• Published 9th May 2020
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DOOM of Griffonstone! - ShadowStar_IMHP

[Displaced] Victor Von Doom was a Character in Marvel comics. So why am I in his head? Why are we in Griffonstone? I also must ask... who am I?

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Chapter 12: Rock Expert

Doom’s POV

The Carriage was a work of art. Designed mostly on the Western Stagecoaches with modern additions. The suspension system was an improvement the riders inside barely felt the road under the wheels. What was the biggest difference was the horses. Two Golems modeled on earth style horses drew the carriage along the road.

Gruff snort “Can we trust those clay constructs?” He looked out and scratched his now bald head looking at the carriage escort. Four huge mounds of magically enchanted clay. Unlike traditional golems, the joints were fine crafted metal, within the clay body was a skeleton of hardening steel. Similar construction methods were part of the Golem horses drawing the carriage.

Doom looked out at the dark gray figures, a part of him wished he found orange clay or had time to color the clay. They were physically modeled off of Benjamin ‘THING’ Grimm the muscles were sculpted from the clay. Doom was even able to mold a life-like replica of the Thing’s face.

In his experiments in utilizing the crystalline life within most of the gem clusters, he found they worked best if exposed to sunlight. This means the DoomGolems had a large crystal embedded in the center of the chest. This was the optimal location giving the enchantments less travel to the joints, however, it also made one easy location of weakness. Each gem was both the heart, brain, and power source of the golem. If broken or disconnected it would stop functioning. So each gem was held in place with magically enchanted steel. The design needs improving, even he has to admit he was limited on time.

“The DoomGolems are working properly. They will also become more efficient as I improve the design.”

“I was more worried they would turn on us.” Gruff snorts and raises a brow. “I can smell the ocean now.”

“I have several safeguards built-in them just in case someone tries to take control of them. Or they become self-aware.” Doom stated.

“I never did understand the idea that the scent of the sea is pleasant. I much prefer woodlands.” Flight Mother replies as she looks out the window as well.

“Are we there yet?” Gallus huffs out the complaint having got bored with traveling long ago.

“We get there when we get there,” Faina says as she reads from a book. Doom had noted that the book was meant to help improve reading skills. It seems the complement that she was smart affected the young fledgling.

“It has been forever!”

Faina “you Falconblood have no patience.”

Kronk who was driving the carriage called out then. “Well… if ya want something to look at we are near the spot where you can see the city.”

Gallus got up and stuck his head out. Soon followed by Doom himself wanting to see this cliffside city.

Sure enough, they turned out of a canyon pass and came to the ocean city. Still about a mile away before homes were built the place was smaller than Griffonstone by half. Its construction reminded him of Rocamadour of France with a mix of Mesa Verde of Colorado in the Americas. Some buildings were in caverns where others built on or carved out of the cliff walls itself. Zig zagging steps and paths snake among the buildings. Many seem to be only accessible by flight.

There was a thriving port where many seagoing ships docked. A quick calculation and Doom could tell the docks were built for many more and larger ships. He had looked into the economical collapse of the nation. It seems it was once again the fault of the Equestrians, but he doubts it was intentional.

East coast of Equestria imported metals from Griffonstone as well as other trade. This changed when the Equestrians finished their train network. When that happened they could easily transport metals from the west coast and from Fillydelphia to other parts of the nation. So importing was no longer necessary.

The unimaginative council had focused their trade on the metal industries and when the major customer of Equestria no longer needed to import metals, Griffonstone’s economy collapsed. Leaving them desperate for more undesirable business to move in, like Dreamweed farming.

Doom made his visual examination of the city. What surprised him was the diversity, it wasn’t just griffons in the city. He spotted a few dragons still in the bipedal stage of their life cycle, old enough to fly, young enough that they can still support themselves on two legs. He made a note to examine one of their members in the future. He also spotted a few ponies walking about of all the major types as well as a few of the rarer bat types.

“Hans…” then he realizes Hans wasn’t there. “Flight Mother, what do you know about the ponies here? As well as those bat-winged ones.”

“Them? Oh, those are bat ponies, or as they prefer Thestral or Nocturnals. The ponies live here, they aren’t equestrians. They are citizens of Griffonstone.”

Faina looks over “is that a problem?”

“Not really. They could be spies, but I don’t have any real state secrets going on in this city.”

