• Published 13th Feb 2020
  • 2,359 Views, 140 Comments

Vámonos, Equestrian Exploradora! - Autum Breeze

Instead of enjoying Pokemon Shield on my new Nintendo Switch... I wind up in Equestria as DORA THE FUCKING EXPLORER!

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9


Something shifts against me, stirring me from sleep.

I remain still, my barely awake mind confused by the sensations I’m feeling, before my brain catches up with me and I remember everything that’s happened so far.

Right. I’m Dora the Explorer and in Equestria.

I take notice of what shifted against me and had woken me up, resisting that it’s just Opulence. He’s snuggled against my frame.

I remain where I am, not even bothering to open my eyes. I don’t know what the time is, nor do I really care. I was never much of a morning person, anyway and after all the adventuring I did over the last forty-eight hours, I think I have the right to not get up right away.

Having no concept of the time, when I hear a knock on the door to my room, I jump, my movement startling Opal and making him get defensive, before relaxing.

“Lo siento, Opal,” I sigh, rubbing my eyes half-heartedly.

“Dora,” Sweetie Belle’s voice calls from the other side of the door, “Rarity says it’s time to get up. She’s got breakfast waiting for you in the kitchen.”

“Gracias, Sweetie,” I call, blinking as my eyes adjusting.

The brightness tells me it isn’t too late in the morning. Though, that guess could be wrong, since I’m pretty sure it’s early or late spring here right now, meaning daylight savings time should either have started or will start soon and trying to judge time by how bright things are during those times is pretty inaccurate.

Sighing, I slide out of bed, Opal hopping down too and I leave the room, making my way cautiously downstairs as the sound of a door closing can be heard.

“Rarity?” I call uncertainly.

“In the kitchen, darling,” is the reply.

Walking in, I find Rarity setting down a bowl, glass bottle of milk and bowl of generic looking cereal.

“Good morning,” she says as I come in, failing to stifle a yawn, Opal following at my heels.

“Buenos días,” I say through the yawn, moving over and sitting at the table.

“Have a good night’s sleep?” Rarity asks, clearly trying to make conversation.

“Mmhm,” I nod, pouring the cereal and milk into the bowl and half-heartedly eating.

Opal meows and Rarity pours him a saucer of milk, which he starts drinking.

“Dónde está Sweetie Belle?” I ask, between spoonfuls.

I translate upon seeing the raised eyebrow. “Oh, school, darling. It’s Monday, after all. New school week, and all.”

I nod. Guess that makes sense. Guess I was lucky I didn’t accidentally have yesterday’s adventure today.

“Now, Dora,” Rarity says in a serious tone I recognize from whenever I was going to be told how something has to or very likely is going to happen, “we need to talk about what’s going to happen while you’re here. You’re not planning on staying long after the Friendship Festival after all, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t prepare for the time you will be here, especially since we don’t know exactly how long that will be after the festival itself.”

I nod.

“That being the case, the festival is less than two weeks away, so I’m going to be doing a lot of work,” she continues. “But, for today at least, I’d like you to stay here in the boutique with me or at least within the confines of Ponyville, understood? After all, if I’m in here and then Canterlot for the rest of the next week, it wouldn’t do for you if you get cornered because of your unique appearance.”

I blink, before a certain mint-green unicorn springs to mind and I blanch. “Oh, sí. Salir por mi cuenta definitivamente no es algo que deba hacer todavía.”

She blinks at me for a few moments. “Well, I heard in that and you tend to use that for yes, so I’m assuming you agreed. So,” she gets up, “once you’ve finished breakfast, get dressed and we’ll get started on the designs for the last touches of the festival.”

A few minutes later, I’m sitting on a small table, hands pressed to the edges as I rock my feet back and forth, watching Rarity do her thing.

I’m wearing a different pink dress from before. This one is light-pink and sleeveless, with a pale nimbus (Rarity’s words, not mine) ribbon wrapped around the waist, with similar colours on around the edges of the dress and a pair of pink thongs, which I’ve been somewhat amusing myself with by sliding and slipping them on and off my feet without having to touch them.

“So, how long will this be?” I ask after waiting two whole hours. I kept an eye on the clock too, so it wasn’t just my boredom making things seem to be taking longer.

During the time, Rarity had gotten several ponies who took boxes of stuff visiting the store, her saying they were going to Canterlot.

The only reason I hadn’t been completely bored was because I was able to talk with Opal, Rarity having only given me odd looks for the first few minutes, likely confused why I was meowing and whatever she was hearing when I talked cat.

Rarity pauses in levitating some silk, frowning at it, before nodding. “Now.”

“So, we’re going into town now?” I ask, feeling excited to finally be getting out. Being couped up in the boutique all day was not my idea of fun.

Rarity nods, before frowning and shaking her head. “Town? Oh, no, Daring. We’re going to get things ready for Canterlot.”

I pause, two feet away from the door and slowly turn around, not sure if I misheard that? “Llegar de nuevo?”

“The festival is less than two weeks away, after all,” Rarity says, either somehow understanding what I said, guessed it, or not actually having noticed my question at all. “I agreed to care for you, so I will help you settle in first, but, at most, we will have to leave within the next two to three days. I don’t feel right leaving it all to Coco and Sassy for that long. Granted, I’m sure others from the fashion industry will arrive soon, but I wish to get started as soon as possible.”

I feel the hand of worry that had just clenched my heart lessen its grip at least a little, breathing a sigh of relief.

Phew. For a second there, I thought Rarity meant we’d be going to Canterlot right now. I at least want to get a bit more familiar with the town I’ll be living in for the next couple weeks before jumping into exploring the damn capital.

