• Published 8th Aug 2020
  • 1,122 Views, 27 Comments

Guardian - Xrevias

Guardians, defenders of Equestria and preservers of harmony. Golden Dusk, their teammate, returns to Canterlot after a two month long mission. With trouble brewing within the city’s shadow, and his infatuation for his teammate, how bad is it, really?

  • ...

Chapter 15 - Las Pegasus

“Where are we off to first?”

Looking up at the cloud district of Las Pegasus, Emerald Melody stepped out of the front doors to their hotel. Behind her, Mythic Moon, Azure Spark, and Wild Blaze followed. In the distance, they could see roller coasters, bright neon signs, and the street was lined with luminous buildings. They weren’t in the residential district after all! Lamps illuminated the streets, and the stars and moon were barely visible. The cool night air blew over them as they stepped out.

“Ah, the rides will not be active at this time…” Az said sadly.

Blaze raised a brow, stopping beside him. “It’s Las Pegasus, Az, everything’s always open. ”

He shrugged. “I, for one, prefer my rides in the morning.”

“It’s not that dark out yet,” Mythic commented. “But if you don’t want to, I know where Mel wants to go.”

The green mare was already eyeing the casinos on the map she held.

“Closest one’s a few blocks down here.” Mel gestured to their left. “Well, if you’re all fine with that? Oh, and there’s a coaster in it, Az.”

“I’d rather the open area rides,” he responded.

Mythic chuckled. “You guys got your bits?”

Az and Blaze gave her a deadpan gaze.

“Okay, that’s a yes.” She turned to Mel. “And you?”

Mel beamed and nodded.

She adjusted her glasses. “Then, let’s go!” She nudged Mel who squeaked.

Az chuckled and attempted to shove Blaze. The pegasus dodged and he ended up stumbling forward. Once he regained his balance, he glared at Blaze.

“Nice try,” Blaze laughed. “Try not to crack the street, yeah?”

Az huffed. “I can control myself just fine, thank you.”

“Sure,” Mel and Mythic deadpanned, looking behind them.

“You guys coming?” Mythic continued.

The pair rolled their eyes and trotted forward. Ponies often glanced Az’s way due to his larger build. He didn’t mind, really, but they could at least be less obvious.

Shaking his head, he glanced at Blaze. The pegasus, while easy to aggravate, always seemed calm. Oftentimes, his eyes would look uninterested, but it always lights up whenever he spoke to his friends.

“Az? You’re staring.” Blaze waved a hoof in front of him.

He blinked. “Ah, apologies.”

“S’fine,” Blaze shrugged. “But they’re starting to leave us behind.”

Picking up their pace, they caught up to the mares. The group made a left turn and immediately, a large casino was in front of them. Its outside walls and windows were adorned with bright lights, drawing attention. A large, neon sign that said ‘Royale’ hung brightly. Ponies that were entering the building were jubilant and excited, whereas most of the ones that were leaving were dejected and sorrowful. One pony even had tears streaming from their cheeks.

Emerald Melody, on the other hoof, wore a bright grin as they approached. Mythic giggled, seems she was planning to go all out!

Az had a shaky smile; he was never really good at casinos, so he’d usually stick to the slot machines. The best card players from the four were Blaze and Mel, mostly because of their flat stares. Dusk could give them a run for their bits, however.

“Are we even dressed for this?” Az asked.

Mythic waved a hoof dismissively. “They care more about the bits.”

“Which I will be taking… with plenty of gratitude, of course,” Mel said.

Blaze sighed. “I’ll stay off the tables for now.”

“Really? You’re, like, our third best player,” Mythic questioned before sighing. “I hope Goldie’s having fun…”

Mel’s smile shifted from one of confidence to one of sympathy. She slowed her pace to push Mythic’s head up with her muzzle.

“He’s got Scarlet,” she told her. “And he said he was visiting old friends… he should be having fun.”

The unicorn sniffled. “I know, I know… sorry guys, guess I can be a bummer, huh?” she smiled weakly.

Az shook his head. “Of course not, Mythic. We all want to spend time with each other, and there will be more opportunities in the future.”

“Plus, they’re basically going on a date,” Blaze said nonchalantly.

