• Published 21st May 2020
  • 1,543 Views, 75 Comments

Anidate me please - CaioCoia

Spike is a famous animator of Metube, and he is being followed by a stalker, he planned to confront his stalker but ended up with him being forced to have a date with her. It ends in the way you expect.

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Chapter 7 - Why me?

Entering inside of Chirrierito, it was exaclty what a normal Mexican restaurant would be, customers making their orders, attendants taking the orders correctly, some families enjoying their tacos. Nothing out of ordinary... That's until I noticed Sonata calling the names of all employees of the establishment.

"Hi Gabriel, how is your day? How is it your wife? Diego como vai ustedes? How is your cousin? Doing great? Awesome. Juan my man, how are you? Still having problems with your brother? Yeah, I thought soo. Mirella, bff. How is your grandma? She still healthy as a bull? Man I envy her healthy. Say her I said hi. Kiss to your family as well. Florinda, how is it your boy? I hope he still is studying a lot. Ñoño how are you? Still working to have money for college? Awesome. Where is Chavo? Oh he is at the bathroom? Alright. Hehe." That was the display of the most quickly greetings and waving I ever saw in my whole life. And what was strange, everyone over the restaurant was just waving and replied quickly the same way as Sonata called. It was weird but yet amazing.

And the way they greet her was like they were used by her, like they already know her during a long time.

We walked to a balcony to find a lovely woman in the mid age. Like she was 40 years old, but she had some white hair, but she looked like an elegant lady.

"Sonata my hija, how are you?" The lovely lady greeted at the balcony, while Sonata went there and gave a hug at the lady which she accepted and gave a hug as well.

"Clotilde, how are you? I'm fine." She then proceed to go over the lady's ear, and whispers something while the look over the lady looking elegant but at the same time I could see her smile wide.

"Oh that's wonderful Sonata, well, why not you both take a sit? Chavo will attend you when he gets out?" The lady then looked at me and she smiled in a way which made me sweat, but she looked so sweet, that I decided to ignore that.

Then I felt Sonata grabbing my hand and pulled us in the place she decided to sit.

"You will love this place Spike." Sonata smiled cheerfully, while she took some of the napkins and decided to make some origami with it.

"Er... you know quite a lot of people over here." I said while I looked at her nod her head while she still concentrates on her origami.

"Yeah, usually I know all the employees of at least 3 famous taco restaurants, and 2 pizza restaurants as well. Because well... I go there at least once per week in all the places." She said while making my mouth ring out of his place.

"What?" I asked confused on the way she said it.

"Well in resume... I kinda became sponsor of some of the most knows pizzerias and Mexican restaurants over this town. So I'm sponsor of 5 places which I like to eat." The moment she said that , I was in shock, well she is a pop star, it wouldn't be actually a surprise if a celebrity would do that...

At the moment I was going to say something, a boy with a green hat and a T-Shirt with stripes came in our direction. He then has his eyes wide open and then his smile became wide.

"SONATA." His shout was clear on how happy he was to see Sonata, who just has her wide smile on her face as well.

"CHAVO" She then went to hug him which he gladly accepted making like 2 best friends who didn't talk for a while. "How have you been? Still studying at the college with Ñoño?"

"Tell me about it." Chavo rolled his eyes while he smiled at us, while he took a little notebook with a pencil. "Are you ready to order? The usual?"

Sonata shook her head while she pulled my arm and hugged me.

"This time I'm with a company..." The momment she said that, he then looked at me surprised. A few minutes of silence then he whistled happy. "Man, finally. Sonata found someone. Now I can stop teasing her for being single. Patty will love to hear that."

The moment he said that, I could see clearly the face of Sonata having a bit of shades of purple.

"CHAVO." She shouted in outrage, while the boy chuckled.

"Anyway, what can I do for both of you?" The boy then proceed to ignores Sonata mumbling, while she took the menu.

"Alright, we will have the especial of 10 tacos, and for desert a sunday with cookies." Sonata said while I could see at Chavo's eye he was flinching.

"Well Sonata, we don't have cookies anymore." Chavo said while he was writing down one part of the order, while I could see something he didn't see... Sonata was giving me an evil smile.

"Okay, then we will have the soup... with cookies." I saw Sonata saying while she was looking at the menu, and then I saw Chavo who was writing in the middle of the order, then he stopped and looked at Sonata again.

"We don't have cookies Sonata." Chavo said again while I could see he was more firm on this time.

"Seriously? Alright, then we will have a cake of 3 lettches... with cookies." I clearly saw the vein pumping in Chavo's face while he held his pen tight.

"We don't have cookies." Chavo said like he was annoyed by to say it again, but this time I saw Sonata really annoyed.

