• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 21,750 Views, 1,728 Comments

I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

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(6-4) And I Return

I felt a nerve in my neck pinch. Then, absolute agony engulfed my entire being. It was just for a few moments, threatening to make me blackout, before the agony concentrated on my head. It was a pounding pain, like someone was hitting it with a hammer over and over again. I instinctively placed my hands on my head, making the nerve in my neck pinch further, and carefully lay it down on the desk in front of me.

“Oh, my head…” I moaned, then angrily asked, “Why did you make me do that? Nothing even happ-”

I suddenly stopped talking, lifting my head to take a slow look around me. It was the same old East Building of the office I worked in. It was no different now that it was before, the people in it sitting in the same desks they always sat in, filing paperwork and taking calls and whatnot. It wasn’t that interesting of a scene.

I stared wide eyed at what was around me, taking in the view with disbelieving eyes. After how bad the last week or so of my life had been, I didn’t think I’d actually be here again. I was fully prepared to stay in Equestria for the rest of my life, however short it would have been. It certainly wasn’t going to be years, that much was certain. I was going to make sure it wasn't. And I was right about that. I just didn’t expect that mare, Radiant Hope, to be able to do anything.

I wondered what Celestia, Cadance, and Applejack thought now that I’d proved them wrong. And then I decided that I didn’t care since I’d never have to see them again because I wasn’t Sombra!

I started to laugh. It was a laugh that started off as a chuckle but quickly morphed into something manic. I was filled with relief, anger, happiness, and complete disbelief all at the same time. I had no idea what happened or what I did, or who was in Sombra’s body now and what they were dealing with, but I didn’t care because I wasn’t there!

“Fuck you!” I announced while laughing, directing my words at Celestia, at all of the ponies who doubted me and wanted me dead. “Fuck! You! I told you I wasn’t lying! Ha! Ha-ow. Ow, ow, ow…”

My head was pounding, and I could feel the nerve in my neck pinching harder, but I kept laughing in relief, until my laughter turned into tears. I was crying out of relief, now that there was no longer any pressure on me and I didn't have to constantly feel hate radiate off of those two princesses, Celestia and Cadance. That was the worst week of my whole life, ever. I was never going to watch that terrible TV show that showed those awful creatures ever again.

“Ah, ow, ow, ow…” I moaned, getting out of my chair and laying on the floor as curious and surprised people around me got up to check on me. “Oh, my head and neck are hurting so bad…” I said, laughing a little before stopping because of the pain. “Oh, I am so happy,” I got out, feeling the nerve pinch even harder against my neck before I passed out.

“How are you feeling?” Doctor Marks asked me.

“I am so terrified,” I told him truthfully, my voice shaking slightly as I rubbed at the pinched nerve on my neck.

I met with him once before after the incident, since my work offered to pay for twelve free therapy sessions after my outburst. The first time I just talked about how relieved I was and explained what happened to me, along with things about my normal life and family. It wasn’t really productive, but it was free, so I didn’t care. Besides, I really wanted to tell someone about what happened to me.

And then, the day before the second session, a thought occurred to me.

“Can you tell me what you’re afraid of?” he asked.

“I’m afraid of going back,” I told him, still rubbing the spot on my neck. “I nearly gave myself a panic attack yesterday just thinking about it.”

“Why do you think you’ll experience what you did again?” he asked.

I made note of that word, experienced. He didn’t believe me. I knew he thought I was delusional. To be fair, though, maybe I was. The hospital I went to when I passed out said I was dehydrated, and that that could cause hallucinations. I was kind of hoping it was a hallucination, too. I didn't want it to have been real, and would rather have just believed I went crazy for a few minutes. I didn’t really have any evidence to say I wasn’t crazy. None except for this awful feeling pinched nerve.

“Because it happened before, and I don’t know why! What if it happens again? I don’t want to deal with all of that again!”

Doctor Marks looked into my eyes, thinking of how to respond. After a moment though, he answered. “Well, your hospital said you were dehydrated, which is what caused the hallucination, but let’s assume for a second it wasn’t because of dehydration, okay?”


“You said you were sucked into this world for an unknown reason, correct?”

“I have ideas for why or how, but none that I’d be able to prevent from happening again.”

“Okay, but you said you knew how to get out, didn’t you? You said there were strings inside of you that were tied up and you had to untangle yourself.”

“Well, I mostly did nothing, but yes.”

“I want you to imagine those strings as your grasp on the real world. The more worked up and stressed out you get, the more those ‘strings’ become tangled, and the more you’ll lose your grasp on reality.”

“You think I have anxiety issues and hallucinated, and that’s what happened to me?” I asked skeptically.

He took a breath and answered, “I do. I think you were stressed out from the work you do, and had an anxiety or panic attack, and that, coupled with dehydration, is what set off your 'transportation' to this 'world'. The threats of death you faced in this world could be viewed as how you feel your life might fall apart if you don't keep pushing yourself.”

I didn’t believe him, but it was a theory. I didn't feel as though my life would fall apart before, but it might have been some unconscious feeling inside me. It made sense, and was much better than just saying it was all real and that I could go back at any moment. I wanted to believe him, and would have taken anything over the knowledge that it was real. “So what do I do?”

“Well, whenever you start to feel stressed, you have to remember to take a breath and gather yourself. You can't bottle it up and let it fester. If you were older, it could have been a heart attack you had then. You can’t let it continue to grow without taking a moment to calm down. When it starts to bubble up, take a moment to breathe and count to ten. Give yourself time to relax.”

I gave him a look that was a mix between a scowl and worry. That didn't sound like that good of a plan to me. “Is there anything else I can do?”

“Well, I can prescribe you anxiety medication if you think you need it,” he offered.

“Yes, please,” I answered, then let out a startled cry as a wave of pain washed over my body for a moment.

"How often does that happen?" Doctor Marks asked, concerned.

I took a couple of breaths before answering. "So far, a few times a day," I told him, closing my eyes and rubbing my neck.

"Let me also write you something for that, to take as needed."

A pinched nerve in his neck, and then absolute agony as he let out a scream. That fool completely broke the string rather than loosen and untie it like he should have. He hoped that being got to suffer for doing that, at least momentarily, for breaking the string and putting himself in agony. Sombra quickly caught the broken piece inside of him before it could float away. He would tie it back on later, but not right now. Right now, he was in a great deal of pain, almost the worst imaginable.

“Nothing happened!” he shouted angrily to the room, pretending to still be Alex. "I'm still here!"