• Published 13th Feb 2020
  • 2,359 Views, 140 Comments

Vámonos, Equestrian Exploradora! - Autum Breeze

Instead of enjoying Pokemon Shield on my new Nintendo Switch... I wind up in Equestria as DORA THE FUCKING EXPLORER!

  • ...

Chapter 6

Chapter 6


The trio and Dora all cried out as the light faded and they dropped, slamming down into grass.

“Ow,” Sweetie Belle groaned. That had not been fun.

“The hay jus’ happened?” Apple Bloom’s asked, wincing.

Looking around, she noticed Dora pushing herself up, a hand on her head as she shook it, likely to clear things, before she opened her eyes, blinking, her face blank.

Sweetie Belle had a good idea why. Dora was not wearing what she was before.

Whereas moments ago she’d been wearing a lovely dress clearly made by Rarity, she now was wearing a brown khaki shirt, khaki shorts and work boots and white socks, the crystal that had glowed resting outside the shirt against her chest. Atop her head was a pith helmet, like what Scootaloo says Daring Do wears.

“What the hay?” Scootaloo asked, shocked.

“Why’re we wearin’ these clothes?”

At Apple Bloom’s question, Sweetie looked over to her fellow Crusaders to see they, and now that she looked down at herself, she, were wearing the same, minus the shoes, socks and shorts. They even had their own pith helmets.

What was going on?

Dora blinked, before glaring down… at the crystal? “Maldito pedazo de mierda sin valor! Por qué en el amplio mundo de Equestria concediste el deseo de Scootaloo y nos enviaste aquí, cuando no concederías el mío para ir a casa?! Estúpido, maldito pedazo de mierda de cuarzo!”

Sweetie felt very confused. “Is she… angry at that crystal around her neck?” Apple Bloom asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“What’s she even saying?” Sweetie Belle asked, turning to Scootaloo, who’s expression is anxious.

“Uh… I’d rather not repeat it,” the Pegasus muttered as Dora stopped yelling.


I take a deep breath, rubbing my temples. “Calma. Calma.”

Noticing the quiet, I glanced back at the Crusaders to see them staring at me… Scootaloo’s expression reminding me she knows Spanish, so… likely understood every word I just yelled at the crystal. Whoops.

“Um, where are we?” Sweetie Belle asks, indicating around us. “How’d we get here? And why are we wearing these outfits?!”

I blink, before scratching my head. How to word this without sounding crazy or making it sound like Scootaloo or myself are to blame.

Suddenly, a rustling of leafs makes me whirl around, the Crusaders quickly hiding behind me.

I can’t help deadpanning at that. I’m younger than they are, physically. What good is hiding behind me going to do? I’m just a weak little girl right now. They’re more equipped to defend us than I am.

The rustling gets louder, the bushes in front of us moving, before a little white kitty cat wearing a blue bow jumps out.

“Aw,” Sweetie Belle coos, moving to get out from behind me, before I throw an arm out.

“What?” Sweetie Belle gives me a very puzzled look. “It’s just a little white kitty.”

“That’s not just any little white kitty,” I say wearily, eyeing it. “That’s Ahuizotl’s cat.”

At once, Scootaloo tenses, while Apple Bloom blinks in bewilderment and Sweetie Belle looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “A big bad guy has a cute little kitty cat for a pet?”

“It’s a much more common trope than you’d think,” I say, before shaking my head. “Besides, he’s not a b—”

“Lead the master over here!” the cat calls behind it in a very deep voice that reminds me of the guy who voice’s Bulk Head from Tranformers PRIME.

My expression blanks. One, because that is not the voice I would’ve associated with such a small cat and two, DID THAT CAT JUST FUCKING TALK?!

More rustling sounds are heard as the bushes are pushed apart, a jaguar, tiger, leopard and a lynx stepping out.

“Um, before you eat us,” I ask, getting worried whimpers from the Crusaders, “CÓMO HIZO EL JODIDO ESO GATO HABLÓ?!”

At once, the five felines pause, their expressions showing absolute confusion.

“Espere,” the cat says in that very distractingly low voice, “Qué quieres decir, mono extraño y sin pelo?”

“There. That, right there!” I say, pointing at the cat. “You just talked! I heard you! You just asked What do you mean, strange, hairless monkey? in Span—, erm, Equespañol!” I blink, before deadpanning. “Hey! I’m not a monkey!”

“Uh, is she talking to those cats?” Apple Bloom asks, sounding confused.

