• Published 9th May 2020
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DOOM of Griffonstone! - ShadowStar_IMHP

[Displaced] Victor Von Doom was a Character in Marvel comics. So why am I in his head? Why are we in Griffonstone? I also must ask... who am I?

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Act III Doom comes to Equestria, Chapter 20 The Coming Swarm.

On earth blimps fly between 1,000 and 7,000 feet, this was unacceptable for Doctor Doom. He needed airships that could reach above the height Pegasus could fly. So when he designed his Dauntless Command ship, and the other airship of the Griffon fleet he designed them to fly at 30 - 40 thousand feet. This wasn’t possible without the abundance of magic in Equestria.

“It’s so pretty” he heard the awe in the voice of Faina. Doom turns his head to look at the runt Eagleblood was gazing out the window to the world below.

He smirks as he sees Gallus’ head tilted, a confused look came to his face. He turns his head spotting Doom. “Um… Doom, something wrong with this window. The ground looks curved.”

Doom stands up from his seat in the grand chamber and walks over to the fledgling. “The glass is fine, what do you think is wrong?”

“The ground, do you see the curve, it should be flat.” Faina sports the curvature of the planet as well then points to the ground, her talon tracing a line on the glass in a slight curve.

“Who said the ground is flat?” Doom couldn’t help it under that mask, he smiles.

Faina spins around “What do you mean of course it’s flat?”

“Really? Are you stupid or something? Of course, it’s flat, if it wasn’t a toy ball would keep rolling around.” Gallus stated.

Doom thought about his reply “How far can you see? Can you see Griffonstone from here? The reason you can’t is that the curve of the planet puts it out of sight.”

“No, why should I. It’s like across the ocean.”

“How about Baltimare? Or Manehattain, it should be in that direction.” Doom motioned to the northeast.

“Um.. the mountains?”

“The world is a very large sphere, and it pulls everything down. That's called gravity, think of it as a form of magic. It wants to pull everything to the planet, you use your magic to counter gravity to fly, same with pegasus. I even use such magic to make these airships. Gravity is also why it gets harder to breathe the higher you are, there is less air because gravity pulls down the breathable air closer to the ground.”

“You are pulling our leg. The world isn’t a sphere.” Gallus huffs and looks out the window.

“Faina, would you like to see the whole world one day? I knew how to make a craft that can go beyond the air, so high up you would be able to see the planet as a whole. It’s one of my goals.”

Faina's gaze returned to Doom’s. “Would I be able to fly like this more?”

Victor von Doom nodded “Yes Faina, you have my blessing to be the first astronaut of Equis.”

“Hey! No calling me names!”

Doom smiled behind his mask “Not a name Faina, it’s a title for the very best those who go beyond the air and reach for the stars.”

“Oh, alright I will be this astronaut thing.”

From behind the two, a third voice is heard. “Doctor Doom, Sir, Equestria is in sight.”

Doom turned the moment where he showed compassion is over, it was time to be a sovereign again. Time for a conqueror. “Report, what is the situation?”

The Griffon airship sailor saluted. “Canterlot’s city magic shield still up, no sign of the Changeling swarm.”

“Very well give the order to halt our approach, we attack only after the swarm assaults the capital.”

“Yes, your majesty.” The sailor saluted then headed back to the bridge.

Doom then returns his view to the fledglings “I look forward to how you explain seeing a curve of the land. For now, I have an invasion to plan for, you two stay aboard understand. This is an order.”

“Um… Okay.” “Yes Sir.” The two fledglings spoke up as he headed to the bridge.

Once on the bridge, he heads to the communication officer. “Link me to the fleet.”

“Yes sir.” The communicator was a modified crystal radio unit. Easy to mass produce thought limited in function. Doom had to remember that he still needs to progress in steps. It will be years before he can produce truthfully advanced technology.

Taking the microphone he spoke up. Onboard the fleet ships his voice was broadcast out of the speakers. “Griffons of Griffonstone, for years, decades Equestria have been growing thanks to the hard work of Griffon miners, and Steel smiths. The buildings of Manehattan skeletons are Griffon steel. The trains run thanks to your blood, sweat, and steel. What did Equestria do to pay you back? Nothing. When the leader Celestia got what she wanted she cut all ties and let the festering boil of corruption run wild. Her nephew used what valuable land he could buy to grow drugs. Proclaiming it a privilege to work for him!”

“Soon Celestia’s weakness will come to light, as I speak a force of shapeshifters known as Changelings have infiltrated the city. The very Queen of this insect-like race is in the very castle.”

He stops a moment to let the Griffon’s think about that. “Soon the full force of Changelings will attack the city, there will be panic, fear, and the Ponies will be looking for their heroes to save the day. Those heroes will fail.”

“The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony will not have the Elements with them, due to Celestia’s foolishness of keeping them in the vault. Celestia will fail to defeat the Changeling Queen. The Ponies heroes will fail, the guard will fall, and that is when we will arrive.”

