• Published 30th Apr 2020
  • 2,296 Views, 41 Comments

Parenthood - BubblePuff

Lyra and Bon Bon adopt a bat pony foal.

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The party

The following day, after a long night of changing diapers and late night feedings, Lyra and Bon Bon took Nightwing with them to Ponyville town hall to officially have him adopted. Nightwing sucked on his pacifier and held his Soarin plushie as he kicked his hind legs playfully while riding in the stroller.

Lyra and Bon Bon however, looked much worse for wear. They both had huge bags under their red eyes. Both ponies were suffering from a lack of sleep, and it was obvious to every pony around them. Bon Bon and Lyra both felt ready to collapse, but still they marched on.

Upon arriving at town hall Lyra and Bon Bon rang the bell at the front desk. The clerk arrived and immediately took notice of Nightwing. “Aww, what an adorable foal you two have!” She said. The clerk then looked at Lyra and Bon Bon. “Yesh, what happened to you two?”

“This adorable little foal happened.” Said Bon Bon with a stressed out voice. “He had us up all night changing his diapers and feeding him.”

“Still, we wouldn’t trade him in for anything in the world!” Lyra said gleefully. “Which is why we’re here. We’d like to file for adoption.”

“Well good for you!” The clerk replied. She then gave Lyra and Bon Bon a stack of papers. “Just fill out these forms and everything will be all set.”

Bon Bon and Lyra took the papers and sat down to fill them out. Bon Bon let out a sigh. “I don’t know Lyra. I mean, is this foal really worth it?”

“Of course he is worth it.” Lyra said. “With Nightwing in our lives we’ll be a complete family. And besides, how can you say no to that face?” Lyra gestured down to Nightwing, who was holding up his hooves and bouncing up and down.

Bon Bon reached down and picked up Nightwing. When she had him held up to her face, Nightwing booped her on the nose. Bon Bon could not help but smile.

After finishing the paperwork Lyra and Bon Bon gave them back to the clerk. The clerk then stamped them a few times and made the adoption official. “Congratulations! You two are now the parents of this cute little foal.”

Lyra and Bon Bon thanked the clerk and left the town hall. They were on their way home when Pinkie Pie popped out of nowhere and stood in their way.

“Hiya Lyra! Hiya Bon Bon! Oh, this must be your new foal Nightwing! He is just so adorable!” Pinkie Pie knelt down and tickled Nightwing on the chin. Nightwing giggled and clapped his hooves.

“Thanks Pinkie, but how did you know what his name was?” Bon Bon asked with a very confused looked on her face.

“Luck guess.” Pinkie Pie replied. “So, are you two ready for the big party this afternoon?”

“Party? What party?” Lyra asked.


“But we’ve only just finished filling out the adoption papers. And we haven’t told any pony yet about Nightwing. In fact, we only found him at our doorstep just yesterday.” Bon Bon said.

“My Pinkie sense told me! Besides, I always have a party ready no matter what the occasion.” Pinkie Pie explained.

Bon Bon and Lyra knew better than to question Pinkie Pie when it came to her Pinkie sense. “The party sounds wonderful. What time will it be?” Lyra asked.

“Three o’clock at Sugarcube Corner.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Great. That will give us time to put Nightwing down for his nap.” Bon Bon said.

“Okie dokie lokie! See you then!” Pinkie Pie then hopped away.

After their weird encounter with Pinkie Pie, Lyra and Bon Bon continued on their way home. Once there they put Nightwing down for his nap and got in a quick nap for themselves as well.

That afternoon Bon Bon and Lyra packed together Nightwing’s things and placed him in his stroller. They then headed off to Sugarcube Corner for Nightwing’s party. When they arrived they were surprised at how large the party was. It was just as large as Diamond Tiara’s cutecinera.

Pinkie Pie came hopping over to them. “Welcome to the party! I’m so glad that you could make it!”

“Wow Pinkie, we don’t know what to say.” Lyra said. “We didn’t know that the party would be this big.”

“Well it’s not everyday that a new pony arrives in Ponyville, especially a bat pony! In fact, I believe that Nightwing is the first bat pony that Ponyville has ever had.” Said Pinkie Pie.

Bon Bon and Lyra both thought about what Pinkie Pie had said. As far as they knew, there had never been a bat pony in Ponyville before. The only time that they had ever seen one before was when they served as princess Luna’s royal guard.

Nightwing looked over at the playpen in the corner and saw Pumpkin and Pound Cake playing. He reached out towards them. “Bwa bee!”

“Oh how cute! Nightwing wants to play with the Cake twins.” Bon Bon said. She lifted Nightwing out of his stroller and set him down in the playpen. “You three play nice now.”

Once in the playpen, Nightwing crawled over to Pumpkin and Pound Cake. He sat down next to them and showed them his Soarin plushie. Pound and Pumpkin both smiled and picked up plushies of their own. Nightwing even shared his Soarin plushie with Pumpkin.

“That is just so sweet!” Lyra said. She then had Photo Finish set up her camera in front of the playpen. Photo Finish took a picture of the three foals and then she dashed off.

“Alright every pony, it’s time for cake and presents!” Pinkie Pie announced. Bon Bon picked up Nightwing and brought him over to the cake which towered from the floor to the ceiling. The cake was decorated with pictures of foal bottles, pacifiers, cradles, and teddy bears. Nightwing looked on in amazement of it.

There was only one candle on the cake, but Nightwing still had trouble blowing it out. Lyra and Bon Bon both helped him out and every pony applauded. After eating a few slices it was time for the presents.

Rarity gave Nightwing a onesie that looked like a tuxedo. Fluttershy gave him a rabbit plushie. Applejack gave him a quilt with apples sewn all over it. Pinkie Pie gave Nightwing a ball. Rainbow Dash gave him a Wonderbolt’s hat.

“For the future Wonderbolt!” Rainbow Dash said proudly.

“Twilight is sorry that she couldn’t be here, what with being the new princess of Equestria and all.” Said Pinkie Pie. “However, she did send over a gift for Nightwing.”

“Let me guess, it’s a book.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Wow, how did you know?” Pinkie Pie said with a surprised tone. “Are you psychic?”

Lyra and Bon Bon looked at every pony with big smiles on their faces. “Thank you all very much for the party and the gifts.” Bon Bon said. “We really appreciate this.”

“Yes, you’ve all made Nightwing feel so welcome here in Ponyville.” Said Lyra. “Especially the Cake family. Nightwing and the twins really seem to be getting along.”

“They most certainly do. We should set up a playdate sometime.” Mrs. Cake said.

“I’m sure that Nightwing will love that.” Said Bon Bon. She then looked down to see that Nightwing had fallen asleep. Bon Bon gently picked Nightwing up and placed him in his stroller. Lyra gathered up all of his gifts and thanked every pony for coming to the party.

As they headed out the door Lyra turned to Bon Bon. “I think that we are ready for this parenting thing.”

Bon Bon smiled as she looked over at Lyra. “You know what, I think you’re right.”