All three slowly craned their necks to face the pegasus. Grins curved around their muzzles, and he looked at them in genuine surprise.

“Did none of you really not think about that?”

He was met with a round of shrugs. Blaze sighed as they approached the Royale’s entrance. The group noticed the blinking red lights of security crystals mounted discreetly throughout, including one that hid itself behind the flashy sign. Mel observed a few pegasi on the balconies overlooking the floor which were most likely security.

Once the four ponies entered, they were greeted with the loud chatter of ponies. The interior had bright lights embedded onto the ceiling. Carpet showed where ponies should normally walk, and there was a small bar to one side.

Slot machines lined one section of the casino. Ponies stood on two hooves, leaning on a machine to stay balanced. Loud bells chimed every once in a while, indicating that a pony won a large sum of bits.

On another, there were horseshoe shaped tables with cards laid out. Uniformed ponies sat on the inside, surrounded by the players sitting along the outside. While some players seemed calm and collected, others seemed to struggle keeping their expressions neutral.

Azure Spark dragged Blaze with him to the slot machines. The smaller pony warned him to not destroy any of them. The mares nodded and Mel’s eyes found a table rather interesting.

“That guy’s gonna win,” Mel pointed out casually with a point of a hoof.

Mythic’s gaze followed her hoof. The pony she pointed at was very open with his emotions, something that isn’t advisable in a game of poker.

“You okay in the head, Mel?”

“Just watch.”

The other ponies in the table smirked. Arrogantly, they placed a large number of chips into the pot. The fact that the other ponies did so at the same time showed that they were from one group, and had intentions of splitting the winnings. Shakily, the pony who was very… expressive with his emotions placed in a small amount in.

The Royale employee nodded and called for a showdown.

One by one, the partnered ponies revealed a Flush, Straight, and two Two Pairs. The eyes of the pony Mel pointed out widened. Quivering, they placed down his hand of cards. His shaky mouth curved into a smirk as he revealed a Royal Flush.

The other ponies gawked, and the dealer sighed. The Royale employee passed over the pile of chips to the pony who emptied it almost immediately, leaving a pile of bits on his side of the table.

“Told you,” Mel bragged. The four ponies dejectedly stood up and walked past her.

“Wipe that grin of your face, I know you wanna play him.” Mythic rolled her eyes.

She smirked. “You wanna join?”

Mythic hummed. “Sure, why not.”


Mythic Moon and Emerald Melody ended up playing against the pony for almost an hour. Mel had lost a few bits for a couple rounds, which was no surprise to Mythic. Once the pony started getting more aggressive with his bets, so did they. The unicorn, however, was still nowhere near as good as her teammate.

On the last round, the pony went and bet most of his bits arrogantly. Mel did the same but only with half of hers. Mythic folded, wanting to see what would happen.

The result? The pony dejectedly walking out the front doors with only a few bits remaining. Mel resisted the urge to shout jubilantly at the sheer amount she had won. Mythic sighed with a smile, of course she would be the winner.

Azure Spark and Wild Blaze were using two separate slot machines. Each pull of the handle had a chance of either bringing the two fortune, or despair. So far, Blaze had the better luck. He had to store about three full bags of bits, whereas Az only had one.

Eventually, once the two had gotten bored, they hit up the bar. Now, they were enjoying some chilled drinks, and their two teammates approached them.

“Seems like Mel had a good one,” Blaze chuckled.

Mel simply smiled, and Mythic responded, “She left that poor colt empty-hoofed…”

Az laughed, downing his drink. “How long has it been?”

“An hour,” she deadpanned.

He shook his head. “Busy night, eh, Mel?”

Mel shrugged. “I suppose so.”

“It’s only been an hour, too,” Blaze snorted.

“Ah, yeah I’ll take one of these.” Mythic gestured to a cocktail on a small menu. The bartender nodded and went to work. “You guys still going to play?”

“Eh, depends,” he replied. “Still wanna, Az?”

“This is not my night,” Az chuckled. “If you all wish to continue, I’ll be here.”

Mythic sipped her drink. “Like hell we’d do that.”

Mel and Blaze nodded in agreement.

He smiled. “Well, shall we head back or find something else to do?”

“Heading back sounds good,” Mythic replied.

