded in his mind shortly after. His mouth opened and closed before his voice made a drop to almost inaudible levels.

“What do we do?” he whispered.

“I don’t know!”

“We both agree that they’re kinda like our mothers, right?”

Scarlet nodded.

“How in Equestria do we-”

The doors suddenly barged open once again. Luna sighed, this was a repeat of last night. Azure Spark trotted in proudly, and Wild blaze was left to apologize to the Celestial Guard this time. Everypony, except Dusk and Luna, stared at the two ponies who entered the room. They weren’t informed of this!

Well, Luna told Celestia, so her reaction was tamer. A small smile graced her face.

“Really?” Blaze groaned. “Again?”

Az shrugged with a grin on his face.

Emerald Melody approached them with a downward gaze. A shadow covered her eyes, and her expression seemed flat.

Az and Blaze tensed as she closed in. Though, they didn’t expect what happened next. Mel pulled the two ponies into a tight hug. An impressive feat, considering Az’s large stature.

They remained unmoving for a few moments before turning the embrace. Blaze turned to the other ponies in the room, basically asking ‘since when did Mel do hugs?’

He was met with a round of shrugs.

He snorted and gently let go of the mare. Mel pulled back with a weak smile on her face.

“I… I don’t think having three of you gone for months… did anything good,” she giggled softly.

Mythic walked to them and briefly hugged them as well. “Welcome back.”

“I see you have not been sleeping much,” Az mused.

She playfully punched him as Dusk and Scarlet approached.

“What took you guys so long?” Scarlet asked.

Blaze sighed. “Five manticores and trying to relocate them?”

“Harder than you might think.” Az added.

Dusk made an obvious glance to Mythic. She looked at him with a tilted head while he raised a brow.

“Oh, right,” she said and gazed back at the two stallions. “Where’s your armor?”

Nervously, they craned their heads to not face the mare. The princesses raised a brow, and Mythic started to sport a wide grin.

“Did anything happen to them?”

“N-no,” Blaze stuttered.

She leaned in closer with a glow to her eyes. “The truth,” she demanded.

Az gulped, and Blaze knew that it was him who would have to admit it first.

“Cracked some of my wing plates, missing chunks of my helmet, and dents running through the chest!” Blaze said first.

“Lost a leg plate, damaged hoof guards, and dents along the helmet,” Az muttered next.

Mythic’s eye twitched. “What?!

Dusk, who was standing next to her, recoiled and his ears twitched. Suddenly, a lengthy amount of rope appeared next to Mythic, and it tightly bound itself around her mouth, keeping it shut. She mumbled a few incoherent sentences as she tried to pry it off.

Dusk lost focus and he started floating up in the air. Scarlet tracked him with her eyes with an incredulous stare. He sighed and opened his eyes to find himself floating away.

“Uh,” he squeaked, “help?” His body turned to make him face the ceiling. The hood of his hoodie hung downwards as gravity still worked on it.

Scarlet quickly flew up to his side and gently brought him back down. She carried him in her forelegs, and he felt surprisingly light. Once she landed again, Dusk made a motion to grab onto the floor with his magic. Once he felt his hoof was stuck to it, he eased himself off of Scarlet’s hold, and one by one his hooves met with the ground once more.

Mythic briskly approached her nephew and dramatically gestured to the rope around her muzzle. He smiled sheepishly and made his ear twitch. The rope disappeared in a soft, white flash.

“Since when could you use chaos magic?” she asked… surprisingly calmly.

“Last night,” he answered truthfully.

“How good’s your control?”

He demonstrated by summoning a small cube with a flick of his ear.

“I get how to create things,” he explained. He removed the magic from his hind legs which started to float upwards. “Still don’t get that though.” He stood on four legs once more.

She sighed. “Okay, we’re going to have to work on that.” Her lips curved into a grin as she looked to Scarlet. “Quick save, Scarlet.”

Scarlet blushed and gave a slight nod.

“You know,” Mel started, “Princess Cadence mentioned two large beams of magic shooting up last night…”

“What were their colors again?” Mythic asked innocently and looked to the princesses.

The two smirked. “Gold and scarlet.”

Dusk stood still, clueless. He tilted his head, and he eventually realized what that meant. Steam hissed from his ears as his face was colored red. He looked to his right and saw Scarlet who had the same expression on her face.

“Care to… enlighten us?” Celestia smirked.

Scarlet sighed, calming herself. She unfurled a wing and wrapped a still flustered Golden Dusk under it, pulling him close. He squeaked and faced Scarlet. She gave him a soft smile before pecking him on the forehead.

He was left a stuttering mess, and he buried his face in her neck. The mares in the room cooed while Az and Blaze snorted.

“Does that clear up your suspicions?” Scarlet asked the room.

“Very much so,” Celestia giggled.

Dusk pulled back from her neck with his now-slitted eyes.

Mythic gasped. “You’ve already managed to do that?!” she exclaimed.

“Do what?” Scarlet replied.

“Fluster him into becoming a thestral,” Mythic chuckled.

She smirked. “Yup, even yesterday.”

Dusk altered his gaze between the two mares with a pout.

Mythic approached the two with a smile and pulled them into a hug. “I’m so happy for you two.”

They returned the embrace and Mel soon joined in. The royal sisters wondered when they’d end their barrage of hugs. They shared a brief moment before they all stood back up once more.

Az walked to them next with a grin. “So, who asked who?”

“Goldie did,” Scarlet answered. “He caught me off guard.”

Mel, Az, and Celestia simultaneously sighed, much to the new couple’s confusion. Luna prodded a hoof at her sister with a smile. Celestia responded with her horn glowing gold and a bag full of bits appearing in front of her. She quickly double checked the amount and gave it to her sister.

Mythic smirked at Mel who brought out a number of bits from her bracer and gave it to her. Az did a similar thing, but with his foreleg cuffs. The gems embedded in them glowed a bright blue as a bag of bits fabricated in front of Blaze.

“Wait, you guys placed bets on who’d ask out the other?” Scarlet deadpanned.

Dusk didn’t really mind. He approached Princess Luna before bowing. “I am humbled by your faith in me, princess,” he stated with a smile.

Luna giggled. “Arise, butler! For you have brought me great joy!”

He stood up straight and tall.

“Your reward…” Her horn shined brightly, adding suspense.

A cookie popped out in front of him and hovered.

“A treat!” she laughed.

Dusk gratefully accepted it and nibbled on the cookie. Celestia rolled her eyes, she believed it was about time to get straight into business.

“Are we ready to discuss why we have summoned you here today?” the sun princess asked them.

The Specialists formed one straight line, now having a more formal demeanor.

“What have you got for us, princesses?” Emerald Melody asked.

“Rampaging creatures?” Blaze added.

“Criminal organizations?” Scarlet continued.

“Somepony steal a slice of cake?”

The Guardians glared at the silver unicorn. Dusk’s gold eyes slowly looked away from them. Plastered on his teammates’ faces were amused smiles, despite the serious tone Celestia used.

Princess Celestia laughed. “Actually…”

“We want you all to go on vacation.”

Chapter 14 - Vacation?

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The bright rays of the morning sun shone down upon Scarlet Gem, Golden Dusk and the other ponies in Canterlot’s train station. Both wore their saddlebags, and waiting before them was a pink train, the Friendship Express, giving off a low buzzing sound.

“You got everything?” Dusk asked.

Scarlet checked her saddlebags, “Yup.”

“Alright,” Dusk smiled. “Now, c’mon!”

He nudged her forward with a hoof, causing her to yelp. She rolled her eyes and entered the train, a cool breeze washing over her. The pair found an empty seat, folding their saddlebags’ straps before placing them underneath it, Dusk using his magic to help Scarlet. They sat down as passengers came aboard, some continuing on to other cars, while some found their own seats within the car.

“We’re staying at Princess Twilight’s, right?” Scarlet asked.

Dusk nodded. “Yep, Tia sent her a letter, apparently.”

“Will she be okay with it?”

“Princess of Friendship,” he stated.

She giggled, wrapping a leg around him. “Yeah, okay.”

He smiled and gave her a small nuzzle. “Do you wanna walk around Ponyville or get ‘settled in’ first?”

“Walk. You need it.”

“Hey!” Dusk pouted.

She chuckled, pecking him on the cheek and eliciting a small blush from him.

“So, is this going to technically be our first date?” she teased.

He buried his head into her shoulder, hiding a deeper blush. Scarlet cooed and patted him on the head.

The train gave one more long whistle, then they started to move. Outside, ponies were waving goodbye to their family members on the train. Unfortunately for Golden Dusk, he was seated right by the window. So, his antics were seen by countless ponies. Scarlet noticed the chuckles of both mares and stallions, some cooed, and foals giggled when they noticed.

“Please tell me we’ve left the station…” Dusk mumbled, still hiding on her shoulder. “I can feel the looks I’m getting.”

Scarlet rolled her eyes and glanced back out the window. They finally left the station, and the train was speeding up. Canterlot was getting smaller by the second.

“Okay, they’re gone.”

Dusk slowly turned his head behind him with one eye open. The gold in it sparkled as it met with the sun’s rays. He sighed, having calmed down. He pulled back from his hiding spot to see Scarlet’s smirk.

“What?” he deadpanned.

“Nothing,” she whistled and innocently gestured to her side.

He tilted his body to see the grins of other ponies in the car. Some left quickly when they saw him peek at them, while others remained amused.

Dusk squeaked and leaned back onto his seat, slumping. He pulled up his hood to obscure part of his face.

“Aw, they just think you’re cute,” Scarlet cooed.

He huffed and looked out the window. She just giggled and leaned on him, feeling surprisingly tired.

“How long’s the ride gonna be?” she asked him.

“Where’d your energy go?” He raised a brow.

“How long?” she pushed.

He chuckled. “Maybe two or three hours.”

She nodded, her scarlet eyes closing. She rested her head on his shoulder, finding it a suitable pillow alternative.

He smiled at the sight. Cautiously, he glanced around to make sure nopony was looking. He leaned in to peck her on the forehead, causing Scarlet to nuzzle him. Her breath steadied and got softer as time passed, indicating that she had drifted to sleep.

The colorful train chugged its way down its tracks. Pure, white steam ejected from its chimney as it hauled its railroad cars full of ponies.

Minutes flew by and Dusk started feeling sleepy as well. He turned his head, to see the Scarlet had curled both of her forelegs around his. He giggled softly before yawing. Smiling, he rested his head on hers. His eyes fluttered shut, and he let himself slowly drift off to sleep.

Around them, ponies were cooing as softly as possible


A few days ago...

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had gathered the Guardians for a meeting. Unsure of the reason for all of them being summoned, assuming it was another threat, Emerald Moon stood straight and firm while her teammates tilted their heads. After the princess’ statement a few moments ago, she took a step forward.

“Vacation?” she asked, confused.

Celestia chuckled. “You’ve all been doing a lot of work these past few days…”

“Months,” Azure Spark, Wild Blaze, and Golden Dusk muttered.

“... and We believe that it would be a good time for you all to relax,” Luna continued with a nod to her sister.

Dusk snorted. “Once Az and Blaze get home, it’s all relaxation for them.”

Blaze trotted over and gave him a noogie. Dusk just giggled and submitted to the treatment.

“We’re not going to be here for the Purifiers’ trials?” Mythic Moon inquired. She may have wanted to be there for it.

“You will,” Celestia reassured. “We are scheduling it a week from now. The minor players will undergo their trials without you.”

“Seven days will be enough to arrange the trials,” Luna commented. “This in mind, it should be ample time for some rest.”

“Moonie could do with more,” Scarlet giggled.

Mythic scoffed. “I get enough rest, thank you, Scarlet.”

She gestured to the weary eyes she wore.

Golden Dusk smiled. Where could they go? The thought of spending time with them brought excitement to swirl within him! Maybe… hm, he did want to visit a few old friends. Maybe he could introduce his ‘family’ to them?

Mythic flicked her head away, feigning annoyance.

After all, the last time he’s been there was several years ago, when Nightmare Moon returned. Who would’ve thought a supposedly, cataclysmic event would lead him to reconnect with old flames?

Mel tapped her chin with a hoof. “Well, the orchestra’s going to be down for a while…”

“Las Pegasus!” Az cried, wrapping his forelegs around the other five as best he could.

Oh… Las Pegasus. That wasn’t Ponyville. He surrendered to the embrace, attempting to hide his melancholy.

“I’m down,” Blaze responded.

“Sure!” Mythic cheered.

“Eh, I’ll be at the casino,” Mel shrugged.

And… they were all agreeing.

Scarlet chuckled and wanted to go last. She turned to Dusk, who was beside her wearing a downcast expression. Az had already let go of them at this point.

“Goldie?” She nudged him with a wing, drawing the attention of the others.

He shook his head and smiled. “I kinda... wanna go to Ponyville,” he told them.

Stunned, the other ponies leaned backwards slightly. The two princesses raised a brow, wondering why.

Mythic looked at him, shoulders slumped and eyes wider. “You don’t wanna come with us?” she asked softly.

He shook his head. “I’d go with you all in a heartbeat… but I want to visit a few old friends.”

She kept a soft gaze before sighing and pulling him into a hug.

“Next time, you’re coming with us whether you like it or not,” she said with slightly moist eyes. It’d been so long since the two had been on a trip together.

He returned the embrace with a similar expression. “I can do that.”

Mel had a faint smile, and so did the other ponies around her. They all understood the relationship Dusk and Mythic had. She wasn’t just an aunt, she may as well have been his second mother. She was there with him throughout his foalhood. Through the hardships, through the joy, she was there. The two hadn’t spent much time bonding the past few months, and they both missed each other dearly. Opportunities to do so seemed all too rare with their jobs, so it was a surprise that he’d pass up a chance like this. As a family more than a team, it didn’t feel right.

Mythic pulled back and sniffled. “Okay, how about you, Scarlet?” she asked the pegasus. “You going to go with your coltfriend?”

Scarlet chuckled while Dusk wore a light blush. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t get in trouble,” she smiled.

She snorted. “Good luck with that.”

Dusk shook his head, and his teammates laughed.

“Shall I arrange accommodations for you all?” Celestia asked.

“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble,” Mel replied with a smile.

She shook her head, “Of course not, Raven will see to it that the royal suite is available to you. “For Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem, I will send a letter to Twilight.”

“Why Princess Twilight?” Dusk asked.

“While she lives in a large castle, currently she only shares it with Spike and her student Starlight Glimmer,” she deadpanned. “More than enough rooms.”

He grinned sheepishly and nodded.

“And she’ll be able to get to know you two better,” she added.

Scarlet chuckled. “Hey! We might become friends with the Princess of Friendship!

He giggled, and so did Celestia.

“Oh, and if it wouldn’t be too much trouble,” Celestia began, “you should take the opportunity to meet the Elements as well.”