“On this day we will come and save the day, we will save Equestria. Yes, you heard me right, we will save Equestria. I will declare Celestia, and Luna unfit for rule. Celestia’s weakness and failure to stop the Changelings, and Luna is a thousand years out of touch with her people.”

“Your orders are to defend the ponies, show them that they were wrong to abandon you. We are warriors, we are fighters. The Ponies are weak; they are herbivores who use manipulation and weakening their foes to stay in power. This ends today.”

“Use restraint when fighting, I want to spare as many Changelings as possible. Like you, they are victims of the Ponies. They are predators who barely had enough to eat, they are starving. To them, this is a win, or die event. Like you, I will show them a new way forward.”

“Use your visual scanners, the energy signature of a Changeling is different than a Pony even when transformed. You are authorized to use stun Batons, and if you need more lethal weapons. Remember I want to spare as many as possible, but casualties are acceptable if you are overwhelmed, or have no other option.”

“Above all, Celestia and the Changeling Queen are mine to take care of. The fate of Equestria changes today, one way or another, that is all.”

He handed over the microphone then moved to the large front window looking down at the city of Canterlot in the distance. His arms behind his back left hand in his right.

The Dauntless Captain came over. “Sir we spotted bogies at 2 O’clock.”

Doom didn’t even turn his head as his gaze moved to see a group of Pegasus guards he counted 20 pegasuses in the group and the lead one dark blue Alicorn. So that is what she was doing during the invasion. He thought to himself.

“Captain, prepare we might get a guess soon. I don’t want the crew to panic.”

“Yes Sir.”
Doom turned and headed to the observation deck. Once he’s at his onboard throne he taps the onboard intercom. “Hans, Starlight, Mona, Report to the bridge. Operation Blue Moon about to begin.”

A flash of white alerted him to another guest. He turned his head spotting Discord sitting in a blue Lazyboy recliner and eating Popcorn. “Ah, Doommie this is going to be fun. Such Chaos!”

“I do hope you are planning to just watch and not interfere.”

“Do I look like a creature that plans?”

“Discord, you indeed plan.”

Discord laughs, “Ah true, but do I LOOK like I do. Don’t worry I won’t interfere, well unless my friends get hurt. I found I do care for those ponies.”

“I’m sure, double when it comes to Fluttershy.” Doom was rewarded with seeing Discord choke on the popcorn.

“Doom, I have no idea what you mean.”

Doom looked to four Pillars set up right behind his throne. From the corner of his eye, he noted Discord seeing the very same pillars and swallow with nervousness.

“I think I skip this part” Discord said then snapped his fingers vanishing from the bridge. A few moments later Hans, Starlight Glimmer, and Mona walked in.

“Princess Luna was spotted flying in our direction. It’s unclear if we were spotted but once we are she’s the only one on the patrol that can reach us. I want you three to be prepared for her.”

“Well, What would I be doing Doctor Doom?” Starlight Glimmer nervously asks, sure running a town was one thing, fighting an alicorn. Even if she was one now, was something she never expected.

“Starlight, you do have your spell to weaken her. Remove her cutie mark and Mona can seal it in one of her spirit jars. However, this would be the last option dealing with Luna. Hans, I want you to be ready to grab her and drain her of magic. If that fails, I had set up the power drain Pillars here. Only after those two methods fail will Starlight strip her of her cutie mark.”

From the bridge, a voice spoke out. “Your Majesty, The flight pattern of the Patrol has changed. They are heading in our direction.”

Doom commands. “Very well Navigator. Starlight, Mona, enters the side chamber. Hans on the roof!”

Doom then turned and sat down on his throne. Hans melts into a puddle of black goo that oozes up the wall to form a circle on the ceiling.

Starlight Glimmer looks at the throne and then heads to the side chamber with Mona. The chamber was set up like an office, a place where Doom could work in private when onboard.

There was a threat to Canterlot, the warning was vague but it was clear there was trouble. Celestia, Cadence, and Luna herself chose to continue with the wedding. It was so the Ponies would know that even under max security there was no reason to worry.

The only problem was Luna couldn’t be there and patrol at the same time. She wanted to gain the population’s trust again, show them she was there to protect them. So she was out with a squad of Pegasus.

They were moving southeast when the guard on the right moved up. “Princess, there's something up there above the clouds.”

Luna looked to where he was pointing. High above to the southwest were large oddly shaped airships, ships that shouldn’t be able to fly so high. “Change course we are going to investigate.”

“Princess, we can’t fly that high.” the commander of the squad announced.

“I am aware of that Commander. If they are a threat I will go alone.” Luna stated as they headed in the direction of the durables. As they came closer Luna spotted the green stylized D of Doctor Doom.

“Commander! It appears we found our threat to return to the city. I shall confront Doctor Doom myself till my sister could join in the battle.”

The pegasus looked at each other with confusion on their faces, their eyes flashing green as the changelings thought about this. The airships could be a threat to the hive, so they chose to head back to the city. The Queen needs to be alerted to this situation.

