• Published 9th Mar 2020
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I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

  • ...

(1-3) But Fear Has Never Failed Him

“What are you doing, Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash asked her in a frustrated tone. I cautiously opened my eyes to see the yellow pegasus staring directly at me with eyes that had a hint of doubt in them, mixed with a bit of concern.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “It’s just… Applejack said he sounded truthful, and he looks so scared.”

“And he should be!” Rarity told her. “After all that brute’s done, he should be afraid!”

"And Ah said he sounded truthful. He could just be good at lyin'. This is Sombra we're talkin' about."

"But what if he's not lying, Applejack? He doesn't look like he's trying to hurt us right now, and he did say he surrendered. What if he just wants a second chance? We did give Discord, Starlight, and Stygian second chances."

I didn't want a second chance because I wasn't Sombra, but right then didn't seem like the best time to start arguing that point.

"He enslaved ponies an' wiped their memories so they wouldn't be able ta tell us what he did. That's a little different than Discord turning rain ta chocolate milk."

“Well, I feel like we should give him a chance anyway,” Fluttershy told Applejack, although with a bit of nervousness in her voice.

“He’s an evil pony, Fluttershy,” Applejack told her, as though she wasn’t getting it.

"Besides," Rainbow Dash told her, "it's like Twilight said. If he's not Sombra, the Elements won't hurt him."

This was so screwed up. It was like I was on trial, except the trial was just straight execution, and if I didn’t die, then I’d be proven innocent.

"Okay, let me clarify," I broke in, still laying on the ground. "I am in his body, but I'm not him."

"Then tell us, exactly who are you?" Celestia suddenly asked.

I opened my mouth to start, but no words came out. I suddenly realized there was nothing I could tell them. They flat out wouldn't believe me if I said I was a human, and would find out I was lying if I told them I was a pony.

Still, I had to say something, and tried to word my statement as carefully as possible. "Um," I swallowed, "I'm some creature who I think was stuffed into this body. My mind I mean, or my soul. I think. I really don't know how this happened." She stared at me, her expression still unchanging, still seeming like she had nothing but hate for me and didn’t believe me in the slightest. I tried to continue. "I know it seems ridiculous-"

"Because it is ridiculous!" Cadance spat, interrupting me, an angry look in her face. That was roughly the reaction I expected from her, although I hoped for something different. "If you're really some creature who was put inside Sombra, the Elements wouldn't hurt you."

"I am not sure that’s true," Luna said calmly. Nine pairs of eyes turned her way, including mine. “Let’s suppose he is being truthful,” she started, she and Celestia keeping their eyes firmly on me. “If that is the case, then he is trapped inside somepony who is at least half umbrum. In that case, if the Elements were used on him, he would likely experience significant pain as the umbrum was ripped away. If, however, Sombra were completely an umbrum, he could quite possibly be simply destroyed. Of course, nothing might happen, which would wholeheartedly prove his truthfulness, but there is no way to guarantee that a truthful being trapped inside Sombra would survive, seeing as we’ve never had some creature like Sombra claim to be some creature else.”

What she said was something I expected Celestia to say, but I wasn’t complaining. It made the six look at me with enough doubt to have a chance at not possibly facing death.

“Of course, it’s quite possible that the Elements have already made their decision by giving Fluttershy, who represents Kindness, sympathy for him.”

“He could just as easily be tricking them, Luna,” Celestia told her flatly.

The way she said that made me shiver. I said it before, she gave me nothing but a feeling of absolute hate. She was acting towards me the way I expected Luna to act, or worse, like I had done something specific to her, and it was scary. No, terrifying. Terrifying because I didn’t know what I could have done to make her feel this way towards me. I felt lucky that she wasn’t the pony who found me down here.

“That is true, Celestia, and it could easily be my own past causing me to speak out. I do know that if I were to make the choice, I would give him a chance. But as I said, I will not stand in the way of your decision on how to handle him.”

I had a feeling she wanted me dead, and honestly thought that was what she was going to tell the six. But instead, I heard, “The decision belongs to Twilight and her friends.”

I let out a small sigh of relief at that, and relaxed a tiny bit. I wasn’t going to die, especially not after what Luna told them. I’ve seen this show before. This is the part where they realized that I wasn't lying

And then I saw the look of concentration on Twilight’s face. The look of her thinking the decision over. It was just about the last thing I wanted to see. How could she possibly be thinking her decision over? Especially when the options were between giving me a chance and me probably dying!

“Please don’t do this,” I said quietly, then said louder, “Don’t do this to me! I surrendered! I haven't even tried to hurt you!”

“I want to believe you, Sombra,” Twilight told me somberly, “but I know you’re lying. If it were any creature else, I would believe them. Chrysalis, Discord, even Tirek, I can see why they did the things they did. But you… you just have no justification for the way you are. You’re just a monster, who’s evil for evil’s sake, and the Elements proved it twice.” She then turned to the other five, telling them, “I say we do it, but only if we’re all in agreement.”

“Well, I say yes,” Rarity said.

“Absolutely!” Rainbow Dash said quickly.

“Just give me a chance! I haven’t even done anything!”

“Let’s rock and roll!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Applejack?” Twilight asked.

She looked at me, considering her decision. “You have to see that I’m being honest, Applejack!” I pleaded to her.

She closed her eyes and said, “Ah vote yes.”


I, along with the whole room, looked to her. She looked like she wanted to say no, but it seemed like she was going to say yes for them.

“Please don’t let them do this to me,” I whispered fearfully.


“I-” she started, then stopped, still deciding. She stayed quiet for several seconds longer, then finally said, “He just looks so scared.”