“So a good spy, doesn’t have to look a specific way, but needs to be in a good operating area?” Faina asks her eyes looking at Doom in that predatory way.

“No, Faina a spy could be very clever even in a location away from any area of interest. A spy that operates in that method normally has lots of friends, or more like stooges, those who they know and talk too often. Where they ask their friends little bits of information. For example, asking some janitor at a lab if anything is going on. Most of the time it is useless information, but there is a chance that Janitor would remark about hearing some Scientists got a grant to research something.”

“Or another example: a dock worker would notice more shipments heading to Griffonstone then normal. There is a possibility a few of these Ponies are doing just that type of spying.”

Gallus scratches his head “Are you okay with them doing it?”

“A spy you know or expect is a spy you can manipulate, remember that if you are discovered doesn’t mean you are arrested or attacked, you might be fed fake information. I could order items to be transported to Griffonstone, but I just send somewhere else because it is not really important. I could also order items I do need via other locations.” He looks at the two children.

“So how does the other method of spying work?” Gallus asks again.

“There are multiple methods, but for this lesson, we keep it to just two. Another method is insertion. A spy either targets someone in an organization or tries to get into the organization themselves. The risk in this method is higher, you are taking a direct risk of trying to get information directly.”

The carriage came to a stop in front of the Mayor’s manor. “Enough lessons for now. We have arrived.” Doom made a dramatic exit from the Carriage. “Mayor Valmor, your sovereign has arrived.”

There at the manor was a middle-aged Falconblood standing with a female about the same age as well as a young fledgling about the same age as Gallus. With them were a few guards in dressed uniforms and Gabby in her messenger uniform.

Doom headed to the family. “I see things are going well.”

“Yes your majesty, there was little resistance to me taking over city operations. Seems the former mayor, left suddenly soon after news of your victory over the council.”

Doom nodded and followed the mayor into the manor. "As you requested, I sent a professional rock expert to survey the site," Valmor said, opening to door to a side study, "they should be back shortly with, oh," and stopped. Standing beside a neat stack of papers on a hardwood desk was perhaps the blandest pony Doom had seen. She wore a simple, dull, blue pull-over frock over her unassuming grey coat, while her slightly faded violet mane fell to her shoulders in the back while a pair of sparkling turquoise eyes were focused on a map of the region.

“My Majesty may I introduce you to Maud Pie. Expert in rock science.”

Maud spoke in an almost flat voice, “I have yet to earn my Rocktorate. I was here on a school research grant.” Maud looks back at Doom, “Titanium alloy.'' The pony’s voice was still bland.

Doom raised a brow “you identified my armor metal on sight?”

Maud’s head just moves a slight bit in a nod. “Have you finished examining the area of the landslide.”

“That I have.” She motions to a location on the map she was looking at.

“Well, what have you found.”

“Igneous rocks, Granite, 30% quartz, mineralogy content provides a more whitish-gray shade to the stone in this region.”

Doom sighs… “Was the landslide natural?”

“No. The settlements of the granite structure should have been stable. There were locations much higher where explosives were placed to rupture the rock. The fragmentation of the rock split was unnatural.”

Was he imagining the flash of anger in this odd pony’s face? It was so subtle even doing a quick replay he almost missed it.

Doom looks to Valmor “Can she be trusted?”

Valmor looks nervous and loosens his collar. “Well, you see… she is an Equestrian, so… but she is the best in the field of Rockology.”

What was it with the strange terms of this reality? Then again what was really the difference between Geology and Rockology? Thinking of it Rockology could be focused on just the rocks where geology could technically include soil.

“Maud Pie, are you perhaps related to the Bearer of the Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie?” He already knew from what Hans informed him from the show but like with Gilda he wanted to keep the show’s knowledge secret.

“Yes, she is my sister.”

For a moment he thought about killing her. Then dismissed the idea, earning the unending anger of one of the more fighting mane 6 ponies might be a bad idea. There was also the knowledge this Maud Pie has. Not to mention the episode where she displayed a Maud Sense. Getting the pony geologist, or was it Rockologist, assistance would be the best option. This would in truth even benefit him in later plans.

“Very well, as your leaders Celestia and Luna no doubt know. Discord is free, and he has taken two of my associates. They are hidden in two of the five former dens of the Griffons. We believe a Den was buried under that very landslide. Your teaching in rockology would help us dig open the entrance to the den.”

