• Published 28th Mar 2020
  • 3,848 Views, 56 Comments

Dreams Don't Always Come as you Expected - Mister E-Nonymous

An orphan boy who has been living in an orphanage his whole life has been given a chance to have a home, but things get a little edgy when he wakes up, not just as a pony, but of a pony in the opposite gender.

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Chapter 10: Filly in a Coma

Chapter 10: Filly in a Coma

(Pinkie Pie's Point of View)

We arrived back home, but I was still worried about Alex. She hasn't woke up yet. I just hope she'll wake up. I just put her in her bed, and then I kissed her on the head. I then got in my own bed, and I headed into my bed.

The next day came, and I looked at her. She was still unconscious. I still had my mane straight. I was worried that Alex would never wake again. My friends and the Cutie Mark Crusaders come in to check on how we were doing, but I wasn't too sure that Alex would wake up again.

It was Tuesday. It makes it officially twelve weeks since Alex came here, and now I couldn't do anything but watch her sleep in her bed. Pound and Pumpkin came into the room, checking on Alex, hoping that she woke up.

"I'm sorry, you two," I told them. "Alex isn't awake yet." I was crying. "I'm not sure if she'll ever wake up again."

Then Pound and Pumpkin climbed up onto Alex's bed, and got on her sides. They laid down next to her, staying by her side. I guess I should let them stay with her. Maybe a quick walk around town should clear my head.

As I was about to leave, I saw Rarity come up to me.

"Oh, Pinkie, dear," said Rarity. "I was just coming to check on you. Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, Rarity," I said sadly. I was basically lying to her.

"You don't sound okay, darling," said Rarity. "How about you and I go to the spa. Perhaps you need a day for yourself. Having some relaxing."

"I... I guess that could work," I told her. "I just wish that Alex would be able to wake up. She has been put up, finding the urge to keep out the girl thoughts. Now, she's unconscious. I don't know if she'll ever wake up." I then started crying.

Rarity hugged me, and said, "There, there, Pinkie. I'm sure she'll wake up. You've been watching over that filly like the Applejack didn't think Apple Bloom wouldn't be able to take care of herself when she was left home alone."

I then remembered that. I giggled a little bit and I said, "I remember that. She accidentally made Apple Bloom make a mess when she surprised her."

"Now, let's go," said Rarity. "You are in need of a spa day."

Rarity then led me to the spa. I just hope that Alex would be able to be awake when I'm there.

(Third Person Point of View)

Pound and Pumpkin stayed in the room where Alex was asleep. They felt bad for her and stayed by her sides. Then they heard hoofsteps. They saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Danny walking in.

"We came here to check on Alex," said Danny. They all then came over to the bed. They all came to the side of the bed. Alex was unresponsive to the world around her. "It's been days since we got her home. I feel so helpless to see her like this. She's like Sleeping Beauty." The others looked at Danny in confusion. "It's an old movie back in my world."

"What was that story about?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"It's about this princess that has been cursed by a wicked fairy to sleep for 100 years after she pricks her finger on a spinning wheel on her sixteenth birthday," said Danny. "But one good fairy blessed her and made sure that the only way to wake the princess was a true love's kiss." He then looked at Alex's face and said, "I don't think I should. I mean, she used to be a he, and she would be freaking out."

"Ah guess that's true," said Apple Bloom. "And besides, she can choose whether to act like a boy or a girl now."

"Yeah," said Danny. He then sighed. "You know, Alex is the first human friend I've made ever since I came here. Even if she wasn't born a girl. She really is a good friend."

"She sure is a good friend to us all," said Scootaloo. "She sure did enjoy everything we did."

"Even if it was the female trying to take over," said Sweetie Belle, "it was kinda fun playing dress up with her."

"Whether she asked like a boy or girl, she's still our friend," said Apple Bloom. Then she put her hoof on Alex's chest. "She's the best of both worlds."

"Yeah," said the others.

Then the scent of something delicious came to their noses.

"Smells like Mrs. Cake is baking some cinnamon rolls again," said Apple Bloom.

Then Alex's eyes opened wide, and she sat up and said, "Sounds good, I'll have three."

"ALEX!" said Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Danny, Pound and Pumpkin.

