• Published 21st May 2020
  • 1,544 Views, 75 Comments

Anidate me please - CaioCoia

Spike is a famous animator of Metube, and he is being followed by a stalker, he planned to confront his stalker but ended up with him being forced to have a date with her. It ends in the way you expect.

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(Bonus chapter after date.) Humdrum Rewrite video.

Humdrum looked at what would be something he never thought would be in his whole life... a tiny kid with green hair wearing a tiny cape and simple uniform... His kid version of the past.

"Past me?" Humdrum who was wearing a purple costume combined with black looked at his own kid version in fear and disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh yeah." The little Humdrum said after remembering the reason he was there. He then brought up from his pocket what would be a tiny clock. "You know about the hourglass prototype right? I asked it to take me to meet my future self when I'm big and strong!"

The little kid admired the version of his older self as he looked in concern of how the boy would view him, Humdrum from the actual days had to wear a lot over his arms, since there were many scars around his body, since the fight against the Blacktorching family, his own family against Power Ponies. He tried to hide his arms while the boy looked at him as an idol of a movie.

"Gosh, I must've been taking far! How old are you?" The boy of 8 years old looked like the actual Humdrum who seemed to be from a future of 20 or 30 years old in the future, never thought his older self was merely...

"Uh... 16." Humdrum as nervous decided to say his age, leaving the little boy in thoughts... as the boy hummed as thinking.

"...hmm... So this is puberty hu?." Humdrum asked but the older version of himself decided to not continue the conversation with him.

"Listen, little me. This isn't a good time. You need to go back. You will see for yourself how-." As Humdrum decided to advise the kid of the past, Humdrum dragon scar on his neck got showed and at the moment the kid noticed that couldn't help but point it.

"Wait... what's up with your neck?"

The future Humdrum stopped talking, as he tried to look at his neck.

"My... neck?" Humdrum asked as he was fearful of what was over there, and his worst traumas attached his mind as the point of the little Humdrum to him.

"It looks like a dragon?" The little boy didn't imagine the story behind the mark on the neck of his future self, and at the moment he said that Humdrum became in panic as many thoughts appeared on his mind as the little kid asked more questions. "Is that a new power? It makes you transform into a dragon? Can you shot flames right now? That would be so awesome."

"D...dragon?" Humdrum pressed the scar as he tried to remain in control as the little boy looked at his future self in concern.

"Big me... are you okay?" At the question, he said that Humdrum released his hand and put his hands over the little version of himself of the past.

"Humdrum, listen carefully. This isn't what you want. This isn't a GOOD FUTURE. But maybe you can stop this. Or at least make it hurt less." Humdrum from the future pressed his hand over the little boy as he looked deep in his eyes and warned the kid of himself who seemed so confused and scared.


"Power Ponies wasn't lead by Masked Matterhorn, our father Iron Hooves was the one who created the power ponies. But he isn't what he seems to be... He was a villain named the Manerin Blacktorching whose family is a group of tyrannical villains who only care about one thing... family... The Maretropolist Kidnap, the bone bomb, the Kraken virus... You need to befriend Scale Blacktorching, he is our cousin who we can trust our lives on him... You need to save Tails Flame when she appears for the first time, you will meet her and you will know what to do when you find her. YOU NEED TO TALK FILLY SECOND ABOUT YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, she is the only Power Pony who wanted to tell us the truth. TELL MASKED MATTERHORN YOU KNOW ABOUT FATHER'S SECRET OKAY?" As the future version of himself shouts the instructions, the little version of himself looked so surprised and without a reaction as he listened to everything without understanding what he said, but from the tone of his own voice, he looked like he was despairingly giving him the instructions. As he did his best to understand the words given to him.

"Wake up metal stallion. He is jailed in the maretropolist headquarters V sleeping from an attack of our father, oh and find Blublegum, he was the friend of our father when he was still a villain but the only thing he needs now is a friend to give him a hug, he is located into an unknown island where our uncle Doctor Edgard Brainstruck knows, please to make him listen to you, you must make him hear you say you want to make an appointment with the doctor as a psychologist... Because we needed it. And I still need, please tell him about everything, even if he is a villain when you tell him about you and dad... He will protect you and treats you as his family as we always were."

"You need to convince our uncles and aunties to stop their conquest over the world or just the future nations near maretropolis and stop the war against Power Ponies as 20 years ago. I... I don't know how to warn you about Grandpa...But it will be okay... I think."

As the future version of Humdrum kept saying instructions, the little kid was sweating as he looked confuse and scared of what happened during 8 years to make himself look like that.

As the little boy was proceeding to understand the instructions, the clock on his pocket started to shine strongly as it was angrily from sudden spoilers of the future events.

The future version of himself looked at the boy who was looking at the clock, the future Humdrum smiled tiredly.

"Of course, looks like it doesn't like me messing with your timeline. Time's almost up." The Humdrum tears started to appear as he gave a final smile to his kid version. "I know it's a lot. But... I believe in you Humdrum. You can fix it. All of it. Better than I could. And... maybe afterward, you'll have a better chance of fixing yourself."

The boy looked confused...

"I- wait. I don't understand-" Humdrum was still trying to find words to say his thoughts, but he felt the warm hug of his future version, as all the weight over the shoulders of the old self he has been carrying for 8 years, was finally getting loosen up for a few minutes, as he hugged tightly at the little boy.

"It's alright. Just start with Filly Second and Masked Matterhorn. It will work out. I promise." The old version smiled as he cried as he remained hugging.

"Wait. What about?" The kid tried to ask as he was cut from his future self.

"Oh, right, don't forget to live your life as a child Humdrum... You are still a kid, and you must have a normal life when you want to enjoy your childhood. You are still a human Humdrum. No matter what."

"But... what about." The kid once again tried to ask, as his older self interrupted him, as he looked at him tiredly.

"Am I forgetting something? Maybe you should have saved that..." The older self of Humdrum was trying to remember as he talked, but then the little kid Humdrum shouted out.



"BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU?"!" Humdrum's tears appeared behind the little mask who seemed totally impacted by everything he heard, from all the problems there was just one focus on his mind, he was worried about his future self. "I'M WORRIED."

The Humdrum of the future once again put his hand over the arms of the little Humdrum as he smiled peacefully as the little kid has many tears crossing through his face.

"Hehe... sniff...Don't worry about me. Time for you to go." As the little Humdrum started to glow before go back to the past,.

"I..." Humdrum started crying but his face looked of determination. "I BELIEVE IN YOU TOO! WE'RE THE SAME PERSON. SO IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN TOO. HUMDRUM PLEASE!"

The river of tears crossed the face of the kid as he finally vanished back to his time, leaving a smiling broken teenager who finally felt the hope and the relief of open himself.

"Take care of them Humdrum. Better than I could. I believe in you..." As Humdrum took his mask off to clean his tears, he looked at the city who seemed ready to one more night as a vigilant who does save the day without help... "Focus... time to save the night."

The piano still playing as the black curtain appeared finishing the animation.

“Hey everyone, Spike’s here, thanks so much for watching, I want to give you a special thanks to everyone who donated to this little project as it's finally here, this little dream project who started with a few sketches a year ago, as a little child I have the proud to announce Power Ponies Humdrum Rewrite project is here. I want you all to comment and give a great emoji to the people who supported this project, to all the admins who helped me to take care of this channel... It's been a long journey, I have nothing to say than... You made this dream become true... And words cannot describe how proud I'm of this child who finally can walk. So, thank you so much. You’re the best. Thank you so much for helping me with this little dream of mine. Spike Out... See you at the convention..."