They slowly craned their necks to face her.

“You want us to tell the Elements about the Guardians?” they said in sync.

“Precisely,” she confirmed. She glanced to her side and gawked.

“Luna! Your crumbs!”

All ponies shifted their gaze to the night princess. Cookie jar in one hoof, a cookie in the other, mouth stuffed and dirtied with remnants of the treat, and the floor her throne was settled on had crumbs all over. Her innocent eyes glanced between Celestia and the Guardians repetitively. Her voice was muffled, and bits of cookie shot out from her mouth.



As the train exited a tunnel, light spilled back into the car, falling straight onto Scarlet Gem’s sleeping form, causing her to stir. She squeezed at whatever she was holding as her eyes groggily opened. Before everything else, however, she noticed the extra weight placed on her head.

Once her eyes readjusted, she realized that she was hugging Golden Dusk’s foreleg, and that he had another one holding onto her. She repressed a squeak and concluded that Dusk was leaning his head on hers. His steady and calm breath told her that he was asleep.

Carefully, she extracted her own head from his by holding Dusk’s head with a wing. She let go of his foreleg, and she replaced her wing with a hoof. Gently, she rested his head on her shoulder. Dusk probably didn’t wake up because of him wearing the hood.

She smiled and nuzzled him softly. This resulted in him wrapping a hoof around her foreleg. He squirmed slightly before relaxing once more.

Scarlet giggled and looked out the window. The mountains had snowy peaks, and the sky was clear with only a few clouds hanging around. She could hear the subdued chapter of ponies in the train, trying not to be too loud. Being careful to not wake Dusk, she reclined on her soft seat a little bit more, letting herself relax.

“I wonder what Ponyville’s like…” she mumbled to herself.

The train approached a small hill and moved upward. Once it reached the top, Scarlet could faintly see a town. She immediately noticed the Castle of Friendship, being the largest building. Half its height and barely even half the width was… a pink building? She channeled magic into her eyes to get a closer look. The view got closer and closer until she maxed out the amount of magic she could channel. She wasn’t as proficient as Golden Dusk or Azure Spark, but it did let her see the candles on the roof?!

She blinked and narrowed her stare, ignoring the fairly obvious glow to her eyes. Was that frosting on the overhangs?! Wait, the roof looked like chocolate!

“Well, that set’s a standard,” she mused as she let her magic flow naturally around her body once more.

There were theories of all tree tribes being able to use magic, but it was only proven a few decades ago. A former Royal Researcher concluded that pegasi and earth ponies also had magic, but the way that it was manifested was different. A trigger or channel, they explained.

For unicorns, they had a more direct means of channeling magic, that of their horns. Pegasi were able to move clouds, control weather, and fly because of their wings. It served as a sort of catalyst for how their magic takes shape. For earth ponies, their magic was triggered by connecting and cultivating the earth. That was the main reason crops grew faster and why they had an abundant harvest almost everyday. Their bodies adapted to the need of greater physical strength, and thus channeled the magic into their muscles, giving them superior physical capabilities to other ponies.

However, what was common between all of them was having magic constantly flowing throughout their body. Sort of like blood vessels, magic travels through a pony’s form, giving them energy and the capacity to do what they can.

Other ponies learned of this and managed to control the magic flow. When magic is abundant in a limb or part of the body, the function of the part is amplified to great lengths. Scarlet Gem managed to control the magic, enhancing her natural pegasi eyesight, letting her see farther and clearer.

Still, Dusk and Az were the best at this among all of them.

“Ngh,” Dusk groaned, raising his still hooded head up. He was immediately met with Scarlet’s soft smile.

“I think we’re close,” she told him.

He nodded groggily and yawned. He let go of her foreleg before leaning in to give her a nuzzle, one she happily returned. Dusk snuck in a peck on her cheek before turning to look out the window. She giggled with a light pink hue to her cheeks.

“Oh, we are!” he cheered quietly. “Maybe thirty minutes,” he estimated.

Scarlet pulled out a small box from her saddlebags. Dusk glanced over to her, and she grinned. She opened the box to reveal some of her fruit tarts. His mouth watered as he stared at the treats.

She placed the box between them, making it easier to share. Immediately, the unicorn started to nibble on a mango-flavored one. He sighed happily as he tasted the treat.

“So,” Scarlet started, “what’ll we be doing once we’re there?”

Dusk swallowed. “Well, we could stop by the castle first,” he responded. “Drop off our stuff.”

“Yeah, that’d be nice,” she nodded. “Anything I need to know about Ponyville?”

He hummed before taking another bite of tart. There was the Everfree Forest, but she’d know about that already. Oh, Sweet Apple Acres would be a good stop! Sugarcube Corner too!

Sugarcube… Corner...


“Prepare for an incoming pink pony,” he stated blanky.

She blinked. “What?”

“You’ll see.”

Scarlet stared at him for a moment before shrugging. She looked out the window and saw the town getting closer. The train curved left, and they were now parallel to it. Dusk continued to eat like there was no tomorrow, but he made sure that there was at least half the box left for Scarlet.

He swallowed his last tart before muting a burp.

“Yeah, that walk’s gonna have to happen soon,” Scarlet shot.

Dusk rolled his eyes. “Looks like you’ll need the same.”

He gestured to the now-empty box of tarts. Scarlet shrugged before closing it and putting it back in her saddlebag. “I didn’t act like a vacuum at least.”

He blew her a raspberry and looked out the window. The train station was getting closer and closer. To his right, he saw that some ponies were already getting ready to leave. Some foals excitedly bounced in place.

Dusk pulled out his saddlebag from underneath the seat and held it in his hooves.

“We’re close,” he told Scarlet.

She nodded and stood up, carrying her saddlebags in a hoof. Dusk followed with his bags floating beside him. He used his magic to help Scarlet put on her bags as he did the same. She gave him a smile in thanks as a small line formed in the aisle.

The train slowed to a halt, and the speakers beeped a few high notes.

“Ponies departing at Ponyville,” a deep voice announced, “thank you for riding the Friendship Express.”

Other ponies remained seated, their destinations being farther down the line. As the line of passengers dispersed into the station, Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem soon stepped out into the fresh air. Taking in deep breaths, they savored it while looking around the small station, appreciating its rustic charm. Ponies were greeting each other, and it seemed families were getting together again.

A wistful smile graced his face, and he turned to Scarlet. “Let’s go?”

Scarlet nodded, and the two passed by a small flight of stairs and right into Ponyville. Ponies were extremely amicable, waving and greeting the pair of ponies they’d never seen before. Well, it’d been several years, Dusk would be surprised if even half the town remembered him.

He glanced around, almost cautiously.

“Any second now,” he said enigmatically.

“Uh, what?” Scarlet asked.

Suddenly, a pink blur sped in front of Golden Dusk. Scarlet yelped as she tumbled to the ground, dropping her saddle bags in the process. In front of her, a pink pony with a mane as poofy as cotton candy was bouncing up and down. The pony wore a wide smile as she stood- bounced in front of Scarlet.

“Welcome to Ponyville!” The pony greeted. “I’m Pinkie Pie, Ponyville’s resident party pony!” Pinkie Pie touched Scarlet’s necklace, “Oh, pretty!”

Scarlet shook her head, recovering. “How were you that fast?”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Because my Pinkie Sense told me there was gonna be a new pony in town! I’m just so excited to be your friend!” She kindly helped her up and gave her back her saddle bags.

“Well, I can do that,” Scarlet replied, thinking that questioning it would lead her to insanity.

Pinkie Pie turned to face Golden Dusk. She tilted her head. “That’s weird, my Pinkie Sense only told me there’d be one pony…” She twitched her tail. “Did I wake up on the wrong side of the bed again?”

Dusk chuckled. “Nope, your senses are spot on Pinkie.”

She leaned in awfully close to him with an inspecting gaze. “Have I seen you somewhere before?”

“Please, Pinkie Pie.” His voice took on a noble accent. He closed his eyes, and once he opened them again, they had draconic pupils. He wore a fanged grin, and his ears grew tufts.

“One does not simply forget the ‘Vampony of Ponyville.’

Pinkie gasped, and it made her hover in the air for a few moments. Scarlet gawked, but Dusk kept his smirk. She dropped back down and tackled the thestral-unicorn into a hug. The hoodie, the eyes, and the vampony title were all she needed to remember him clearly!

“Goldie!” she cried with slight moisture in her eyes. “It’s been sooo long!

Dusk relaxed and returned the embrace. “I shoulda visited at least,” he apologized.

Pinkie shook her head and pulled back with a smile. “Now I can make you a ‘Welcome Back to Ponyville Party!’” she exclaimed.

He grinned. “Well, I can’t say no to a Pinkie Party, right?”

“Nope,” she giggled and bounced backwards.

Realization dawned upon Scarlet. A pink earth pony capable of doing things that can’t be explained?! Three balloons for a cutie mark… the Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie!

“Wake up, Gem.” Dusk waved a hoof in front of her, fangs hidden.

“Huh- what?” She shook her head rapidly.

He rolled his eyes. “Pinkie agreed to show us the way to Princess Twilight’s castle.”

“Oh, alright.”

“Let’s go, slowpokes!” Pinkie giggled and literally walked with a spring to her step. This pony could bounce!

While they trotted, she pronked. Making their way through Ponyville, ponies greeting Pinkie and them as they passed by. The variety of colors and architecture just brought the whole place to life. In the distance, Scarlet noticed a farmhouse. It was probably owned by the Apples, Dusk had mentioned them before.

“- and over there is the new fountain!” Pinkie gestured to a white fountain with water sprouting from different places.

“Yep, that wasn’t there before,” Dusk mused. “Sugarcube Corner change much?”

Pinkie immediately beamed and turned to face him. “The Cakes had twins!”

Dusk smiled warmly. “I’ll be sure to congratulate them later.”

“Mister Cake sometimes asks about you, you know,” she said rather sadly.

He sighed, feeling a slight pain in his chest. “Yeah, that’s why I wanted to visit this week.”

“And you brought a new pony with you!” she replied happily.

Scarlet smirked. “He didn’t bring just anypony…”

Pinkie stopped to stand in front of Scarlet. “Who’d he bring?!”

Scarlet Gem smirked mischievously. She unfurled a wing and wrapped it around Golden Dusk. The unicorn squeaked lightly as a light blush adorned his face. She took it a step further and nuzzled him. Pinkie gasped even louder and clapped her hooves together.

“Oh. My. gosh!” She pulled the two into a hug. “I’m so happy for you two!”

Scarlet retracted her wing. “Heh, look at his face.”

Dusk pouted, pink still on his cheeks. Pinkie laughed and faced Scarlet.

“Take care of him, okay?” she asked softly.

“I will,” she replied.

Pinkie smiled. “Maybe I’ll add a ‘congratulations, you’re a couple’ party…”

Dusk blushed a deeper shade of red while Scarlet had a lighter hue to the blush she developed.

“Please don’t,” Dusk begged.

Pinkie hummed. “Well, I’m starting to run out of party supplies, and the shop’s gonna get their shipment next week…”

He sighed in relief.

She shrugged. “Guess this’ll do.”

Out of thin air, she pulled out a canon. Scarlet ducked when… conffeti shot out. Dusk chuckled and caught one of the pieces of paper.

“Been a while since I’ve seen this,” he mused.

“How?!” Scarlet asked.

Dusk and Pinkie shrugged.

“Well, let’s go!” Pinkie said before bouncing once more. Wait, where’d the canon go?!

Dusk leaned in to whisper to Scarlet. “I’ve rolled with ‘It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.’”

She groaned and rubbed her forehead. “Guess I’ll do that too.”

A few minutes of trotting later, they reached the outskirts of Ponyville where a fairly long path led straight into a crystal castle bearing a striking resemblance to a tree. The crystals glimmered in the sunlight, and the base of it seemed to have crystalline roots attaching it to the ground, further cementing its tree-like appearance.. A star, which closely resembled Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark, was proudly showcased on the top of it.

Pinkie dashed for the door and knocked thrice. Scarlet and Dusk followed behind her at a calmer pace. Once they reached the flight of stairs, the door opened and a small purple dragon peaked out.

“Oh, hey, Pinkie!” they greeted in an almost childlike voice.

“Heya Spike!” Pinkie responded. “Is Twilight in?”

Spike nodded. “In the library… as usual.”

She giggled. “How about Starlight?”

He rolled his eyes. “With Twilight too.”

“Well, you’ve got guests!” She gestured behind her.

Spike glanced behind Pinkie and saw the Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem. Saddlebags on their backs and waving. Scarlet wore a smile while Dusk’s was a smaller one. Spike’s mouth formed an ‘o’ and he looked back to Pinkie.

“Come in!” he told the three and opened the door wider.

Pinkie giggled as she pronked inside followed by Dusk and Scarlet entered next, who thanked Spike as they passed him.

Spike waved a claw dismissively. “No problem!’

Once inside, the pair instantly noticed the sheer size of the hall. The ceiling was up so high, it could probably fit an Ursa Major! Crystals that were embedded in the ceiling glowed, giving light. Carpet lined part of the floor, and the windows were huge! There were also a lot of doors…

“Let’s head to the map room?” Spike asked Pinkie.

“Sure!” she replied. “Let’s go!”

Dusk and Scarlet followed the two down the halls. They reached a pair of large double doors. Spike and Pinkie pushed it open, revealing a large round crystal table. Six chairs adorned with different cutie marks surrounded it, and along with a smaller one for Spike next to the one displaying Twilight’s cutie mark. The table displayed an illusion showing a map of Equestria.

“Woah,” Dusk said in awe. He waved a hoof on top of the map, and it passed through the mirage.

Spike chuckled. “Cool, huh?” He walked his way over back through the double door. “I’ll go get Twilight.”

The three nodded and Pinkie took a seat on a crystal chair with her cutie mark.

“It’s cool, right?” she asked them. “Our cutie marks light up, and we go to different parts of Equestria to solve a Friendship Problem!”

“Friendship Problem?” Scarlet asked.

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! There’s this one time Dashie and I went to Griffonstone to help them get along better!” she said. “We even had a run in with an old friend of hers!”

Scarlet nodded in understanding. “How do you know where to go, though?”

“The map calls us,” she responded. “Like… our cutie marks start to light up and they hover over wherever!”

“Kinda like this, then?” Dusk said.

His horn lit up and he held his hooves in front of him. Slowly, an image of a feather covered in a gold light formed in front of him. It was his cutie mark! Another image formed, one of a scarlet-colored gem that had a cool breeze in front of it. Scarlet’s and Dusk’s cutie marks floated over on top of the map, where Ponyville was.

Pinkie beamed and nodded enthusiastically.

“Impressive magic.”

