• Published 21st May 2020
  • 1,543 Views, 75 Comments

Anidate me please - CaioCoia

Spike is a famous animator of Metube, and he is being followed by a stalker, he planned to confront his stalker but ended up with him being forced to have a date with her. It ends in the way you expect.

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Chapter 6 - My eye spy.

You must understand one thing Spike, if you have to go on a date, and decided to plan everything since from the morning until the end of the day, scheduled and all... You need to understand one thing… Never happens the way you plan or think.

I remember my sister in law explaining this to me once, when I was asking about Sunset’s date with Flash Sentry and in the end of the day, they were covered with mud and they were dirty, but they seemed really happy because they were laughing since the end of the day. Even when Sunset talks about her date, she laughs like it was a good night...

“Spike, nobody expects a date to be always perfect, sometimes depends by luck. But to make sure you enjoy yourself and the person you invited even in the worst case scenarios it's something everyone must know and learn.” She patted my head and shaking my hair, while I was still too young to understand something.

“Are you still mad with Shining?” I asked while looking at her innocently.

“Hahahahaha. Of course not little Spike, he and I are perfect fine.” I heard Cadance laughing while I looked at outside of the window and I saw my brother sleeping at the dog house.

I still don’t know why…

Yeah, maybe Shining really messed up by not picking the phone. I still don’t understand the girls…

I watched the famous pop star who was looking in awe everything her limousine passed by, while she really is excited to show me everything.

“Look, this is the place where Aria once punched a paparazzi in his face because his camera was looking at somewhere he shouldn’t. That guy learned to not mess up with her after she broke the camera with his face.” The famous Sonata, pop star and one of the most iconic singers over Canterlot High, excitedly described one scene I couldn’t help but gulp in front of her. How can she say that in such smiling face?

“R…Really?” I asked while she still smiling at me nodding really fast.

Well she seemed a bit nervous a few minutes ago, but now she seems like she can be herself.

“Yep, Adagio even had to give some autographs to people around to make sure to not being witness of the punch bag of that paparazzi.” How can she say something so awful in this cheerful tone?

Okay… maybe having Sunset as body guard doesn’t sound a bad idea after all.

Sunset Shimmer Pov:

I’m vigilant, I’m always vigilant when it comes about my little brother. I couldn’t let anyone hurt him, even if was someone who has a freaking crush on him.

I used my bicycle to cross around the streets and with many shortcuts I managed to be in front of the restaurant with time before the limousine approach the street.

I was holding my binoculars borrowed by Twilight while I watched in silence the duo go inside of the Mexican Taco restaurant.

My first judgments? She is too stupid or she is too excited about meeting Spike. Maybe she is too childish to be understood by me. But why Spike is the one who make this naive pop star to fall for him?

I keep my watch while they were still talking outside of the restaurant. I wish I could have borrowed a better equipment from Twilight, she has some spy stuff… she and her stupid movie hobbies…

Something strange passed over the street… A purple van with some parabolic antennae moving like crazy… It passed slowly in the street until stopped in the corner of the street. That was something I would get suspicious first, but I just shrugged off, and kept looking at the restaurant.

It didn’t took long to make me turn my eyes at the van again, because a sudden shout came from inside of the van, taking off my concentration and making me curious of what was inside of the van. But I didn’t need to approach the van to discovered who was inside of the van.

But a sound of the door slamming shut make my eyes open wide to know who was outside of the van.

“What the?” I said while I could see, it was nobody other than one of the sisters who kidnapped me and my brothers on that day.

“I can’t believe it Adagio cough… cough… cough… You had to pass the air spray in my face? Damn, why?” The purple haired girl was coughing while shouting angrily at the van…

I couldn’t hear what the other person inside of the van was saying. But I couldn’t waste an opportunity like that, I smiled with a new idea in my mind.

I approached the van without wasting time, I knocked the door trying to take their attention.

“Who is it?” I heard someone asking me while I have one thought inside my mind.

Too easy. I smiled at myself while I made a deep voice.

“Food service delivery. I’m here with an order made by Adagio Dazzle.”

The moment I said that I heard a muffling conversation inside.

(See? I told you 25 minutes or the order will be free. Ha)

(I can’t believe it, this app is amazing… I should invest on this company.)

The moment the door was open I was smiling waiting for the right moment. The moment the door went open, I saw the face of Adagio who seemed surprised and confuse.

“Wait, you are not…” I didn’t let her finish, I jump straight to her and started to punch her. “Oww, stop it. Hey.”

I wasn’t listening I just kept beating them and pulling her hair, until a voice made me turn my head to look.

“HEY” I heard the other girl looking angrily at me. “What the heck are you doing? Wait… Hold on, you are the girl who was with that boy Spike.”

I didn’t answer that, I went straightly at her to punch her as well, and she knowing I was approaching her she kicked me in the face, while I was launched at the bottom of the van. OH SHE IS DEAD.

I got up and jumped straightly while me and the middle sister went fighting punching each other. That was my payback. Until a scream stopped us.

“WAIT.” The elder sister Adagio came between me and Aria making us stop in our places. “I know both of you want to start a fight, but not on this van, it’s a rented van and we shouldn’t break something inside. Let’s be reasonable and talk about this.”

While I really wanted to beat the crap of them, the elder sister convinced me to stop it, because maybe fighting inside of a van wasn’t a good idea after all. Maybe some expensive stuff would be destroyed.

While I was still angry with both of them, I decided to calm down, at least I beat a bit of them, and that was good enough for me. But damn, that Aria has a good kicking. My face still felt that.

While I looked at the stronger girl over the van, she nodded to her elder sister, making herself to sit in one of the sits inside of the van.

The elder sister Adagio, did the same, and using her finger, gestured to me to take a sit as well. I hesitantly followed her instruction while I still glared daggers at them, but still the fight was over…

We remained in silence until Adagio gave a displeased sigh making me and her sister look at her.

“Okay, let’s not beat around the bush and take care of this elephant inside of the van. We are here because we want to spy our siblings…” Adagio seemed to capture not just my ideals but it seems they are having the same reason of why we are here… Well, they actually brought a van which looks like a FBI one if I look a bit better of inside of this van. “I will offer a bail of what happened a few days ago if you help us… giving information about your brother, and help us to spy this couple and see how this date will leads.”

I raised my eyebrow, and looking at their equipment… cameras, voice recorders, and microphones around the restaurant was being show inside of the van. Well, they have better equipment, and being honest, having to spy them by myself looks really boring to not have anyone to talk about opinions of the matter… Having nothing better to do… Well the choice was a bit obvious.

“Okay, I accept the offer.” I decided to let it go my anger, and I took a sit while looking at the camera with the girls.

“Good… I just hope this ends well…” The elder sister, who was looking at the cameras, gave a quietly pray, it seems she was hopping her sister would have a good time…

“Yeah, me too.” I have to admit, they really made me mad, but I don’t want to Spike feel hurt, I hope he has a good time. “Spike I hope you enjoy your time.”

That’s we have in common, pray for something good happens to our siblings.