• Published 28th Mar 2020
  • 3,850 Views, 56 Comments

Dreams Don't Always Come as you Expected - Mister E-Nonymous

An orphan boy who has been living in an orphanage his whole life has been given a chance to have a home, but things get a little edgy when he wakes up, not just as a pony, but of a pony in the opposite gender.

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Chapter 6: The Search for Alex

Chapter 6: The Search for Alex

(Pinkie Pie's Point of View)

Twilight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle and I ran out of the library, started looking for Alex. We have to find her before something bad happens to her.

"Pinkie!" came Dashie's voice. We stopped and saw Dashie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Danny coming over to us. "We just saw Alex running all over Ponyville. She looked upset about something."

"Well," I said. "Apparently, Alex... is still... changing."

"What?" Applejack asked. "What are ya sayin', Sugarcube?"

"We just found out that Alex's mind is changing as well," said Twilight. "She's starting to think thoughts girls should think of, and she used to be a boy."

"WHAT?!" shouted Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Danny.

"Oh, man," said Danny. "That's... that's just wrong. She probably didn't take it very well."

"No, she didn't," I told Danny.

"Alright, everypony," said Twilight. "Let's split up. Check all areas of Ponyville and ask any ponies if they've seen Alex. If they haven't seen her, tell them what's going on with her, and have them search high and low for her."

We all nodded and then split up. I just hope Alex would be okay. Wherever she is.

(Alex's Point of View)

Dream World...

I was dreaming that I was having a paintball war with my old friends from the orphanage before they got adopted. It was a fun memory. The nuns decided to take us to Paintball Sports Park for some fun. It was boys only since the girls didn't want to get messy.

I was just about to win and I turned around a corner, and for some reason, I wasn't in the park anymore. I was confused. It looks like I was in a castle bedroom, looking really girly. I then turned around, but it didn't turn back to the paintball park. I was really scared. But then I looked down and saw that I was in a dress.

"What the heck?" I asked. It was the girl voice I had. "No! This can't be happening!"

Then the door opened, and in came a fancy looking man you see in those Disney princess movies, like Cinderella or Frozen, or even Sleeping Beauty. I was confused about this, but then the man started talking.

"Princess Alexia, you're needed in the ballroom," said the man. "The ball cannot start without you."

Ball? As in a fancy dance? Why should I be dreaming of such things. I should tell him that I'm not feeling up for it. So that's what I'll tell him.

But instead of what I wanted to say, something else came out. "I'll be down shortly." I then realized what I just said, and went wide eyed.

"Of course, your highness," said the fancy man. He then left the room.

I was getting worried about what was happening. This is my dream. I shouldn't be able to be dreaming stuff like this. I looked over to the make up table, and walked over to it. In my reflection, I saw that I had a bunch of makeup on, and my hair was styled up.

"This can't be happening!" I said. "I gotta get this stuff off of me." I then grabbed a rag, and tried wiping this makeup off my face. But then I removed the rag, and looked at my reflection, and... my reflection made me look more girly. "What?! How?!" I then looked at the rag I was holding, only to be replaced with makeup supplies. "No! This can't be happening!"

I then turned, and nearly lost my balance. I didn't know what was happening, but there seems to be something on my feet. I then moved the poofy dress backwards, then looked at my feet and saw... high heels?

"No!" I said. "I can't be thinking these. I have to get out of this!" I then tried pulling this dress off, but there was something in my hands, and my arms put it on my neck. I looked down at it, and saw it was a beautiful necklace. "What?! No! This is not what I wanted! I gotta get out of here!" I then headed for the door. But, when I was expecting a hallway of more doors, I saw what looked like a ballroom. "Uh oh."

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the ball, Princess Alexia," came that same man's voice. I tried getting out of there, but my body had other ideas. It moved down the stairs, and headed for the middle of the ballroom. I was looking around to ask someone to help, but I saw human versions of my pony friends, like Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky, and other fillies in my class dancing with the boys from my old orphanage.

I then looked to where I was walking towards, and I saw... Danny. In his human form. I saw a picture of Danny from his iPod Touch of what he used to look like. He had a crown on his head, and he held out his right arm.

He then asked me, "May I have this dance?"

I didn't like where this was going. I had to get out of there. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I didn't want to dance with him. So, I had to tell him that I wasn't in the mood. "Of course I would." Why did I say that? It's like my body is on strike.

"It would seem that our princess has found her prince," said that man that came into that room I was in. "Is there going to be love between Princess Alexia and Prince Daniel of the Mid-Eastern Kingdom?"

No! This can't be happening. My body was ballroom dancing on it's own, and I had no control of it. It then moved in to kiss. I couldn't believe it. I was going to kiss Danny. This can't be happening. Wake up, wake up, wake up! Wake up from this nightmare!

Real World...

I then woke up, shocked, and breathing hard. I held a hoof to my chest. My condition was getting worse. I didn't want to dream like that ever again. But, there's nothing I can do to stop that. I'm... I'm getting more girly by the minute.

But then I looked around. I was in a bed with a leopard skin blanket. I also looked around the room, and I saw some sort of weird things. It reminded me of that villain from that Disney Movie, the Princess and the Frog. I was getting scared. I saw wooden masks, bottles of stuff, and a huge pot used for brewing things. I decided to get out of the bed.

"I was wondering when you would wake," came a voice. "I was worried for your own sake." I looked towards where the voice was coming from, and saw... a zebra? She was smiling at me. I could see that she was wearing large golden ring earrings, four rings on her neck, and five rings on her left hoof.

I was shaking. I was afraid of what else she would do to me.

She chuckled and said, "Do not worried, young filly. I do find you to be a little silly. Might I ask where you came from? Do have a lot to say, or just some?"

