• Published 9th May 2020
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DOOM of Griffonstone! - ShadowStar_IMHP

[Displaced] Victor Von Doom was a Character in Marvel comics. So why am I in his head? Why are we in Griffonstone? I also must ask... who am I?

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End of Act II: Chapter 19: Awaking the inner Alicorns

Grandpa Gruff pokes at the campfire. “Second den and still no profit options.”

“Gruff you really need to stop thinking in such a limited way, there an entire forest of potion-making plants.”

“Yeah and animals that can kill you. None of us saw that Mist Dweller until it attacked the guide, not even Doom.”

Mona saw a flash and looked back seeing Doom with the now pink body of Hans, Gilda, and Discord appeared. “Discord!” She jumps up faster than one would think a griffon her age could and grabs a bottle tied to her belt. Around her the pigmy ravenblood grabs weapons.

“Lower your weapons, the situation with Discord is over.” Doom states then look at Discord. “It better be over.”

“Yeah, this isn’t fun anymore.” Discord sighs floating in the air leaning back and yawning. “Truth is I feel a little drained.” Chuckles at his own joke.

Doom nodded “Alright, just know I have one of those power-draining devices and mine’s portable.”

Discord eyes widen. “I get it no messing with you.”

“Don’t think I made it to capture you, unlike my counterpart I know your chaos magic is by its own nature uncontrollable. I made mine for a pair of Alicorns.”

A slow smile came to Discord’s face. “Oh, what a lovely idea, but for now, I’m going to greet a few ponies.”

Doom chuckles “Want to really mess with Celestia, how about just being friendly and nice to the girls. It would drive this Celestia nuts as she would expect you to do some chaotic mayhem. The one thing chaos should never be is predictable.”

Discord taps his chin “That might be fun… ta ta!” Discord vanishes with a snap from his tail.

“What happened to Hans?” Faina asks looking at the body. Doom lowers the burnt pink form to the ground. “I have to make him a new body, he’s not dead so don’t worry.”

He stands back up and aims the infinity gauntlet at the body. The blast of cosmic energy reverts the body to a mass of black, then the white head rose from the puddle oozing up till Hans was standing in a stall and looking normal.

“Ouch, could you have done something for the hangover my liege? Chaos magic gives me a buzz, but leaves such a headache.”

A chuckle from Doom “No, consider it a punishment for getting drunk off the other universe Discord.”

Maud Pie steps up to Doom. “I wish to stay here. That Lava tube that forms the lake is interesting. It would be good for a research paper.”

“Very well Miss Pie, I will allow you to remain here. I will also send other researchers to investigate the Den fully, a team of guards to help with the Mist Dwellers.”

A loud rumble was heard and everyone in the village looked to the entrance of the valley. High above a silver-painted airship came down from the clouds. Unlike any airship in the world, this was a Zeppelin the housing for passengers is fully integrated within the rigid body. Near the back were the controlling propellers. The tail fins were decorated with Doom’s stylized D.

“What is that contraption,” Gruff asks, looking at the Zeppelin coming down and then hovering over the forest.

“That is the Dauntless, the first cruiser class ship in my new fleet of airships,” Doom said matter of factly.

The side of the Zepplin opens “Sir! There is no room to land, you have to fly into the entrance!”

Doom turns to the Doomgolems “Doomgolems guard and serves Miss Pie. Authority level 5.” He then looks to Maud Pie. “You can order the golems to serve basic tasks. They will protect you from threats like the Mist Dwellers, they won’t attack unless they detect a direct threat to you or themselves. You will not be able to order them to attack a target otherwise.”
“I understand.” Maud looks to the four Golems standing in wait.

Gallus looks at the ship then at Doom. “Um… sir what about the carriage?” Doom smiled behind his mask hearing the question.

Doom looked down “Good thinking Gallus, the carriage has a built-in command to return to home after a week. I had already requested the Airship once it was airworthy to take us to the other Dens.”

