• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 498 Views, 0 Comments

Equestria Girls Random Moments 2 - Arthor2017

More crazy and randomized moments starring your favourites characters of Equestria Girls

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Random Moments 2 - #02

One afternoon the Rainbooms went to the nall to hang out, take selfies and have tons of fun without worrying about school. By chance Pinkie spots her older sister, Maud Pie, from a distance and decides to call her so she can join them. However, upon arrival Maud shows a black eye.

"My God, Maud! What happened to you!?"

"It's nothing Rarity. I just have my left eye swollen." Maud says in her monotonous tone.

"Swollen? Someone hit you in the eye! Your eye!" Rainbow Dash exclaims without believing that someone has assaulted Maud Pie from all the people she knows.

"My poor little big sister was savagely attacked! But fear not Maud, I'll find and lay the smackdown to whoever did this to you. Then, I'll take this cupcake and stick it right into the-"

"Actually Pinkie, I caused this myself." Maud says making the girls gasp at the shock by the revelation.

It was a fact Maud Pie is a calm person by nature and that she never did anything wrong in her life to other people. Thus, she begins to narrate the facts.

"You see, I came to pick up Boulder from his beauty session as I was heading home. Arriving at the bus stop I didn't realize that I took the position of a girl who uses her hands to make herself understood, which caused the lawsuit. It's not necessary to tell the aftermath, since you already know it. "

Twilight Sparkle adjusts her glasses, getting an idea of ​​who that person was. "I see. So that girl was deaf-mute."

"No. She was a boxer." Maud corrects her.

Inside the Army headquarters the soldiers were practicing their marksmanship incessantly as scheduled. When it was Applejack's turn, she started shooting with herweapon at point-blank range in all directions. However, no bullet hit its target, much less the targets of her companions.

Obviously her superior noticed the tremendous failure for which he decides to reprimand the blonde girl.

"What the hell is going on with you, Apple!? You haven't made at any target!"

"Well my commander, it's not that bad. We have to thank we are in training camp and not in a real fight." Applejack defends herself by rubbing the nape of the neck.

"You say this now. But suppose a war breaks out and you are called to serve. You are sent to a sad and smelly trench with nothing but your weapon and ammunition against a hundred of enemy troops.

Suddenly one of them approaches your post and just having him two meters away, two meters nothing else, you fail as you did now. What would you do?"

Applejack starts to think before giving her honest answer. "Um ... well I think nothing, my commander."

"What do you mean nothing ?!" The annoyed high-ranking military asks.

"Sure! I very much doubt the enemy has as bad aim as I do." Applejack says, giggling nervously.

Sugarcoat and her boyfriend went for a walk in the park. Far from having a romantic day, the pigtailed girl spent her time doing sums, divisions and percentages with the calculator on her cell phone; which annoyed her companion.

"Sugarcoat, could you put that thing down for a moment and do something else?"

"Hold on, I'm almost done." Sugarcoat responds without taking her eyes off the mobile device.

"The one who is going to done is me! Don't you realize that this is affecting our relationship?" The boy exclaims desperately.

"Yes. Approximately 79.5%." The girl in glasses responds by showing him the calculations with her cell phone in hand.

Carrousel Boutique is on fire!

Apparently a short circuit inside Rarity's clothing store caused the fire, alarming the city. Luckily, the group of firefighters went directly to the scene to extinguish the incident.

However, far from doing their job, the firefighters were sitting in the armchairs of the establishment at Rarity's request. Then the fashionista girl leaves her room covering her cell phone with one hand.

"Could you wait a little while more, please? I am with a client ...!" Rarity pleads because she was about to close a million dollar deal with said person, despite the fact that the room was covered with smoke.

A distraught Rainbow Dash was walking down the street kicking empty cans on her way. She hadn't eaten in weeks and her stomach was torturing her, wanting to digest something. The point was, she had no money to pay even a can of food.

" Dang it! If I don't eat something, I'm sure to starve in the next few hours!" Rainbow exclaims desperately inside her mind.

Suddenly she sees a sort of greenish paper being carried by the wind. She quickly picks it up, finding herself surprised that it's money.

"But it is a $ 100 bill!" Rainbow Dash screams with joy because she was finally going to buy some food with that money. Although something invades her.

"What if it turns out to be false?" She wonders uncertainly. "How could I know?"

Then a well-dressed man comes walking in her direction, so Rainbow Dash decides to ask him for help.

"Hey buddy! Sorry to interrupt you, but I need to ask you a consultation."

"Sure, young lady! What is it about?"

Rainbow puts the money she had found moments ago in the hands of the passerby. "Please can you tell me if this bill true or not?"

The man carefully examines the bill, exposes it to the light, and rubs it several times with his thumbs. Then he gives his verdict.

"Indeed, the bill is genuine."

The athlete jumps of joy at the man's prompt response and gives him a handshake. "Thank you very much, mister! Now I can eat something!"

"Glad to hear that, miss. Bon appetit!" The man expresses his best wishes to Rainbow Dash before leaving. However, the athlete realizes that the guy kept the 100 dollar bill in his coat, which bothers her tremendously.

"Hey! Where do you think you are going with my money!?" Rainbow claims who went after the man.

"Excuse me. Your money?"

"That's right, scoundrel! I found that money on the street! I'd only asked for consultation, and you're taking it away!"

"Look miss!" The passerby gets serious about Rainbow Dash's claims, " I am a doctor, and I charge a hundred dollars for consultations! Now that you know ... see you later!"

That said, the doctor walks away with the money bill inside his belongings leaving a Rainbow Dash totally out of place.

Big Mactintosh was in the living room carrying a ladder, hammer, and nails to hang a nice portrait of the Apple family. Positioning the nail in the right place to hold the portrait, Big Mac begins hammering about three times.

Unaware to him, a group of city workers was in the process of demolishing an abandoned house and only had a section of the property to be demolished until, for unknown reasons, the rope attached to the wrecking ball breaks.

Just as Big Mac was about to make the last hammer blow, the wrecking ball shoots out toward the Apple's home just like cannonball. As a result, the steel sphere not only destroyed the room, but took a portion of the family's house.

Fortunately, the oldest of the Apple brothers emerges from the rubble alive (although he now had several bruises, open wounds, and lost a few teeth).

"... Eeup ... I must control my strength ..." Big Mac said to himself.

Author's Note:

Poor Big Mac. If only he could know.