"Oh come on, alright just give me the cookies and we are done." Sonata said giving up from her desert, just to say that.

Oh my God, the look on Chavo's face, I'm trying so much to not laugh, but it was really difficult. He then proceed to get out with our order.

"Sonata that was mean." I said while I laughed after he left. My God that was to make anyone angry.

"Yep, this time he will learns to not tease me. But I just need one more flicker." Sonata got up from his sit and shouted. "ALRIGHT CHAVO, I CHANGE MY MIND, GIVE ME THE CAKE... WITH COOKIES."

"WE DON'T HAVE COOKIES." Chavo's shout was so loud that all the restaurant was able to hear, and it was so funny that I, Sonata, and all the employees started to laugh from this boy's unfortunate.

She then winked at me, while we started to talk.

"So that's what you do every time you go to this restaurant?" I asked while she nodded and finished to make an eagle of origami of napkin.

"Yep, when it comes about this people, you will never get bored. Every day is out of ordinary. Just like their neighborhood. " Sonata said excitedly about their daily activities, while I couldn't help but chuckle from some of their stories.

After passing 20 minutes, we saw Chavo again with the plates of 10 tacos and a 10 tiny cups around the tray, he looked really calm, while he laid down the tray with food.

"Enjoy your meal." Chavo seemed he really took his steam off. I thought he would try something on the food, while Sonata smiled and thanked him, while I looked at the food.

"Thanks Chavo, say Mr. Belly I said hi when you see him okay?" She waved while Chavo didn't look back while he went at the kitchen but still having problems to pass the balcony while breaking a few glasses. "Oh Chavo, boy with a great heart but clumsy as always."

Sonata said while she giggled on her place.

While we both appreciated that moment of someone clumsy, it was the best to eat the food since it was hot and looking appetizing.

It was delicious, all kind of flavors over the sauces, and the different textures from all kind of tacos, it was mind-blowing. I never thought Mexican food would be so fun to eat.

But there was something making the tension akward between me and the pop star who was in front of me eating... We aren't talking or making a conversation...

"Er..." I tried to find a topic over my head to say something, but without looking stupid...

"Do you have questions don't you Spike?" Sonata said while she stopped eating and noticing my voice reach her ears... "Because if I was in your position I would feel the same way as you."

The moment she said that I knew the tension was awkward between us and there wasn't a way to avoid that, it was a topic I must know.

"Why me? I mean... you are a great popstar singer, you are famous, while I understand you somehow became my fan. I just don't understand how did you become my fan and since when... but mostly important, why me from all the people over Metube and the world." I had that question since I was kidnapped. Heck, since the day she started stalking me, I just want to know it...

"Oh, we already went on this question... wow, it was so quick..." Sonata said in defeat, and sighed trying to remain calm. "Well Spike, I became your fan 2 years ago, when you started your channel... And I could give you many reasons about why I have failing to you since from 2 years ago, about your qualities, about the way you talk... But. Well if you want to know the truth... you actually changed my life Spike. You made my dream become true..."

The silence between us was intense, but it feel so touching to me. I made her achieve her dream? What kind of dream? And how did I do that? The moment she said that I couldn't help but ask.

"But how? How did I even made you know me?"

"Well, you see... 2 years ago, I was still a success as pop star with my sisters. However there was something I wanted to do since I was kid." Sonata smiled weakly while she hold her fist tight. "I wanted to be a voice actress. I wanted to be the voice of princess singing at the cartoons and movies."

While I listened to her, I waited for her to keep going, because I know there was a whole story behind of it.

"The moment I told my sisters about this dream, they actually weren't receptive, because truth to be told, neither of us knew how to be actress or even voice act. But I knew from the news about celebrities going on movies and make voices of the shows all the time. So I thought it was possible." Sonata smile's from telling her dream dropped. "Then it came the auditions. I thought just being there and trying my best would be enough... But... I never felt so defeated when it came about my audition."

"What happened?"

"The people judging the audition gave me the most brutal judgment I ever received in my life. Tell told me, "That's the problem of singers who thinks they can do whatever they want on the movies. Their voices never were correct and they are too stupid and inexperience to admit they want to learn. And you are just a kid, just because you have a carrier on singing, doesn't mean you have the guts to do whatever you want on my studio. GET OUT OF HERE." And me having 14 years old just proved the fact they were telling the truth. But for me, nobody ever judged me in that way... And when I came back home, I did my best to do a fake smile and not cry in front of my sisters." Sonata sighed deeply while she tried to remain control of her tears, but almost in vain since I could see a glimpse of a tear on her eye. "I thought it was just one audition, maybe another one would be the best luck for me... but from the first audition, it made so insecure of myself, that I gave up 3 other auditions because I feared the same judgment. Because let me tell you one thing Spike. Auditions usually are brutal and heartless... They would destroy your hopes and expectations. And since I was giving up 3 auditions, I was thinking to let my dream die..."

