• Published 30th Apr 2020
  • 2,296 Views, 41 Comments

Parenthood - BubblePuff

Lyra and Bon Bon adopt a bat pony foal.

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All Nightwing could think about for the next few days was that kiss he’d gotten from Pumpkin. He was glad that it had helped to get him his cutie mark, but he wondered if there was more to it.

Nightwing was deep in thought about the kiss at the dinner table which Lyra and Bon Bon both took notice of. “Honey, is something wrong? You’ve barely touched your dinner.” Bon Bon said.

Nightwing snapped out of his mental fog. “Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something. Do you remember the kiss that Pumpkin gave me at my birthday party?”

“How could we forget?” Lyra said. “That’s when you got your cutie mark.”

“Well, since then I have been feeling some strange things that I haven’t felt before. Things about Pumpkin.”

Lyra and Bon Bon both looked at each other and smiled. “Aww, our little stallion has his first crush.” Said Bon Bon.

Nightwing’s eyes went wide. “What?! I don’t have a crush!”

Lyra giggled and walked over to Nightwing. “Don’t worry sweetie. What you’re feeling is perfectly normal. It just means that you’re growing up.” Lyra then gently rubbed Nightwing on the head.

“Yeah, but I don’t have any romantic feelings for Pumpkin. She’s just my best friend.” Nightwing said.

“Have you told Pumpkin about how you feel?” Bon Bon asked.

Nightwing lowered his head. “Not yet. We haven’t really talked since my birthday party.”

“Well honey, I think that tomorrow you should talk with Pumpkin and let her know how you feel about her.” Said Lyra.

“I will do that. Thanks for the advice.” Nightwing smiled and hugged Lyra. Bon Bon walked over and joined in on the group hug.

The next day at school, Nightwing met up with Pumpkin on the playground. “Hey Pumpkin, can we talk for a moment?” Nightwing asked.

“Sure thing.” Pumpkin said. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Well, you know that kiss you gave me on my birthday? When I got my cutie mark.”

Pumpkin brought her hoof to her mouth and giggled. “Sure, what about it?”

Nightwing rubbed the back of his head. “Umm, did you kiss me because you like me?”

“Of course I do. I think you’re cute.” Pumpkin replied.

Nightwing was surprised by Pumpkin’s answer. “Really? You think I’m cute?”

“Well, yeah. Ever since we were foals I’ve had an attraction to you. It was at your birthday party that I decided to finally act and kiss you. I had no idea that it would get you your cutie mark.”

Nightwing blushed. “Gee, I didn’t know you felt that way. I really appreciate that. The thing is however is that I like you as a friend. I don’t think we should rush things. Is that okay with you?”

Pumpkin smiled and nodded. “I’d like that.”

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the fruit sucker.” Nightwing and Pumpkin both turned their heads to see Nightwing’s long time bully Rusty Nail approaching.

Nightwing sighed and rolled his eyes. “What do you want?”

“I heard that your birthday party was a few days ago. How come I wasn’t invited?” Rusty Nail asked.

“You weren’t invited because you’re a big meanie!” Nightwing replied.

Rusty Nail narrowed his eyes. “It was probably a dumb party anyway.” Rusty Nail then noticed Nightwing’s cutie mark. “I see that you got your cutie mark. It looks really stupid.”

“At least I have a cutie mark.” Nightwing fired back.

“You two, please stop fighting!” Pumpkin pleaded.

“Shut up you dumb filly!” Rusty Nail shouted.

Nightwing became very angry. “Don’t call her dumb!” Nightwing then shoved Rusty Nail to the ground. Rusty Nail instantly started crying, which caught the attention of Miss Cheerilee.

“What is going on over here?” Miss Cheerilee asked.

“Nightwing pushed me!” Rusty Nail said.

Miss Cheerilee confronted Nightwing. “Nightwing, is this true?”

“Only because Rusty Nail called Pumpkin dumb.” Nightwing said.

“That is no excuse to harm another pony.” Miss Cheerilee said sternly. “You have detention for the next week, and I will be speaking with your mothers after school.”

Rusty Nail got up from the ground with a smirk on his face. It quickly disappeared when Miss Cheerilee turned to face him.

“As for you Rusty Nail, it is not nice to call other ponies dumb. Consider this a warning.” Said Miss Cheerilee.

After Miss Cheerilee and Rusty Nail both walked away, Pumpkin smiled at Nightwing. “Thanks for standing up for me.” She said.

Nightwing smiled at Pumpkin in return. “Hey, what are friends for?”

After school Nightwing sat in between Lyra and Bon Bon as Miss Cheerilee explained to them what Nightwing had done earlier that day. He lowered his head and pulled down his Wonderbolts hat in an attempt to hide his shame.

“Thank you for informing us of what Nightwing has done.” Bon Bon said. “We’ll be sure to properly punish Nightwing for his actions.”

As soon as the three of them left the school, Bon Bon turned to face Nightwing. “Nightwing, I know that you were just standing up for Pumpkin, but that is still no excuse to hurt another pony.” Bon Bon said with a stern voice. “In addition to having detention, you are not allowed to watch T.V. or play video games for the next week. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes mama Bon Bon.” Nightwing replied.

“So anyway, how did your conversation with Pumpkin go?” Lyra asked.

“Lyra! We’re supposed to be upset with him.” Bon Bon shot back.

“What? I’m just curious.” Lyra said.

“Well, Pumpkin and I had a talk. She said that she kissed me because she thought I was cute.” Nightwing said. Both Lyra and Bon Bon D’awwed.

Nightwing rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I talked with her and we agreed to just be friends.”

“Well I’m glad that you two talked it out. And even though what you did was wrong, I’m proud that you stood up for Pumpkin like you did.” Said Lyra.

Bon Bon sighed. She was also proud of Nightwing for standing up for Pumpkin. She just wished he had done it in a more peaceful way.