Dusk turned to look behind him and the glow on his horn died. A lavender alicorn stood in the doorway with a lilac unicorn behind her.

“Please, Princess Twilight, it’s nothing,” he shrugged off.

Twilight Sparkle raised a brow. “The fact that the glow on your horn’s gone suggests that the illusions are self-sufficient.” She walked closer and eyed the mirage. “That’s impressive.”

Dusk grinned sheepishly and Scarlet patted him on the back.

“Oh, and please, just Twilight will do,” the princess smiled.

The two nodded and the lilac pony tried waving the mirage away. Instead, it bounced into the distance before disappearing.

“I’ve never seen illusions do that before…” they muttered.

Dusk chuckled. “Well, I was born with abnormally dense magic, so that plays a role.”

“That would explain a lot,” the lilac unicorn chuckled. She outstretched a hoof. “Starlight Glimmer.”

“Golden Dusk,” he replied as he shook it.

Starlight turned to face Scarlet and extended her hoof to her.

“Scarlet Gem,” she responded with a smile.

“Starlight’s learning, Spike!” Twilight giddily clapped her hooves together.

Spike snorted. “Yeah, way to go, Starlight!”

Pinkie joined in the cheering.

Dusk tilted his head at Starlight getting flustered. “Learning?”

Starlight craned her neck to face the pair. “Ahah… I wasn’t that good at making friends…”

Scarlet chuckled. “Well, you can consider us as friends.”

Starlight smiled softly with a downward gaze.

Pinkie started whispering something to Twilight who nodded. The purple princess then approached Dusk and Scarlet.

“Should I show you to your rooms?” she asked.

“That’d be nice,” Dusk responded.

She nodded and gestured for them to follow her. Pinkie then started to whisper something to Starlight who grinned.

The two followed the princess as she led them through the spacious halls.

“How long will you two be staying?” Twilight asked them.

“Want us out already?” Scarlet said with mock-hurt.

She stopped walking and faced them with a red face, flailing her hooves. Her wings and eyes shot wide. “What?! No! I just need to make a list of groceries for Spike and…”

Her panic left quickly when she saw Scarlet Gem’s grin.

“Wow, Tia was right,” Dusk commented. “You are easy.”

The alicorn pouted and huffed as she began leading them once more.

“Aw, I’m sorry, Twilight,” Scarlet trotted up closer to her, feeling like she hurt a puppy. “If it makes you feel better… how about I give you a little something?”

She glared for a moment before holding a hoof to her mouth, giggling. “That was the fastest somepony ever dropped the title.”

Scarlet shrugged. “You work for three princess for a couple years, it’s second nature.”

She shook her head. “And please, no need to give me anything. It was all in good fun.”

“You’re getting it either way,” Scarlet smiled. “The box in my right bag, please, Goldie.”

Dusk walked to her right side and used his magic to open the bag. He pulled out a familiar box, only it was completely full. He stopped himself from staring at it for too long before giving it to Scarlet.

“Thank you,” she thanked him.

Twilight raised a brow. “What’s that?”

“Have a look!” Scarlet held the box in front of her.

Curiously, Twilight Sparkle took the box in her magic. The raspberry aura lifted the lid, and there was a shimmer of light that blinded her for a moment. Once that settled, she noticed that there were tarts inside. The cause of the shimmer were some crystals infused into some of them, probably for Spike. Different fruits glistened from being cooked. The thought of popping these in a toaster for a few seconds to reheat it crossed her mind.

She may or may not have drooled slightly before she closed it.

“Thank you,” she smiled warmly. “I hope these crystals weren’t too expensive…”

Scarlet waved a hoof dismissively. “Our salary can cover it.”

The three approached a hallway lined with doors that were once again quite large though they were styled differently. At the end of it was a large star-shaped window let light spill into the hallway.

“We have two rooms ready for you,” Twilight said. “Here, and here,” gesturing to a pair of adjacent doors.

Dusk nodded, stepping forward. “I’ll take this one, then.”

“That’s fine with me.” Scarlet walked over to another door.

Twilight giggled. “Don’t worry, they’re fairly similar.”

He chuckled and held a hoof to the handle. Surprisingly, a small gem embedded on it glowed a faint gold. He swiftly pulled back his hoof. He looked to Scarlet who had a similar thing going for her, only it glowed… well, scarlet.

“Oh, that’s the castle getting to know you,” Twilight chuckled. “It’ll probably only allow you or ponies with your consent to enter the room.”

Dusk and Scarlet tilted their heads. “This castle’s alive?”

She nodded. “Basically, yeah. The same thing happened when Starlight got her room.”

“This castle’s probably evolving and we don’t even know it,” Dusk told Scarlet in a flat tone.

“Maybe it’ll grow wings and fly away?” she replied seriously.

“Most likely.”

“That’s not gonna happen,” Twilight deadpanned.

“You never know, princess,” Dusk smirked. “After all…”

His ears gave a not-so-subtle twitch, and the box had wings. Though, they weren’t strong enough to fly it.

“Aw, I need to practice,” he said sadly.

The alicorn gawked, trying not to drop the box. “Wait, what?!

He giggled and he flicked his ears, making the wings disappear.

“Just ask Discord.” He opened the door to his room, walking inside.

Twilight slowly craned her head to Scarlet Gem who shrugged.

“The Lord of Chaos gave him a catalyst, now he can do that,” she stated. “He isn’t that good with control yet.”

She nodded slowly. Wait, where’d her notepad, quill and inkwell come from?!

“You’ll probably get the most notes from Discord,” she chuckled. “Sorry, Twilight, we aren’t experts on this.”

The alicorn sighed sadly, popping her note-taking equipment away.

“Thank you for those tarts,” she smiled. “Will you be able to find your way back out?”

Scarlet replied, “If there’s anything I can trust, it’s Goldie and his sense of direction.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded and made her way back to the map room. Scarlet Gem entered the room, and it seemed to lock behind her. She wasn’t sure what the subtle click was.

A twin bed was in the center, and a circular carpet was laid on the floor. Two small shelves were placed beside the bed. Lamps hung from the ceiling with crystals inside them lighting the room. Two windows on one side of the room gave a decent view of Ponyville. An astonishingly regular-looking desk was on her left. There was a small, open closet too.

She slid off her saddlebags and placed them beside the closet for easy access. She made her way to the bed before taking a seat. She felt herself sink a few inches before it stopped. The blanket was smooth and comfortable, and the mattress was soft!

Two knocks resounded from the door.

“You wanna go to Ponyville or rest first?” Dusk called inside.

Scarlet approached the door before opening it.

“Let’s walk, Goldie,” she grinned.

Golden Dusk rolled his eyes as she left the room. The two trotted through the castle halls, making their way to the exit. They passed by the empty map room, and they eventually made it back to the large double doors. They pushed it open with ease, following the path into town.

Chapter 15 - Las Pegasus

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“Where are we off to first?”

Looking up at the cloud district of Las Pegasus, Emerald Melody stepped out of the front doors to their hotel. Behind her, Mythic Moon, Azure Spark, and Wild Blaze followed. In the distance, they could see roller coasters, bright neon signs, and the street was lined with luminous buildings. They weren’t in the residential district after all! Lamps illuminated the streets, and the stars and moon were barely visible. The cool night air blew over them as they stepped out.

“Ah, the rides will not be active at this time…” Az said sadly.

Blaze raised a brow, stopping beside him. “It’s Las Pegasus, Az, everything’s always open. ”

He shrugged. “I, for one, prefer my rides in the morning.”

“It’s not that dark out yet,” Mythic commented. “But if you don’t want to, I know where Mel wants to go.”

The green mare was already eyeing the casinos on the map she held.

“Closest one’s a few blocks down here.” Mel gestured to their left. “Well, if you’re all fine with that? Oh, and there’s a coaster in it, Az.”

“I’d rather the open area rides,” he responded.

Mythic chuckled. “You guys got your bits?”

Az and Blaze gave her a deadpan gaze.

“Okay, that’s a yes.” She turned to Mel. “And you?”

Mel beamed and nodded.

She adjusted her glasses. “Then, let’s go!” She nudged Mel who squeaked.

Az chuckled and attempted to shove Blaze. The pegasus dodged and he ended up stumbling forward. Once he regained his balance, he glared at Blaze.

“Nice try,” Blaze laughed. “Try not to crack the street, yeah?”

Az huffed. “I can control myself just fine, thank you.”

“Sure,” Mel and Mythic deadpanned, looking behind them.

“You guys coming?” Mythic continued.

The pair rolled their eyes and trotted forward. Ponies often glanced Az’s way due to his larger build. He didn’t mind, really, but they could at least be less obvious.

Shaking his head, he glanced at Blaze. The pegasus, while easy to aggravate, always seemed calm. Oftentimes, his eyes would look uninterested, but it always lights up whenever he spoke to his friends.

“Az? You’re staring.” Blaze waved a hoof in front of him.

He blinked. “Ah, apologies.”

“S’fine,” Blaze shrugged. “But they’re starting to leave us behind.”

Picking up their pace, they caught up to the mares. The group made a left turn and immediately, a large casino was in front of them. Its outside walls and windows were adorned with bright lights, drawing attention. A large, neon sign that said ‘Royale’ hung brightly. Ponies that were entering the building were jubilant and excited, whereas most of the ones that were leaving were dejected and sorrowful. One pony even had tears streaming from their cheeks.

Emerald Melody, on the other hoof, wore a bright grin as they approached. Mythic giggled, seems she was planning to go all out!

Az had a shaky smile; he was never really good at casinos, so he’d usually stick to the slot machines. The best card players from the four were Blaze and Mel, mostly because of their flat stares. Dusk could give them a run for their bits, however.

“Are we even dressed for this?” Az asked.

Mythic waved a hoof dismissively. “They care more about the bits.”

“Which I will be taking… with plenty of gratitude, of course,” Mel said.

Blaze sighed. “I’ll stay off the tables for now.”

“Really? You’re, like, our third best player,” Mythic questioned before sighing. “I hope Goldie’s having fun…”

Mel’s smile shifted from one of confidence to one of sympathy. She slowed her pace to push Mythic’s head up with her muzzle.

“He’s got Scarlet,” she told her. “And he said he was visiting old friends… he should be having fun.”

The unicorn sniffled. “I know, I know… sorry guys, guess I can be a bummer, huh?” she smiled weakly.

Az shook his head. “Of course not, Mythic. We all want to spend time with each other, and there will be more opportunities in the future.”

“Plus, they’re basically going on a date,” Blaze said nonchalantly.

All three slowly craned their necks to face the pegasus. Grins curved around their muzzles, and he looked at them in genuine surprise.

“Did none of you really not think about that?”

He was met with a round of shrugs. Blaze sighed as they approached the Royale’s entrance. The group noticed the blinking red lights of security crystals mounted discreetly throughout, including one that hid itself behind the flashy sign. Mel observed a few pegasi on the balconies overlooking the floor which were most likely security.

Once the four ponies entered, they were greeted with the loud chatter of ponies. The interior had bright lights embedded onto the ceiling. Carpet showed where ponies should normally walk, and there was a small bar to one side.

Slot machines lined one section of the casino. Ponies stood on two hooves, leaning on a machine to stay balanced. Loud bells chimed every once in a while, indicating that a pony won a large sum of bits.

On another, there were horseshoe shaped tables with cards laid out. Uniformed ponies sat on the inside, surrounded by the players sitting along the outside. While some players seemed calm and collected, others seemed to struggle keeping their expressions neutral.

Azure Spark dragged Blaze with him to the slot machines. The smaller pony warned him to not destroy any of them. The mares nodded and Mel’s eyes found a table rather interesting.

“That guy’s gonna win,” Mel pointed out casually with a point of a hoof.

Mythic’s gaze followed her hoof. The pony she pointed at was very open with his emotions, something that isn’t advisable in a game of poker.

“You okay in the head, Mel?”

“Just watch.”

The other ponies in the table smirked. Arrogantly, they placed a large number of chips into the pot. The fact that the other ponies did so at the same time showed that they were from one group, and had intentions of splitting the winnings. Shakily, the pony who was very… expressive with his emotions placed in a small amount in.

The Royale employee nodded and called for a showdown.

One by one, the partnered ponies revealed a Flush, Straight, and two Two Pairs. The eyes of the pony Mel pointed out widened. Quivering, they placed down his hand of cards. His shaky mouth curved into a smirk as he revealed a Royal Flush.

The other ponies gawked, and the dealer sighed. The Royale employee passed over the pile of chips to the pony who emptied it almost immediately, leaving a pile of bits on his side of the table.

“Told you,” Mel bragged. The four ponies dejectedly stood up and walked past her.

“Wipe that grin of your face, I know you wanna play him.” Mythic rolled her eyes.

She smirked. “You wanna join?”

Mythic hummed. “Sure, why not.”


Mythic Moon and Emerald Melody ended up playing against the pony for almost an hour. Mel had lost a few bits for a couple rounds, which was no surprise to Mythic. Once the pony started getting more aggressive with his bets, so did they. The unicorn, however, was still nowhere near as good as her teammate.

On the last round, the pony went and bet most of his bits arrogantly. Mel did the same but only with half of hers. Mythic folded, wanting to see what would happen.

The result? The pony dejectedly walking out the front doors with only a few bits remaining. Mel resisted the urge to shout jubilantly at the sheer amount she had won. Mythic sighed with a smile, of course she would be the winner.

Azure Spark and Wild Blaze were using two separate slot machines. Each pull of the handle had a chance of either bringing the two fortune, or despair. So far, Blaze had the better luck. He had to store about three full bags of bits, whereas Az only had one.

Eventually, once the two had gotten bored, they hit up the bar. Now, they were enjoying some chilled drinks, and their two teammates approached them.

“Seems like Mel had a good one,” Blaze chuckled.

Mel simply smiled, and Mythic responded, “She left that poor colt empty-hoofed…”

Az laughed, downing his drink. “How long has it been?”

“An hour,” she deadpanned.

He shook his head. “Busy night, eh, Mel?”

Mel shrugged. “I suppose so.”

“It’s only been an hour, too,” Blaze snorted.

“Ah, yeah I’ll take one of these.” Mythic gestured to a cocktail on a small menu. The bartender nodded and went to work. “You guys still going to play?”

“Eh, depends,” he replied. “Still wanna, Az?”

“This is not my night,” Az chuckled. “If you all wish to continue, I’ll be here.”

Mythic sipped her drink. “Like hell we’d do that.”

Mel and Blaze nodded in agreement.

He smiled. “Well, shall we head back or find something else to do?”

“Heading back sounds good,” Mythic replied.

“Let’s wait ‘till tomorrow before you break stuff,” Blaze added.

Az lightly punched him on the shoulder.

“Let’s go before I get any karma,” Mel whispered.