Faina smiles “That’s the boss, always thinking three steps ahead. I knew you had good ideas, Gallus, this brings you up to one idea a week!”

“Agh… Shut up.” Gallus playfully shoves her.

The group minus Maud who stayed behind studying the rocks around the village. Her lips were just a little bit higher than normal, she might have been smiling.

The Dauntless wasn’t just the first ship finished in the fleet, it was built to be Doom’s private yacht. The interior was lush redwood polished to a shine, with white walls, and a redwood floor with green carpets. The floor plan was open to allow room for wings, no tight corridors in these ships. He wanted a ship that screamed class and wealth. The other ships of the line would be more mundane. There was no such thing as mundane for Doom.

The entrance leads to the main chamber with large viewing windows on both sides of the craft. Lush green carpet and cherry wood interior. There were even chandeliers hanging above lit with glowing gemstones. There were couches and tables with views out of the windows. The whole room was meant to inspire and impress.

Sanding at attention was the crew and two flight teams of Griffons in the new dark dyed Tatzlwurm leather armor. Seeing Doom they bowed their heads in respect. “At ease warriors, Captain change of plans get this vessel out of the mountains and head to Equestria. I will give you a location once we are underway.”

“Yes sir.” The captain turned “You heard our sovereign!” The crew and the waiting flight teams split up.

“There are sleeping chambers to the rear of the ship, Stay on this deck, the higher decks are for the flight teams and the crew. The one with my stylized D of course is mine, choose a room for yourselves.”

The two fledglings went off to claim their own rooms. Doom smiles even a whole other species; they are still universal constants. The young still act young.

Doom turns and walks up a flight of steps to the command deck. The entire ship was made for beings with wings, enough room for them not to feel claustrophobic. The bridge was two stories high. Below was the pilot lounge with the steering wheel and controls, navigation desk, and communications including intercom.

Then there was the captain’s chair with its own panels giving the Captain full information of the ship. Unlike other ships of the line, above and behind the captain was the royal box. Doom had a throne-like chair with its own display of instruments. To the right of the throne was a couch and to the left was a full bar.

“Sire, are we speeding up the invasion?” Hans asks as she settles onto the couch.

Doom sat down and folded his fingers together. “Hans tell me why is it only Ponies have Cutie Marks?”

“I think the Zebra might have them.”

Doom just looks over. “No Hans, when the ancient alicorns made the system to save the planet they needed a way to keep their descendants on track. Just a one-day mishap could have ended the world. Just look at how much chaos Nightmare Moon caused a thousand years ago. The answer they figured out was the Cutie Marks.”

“So the cutie marks are mind control?”

“Not so crude. The spell analyzes a Pony’s knowledge, mindset, potential, and skills, a child is too young to have developed the fine motor skills needed. Once their minds stabilize, a cutie mark appears. It is based on what is already in the pony brains, the apple family for example knows a lot about apple farming, so there is a higher chance the cutie mark is apple-related.”

Doom took out a notepad and wrote a message then pulled a silver cord. A few moments later a crewman came in. “Deliver this to the captain. It’s our new destination.”

“As I was saying, Hans, the ancient Alicorns were clever they knew forcing a destiny on someone would make them rebel. So they came up with a system to encourage ponies who have talents needed to maintain the system to continue, even if the ponies themselves forget. Only a few times it failed, the war of the three tribes, and the coming of Nightmare Moon.”

“I didn’t think about it that way, very well my liege what is your plan?”

“There is only one pony who researched Cutie Marks to craft a spell to manipulate them. Though she doesn’t have the understanding of their origins like I do.”

“Wait… you mean.”

“Yes Hans, this time I deal with Starlight Glimmer.” He turns and looks at Hans “On top of that there a whole town Celestia doesn’t have under watch. A town full of subjects ready to be truly equal.”

“Would it be wise to get rid of Cutie Marks?”

Doom turned and smiled behind his mask. “My dear Hans, whoever said I was going to get rid of them. Like I said it is a very clever way of establishing order, I just have to rewrite the spell to suit my order.” It started with a small chuckle, then a laugh, a laugh worth of a Marvel Villain.