Maud looks down “There were signs of massive natural geological disruption estimated around a thousand years ago. Yes, I shall assist you.”

Two hours later southeast of Cliffside the group came to the location of the landslide. Similar to Cliffside the area was along the coast unlike Cliffside there was a nice stretch of beach.

Maud pointed to the sand. “Sand is not native to this area, this beach was brought in by the tides.”

Doom has to wonder about this strange pony. All the Pies seem to have some physiological condition. Out of the mane 6, it seems perhaps Rainbow Dash and Applejack were the most normal in human terms. Of course one has to account what is considered normal to a sapient equine mind.

“Somewhere under this landslide is the entrance to the Den. Everyone starts searching.”

Maud starts walking among the rubble tapping the boulders from time to time. The others look among the rubble. Gallus and even Faina looked confused as they just looked. “What are we looking for?”

“Some clue that there is a way in.”

“Found it.” Maud states matter of factly as she looks at a gap between two boulders.

Gallus looks over “How can you be sure?”

“Air movement, there is an opening behind these boulders allowing moving air.”

“We have three options. Explosives provided by Grandpa Gruff, blasting via magic or my technology, or we smash our way through. My armor strong enough to crush diamonds, and I assume being an Earth Pony you can use your magical enhanced strength to help remove the boulders, Miss Pie. What do you suggest?”

Maud looks up the cliffside. “Landslide too unstable, explosions will just cause further collapse. Similar to physical removing the rubble. The most logical means of getting through is using magic to melt the rock face above then make our way through. The only negative to this is we have to wait as the rocks cool. If they are still hot they could still collapse if we move to fast.”

Doom wanted to blast his way through as fast as he could. However, the flat toned pony was correct if he moved too fast he could be encased in stone. Not a problem that he couldn’t get out of, but could all that disruption cause more damage inside? Could he risk the life of Gilds or Hans?

Turning around “Make camp we be spending the night on the beach.” Moving back he looked at the cliffside. “Step back my blasts can get hot.” Raising his fists he starts sending a steady beam over the cliff face heating up and melting the stone slow enough that they don’t move, but long enough the rock starts melting together.

Behind him, a camp was set up. Complete with tents and campfire. He notices it was a mixture of Grandpa Gruff and the Flight Mother preparations. A slight ting of self-anger that he hasn’t thought about staying longer than a few hours. His armor could kept him alive and tended to for days, the others, not so much.

Maud spoke up beside him. “Anything more and you risk causing more damage to the Den and entranceway.”

“I agree” Doom ended the blasts noting that the tough pony was still standing near even with the increased heat of his atomic blasts. “You not harmed by the heat of the blasts?”

“Minor singing, nothing that would leave marks.” Turning she headed to the campfire and sits down removing a small rock from her pocket.

“What’s that?” Gallus asks.

“It’s a rock… his name is Boulder.” She states as she sets the rock down beside her.

“HA… you got a pet rock!” Gallus laughs pointing at the rock.

“Yes. He’s my best friend.”

Faina hearing Maud looks over to the still laughing Gallus. Then shoves him. “Shut up rock for brains. If she has a pet rock who cares.”

Doom looked to the normal-looking rock. Then he magnified it, the rock itself was granite but within the rock was a cluster of crystal microbes living off of the quarts. A colony large enough to form a basic hive mind. Nowhere near large enough for intelligence, but an awareness of a basic animal was a logical possibility. He also noted the microbes were of a different variety than the type that dwells in the Crystal structures. Was it an offshoot species? Or a different variety altogether. “Where did you get Boulder?”

“My family rock farm. He related to Houlder’s Boulder. I named him Boulder after Boulder because he came from Boulder.”

“Holder’s boulder… hmm, I will have to see this Houlder’s Boulder one day.”

The group sat there on the beach as they watch the sunset slowly and the moon rise. Both as they should do unlike the fast pace from when the ponies controlled the orbits.


Hans POV

The Brooklyn Bridge spanned across the east river. Spiderman and Hans stopped on a building looking across the expanse. “We are easily exposed as we cross the river. I would think that be a prime spot to be attacked.” Hans stated as he looked around.

