• Published 21st May 2020
  • 1,543 Views, 75 Comments

Anidate me please - CaioCoia

Spike is a famous animator of Metube, and he is being followed by a stalker, he planned to confront his stalker but ended up with him being forced to have a date with her. It ends in the way you expect.

  • ...

A family time

At the moment I opened the door. I knew this weekend couldn't be better... Because now everything I want at the moment happened in front of me.

"Oh look at that. Flurry heart grew up so much." I played with my grand-niece as she giggled at me making raspberry on her belly. "Pffff... pfff."

"Mother, you just went to our apartment last month." I heard Shining Armor complain as he drank a cup of soda with Cadence on his side, as she smiled at me playing with my grand-niece. "Anyway, where is mom?"

"Oh, Velvet is taking Sunset to the slumber party with Twilight, soon she will be here, you should have called us to say you are going to spend the weekend with us, that would have made us ready to buy groceries and make a good dinner tonight," I said as I looked at the baby who made my entire day of work looks like nothing... "But this can be fixed tomorrow."

"Well, we wanted to make a surprise... So aunty, can you tell me how have you been?" Candance said as she and Blueblood sat beside us near the table with a soda bottle. "Something happened while we were out of the town?"

I smiled at her, as I handed the little angel to my son-in-law.

"Oh Cadance, nothing much happened... Just having a boredom parents and teachers meeting today... And Spike is dating a pop star... Nothing too much..." I waved my hand.

"Oh, that just sucks, parents meeting is..."Cadance was talking as she paused promptly as her eyes went wide open and her mouth froze in place... "Excuse me... can you repeat the last sentence?"

"Nothing too much," I said as I smiled, noticing Cadance looking at Shining Armor who was in shock the same way as her, as he shrugged with both his arms like he doesn't know anything.

"No aunty, she meant about Spike." Blueblood who seemed shocked as well decided to ask me. I smiled as I looked around to see if Spike was near.

"Spike went to a date with a pop star... Sonata Dusk is her name... I know about my students telling about her and her sisters the dazzlings." I said while I heard Cadance gasp in surprise, as Shining Armor too. Blueblood raised his eyebrow surprised.

"Wow, but how?" Cadance suddenly her face was showing the same smile as Velvet and I when we discovered Spike having a good potential girlfriend. "Tell me everything. I want to know about her likes, dislikes, what you saw on her and your opinion about her... What she was wearing? What Spike was wearing? Where they went? I want to know every single detail."

I giggled at her reaction. Knowing Cadance she always loved to know about the love interests of her own cousins. As I was going to answer her questions, Blueblood and Shining Armor decided to leave both of us.

"Aunty, we are going to stay with Spike, tell us when dinner is ready alright?"

"Okay," I said as I could see Cadance so happy... Well, who wouldn't be? I and Velvy have been this excited after knowing about this bomb for 2 days... Spike and a girl who likes him? That's something we must be proud of. "Okay, so from what Spike told me, everything happened when..."

I couldn't be more excited to tell them about how interesting things happened to him a few days ago.


As I was laying down at my own bed, I didn't have any more forces for today, the day was amazing but still exhaustive. Much revelations. And after everything, I ate today. I'm just glad I will have a good night of peace and ...

"FBI OPEN UP" Loud knocks from my door made me fall from my bed in such a hurry. My eyes went wide open as such a shout made my heartbeat like a machine. At the moment I recovered from having a panic attack, I calmed myself using deep breaths.

My eyes narrowed as I walked stomping at the floor angrily, opening my door to 2 adults who were smiling like devious kids. They were holding their laughs as I was looking at them with both anger and unsurprised.

"That's not funny," I said unamused as my eyes narrowed from their chuckling.

"Oh come on Spike? You know this is hilarious." Shining Armor gave me a hug which I reluctantly answered.

"Yeah. On the first 3 times... now it lost the comedy." I said annoyed, looking at my cousin Blueblood hugging me which I accepted. "It's been so long guys. How have you been?"

Blueblood went to my chair beside my computer and turn on as we talked...

"Well the usual, soon my college will be in recess and I will be free to enjoy my free time away from the law."

I chuckled from his vent... he usually works hard but complains like a champion as well.

"That's the way of the lawyers, if you want to be one, you should know the laws first," I said as Shining Armor followed me after closing the door. "So, you are going to pass the weekend here?"

"Yep, you better believe it." Both said in unison which made my smile grow wide.

"Then we gotta lot work to do guys," I said after seeing their smiles grew wide as mine. I went to my computer and I started the program of animation. "So guys, how do you think the voice of Humdrum should be?"

Blueblood took a look at the script over my table and started reading aloud.

"Humdrum, listen carefully. This isn't what you want. This isn't a GOOD FUTURE. But maybe you can stop this. Or at least make it hurt less. Humdrum from the future pressed his hand over the little boy as he looked deep in his eyes and warned the kid of himself who seemed so confused and scared." Blueblood then remained quiet as Shining Armor took a glance at the script over the table and read it quietly.

I waited anxious about their reaction, as both then with their eyes wide open looked at me.

"Brother, I told you to make them feel pain... not to destroy their souls... this is going to make people cry, for sure..." Shining Armor said as he laid down the script over my table.

"Okay, Spike confess... when you planned this script? Because that must have taken much effort to plan this." Blueblood sat on my chair and looked in disbelief.

"Well good point Bluey, I've been planning this since from the start of the protocol Fillying alone." As I said, both Shining and Blueblood winced from my words.

