• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 497 Views, 0 Comments

Equestria Girls Random Moments 2 - Arthor2017

More crazy and randomized moments starring your favourites characters of Equestria Girls

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Random Moments 2 - #01

Stone age

A human group had settled on the banks of a huge lake, surrounded by mountains. Among this group of people Celestia assembles garments with hunted animal skins when Luna arrives carrying a round structure with a hole in the center.

"Sister, take a look at my new invention. This will revolutionize our lifestyle!" Luna proudly holds the carved piece of rock for her older sister and the other inhabitants of the settlement can contemplate.

"But Luna, the wheel has long been discovered."

"Wheel? What wheel?! This is going to be the toilet seat. Now with your permission, I'm going to use it." Luna retires to relieve herself privately and use her novel tool for the first time in human history.

Aria Blaze goes through the streets of a neighborhood looking for a lady everyone talks about on social media. As far as Aria knows, the woman is called Over Seer and apparently she is a 'fortune teller' since said woman tends to post videos of card readings, visions of the future and reveal secrets of unknown people she meets when traveling to the city center - mostly in Sundays.

Finally Aria is able to find the address of this self-proclaimed fortune teller, then the Dazzling rings the doorbell of the house.

"Who is it?" Ask Over Seer from the other side of the door.

"Try and guess, moron." Aria replies ridiculing the supposed fortune teller.

"I must admit, you are doing pretty well in the circus business, darling. None of us would have thought you would become so famous in a very short time." Rarity is amazed at Trixie Lulamoon's success when she and Fluttershy decided to pay a visit at her office one day.

"I know, my friend Rarity. The Great and Powerful Trixie not only have the best light show, the most seasoned acrobats and the best team of hillarious clowns..."

Trixie makes a dramatic pause "... but also have the honor of owning the greatest number in the history of circus AND the Ninth Wonder of the Modern World: The Capuchin Monkey on Motorcycle!"

Several streamers and confetti came out of nowhere after Trixie's announcement. "Unfortunately, Trixie won't be able to present him at this week's show."

"Oh, it's a shame." Fluttershy exclaims sadly, and with the desire she had to go and watch the little primate perform crazy maneuvers on two wheels. "And why you are not going to present him? Is the poor thing sick?"

"No. His driving license has expired." Trixie replies with annoyance.

Rover, Fido and Spot goes into the forest to try their luck finding gems or any precious stone they can find if possible. On their way they come across a huge stone with a message that said:


The Diamond Dogs are confused at the beginning but in the end they decide to heed the mysterious message and begin to turn the stone, hoping they could get a reward in the form of gems. After several failed attempts they finally manage to move the stone, finding another message within it and says:


It's recess time at Crystal High School. Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest chat about something until Fleur de Lis joins them.

"Hey girls, what are you talking about?"

"Lemon Zest was talking to me about her psychic powers." Says Indigo, pointing Lemon who is nodding her head.

"Riiiight! If she have psychic powers, then I'm Songbird Serenate!" The pink-haired girl exclaims in a mocking tone.

"It's true, Fleur! I have the ability to guess what people is doing wherever they are, NO matter the place!" Lemon Zest ardently assures. However, Lis remains unconvinced; and she thinks Lemon is just bluffing, so she makes a proposal.

"Tell you that: when classes are over, I'll ahead to my house and you'll have to guess what I'm doing at that moment. If you guess right I'll give you 100 dollars, if don't you'll owe me 100 dollars."

"Done! And to make it fair give me the 100 dollars at once, so I can give them back to you if I fail. Indigo is my witness."

Once the deal was settled, everyone went right to their respectives homes at the end of the school day but not before Fleur gave Lemon Zest the money. Indigo Zap accompanies her friend to make sure the agreement is fulfilled. Ten minutes later, Lemon's cell phone starts ringing and she answers the call.

"Okay, I'm already at home. Now guess what I'm doing."

"You are just talking to me by the cell phone. What else could you be doing at this moment!" Lemon replies while Indigo Zap laughs out loud at the tremendous prank they played on Fleur des Lis.

Photo Finish opens her gallery of paintings after five months of hard work. The event is being a success due to the huge number of people who are going to witness, admire and acquire the paintings.

At the moment, the girl with glasses presents one of her works to a couple of millionaires; although the man's wife puts her sights on a picture of smoked ham served with pineapple slices and young lettuce. The image looked so real that the woman felt the need to touch it.

Photo Finish notices this and rushes to the lady's hand.

"Wait! Don't touch it!"

"Why not? Is the painting still fresh?" Asks the wealthy man curiously.

"No. I just took it out of the oven."

Lyra Heartstrings and Bon-Bon are on the sidewalk, waiting for the traffic light to change so they can cross the track. While the teenagers waits, they spot a guy who apparently intended to enter a van by force.

The girls weren't sure if what that man was doing is what they were exactly thinking. Coincidentally, or perhaps luck, Sunset Shimmer was standing at the bus stop typing email messages from her cell phone so Bon-Bon and Lyra decides to go with her and clarify the doubt.

"Hey Sunset!" Bon-Bon says first. "Sorry we are bothering you, but please tell us if that van is being twocking."

Sunset takes a quick look at the situation and her eyes opens wide as she understands what this was all about. "Oh my gosh! The van is actually getting twocked away! We must stop him!"

However, neither Bon-Bon nor Lyra join Sunset to prevent the theft of the vehicle. There is an awkward silence between the three girls until Lyra breaks the silence. "Meh, no need to worry then. That guy won't get very far."

"And why is that?" Sunset asks with bewilderment.

"Because the truck belongs to the Municipal Kennel. And from what can I see, it contains several huge and rabid dogs with the sole desire to tear people apart."

"She's right. Look!"

Bon-Bon points in the direction of the stolen pickup truck that wobbled from side to side. From inside the thief's desperate scream could be heard along with the multiple barking and grunting of the enraged dogs.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, and welcome back!

This fics erves as my second story about random, goofy and absurd moment scenarios involving our favourite Equestria Girls characters. Because... why not?

Enjoy this multiple shorts series while I'll be writting more about it. Any comments and constructive criticism is welcome.