• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 21,809 Views, 1,728 Comments

I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

  • ...

(8-2) A Return Once Again

I watched as Discord snapped his fingers. Instinct took over, and I automatically shot at him an instant later as his eyes went wide in complete and utter shock. I knew he thought something would happen to me. He was expecting something to happen to me. I didn’t know what he wanted to make happen, but clearly what he wanted to happen didn’t happen, and he was turned into stone a second later because of it.

The first thing I noticed was that there wasn’t a pinched nerve in my neck anymore. I honestly didn’t realize just how bad it was hurting me until right then, but now that it was gone, the relief was immense. However, if given the option, I would have chosen the pinched nerve if it meant I wasn’t back in Equestria at that moment.

I don’t know why, but I was expecting to be depressed. Instead though, I felt intensely angry. Rage would be the way to describe it. I was absolutely enraged at everything, and found myself grinding my teeth in frustration at being back there.

“Is it better now, Sombra?” I heard the mare next to me, Radiant Hope, ask with concern in her voice.

I felt my coat bristle at her voice. She was the one who tied that string back together after she caused me to tear it apart. It was her fault I was here right now, and her fault that I was in pain before.

“You!” I barked as I quickly turned towards her, causing her to jump back. “You did this to me! You brought me back here!”


“NO!” I interrupted, baring my teeth. “No! This is your fault! You did this to me!”

I stamped my hooves in frustration and ground my teeth harder. I felt like I wanted to throw a tantrum and destroy everything around me. I was absolutely hating everything about this, and started to scream because of it.

“DAMN IT! WHY DID YOU BRING ME BACK HERE! FUCK!” I dropped to the ground and closed my eyes, leaving myself open to anyone who wanted to take a shot at me.

“Just go ahead and kill me!” I said to whatever ponies were around me. “I don’t care! Just kill me and let me die!”

It took a few moments for Radiant Hope to collect herself. She didn’t know what she expected when she tied Sombra’s string back together. Actually, that wasn’t true. She knew exactly what she expected. She thought that her friend would be pain free and able to beat Discord. Not that he wasn’t. Clearly both of those things had happened. It was just that… she wasn’t expecting this. She didn’t expect that creature to return.

“I’m not sure why I didn’t though,” the mare thought to herself as he looked at him. “It should have been obvious that was what would happen. If breaking the string sent him away, then tying it back would obviously bring him back.”

Alex sighed, keeping his eyes closed. “Just kill me,” he said with an air of finality. “You’ve all wanted to do it ever since I got here anyway. Just get it over with.”

“What are you talking about, Sombra?” Radiant Hope asked, confused. “We’ve already won. There’s nothing left for us to do.” She paused for a second as the stallion turned his head to look at her. “I mean, there’s still Cadance and Shining Armor, as well as a few others,” she added, “but there’s basically nothing left.”

“So let me get this straight,” the stallion spat at her, clenching his jaw as he gave her a hateful look. “You already had everyone defeated, and you decided to bring me back here anyway?”

“What are you-”

“Alex?” a small voice interrupted.

Both Alex and Hope turned to see a sniffling yellow pegasus cowering in fear next to the statues that were her friends. Her blue eyes, despite the tears in them, were the tiniest bit hopeful as she looked at the stallion.

“Is that you?” she asked timidly.

The stallion exhaled and closed his eyes. “Yes, it is,” he answered, the frustration evident in his voice. “It shouldn’t be, but it is.”

“Is that- is that really you?” she asked tearfully.

The stallion nodded his head, and immediately watched Fluttershy’s expression change. He could see a sense of relief in her eyes and on her face, the pegasus now wearing a look of hopefulness, almost… happiness? Joy? He couldn’t exactly tell, and he had no idea why she would be happy for his return. Regardless, though, it did nothing to soothe his anger.

“Oh, Alex, it was horrible!” she got out. “Sombra came back, and Twilight said he turned Princess Luna into stone, and then…” She looked around at her motionless friends and sniffed. “You have to do something… Please say you can do something…”

He didn't know. He had absolutely no idea how to use magic at all. Then again, Hope had been able to give to teach him a tiny bit the last time he was in this body, and he had turned Discord into stone on instinct alone.

“Yes, I can do something,” he told her, “but I won’t.”

“...what?” she asked him, slightly confused.

“I won’t do anything!” he yelled. “They all deserve this after the way they treated me! They were planning to kill me without a second thought!"

"But- but… they're- they're my…"

"They’re what? You’re friends? Because those friends of yours are heartless monsters with no compassion for a pony who did absolutely nothing but comply with everything they said!”

“But… but without them and Luna, the sun won’t set, and then-”

“I HOPE EQUESTRIA BURNS!” Alex screamed. “I hope it burns! I hope this world ends in a fiery death! It’s what Celestia deserves after the way she treated me! Taking her rage for Sombra out on me! Letting that witch Amore burn me day after day, year after year! It’s what she deserves! It’s what they all deserve for the way they treated me! None of you believed in me!”

The stallion huffed as he faced the yellow pegasus, sending an intense look her way. He was seething, hating the fact that he was back in Equestria, and while he knew it wasn’t fair of him, he was taking his anger out on the mare in front of him. She seemed almost hurt by his yelling at her, and looked down at her hooves because of it.

“I believed you…” Fluttershy whispered meekly, almost inaudible.

Alex deflated, all of his anger seemingly leaving him. In spite of how in the right he felt, how much he thought they deserved the fate they received, he couldn’t ignore that fact.

“Yes,” he sighed quietly. “You did.”

Radiant Hope silently watched the exchange between them. She was now fully realizing exactly what was happening. The knot in the string was keeping part of him suppressed, and the string being torn apart was keeping the other part of him at bay. Now that the string was fully untied and fixed, it seemed as though both parts of him were now operating together. It explained both why he knew about Princess Amore’s treatment of Sombra and why he was acting the way he was currently. How Sombra managed to create and cast such an advanced spell was beyond her. Then again, this was Sombra, after all. Of course, guessed that it was still possible that Alex was a creature from another world and not just a personality of Sombra like she was suspecting, but at the moment, she highly doubted that.

Fluttershy stared at Alex with sad eyes, silently pleading for him to try and do something. The stallion stared back for a moment, trying to decide what he should do, before closing his eyes.

“Somb-” Hope started, before she was interrupted.

“Stop,” he told her forcefully, eyes still closed. “Let me think.”

He was back and forth on whether or not he should free them or let them stay encased in stone. He thought back to every memory he had since he first came as he tried to decide, before suddenly remembering something Luna told him.

“No, Fluttershy,” he said, opening his eyes to stare into hers. “I’m sorry, but not yet. I need to see if Luna lied to me.”