Starlight Glimmer was looking over her domain. Our Town was working all her hard work to get rid of those horrible Cutie Marks. She was in charge, she was in power, she will never be left alone again.

“What’s that?” she heard one of the local ponies asked and turned to see a large airship. A style unlike any she had seen before. “What…”

Out of the side of the Dauntless, the thirty warrior griffons came flying out. The flight teams flew overhead, then came around. One group landed near Starlight’s own home, the others went to land on each of the houses.

“What is the meaning of this!” She yells at the griffons, all of which hold baton-like weapons that had a strange blue glowing tip. Showing no fear she stormed up to one of the Griffons, “You heard me! What is the…”

The griffon used that glowing baton. He didn’t even hit her just a light poke but her train of thought stopped and fell to the ground her body unresponsive. The last thing she saw was an armored clad figure.

Her awareness came back slowly, blinking as she lifted her head to see a strange creature dressed as a butler. Its faceless head leans forward. “Ah good, you're awake. That stun baton was set a tad too high, but then again you are one of the most dangerous ponies on the planet.”

“WHAT… What’s going on, who are you?”

The creature bows “I’m Hans, and we are here to start taking over the world. The first step is you, look around you Starlight Glimmer.”

She took the moment to access her situation. Tied up sitting on a chair in the center of town, and she could feel a magic blocking ring on her horn. The other ponies were in a group guarded by the Griffons. Standing beside the faceless creature was the Armored creature.

“There is no one to save you, no guard, no aid, no help. Now I shall introduce you to your new lord and master, he who took the sun and moon from the royal sister, he who returned the world to a natural order. From this day forward your sovereign Doctor Victor von Doom.”

The armored figure moved closer and gripped her jaw. “You made this so easy. Pathetically easy, I almost chose to let you be till after I take over Equestria. However, I want something from you Ms. Glimmer.”

She looked defiant into the eyes of the armored figure only to swallow as her instincts screamed at her that this armored creature was a predator and she was its prey. “I.. don’t know what you are talking about.”

“It's simple I want your spell, the one that removes Cutie Marks.”

“That’s not me, it’s a magical artifact. The staff of sameness!”

“Don’t insult me Starlight, that’s just a stick” Doom spoke up loud enough that the ponies in the group started talking to each other. “A stick?” “What does he mean it’s her spell?”

Doom leaned forward “Seems I need to make a demonstration.” He stands up and looks at Gilda. “Gilda my dear mind giving her a bit of a wash?”

“One wet pony coming up.” Gilda moves her hands in the pattern Doom taught her, then in the accent griffon language she calls out “Water”.

A sphere of water forms above Gilda’s hand and then she tosses its baseball-style at Starlight Glimmer.

Starlight unable to move gets splashed by the water orb and the fake equal sign melts off of her flanks.

“But… a griffon using magic? Impossible.”

The shock of seeing Starlight Glimmer faking her equal sign caused the commotions of the ponies to rise. Only to be silenced as the Griffons guarding them got the stun batons ready.

Doom taps the communication system on his gauntlet. “Mona if you please free the Cutie Marks.”

The voice of the Flight Mother came from the micro speaker. “Yes, your majesty.” A few moments later the sky was filled with the magical cutie marks streaming from the cave and back to the Ponies they belonged to.

“NO… Cutie Marks are wrong! They destroy lives!”

Doom looked down at Starlight Glimmer. “I know all about you Starlight Glimmer, you are just a child pouting about a lost friend. I know that you and Sunburst were playing when a bookshelf of books almost fell on you. Your friend Sunburst surged and saved you. That was when he got his cutie mark.”

“Yes… and he was taken away! My only friend is gone because of his Cutie Mark.”

“Stupid girl, it wasn’t the mark. Never was, think. His mother always wanted the newest, most modern the best. She sent him to Celestia’s School of gifted unicorns, not some cutie mark.”

