• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 495 Views, 0 Comments

Equestria Girls Random Moments 2 - Arthor2017

More crazy and randomized moments starring your favourites characters of Equestria Girls

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Random Moments 2 - #03

Class time at Canterlot High School. Cranky Doodle calls Scootaloo to the front for an exercise, much to the bad luck of the girl who wished internally that it be an easy question.

"Well Scootaloo, I'll give you an example!" Cranky begins to explain. "I'm walking on the outskirts of a farm, then I see a man ruthlessly hitting a donkey so I decide to intervene in defense of the poor animal. Wich sentiment would I be obeying?"

"To a brotherly sentiment, Mr. Doodle!" Scootaloo responds, causing the students to burst out laughing.

Trixie Lunamoon was heading home after practicing with her band. It was a good sunny day with the sky clear and the birds singing. It was hardly going to rain today.

But as if has been caused by magic, the sky clouded over and gray clouds began to appear giving way to the raindrops. People quickly return to their homes or businesses to avoid getting soaked and catching a cold.

Everyone except Trixie who was still outside with nothing but the hood of her jacket to cover herself from the rain.

"Damn you, Global Warming! I still have ten blocks to go home!"

The aspirant to mage needed a way to get to her destination faster. Coincidentally she comes across a lady, who apparently came prepared for this kind of situation, carrying a cart where her baby was asleep.

This gave Trixie an idea.

"Excuse me ma'am! I propose you a deal!" The teenager approaches the woman whispering something in her ear.

Minutes later, the lady was carrying Trixie inside the cart in addition to her baby. What bothered the woman the most was the great power of conviction that Trixie possessed and how she was persuaded to do this madness.

It was night in the neighborhood.

Winona, the Apple family's dog, began to howl in obedience to her nature inherited by her wild ancestors. However, no one who is resting at this time wants to be bothered by such noise, especially Granny Smith who comes out to scold the animal.

"Shut up Winona, you don't let anyone sleep with your noise!" The old woman growls. Then she gives her a threatening expression. "Listen to me: If I hear you howling again, even a little bit... I'm going to beat you up! Did you understand!?"

The dog nods her head several times, fearful of her owner's warning, and remained silent. After midnight Winona listens seberal footsteps in the distance. Looking up she sees a thief who entered the barn carrying a sack on his shoulders.

Winona wastes no time and enters the main house through the window, searching for Granny Smith's room. Once found, she starts waking the elderly woman up by gently tapping fer using the front paws.

"... Huh? ... What do you want now Winona?" Granny Smith asks heavily.

The canid takes a small blackboard and writes: WOOF! WOOF!

In the hospital room, Nurse Redheart is carrying a person who was seriously ill on a stretcher in order to save his life. Sadly, the body of the individual could not bear any more and dies in the process.

Redhead takes the patient's body on the same stretcher when he entered the operating room, now completely covered by a white sheet. One of the passing doctors looks at Redheart and the body, curious to know the cause of death.

"Bang Bang?" The doctor asks her, imitating with his hand a pistol shooting bullets.

"No doctor, Glup Glup!" Nurse Redheart responds by imitating someone who drink a glass of water.

A girl with dark green hair and a country hat with doctor's clothes was walking through the corridors looking for her colleague's office. After a couple of laps, the young doctor finally locates the office where it sais: TWILIGHT SPARKLE. OWNER OF THIS TINY HOSPITAL.

After knocking on the door Twilight gives her pass to enter, leaving aside her notes about surgical procedures. The girl shakes her hand enthusiastically, not waiting for the moment to start working for her - I mean - with her.

"Nice to meet you at last! I've heard a lot about you and I must say I'm a great admirer of yours!"

Then, the girl with hat spits a disgusting amount of salivary mucus on Twilight's shoulder. "Sweet Leaf, professional spitter, at your service!"

Once Sweet Leaf has been introduced, Twilight returns the salute by spitting her own amount of salivary mucus directly into the green haired girl's eye.

"Nice to meet you. Twilight Sparkle, just an amateur spitter."

The most feared mob boss in town, Pinkie Pie, is getting ready to go out with her people to a meeting. Choosing whether to carry between her machine gun or a couple of pistols, the pink-haired girl opts for a mallet that had the image of a harlequin painted on one of the surfaces.

"Boss, your new bodyguard is here!" One of her subordinates calls her.

"Show him in!" Pinkie says.

Entering the room appears a man of approximately fifty years old but with a robust bearing. Despite his fierce appearance, he had the face of good people. Pinkie Pie decides to hit the man's abdomen, feeling she had just hit a wall.

"Not bad, not bad!" Pinkie says in surprise.

"Nobody will dare to mess up with while I'm by your side, boss." Says the big man.

"There is no doubt about it! So, tell me my friend, what did you do before?"

"I used to be a boxer, boss." The newly appointed bodyguard replies. "As there was no one like me until the end of my career. If you want, I can show you my wounds: I've got my nose operated after it was broken in a match, my ears ended like Brussels sprouts. The scars marked my face, and look at the teeth ... I have them all destroyed!"

"Okay! You'd already convinced me!" Pinkie Pie says pulling out a wad of bills before placing them on her bodyguard's hand. "Here. I give you an advance of three thousand dollars if you give me the address of the guy who left you in that state."

Fluttershy was not doing well.

Anyone who saw her would say that the teenager was having a bad time. She was walking down the street with her head down and her gaze lost. She stops in front of a Mini-market, looking through the showcase at various fresh and appetizing products. Unfortunately, the shy girl has nothing to pay with for any of them.

A dark thought crosses her mind. Fluttershy refuses to conceive of such an idea, but the need is too much for her.

"Oh well… if there is no other choice."

The girl enters the commercial establishment. Seconds later she leaves the place fleeing with a strip of cold cuts and cheese in her arms. The owner of the place starts screaming.


To add Fluttershy's bad luck a policewoman witnessed the assault and went after her, apprehending Fluttershy a few blocks below and taking her prisoner. Later that day, Fluttershy took pity on the judge.

"... And for having stolen a pound of sausage plus a pound of cheese, I sentence you to spend ninety days in prison!"

Dictated her sentence, Fluttershy breaks into tears. "Please Your Honor, have mercy on me! I'm so poor that I don't have a home!"

"Sorry young lady, but the law applies to the rich and the poor alike."

"B-but you say I must spend 90 days in prison!..." Fluttershy exclaims, "... and where am I supposed to spend the nights?"

Author's Note:

Fear not, fellas. Fluttershy will be alright. Promise!