“Let’s wait ‘till tomorrow before you break stuff,” Blaze added.

Az lightly punched him on the shoulder.

“Let’s go before I get any karma,” Mel whispered.


The four left the Royale casino with their winnings. The guard that let them in was left stunned that they left so early, and so happy as well. Only an hour had passed, and the moon was already glowing proudly in the sky. Stars twinkled, and so did the bright lights of Las Pegasus.

Eventually, they found their way back down to the hotel. It only took Emerald Melody and Mythic Moon a few steps in before being reminded how luxurious it actually was. From the large chandelier lighting the lobby, to the long counter with ponies ready to serve in any way. The lobby’s carpet and marble walls, floors and even ceiling wouldn’t look out of place in Canterlot castle. Comfortable furnishings including the softest couches encouraged lingering and pony watching, while a horseshoe shaped staircase led to a restaurant where one could eat the finest of food while looking down at those in the lobby.

Azure Spark entered next with Wild Blaze to his side. Wincing for the seemingly fifth time that night, they let out a low whistle.

“I can’t believe how fancy this place is,” Blaze commented.

“Ditto,” Az added, “I’m so glad Celestia let us stay in her suite.”

Emerald smiled, “Actually any employee of the princesses can stay here, from a second year maid to the captain of the guard, they just have to send a request to Raven.”

Everyone stared at her, and she smiled, “It’s a perk of working for the princesses,” none of them noticing a pony looking them over from behind a newspaper, then dismissing them. “Places like this want to be known as the place the princesses stay at or visit and such, so they have rooms set aside just for them. Of course it’s not like the princess comes everyday, so they usually sit empty. Really it’s a perk a lot of big celebrities and companies have.”

Mythic rolled her eyes. “But their rooms are nothing like our rooms though, right?”

The two stallions chuckled and nodded.

“More like an apartment than a room really,” Blaze said.

“Apartment? Make it a house,” Az added.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Sure,” Mythic nodded.

The group stepped into the elevator, a pony in a suit bowing his head to them before asking their floor. The staff having already been briefed on their visit meant he offered no challenge when they asked for the royal suite. At the top of the building, they entered a hall with a rather large double door opposite the elevator, the floor looking oddly empty without a royal entourage awaiting them. Entering a sitting room that could put the lobby to shame, they made their way past the library, to where a pair of ornate bedrooms waited for their princesses.

“If you guys wake up ahead of us, feel free to go downstairs first, okay?” Mythic told the stallions. “Just call us beforehand.”

Making their way to their respective rooms, they bid each other a good night before entering.

Mythic and Mel’s room was much like the boys, a king sized bed was in the center of the room with a large painting opposite it. Two fluffy chairs sat a distance away from the bed with a table in between them. A bathroom door was to the other side, and a desk with a magic-powered water heater.

Mel checked a large closet, making sure their things were still there. She nodded, content, and she closed its doors.

“Oh, sweet relief!” Mythic unceremoniously flopped onto the bed. “It’s so soft~”

Mel chuckled. “Careful with your glasses, Mythic.”

She rolled her eyes, placing her glasses to the bedside table. “Do the same with your bracer, Emerald.

“Please,” Mel scoffed, “I’d never forget.” She took off her bracer and put it aside.

She poked her tongue at her. “When’re you gonna call me ‘Moonie?’”

Mel stopped in her step, frozen mid-way of getting onto the bed.

“I mean, we’ve known each other for so long, and you still call me ‘Mythic,’” she frowned.

“Ah, well…” She coughed and sat down. The leg that she used to support herself was shaky, and her expression was shifting constantly. “I-it’s… um…”

That’s strange, Mel was rarely speechless in any situation. Mythic sat up and crawled across the bed to sit beside her. Once she had her hindlegs dangling off the bed, she leaned close to Mel.

“C’mon, at least try.” She kept her white eyes locked with Mel’s emerald ones.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, their eyes not moving. Mel’s mouth opened and closed multiple times. Mythic sighed and was about to lay back down, but Mel held her hoof on hers. She glanced back to Mel with a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.

“M-Moonie…” Mel squeaked while her face flushed red.