I glance back at her, confused myself. “Um, yeah. I know only Scootaloo speaks... Equespañol,” that pun is going to be the death of me, I swear, “but you do hear them talking, right? They’re right there in front of you!”

The trio look to each other, before looking back to me with the same puzzled look.

“Um, all we hear are cat noises and you making them,” Scootaloo says.

I blink. Huh? They don’t hear them? And what does she mean I’m making cat noises? Aren’t I speaking…?

I blink again, before wanting to slap myself in the face.

Of course! Dora is Diego’s cousin and his family have the ability to talk to any animal, not just those unique ones from Dora’s world who talk, act and live more like humans than animals without any real explanation.

Sure, at first it had seemed Dora didn’t have that ability because she needed Diego to translate sometimes, but after Dora’s Big Birthday Adventure, where she turned seven, there were several times she talked with the reoccurring character Baby Jaguar, who she at first never understood.

After that, it became canon that Dora can talk to animals too and, because I’m Dora from after her Big Birthday Adventure (despite still having the Wishing Crystal, for some unknown reason), that means I can talk to animals too… though I apparently do it unconsciously, like how I slip into Spanish without meaning to.

“Ninguna criatura aparte de nuestro maestro nos ha entendido,” the Jaguar says in a feminine voice.

“Um, could you guys please speak Ponish?” I ask uncertainly. “I dunno, hearing you speaking Equespañol is just kinda weird for me right now… which is saying something considering the fact I’m even understanding you at all is weirding me out enough as it is.”

At that, the lynx frowns at me. “And why should we give you that certousy?”

“You ask in the language she requested,” the tiger slaps a paw to her face. “Dude, what is the point in demanding us if you’re not going to do it by doing it?”

“Hey, shut up!” the lynx yells back at her.

I just watch as the argument unfolds… not sure what’s going on.

“Are they… arguing with each other?” Scootaloo asks, coming up next to me.

I nod slowly. “Sí… though I don’t get why. The matter in question is so trivial.”

“This happens more than you’d think,” the cat deadpans, before blinking and growling. “You two, stop quarrelling like newborn kittens! We’ve a job to do, remember?!”

The two felines stop their shouting match, before blinking, wilt, then get firm and join the others in a line up as they move to surround us.

“Wouldn’t Dora speaking their language make them friendlier?” Sweetie Belle asks worriedly as we all stand back to back, moving in circles along with the cats as they prowl around us.

“Those outfits are like Daring Do’s,” the lynx says, hissing, causing Apple Bloom to yelp.

“And if you work with that thief, then you are our master’s enemies too!” the leopard snarls.

“Uh, Espere. Solo espera bien?” I say, holding up my hands. “There’s been a serious misunderstanding here, I swear.”

“Please tell me you’re reasoning with them so they won’t eat us?” Sweetie Belle asks, her voice quivering.

A loud crashing sound causes us to look up along with the cats as the hulking form of a creature unlike any other in Equestria steps out from the trees.

The moment he lays eyes on us, he snarls. “So, it isn’t just those blasted Wild Bunch Gang are around. Daring Do has sent more thieves to take the treasures!”

“Ain’t him callin’ us thieves kinda the pot callin’ the kettle black?” Apple Bloom whispers.

“And why did he say that like Daring Do works with the Wild Bunch Gang?” Scootaloo whispers. “She’s always trying to stop them from stealing relics, not help them.”

“I am done tolerating these transgressions!” Ahuizotl snarls, lifting a cat whistle to his lips. “Younglings or not, if you are aiding Daring Do, you are an enemy to all the —”

“Por favor, espera, criatura guardian!” I cry, holding my hands up defensively.

He pauses, the whistle inches from his lips. He blinks. “Tú ... hablas el idioma de la jungle? Sabes que soy una criatura guardian?”

I nod frantically. “Sí, I do!” Oh, thank God. I have never been so thankful for my slipping into Spanish unintentionally. “I swear, Mr. Ahuizotl, there has been a huge misunderstanding.”

He narrows his eyes curiously. “And what misunderstanding is that, exactly, strange hairless monkey?”

My right eye twitches. “I. Am not. A MONKEY!”

The yell makes him flinch, clearly not expecting me to be so angry.

“Urm, my apologies. I do not know what you are, so assumed, since you look similar to…”

“Bueno, no lo estoy!” I snap, folding my arms and glaring at him.

There’s silence for several moments, no one seeming to know how to respond.