Hans leans in from behind Starlight Glimmer. “Tell me Starlight Glimmer why didn’t you go to the same school? You are powerful, one of the most powerful Unicorns in Equestria. You are also smart, smart enough to make your sameness spell. If you had applied to the school you would have got in easily. Then you would have been there with your friend Sunburst.”

Her head felt as she remembered the past, how did they know? “My father wanted me to be raised in the town’s school. Called it traditional schooling and that I didn’t need to be taken to some boarding school.”

Doom’s hand brushes her head now showing some tenderness. Off to the side, Gilda's eyes flash with jealousy.

“Starlight Glimmer, all this time you've been blaming the wrong thing. A cutie mark didn’t take your friend from you, Celestia did. Her drive to find a Unicorn with enough magic and understanding of magic she created the School that took him away.”

Starlight looked up at the metal face. “What? What does Celestia have to do with this?”

Doom chuckled Starlight’s will was breaking and she was open to his manipulation. All made it easier because it was the truth. Well, the truth from a certain point of view.

“It is simple, when she banished Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago she lost her connection to the Elements of Harmony. The hardest Element to bond with is the Element of Magic. So she created her school to find the one pony it would accept. It took her a thousand years and many Unicorns going through the school before she found one.”

“You mean Sunburst? He’s the one?”

“No, your Sunburst barely could keep his grades above passing.”

“Impossible he’s brilliant!”

“He is, he is also weak in magic. That surge that saved you was the most magic he could channel. To Celestia he was a failure, he was now nothing more than a researcher. Alone, because his only friend never bothered to visit. When he did return home you had already left.”

“He… he came home.”

“He did and you were gone. Have you ever tried writing to him? Pen Pals are a thing after all.”

“No… his mother never gave me the address.”

“You see Starlight Glimmer. It was never the Cutie Marks, you should have gone to the School of gifted Unicorns with him. You should have been the one Celestia chose, you are powerful, cleaver, and you know the value of Friendship.”

With a nod, Hans untied Starlight Glimmer from the chair. Doom held out his hand to her. “Join me Starlight, and we will find your friend, and get even with the true cause of your broken heart, Celestia.”

Starlight looked at the offered gauntlet then reached out and stood up. “Alright, I work with you.”

“No Starlight you work for me. But first, let's make this town truly equal.”

She blinks “What do you mean? You returned the cutie marks.”

“Oh no, you misunderstand I mean equal as in one tribe. No more Pegasi, no more Unicorns, no more Earth ponies.”

She stepped back in terror in her chest. “What are you talking about?”

Doom raised his left hand revealing the Infinity gauntlet. “Long ago, there was one tribe of ponies. All Ponies were Alicorns and in every pony there the means of reversing the diversion.”

“No way, there are only three Alicorns!”

“Cadence was once a pegasus, she's proof it can be done, here now in this village, the lost tribe will return. SO SAYS DOOM!”

The infinity gauntlet flashed and every pony in Our Town rose into the air as magical forces encased each in a sphere of magic. Within each sphere, the pony within morphed growing wings, horns, or both as each became one tribe. The spheres lowered down and faded revealing a whole village of Alicorns.

“Welcome Ponies of Our town to your ancestors' legacy, welcome to the tribe of Alicorns.” He smiled behind his metal mask waving the griffon guard's way.

“Remember ponies I am the one who granted you this true form of your species. I can remove it with a snap of my fingers. Serve me and you will help spread unity over Equestria as every pony will return to their ancestral roots. Your kind true power was restored under my leadership. For I am Doctor Doom your Sovereign and it is my destiny to rule this world and restore the natural order!”

He looks at a newspaper one with the title Royal Wedding Announced! He looked in the direction of Canterlot. “Your time ruling is coming to an end, Celestia. Next time we face I will have my own Alicorns with me.”

Author's Note:

Here it is the end of Act 2!

Next Act Doom "Rescues" Equestria from the changelings. He now has his Griffons and now Alicorn!