"Dude, I'm still trying to overcome the protocol Fillying Alone. That just destroyed me..." Blueblood said as he looked at the script again. "I never felt so much hatred to someone than the grandfather of Blacktorching and especially the Iron Hooves... It was messed up..."

"Well to be fair, that was the greatest development of Filly Second, and one of the reasons she was the most badass of the power ponies." Shining Armor showed his point as I nodded to him.

"Yeah, and the protocol was the reason why Sonata Dusk became the voice actress of Filly Second of the TV series," I said as I opened the frame I have stopped a few days ago, and without noticing I let it out that little fact, which a few minutes later the silence remained in my room... strangely quiet... "Guys?"

I turned around and I saw both my brother and cousin remained on their spots... frozen...

"Shining, Blueblood? Are you alright?" I asked with my eyebrow raised and in concern...

"Sonata Dusk? The same pop star girl who you were dating? Is she the Filly Second's voice actress?" Shining Armor asked, leaving me sheepishly...

"Oh... yeah... mom may have told you about that. Well yeah, Sonata Dusk is the one I went on the date today, and to my surprise... my videos are what make her no give up on her dreams, and with the Protocol Fillying Alone, she was so inspired and determined to take Filly Second paper..." I smiled at them as I remembered how well went my date. "Oh, by the way Bluey, you will not believe it... She is FillySecondSD."

"The Metube Admin?" Blueblood looked at me surprised and in disbelief. "Wow, never thought about someone as the admin would be a pop star, let alone be one of the voice actress of the power ponies."

"Yeah, tell me about it... Now that makes sense on how she knew were I live, I've told my admins in some of their questions, and maybe Sonata wanted to visit me." I said after having thought about how my stalker have been knowing where I was all the time... now that I think about it, I should not tell much people where I live...

"Spike?" Then a voice made me snap from my thoughts and it was Shining Armor who was snapping his fingers in front of me. "Hello, earth to Spike."

I shook my head as I looked at my brother who seemed with his eyebrow raised.

"Sorry Shining I didn't hear, can you tell me again what you said?" I kinda felt bad for ignoring my brother as he seemed to just shrugged and sit on my bed.

"So, tell me how she is... describe me her profile." Shining Armor closed his eyes as I rolled mine.

"Seriously? You want to act as a cop now?" I asked but it seems my question was ignored by him... I looked at Blueblood, who seemed so focused on reading the script that even he ignored what I have said... "Alright, she is hyper-active, nice, clumsy, and the most clueless person I have ever met... actually no, she is tied with Pinkie Pie, she is one palm higher than me, she uses a long blue and fuchsia ponytail."

Shining Armor then gave a snort as he got up from my bed who seemed satisfied with the profile.

"You've gotten good on making profiles bro. Who taught you that?" Shining Armor smiled proudly and with a cocky attitude, which I'm more than help it to crush it...

"Mom Velvet taught me." I said which made he look at me in disbelief.

"WHAT? NO." He shouted in disbelief, as I shrugged my arms and dropped my head to side as shaking.

"Sorry bro, but that's the truth, she wrote a famous criminal novel and it was such joy that I even learn some good parts on how to make a profile..." I said as I grinned like a devil, making him sigh in disappointment... "Alright, let's stop wasting time. Let's focus on work, and later I will tell you about everything."

Shining Armor nodded to me as he walked at the table to take a look once more at the script.

"Okay, do you need some background music?" He asked as he took a paper and a pencil.

"Yeah, I want something deep and heartful, sad but beautiful at the same time," I explained. As shining armor decided to go to the keyboard and started writing the partiture. "I want to make people cry."

" Yeah, I noticed," Shining said as he smiled at me. "I don't know how you sleep at night Spike, but this will attract everyone after watching the animation."

"I know... but I think that's a good way to make something for the fans before going to the convention." I wasn't going to tell them about the pizza night because I want to focus on the now. "Blue do you have some ideas?"

Blueblood remained reading the script and then after closing his eyes he took a deep breath...

"Alright, I'm ready." Blueblood's voice changed 2 tones high sounding like a teenager who seemed to have toned down his voice to make a serious remark of his past... "I think that's how Humdrum should sound on this script."

"Perfect, you really sound like him. I will try to use the voice program to make a more juvenile version of your voice to make the little Humdrum, and this way we can already start recording." I said as I took my microphone and lend to Bluey who seemed ready as I made sure to make not a sound and thankfully my bedroom is with sound-proof walls, to make a good time to voice record in some of my comic dubs and animations. "Guys, I have to say... thank you for helping me out with this project... I know you have been busy with your daily lives, but I promise this will be one of my best projects... I swear..."

Both Shining and Blueblood nodded happily as they felt the pride in themselves at the moment I was thankful... They were the first people who gave their support when I said I wanted to start animating... heck, they even gave me their free time to listen to my ideas and even be here to help me from the beginning... We are family, and if wasn't for their support maybe I would have given up a long time ago... and doing that... Sonata couldn't have taken the paper...

"Guys, this time I will not just do this for me... I inspired someone who gave her best to follow her dreams... If I made her not give up and I changed her life in such a way, who knows what other lives I have changed from my effort. So this time, I want to give more than my all... I want to surpass my limits, and I want you both to give me your all as well... Because of this prologue... Will be something they will never imagine it will be... This will be a start of a new universe... LET'S START THE REWRITE... IN 3, 2, 1. ACTION." I pressed the start of the voice recording...

This will be my best work, I know it will...