Mythic squealed and threw her legs around her. Mel yelped as the two tumbled on the bed. She basically had her pinned, and her mane dropped over her face. The shadow that was cast brought out her white eyes. Mythic’s smile was so warm, the heat transferred over to Mel, visible through the pink on her cheeks.

“Finally!” Mythic cried, hugging her tight. “After all these years!”

“S-sorry?” Mel apologized unsurely.

She sat back up straight and waved a hoof dismissively. “It’s fine, I know you have to be the ‘strong captain,’ right?”

“Y-yeah, that’s it.”

Mythic eyed her suspiciously. Mel gulped, sitting back up but looking away from her.

“Y’know, Mel,” Mythic started, “You’ve been a lot more... huggy since Goldie came back.”

“I… ah, well…” she stammered.

“Is… everything okay, Mel?” She wrapped a leg around her team captain.

“I…” Mel sighed. “I know I don’t really… show my affection for all of you that much. After spending time without them for two months, no matter how little that may sound… I… I missed them.” She gave Mythic a weary smile. “I really did…”

Her gaze shifted lower. “I don’t want any of you to feel like I don’t care… because I really do…”

Mythic stared at her without saying anything. She let the silence linger for a few moments before pulling in Mel for another hug.

“We know you care,” she said softly. “You don’t have to force yourself to-”

“I’m not.”

She pulled back and stared her right in the eye. Mel’s eyes darted around the room a few times before settling back to return the gaze.

“I’ve… I’ve always wanted to… you know…” She shifted in place. “Hug you guys…”

Fighting back a squeal, Mythic pulled her close once again.

“You don’t have to hold back… for whatever strange reason that may be.”

“I was… scared because… I’m the leader.”

“How does that relate?” Mythic continued, not letting her go.

“I’m supposed to be the one leading everyone, not someone who’s going to baby each and every single-”

“How’s that ‘babying?’” she questioned. “A leader who cares for her team is valuable. A leader who treats them as pawns… is not.”

Mythic lifted her shin up with a hoof. Her emerald eyes unsurely shifted to meet her white ones.

“Believe me when I say, none of us would change if you were more open with your feelings,” she smiled. “You can show your affection to us anytime, and we won’t think any less of you.”

Mel’s expression brightened. “Really?” she asked in an almost unbelieving tone.

“Mhm,” she hummed.

Mel’s smile faltered, and moisture gathered in her eyes. She sniffled loudy before wrapping two legs around Mythic in a tight embrace. She buried her face into her neck, sobbing softly. Mythic held her close, caressing her mane.

For years, Emerald Melody had been the leader they needed. For years, she held back on treating them more like family. Thoughts of what others would think if she’d even show more than a twinge of concern have been running rampant in her mind.


She couldn't care less.

She cared for them, as they cared for her. They brought smiles to her face each time they would face each other. She yearned to be able to express how thankful she was, and not just through words.

Mel loved them. Was that so wrong?

No, it wasn’t.

Her crying quieted down, but tears still ran down her cheek nonetheless. Not letting go, she faced Mythic with the best smile she could muster.

“M-Moonie…” She choked on a few of her words, having difficulty in voicing her thoughts. “I-I… lo… lov-... lo-”

Mythic shushed her softly and caressed her back. She knew what she was going to say, but her body wasn’t allowing her voice to do so right now.

“I love you, Mel,” Mythic said through tears of her own.

Her hold on the unicorn tightened, and she felt her heart clench. They never told her that, and neither has she ever told them. A new dam opened, and a fresh set of tears streamed down her cheeks.


The sun peaked from the horizon, bringing light to the city of Las Pegasus. What was once a city full of bright lights and colors, was now a calmer, and only slightly less colorful place of wonder.

Mythic Moon yawned as she sat up from the bed, pushing off the blanket. She wiped her eyes before opening them. Putting on her glasses, she glanced at Mel who was still sleeping soundly.

The sun’s light spilled from a small opening in the curtains, shining on Mel’s form. Her mane was a mess, but it glistened in the light. Her ears twitched at the noise Mythic made when she stepped off the bed. Though, the unicorn swore that if she brought her camera, the state Mel was in right now would make for a decent photo.

Giggling, she made her way to the bathroom to fresh up. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she left the bathroom with a towel wrapped in her magic wiping her face.