Princess Luna starts climbing for the airships and is surprised to see the lead ship coming down closer as she approaches.

25 thousand feet in the air she was right upfront of the airship she could see the bridge crew and there overlooking it all was Victor Von Doom on a throne staring right at her. With a flash, she teleports to the open area behind the throne.

Doctor Doom smiled behind his mask, she took the bait. With a press of a button, the throne turned around to face her. “Princess Luna, welcome aboard.”

Luna stood before him dressed in blue and black armor with a war hammer. “Fiend, How dare thou threatens Equestria!”

“Threaten Equestria? What do you mean?” Doom noted that she slipped into the Equestrian accent.

She gripped her hammer “Thou has led an invasion force into Equestria!”

“The Sombra Accord, a document was written after you and your sister failed to save the Crystal Empire. The keywords in that document “During events of possible world threats the borders can be crossed to defend life and the planet. We have come to help save Equestria that is why we were waiting high above, till the threat appears. After all, only a world-level threat would be stupid enough to attack Three Alicorn’s at once.”

Luna for a moment halts then she draws her hammer forward. “I don’t believe you.”

Doom sighs “I didn’t expect you to, just note you and me will survive a battle. The fledglings, and perhaps most of the griffons on board will not.”

Perhaps it was her battle instincts, or her hyperreflexia thanks to the Pegasus magic, for whatever reason Luna spun around to face Hans hanging upside down from the ceiling. “Well, it seems I couldn't surprise you. Then again I’m the distraction.”

The pillars activated and luna had just enough time to look down seeing circles of magic light up under her. She took one step, just once before she fell to the floor losing consciousness.

“Hans, your performance was flawed,” Doom commented as he looked at the depowered Luna.

“Forgive me my liege, I don’t know how she sensed me.”

Doom looked to the side room “Starlight, Mona, bring out the shackles. I want Luna awake when the City of Canterlot falls.”

Mona walks out of the chamber and looks at the glowing runes on the pillars. “You are truly terrifying my sovereign.”

“Believe me, Mona, this is just the tip of what he could do,” Hans replies as he takes the shackles from Mona and walks into the power drain field. Hans’ having been made twice now to absorb magic was immune to the power drain effect. Carefully he puts on the shackles and magic hindering ring on her horn.

“Hans, that is the very reason Doctor Doom is fighting, knowing that he is not even trying.”

Starlight Glimmer looked on as the Princess of the night was bound. In her mind, the comment of Mona was very true. Doctor Victor von Doom was terrifying.

Once Luna was secured the pillars deactivate. “What… NO!”

“I am truly sorry for having to restrict you, Princess Luna. You are my favorite princess” Hans commented as he yanks her up “However for the greater good you are under arrest for transpassing on a Griffonstone airship and attempted assault of our liege.”

Hans then pulls Luna to the seats on the observatory balcony. “Let me go, creature.”

Sighing he did just that shoving her into the seat “Now don’t yell too much I hate to muzzle you.”

Starlight Glimmer walks in front of Luna letting the Princess get a good look. “Princess is for the greater good.”

“Another Alicorn! How? Why are you serving these villains!”

Leaning forward “Because Luna, they are fixing the world. What do you think happens to the weather of the other nations where there is no Pegasus to control the seasons? The town I lived in for years was outside of the borders of Equestria. We didn’t get regular rain, Griffonstone was constantly battered by wind, to the south of Equestria is a vast desert.”

She stood straight again “That changed when Doctor Doom took the sun and moon away from you and your sister. The valley where I lived is now green with fresh growth. Griffonstone’s valleys are growing more food than ever before. Just recently Doom visited us, and changed the entire town to Alicorns.”

“Think about it Luna, no more tribalism, the unicorns will no longer have the advantage of magic, every pony strong and healthy as Earth Ponies, and fast as a pegasus. We are one tribe, one people. As it was before, so shall it be again.”

The voice of a Griffon cut into the talk. “Your Majesty! The Changeling Swarm coming from the Everfree! The attack is underway!”

Doom nods “Thank you private, return to your duties.” Then he looks to Luna “Behold Princess, the end of Equestria as you know it.”

Luna’s eyes widen as she saw a black cloud move to the protective shield. A cloud of pony shaped black insect-like beings. “No, Celestia will stop them.”

“I am afraid not Luna, by now Celestia has already been defeated. The Queen of the Changelings was disguised as Cadence. I suspect she has been drugging Celestia’s food, perhaps yours as well. It would explain how Celestia was not aware of things.” Hans commented as he sat down.

Doom calls down to the bridge “Commander sends the message to the fleet. It time for the world to know the might of Griffonstone.”

“HAIL DOOM!” the bridge crew called out.

Author's Note:

This going to be a short act. It the conquest of Equestria, and the finalizing of Doctor Doom's rule. I do have some epilogue ideas as well, but time Doom will have the Griffonstone army and an army of Alicorns.

I don't have an editor for this story so any spelling and grammar checks are subjected for termination. Report them to your local Doom Guard office.