The four left the Royale casino with their winnings. The guard that let them in was left stunned that they left so early, and so happy as well. Only an hour had passed, and the moon was already glowing proudly in the sky. Stars twinkled, and so did the bright lights of Las Pegasus.

Eventually, they found their way back down to the hotel. It only took Emerald Melody and Mythic Moon a few steps in before being reminded how luxurious it actually was. From the large chandelier lighting the lobby, to the long counter with ponies ready to serve in any way. The lobby’s carpet and marble walls, floors and even ceiling wouldn’t look out of place in Canterlot castle. Comfortable furnishings including the softest couches encouraged lingering and pony watching, while a horseshoe shaped staircase led to a restaurant where one could eat the finest of food while looking down at those in the lobby.

Azure Spark entered next with Wild Blaze to his side. Wincing for the seemingly fifth time that night, they let out a low whistle.

“I can’t believe how fancy this place is,” Blaze commented.

“Ditto,” Az added, “I’m so glad Celestia let us stay in her suite.”

Emerald smiled, “Actually any employee of the princesses can stay here, from a second year maid to the captain of the guard, they just have to send a request to Raven.”

Everyone stared at her, and she smiled, “It’s a perk of working for the princesses,” none of them noticing a pony looking them over from behind a newspaper, then dismissing them. “Places like this want to be known as the place the princesses stay at or visit and such, so they have rooms set aside just for them. Of course it’s not like the princess comes everyday, so they usually sit empty. Really it’s a perk a lot of big celebrities and companies have.”

Mythic rolled her eyes. “But their rooms are nothing like our rooms though, right?”

The two stallions chuckled and nodded.

“More like an apartment than a room really,” Blaze said.

“Apartment? Make it a house,” Az added.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Sure,” Mythic nodded.

The group stepped into the elevator, a pony in a suit bowing his head to them before asking their floor. The staff having already been briefed on their visit meant he offered no challenge when they asked for the royal suite. At the top of the building, they entered a hall with a rather large double door opposite the elevator, the floor looking oddly empty without a royal entourage awaiting them. Entering a sitting room that could put the lobby to shame, they made their way past the library, to where a pair of ornate bedrooms waited for their princesses.

“If you guys wake up ahead of us, feel free to go downstairs first, okay?” Mythic told the stallions. “Just call us beforehand.”

Making their way to their respective rooms, they bid each other a good night before entering.

Mythic and Mel’s room was much like the boys, a king sized bed was in the center of the room with a large painting opposite it. Two fluffy chairs sat a distance away from the bed with a table in between them. A bathroom door was to the other side, and a desk with a magic-powered water heater.

Mel checked a large closet, making sure their things were still there. She nodded, content, and she closed its doors.

“Oh, sweet relief!” Mythic unceremoniously flopped onto the bed. “It’s so soft~”

Mel chuckled. “Careful with your glasses, Mythic.”

She rolled her eyes, placing her glasses to the bedside table. “Do the same with your bracer, Emerald.

“Please,” Mel scoffed, “I’d never forget.” She took off her bracer and put it aside.

She poked her tongue at her. “When’re you gonna call me ‘Moonie?’”

Mel stopped in her step, frozen mid-way of getting onto the bed.

“I mean, we’ve known each other for so long, and you still call me ‘Mythic,’” she frowned.

“Ah, well…” She coughed and sat down. The leg that she used to support herself was shaky, and her expression was shifting constantly. “I-it’s… um…”

That’s strange, Mel was rarely speechless in any situation. Mythic sat up and crawled across the bed to sit beside her. Once she had her hindlegs dangling off the bed, she leaned close to Mel.

“C’mon, at least try.” She kept her white eyes locked with Mel’s emerald ones.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, their eyes not moving. Mel’s mouth opened and closed multiple times. Mythic sighed and was about to lay back down, but Mel held her hoof on hers. She glanced back to Mel with a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.

“M-Moonie…” Mel squeaked while her face flushed red.

Mythic squealed and threw her legs around her. Mel yelped as the two tumbled on the bed. She basically had her pinned, and her mane dropped over her face. The shadow that was cast brought out her white eyes. Mythic’s smile was so warm, the heat transferred over to Mel, visible through the pink on her cheeks.

“Finally!” Mythic cried, hugging her tight. “After all these years!”

“S-sorry?” Mel apologized unsurely.

She sat back up straight and waved a hoof dismissively. “It’s fine, I know you have to be the ‘strong captain,’ right?”

“Y-yeah, that’s it.”

Mythic eyed her suspiciously. Mel gulped, sitting back up but looking away from her.

“Y’know, Mel,” Mythic started, “You’ve been a lot more... huggy since Goldie came back.”

“I… ah, well…” she stammered.

“Is… everything okay, Mel?” She wrapped a leg around her team captain.

“I…” Mel sighed. “I know I don’t really… show my affection for all of you that much. After spending time without them for two months, no matter how little that may sound… I… I missed them.” She gave Mythic a weary smile. “I really did…”

Her gaze shifted lower. “I don’t want any of you to feel like I don’t care… because I really do…”

Mythic stared at her without saying anything. She let the silence linger for a few moments before pulling in Mel for another hug.

“We know you care,” she said softly. “You don’t have to force yourself to-”

“I’m not.”

She pulled back and stared her right in the eye. Mel’s eyes darted around the room a few times before settling back to return the gaze.

“I’ve… I’ve always wanted to… you know…” She shifted in place. “Hug you guys…”

Fighting back a squeal, Mythic pulled her close once again.

“You don’t have to hold back… for whatever strange reason that may be.”

“I was… scared because… I’m the leader.”

“How does that relate?” Mythic continued, not letting her go.

“I’m supposed to be the one leading everyone, not someone who’s going to baby each and every single-”

“How’s that ‘babying?’” she questioned. “A leader who cares for her team is valuable. A leader who treats them as pawns… is not.”

Mythic lifted her shin up with a hoof. Her emerald eyes unsurely shifted to meet her white ones.

“Believe me when I say, none of us would change if you were more open with your feelings,” she smiled. “You can show your affection to us anytime, and we won’t think any less of you.”

Mel’s expression brightened. “Really?” she asked in an almost unbelieving tone.

“Mhm,” she hummed.

Mel’s smile faltered, and moisture gathered in her eyes. She sniffled loudy before wrapping two legs around Mythic in a tight embrace. She buried her face into her neck, sobbing softly. Mythic held her close, caressing her mane.

For years, Emerald Melody had been the leader they needed. For years, she held back on treating them more like family. Thoughts of what others would think if she’d even show more than a twinge of concern have been running rampant in her mind.


She couldn't care less.

She cared for them, as they cared for her. They brought smiles to her face each time they would face each other. She yearned to be able to express how thankful she was, and not just through words.

Mel loved them. Was that so wrong?

No, it wasn’t.

Her crying quieted down, but tears still ran down her cheek nonetheless. Not letting go, she faced Mythic with the best smile she could muster.

“M-Moonie…” She choked on a few of her words, having difficulty in voicing her thoughts. “I-I… lo… lov-... lo-”

Mythic shushed her softly and caressed her back. She knew what she was going to say, but her body wasn’t allowing her voice to do so right now.

“I love you, Mel,” Mythic said through tears of her own.

Her hold on the unicorn tightened, and she felt her heart clench. They never told her that, and neither has she ever told them. A new dam opened, and a fresh set of tears streamed down her cheeks.


The sun peaked from the horizon, bringing light to the city of Las Pegasus. What was once a city full of bright lights and colors, was now a calmer, and only slightly less colorful place of wonder.

Mythic Moon yawned as she sat up from the bed, pushing off the blanket. She wiped her eyes before opening them. Putting on her glasses, she glanced at Mel who was still sleeping soundly.

The sun’s light spilled from a small opening in the curtains, shining on Mel’s form. Her mane was a mess, but it glistened in the light. Her ears twitched at the noise Mythic made when she stepped off the bed. Though, the unicorn swore that if she brought her camera, the state Mel was in right now would make for a decent photo.

Giggling, she made her way to the bathroom to fresh up. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she left the bathroom with a towel wrapped in her magic wiping her face.

Suddenly, the gem on Mel’s bracer blinked a bright green and emitted a low buzz. Groaning, Mel sat upright, clearly irritated. She picked up her bracer, tapped the gem, and held it up to an ear.

“Unfortunately, room service is not available at this time of day. Please try again in… oh, never.

As gingerly as possible, she put it back on the bedside table before throwing the blanket on herself. Mythic rolled her eyes and the gems on her glasses flashed white, vibrating as well. She tapped one of the gems with a hoof, when a voice came through.

“Did we get the wrong number?” Az’s voice asked.

She laughed. “Nah, but Mel was still sleeping.”

“Of course she was,” Blaze replied distantly.

“Well, the pair of us are ready to go whenever,” Az added.

She glanced at Mel. “Okay, give us a few.”

“Alright,” he replied before the white glow disappeared.

Carefully, Mythic approach Mel who was still underneath the covers. She slowly peeled off the blanket covering her face. She was met with emerald eyes that dared to send her to Tartarus. She paused and returned the stare, just as piercing. After a few silent moments, Mel sighed and broke into a grin.

Mel playfully nudged Mythic forward, causing her to stumble backwards. The unicorn yelped while Mel sat up, laughing and putting on her bracer.

“Yes, yes, I’ll get ready.” She rolled her eyes.

With a flourish, the bed seemed to have fixed itself in mere seconds.

“I won’t be too long,” she added with a smirk and a glow to her eyes.

Mythic’s mouth gaped at how quick she arranged the bed. Upon further inspection, she found no wrinkles on the sheets, blanket, or even the pillows. Submitting to the fate of never finding out what she did, she sat on one of the chairs, allowing her body to relax. With her magic, she fixed up cups of coffee for the two, using the provided appliances. Once they were ready, she set them down on the coffee table and closed her eyes.

Once she heard the sound of a door clicking closed, she peeked one eye open and saw Mel with a slightly moist coat.

“You took a bath?” Mythic asked.

Hanging up her towel, Mel replied, “You didn’t?”

She nodded sheepishly.

Mel sighed. “Probably from your habit of never sleeping.”

She stood up indignantly. “Fine, I’ll take a bath, mom.

Mel held a hoof to her chest in mock-hurt. “Darling daughter, I only do this because I love you…” she smirked.

With a huff, Mythic strode past her. She caught a whiff of her fragrance. It was soft, but strong, and it had elegance to it... and for some reason it made her blush.

Her pace quickened, and she locked the bathroom door behind her. She let the faucet before she splashed her face with water. Drying it with haste, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, finding a lighter blush on her face.

“Oh, Celestia…” she sighed. She hopped into the shower and turned on the heater. The shower drizzled water on her form, dampening her mane.

“Don’t make me a case like Scarlet…”


After a quick shower and enjoying a cup of coffee with Mel, Mythic Moon found herself walking down the hall beside her.

She glanced to her left, where Mel was, and she swore her own eyes lit up. Her eyes glimmered like emeralds, reflecting their surroundings with ease. After her shower, her mane was neatly combed and had a fragrance to it.

Not that she purposely took whiffs of it…

Her eyes darted forward as they found a flight of stairs. After reaching the bottom, they found Az and Blaze waiting by the reception couches. Az gave them a big wave, signaling them to approach.

“Good morning, mares!” Az greeted. “Was your rest satisfactory?”

Mel rolled her eyes. “Sure…”

Blaze chuckled. “So, we got any plans?”

Mythic pulled out the map she had. “We could hit up the fair for Az. Then, there’s a restaurant just by its exit.”

Az stood up. “I doubt it will compare to Scarlet Gem’s menu,” he laughed.

“Point, but might as well try, right?” she responded.

She yelped, while Az and Blaze stared dumbfounded, but they followed nonetheless.

Mel dragged Mythic with one hoof, smiling brightly. Her eyes sparkled jubilantly, and the sun blurred out where they were stepping onto. Not that Mythic minded, all she cared about was seeing Mel smile. Her face was obscured by a shadow, but her eyes just continued to sparkle. Mythic Moon couldn’t help but smile, while Mel’s gleeful voice pierced through everything else.

“Let’s go!”

Chapter 16 - Ponyville

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Canterlot, the capital of Equestria, watching over her from atop Mt Canterhorn. A shining example of pony accomplishment, a place of architectural wonders, though one stands above all others both figuratively and literal, Canterlot Castle. From it’s towers, topped with onion domes or simple conical roofs, to the wall that wrapped around it, even after nearly a thousand years, it still stands as the finest example of pony architecture.

The formerly gold and white monument to Princess Celestia now was equally decorated with silver and purple throughout. The silver and gold shimmered in Celestia’s sunlight, whether it was the stripes upon the roofs of some of the towers, and the flag poles above the large entryway. The Equestrian flag alternates with banners above the inviting entryway, though portcullis waited for those with less than noble intent.

But even this bright and welcoming place with its school and library had it’s dark side. Deep below it rested the dungeons, standing all but unused for hundreds of years, although this was no longer the case.

Guards descended spiralling stairs and into a darker, more menacing section of the castle. Torches lit up the halls, but only barely. Iron bars lined the halls, and inside were several ponies who had been collectively as The Purifiers filling a small part of the largely unused area.

Unlike the rest of the castle, here guards delivered meals. Despite the setting, the meals were still quite fine if far short of the typical castle fare, delivered on plain metal plates. Each door had a slot for the plate to be passed to the prisoner within.

The abundance of space made it easy to keep them seperate, each receiving their own cell. The last cell in the line contained a mauve pegasus laying in the corner, barely visible despite the torchlight, as if the shadows were claiming her. A guard knocked on the bars a few times, getting her attention. The pegasus jumped slightly, her eyes bloodshot as if she’d been crying. Those purple eyes peeked through her disheveled blue mane, and she slowly stood up to approach the bars.

“Here,” the guard – a unicorn – said with disdain. “Your food.”

Lotus Mist held her hooves through the bars, and the guard gingerly handed the plate to her. She pulled it back in before sitting down by the wall and eating the food.

“The princesses will quickly rid us of filth like you,” the guard spat before trotting away.

Lotus growled internally. Judging by his demeanor, he was, or was related to, a noble. Sighing, she continued eating as if she wasn’t bothered.

“Mom… dad…” she stuttered in a whisper. Slight moisture formed in her eyes, which had a pink sparkle to them.

“I’m sorry…”


“Where are we off to first?”

Scarlet Gem trotted only slightly behind Golden Dusk. He knew Ponyville better, so she would be the one following him. The sun had almost reached its peak, but it was, surprisingly, not excessively hot. Though, Dusk still got a few strange looks for wearing a hoodie.

“Just follow me,” Dusk giggled. “Enjoy the sights!”