"Why are you rhyming like that?" I asked.

"It is a custom to all of my kind," she said. "It is natural for us to talk in rhyme."

I then remembered, I was mentally changing. I then started crying. I didn't want to be thinking girl thoughts for the rest of my life. I was a boy, and I'm losing my mind having my thoughts being replaced with girl thoughts.

I felt a hoof pushing my chin up, and I saw that it was that zebra. She then asked, "What is wrong, may I ask? Perhaps I'll have something more to task."

"I don't know if you'll be able to help," I said. "Have you heard of a creature known as human?"

"Humans are known to me, from a world where they're all spanny," said the zebra. "I do know of one former human by the name of Danny."

"Well... I used to be human, too," I told her. "But, when I was human, I... was... in the opposite gender." I looked at me, and she looked really confused.

"A human boy you used to be? That is quite surprising, even for me," said the zebra. She then pulled a strand of hair from my mane, making me yelp in pain a bit, and then she put it into the big pot. "Perhaps there is something more to what you say. I just hope what is happening has a huge price to pay."

"I already know," I told her. "I just found out. My mind is changing to one of a girl's. I don't want that. I'm scared."

"Do not be scared, young one," said Zecora. "I shall try to find the answer before the changing of your mind is done."

"I just hope so," I told her. Then I just remembered, I never introduced myself. "My name's Alex."

"A pleasure to meet you, my little flora," said the zebra. "I am the great brewer of potions, Zecora."

"Zecora?" I asked. Then I remembered. Pinkie Pie mentioned that there was a zebra that comes to Ponyville from time to time, and her name was Zecora. This must be her. She then looked into that brewing pot she had.

"It might be hard for me to get some what you need," said Zecora. "But I'll get the results in before those girlish instincts finish their feed." She then faced me. "How about now, we get you back into town? I'm pretty sure the ponies taking care of you are turning Ponyville upside down."

I guess that makes sense. I'm sure that Pinkie's got everypony looking for me all over Ponyville. Zecora then grabbed my scruff, and then put me on her back. I was still upset that I was mentally changing. I couldn't stop this. But hopefully Zecora could find a way.

(Pinkie Pie's Point of View)

All of the ponies in Ponyville looked high and low for Alex. I was getting worried for her. So far, nopony had found Alex. I had my mane straight, and I was pacing back and forth.

"Pinkie," said Twilight. "I know you're worried. But we're all doing our best to find Alex."

I then grabbed Twilight and said, "I can't let her be out there all by herself! She's scared that she'll be mentally female forever! We have to find her!"

Then Discord came in between us and said, "Perhaps I can be of assistance."

"Not now, Discord!" Twilight and I said in unison.

"Alright, fine," said Discord. "Then I'll not mention to you that Zecora is coming in with Alex on her back. Oh, wait, I just did." He then pointed towards somewhere, and we followed where he pointed, and saw Zecora there. We then ran up to her and saw that Zecora did have Alex on her back.

"Alex!" I said. I then grabbed Alex off of her back, and she clung onto me. "I know, Alex. I know. You're scared."

"She has been distraught for quite some time," said Zecora. "She is hoping on getting some answers of mine."

"You're trying to find a way to stop Alex from changing mentally as well?" Twilight asked.

"It might take me a while for the answer to come," said Zecora. "But I'm afraid that it might not be here until the change is done."

"Well, according to Princess Celestia," Discord said, "she said that Alex's mental change won't be finished until twelve weeks after she arrived."

"That means we have until a week after school ends until she is fully changed," said Sweetie Belle.

"We can't let that happen," said Danny. "Alex is used to being a boy for eight years. She doesn't want to feel this way."

I then looked at Alex. She really was upset. I then said, "I'm gonna take her home. Let her get some rest." I then headed off to Sugarcube Corner. I could sense that everypony around me was upset for Alex.

I finally arrived back home, and I put her in her bed. She was really upset. It would seem that she didn't let go, and was clinging onto me.

"Alex," I told her. "You can let go now."

"No," said Alex. "Please don't."

"Alex? Are you okay?" I asked.

"No," she said. "I'm upset that I'm changing mentally. I just had a nightmare before I woke up in Zecora's hut."

"What was this nightmare about?" I asked. She then let go, and just sat on her bed.

"It started out okay," Alex said. "I was... well, I started off as a boy in my dream. I was in a paintball field, playing with the boys from the orphanage I was from. I was about to win in, but when I went around one corner, I found myself in a castle bedroom. As a human girl. As a princess. I tried to get myself outta there, but I ended up in a ball room with human versions of all the girls in my class dancing with the boys from the orphanage. And... I was dancing with Danny. I didn't want to, but something was making me do it. And then, I was about to kiss him, but then I woke up."

"That's awful!" I said. "You're suffering, even in your dreams." I hugged her tightly. "You shouldn't be suffering like this. I'll do whatever it takes to help you through this."

She then hugged me and sobbed into my chest. I pulled her in, and I let her cry. And now, I remembered that she was an orphan. I then thought of something, but I would like to know if Alex is okay with it.

"Alex," I said, "I know you might not being a girl, but I wanna help you out through this. Even... even if I do it... as your mother."

Alex then looked up at me. Her mouth was quivering, and then asked, "You really want to be my mom?"

"Only if you let me," I told her.

She then smiled up at me, and then jumped on me, and said, "I would love you as my mom. Thank you."

"You're welcome," I told her. "Tomorrow, we'll go to Canterlot and get the papers signed."

"Well, at least the schoolhouse is closed for a week for the termite problem," I said.

"Exactly," said Pinkie Pie. "We'll leave in the morning."

She then nuzzled her head into my body. I then let her stay with me for the rest of the day. She'll be alright, if she doesn't go all the way girly before the three months are over.