I was in shock from sudden decision, but I have one more question...

"What made you to change your mind?"

"At the night I was deciding to quit, I was tired and sad, and was trying to find funny videos to cheer me up at night. Until by some kind of coincidence the Metube gave me a recommendation video... It was an introduction video... about a little sidekick making kicks movements." Sonata suddenly smiled while my eyes went wide open. "From a channel which only had 5 followers, and many of his videos had 20 down-votes and 3 up-votes."

My mouth went wide open while she continued.

"It was a video of some sketches you did on your first animation. While it looked clumsy and with some glitches and mistakes... I still remember the narrative." Sonata smiled this time weakly but smiling at herself. "Hello everybody, my name is Spike, and I want to be honest with all of you. I'm still new over this platform of videos, and for me I have a dream. To become a great animator, so I know it may harsh to look and it will be there many mistakes. But I want you to give me a chance. Not by this moment, but the future moment. I know it looks awful, but I'm 14 years old. I will study many ways of art and animation by myself. And time is my ally, a dream will never die until I give the towel, and when you have a dream, your life has a meaning. So I will not give up my dream. Just give me one chance, and I will surprise you... And if you want to criticize me, please give me points on where I should improve, because I want to achieve my dreams, and I know I can do better... but I just don't know where. Until there I expect some of you have at least faith on me, because I want to surprise everyone who believes in me. Until the next time. "

She quote all the words I said on that video, but the most amazing thing... She was imitating my own voice from the video, that was unbelievable.

"I watched that video repetitively all night long. You don't know how such words gave me strength and made me believe in myself. The firstly thing I did at the morning..." She confidently raised her finger while she looked radiant with her smile. "Was to take a long sleep because I was exhausted watching the video all night long."

From the way she drops down her finger made me laugh aloud, while she giggled with me.

"Then I hired an agent to help me to seek another big audience. But this time I went with a different mind."

"You tried again?" I asked surprised, receiving a nod from her.

"This time when I went at the audition the first thing I did was... to ask where people usually learn about acting and voice acting. Then after I received the answer I did quit the test."

I was drinking soda at the moment she said that and choked from the sudden news. She gasped in shock while she went behind my back and slapped my back a few times.

"Are you okay?" She asked me while I let it out my breath and take deep breath again.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I can't believe in this. You went to an audition again just to ask where you learn to act and then dropped the test right away?" I couldn't help but ask about this absurd.

"Well, if you want to learn the right place, ask the great people who know what they are doing, who would be better to ask where to act than the director and the ones who want a specific kind of actor or actress in one specific type of character?" That point was indeed a good one, she made me think about it, she was lacking skills, so she went to the producers and even the director and asked right away the points on where she should go to learn these skills... "And they really gave me a good place to learn. I went to acting school since from that day. My agent was freaking out, but I told him he needs to understand 1... I was paying his salary, 2... I was needing to learn and not to be ashamed of myself knowing I could be better, and 3... I asked him to find low kinds of papers or dubs while I was at the acting school... "

If what she said was correct, she was doing exactly what I was thinking...

"Because if you want to learn from the school, you shouldn't try to make big roles over the industries, or you would just make yourself down again in comparison of the other people who has more experience than you..." I concluded while she smiled wide and nodded her head.

"BINGO DINGO." She nodded while I kinda understand her uniqueness changes, she usually is clumsy, but she is serious sometimes and even a bit of a shy one when she is nervous. She is having this 3 roles in just 20 minutes... What a strange girl. "And I have to say, it was a harsh process to make, practice, practice, and more practice, voice skills, learn ways to remember scripts, knowing improvisation lines, training stamina to say the same line, over and over again but with different kind of voices, learn how to control all the fiber of your own voice. There was times I was even without voice... I even went on medic 3 times."

My eyes went wide open, while she waved her hand while she giggled with herself.

"My doctor told me to have a diet based on products to make my throat sore or lose my voice after long periods of time." Sonata massaged her throat while she ate another taco while she looked at me. "And step by step it the solidification of my dream. And from that video I watched before, I was a follower during all that time. I watched all your videos. And noticed step by step, I wasn't the only one who was improving. I have the privilege to witness your channel getting follower after follower."

"Yeah, this 2 years may have been crazy for both of us. But I'm glad we could at least improve ourselves and we are in our way to achieve our dreams. If you watched my last video, you noticed I'm going to meet my hero Flank Morrison, and you are finally taking papers in the voice acting, right?" I couldn't help but be happy for her and for me, we both actually crossed difficulties and obstacles in our way, and thinking about it. Yeah, all of our effort and sweat really paid off.