Sights, huh? Well, it was true that Ponyville in and of itself was a sight to behold, especially for a city pony like her. The layout of the town was surprisingly organized, and the town hall stood out, allowing new potential residents to find their way there rather easily. The ponies were extremely amicable, too. Though, Sugarcube Corner still stood out amongst the rest.

“Ponyville’s in surprisingly good condition,” Scarlet mused.

Dusk tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

“You know, considering Tirek got here.”

His expression softened. “We should’ve been here.”

Scarlet sighed. “If it weren’t for the Dragon Lord’s meeting…”

The Guardians had been sent to the Dragon Lands after the princess had received a slightly threatening letter from a faction of the dragons. It basically mentioned how the dragons could crush the ponies and plunder their towns with ease. As such, the princesses sent the Guardians to convince the dragons as to why they shouldn’t attack them. While Torch, the Dragon Lord could have dealt with them himself, he felt it better that they received a demonstration of why dragons no longer attacked Equestria..

The young dragons quickly learned their lesson, but when the Guardians returned to Equestra, Tirek had already done his damage. If it hadn’t been for the Elements…

“Yeah, but…” He gestured to an open area. “Seems like not everything’s in order…”

Scarlet followed his hoof and they saw a small crater. There burnt pieces of wood, collected onto a pile while there seemed to be small roots left on the ground. It looked as if a tree was once there. Though, it seemed the main part of the tree, including its major roots, were dug up on purpose.

“I remember what that was,” Dusk said wistfully. “The Golden Oaks Library.”

She faced him with wide eyes. “Wasn’t that where Twilight was…”

He nodded solemnly.


The two approached the remnants of the library, which Dusk mentioned before was an actual living space in a tree, and noticed a small sign.

“See? Golden Oaks Library,” Dusk pointed out. There was a hint of sorrow in his voice.

“Goldie?” she whispered.

He shook his head and smiled. “Sorry, I was hoping to see this place again.”

He took a step forward and carefully walked through the wood, not wanting to break anything even more.

“But, look…”

He used a hoof to push away some debris. A green sapling revealed itself, and it seemed to be healthy.

Making his way back to Scarlet, smiling, he said, “With each end, there are new beginnings.”

She chuckled. “We got Sage Goldie back, huh?”

“No,” he huffed. “I’m just… sentimental?”

“Another thing to love about you,” she mused and pecked him on the cheek.

“I… ah…” His cheeks flushed pink, and he started leading her again.

“You, ah, what?” she teased.

Pouting, he turned to face her.

“I love you too.”

Scarlet stopped mid-step before resuming, she hadn’t noticed that some blood rushed to her cheeks. His voice held so much sincerity, and his eyes sparkled when he uttered those words. She sped up to walk beside him.

“I’ll never get tired of hearing that,” she sighed happily, nuzzling him.

He smiled and returned the gesture. “Hey, we both agree that our team’s basically like family, right?”

Pulling back, she nodded. “Yeah, why?”

“What’s this then?” He pointed a hoof at her then to himself. “If we were like family before this…”

“Then, we’re getting married.”

It was Dusk’s turn to stop walking. Scarlet smirked as she heard the gears in his head turn to produce a comprehensible conclusion. His face erupted into a fierce blush and his mouth opened and closed wordlessly.

“What? It’s obvious, isn’t it?” she added. “Married ponies are family, so if we’re going to go with the whole ‘the six of us are family’ thing, I think it’d be best to just tie the knot.”

“Uh…” He struggled to form a response . “Isn’t it… I… I dunno… a little early?”

Scarlet laughed loudly and threw a leg around him. “I’m kidding, Goldie, it hasn’t even been a month yet!”

“I…” He puffed his cheeks. “You’re mean.”

“No, you’re just too easy,” she winked.

He sighed. “One of these days I’ll get back at you…”

“Keep dreaming.”

Dusk got a ‘wicked’ idea. He leaned in closer into Scarlet, with the softest expression on his face.

“If being with you is a dream, then I don’t wanna wake up,” he told her.

Scarlet giggled to hide the pink in her cheeks. “Not bad… but that’s more sweet than teasing.”

He grumbled before quickly pecking her on the cheek. The two blushed when ponies around them cooed, and Dusk had to try really hard to not shift.

Eventually, the pair escaped the sightline of the ponies who had seen their antics, and they made their way down the street. Scarlet noticed Dusk perk up when he raised his head higher. His pace quickened, and she almost had to run to keep up with him.

They stopped in front of a store with a large piece of wood shaped like a wrapped candy hanging on its side. A large window was covered with curtains from the inside, and a sign on the door said ‘closed.’

“You sure we’re in the right place?” Scarlet asked. “Isn’t this a candy shop?”

“Yes, and yes,” Dusk smirked. “You knock, and tell whoever answers that you’re looking for Lyra Heartstrings.”

She was about to question him but he’d already casted an invisibility spell on himself. Sighing, she held up a hoof and knocked on the wooden door thrice. She heard a chair drag along a floor, and the hoofsteps of a pony. The door opened with a click, and a beige earth pony with an indigo and pink mane poked out through the crack. Scarlet did her best to hide her surprise, the Guardians were not the first, nor would they be the last secret organization to protect Equestria, and she recognized the pony before her.

“Yes?” she asked. “Can I help you? If it's candy, we’re closed today.”

“Um, I’m looking for Lyra Heartstrings,” Scarlet answered unsurely.

The pony nodded slowly, but Scarlet noticed her scrutinizing gaze. She turned back into the building.

“Lyra, somepony’s here to see you.”

“Okay, Bonnie!”

The earth pony blushed and turned to Scarlet. “Just call me Bon Bon if ever…”

Scarlet nodded and heard another set of hoofsteps as a mint-green unicorn came by the door. Her yellow eyes widened when she saw who it was.

“Scarlet… something something?” Lyra asked.

“You know me?” Scarlet asked, surprised.

“Uh, duh! We’ve had our run-ins,” she chuckled. “You came to see me… why?”

“Oh, it wasn’t her.”

Shivers ran up Lyra’s spine as gold orbs appeared beside Scarlet. Gold magic faded away as Golden Dusk’s head materialized slowly around his eyes, shortly followed by the rest of his body.

Dusk smirked while Lyra just stood there, dumbfounded. Bon Bon sighed and took a tentative step back, knowing what was about to happen. Suddenly, Lyra basically pounced at Golden Dusk, sending the pair rolling on the ground until it ended with her on top of him. Tears trickled down her cheeks, while Scarlet huffed.

“Goldie!” Lyra exclaimed. “You’re back!”

During his foalhood, Golden Dusk had studied in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. There, he was tormented for having a lower amount of magic, compared to others, and he was ostracized for being a half thestral.

Lyra Heartstrings was one of the ponies who accepted him. She was there for him, and the two grew closer as time went on.

However, they were separated after they had graduated. Dusk went on to join the guard, while Lyra went off to Ponyville to settle down.

“Again,” he added cheekily.

She rolled her eyes, ignoring the moisture. “Again.”

A month or so before Nightmare Moon’s return, Dusk was sent to Ponyville to ensure that everypony would be safe. This led to his reunion with Lyra… as well as his other friend.

Bon Bon noticed Scarlet’s rather irate gaze. She chuckled inwardly and walked out the door and beside her.

“It’s okay,” she reassured her.

Scarlet jerked her head to her. “What’s okay.”

Bon Bon raised a brow. She used a hoof to trace a heart, causing Scarlet to develop a pink hue to her cheeks.

“Oh, yeah, it’s fine,” she dismissed. “Goldie’s reuniting with old friends, it’s alright... also…” She covered her mouth with a hoof and shushed the mare.

Bon Bon nodded with a smirk.

Lyra wiped a tear away and stood up, helping Dusk. “You brought Scarlet with you?”

“You know her?” he asked.

“Of her, I guess.”

Dusk coughed enigmatically. “Before that, is Vin in town?”

“Yo, what’s going on?”

A white unicorn trotted out the front door, sporting her electric blue mane and purple shades with pride. Their jaw dropped when she caught sight of Golden Dusk and Lyra Heartstrings standing next to each other. They rushed past Scarlet and Bon Bon and threw her forelegs around Dusk.

“Heya, Vin.” He patted her on the back.

Vinyl Scratch pulled back with a growing smile. “Heya, Goldie.”

Vinyl was a friend of Lyra’s when they entered the school. She also ended up getting closer to Dusk, and the trio were often left alone by the ‘popular’ foals. They got along with most ponies in the school, but Dusk was constantly belittled, which led to him leaning on them for support a lot.

Scarlet Gem pouted and looked away. Another mare exited the store, a gray earth pony wearing a pink bowtie. She had treble clef for a cutie mark, and a face that Scarlet recognized all too well.

“Octavia Melody…” Scarlet whispered in awe.

“Bon Bon, do you know why our marefriends rushed out-” She cut herself short when she saw the reason why.

“Oh, it’s Dusk!” she exclaimed with her accent.

“Wait, marefriends?” Scarlet asked.

“Vinyl Scratch and I are an item, yes,” Octavia nodded.

She clapped her hooves giddily. “Oh. My. Gosh! DJ Pon-3 and Octavia Melody are dating?!” she squealed.

“Tavi, think you’ve got a fan here,” Bon Bon told her fellow earth pony.

Scarlet wiped the excited grin off her face. “What? No, I’m just…”

“Tavi!” Dusk called out from beside his two friends. “She’s a major fan!”

She glared at him, to which he poked out his tongue as he approached her side. Lyra and Vinyl took their places beside their corresponding mares.

“So, who’s she, Goldie?” Vinyl asked.

He beamed. “Scarlet Gem, one of the family-like friends I made over the years!” he chirped. “Oh, we met in guard training and we’ve been friends ever since!”

Bon Bon whispered something into Lyra’s ear which caused the latter to grin.

“So, you brought her to meet us?” Lyra said.

Dusk gulped and nodded. “Yeah, why?”

Vinyl caught on and smirked. “I remember saying that you should bring your very special friends over, Goldie…”

“And I did!”

“Not just a special friend…” Lyra giggled. “Somepony more than that…”

Scarlet kept her smirk as she glanced over a stammering Dusk.

“And s-she is that!” he added. “She’s very special to me!”

“Hm, okay then.” Vinyl casually walked in front of Scarlet, pulling down her glasses and trying to look suave. “Heya, wanna go out for dinner sometime? You, me, and my marefriend over there?” She nodded her head behind her.

Octavia held back her refute, realizing what she was doing. She waved at Scarlet with the best smile she could offer.

“What?! No!” Dusk threw his forelegs around Scarlet.

“Why not, Goldie?” Vinyl asked innocently. “After all, she’s just your special friend, right? One date wouldn’t hurt.”

His mouth opened and closed wordlessly. His hold on Scarlet tightened, as if holding her back. His blush deepened and his ears folded back.

Scarlet Gem broke into howls of laughter which was echoed by the mares around her. Albeit, more reserved.

“Aha, oh, Goldie,” she cooed. “Never change…” She patted his head.

Dusk didn’t let go, but his gaze shifted downwards. Scarlet rolled her eyes and affixed her gaze on the mares in front of her.

“Since, Goldie won’t be active for… oh, a minute or two,” she chuckled. “I’ll answer your questions.”

“Okay.” Lyra stepped forward. “What’s your relationship with Goldie?”

Scarlet grinned and managed to unfurl a wing. Said wing wrapped around Dusk’s barrel, pulling him tight to her before she placed a soft kiss on his forehead. The poor colt buried his muzzle into her neck.

“Hm, about three minutes now,” Scarlet concluded. “Anyway, yes, he’s my coltfriend.”

Vinyl laughed. “So, what brought you two together?”

Scarlet hummed with Dusk still leaning close to her. She noticed the glances ponies were giving them, and she sighed.

“Maybe we could share inside? Don’t wanna torture Goldie too much after all,” giving Bon Bon a look, “besides, there’s things that we can’t speak publicly about.”


“Good going, Goldie!”

This… this may have been worse than he’d anticipated.

Scarlet shared… everything.

They were allowed inside the small candy store and sat down on a couch by the wall. A table separated the three pairs, with the hosts sitting on chairs.

Scarlet started with their first encounter at guard training, and she even went on a tangent about his smile and eyes. Lyra commented that her eyes were a similar color to Dusk’s, though, it was a darker color. Scarlet acknowledged it but she felt a deeper connection and love for Dusk’s.

She then proceeded to share the drama at the park, how Dusk hurt her a little bit, but it turned out better in the end. Oh, and she had to tell them that he, technically, made the first move.

Something that his old friends hadn’t expected.

“Wow, Goldie, I didn’t know you had it in ya,” Vinyl commented.

Bon Bon and Octavia nodded in agreement.

“So, Scarlet,” Lyra started, “Whaddya like best about Goldie?”

Scarlet blushed. “Oh, well…”

Dusk’s gaze shifted to her, curious about her answer.

She shifted in place, feeling the heat on her cheeks steadily increasing. She had to choose one? Her eyes skimmed through the perimeter, hesitant to answer.

“Uh…” she said coyly. “I can’t just choose one when I love him for… well, him.”

He blinked. That was… probably one of the sweetest things she’s said. Ignoring the probable teasing from his old friends later on, he pulled her into a hug. She yelped but rescinded to the embrace.

Right on queue, Lyra and Vinyl proceeded to coo.

Dusk looked up at Scarlet with soft eyes. Scarlet returned his gaze, just as warm.

“Love you,” he whispered.

She smiled with a blush and nuzzled him. “Love you too.”

“Vin, they’re totally in love!” Lyra cheered.

Vinyl laughed. “Yep, I can see that,”

“Goodness, Vinyl, were we like that before?” Octavia asked the white unicorn.

“Hm, for a while,” she responded.

“Same with Lyra.” Bon Bon rolled her eyes as she wrapped a leg around the mint-green unicorn.

“Hey, you weren’t complaining,” Lyra shot.

“And I’m not denying it.”

They heard a whizz pass by and a letter dropped through the slot in the door. Lyra’s magic took hold of the envelope, bringing it to her. Opening it, she unfolded a piece of paper and read it with Bon Bon. The pair’s eyes widened and Lyra whispered something to Octavia and Vinyl. All the while, Dusk and Scarlet were too lovestruck to notice.

“What’s that letter?” Dusk finally noticed.

Lyra paused her whisper and hastily leaned on her seat normally. Vinyl and Octavia shared fairly nervous looks, while Bon Bon spoke up for them.

“Just my wrapper orders, they’re going to be delayed for a few days,” she shrugged.

“Hey, we need to fix our setup, right, Tavi?” Vinyl poked Octavia.

“Huh? Oh, yes, right, of course.” She stood up. “It was good seeing you again, Dusk. And Scarlet, take care of that colt, yes? From what few we’ve heard from each other, he is quite the gem.”

“With what you’re saying, Tavi, I think you might’ve liked him,” Vin said.