After I calm down, I sigh, rubbing between my eyes, before looking up firmly at the Guardian Creature. “Ahuizotl, were you aware Daring has no idea you’re protecting the relics?”

He blinks, before snarling. “Do you honestly expect me to believe that?! Do you know how many relics she and her accomplices have stolen from mine and the Sphinx’s temples?! You honestly expect me to believe they don’t know what they’re doing?!”

I give him an annoyed sympathetic look. “Ahu, ponies are dumb. They don’t think that far when it comes to other creatures.”

“Hey!” the CMC say angrily.

I glance back at them. “It’s true, isn’t it? What do you guys think of griffons?”

“They’re nasty!” Sweetie Belle says firmly.

“They’re mean!” Apple Bloom says.

“They’re jerks!” Scootaloo almost shouts.

“How many griffons have you girls met?” I ask, an eyebrow raised.

They open their mouths to answer, before blinking as they look to each other. “Um…”

“I’m guessing you never even talked to the team of hatchlings from Griffonstone at the Flag Carrying Competition, did you?” I ask, even though I know the answer.

“Well…” they all rub a front hoof in circles on the ground.

“So, aside from Gilda, whom has turned over a new leaf since then, you’ve never actually interacted with any other griffon, have you?” I ask. “That being the case, how can you know they’re all horrible?”

The trio don’t answer, just continuing making circles in the dirt.

I nod. “And it’s not just you fillies. A lot of adult ponies have the same mentality. Frankly, the sooner Twilight gets Neighsay to pull that stick out of his ass the better,” I mutter.

“So… getting back on track?” Ahuizotl asks, seeming a tiny bit annoyed the focus shifted like it did.

“Right. Sorry,” I turn back around to face him. “Well, like I said, ponies are dumb when it comes to other species. So, is it hard to believe Daring hasn’t thought you might be a guardian, not a criminal yourself?”

“How could she think I am the criminal when she’s the one always destroying my temples?!” he demands, aghast.

I sigh, rubbing my neck. “Well, using a more recent event with the Rings of Destiny, you never specified to Daring what the eight hundred years of unrelenting sweltering heat meant, did you?” And I have a good idea what it really meant.

He blinks, before frowning in confusion. “How could she not know? Did she not notice the sparseness of animals in the jungle at the time?! I’ve barely managed to get the population up thanks to her and those other ponies interrupting the ceremony! The other Guardian Creatures weren’t happy having to lend their own similar artefacts to help, since it reduced the numbers in their areas.”

“Um, what are the both of you babbling about?” Scootaloo looks beyond confused.

“I’ll explain when you’re older,” I smirk back at them, before returning my focus to Ahuizotl. “No, she didn’t. And you never bothered to try explaining it to her.” I deadpan. “I mean, really, all those times you had her bound down and trapped and you never thought once to see if she actually understood the situation?”

He opens his mouth, before pausing, blinking as he thinks it over, before he slaps his face with his tail hand. “You know, thinking out it, that might have cleared things up a lot.” Then he frowns. “But what about her accomplices?”

“Daring doesn’t work with Caballeron, Stawlwart Stallion and the Wild Bunch Gang!” Scootaloo says angrily, maybe not fully understanding, but at least going the right direction anyway. “They’re her enemies! She’s always tried to stop them from stealing stuff, not worked with them on it.”

“And, because she thought you were the bad guy, the same applies there,” I add, folding my arms.

Ahuizotl thinks for a few moments, probably going over every encounter he’s had with Daring over the years, before blinking and slaps himself in the face again.

“Wow, that… that really does explain a lot,” he gives an exasperated sigh. “I can’t believe I didn’t see this sooner.”

“So, next time you encounter Daring, maybe, instead of just gloating after catching her, you’ll try and explain yourself?” I ask, giving him a cocky smile.

He gives me a wry smile back. “Fine, fine. I guess I only have myself to blame on that one.” He sighs, looking very exhausted. “This is going to take a while, isn’t it?”

I shrug. “Probablemente.”

“Uh… excuse me?” we both look to Sweetie Belle, who has a frown on her face. “So, is he a good guy or a bad guy? Because my sister trusts you, Dora and I’m very confused. I thought he was a monster!”

Ahuizotl folds his arms, sighing. “I get that a lot.”

I nod. “Yeah. Daring’s been a wee bit mistaken. He’s a good guy, Sweetie, trust me… even if some of his actions were over the top,” I add, giving him a disapproving eyebrow raise.

“In my defence, I thought they were greedy intruders out to steal dangerous ancient artefacts,” he holds up a hand.

