• Published 10th Jun 2020
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Equestria Girls Random Moments 2 - Arthor2017

More crazy and randomized moments starring your favourites characters of Equestria Girls

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Random Moments 2 - #04

"Gloriosa, I'm here!" Timber Sprunce says after a day of classes at College. He goes to the kitchen believing her older sister is there but was not. He searches the living room and the bureau without success.

Timber thought Gloriosa Daisy went for shopping when a faint voice calls to him from the room. "…T-Timbeeeerrr…."

"Gloriosa?" The young man enters the bedroom finding a Gloriosa in poor health, wrapped in layers of sheets. "Oh my god! Gloriosa, are you alright?!"

"… .. I-I d-don't feel good…." The woman responds in her subdued tone. “P-please… call a doctor….”

"Right away!"

Timber takes the cell phone out of his backpack and starts looking for the number of the doctor who always attends them. After thirty minutes, the doctor enters the bedroom with her equipment in hand.

"Okay Gloriosa, let's see what's happening. Do you have a fever?"

"... I-I'm an living o-oven, doctor..."

"Do you sweat?"

"... like a pig, doctor ..."

"Shaking chills?"

"Quite... m-my body t-trembles as you don't-have idea..."

"I understand. Do your teeth chatter?"

Gloriosa stops for a moment to think. "I'm not s-sure, doctor. My d-dentures are i-in the bathroom and from here I can't hear them ..."

Middle Ages

Sir Flash Sentry leaves his meeting of the Knights of the Wonderbolts Order and was preparing to go home, not before taking first a sip of his favorite drink at the Apple Tavern. Unlike other days where Flash tends to drink to his liking, today he was sulky and listless.

"I see you troubled, Sir. Did your mission at Garble's Castle leave you without energy to enjoy my brew?" Asks the owner of the place, Applejack.

"It's not that, gentle innkeeper. I have a strong discomfort that affects my entire body and does not leave me alone," explains Flash. "I went to all kinds of health teachers, witches, sorcerers and even with this new group of 'gypsies', and none of them could solve my ailments!"

At the knight's exclamation, Applejack can't help but chuckle. "Forgive me for what I'm going to say, but you've wasted your time in nonsense! You should have came to Clover the Clever from the begining."

"Clover the Clever?" The blue-haired knight asks curiously. "And who is she? Is it one of those sages from Saddle Arabia?"

"None of that, Sir!" Applejack begins to narrate about this character. "Clover the Clever came from the Northern Lands and dedicated to eradicate all kinds of evils by making gestures.

Note that once the Kingdom's Army was exterminated by the Hordes of Tambelon after a battle, then Clover the Clever came and with a gesture she'd disappeared the invaders. On another occasion, a plague struck the region until Clover the Magnificent came and with a gesture of hers the plague disappeared. And how to forget when a ferocious dragon was taking our herds, because Clover the Clever appeared and making a gesture the beast disappeared!"

Hearing the great feats of the aforementioned Clover, Sir Flash Sentry rises from his seat finding the solution to his dilemma.

"It's settled then! I'll ride my horse and go find this Clover maiden so she can heal me right now!"

However, the blonde innkeeper scratches the back of her head making a dubious grimace. "Eh ... that's no longer be possible."

"And why not?"

"Because she became so famous that the king made a gesture, and Clover the Clever disappeared!"

Trouble Shoes read the job ads in the day's newspaper, needing to pay some outstanding receipts and the fact there was almost no food in the pantry. After going through ads by ads, he finally finds one that might be for him.

"People are needed to do jobs in the city. I'll go right now!"

Minutes later, he appears before Mayor Mare with his curriculum.

"Alright, everything seems to be in agreement. You are hired, Mr. Clyde!" Says the mayor. "You will start tomorrow by putting up lamp posts."

This new job sounded far-fetched unlike his old job as an ice cream maker, but he knows the money is neccesary to cover his payments.

(The next day)

Poor Trouble Shoes struggled to stay steady by carrying the top of the heavy pole. Fortunately, he was assigned a co-worker - a strong man named Samson - who carries the base of the post on his shoulder like a backpack.