She scoffed. “Please, you know I only have eyes for you.”

The two bickered their way out the door, leaving Lyra and Bon Bon with their guests.

“Do you two have anything to do? We could get out of your manes,” Scarlet said.

“Hm, maybe you two could go with us to Twilight’s castle?” Lyra suggested. “I need to borrow a book.”

Dusk raised a brow. “Since when did you read books?”

“Can’t a mare read a good story every once in a while?”

He chuckled. “Fair enough.”

Bon Bon stood up. “I’ll get some treats to go.”


During their walk, Scarlet had discovered the magnificent treat which was Bon Bon’s candy. She was given a sweet lollipop, whereas Dusk got himself a hard candy. Surprisingly enough, there were barely any ponies around during their walk. Heck, were there even any ponies?

“Where did everypony go?” Scarlet asked.

“Probably for lunch,” Lyra replied.

She glanced at the sky sparingly. “It’s well after noon.”

Lyra yelped when she received a light wap from behind.

“It’s ‘lunch-is-now-in-the-afternoon-day,” Bon Bon corrected.

She frowned, bemused.

Dusk whispered in her ear, “Again, Pinkie Pie.”

Shrugging, she took the first step on the path to Twilight’s castle. Not long after, the four had reached the front door. Unfortunately, for Golden Dusk, he wasn’t keeping track of the magic around him. He entered through one of the large doors first, and he was surprised by the lack of light. Scarlet and the other two followed shortly after.


Dusk and Scarlet were blinded by a flash, whereas Bon Bon and Lyra cleverly closed their eyes, diminishing the effect substantially. Scarlet peeked one eye open and was greeted by an assembly of ponies before her. A familiar pink mare pronked her way towards her, smiling wide.

“Were you surprised? Were you, were you, were you?” Pinkie Pie asked rapidly.

“Um, yeah, definitely,” she said.

Pinkie nodded happily before innocently tilting her head. “Where did Goldie go?”

Scarlet turned around and the unicorn was missing. Chuckling, her gaze went upward.

Golden Dusk was floating above all of them, shaking slightly.

“Uh, little help?” he squeaked out.

Rolling her eyes, Scarlet took off and was beside Dusk in the air. However, she noticed a rainbow trail that whizzed by at the same time as her. A cyan pegasus with a prismatic mane was now on the opposite side of Dusk. On the ground, she noticed a pink-maned and yellow-coated pegasus shut her wings.

“Wow, you’re fast,” the mare complimented her.

“Same to you,” she returned.

“I can introduce you two after you get me down.” He desperately tried swimming his way downwards.

The mares shared a laugh and pushed him gently back onto the carpeted floor. His hooves finally stuck back down, imitating gravity somewhat.

“Whew, okay,” he sighed. “Scarlet Gem, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, Scarlet Gem.”

“Yo,” Rainbow Dash greeted.

“Heya,” Scarlet returned.

Pinkie almost, almost, tackled Dusk and began to barrage him with questions on how he did that.

“You were pretty, fast. Though, not as fast as me.” Rainbow Dash flipped her mane.

She giggled. “Of course, how would I compete with a Wonderbolt?”

“Hm, let’s get you some training and we’ll see.”

“Hooey, Dash you just got yourself a run for your bits!” A mare with a country accent called out.

“Can it, AJ! I wasn’t even trying,” Dash replied indignantly.

An orange earth pony with a stetson on her tied blonde mane. She had three apples for a cutie mark, and she approached Rainbow Dash with a smirk.

“Sure, sugarcube, sure,” she chuckled. With a tamer smile, she held out a hoof to Scarlet. “Applejack, pleasure to meetcha...”

Scarlet took her hoof and shook it… though, she returned the gesture twice as hard. “Scarlet Gem, and just Scarlet’s fine,” she said, pretending not to be disoriented.

Applejack glanced to her right and sighed. “Pinkie, if’n you wanna calm down, Dusk’s gettin’ dizzy.”

The pink mare immediately stopped shaking Dusk around. His gold eyes swirled in their sockets, clearly jarred.

“Oops, sorry, Goldie!” Pinkie giggled.

“S’fine,” he replied, vigorously shaking his head. “What’s all this for anyway?”

His question was answered by the large banner of ‘Welcome to Ponyville!’

“Right, of course,” he laughed. “So, where’s the spread?”


Scarlet Gem had surrendered herself to the amount of ponies greeting her and introducing themselves. While it was a fate she didn’t mind, it was still rather draining. Once the storm had calmed, she sat down on a chair among other ponies, eyeing everypony around her with a smile; she was thankful for the warm welcome.

Golden Dusk went to the long, long table of food for the nth time. After grabbing an amalgamation of different treats, he noticed a pair of pegasi approaching him.

“Hey again, Dash,” he greeted.

“Hey,” Rainbow Dash returned.

He glanced to her left. “This scene’s familiar.”

The yellow pegasus beside Dash giggled.

She laughed. “Familiar, but different.”

He nodded with a smile and faced the other pegasus.

“Hi, Fluttershy,” he said softly.

Fluttershy beamed. “Hi, Dusk.”

He chuckled. “I remember when you were hiding behind Dash, that change now?”

“Yes,” she confirmed. “I-it’s not bad, is it?”

He shook his head. “No, it’s good.”

“A couple years can bring a lotta change,” Dash said, wrapping a leg around her. She smirked at Dusk. “For better or for worse.”

“Wow, what a proph-” He paused, catching her grin. “What, what’re you grinning for?”

“Well…” she made motions on her stomach, then to the food on his plate.

He gasped. “I am not pudgy!”

“Yeah, sure, you’re not,” she snickered.

Dusk sighed. “Guess change really is apparent, then.”

“What do you mean?”

He smirked. “I mean, Scarlet managed to fly just as fast as you. You getting slower?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “I- what?! No!”

Fluttershy giggled. “Rainbow, he’s just joking.”

He snorted. “Yeah, but your reactions aren’t gonna make me stop.”

She groaned indignantly. “I wasn’t taking it seriously…”

“But, how did you float up there?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, Fluttershy, dear, I am so glad you asked!”

With a flash, Discord appeared in front of the three. He tossed some candy aside, letting them rain on some foals, and he wrapped an arm around Dusk. A patch appeared on his hoodie, one of Discord’s wonderful visage.

“Discord.” Fluttershy glared at him. “What did you do?”

Discord’s refute was held back by Dusk raising a hoof.

“He saved me, Fluttershy,” he smiled. “Chaos magic was just a part of it.”

Her glare held for a few seconds before she dropped it with a sigh.

“Thank you, Fluttershy.” He faced Discord with a warm expression. “Thank you too, Discord.”

Discord scoffed. “That patch isn’t just for looks, Golden Dusk.”

“Oh, I know,” he grinned. “Give me some time to learn first.”

Discord grinned as well. “Then, we can have our first, chaos-filled field trip!”

“Oh, no you don’t!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Can we have it in the badlands?” Dusk asked giddily.


“I did not expect these two to get along,” Dash sighed.

Fluttershy giggled.

The yellow pegasus yelped as Discord pushed her away.

“Au revoir, Golden Dusk! Tea parties galore!”

“Come back here!” Rainbow Dash dove towards the pair, only to be teleported away as well.

A testament to the Lord of Chaos’... well, chaos.

Stunned, he asked himself, “Why’d he do that?”

“He’s got tea parties with Fluttershy every week.”

Dusk glanced to his left to see a yellow filly with a red mane done up in a pink bow, and she had the accent of the Apples. Wait, she was familiar…

“Little Apple?” he asked, astonished.

Apple Bloom beamed up at him. “Ya remember me!” She jumped up to hug him.

Applejack had him over by Sweet Apple Acres a few times, and he got to meet the entire family. He got particularly close to Apple Bloom during his time there, as they were able to bond over being disparaged due to not having a cutie mark.

He laughed. “Of course I do… wait, is that a cutie mark?!

She hopped back down, smiling wider. “Yep! An’ I got it with my two best friends!”

He smiled. “Can I meet them?”

She beamed. “Sure!” She turned around. “Scoots, Sweetie, c’mere!”

An orange pegasus filly approached from behind other ponies first. Her small wings fluttered and she flipped her purple mane. Next to her, a white unicorn trotted towards Dusk and Apple Bloom. He couldn’t help but notice the similarities in their cutie marks.

“Golden Dusk, meet Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, meet Golden Dusk,” Apple Bloom chippered.

“‘Sup?” Scootaloo greeted.

“Hi!” Sweetie Belle added.

“Heya.” Dusk gave a small wave. “Woah, your cutie marks look the same…”

The three fillies angled themselves to show-off their marks, proud looks on their faces.

“We got it at the same time!” they cheered.

“We got all glowy and stuff!” Scootaloo said.

“Then, we started floating and the glow got even brighter!” Sweetie Belle added.

“Next thing we knew, we got our cutie marks!” Apple Bloom finished.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders forever, yay!” they shouted.

“Neat group name,” he chuckled. “Say, Sweetie Belle, aren’t you Rarity’s little sister?”

The mentioned filly smiled. “Sure am!”

A unicorn with a similar coat to Sweetie and an elegant purple mane approached them.

“Sweetie Belle, you better not be getting anymore candy… oh, hello, Golden Dusk!”

“Heya, Rarity.”

Though their run-ins were less frequent, Rarity was a prominent figure during his time in Ponyville. She would visit Sugarcube Corner with Sweetie Belle every few days, and enjoy a treat with her sister.

“Darling, please be honest with me,” she smiled dangerously. “Was Sweetie Belle getting any candy?”

“I wasn’t!” Sweetie squeaked.

He giggled. “No, she hasn’t, don’t worry.”

Rarity sighed and nuzzled Sweetie. “Please understand, Sweetie, you wouldn’t want to lose any of your grown-up teeth now, would you?”

“Yes, Rarity,” she mumbled.

“Splendid! Now, Apple Bloom, Applejack’s looking around for you. Best if you go see her,” she told the other filly.

“Oh, sure,” Apple Bloom responded. “Where was she?”

“By the tables, darling.”

Apple Bloom briskly trotted away, leaving Scootaloo and the two sisters with Dusk.

“You guys see Rainbow Dash anywhere? I couldn’t find her,” Scootaloo said.

Dusk coughed. “Something something… Discord.

She frowned. “Can I hang with you and Rarity for a while?” she asked Sweetie.

“Sure!” Sweetie chirped.

“Not a problem at all,” Rarity added.

“Cool!” Scootaloo swiftly prodded Sweetie’s chest before dashing into the distance. “You’re it!”

Sweetie Belle blinked before developing a wide grin. Her hoof rose from the ground as she poked Rarity.

“You’re it!” she laughed before running away.

“Oh, those foals!” Rarity groaned before giggling. “See you around, darling! Tell Scarlet Gem I said ‘hi!’” With one wave, she took off, chasing the fillies.

“I didn’t think Rarity would ever…” he sighed. “Guess change brings a lot of things.”

Golden Dusk maneuvered through a crowd, waving and greeting ponies often. He found the tables and approached one where a tan-coated pegasus was seated. She sighed and fluttered her dual-toned wings. He smiled and took a seat beside her.

“How was it?” he asked Scarlet.

She sighed again. “Bit draining.”

“Heh,” Dusk chuckled.

His gaze turned to the ponies gathered in the crystal castle. Pinkie Pie was off to one side, playing with foals. Applejack and Apple Bloom were at a table not too far from them. He smiled and waved at the Apples. He could vaguely hear the jubilant cries of Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Rarity. The large spread of food was slowly disappearing. Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer were seated in a table conjoined with the Apple Family’s.

All around him, he could feel the joy, the hospitality, and the amiability of the environment.

“Welcome to Ponyville.”

Chapter 17 - Guardian

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A single pony stood at the base of the dais where the royal thrones typically sat in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. Those thrones though had been moved to the back wall, flanking the entrance there, while an ashwood podium had been moved to the front of the dais. Along with a simple stool, and a silver coloured gavel, the furnishings transformed the throne room into a courtroom.

The pony wore what appeared to be an archaic version of the dress uniform the Canterlot City Guard wore, though oddly he wore a single armored shoe. As Princess Luna entered through the back entrance, he stepped forward and struck that hoof on the ground twice, silencing the crowd.

“All rise for the honorable Princess Luna presiding over this session of the Equestrian High Court.”

Lifting the gavel in her magic, Luna rapped it twice upon the podium singalling the start of court, “Be seated.” While she sounded casual, she could see this was anything but a typical session.

While the first traces of sunlight peeked into the room from the stained glass windows dominating the wall to her left, to her right the galleries, typically empty except for a few reporters, were packed with nobles. Likewise for that audience, sight before them was equally as strange. The rare high court sessions were exclusively Luna’s domain, hence the dawn schedule, but today Celestia had taken her throne behind her along with Princess Cadance sitting on Luna’s throne. Flanking them were the Prince Consort of the Crystal Empire and several fully armored guards in unfamiliar armor that many presumed to be part of their guard.

“Today I am called to address the crimes of those calling themselves the Purifiers. Each prisoner was arrested by the guard while commiting the crimes that they will be sentenced for.”

At the mention of the group’s name, an uproar burst forth from the gallery, demands for justice, and demands for harsh and creative punishments were heard. Luna slammed the gavel hard on the podium repeatedly, the podium shaking from the force. Such blows revealed the gavel to be made of something other than the simple silver it resembled.

“Order, order, I will have order in my court. Anyone disrupting this court will be held in contempt and sentenced to one week in the dungeon,” a threat that did much to silence the audience.

“Bailiff, call forth the first prisoner.”

“The court calls the unicorn Close Ward.” The unicorn shuffled forward, her left foreleg joined to her right hindleg via a hobble, a second one joining her remaining legs, along with a ring on her horn. Stopping before the princess, flanked by a pair of Royal Guards, she glared at the floor.

“Close Ward,” Princess Luna spoke, “former head researcher for the Royal Institute of Magic and Science. You were stripped of your title for recklessness including but not limited to brewing unstable potions, disregarding safety procedures and violating testing standards in the use of unsuspecting ponies in addition to abuse of animals.”

Close Ward scowled downwards.

“You are hereby charged with contributing to the terrorist attacks on several prominent members of Canterlot, promotion of sedition, attempted regicide, and resisting arrest.”

Luna looked down at Close Ward, “You have shown a clear disdain for proper procedure as well as the safety and well being of those around you. Your disdain for your fellow ponies is appalling, and were we not living in civilized times, I would call for your execution for your crimes. As my hooves are tied, I can merely sentence you to six years within the Canterlot dungeons, six years of house arrest, and six years of parole, the latter do years including a restriction of your magic to type two spells.”

Close Ward glared up at the princess, defiant to the end, “Level two? That’s magical preschool level, you can’t do that!”

