• Published 28th Mar 2020
  • 3,848 Views, 56 Comments

Dreams Don't Always Come as you Expected - Mister E-Nonymous

An orphan boy who has been living in an orphanage his whole life has been given a chance to have a home, but things get a little edgy when he wakes up, not just as a pony, but of a pony in the opposite gender.

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Chapter 3: Starting My New Life

Chapter 3: Starting My New Life

(Alex's Point of View)

These last two days have been really tiring. Sure, I woke up here a girl pony three days ago. But yesterday, Pinkie got me signed up for school here. Everything was signed up, and I got everything for school, and I'm starting school on Monday. It's Friday right now, but I got some time. I also had my "Welcome to Ponyville Party" last night, and I was so exhausted, I just came home and passed out on the couch in the living area. Although, last night, Danny introduced me to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. At first, I was a little worried about meeting the younger sisters of the two ponies I rejected the other day, but they're not half bad once you get to know them.

I'm going to be waiting around Sugarcube Corner until Monday. Today, I woke up to the smell of my favorite breakfast being cooked. Blueberry pancakes, hash browns and scrambled eggs. I then got up, and headed for the eating area. I saw Mrs. Cake preparing a plate for me.

She saw me and said, "Good morning, dearie." She then looked back at her work, and then she looked back at me. "Oh, dear. I think Pumpkin was playing with your hair this morning."

"Huh?" I asked. I then looked back at the back end of my mane, and saw that is was braided into a pigtail. "Guess she finally got me. Pumpkin was playing with my hair yesterday, and I guess she finally got me today."

"Oh, let me help you undo it," said Mrs. Cake, undoing the braid in my hair. "There you go, dearie. Now, let me take this plate to the table, and you can start eating."

"Okay," I said. I had followed her to an open table, and she set the plate down. I got onto the table, grabbed a fork, and started eating my breakfast. But for some reason, I thought about that braid that Pumpkin got me with. Why doesn't it seem to bother me? It was weird, but I doesn't seem to bother me. So, I just shook that thought out of my head, and continued eating my breakfast.

I finished my breakfast, and I headed out. I looked around town and saw a bunch of ponies enjoying their days. I walked over to the park. My days here have been getting stranger and stranger. I'm starting to feel different, but for some reason it seems natural for me. I then looked over at the Golden Oaks Library. That's where Princess Twilight lives. I decided to pay her a visit. I walked in, and saw that the library wasn't very full. The only one there was Spike.

He saw me come in and said, "Oh. Hey there, Alex. What brings you here?"

"Well, since I don't start school until Monday, I might as well see if there are any instructional books that might teach me how to write like a pony," I told him.

"Understandable," said Spike. He then pointed a claw at a bookshelf and said, "Right over there."

I walked over to the bookshelf he was pointing at. I looked at a bunch of how to books. I then saw the book that says, "How to write." I then tried pulling off the shelf, but it was stuck. I was groaning.

"Hey, it's stuck," I said.

Spike walked to the bookshelf, and was helping me with getting the book off the shelf. Both of us were groaning.

"Did someone glue this book to the shelf as some sort of joke?" I asked.

"No way," said Spike. "Twilight has made a specific rule to keep arts in crafts for over there." He then pointed at an area that was marked "Arts and Crafts Area." We then went back to pulling at the book. Spike then said, "Pull on three."

"One... two... three!" Spike and I said in unison. Then we pulled the book out of the bookshelf. But then we saw more books coming off the shelves. Some weren't even on the same wall.

The sound of books falling alerted Twilight and she came down the stairs. She then asked, "What in Equestria just happened?!"

"It wasn't my fault!" I said. "I swear."

"It's true, Twilight," Spike said, having my back. "She was coming in here for a how to write book, but that book was stuck for some reason, and when we got it off, all these other books just fall off the shelves."

"Well, whatever happened," Twilight said, "I should probably get the library cleaned up. Spike."

"On it, Twilight," said Spike. He then grabbed the book I was looking for and handed it to me. I then grabbed it in my right forehoof. I know that walking with four hooves was hard, but three while holding a book in one hoof is very hard.

I then put the book on the table, and then I was about to open it up. But it was stuck. I shouted, "Oh, c'mon!" I then tried using both my hooves, and my mouth to open the book. And I finally got it open, but I was surprised to see what had happened.

"Hello there!" a creature made of different animal parts leaped out of the book, startling me.

"GAAAH!" I shouted, falling off of my chair.

Twilight and Spike looked towards where I was and saw this thing above me.

"Discord?!" Twilight asked.

"Oh, now this makes sense," said Spike. "Just what are you doing?"

"Oh, I came here to actually meet this young human boy turned filly," said the creature known as Discord. "I'm sure that she'll like to b my friend."

"Not if you do that to me again!" I shouted. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Oh, I apologize about that," said Discord. "I just wanted to be friendly. I hope that one day, you'll be able to trust me."

