• Published 9th May 2020
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DOOM of Griffonstone! - ShadowStar_IMHP

[Displaced] Victor Von Doom was a Character in Marvel comics. So why am I in his head? Why are we in Griffonstone? I also must ask... who am I?

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Chapter Seven: Have fun storming the castle!

Doom’s POV

Once Luna vanished from the mindscape Victor turned to Hans. “You idiot. Do you think before you speak or is there no filter on that brain of yours.”

“Wait, what? What did I do?”

“You told her I was going to be the future ruler of Griffonstone. Now you alerted the equestrians to my goals and my location. I have no expectation they will alert this Chamberlin and the council of my impending attack.” Doom starts walking his arms behind his back. “Did you notice I waited till I heard some guards spotted seeing me before I jumped into the Abyss. That was to create doubt I was going to attack if at best they would think I jumped to my death.”

Turning he blurs across the room and grips Hans by the neck, his voice a rage-filled scream. “THIS IS NOW NOT POSSIBLE. The Equestrians would most likely warn the Chamberlin. Thanks to your foolishness when I make my way to the castle they will be prepared. Now I don’t have the element of surprise.” Then Doom lets Hans go. “Something is wrong with you.”

Hans gasps rubbing his neck. “I think I’m a little power-mad. Is that a thing in dreams?” Hans straightens up and looks around raising his hand. He and Doom are back in the art gallery in front of the painting of his father beating him.

“I was a failed artist. I even showed my work to someone from Marvel, he said I needed to work on my proportions. So I got an anatomy book. My father found it and saw just pictures of nude men and beat me with a belt.” Hans looked around then motions to the Heart Attack painting/memory. “He had one heart attack by that time. So… I listened to the doctors he didn’t.”

Doom watched the scene play out Hans' father dying then the younger Hans reaching up to the top of a cupboard and taking out a bottle marked Potassium supplement. Then tossed it into the trash. “Potassium is known to cause irregular heart… You poisoned your father?”

“In a roundabout way, you could say that. Potassium itself isn’t a poison, and the bastard did have a love for fried potato wedges. I just nudged the statistics of a second heart attack a bit. If he paid attention to his health he wouldn’t have had the heart attack in the first place.”

Hans moved closer to the painting. “I tried to be an artist again. Paintings, drawings, but… I was always just shy of being good enough. The only thing I was really good at was costumes, making cosplay outfits.” He turns to look at Doom.

Hans laughs “The whole world is a stage and we are just actors playing our parts. Until now my life was a tragedy or at least the parts I can still remember.”

A flash and they were in a kitchen Hans father yelling at a woman with brown hair the type of woman not pretty, and not ugly… normal, next-door neighbor looking. “I think she was my mother.” Then Hans' father backhands her, she falls her head hitting the countertop and slumps to the ground. Blood oozing out of her ears and back of her head.

“From what I have seen of you Victor, do you think he deserved death?”

“I heard you. You asked Princess Luna if she was admiring your work. You didn’t say art, you were talking about him dying.”

“Yes, lies are the fall back of a coward. Truth from a certain point of view, the clever can manipulate the view. I was ready to go to jail to be free of him. No one figured it out.” Hans looked around “Here, in this dreamscape? Mindscape? Whatever it is. I am free to create without the limits of flesh or real skill. It was all from my mind crafted with my thoughts. Here I am a god.”

“No, you are not. I was a god, believe me, it's not all it cracked up to be.”

“You found it beneath you.” The painting changes to panels of a comic, doom saying those very words.

“Hmm, what challenge is there left when one is a god? Quite boring. Remember Hans here, just like in the waking world. I AM DOOM.” With that, the world shatters and the two figures stand on a circular ground floor in a void of darkness deeper than black. “Your power is only a small reflection of mine.”

Hans looked around then to doom and bows. “Yes, my liege, I understand.”

Doom vanishes as he wakes up. In the mindscape, Hans looks around. “Oh well, back to the drawing board.”

Doom wakes up still in the cross leg pose. It was a pose one got used to when focusing on complex magic.

Rising up he checked the logs of his suit for any sign they were an intrusion on the workshop. Seeing no record of disturbance he looks to Gilda still asleep on the couch. His eyes look at her from lying there sleeping on her front the wings of her body held close for warmth. Shaking his head he mentally cursed himself for not thinking about ways to keep her warm during the night.