“Explain to Caballeron that and he’ll stop being one,” I say, before looking up uncertainly. “Stalwart Stallion and The Wild Bunch Gang, however…”

He nods. “I will try to keep that in mind.”

I rub my chin. “If I’m right, Caballeron will eventually go after the Diamond of Lapis Lux in a few years, so if you don’t encounter him sooner, you can make him understand then.”

“Okay, so, Daring Do’s greatest enemy is actually a good guy?” Scootaloo asks, before shrugging. “Okay, but, what do we do now? How’re we going to get back to Ponyville?” She glances around. “My parents may be explorers and could find their way easy, but I’ve no clue where we are.”

Ahuizotl blinks, before bowing. “Well, since you have helped me to understand the truth and given me an idea how to better protect the temples I guard, I would be more than happy to lead you to an area where you can get transport home.”

Apple Bloom looks to me. “Can’t we just use that crystal o’ yers, Dora?” she asks.

“Well, Scootaloo wished you guys could help me clear things up for Daring,” I say, taking the crystal in one hand while rubbing my chin with the other. “It might work. Scootaloo?”

She nods. “I wish we could all go back home.”

We wait… and wait. Nothing happens.

“Does this thing need a tune up, or something?” I frown down at the crystal.

“Where… did you get that?” the shock and awe in Ahuizotl’s voice makes us all look to see him and his cats staring at the Wishing Crystal in absolute shock.

“I… don’t know, really,” I say honestly, holding it in both hands now. “I just was suddenly wearing it several days ago. No explanation how, it was just there.”

“Wait. You know what this crystal is?” Apple Bloom asks, stunned.

He nods. “That crystal is an ancient relic long thought lost even before my time as a Guardian Creature. Legend said it would go to one from beyond this world whom would not be them self and could speak the language of the animals.” He looks to me, then his cats, who nod. “It would seem… the legend was true.”

“Wait, wait, wait,” I let go of the crystal, holding up my hands. “I’m part of some prophecy regarding this crystal?” I give a very unconvinced smile. “You’re kidding, right? I wasn’t even supposed to be in this world, let alone in this form? How am I part of a legend that I can’t even be in my own body for?”

He nods slowly. “It would seem so.”

There’s a pause, before I give a very snarky laugh. “Uh, no. sorry. Not this niña. I’m not even staying in this world for very long. Once the Friendship Festival’s over, I’m getting my original body back and going home, end of story.”

“Very well,” Ahuizotl says in a tone that tells me he doesn’t believe that for a second as he turns around. “Vamos chicas. I shall lead you home.”

He starts walking and we hurry after him, myself frowning.

Ahuizotl can’t be right. I’m not some chosen one from a prophecy. And what kind of chosen one would that be, anyway? This is the Wishing Crystal. It freaking comes from a world where its sole purpose is to grant the simplest of wishes on a daily basis. Hardly something worth seeing as legendary.

Author's Note:

Spanish translations:

Mldito pedazo de mierda sin valor = You fucking, worthless piece of shit

Por qué en el amplio mundo de Equestria concediste el deseo de Scootaloo y nos enviaste aquí, cuando no concederías el mío para ir a casa = Why in the wide world of Equestria did you grant Scootaloo’s wish and send us here, when you wouldn't grant mine to go home

Estúpido pedazo de cuarzo = You stupid, fucking piece of shit quartz


Qué quieres decir, mono extraño y sin pelo = What do you mean, strange, hairless monkey

Ninguna criatura aparte de nuestro maestro nos ha entendido = No creature aside from our master has ever understood us

Espere. Solo espera bien = Wait. Just wait, okay

Por favor, espera, criatura guardián = please, wait, Guardian Creature

Tú ... hablas el idioma de la jungle? = You… speak the language of the jungle

Sabes que soy una criatura guardiana = You know I am a Guardian Creature

Bueno, no lo estoy = Well, I’m not

Probablemente = Probably

Niña = girl

Vamos chicas = Come along, girls

So, first day off this week that's official and i'm finally able to get the next chapter of this out.

I dunno, did it feel natural? I don't want it to feel to fix ficish, so hope this flowed well enough.

anyway, next chapter, our unusual gang run into two ponies none of them expected to encounter in the jungle as well as a certain baby.

but for now, i'm gonna try and at least get a bit more done for Unexpected Aftermath, so, hopefully you'll see a new chapter of that out before sunday.

til next time, Adios amigos

Hope this was okay.