(Alex's Point of View)

I just woke up when I heard Apple Bloom mention cinnamon rolls. I really loved homemade cinnamon rolls at the orphanage. But when I asked how long I was out for, I was told I was out for five days. I then got hugs from all six of them, and they were happy for me finally being awake.

"Alright, Alex," said Apple Bloom. "We need to test ya for somethin'."

"Okay," I said. "What?"

"Alex, what would you rather do?" Danny asked. "Have a paintball match with the WWE Wrestlers, or a sleepover with all the Disney Princesses?"

"Definitely paintball with the WWE Wrestlers," I said. Then I just realized what I just said. "Yes! I'm thinking boy thoughts again! I'm mentally back to normal!"

"Well, not all the way," said Sweetie Belle. "You still have the decision of choosing whether if you want to do things that boys do or what girls do."

"Oh, right," I said.

"Hey, is it true that you did girly stuff back when you were a human boy?" asked Danny.

"Yeah, I did," I said, rubbing the back of my head. "I had to do it. I was separated from my group. Plus, the girls there did something I thought was fun."

"Anyway," said Danny. "Now that you're back to your normal mental self, may I ask why your face turns red when I was near you?"

I then looked down, and then I said, "Well, ever since I discovered I was mentally changing, I felt... something. I think those girl thoughts were persuading me to have a crush... on you."

"What?" asked Danny. "Oh, boy."

"I feel a bit of it coming right on right now," I said. "Stupid split mind. That's the downside."

"Don't worry about it, Alex," said Sweetie Belle. "You can wait a while for that to happen. But for now, we're just glad you're awake."

"Wait," said Scootaloo. "Shouldn't somepony tell Pinkie that Alex is awake?"

"I'll go find her," said Sweetie Belle. "Besides. I saw Rarity taking Pinkie to the spa. I'll go get her. I'll also tell Mrs. Cake that Alex is awake, and to get her something to eat.

Then Sweetie Belle ran out of the room, heading towards the front of the sweet shop. I was glad I had some good friends by my side.

(Pinkie Pie's Point of View)

Rarity and I just left the spa. I was still upset that Alex was still in a coma. The mud bath, the sauna, the hoof shining, and the Jacuzzi all were relaxing, but they didn't make me feel better knowing that my little Alex was still out cold. I just wish that she could be awake.

"Rarity! Pinkie Pie!" came Sweetie Belle's voice. We saw her running up to us with a huge grin on her face.

"Sweetie Belle?" asked Rarity. "Now, what has you feeling all up with excitement?"

"It's Alex!" said Sweetie Belle said. "She's awake!"

"What?!" Rarity and I surprisingly asked in unison. Then we all rushed towards Sugarcube Corner.

We went in, went up the stairs, and went into my room. There, we saw Alex, awake. She was eating a lot of food, which made sense since she was asleep since Thursday.

Alex then saw me, and said, "Hey, Mom."

Remember this moment?

Well, that's basically what just happened after she just said that. I then ran over to her and hugged her.

"I was so worried for you, Alex!" I said to her. "I never thought I would see you awake ever again!"

"I'm okay, Mom," said Alex. Then her stomach growled again.

"My goodness," said Rarity. "No wonder there's so much food in here. And since you haven't eaten in days, I guess you need to eat."

I then let go of her and let her eat until she's satisfied. Although, she was disgusting Rarity with the way she was eating.

Alex saw the way Rarity was looking at her, and said, "Sorry. I'm just really hungry."

"I guess I can't argue with the way you eat," said Rarity. "I'll go on and tell the others that you're up."

Alex nodded, and Rarity headed out. I then asked, "So, Alex. How would you like to do some things with me once every weekend?"

"Well," said Alex, "It's nothing too girly. Is it?"

"Well, you can now choose whether you want to do girly things or not," I told her. "How about one weekend, we do something boys like and the next we do something girls like? How does that sound?"

"Well..." said Alex. She then looked at her friends. They wanted her to have all the fun things she could have. Whether it's girly or not, they would support her. "I guess I'll give it a shot." Then she blew some hair out of her face. "But first, can I change my mane style? It keeps getting in the way of my eyes."

"Ya didn't have a problem with it months ago," said Apple Bloom.

"I was starting thinking girl thoughts!" said Alex. "I couldn't help it." But then she felt uncomfortable, and looked at towards her crotch area. "What's under my butt?" She then uncovered and saw... "A bedpan?"