He went into the workshop and picked up one of the iron ore samples he drew aluminum from then putting it in the forge of the workshop he uses a controlled burst of his blaster to heat it up to a glowing red. The warmth of the heated ore soon started to warm up the early morning air. His eyes look to the window noting the faint increase of light.

Then he headed into the office “Gilda get up, It's time for us to move.”

“Fuck off dad, the school closed today…”


“SQUAWK!?!” Gilda leaps up her wings and feathers standing up and eyes looking around wildly. Then she sees Doom “What? Oh… doom?” She stands up rubbing her eyes. “It’s so dark… what time is it?”

“It’s pre-dawn I calculate the sun will be rising in about half an hour.”

“Why so early?” She yawns stretching.

Doom watched her form. She didn’t have any breasts; it makes sense the Griffons didn’t have lips and suckling with a beak was physically impossible. This is also aligned with the reference of the young hatching. Still, her form was feminine sleek form some would call tomboyish, or pixie-like, very agile in construction and muscle structure. Doom turns once his sight, his eyes go down her spine to her rear.

Gilda stopped and eyed doom “What? Some of my feathers are out of alignment or something?”

He shook his head “Nothing just thinking to myself.” Turning he heads into the workshop and to the double doors used to bring in large items, like the cart he fixed. “Gilda you will be in charge of the cart. Do not let anything happen to the Idol.”

“What would you be doing?”

“From what I suspect I will be fighting the entire guard force of this city, plus any civilians seeking bounty, and perhaps even a few Equestrians.” He punches the area where the lock was located on the outside smashing the heavy doors apart. Then throwing them fully open.

“Right now will be the best time. The Owlblood would be tired from working all night, the day guards would be groggy from waking up. Try to stay two carts length away from me, for your own safety”.

He heard Gilda speak softly to herself. “They aren’t the only ones groggy…”

‘Have fun storming the castle’. Hans’s voice echoed in his mind.

‘Don’t distract me. This is already harder thanks to your mistake’.

Gilda’s POV

The sun wasn’t even up and they were moving. She could barely see in the pre-morning. Sure she wasn’t blind just overly dark. Much worse, no breakfast, tired, and well she was cold but the warmth from a forge was nice. Too bad she had to leave it.

Doom threw open the doors like some grand display. Without the cloak, she could see the faint moonlight reflecting off the metal encasing his head.

She gripped the handles of the cart and started pulling it behind her. They reached the main road when the first group of guards spotted them. Three owlblooded Griffons swooped down each with a spear and showed no hesitation in trying to kill him.

It was sudden at the speed Doom moved. She once thought such armor would make someone slow. Doom however showed no sign of being slow as electricity jumped along the length of his gauntlets. Grabbing a spear he sent an electrical blast at the guard. The other two took the chance and tried to spear him.

Both spears snap once they hit the titanium armor. He grips one guard and throws him into the other. Then fires off his Nerve Impulse Scrambler causing the guards to drop.

“Are.. are they dead?” Gilda asks not sure she wanted to really know.

“No, it would be counter to my goals to lead a trail of bodies as I climb this tree to the castle. Once I rose to save my people. Today I rise to save yours. Now come, our window of opportunity is limited.”

It wasn’t that many in each group as they made their way to the upper root district. That where the first change happened.

“HEY TIN CAN! I BROUGHT THE BACKUP!” Glados yells as fifteen griffons land. Glados herself had two matchlock pistols strapped to her belt and a sword. Gunpowder wasn’t used often for weapons when most magical creatures are too tough for a metal ball to penetrate unless you had a very good aim for the weak spots. So guns were very rare after all Unicorns were born with a built-in long-range weapon, Griffons had natural talons as sharp as knives. Guns were mostly useless, more for the show than real effectiveness in combat.
“I see, permit me to salute your courage, A pity you have not the power to match it,” Doom says with an almost bored tone as electrical energy sparked among his fingers.

Glados looked to the guards with her. “Don’t stand there like some crappy nameless thugs in a Daring Doo story! ATTACK!”

The guards rush forward as Glados leaps into the air. Suddenly Gilda was glad Doom told her to stay back, all around Doom lighting seemed to come to life striking the majority of the guards.

