• Published 28th Mar 2020
  • 3,850 Views, 56 Comments

Dreams Don't Always Come as you Expected - Mister E-Nonymous

An orphan boy who has been living in an orphanage his whole life has been given a chance to have a home, but things get a little edgy when he wakes up, not just as a pony, but of a pony in the opposite gender.

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Chapter 7: Hard to Fight the Urge

Chapter 7: Hard to Fight the Urge

(Pinkie Pie's Point of View)

Well, I adopted Alex. She was happy about me becoming her mother. So I decided to help get her things that might keep her from becoming more of a girl. We went to a toy store to get her some things that boys would enjoy, but I saw her slipping into the way a girl acts, and see her put some girly dolls in. I then grabbed her and she shook her head and saw what she put into the cart. She was shaking her head at what she did.

It's been at least two months after I adopted her. But, all the time, it's been harder for her to fight that urge. I saw her playing dress up with Pumpkin, playing with dolls some other fillies, even getting into Mrs. Cake's makeup on her own. She realized what she was doing ten minutes after she was doing it, and just ran away from it. She was getting really scared of what was going on.

"It's okay, Alex," I told her. "We're trying our best to help you."

"I... I'm having a hard time fighting it," Alex said. "I don't know what to do. I just have the need to do all of this, and I can't do anything to stop it myself. I'm scared, Mom!"

"I know, I know," I told her. "We're doing whatever it takes to find a way to stop it. Twilight, Princess Celestia, Zecora, Solar Eclipse... they're all looking all over for ways to help you."

She then hugged me, and started crying. She was sobbing as she said, "I... I can't... fight... this... urge. I don't... want to... think... these... thoughts."

"There, there," I said, patting her back. "I'll help you through this. Let's take you someplace where it stirs up some boyish thoughts into you."

Then Rainbow Dash came up to me and said, "Hey, Pinkie Pie! I just got some tickets to see the Mystery Mare fight Iron Hock tomorrow night in Manehattan!"

I then went wide eyed and said, "That's perfect! Dashie, Alex is starting to lose the urge to fight those girl thoughts!"

"Well, it's a good thing I got four tickets," said Dashie. "Let's get on the train to Manehattan tomorrow, and we'll see the show. This is gonna be so awesome!" Luckily, today was Friday, and Alex and Danny didn't have school tomorrow. Then we got prepared to go to Manehattan tomorrow.

Today, we arrived in Manehattan, and dropped our stuff at the hotel we checked into. We then decided to do things across Manehattan to keep ourselves busy until that match tonight. We walked into a toy store. We came came inside to see a lot of boy things that Alex would like. Let's just hope we can keep her out of the girl section and not let the girl side of her take over.

We walked into the action figure section of the store to see if Alex would be able to fight those habits she doesn't want. When we saw something that Alex might want, we turned to look at her, only to find out she wasn't there.

"Uh oh," said Dashie, Danny and I in unison. We then ran out of that isle, and looked from that spot to find Alex. Then I spotted her heading for an isle that was full of girl things.

"Alex, wait!" I shouted, seeing her. I then grabbed her before she could go into it. "Alex, did you know what you were doing?"

She then realized what she was doing, hugged me tight and said, "I... I couldn't help myself! Stupid girl thoughts! It's like I have the need to do girl things, and I just can't help but do it."

"I know, Alex," I told her. "I know. We just need to keep you away from girly things."

We then went back to the isle where all the boy things were. It was getting harder and harder for Alex to stay out of girly things. She is having trouble trying to stay away from the girly things. We eventually made it through the day, and the wrestling match was going to start in half an hour.

"Alright, guys," said Rainbow Dash. "We gotta get to that wrestling match."

"Okay!" said Alex, Danny and I.

"Alright, so the wrestling match is just across the street from this mall," said Danny. "What's the quickest route out of here."

"I can help you with that," came a voice. We looked over and saw a brown, earth pony filly with a short, red and pink mane and tail.

"Babs Seed?" asked Danny.

"How do you know who she is?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"She's the cousin Apple Bloom," said Danny.

"Oh, that makes sense," said Rainbow Dash. "Nice to meet you, Babs Seed. So, you know the fastest route to the wrestling match?"

"I sure do," said Babs Seed. "In fact, I just got one ticket there, and my sister don't want me going unless I know somepony that's going there tonight as well. But when I saw you, and if I could get permission from ya, I could go."

"Sure, kid," said Rainbow Dash. "You can come. Let me see your ticket." Babs Seed then handed Dashie her ticket and said, "Hey! This is right in the same row as us! And it's right next to us!"

"Okie dokie!" I said. "So, where can we get out of here?"

"My sister is in the same store where the exit is," said Babs Seed. "Right in there." She pointed towards a store. It wasn't just a store. It was a boutique full of girly things. We then looked at Alex, and she was trembling. Babs Seed then asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"I'll explain it to you on the way," said Danny. We then went through the store. And to make it easy for Alex, I had to keep her in one of my forelegs, trying to keep her from going over to them. Danny was explaining to Babs Seed what Alex was going through.

"Seriously?" asked Babs Seed.

"Yeah," said Danny. "And she's not going to last long. We're just trying to help her through what's left of her boy mind before it's fully girly."