“We just destroyed that Black Widow Spider-Slayer, we are in the clear.” Spiderman then started using the suspension cables to swing across the river.

“Really, you should pay attention to plot motivations.” Shaking his head. “90s cartoons…” He leaped off the building and his tendrils extend once again mimicking how Doctor octopus uses his robotic legs.

Sure enough just as he expected the Scorpion Spider-Slayer showed up. The attack came with a blast of laser fire severing one of Hans’s tendril legs. “****, I knew it!”

Both Hans and Spiderman stop on the second support heading to the manhattan side of the river. “Already? What are they doing sending out all they have against us.”

“Look out!” Leaping to the side the Spider-slayer fires again as it circles around. Unlike the Widow the Scorpion was able to target more than one target.

Hans swings down to use the cables as cover. It didn’t work the Spider-Slayer started blasting the cables.

“HANS IT CUTTING THE CABLES! If too many the bridge could collapse.”

“I’m up to ideas! This one’s neck more armored and that tail preventing us from using the distraction method. It must have its own targeting system.”

Hans got an idea he moved to one of the cables and pulled using the structure to increase tension. When the Spider-Slayer fired it weapon it sliced into the cord, then snap Steel cord sprung with devastating force smashing into the Scorpian Slayer.

“What have you done? You risked the bridge collapsing.”

“It was the most effective means of dealing with it, on top of that the bridge still stands. If we continued to fight it could have damaged the bridge even more.”

Spiderman shook his head. “Let get going, I see a Police chopper coming this way.”

Heading into the manhattan island the way was easier with the higher buildings provide better means of web-slinging. Soon the two land in front of the Sanctum Santorum home of Doctor Strange.

“Well, this going to be interesting.” Hans steps forward and knocks on the door. “This is so cool.”

Spiderman looks over and shakes his head. “I just hope he can do as you expect. I have those Spider-Slayers to deal with.”

“Perhaps you can use a bit of magical backup.”

The conversation ends as the door opens revealing a shaved man of Chinese descent. Spotting Hans his body tightens up preparing to fight.

Instead, Hans makes a bow “Please excuse our intrusion, we have business with the Sorcerer Supreme.”

Wong relaxed and then moves back to invite them in. “Wait here. I shall inform the Sorcerer Supreme that he has guests.”

Hans couldn’t help himself as he looked about the hall. “This is so awesome.”

“Look, Hans, you really did risk those people’s lives on the bridge.”

Hans looks back at Spiderman. “Hmm, I understand the whole protect the innocent thing. I help you, but my goal isn’t to protect others. If I have to risk someone’s life I shall. This is not me being evil it’s me being indifferent. I am not human, I’m not sure I’m mortal. Those people lives mean nothing to me. All the more reason for me to leave this reality.”

“Just so you know if you try to harm anyone on purpose…”

“Yes, yes, yes… you being a hero you have a need to protect others.” Shaking his head he looks up seeing.

John de Lancie in the Doctor Strange outfit? “I see Wong was speaking the truth. A strange being from another realm.” A smile, one similar to Q from star trek.

Hans had enough “Discord what game are you playing!”

“CUT!” Strange/Discord yelled and Wong, as well as Spiderman, stop moving. Hans looked back and the wall vanished reviling a television studio. Complete with an audience who was booing him.

Discord still in the form of John Lancie Strange came down the steps. “Really Hans, you have to be such a party pooper. Here I went through all this trouble setting up a fine adventure for you as you wait to be rescued.”

“You put me in the Spiderman the animated series. How the hell do you know about this show?”

“I’m a being of chaos from a pocket reality. I have access to other realities, including T.V. from other universes. Not all realities follow the same time speed so I had time to watch a few things including learning this Victor von Doom who outdone Celly. Oh, how she fumed!”

“So why are you doing this to us, Discord?”

“Nope, I already told that manufactured Doom that fact. Now let get on with the play. You are nothing but a side character in your own story after all.” Discord/Strange snaps and it as if time was rewound to where Doctor Strange first appeared.

John de Lancie in the Doctor Strange outfit? “I see Wong was speaking the truth. A strange being from another realm.” A smile, one similar to Q from star trek.

Hans was not amused but realized that he has to play along. “Doctor Stephen Strange I presume. I… seem to be trapped in this reality cut off from my own.”