Princess Luna raised an eyebrow, “Consider yourself lucky that what I can’t do is have your horn removed for your crimes and past transgressions, as that punishment is now considered to be barbaric.”

The unicorn gulped and nodded before the guards led her out of the room, but not before she heard the bailiff call forth Lotus Mist. They passed each other, one being led to her fate, the other about to find out hers, both equally hobbled, both with their natural gift taken away as Lotus’ wings had been bound like Close Ward’s magic had been blocked.

As they passed, Close’s already slow shuffle slowed more, “Good luck Lotus, until the bitter end.”

Lotus nodded as she continued forward to stand before the princess.

She did her best not to cry, she had gotten that out of her system during her stay in the dungeon. At least she thought she had. Hearing an insult from the crowd, her wings tried to flutter. She quelled the growing anger, keeping her head straight and face blank. Her gratuitous amount of housekeeping training, as well as her experience working under Blueblood’s house as a maid, taught her to remain silent and mute her emotions.

“Lotus Mist, it has been a long time since you have stood before us. While your past is much different than that of your companion, graduating at the top of your class, and giving many years of your life in faithful service to the crown, you are likewise charged with the same crimes of terrorism, promoting sedition, attempted regicide and resisting arrest.”


‘Prince’ Blueblood stepped forward, pointing an accusatory hoof at Lotus Mist.

Lotus slowly turned to face him. Her smile was coy and innocent, but it hid an inner smirk beneath it.

“Sir, it has been quite some time, do you fare well?” she asked in a soft tone.

Princess Cadance noticed a pink sparkle in her purple eyes. Strange, ponies don’t usually have more than one color in one eye.

Luna glared, “Blueblood, go back to your-”

“It must have been you who bombed our home!” Blueblood shouted.

She held a hoof to her chest and winced. “Sir, why would I do something so violent? You have been nothing but a marvelous employer.”

He scowled. “When I get my hooves on you I will personally-”

A figure dropped down in front of the ‘prince,’ and gold light rippled across the floor, startling the audience. Metallic hooves met the ground, and a unicorn in black and yellow armor was now in his way. He raised his head up slowly, luminous gold orbs shining through the eye-piece.

“Return to your seat sir,” they said.

Blueblood scoffed. “Who do you think you are?!”

Luna sighed. “Blueblood, back to your place.”

He gawked and altered his glances between the princess and the guard. With one last look to the armored unicorn, he gasped.

“Y-you… you’re…’ he whimpered. He scampered back to where he was standing moments before.

Lotus Mist recognized the unicorn. Black and yellow armor, silent and unseen, gold, glowing eyes…

“Hunter,” she whispered to herself. Her escorts’ ears twitched as they shivered in place.

Silence pervaded the throne room for seemingly forever. The Guardian who had dropped from the ceiling, joined the guards flanking Lotus, almost like he was assuming that would allow the princesses to carry on as if nothing happened.

“I believe we may need a demonstration, Luna stated. She gave her sister a nod, and as one they called out, “Guardians.”

An armored pegasus glided down from a secluded part of the rafters. Scarlet armor shined in the dawn light spilling through the window as she landed beside Lotus, though the opposite side from Hunter. The gathered ponies couldn’t help but notice a strong breeze as she landed.

Two more ponies stepped forward from the back of the dais, two unicorns. One in green armor, and another in a blend of blue and white. Wordlessly, they took their places flanking the podium, looking down at Lotus.

Cracks formed along one side of the room, and a hoof covered in dark blue metal reached out through it. Some ponies screamed as a large earth pony clad in dark blue armor sprung out of the hole. He stepped over to stand behind Lotus while the floor repaired itself.

As if that wasn’t enough, flames ignited from the ceiling, embers falling to the floor. More ponies screamed this time, but those whom the embers struck found them to lack any heat. The flames formed a circle, a pegasus in red armor dropped from within them and onto the floor, taking his place beside the earth pony.

“Flashy as ever, Berserker,” Azure Spark said with a different voice.

“Could say the same, Titan,” Wild Blaze returned with a nudge to him.

Golden Dusk sighed as he looked back at them, “Do you all have to be so dramatic?” he groaned through his black helmet.

Scarlet Gem smirked in her helmet. “Can it, Hunter, yours was just as bad.”

“Was the wind necessary?” he deadpanned. “You sure do like your entrances, Valkyrie.”

The gathered audience stood in silence and confusion, listening as the bickering continued. They kept silent, fearing what may happen if they spoke.

“Oh, the kids are fighting again,” Mythic Moon squealed. “Hey, Maestro, do we have any popcorn?”

“No, Warlock, we don’t,” Emerald Melody sighed, rubbing a hoof on her metallic temple. “Guardians, quiet.”

With her commanding tone, the other five members shut their mouths. Princess Cadance giggled lightly at their antics, whereas the Royal Sisters remained quiet, waiting for them to finish.

“Apologies, your highnesses.” Mel bowed.

Princess Luna nodded. “Quite alright, but see that there will be no further interruptions.”

“You lot hear that?” Mel said to her team, eyes glowing a threatening green.

Everypony in the room shuddered, sans the Guardians. They merely bobbed their heads in understanding.

“Very well, let us continue.” Luna looked to Lotus. “As we had said, you are charged with same crimes of terrorism, promoting sedition, attempted regicide, and resisting arrest as well as the use of illegal magic potions.”

The crowd gasped, but Lotus resisted the urge to wince.

A raised hoof drew Princess Luna’s attention. Lieutenant Star Chaser, the guard Scarlet and Dusk encountered, looked eager to speak.

“Yes, lieutenant?” she permitted him to speak.

“May we know the properties of this potion?” he asked in a deep, polite tone.

She shook her head. “No, that information is classified to avoid attempts to reproduce the potion.”

He nodded and fell silent.

Lotus Mist shifted slightly in place, chains jangling between her hooves. Her escorts eyed her suspiciously, but realized she would not be able to do anything and looked straight ahead once more.

Celestia spoke up, “Due to your previous service and the circumstances that led to your departure, we are willing to offer you a choice of banishment instead of confinement within the dungeon.”

The crowd unconsciously leaned forward, shocked at the offer from the Royal Sisters. The four Guardians standing beneath the throne also shifted an ear towards their princesses, whereas Mythic and Mel already knew the details of the offer.

The nobles cheered, she wouldn’t be a threat anymore.

And Lotus Mist? The ponies who stood in front of her were shocked by the shift in her expression. Her lips quivered, eyes wide as saucers. Her wings twitched, desperate to break free from their bonds. The pink in her irises sparkled, but it was only visible to the more perceptive ponies. The luster shined through the gathering moisture.

“Do you have anything to say, Lotus Mist?” Luna asked, not minding her sudden shift in expression.

The guards beside her smirked, clearly appeased by her reaction.

“I-I…” she stuttered. If she was to be banished, then she wouldn’t be able to-

She took a deep breath, calming herself. “May I… request the privilege of visiting... once a year?”

“We may be amicable to the idea, but the terms of your banishment may preclude that,” Luna explained. “It will be a matter to discuss with your parole officers whom you will meet during transport to your new home.”

Lotus tilted her head looking at the princesses in confusion, hiding the shakiness in her throat.

Celestia nodded. “We will not be discussing the details publicly, for your protection.”

A round of murmurs shot through the room.

Lotus’ head dropped, quickly blinking away any traces of her tears. Her heartbeat quickened as unpleasant thoughts intruded her now-fragile mind. If she couldn’t come back to Canterlot… she wouldn’t be able to visit her parents’ gra-

The sisters looked down at her before Luna spoke, “What dost thou choose?”

Lotus drew in a shaky breath, “I accept.”

Luna rapped her gravel on the podium, “That concludes the business of this court, court is adjourned.” Standing, her sister followed her, and Cadance joined them as they left the courtroom.

The bailiff once again struck the floor after the princesses and the Guardians departed, “This concludes this session of the High Court of Equestria. All visitors are asked to exit in an orderly fashion.”

Lotus was led from the room by the guards. Would this be it? Was this the last time she’d set hoof in this city? Would she never be able to see them again? Had it been worth it?


Days ago…

“Moonie, look over here!”

Las Pegasus, renowned for its casinos, still had to cater to families, so there were foal-friendly places scattered around. With a few turns, and, unsurprisingly, a few stops at souvenir shops, the four Guardians had found themselves in an amusement park. Looping and twisting rails stood tall on their beams, cars of screaming ponies shooting through the coaster. On the ground, different fair games were set up for the less daring. Haunted houses, bumper cars, and even a love tunnel were there.

Mythic Moon giggled as she approached Emerald Melody. The earth pony had taken a liking to a game where… one had to do some fake fishing.

“Should we play?” Mel asked, rather gleeful.

Mythic rolled her eyes. “Sure, sure.”

Behind them, Wild Blaze lined up a dart to throw. With swift motion, his dart flew straight, popping the balloon. He smirked as the pony behind the counter gawked. He’d hit twenty in a row… and that meant…

Grand prize…

Sighing, the pony grabbed the largest stuffed bear they had and gave it Blaze. They didn’t question his rather bright smile at receiving a stuffed toy.

Azure Spark, who was standing beside him, nudged him with a leg.

“Are you seeing this?”

Blaze turned around, oversized bear around his leg, to see Mythic and Mel fishing. Well, if magnetic fishing rods and fishes counted.

“I see our two friends playing a carnival game,” he deadpanned. “What about it?”

Az chuckled. “Have a closer look…”

He squinted, mocking him scrutinizing the mares. Okay, the two were standing a fair distance away from each other, Mel was strangely happy, not that he minded, and Mythic to a tiny step to her left, bringing them closer together…


Was that a small blush on Mythic’s cheeks?

“Oh, gotcha,” he smirked. “How many bits, Az?”

Mythic couldn’t help but feel like a filly again. Here she was, heart beating fast, warmth around her cheeks, glancing sparingly at Mel whose smile, to her, was simply magical. Her emerald-green eyes shimmered as she eyed whatever pseudo fish would come close to her line.

“There’s no escaping this, is there?” she groaned to herself internally. “To think I told her I love her… well, it’s true. Friend or more, I really do…”

Her mind shifted to having dinner with Mel. Oh how she would love to make her smile, for that smile was something she cherished. It wasn’t too long ago that the earth pony decided to drop the cold act and bring out her repressed emotions.

No, really, it was only three days ago.

Since then, she smiled more often. Not only at her groups jokes or antics anymore, no, but whenever she got to spend time with them; her aura was different now. Before, there was a glimpse of warmth behind everything. For years that’s all she could feel. She knew Mel cared for them, that much she could confirm, but she would rarely initiate silly acts herself.

The past three days were a major step for Mel. Slowly, the walls she kept up had crumbled, opening her up to Mythic and her teammates. She let her mane down, and started to initiate physical contact more. She had an extremely strong desire to make up for lost time, and she was doing just that.


Mythic snapped out of her mental escapade and back into reality. “Yeah?”

Mel tilted her head. “Are you okay?” Her eyes, filled with concern, shot a warm arrow to her heart.

“You don’t have a cold, do you? You look like you’re burning up…”

Mythic shook her head. “I’m fine, just got stuff on my mind.”

“Better not be another project,” she deadpanned.

The unicorn laughed. “If it was, what would you do?” she smirked. “Not much, I’m sure.”

“Perhaps you’re right…” Mel sighed. “If only I didn’t have the authority to cancel all your material orders…”

Mythic’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t…”

“Try me, Mythic Moon,” Mel grinned. “I may not be holding back my feelings for you lot anymore, but I’m still your leader.”

She pouted. “Fine, fine, don’t worry, it wasn’t a project.”

“Good,” she smiled. “Now, let’s go get on the roller coaster!”

“... Yay.”


It had been a long night in Twilight Sparkle’s castle. Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem had stayed up late, not that they minded, waiting for the afterparty. Ponyville’s ponies left slowly until it was only the Princess, her guests, Spike and Pinkie Pie.

“You know…” Scarlet started, “I’ll never get used to this…”

Pinkie Pie darted around the hall, quickly cleaning up any messes left by the party goers. Her sheer speed may even put Wild Blaze to shame.

“Well, maybe by the end of the week, you will,” Dusk giggled, sitting beside her.

To their right, by the staircase, Spike nodded to Twilight Sparkle with bleary eyes. The lavender mare gave the young drake a hug before letting him go as he ascended the steps.

“Spike’s rather tired, he helped Pinkie after all,” Twilight said as she approached the pair.

Scarlet nodded. “Does Pinkie need help?”

Twilight glanced behind her, only to see the faintest pink blur dart by. “She’s adamant about cleaning up herself, after all, she organizes things by herself.”

“Where’s Starlight?” Dusk asked.

She groaned. “She had one too many mugs of cider. Good thing Trixie caught her before she fell…”

The three laughed as Pinkie had come to an abrupt stop. A cardboard box was balanced on her head, but that didn’t stop her body from performing different, odd motions. She lifted her left foreleg, her tail twitched, and her back arched.

Pinkie’s eyes widened as she turned to the trio.

“Twilight, we-!”

A castle door slammed open, letting the cool night air in. Rainbow Dash hovered for a moment before swiftly entering the room and darted to Twilight.

“Twilight!” she called. “The Crusaders… Timberwolves… help!” she said, fairly breathless.

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes widened. “Pinkie, we need to-”

The pink mare had already zoomed past them.

Scarlet Gem stood up, wings flared. “Where?”

Rainbow Dash eyed the mare carefully, but figured they could use all the help they can get.

“The orchard, we need to go, now!”

She nodded. “I’ll follow.”

“I could just-”

Twilight was interrupted when Rainbow shot off. A prismatic trail left the castle through it’s door, a scarlet one following closely behind.

“-teleport.” Twilight facehooved.

Golden Dusk stood beside her. “I’ll take that free ride.”

The princess nodded. With a Guardian with her, the problem should be fixed in no time. In a purple flash, they disappeared.

Rainbow Dash looked behind her, the rest of the world a blur, and saw Scarlet Gem. The other pegasus had a determined expression on her face as she kept up with her?!

She shook her head, that didn’t matter right now. She picked up speed, and Scarlet did the same. Two trails, one prismatic, the other scarlet, were left in the skies, indicating the path the two had taken.

Rainbow slowed down before stopping above a grove of apple trees. Scarlet Gem halted beside her, and followed her as she hastily glided downwards.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were beside Scarlet when she landed. In front of her, Rarity’s horn was aglow as she defensively stood in front of three Timberwolves. The creatures surrounded a single tree, where she saw three fillies hanging onto the branches. Applejack was in a skirmish with one of the wolves, using her strong hindlegs to buck the wood creature.

“This thing won’t go down!” Applejack grunted.

A claw loomed over her, about to scratch her. Applejack’s balance was off enough that she couldn’t dodge. A blue shield conjured around her, blocking the strike.