"It was put there to keep you from wetting the bed," I said. "Once you did your business, I changed it out and wash out the first one."

"Okay," said Alex. "I understand, Mom." She then grabbed the cinnamon roll, and shoved it in her mouth.

"Maybe Rarity is right," I told her. "Maybe you should learn some things on how to eat." I then chuckled.

Alex swallowed and said, "I guess you're right." Then she looked at her mane and said, "Maybe I should just shorten my mane."

"I'll take you there tomorrow," I told her. Then I smelled her. "But how about now, we get you in the tub. You kinda smell."

Alex then smelled her pit, and regretted it. "Yeah, you're right." She then raised her forelegs and I picked her up, and then set her on my back. Then I took her into the bathroom and started up the tub.

When we came out of the bathroom, my friends were all there, happy to see that Alex was awake.

"We're so glad you're finally up," Twilight said to Alex. "We were hoping that you would wake up sooner."

"Well, I had to wake up eventually," said Alex.

"Well, you needed to recover," said Fluttershy.

"Plus, you were on an adventure with one of the greatest adventurers in Equestria," said Rainbow Dash. "Plus, nopony else besides us knows that she's real."

"Seriously?" asked Alex. "Not even the Cutie Mark Crusaders know?"

"We Pinkie Pie Promised that we wouldn't tell anypony about it," said Apple Bloom.

"And I guess we can understand," said Sweetie Belle. "Daring Do donates her findings to a museum, but donations don't pay the bills."

"So she writes books about her adventures, and makes her readers thinks it's all a work of fiction," said Scootaloo. "That's actually smart of her."

"Well, at least she does what she loves," said Alex. She then jumped off my back. "I'm just happy to finally be myself."

"Aw," I said. Then all of my friends and Alex's friends got in on a group hug. "I want you to have as much fun as you want to." Then I just remembered. I haven't introduced her to the rest of her new family. Luckily, my sister Maud is coming for a week long visit before she goes on a research trip. I'm sure that Alex would absolutely love Maud.

(Alex's Point of View)

I had such a fun time with my friends. And Mom introduced me to one of my aunts. Maud Pie. The fact that she barely shows any emotion kinda freaks me out. But no matter what, she's one of my new aunts.

Also, sometimes when Mom and the Cakes are out of town, they put me in charge of watching Pound and Pumpkin. Pumpkin wants me to do some girly things with her, but she is such a sweet filly. I didn't seem to mind doing some girl things now, even though I don't have to be forced to do it now. But Mom caught me and Pumpkin asleep with some makeup on.

Luckily, she didn't spill the beans on me using Mrs. Cake's makeup to Mrs. Cake herself. But, she did like it that I was having some fun with the twins, and encouraged me to do so. So what if I used to be boy for eight years. I might as well do things that are on both sides of the gender line.

But now that I'm finally able to think for myself, and have a choice of my own, I'll be living here without any mental problem of mine. Sure, I'm doing both boy things and girly things, but as long as my friends know me, I'm happy.


Comments ( 10 )

Loved the story keep up the good work

Do you plan on doing another story after this about a different person?

I agree with Gargon94 on this idea, you could make the next one be a unicorn like Twilght or Rarity, and have him/her trying to use magic but ending up in comedic ways. You've got both the pegasus and the earth pony races, now you just need the unicorn race. Just a suggestion, though.

I’m not trying to be rude, I just like the layout of the stories in this series and don’t want it to change

Don't worry about it. You weren't being rude.

My friends and the Cutie Mark Crusaders came in to check on how we were doing,

Perhaps you need a day for yourself. Having some relaxing time."

You've been watching over that filly like the Applejack didn't think Apple Bloom

"Whether she acted like a boy or girl, she's still our friend," said Apple Bloom.

I'll also tell Mrs. Cake that Alex is awake, and to get her something to eat.“(——

"Anyway," said Danny. "Now that you're back to your normal mental self, may I ask why your face turns red when I was near you?"

I then looked down, and then I said, "Well, ever since I discovered I was mentally changing, I felt... something. I think those girl thoughts were persuading me to have a crush... on you."

"What?" asked Danny. "Oh, boy."

I would love to see this expanded upon.

awww too cute great job loved it

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