I gave him the stinkeye. I then said to him, "If you wanna be my friend, don't just appear in front of me!"

"Don't worry about him, Alex," Twilight said to me. "I'm not too trusting about him either. Ever since he made me and my sister-in-law go on some pointless quest two weeks ago, while he was pretending to be sick."

"That is just mean," I said. "I hope he got what he deserved."

"Oh, he did," Twilight said. "My sister-in-law, Princess Cadance, caught him faking his illness, and then a creature called a Tatzlwurm came out of the ground and sneezed on him, making him actually sick."

Then Discord got between us and said, "Oh, I felt awful that day!"

"You should've," I said. "I gotta go. Mind if I check out this book?"

"Sure," said Twilight. She then took the book I had out of my hoof, and took it to the checkout desk. When she finished, she handed me the book, and I headed out. I'm pretty sure that the rest of the day will go by without anything crazy happening to me.

(Pinkie Pie's Point of View)

I was working on plans or Dashie's birthday that was coming up. I was just about finished, and after I turned around for just one second, I noticed that my plans were messed up.

"WHAT?!" I shouted, seeing my plans messed up. Then I knew who was responsible for this. "DISCORD!!"

Then a snap of two fingers went off, and Discord appeared, and my plans were back to normal. He then said to me, "I have met that former human that you have taken in. She was not happy."

"Alex hates being spooked like that," I said. "Believe me, I found that out the hard way when I threw her a 'Welcome to Ponyville Party.' Anyway, what do you want, Discord?"

"Well, it concerns Alex's mind," sad Discord. "Have you noticed anything different about her? Mentally speaking?"

I thought about it, shrugged and said, "Nope. Nothing from my view."

"I see," said Discord. "Well, I would like to give you some advice. Keep an eye on Alex. Make sure she will be alright in the mind."

I was confused about that. But then, I went back to drawing up plans. Just then, I heard somepony walking in. I turned around and saw Alex coming in.

"Hey, Alex!" I said. "What are you up to?"

"Just wanting to get started on how to write before I start school," said Alex. She headed for the bed I recently got for her. She walked past a wall mirror, and looked into it. She saw that her hair bow was crooked, and fixed it, then continued to her bed. I was confused by that. I mean, she used to be a boy, but that was odd of her. But if anything else goes wrong with her and she notices, I'm taking her to see Twilight to see if there's something going on.

I decided to get back to work. I was wondering why she was doing a girly thing, but I decided to brush it off.

Dashie's birthday party, which was also on the same day she first came to Ponyville, went a complete success. Thanks to a little help from a party pony who was travelling across Equestria, Cheese Sandwich. I learned a valuable lesson. I was upsetting Dashie trying to prove that I was making sure I would be a better party planner than Cheese Sandwich. I let my pride get in the way and made it about me. I'm supposed to be the Element of Laughter, but I was doing the exact opposite of making ponies laugh. So, Cheese and I started making the party for Rainbow Dash, together.

I was just finishing up what I learned into the journal that my friends and I share. I was just finishing up until I saw Cheese Sandwich come up to me with a case, saying, "Just a little memento of my visit."

It opened up, and inside was Cheese Sandwich's prized possession, his rubber chicken, Boneless. I didn't know if I was hallucinating or not, but I could've sworn it had a rainbow going across it.

"You're giving me your special rubber chicken friend?" I asked him.

"Oh, he's not the only one," he said. But then I noticed that he had another rubber chicken, and it had the number 2 on it's stomach. Then Cheese Sandwich turned around and said, "Well, Boneless Two, another job well done. But it's time we mosey along." He was walking towards the sunset, saying, "Another town, another party."

Then my five friends, Danny and Alex came up beside me. I then said, "I never did get that pony's name."

"Cheese Sandwich! shouted my friends, Alex and Danny.

I then giggled and said, "Oh, yeah." I was messing with them. I just wanted to hear their reaction. I then looked at Alex and said, "Alright, Alex. Let's go home."

I then handed Twilight the journal, and then I grabbed Alex, and put her on my back. I walked into Sugarcube Corner, and I put Alex into her own bed that was next to mine.

I then asked Alex, "So, what did you think of that party?"

"That was awesome!" said Alex. "All of those cool games and rides there. I wish I would have something like that on my birthday. Although, I got this feeling that I want it... I don't know... a little... less noisy."

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked.

"I don't know," Alex said. "I feel weird. It's probably nothing." She then yawned. "I'm so tired." She then covered up, and fell asleep.

I giggled and covered up in my own bed. It's probably just nothing, but I'm starting to get a little worried about Alex. I know she was born a boy, but I think she's acting a little weird, lately. If something goes on, and she starts noticing, I will take her to Twilight to see what is going on. I'm starting to think that Discord might have been trying to say something about Alex. I should keep tabs on her, just in case.