Suddenly, the gem on Mel’s bracer blinked a bright green and emitted a low buzz. Groaning, Mel sat upright, clearly irritated. She picked up her bracer, tapped the gem, and held it up to an ear.

“Unfortunately, room service is not available at this time of day. Please try again in… oh, never.

As gingerly as possible, she put it back on the bedside table before throwing the blanket on herself. Mythic rolled her eyes and the gems on her glasses flashed white, vibrating as well. She tapped one of the gems with a hoof, when a voice came through.

“Did we get the wrong number?” Az’s voice asked.

She laughed. “Nah, but Mel was still sleeping.”

“Of course she was,” Blaze replied distantly.

“Well, the pair of us are ready to go whenever,” Az added.

She glanced at Mel. “Okay, give us a few.”

“Alright,” he replied before the white glow disappeared.

Carefully, Mythic approach Mel who was still underneath the covers. She slowly peeled off the blanket covering her face. She was met with emerald eyes that dared to send her to Tartarus. She paused and returned the stare, just as piercing. After a few silent moments, Mel sighed and broke into a grin.

Mel playfully nudged Mythic forward, causing her to stumble backwards. The unicorn yelped while Mel sat up, laughing and putting on her bracer.

“Yes, yes, I’ll get ready.” She rolled her eyes.

With a flourish, the bed seemed to have fixed itself in mere seconds.

“I won’t be too long,” she added with a smirk and a glow to her eyes.

Mythic’s mouth gaped at how quick she arranged the bed. Upon further inspection, she found no wrinkles on the sheets, blanket, or even the pillows. Submitting to the fate of never finding out what she did, she sat on one of the chairs, allowing her body to relax. With her magic, she fixed up cups of coffee for the two, using the provided appliances. Once they were ready, she set them down on the coffee table and closed her eyes.

Once she heard the sound of a door clicking closed, she peeked one eye open and saw Mel with a slightly moist coat.

“You took a bath?” Mythic asked.

Hanging up her towel, Mel replied, “You didn’t?”

She nodded sheepishly.

Mel sighed. “Probably from your habit of never sleeping.”

She stood up indignantly. “Fine, I’ll take a bath, mom.

Mel held a hoof to her chest in mock-hurt. “Darling daughter, I only do this because I love you…” she smirked.

With a huff, Mythic strode past her. She caught a whiff of her fragrance. It was soft, but strong, and it had elegance to it... and for some reason it made her blush.

Her pace quickened, and she locked the bathroom door behind her. She let the faucet before she splashed her face with water. Drying it with haste, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, finding a lighter blush on her face.

“Oh, Celestia…” she sighed. She hopped into the shower and turned on the heater. The shower drizzled water on her form, dampening her mane.

“Don’t make me a case like Scarlet…”


After a quick shower and enjoying a cup of coffee with Mel, Mythic Moon found herself walking down the hall beside her.

She glanced to her left, where Mel was, and she swore her own eyes lit up. Her eyes glimmered like emeralds, reflecting their surroundings with ease. After her shower, her mane was neatly combed and had a fragrance to it.

Not that she purposely took whiffs of it…

Her eyes darted forward as they found a flight of stairs. After reaching the bottom, they found Az and Blaze waiting by the reception couches. Az gave them a big wave, signaling them to approach.

“Good morning, mares!” Az greeted. “Was your rest satisfactory?”

Mel rolled her eyes. “Sure…”

Blaze chuckled. “So, we got any plans?”

Mythic pulled out the map she had. “We could hit up the fair for Az. Then, there’s a restaurant just by its exit.”

Az stood up. “I doubt it will compare to Scarlet Gem’s menu,” he laughed.

“Point, but might as well try, right?” she responded.

She yelped, while Az and Blaze stared dumbfounded, but they followed nonetheless.

Mel dragged Mythic with one hoof, smiling brightly. Her eyes sparkled jubilantly, and the sun blurred out where they were stepping onto. Not that Mythic minded, all she cared about was seeing Mel smile. Her face was obscured by a shadow, but her eyes just continued to sparkle. Mythic Moon couldn’t help but smile, while Mel’s gleeful voice pierced through everything else.

“Let’s go!”