"I understand," said Babs Seed. "Let's just hope this will do the trick."

We eventually found Babs Seed's sister, and she allowed us to take her to the wrestling match. We then went in. Luckily, we got seats in the front row.

"These are great seats!" said Rainbow Dash. "I still can't believe we got front row seats!"

"Yeah!" I said. "Let's hope that this will help Alex!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" came the announcer's voice through the sound system. "Put your hooves together for one of the greatest fights in the PWL. Our first wrestler... the never been defeated mare of the league... The Mystery Mare!" We cheered for the Mystery Mare. She was basically the best in the Pony Wrestling League.

I looked at Danny and Alex, and they looked confused. I then asked, "What's wrong, you two?"

"Is it just me, or does the Mystery Mare kinda look familiar?" Alex asked.

"It ain't just you," said Danny. "She kinda does look familiar."

"And now! We introduce the Mystery Mare's biggest rival!" said the announcer. "The blue mistress of darkness, we have... Iron Hock!"

The crowd started booing Iron Hock. I looked over to where they were Alex was. She was a little unsure of herself. I think it has something to do with her female side of the mind taking over. I then grabbed her and said, "Are you okay?"

"I... I don't know," said Alex. "I love watching some wrestling. I mean, our orphanage forbid us from watching it, but when our cook started wrestling to get some money for delicious food, they knew that he was wrestling for the money to give us some good food."

"Well, that's nice," I said.

"But now," Alex said, "it's like I don't like it anymore."

"It must be the female side of you taking over," said Rainbow Dash. "We can't let her leave until the match is over."

"I won't let her leave until the match is over," I said to Dash. Then the sound of the bell went off, and the match started. We all watched the match as it went down.

The match went fantastic. We looked at Alex, and she was smiling. I think this match had gotten her back to her male side of the mind.

"That... was... amazing!" said Alex.

"It worked," said Pinkie Pie. "She's less female now."

"For now," said Dash. "It won't matter once she reaches three months of being here. After that, she'll be girl minded forever, and her male thoughts would be nothing but a memory."

"Now, fillies and gentlecolts," said the announcer, "we have one last surprise for you. Pull out your tickets, because there will be a special surprise for three guests in the audience. The winners will get to meet the Mystery Mare. Get ready." We all looked at our tickets, including Alex, and we waited for the announcer to call out the numbers. "Section 120."

"That's our section," said Dash.

"Row Triple A," said the announcer.

"That's our row!" said Pinkie Pie.

"Now this is interesting," said the announcer. "All three of the winners are sitting right besides each other. Seats 8, 9 and 10"

We looked towards the others, and saw that they had the winning tickets. They all raised their tickets, letting everypony know that they won the contest. I was happy for them. They're going to meet the Mystery Mare.

"You three go on," I said. "We'll wait by the West entry way."

(Alex's Point of View)

At first, I wasn't sure that the wrestling match would help me. I could feel the sweat of both the fighters get into my face, which I found disgusting. It was when the Mystery Mare started winning, which was making me get back to my male side. I was starting to enjoy it.

And when Danny, Babs Seed and I won the contest, I couldn't contain myself. I think I'm finally pushing down the female side of my brain. We were taken into the locker room, and were introduced to the Mystery Mare.

"Hello, there kids," said the Mystery Mare. "You three sure must be some wrestling loving foals."

"Mystery Mare," said Danny, "it's an honor to finally meet you. Now that we got a closer look at you, I think we might have met before."

"Really?" asked the Mystery Mare. "I don't remember running into you. Where are you from?"

"Well," Danny said, putting a hoof on my back. I could feel my face blushing. I think I'm having feelings for Danny. "Alex here and I resident in Ponyville."

"Ponyville?" asked Mystery Mare. "Oh, wait a minute. I know what you're talking about. Come with me."

Then the Mystery Mare led us to her locker area. Then she grabbed a folded up photo and handed it to us.

"Perhaps this will let you think of who I remind you of," said the Mystery Mare. "I'm the filly on the right."

Danny then opened the photo, and both he and I were shocked. Inside the photo were two fillies that looked near identical. Both of them had some kind of dark magenta coat, and a mane of two coats of grayish pink. We recognized the pony on the left by her Cutie Mark. That filly was Miss Cheerilee.

"Miss Cheerilee?!" Danny and I asked in unison.

"Who?" asked Babs Seed.

"She's out teacher in Ponyville," I said. "Wait a minute. Are you...?" I looked up at the Mystery Mare and she nodded.

"I happen to be twin sisters with Cheerilee," said Mystery Mare. "My name is really Cherry Blossom. Now, I want you three to keep this a secret. Tell nopony."

"Okay," said Danny and I. She then handed the three of us some autographed pictures of one of her previous matches. In the photo, she was about to body slam somepony, which looked awesome. This might have been a good idea by mom.

This was the best trip I have ever had, even before I arrived here. But, I might as well say goodbye to my male self before Tuesday morning. I can't stop this. No way out of this. I might as well get my boy stuff locked up and never play again. I'm gonna miss acting like a boy. Who knows what I'm going to do when I'm done with my mental change?