Gilda's focus shifted as a shadow caught her attention and she leaped back just in time as Glados’s sword came down slicing her cheek. “Don’t think I didn’t forget about you. You brought this monster to the city!”

In the back of her mind, Doom’s voice echoed ‘You do magic without thinking about it when you fly. I noticed it when the others fled. It’s magic that helps you fly in fact. Without magic, your bodies would be too heavy for your wings.’

Focus and will power, that what Doom said she needed to use magic. She leaped away from the sword of Glados as she raised her hands. Deep within she felt the feeling she uses when flying, this she always thought was some muscle memory, now she trusts Doom. Her body had magic, she had the desire, of course, she didn’t know what she was doing all she thought of was stopping Glados.

“Begging for mercy! I didn’t think you were… AGH” The flash of light was blinding, in the early morning, it was even more effective. Unfortunately, that was all Gilda did a flash of light.

Glados stepped back to rub her eyes as she fought against the spots in her eyes. “Your mad Glados! DOOM GOING TO HELP US!” Gilda leaps at her prey, her talons striking the leather armor Glados had on.

The armor was made to handle such abuse so Gilda's attack was minimal before Glados struck back kicking her in the shin sending Gilda to her knees. “Stupid moron! That thing is going to cause the Prince to cut off the food aid, we starve!”

Then Gilda’s eyes widened not because of what Glados said but because of the figure standing behind the other Griffon. “From what I can see, your people are already starving.”

Glados squeaks as a metal hand grabs the back of her neck. “No one harms those under my protection.” The metal hand starts tightening. “The last thing you will hear is the shattering of your vertebrae one by one.”

Horror returns to Gilda's mind as she watches Doom slowly kill Glados. Once more reminding her that this armored figure was an apex predator. With a toss, the body of Glados went rolling into a building. “You did your first magic spell. Unfocused, it was nothing more than a flash, a magic equivalent of a scream. Still, more than most of my kind could do.” He turns to look at the groaning forms of guards. “We need to continue, the battle has just started.”

Then Doom looks up as the ground starts to rumble with the morning tremors. It was not officially morning the sun was already up but it leaped across the sky as the Equestrian Princess rose the sun in her land.

“GRIFFONS OF GRIFFONSTONE! Hear me, you fight and argue among each other for scraps and a fallen city. Equestrians work your people every day for what? Is it not enough food? No, or there wouldn’t be cubs eating termites! Is it pay? Who has enough coin to not be in debt? I tell you who gets the food and coin! The Lords and Councilmembers in the higher branches! You are a proud species. I heard the story of how you lost your pride when the Idol of Boreas was stolen. This is wrong! If you had no pride you would not complain! If you had no Pride you would be silent. What you lost is your leadership! You lost hope, not pride! You no longer see the point in trying. A real Leader doesn’t just govern, they Inspire! Those who are afraid of you tell you that you don’t have pride! They want you to have no hope. Controlling people with Pride is easy, controlling people with Hope is impossible.”

Around her, Gilda sees Griffons who were hiding before coming out of the buildings.

“Why should we listen to you?” An old griffon with no feathers on his head and one good eye came forward. Grandpa or Grampa Gruff as some call him came forward showing no fear of Doctor Doom. “We heard it before. Some hotshot chamberlain squawking about how he will fix things, only to do nothing or make things worse.”

“I seek no wealth.” He removes more of the aluminum from his belt and tosses to the growing crowd. “I have the knowledge to make more. Enough to make Griffonstone the heart of Moon Silver manufacturing in the world. That will easily bring jobs back to replace the lost Steel jobs. This is not the main reason you should trust me. I will be doing something that only King Grover has done!”

Doom went over to the cart and yanks his cloak off revealing the Idol of Boreas “Bring you the hope for the future! Now Join me! Together we all can turn Griffonstone into a land even the Equestrians envy!”

“Hmm, so this is what you meant when you said I would know when to speak with you.” Grandpa Gruff looks at the large griffon who serves as his guard. “Kronk, take the cart and follow…” Grandpa Gruff looks to Doom. “Who are you again?”

“Raising his Infinity Gauntlet fist into the air. “I am DOCTOR DOOM! If you have me I shall be your ruler!”