The muscular man stops at the place where the post will be placed and positions it without much effort. Finished his work, he goes to lunch.

"And where has that loafer gone?" Samson wonders.

"GET ME DOWN, YOU SLIMY!!!" Yells Trouble Shoes desperately from the top of the lamppost.

"Good morning, Mister Rector!"

"Indigo, good day to you too!" The rector returns the greeting of the Coach Indigo Zap. "Tell me, what can I help you?"

"Do you remember the young man I've told you about last day?" The girl with googles shows a boy in uniform. "Well, this soccer star is willing to sign for us, as long as you give him the pass to enter college and pursue a career in Electronic Engineering."

"Sounds good to me! But first, I'm going to look at his brainpower with a series of questions. Are you ready young man?"

"Ready!" The footballer responds.

"Let's get started then! First question ..."

After half an hour, Coach Zap approaches the rector. "And tell me, how is he doing?"

"Horrifying! Until now, he hasn't answered correctly any of the questions I'd made him!" Exclaims the scandalized rector, then he decides to change his strategy and ask the young athlete a fairly simple question.

"Let's see: tell me how much is nine squared."

The boy trembles in fear by the question, yet he's determined to answer. "Um ... eighty-five!"

"Oh! What a piece of animal you are!"

"Come on, Rector sir! Please give him the pass. Besides... he was only wrong by two!" Indigo says in defense of the boy.

The lives of the crew of a tourist cruise ship are in danger as the ship suffered an accident and was slowly sinking. People run in terror towards the boats to take shelter.

One of them, Randolph the butler, approaches to Spoiled Rich who was smoking her cigarette. "Ma'am ... the cruise ship is sinking!"

"I know that, Randolph." Spoiled Rich says unaware of the disastrous situation she was in. "Go to safety, but first tell me where can I find the captain."

"It seems he is supporting the evacuation of the passengers, ma'am!"

"Thanks Randolph. Be careful." Filthy Rich's wife says goodbye while looking for the captain of the cruise, taking the cigarette with her. Once she identifies him among the desperate crowd, she starts walking towards him.

"Excuse me, I'm very sorry to distract you under these circumstances but manners first… where is the smokers' boat please?"

An obese man walks through the streets of the city towards his place of employment. He'd says to himself that today would be a good day like everyday. Suddenly…

"Oh no! My heart!" The man exclaims before collapsing on the pavement.

Needless to say, he urgently needed medical attention and the citizens quickly called for an ambulance to take him away.

(Meanwhile, inside the hospital)

"... and as I was saying, lately I have been very distracted!" Discord was talking with another doctor while walking through the halls. "Note that two weeks ago I had to place a pacing mark on a woman's heart, and instead I did a stomach reduction! The other day I had to remove the appendix of a guy, but I don't know how I ended up removing his prostate!

And that boy of last weekend. Instead of removing his tonsils, I removed his- "

" Doctor Discord. Please go to the operating room."

Discord wastes no time and alongside with his colleague they go to the room where the patient waited. The man's wife, her face covered in tears, approaches to one of the auxiliaries.

"Miss, tell me, is my husband in good hands?"

"Of course. Dr. Discord is somewhat distracted, but he's the best surgeon in the entire country!" The assistant assures her.

An hour later, Discord leaves the operating room being received by the distressed woman. "Doctor, doctor! Did the operation go well?"

"Operation? It wasn't supposed to be an autopsy?" Discord asks confused. "Don't tell me I got distracted again!"

At Canterlot High training ground, Coach Spitfire supervises those who were practicing soccer drills. Then Coach Soarin approaches to her.

"Hi Spitfire, I've already came from Principal Celestia's office. She and Vice Principal Luna are concerned about the performance of that Wallflower Blush girl." Soarin says taking a quick look at the teenager who practiced her midfield shots.

"No need to worry, she is quite promising." Spitfire assures him.

Her partner's comment intrigues Soarin. "Really?"

"Of course! For eight months she has been promising me to play better."

Author's Note:

Another chapter done, and one more chapter to go. Anything related to real life is just coincidence (like a distracted doctor).