• Published 9th Mar 2020
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I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

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(5-1) A Little While After

“What was I thinking?” a white alicorn asked herself, after taking the time to let herself cool from her rage.

She wasn’t one to let her judgment become so clouded. In fact, many ponies regarded her as the voice of reason during confusing and troubling times. And she often was. Her ability to keep calm under pressure was a skill she admired about herself.

And yet, somehow, that creature, no, Sombra, had made her unhinged to the point of violence. Violence against her own friends. It was unlike her, and she felt ashamed of what she had done, embarrassed by how she lost control of herself. She had fought to keep herself under control, tried to keep herself from becoming Daybreaker, but she couldn’t help herself. Because of him.

Even worse was that they seemed to not care. Her own sister seemed to not care. Sure, she spoke of what she was feeling, telling her she understood, but only when telling her that she was being unreasonable, or to get over it. As if such things were easy to get over. Just his sight was a painful reminder of what she lost at his hooves. Yes, she knew she should have asked to discuss it, but then again, she shouldn’t have to ask. They could clearly see that that creature was bothering her.

She wondered if that was how Luna felt when she became Nightmare Moon. So undue by the sight of her that she couldn’t help but snap, just like she did. Trying and failing to keep control of herself. Both of them snapping because they felt like the other didn’t care. Well, that, and Celestia had to listen to that creature tell her that he didn’t care, and that she should just get over what he did to her. She couldn't bear to hear it.

She wondered how long she would be gone. Likely for a thousand years at least, or maybe just the rest of her life. She felt like she deserved it. Regardless of what that creature had done to her, as Princess Cadance told her, attacking other ponies was unacceptable. It didn’t matter how much it hurt to see the one who murdered her friend, the one who both looked like and taken the one she loved. What she did was unacceptable. She knew though that she’d eventually be allowed to return to Equestria. She just hoped that, when she did, her friends would find it in their heart to forgive her. She would try to forgive herself for how she snapped.

But not him. She wouldn’t apologize to him, not now or ever. There was no way his being here was an accident. She knew that, understanding that, at the very least, if he did not bring himself here, somepony else had, and she wouldn’t be forgiving them for it. Somepony, perhaps Sombra himself, had set her up to watch her fall, and it burned her up inside to know that somepony wanted her to suffer. She would find them and make them pay. And if she ever saw Sombra himself again, she would make sure to turn him into dust for the pain and shame he caused her.

My body was aching as I started to wake up. My head was pounding, and it felt like I fell down a flight of stairs as I lay in bed. A bed. I was hoping it was my own, and kept my eyes closed, just in case I didn’t like what I saw.

“Please,” I thought, “let that all have been a dream because I hit my head before going to sleep.”

I waited in darkness for just a second longer, building up the courage to see where I was, then cracked an eye open to see the Princess of Love staring down at me.

“Of course, I’m still here,” I muttered, and closed my eyes again, wanting to go back to sleep.

“Stay awake,” she instructed sternly. “I have questions for you.”

“Of course you do,” I sighed, opening my eyes again. “I don’t see why it matters though. You’re not going to believe me, and I know you hate me just as much as Celestia does. I wouldn't be surprised if you hurt me, too.”

“Then consider this your chance to be believed,” she told me. "If you happen to convince me, I'll be the first to apologize for doubting you."

“No thank you. Fluttershy and Luna are already on my side, and those two can get Twilight or someone else to help me. I don’t really care if you believe me or not.”

“Princess Luna was the one who told me to question you, so maybe you’re not as believed as you think. Especially after Chrysalis told us that you were going to help her take over Equestria.”

Hearing that was a mild surprise, but I couldn’t muster up anything more than that. It was just another thing on top of everything else. “Then just kill me,” I sighed, shutting my eyes again and painfully turning over. “I don’t really care at this point. The whole universe is out to get me anyway.”

Radiant Hope surveyed the scene, listening to seven ponies try to piece together what had just happened in Canterlot.

“For now,” Princess Luna told the group, “I will remain in charge of Equestria until my sister returns or Twilight takes up the throne.”

“Um, how long is she going to be gone?” Twilight Sparkle asked worriedly, still concerned for her former mentor, still firm in her position of not wanting to be the ruler anymore.

“I do not know. At the very least, she will wait until this situation is resolved. Although, knowing my sister, she has likely already gotten control of herself and seen what she has done wrong.”

Radiant Hope didn’t like hearing that. Apparently, Celestia had gotten to Sombra and hurt him. Even more worryingly, he evidently caused Celestia to change into Daybreaker. Although, she did take consolation that her friend was still living, seeing as Luna wanted to wait until after “this situation” to bring Celestia back to Equestria. It was also good that she showed some concern for her friend, not wanting Celestia to hurt him again.

“For now, though, I would like you all to focus on the task at hand. Especially you, Twilight Sparkle. I have faith in your ability to find a way to send that creature back to where he came from.”

That creature? That was an interesting way to describe him. She would have assumed that the princess was just being spiteful, but she didn’t have any malice in her voice. It was quite strange, and Radiant Hope thought over what it might mean.

Actually, there wasn't really anything to think over, there being only one possibility for what she meant. Sombra was able to convince them that he wasn’t himself and should be spared. How he did so, she had no idea, but it was quite remarkable. Even more remarkable was the fact that they trusted him enough to bring him to the Crystal Empire, even if it was under their watch. She assumed so anyway. If Celestia was gone, she doubted that they would have left him in Canterlot by himself.

This was actually better than she expected. Now, at least, she wouldn’t have to search Canterlot for him since he was likely in the Crystal Empire. As well, it seemed that he gained some trust with the ruler of Equestria. Although, it was likely going to be quite difficult to be alone with him long enough to come up with a new plan on how to proceed. As well, she would have much rather have Chrysalis working with them than for them to have to do things on their own. But still, Radiant Hope believed that she could work with the scenario that was presented to her.

“For now, however, I will be heading back to Canterlot to begin rebuilding the castle, as well as to explain what has happened to Celestia. I will be returning tomorrow, and I would like you six to see how much you can find out before then.”

The crystal pony sighed to herself. Of course, Luna was leaving. She just had to go and make it more difficult for her when she and Sombra were ready to take the princess by surprise.