• Published 30th Apr 2020
  • 2,296 Views, 41 Comments

Parenthood - BubblePuff

Lyra and Bon Bon adopt a bat pony foal.

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A day out

A few weeks had passed since Lyra and Bon Bon adopted Nightwing, and the three of them had settled into a routine. Lyra and Bon Bon shared responsibilities such as playing with Nightwing, feeding him, changing him, and giving him baths.

One night during dinner, as Lyra was feeding Nightwing some foal food, Nightwing looked right at her and said his first word. “Mama!”

Lyra was so excited that she nearly dropped the jar of foal food. “ Bon Bon, did you hear that? Nightwing said his first word! He called me mama!”

Bon Bon walked over and hugged Lyra. “That’s great Lyra!” Although Bon Bon was happy for Lyra, she did feel kind of down that Nightwing had not called her mama.

At that moment, Nightwing looked over at Bon Bon and reached out to her. “Mama mama!”

Bon Bon’s heart swelled with joy. She picked up Nightwing and gave him a hug. “That’s right, I’m also your mama!”

Lyra walked over and joined in on the family hug. They both wished that the moment could last forever.

The next day Bon Bon and Lyra took Nightwing with them as they went shopping at the market. As they shopped, they bumped into Mr. and Mrs. Cake who had Pumpkin and Pound with them in a stroller.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cake!” Lyra said. “It is so nice to see you today. Out shopping with the twins I see?”

Mr. Cake nodded his head. “Yep! We’re just out getting some ingredients for a big order that we just got.”

“So, how is everything going with Nightwing?” Mrs. Cake asked.

“Everything has been going great!” Bon Bon replied. “In fact, just last night he said his first word and called us both mama.”

Mrs. Cake smiled. “Oh, that is just so precious! I remember when Pound and Pumpkin first called me mama. You two must be very proud.”

“Indeed we are.” Said Lyra as she patted Nightwing on the head.

As the adults talked, Nightwing reached over to Bon Bon’s bag and picked out a daisy from a bunch that had been bought earlier. Nightwing then gave the daisy to Pumpkin Cake, who smiled and giggled when she received it.

Mrs. Cake noticed what Nightwing had done and couldn’t help but D’aww at the sight. “Isn’t that sweet! It looks like some pony has a little crush on you Pumpkin.”

Both Nightwing and Pumpkin blushed. They waved goodbye to each other as Lyra and Bon Bon continued on shopping. “So I guess our little Nightwing knows how to woo the ladies. He gets that from me.” Lyra said with a smug expression on her face.

Bon Bon simply rolled her eyes. “If there is anything that he has learned from you, it’s your table matters. I’ve seen how you eat pasta miss messy.”

“It’s not my fault that the sauce gets everywhere when I try to slurp.” Lyra said defensively.

When Lyra and Bon Bon were done shopping they decided to have a picnic in the park. Bon Bon and Lyra both had haybacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches while Nightwing enjoyed a bottle of formula. After having lunch, Lyra and Bon Bon both heard a hissing sound. They both looked over at Nightwing to see a yellow spot growing on his diaper.

“I’ll change him this time.” Bon Bon said. Bon Bon took Nightwing and some changing supplies to a public restroom which had a changing station. After Bon Bon removed Nightwing’s dirty diaper and wiped him clean, another mare emerged from one of the stalls. It was Spoiled Rich.

Spoiled gave Nightwing a look of disgust. “A bat pony? Keep that nasty thing away from me!”

Bon Bon was incredibly insulted. “Excuse me, but that is my son you’re talking about.”

Spoiled simply waved her off. “Then I feel sorry for you. Bat ponies are nothing but pests that devour fruit crops.”

Bon Bon stomped her hoof in anger. “They are NOT pests! Bat ponies are the royal guards of princess Luna.”

Spoiled merely laughed. “You mean the lesser of the two princesses? She hires bat ponies purely out of pity, and occasionally she will show them off during that dreadful holiday Nightmare Night.”

Nightwing sat up and gave Spoiled a mean look. He then grabbed his dirty diaper and hurled it at Spoiled. It hit her right in the face with a loud, wet smack. Spoiled instantly ran out of the restroom screaming. Bon Bon smiled and patted Nightwing on the head. “That’s my boy.”

Nightwing smiled in return. “Bwaa!”

After changing Nightwing Bon Bon went back outside to the park. She sat next to Lyra who said “I just saw Spoiled Rich come running out of the restroom with a diaper on her face. What happened in there?”

Bon Bon simply smiled and replied. “Let’s just say our son knows how to deal with trash.”

“Bon Bon, what happened?” Lyra asked.

“It wasn’t our fault. Spoiled Rich came out of nowhere and just started insulting Nightwing, all because he is a bat pony. So Nightwing threw his soiled diaper at her.” Bon Bon explained.

Lyra let out a sigh. “Bon Bon, you know that wasn’t right. We can’t have Nightwing thinking it’s okay to get physical with some pony whom you don’t get along with.”

Bon Bon lowered her head. “You’re right. It isn’t okay for Nightwing to do things like that. And I know that we need to set a better example, but you should have heard some of the things Spoiled said about Nightwing. She called him a pest that devours fruit crops.”

Lyra grew angry at what she was hearing. How dare Spoiled Rich say that about her son! Then the image of Spoiled running out of the restroom with a diaper on her face made Lyra smile. “Okay, so Spoiled Rich is clearly the exception. However, from now on we must teach Nightwing not to do things like that to other ponies. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” Bon Bon said as she nodded her head in agreement. “For now though let’s take Nightwing home. He’s had a big day today and I’m sure he needs a nap.”

As soon as Lyra and Bon Bon put Nightwing in his stroller he let out a big yawn and drifted off to sleep. Lyra and Bon Bon both D’awwed at the sight of Nightwing sleeping.

“Our little stallion has had a big day today, hasn’t he?” Bon Bon asked.

“He most certainly has.” Lyra replied with a smile.