Which she gladly nodded her head.

"Yeah, from the start I went into the low papers, like a chorus singer which went to a soap dingle and after that I went to be a npc village from a game for cellphone, it wasn't great papers, but they were my start... I remember when I showed the soap commercial to my sisters. They looked really proud of me, they even went and bought 2 months of the said soap to our mansion." Sonata giggled while I couldn't help but chuckle from my sit, I can relate that as well... When I received my 1 thousand followers on metube, my sisters wore a T-Shirt with bold letters. "My brother is famous while your's is not. " It was a cringing feeling, but I have a bit of proud of it.

Then she said something to took my interest.

"And then it started... a year after I went on school, February of last year..." She smiled like a good nostalgic memory. "I was being known into a few minor roles while my teacher said she was proud of me and my skills were in the most fineness way I could do, she told me it was my time to shine... At that moment, I knew I was ready, but I had one focus in my mind..."

I raised my eyebrow while I took a bite of food, while I couldn't help but ask.

"What was it?"

She smiled like she was determined while she went to my face.

"I went to my agent and I told him. If you find a major role in Power Ponies, make me do the part of the audition, I want to try all the papers. But I must be part of the cast." She said that while my mouth dropped hard.


"Yeah, my agent told me it would have been an opportunity in the future a cast of the cartoon show of power ponies would be on air. So I told him to make me be part of all cast if possible, I wanted to try all the papers of the major characters, and I wouldn't want to be out." Sonata told me one thing I would never imagine...

"But why?" I couldn't help but ask, she is a huge fan of power ponies to make sure to be part of the cast with that determination? "And how it went?"

"Well Spike, before I tell you why, it would be the best to tell how it went... It was an audition and many people would be there... But I wanted to be part of the cast, and specially one paper I really wanted to have, even if I had to use all my voice to achieve it..."

"Who? Marevelous? MaskedMatterhorn?" I asked while I couldn't help but feel curious about who until she said it.

"Filly Second." And then she said it... Filly Second? Why would she wanted... wait... February from last year? Nooo...

"Noooo... Seriously?" I couldn't help but feel touched. She nodded to me... February was a bit dark month to me... it was the month where a fire started over my house, and all my equipments were destroyed, even the story boards of all my projects... I was so depressed but I needed to try to keep on track... So I decided to make a kick starter... Named... "Protocol..."

"Fylling alone." She finished my saying while she smiled at me. "I was devastated of what happened to your house, and then you showed a story board about Filly Second in finding the truth about the project Alone... Humdrum would be devastated the moment he know... Filly Second didn't think twice, she went straight to Masked Matter Horn and gave a warning to her, knowing the imminent problems the future would happen, and while Masked Ignored her, Filly screamed in rage one of the most amazing speeches I ever heard in my own life. I wanted to be her... well... actually I'm her." Sonata smiled while my eyes went wide open.

"Seriously?" She nodded while I couldn't help but cheer for her. "That's awesome, I can't believe it. How did you manage that?"

"Well, I watched all your videos and interpretations of all the cast, and I focused so much on Filly Second, then..." Sonata gasped while she opened her mouth and I couldn't help but feel goosebumps on the way she said. "Now I have this voice like I always talk to like that to my friends of the cast, but I couldn't help but imagine eating candy, and more candy and more candy. I have to spend a night in the house of a crazy girl who has pink hair which she strangely accepted my way to study voices while I was with her at her work, at her bathroom, at her house, at her bedroom, and at her couch..."

She was talking so fast... it was like Pinkie Pie but with a pitch voice mixed with it. It was so quickly I couldn't understand much about what she said, so I just nodded my head and said.

"Aham. Okay."

Then Sonata stopped talking, while she corrected her voice again. For my own fortunate.

"I wanted so much to help you, that the moment I took the paper. I decided to help the kick-starter, I even donated 5000 dollars." She said it while my taco went to the floor.

5000 dollars? Wait... one of my adms of my channel was the one who donated such amount...

"Wait... You was the one who donated 5 k? Does that mean?"

"Yep? Well Spike, I'm soooooooooooo sorry about what my sisters did to you and to your sisters, I didn't know they would be trying that. I'm sorry, so sorry, with a piece of Sunday and with Chantilly over the top and with a cherry over the top as well?"

"FillySecondSD?" Asked in shock while I could see her nervous laugh while she was sweating in front of me.

"Hehehe, surprise..." She said in a weak cheerful tone making me look at her in shock...

What in tartarus...