• Published 30th Apr 2020
  • 2,296 Views, 41 Comments

Parenthood - BubblePuff

Lyra and Bon Bon adopt a bat pony foal.

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Becoming a family

Lyra and Bon Bon had just gotten married. They had just returned home from their honeymoon and were putting their bags away when they heard a knock at the front door.

“Lyra, can you get that?” Bon Bon asked.

Lyra walked to the front door and opened it. At first she didn’t see anything. Then she looked down and was amazed at what she saw. Sleeping in a basket on the doorstep was a bat pony foal. Judging by the look of him, Lyra figured that the foal couldn’t be more than a month old. Attached to the basket was a note. Lyra picked it up and read it.

“The foal’s name is Nightwing. Please give him a good, loving home.”

“Oh, you poor thing!” Lyra picked up the basket and brought the foal inside. “Bon Bon! Come over here quick! You have to see this!”

Bon Bon came walking into the living room. “So who was at the door?”

Lyra set down the basket. “This little guy. There is also this note.”

Bon Bon’s eyes went wide when she saw the foal. She read the note and turned to Lyra. “Was there any sign of who dropped him off?”

Lyra shook her head. “No, just this basket and the note.” Lyra then rubbed the back of her head. “So, can we keep him?”

Bon Bon was stunned. “What?! Lyra, we just got married! Our house isn’t set up to raise a foal!”

“Please? The poor thing is all alone. Besides, you read the note. We were chosen to raise this foal.” Lyra pleaded.

Bon Bon knew that she couldn’t say no to Lyra, especially when she gave her the pleading puppy dog eyes “Alright, we can keep the foal. However, I want you to understand something very clearly Lyra. This is not a pet. This is a baby. It will require attention 24/7. That includes feedings, diaper changes, baths, playtimes, etc. Do you understand?”

Lyra raised her hoof and saluted Bon Bon. “I promise. This foal will be raised right, and I will be there for him day and night.”

At that moment, little Nightwing let out a big yawn and opened his eyes. Both Lyra and Bon Bon looked down at the bat pony foal and smiled. Nightwing then began to cry and let out an ear piercing scream.

“Lyra, check his diaper! He might need a changing!” Bon Bon said as she plugged up her ears with her hooves.

Lyra reached down and picked up Nightwing. She felt his diaper to see if it was wet and pulled it open to check if there was a mess. “His diaper is clean Bon Bon. Maybe he needs to be fed?”

Bon Bon ran to the kitchen. She searched the refrigerator and the pantry, but couldn’t find anything suitable for a foal. “I think we’d better do some shopping at the foal store.”

Lyra and Bon Bon both hurried to the foal supply store with Nightwing in tow. They placed the bat pony foal into the shopping cart, where he continued to wail and throw around his legs. Bon Bon and Lyra both knew that they needed something to calm Nightwing down. Just then they noticed some Wonderbolt plushies. Lyra quickly grabbed a Soarin plushie and showed it off to Nightwing.

“Here Nightwing! Look at the Wonderbolt!” Lyra then flew the plushie around Nightwing while making zooming sounds. Nightwing stopped crying and observed the Soarin plushie. He laughed and clapped his hooves. Lyra gave him the plushie and Nightwing held it tightly.

Lyra and Bon Bon continued shopping for supplies. They bought Nightwing a stroller, a high chair, foal food, formula, bottles, a rubber feeding spoon, a crib, blankets and pillows, a nightlight, a pacifier, and lots of diapers among other things.

When they returned home, both Lyra and Bon Bon were exhausted. Just as Bon Bon was about to set Nightwing down on the floor he started crying again. Bon Bon listened closely and heard his tummy growling. “Lyra, can you heat up some formula while I try and calm Nightwing down.”

While Lyra prepared the formula in the kitchen, Bon Bon sat on the couch with Nightwing. She bounced him up and down on her knee to try and stop his crying. Lyra eventually returned with a heated up bottle of formula. Bon Bon stuck the tip of the rubber nipple into Nightwing’s mouth. Nightwing stopped crying and began sucking down the formula.

After Nightwing had consumed the entire bottle, Bon Bon placed him over her shoulder and gently patted his back to burp him. After a few seconds however, Nightwing refused to burp.

“Here, let me try.” Lyra said. As soon as Lyra took Nightwing from Bon Bon he let out a huge burp and spit up all over Lyra’s face. Nightwing then covered his face and giggled. Bon Bon could not help but burst out laughing.

Later that night Bon Bon and Lyra set up Nightwing’s crib in their guest room. They plugged in the night light and tucked Nightwing under a blue blanket and rested his head on a white pillow. Lyra gave Nightwing his Soarin Plushie, which he held onto tightly. They both kissed him goodnight and turned on the night light before leaving the room.

A few hours later Lyra and Bon Bon were awoken by Nightwing’s crying. Bon Bon rolled over to Lyra. “Honey, go see what’s wrong.”

Lyra pulled the covers over her head. “Oh No. I’ve already been spat up on once tonight. It’s your turn to tend to him.”

Bon Bon sighed and groggily rolled out of bed. She walked over to Nightwing’s room and as soon as she opened the door she was struck by a horrible stench. Bon Bon’s eyes went wide and she instantly covered her nose. “Sweet Celestia! How could you turn formula into that?”

Bon Bon layed out a changing mat and set Nightwing down on it. After throwing away the dirty diaper, Bon Bon wiped Nightwing’s bottom clean and covered it with foal powder. Just as She was about to strap Nightwing into a fresh diaper, he let loose a stream of pee that hit Bon Bon right in the face.

Lyra was awoken by Bon Bon’s screaming. She got up and raced over to Nightwing’s room. “Bon Bon, what happened?”

Bon Bon gagged as she turned towards Lyra. “He peed in my mouth!” This time, Lyra was the one who fell over laughing. Nightwing simply sucked on his hoof, unaware of what was going on.