Stephen Strange walked down the steps. “I was aware of two separate dimensional distortions not that long ago. Did you come alone?”

Oh, how he wanted to cut this spirit of chaos head off. “There a chance a friend of mine has been brought here as well.”

That was when the ground shook. Turning around Hans spotted a Sentinal standing just outside the building. “SCANNING FOR MUTANT SIGNATURES.”

“Well, this looks interesting. Wonder what got into the Sentinal’s programming.” Discord smirks still acting as Strange. “Well, Gentlemen shall we show this intrusion that he should have called for an appointment?”

“First Spider-Slayers now Sentinals what’s next Doctor Doom?” Spiderman says looking out of the window.

Hans knowing when a character brings up a Plot point turns to look at the still smirking Discord. “I doubt the Ruler of Latveria would be showing up here.” Doctor Discord Strange says as he opens the doors to the Sectum.

Hans removed the Widow spider head from the tendrils that were keeping it secured to his back. There on the back of the head was a disk with prongs attaching it to the robot. A disk with a stylized D. The stylized D of Victor von Doom.

Hans sighs meaning that Plot-wise Doom would show up for Gilda. Unable to curse out loud he settled for insulting Discord in his head. Then he returned his prize to his back and headed outside. He has some anger issues to work out and there was a large target to hit.
Gilda POV

Gilda wakes up in a room unlike any she seen before. Smooth metal and material she never has seen before thought anyone in a modern civilization would identify plastic. There was a large lit panel with images of bones? It was strange how they appear she could tell it was images of bones but she could see faint outlines of muscles. As well as it was black and the images were white.

She then noted a figure hanging upside down dark blue fur covered the figure’s body. It was looking at the images of bones. Something must have alerted the figure because it moved around gripping poles mounted on the ceiling with its hand-like feet. “Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world. ― Napoleon.”

“What?” Gilda asks looking around confused.

“My apologies, I’m Henry McCoy. I’m a tad bit of a poet. For now, I’m your doctor, you been wounded by stun blasts from a sentinel. What is curious is why.”

Gilda looks around “where am I? Are they coming for me?”

“Be at ease. You are in the home of the X-men, you are safe. As well as sound, your wounds were minor. It was impressive you stayed conscious for as long as you did.”

“I don’t understand why are they after me? Why are those things after me I’m no mutant.”

Henry scratched his head “That is the curious part. I had run a scan and you have no Mutant X gens. To be truthful you have no genetic signatures I recognized, though I do identify some similarities to bird or feline, but only remotely. The programing of the Sentinels only seeks out the Mutant X gens.”

“You mean those giant Golems.”

“Indeed we are still investigating. As you were resting Rogue and Gambet went to one of the crash sites of Sentinel. Until then the mystery answer might still be limited.” He let go of the ceiling and landed to the ground. Then smiles “As I stated I’m Henry McCoy, what may I ask is your name.”

“Gilda of Eagleblood.” She moved to stand up.

“Please rest, I send one of the ladies to assist you to dress.”

“Why?” Gilda stood up her top fully exposed, but without the annoying catsuit with breasts, she doesn’t feel any reason to cover up her top. “I could use some trousers thought.”

“Sit, perhaps enjoy some water. I send Gabrel in with some garments for you.”

“Please nothing with those fake breast things.”

Henry raises his brow “Why would you be against something you had on.”

“I came too on top of a building with that suit on. Then a Sentinel attacked and I didn’t have time or means to change.”

Henry nods and headed out of the medical room.
Elsewhere in the world Earth-92131 universe.

Armored fingers folded together and the figure leans forward. On the computer screens before him were images of both Gilda and Hans.

“You may have avoided those inferior robotic forces, but soon I will know your secrets, beings from another reality. So says VICTOR VON DOOM!” The dark brown eyes of Doom looked on from the metallic masks. x

Author's Note:

Maud Pie! Who else would be best to have when on an archeology dig?

A second Doctor Doom? One created by the magic of Discord? I bet none of you saw that twist coming!

Having reread this chapter again I noticed a few errors. I have to edit them later I’m very tire at the time I posted. The errors are just minor gaps in conversations.

For example Doom asking how long to the mayor’s manor and Kronk didn’t answer. That was one of the points I stopped writing for sleep.

Took me a little longer than normal to write this one. Mostly due to us getting a new dog from the SPCA.