Gilda looked around as the chanting voices rose into the air. “DOOM, DOOM, DOOM.”

“Good! Now to kick that Chamberlin out of my new Castle!” Doom spun around and started walking back up the street entering the Merchant district.

Behind him, Gilda followed with Kronk pulling the cart. Behind them, an army of poor and downtrodden griffons was on the march.

Along the zig-zagging trunk road, there wasn’t much fighting. Wasn’t much room on the path, the stores were carved into the trunk.

There at the entrance to the lower branch district were three cannons. Sanding there was the Lord Cristoff from the group that searched Gilda’s house. “Ugh… the peasants are revolting.”

“From my perspective, you are revolting.”

Lord Cristoff looks to his troops. “Kill them all. FIRE THE CANNONS!”

Gasps of horror were heard from behind Gilda before the thunderous roar of the cannons. She expected pain or at least a flash of agony before death. As the gunpowder smoke cleared she saw Doom standing there with his arms outstretched and a glowing field of energy. Three cannonballs floating in the energy field. “My turn.”

It was as if Doom became the embodiment of his name. Rising in the air his cloak billowed around him. Gilda's heart started racing with the awe she felt seeing the display of power. Deep in her bones, she could feel the magical forces Doom was channeling.

“Creatures of fear and terror I summon, THEE!”

On the ground, a pattern of magic form and from the center of the circle rose beings of black shadow. Creatures she instinctively was repulsed by. Creatures of nightmares.

The Nightmare creatures rushed forward. The guards were helpless as blades and talons sliced through the smoke like forms. Soon they were screaming as nightmares attacked the minds of the guards.

Landing Doom started walking again with a snap of his fingers the shadowy nightmare creatures faded into nothingness.

Celestia’s POV

Celestia got the letter just after she finished raising the sun.

Dear Auntie

The city of Griffonstone is now under assault from that monster you warned us about. The Griffon’s guards are out in full force. Two hundred members, as well as tree cannons, are between us and this beast. They wish to thank you for the warning.

I’m sure even if this monster gets past the guards, there is still the elite fighter Stoneslasher. A mighty Minotaur gladiator.

Even then you did state this monster wants Equestria to withdraw our diplomats. This shows intelligence and unwillingness to harm our ponies. I and my personal guard are ready to flee if we need to. Today I will be taking my yacht home in either case.

Your nephew
Prince Blueblood.

Celestia puts down the letter hoping that whatever is happening in Griffonstone. She looks at the records and trade agreements with the griffon nation. “What legal authority do I have sending backup?” She needed a reason some sign this Doom was a planetary threat instead of a localized monster attack.

The door of her office bursts open and Luna stands shaking there in her nightgown. “CELESTIA! NIGHTMARES!”

There it was. “Nightmare creatures. Luna, you sure?”

Celestia rarely saw fear in her younger sister. She was often the first to draw a weapon and charge into battle. That was something she always admired in her younger sibling. Still seeing the wide eyes and lowered ears of panic on her sister were unnerving. Celestia stood and hugged her sister. “I take care of it. Even if I have to send Twilight and the other bearers.”

“Hundred… there were over a hundred of them.”

Celestia blinks “In that case… I go myself.”

Determination formed on her face as she looked to the guards and one of her assistance. “Raven Inkwell, cancel all my appointments and meetings. Have my armor ready, I'm going personally to Griffonstone.”

Gilda’s POV

Gilda walked beside the cart. She couldn’t count how many guards were now fighting their own inner demons. Lost in nightmares there was no resistance to the followers of Doom as they headed to the higher branches.

At the castle's gate was a ten-foot-tall Minotaur. As well as the council members and to the left were the Equestrians including Blueblood. Unlike the guards, the minotaur had no armor. “Magic, Armor, spells, these mean nothing to StoneSlasher! I am Honor bound to defend those I serve. We heard your speech, fancy words but do you have any honor? You who used nightmares to fight for you?”

“Only fools doubt the honor of Doctor Doom “

“Then Doctor Doom, I Stoneslasher challenge you on your honor to a fight to the death. NO weapons, no armor, no magic.”

Gilda looked to doom. “Doom… That’s the Council enforcer! He never lost a duel”

Doom didn’t speak, he reached up and removed his mask revealing his scarred face. The voice of Blueblood was heard over the gasps. “Disgusting.”