“Careful, darling!” Rarity chided her.

“Thanks, Rares!”

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle, absolutely terrified, exclaimed. “Help us!”

“I’ll try to get them outta there!” Rainbow dashed towards the tree. A timberwolf stood on two legs, blocking her. She retreated, not willing to risk it.

A raspberry color flashed behind Scarlet, then Dusk and Twilight rushed to her side.

Rainbow Dash tried once more to grab the fillies, and, with Rarity’s support, managed to snag the Crusaders and bring them back to the group. The two other wolves attempted to chase, but Applejack put a stop to them.

“T-thank you…” Sweetie Belle stuttered, sitting down shakily.

Scootaloo merely clung to Rainbow Dash, sobbing quietly.

Twilight pulled Apple Bloom in a soft embrace, comforting the filly until Applejack drove them back. Fluttershy did the same to Sweetie Belle.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t ask them to stop,” Fluttershy told the unicorn filly.

“I-it’s okay…” Sweetie Belle responded, leaning into the embrace.

Rarity grunted. “Er, magic’s running low, Applejack! Care to finish up?”

“I’m tryin’!” She shattered a wolf’s leg, only for it to piece itself back together. “Darned things won’t stay down!”

“Okay, Scoots,” Rainbow said. “I’ll go help them, stay with them for now.”


Rainbow Dash whipped her head towards Dusk. His denial of her attempt to help her friends did not elicit a good reaction.

“What do you mean no?!” she shouted. “AJ and Rarity need help!”

“So does Scootaloo,” Scarlet added. “And you’re the best one for that.”

Wordlessly, Golden Dusk stepped forward, horn glowing a bright gold. He closed his eyes for the slightest moment, revealing his slitted-eyes, fangs, and tufted ears.

“Rarity! Applejack!” he called out. “Get back here!”

“Darling, we would get chased if we did!” Rarity responded.

“Same sentiment with Rares!” Applejack added.

“Trust me.”

Did Rarity have much choice? Her magic was rapidly depleting, and she could see Applejack’s sweaty coat.

“Applejack, let’s go!” she screamed to her friend.

The apple mare nodded and with one last buck a wolf’s face, trotted towards Rarity’s direction. Rarity waited for her and together, they ran back to the group. Surely enough, the timberwolves gave chase, but were swiftly denied by a gold barrier of magic.

“Not the most original thing I’ve seen, but that works,” Scarlet shrugged.

“Oh, shut up and fly already.” Dusk glared before recoiling. “Oh, I uh… I love you?”

A timberwolf howled, trying to push through the barrier.

She giggled and gave him a quick nuzzle. “Love you too.”

Their nonchalant behavior stunned the ponies around the two. Dusk casually approached the three wolves, acting like nothing bad could happen. Meanwhile, Scarlet had taken flight only a slight distance off the ground, following him. All the while, they made doe eyes at one another, something that brought abundant bemusement.

“Will they be okay?” Pinkie asked.

Twilight nodded. “I’m sure.”

The group trusted Twilight’s judgement, only hanging on to a sliver of doubt. Fluttershy hoped they wouldn’t hurt the timberwolves too badly...

“So, do we bring them back to the forest?” Dusk asked.

“Duh,” Scarlet responded.

“Well then…” his eyes glowed a bright gold.

“Let’s get to work.”

Dusk cancelled the barrier, making the wolves pounce towards him. However, they would soon regret that action. While they were in the air, he used magic to directly punch the wolves’ belly with a conjured, gold pillar. The three were sent flying back, and their flight didn’t end there.

Scarlet used her wings to summon wind to aid her. She flapped the appendages, and tornadoes formed around the wolves, tossing them towards the ground, hard. They were buried a few feet deep, and wearily got up on all fours.

Dusk patted his hoodie, it got some dirt particles on it. His horn glowed again as he telekinetically tossed the wolves down, binding them.

Scarlet hovered over the small crater, eyes ablaze. She gathered a gratuitous amount of wind with two hooves, before sending steady and strong gusts of wind towards the wolves. The timberwolves howled in pain. The wood of their body cracked into pieces.

The entire display shocked the onlookers. They were… they were bullying the wolves.

“Let’s wrap this up,” Dusk called to Scarlet.

She nodded and cancelled her wind. Dusk gathered the pieces of wood and tossed them farther away. Once the shards had pieced together and the three timberwolves formed again, they whimpered and ran back towards the Everfree Forest.

“Easy enough,” Scarlet shrugged, landing beside him.

The pair walked back towards the other ponies, before wincing.

The fillies had looks of horror on their faces. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle both had mouths hanging open. Applejack was staring at the crater Dusk formed.

“Oh, shoot, the hole,” he said sheepishly, about to fill it in with magic.

“An’ that’s fine, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “We were gonna replant a couple o’ trees anyway.”

The group remained silent for some time. The only sounds that they could perceive were the rustling of the leaves, and the crickets chirping. The Crusaders looked at each other, from their respective sister’s embrace, and opened their mouths to speak.

“That…” Sweetie started.

“Was…” Apple Bloom continued.

“Awesome!” Scootaloo finished.

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Well, it wasn’t that awesome…”

“I had thought your magic was rather… oh… let’s go with limited, Golden Dusk?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, yeah it was,” he nodded. “I got some practice in, though.”

“Ah, that would explain.”

“But…” Fluttershy started, “Where did you learn to… do that?”

“Yeah, and what was with the wind, Scarlet?” Rainbow added. “I don’t think any pegasus can do that.”

“Oh, uh…” Scarlet said unsurely.

Dusk leaned in to whisper to her. Scarlet nodded, and both of them stood alarmingly straight.

“You guys know that I’m a retired guard, right?” Dusk asked them. At their nods he continued, “While that’s true, it’s not the whole story.”

They tilted their heads.

“See, I’m retired from the Celestial Guard,” he added. “That doesn’t mean I’m not a guard anymore though.”

Scarlet spoke, “Do any of you know the Specialists?”

Rainbow nodded. “A group of ponies a rank higher than or equal to captain. They’re made up of a mix from any of the guard factions.”

Rainbow’s friends were stunned by her answer.

“What?” she blushed. “It came up in a Wonderbolts briefing, guard, special forces like the ‘bolts and specialists...”

“Okay, moving forward,” Scarlet interjected. “We’re Specialists ourselves.”

“But not the exact same kind,” Dusk commented. “We’re a bit more like… ah, Specialists of Specialists.”

“What?” Rainbow asked dubiously. “What rank is higher than that?

“Well, we answer directly to the princesses,” Scarlet said. “We preserve harmony just like you, and, if it weren’t for the universe’s curse, we would have helped you all with most of your conquests.”

“We would have been there for Chrysalis, Tirek, and all of the above.” Dusk stood tall.

“Our team is dedicated to the good of Equestria. All we want is peace, but we do it in the shadows.” Scarlet mimicked him.

“Six ponies who dedicate themselves to defend everything we have made ponykind to be.” He stepped closer, suddenly seeming taller than all of them. “And you stand before two of them.

“We set our pride aside, risk everything for our land, friends, and family,” Scarlet added.

Dusk held out his left foreleg and his bow materialized onto his hoof. He swiftly grasped the weapon with a flourish, allowing his magic to flow into the runes. The veins on the bow luminesced a bright gold.

“I am Golden Dusk, the Hunter.”

Scarlet hovered two hooves above her necklace, whose gem glowed a beautiful shade of red. Wisps of magic flowed out, covering her two forelegs and forming bracers. The rubies embedded shined a color similar to her eyes.

“I am Scarlet Gem, the Valkyrie.”

“We are...”

Their eyes glowed as they stopped holding back. Dense amounts of magic pervaded the environment, causing flowers to bloom further, and the ponies to feel some pressure. Shivers crawled up their audiences’ spines, suddenly feeling the sheer power these two had. Preservers of harmony, defenders of Equestria. If they weren’t guards, specialists, nor even regular ponies, what were they?

The answer came; they were...



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“Okay, fine! We’re totally a thing…”

Months had passed since the Purifiers were dealt with. The Guardians had spent more time with each other, savouring the down-time. Canterlot was restored to its former glory; the houses were rebuilt, and ponies roamed the streets with no fear once more.

Now, the Guardians had gathered, along with the princesses, for a little bit of relaxation. In a secluded section of the castle, Mythic Moon had turned one of the smaller multipurpose rooms into a private lounge for the Guardians and their guests. Only they had the means to unlock the doors and enter.

In the center of the room was a large, round table for casual meetings or games. Large cushions provided seating around it, while additional seating was available in the form of scattered couches. To one side, there was a small bar with an assortment of drinks and glasses, though food would need to be brought in, whether from the Royal Kitchens or Donut Joe’s or wherever caught their fancy.

Golden Dusk and Scarlet Gem giddily clapped their hooves together at Mythic’s announcement. The unicorn mare had just admitted that she and Mel were, unsurprisingly, an item.

To their right, Wild Blaze and Azure Spark gave their round of congratulations, the former poking the latter for the bits he owed.

Princess Celestia smiled warmly, sipping her tea.

“If thou shall need someone to preside over the ceremony, you know who to ask.” Princess Luna winked slyly.

Mel blushed. “A little too fast there, princess,” she replied almost formally.

Mythic chuckled. “Yeah, and shouldn’t Goldie and Scarlet go first?”

“Don’t bring us into this!” Dusk and Scarlet shouted.

“Although,” Scarlet smirked, “I wouldn’t really mind~”

He simply grumbled and leaned against her. She giggled and nuzzled his head.

Celestia laughed. Not a formal proper giggle, but a heartfelt one that showed her to be just a regular pony.

“Ah, wait, who started the relationship?” Az asked casually.

The pair of older mares blushed, they’d had to retell the story, then…

“Well, it started when…”


After her sentencing, Lotus Mist was almost immediately brought onto a train. One guard had brought her there, still hobbled and with her wings still bound. With more force than necessary he placed her in a seat within the empty car, “Enjoy the ride,” he stated before stomping off.

Sighing, she looked out from the clear window and out to Canterlot once more. If this was the last time she’d be seeing the city…

Her chest tightened, and she took a deep breath. Moisture gathered in her eyes as she unashamedly glanced around the city’s sights. Her disdain for the nobles hadn’t left, no, but she could appreciate architecture when she saw it. The tall, elegant towers of Canterlot’s castle, the colors and materials that came together to give the city that regal air… it truly was beautiful.

Yet, that wasn’t the only reason she mulled over her banishment.

Suddenly, the doors to her cabin opened as a fairly muscular unicorn entered with a pink pegasus by his side. She almost immediately recognized them, so she hastily wiped away her tears.

“They didn’t even remove your chains…” the pegasus said, shocked at the state of Lotus’ mane and coat.

“Seems their attitude toward prisoners hasn’t changed,” the unicorn sighed, igniting his horn.

Lotus Mist felt warmth radiate through her body, but knew they had fired three spells. One for the chains that fell from her hooves, another freed her bound wings, and the other… she wasn’t sure. Casting aside her bemusement, the metal clanged onto the ground in front of her seat.

She swiftly got up and drove the tip of her hoof to the unicorn’s neck. A jolt of pain shot through her body, and she froze, flopping onto the ground. Lotus found herself unable to move or speak, only breathe.

“Mistake one, Lotus Mist,” Shining Armor sighed. “We have a spell cast on you that’ll do that when you try to either escape or attack others.

“And two,” the pegasus said, body shimmering. “Let us talk first.”

Princess Cadance’s disguised faded away, revealing her larger body, wings, and her horn. Her boney appendage glowed, releasing the seal.

Lotus gasped and sat up, disoriented. She placed a hoof to her chest, and her unwashed wings fluttered anxiously, not having liked being paralyzed.

“Shall we have a seat?” Cadence offered.

Figuring she didn't have much choice, Lotus obliged the princess. Cadence sat down, and she did the same opposite to her, expression blank.

“Well? What are the diarchs of the Crystal Empire doing here?” Lotus almost spat.

Shining Armor shot her a glare.

Cadance breathed deeply. “We… you’re going into our custody.”

“What?!” Lotus screamed. “I’m banished already, isn’t that enough?!”

What happened next stunned the other two. A tear ran down Lotus’ cheek, the only sign of vulnerability the mare has ever shown. She looked back at the princess with weary purple eyes, and pink sparkled within them.

“What more will you take from me?”

Cadence dearly wished she could hug the mare, but decided against it. For now, she had to keep things professional.

The princess bit her lip and continued, “We are hoping to give you a new start. You’ll take a post as our maid, since you’re experienced. You’ll be paid and treated fairly, which you might not get if you were to look for your own employment.” She shifted her gaze right back at her. “You would be a valuable addition to our staff.”

Lotus’ lips quivered as she sat back down, wiping away the tears.

“What happens during that?” she asked cautiously. “And why?”

“You’ll first be given time to acclimate to the empire,” Cadence nodded. “Then, we’ll introduce you to our staff. They’ve been informed to prepare lodgings for you.”

“And as for why…” She paused for quite a while.

“My aunt told me about you, about what drove you to this Lotus Mist.”

Lotus’ brain processed what she just said. Her wings flared as she leaned forward aggressively, having figured out what that meant.

“How?! I wiped my files!”

“There are a lot more back-ups than the years I’ve been alive,” Shining commented. “I thought you would know that… Specialist Recruit, Crystal Snow. Besides, Celestia knows every pony that has ever worked for her even indirectly.”

The mauve pegasus seethed with rage. They knew her real name? Her purple eyes glowed as magic gathered in her hooves, stomping them to the floor. The train shook slightly, enough to startle ponies outside.

“Please, Crystal, that won’t get you anywhere,” Cadence begged. The princess found it strange that her name didn’t fit her appearance whatsoever...

Crystal Snow huffed indignantly, and her magic dissipated.

“So, what do you want from me?” Crystal asked. “To fix me? To reform me? To make me serve under royalty?” she spat. “Nothing will change what happened, and they would still be here if it weren’t for the nobles.”

“I know,” Cadance reassured softly. “But, the Crystal Empire is different from Canterlot. You could live a better life there, and we’re the only real nobility in the entire kingdom, as King Sombra dealt with the nobles much the way your group would. There are still a few minor families, but they’ve learned to fear speaking up.”

She snorted. “Live a better life…working for royalty...” she sighed. “I… suppose it's… better than wandering around Equestria aimlessly…”

Crystal Snow sighed once more, looking at the princess with a hint of reluctance.

“I’ll work as your maid... but...”

She glanced between the two royalties in the car.

“Don’t expect me to enjoy it.”

Cadance tittered. “Welcome to the team then, Crystal. And, who knows? Maybe you’ll come to see us differently.”

Crystal laughed.

“I highly doubt that, princess.