He then handed Gilda the mask. “Hold this for me, Gilda.”

Then the cloak and tunic of his outfit seemed to get drawn into the golden disks on his armor. Of course, he researched the Fantastic Four’s unstable molecule uniforms and formed fabric with even more improved function. Like being able to be stored into ultra-small containers.

Once the fabric was stored the armor itself opened up in a similar method as Tony Stark's armor. Gilda watched as he stepped out of the armor for the first time since she met him.

His body was well-formed muscles defined with no trace of fat. His body was pinkish-tan like his face. There were no claws, no natural armor, no advantages Gilda could see. How such a creature became an alpha predator she couldn’t even imagine.

Just like his face, there were scars. Though there were no melted effects, there were burn scars and jagged scars from healed cuts. Her eyes took him in, every muscle, every scar. Again the question came to her mind. How could someone suffer so much and be sane, looking at the 6’2 figure staring at the 10-foot tall minotaur? She wonders if Doom was sane at all, brilliant yes, but was he insane?

There was no vocal start to the duel, it just seemed both fighters started circling around each other, then some unspoken moment Stoneslasher charged. The force of the punch was strong enough to form bruises on Dooms arms he used to block the blow.

“Impressive, but you're going light on me. Don’t hold back.” Doom spoke up to Stone.

“Hmm, very well. I was going to spare you the disgrace, but if you insist.”

The fight intensified as Doom showed how such a creature could become a predator. Agility was the answer he was moving and dodging as if his body was water. Gilda didn’t know what it was but the reality was Doom was an expert in various martial arts. The Mix martial arts versus an opponent that relied on brute tactics of punching. Years of fighting the likes of the Thing and even the Hulk fine-tuned Doom’s reflexes to the fighting style of his opponent.

On top of that Doom was noticing a flaw in the Minotaur’s body, the legs were hooved digitigrade. Sure the hooves were wide enough to support the mass of his opponent, but such a leg construction with the added weight of hundreds of pounds of muscle. The Minotaur couldn’t kick, he was all fist fighting.

Gilda blinked as Doom’s fight style shifted instead of punches between dodges he started kicking. Those feet wide base provided him the angles and leverage to deliver devastating kicks, with a longer range of his arms. Soon the fight started changing where doom was no longer on the defensive, but on the offensive.

That when something caught her eyes. A glow of gold, Blueblood was charging a magic spell. “DOOM! BEHIND YOU!”
Doom’s POV

“DOOM! BEHIND YOU!” Gilda’s voice called out. He couldn’t look Stoneslasher was charging any distraction would be his end.

Instead of dodging Doom rushed to meet the Minotaur grabbing those bull horns and using his martial art training shifted the momentum. Using the charge of his opponent to his advantage doom fell back pulling Stoneslasher over him using the massive bulk as a shield.

Just as Blueblood’s magic spell fired, blasting a burning wound into the minotaur’s back. “STUPID GRIFFON!”

Doom stood up. “This Honorable Duel is over. It seems I have to teach you Equestrians a lesson.”

He didn’t stand still as the other equestrians started to join the fight. Three unicorn guards as well as Blueblood. Two Pegasus, and four earth ponies.

Blueblood horn lit up ready to fire when a tomato smashed into his face. The young griffon Faina laughed. “GOT THAT HORN HEAD!” The distraction was enough for Doom to get back to his armor and once it sealed up he held down his hand.

“Gilda, my mask.” Handing the mask over she looked to the Equestrians with pure hate.

It appeared as the two groups were about to fight to the death when the air itself burst into flames. There standing just where Doom was standing a few seconds ago was a gold armored Celestia.

In full Royal Canterlot Voice. “WHAT IN TARTARUS IS GOING ON HERE!”

Author's Note:

I'm basing Doom's appearance on this image. Marvel owns Doom and this is from one of the comics. It’s official.

Celestia image I found via google here. https://derpibooru.org/995441

Blueblood really asking for it in this scene. Not sure if its luck for him Celestia makes a personal appearance. Would be hard to hide those fields of Dreamweed.

Turns out a few big things going to happen next chapter!

As always I know there are some errors in spelling and grammar. I write for my enjoyment and yours. If mistakes cause you to not enjoy the story I'm sorry.