Sure, you’d think after exploring a freaking jungle and having a damn knife put to my throat, Canterlot should sound like a breeze, but I think it’s a matter of the mind.

I knew jack about the jungle, but was able to settle quickly into a rhythm thanks to Dora’s natural instincts exploring rainforests and being able to find common ground with Ahuizotl and that helped to distract me a lot.

But Canterlot? I know that place from the show far better and the atmosphere one is likely to experience there, especially at this point in Equestria’s timeline. Not to mention, at least in the jungle, I didn’t have to worry about the animals judging me for my appearance as my merely speaking their language seemed to make them trust me.

Canterlot ponies? I know damn well how they act even to ponies who simply aren’t from Canterlot itself and even worse to non-ponies, so I can easily picture the worse scenarios for a human walking into Canterlot and running into an upper crust pony… possibly even Upper Crust herself.

Then again, doesn’t she mellow out towards the end of the series? Though, how long between season two and season nine it was before she became a at least nicer than before pony is unknown.

Sure, I’m technically about the size of an adult ponies, so I shouldn’t have to worry about them trying to intimidate me with size, I would just have to make sure they don’t realize I’m only physically eight and not around their ages, but their superiority complexes could easily become enough to make me anxious.

I’m dealing with an eight year old’s emotions as well as my own after all. Those two waring mindsets can always end the worst way at the most inopportune times.

“Coming, Dora?”

Rarity’s voice pulls me from my inner thoughts and I realize she’s walked passed me and is standing in the doorway, looking back.

I shake my head, before hurrying after her. “Ya voy!”


“I… kinda wish I was wearing something else,” I mumble as we’re walking towards Sugar Cube Corner.

As I’d expected, everypony is staring at me. I can’t say I blame them, as I doubt any of them have seen a human before.

Most likely they’re all under the impression I’m some kind of hairless monkey they never heard of before, but the fact I’m talking and wearing clothes tells them I’m not a pet, but a member of some kind of society outside pony culture.

I mean, they wouldn’t be wrong, technically, but… yeah.

“Nonsense, darling,” Rarity whispers reassuring as she trots next to me. “Spike got a few odd looks during his first few… well, I guess hours,” she becomes sheepish. “I guess the situations are a bit different, since he’d come during the final hours before the Summer Sun Celebration, so everypony was too excited about that to focus on his being a dragon, but… I’m not helping, am I?”

I deadpan. “No.”

We enter the confectionary shaped establishment. A few ponies are in here, but not too many… however, lady luck must hate me as I immediately spot a pony I had wanted to avoid, rooting me in place.

She’s sitting with Bon Bon in a booth towards the back, thankfully with her back to me.

However, even if Lyra Heartstrings can’t see me, her marefriend/future wife does.

She glanced our way as the bell jingled upon our entering and her eyes are wide, with a look of recognition I have to wonder be it because of having met humans in her secret agent days or because her marefriend has talked so much about my kind.

Now, why would Bon Bon seeing me instead of Lyra fill me with as much dread as the mint-green mare herself?

Bon Bon may be the one looking at me, but Lyra is looking at Bon Bon… and has noticed the expression on the candy mare’s face.

Lyra slowly starts turning to me, Rarity completely oblivious of the extreme danger we are now in as she continues towards the counter.

The unicorn’s head turns, her eyes scanning the area to see what could have caused such a reaction from her Bonnie. At first, it looks for one beyond hopeful moment that she passed over me… before her eyes shoot back in my direction and remain fixed.

We both stare back at each other, big brown eyes meeting just as large golden ones, as her mouth hangs open, her shocked, myself absolutely pissing myself with fear.

After a few seconds of staring at me in shock, Lyra’s mouth slowly starts sliding upwards into a grin so big and happy even Pinkie Pie wouldn’t be able to pull it off, her eyes sparkling like the night sky.

That look, despite its happy emotions, fills me with absolute terror.

“HU—!” she starts to yell, leaping forward, before Bon Bon’s hoof flies quickly to her neck, her movements quick and something clearly like a secret agent.

Lyra’s eyes go misty and her expression blank, before she flops to the floor, unconscious.

All heads turn to the couple, Bon Bon heavily blushing. “Ah, ha ha. I did warn here against the rum cake. She really is a lightweight when it comes to that stuff.”

She scoops up the unconscious mare, plops her on her back and starts heading out, giving me a quick look as she passes me,

“Gracias,” I whisper back to her, more grateful than I think I’ve ever felt in my whole life.

“De nada,” she says back, trotting out the door, Lyra groaning.

I blink, before shaking my head. Bon Bon knows Spanish too. Okay. Noted. Then again, since she used to be a secret agent, knowing multiple languages makes a good amount of sense.

You wouldn’t exactly be a very useful secret agent if you could literally only speak one language and had to do an assignment that required stealth in a place when you couldn’t speak any other damn language.

“Dora?” I blink as I realize Rarity is staring at me and I hurry over, only to feel almost as much fear as when I saw Lyra.

Pinkie Pie is on the other side of the counter and she’s smiling at me.

Yeah, that shouldn’t scare me. Pinkie’s one of the friendliest ponies in the whole freaking show, but that’s also the reason to fear her.

“That makes so much more sense!” Pinkie chirps, grinning at me. “Welcome to Ponyville, Dora the Explorer.”

At once, my face blanks. She knows. Of course she fucking knows. She’s fucking Pinkie Pie. Of course she saw beyond the fourth wall to the origin of my current form!

Rarity looks to the pink mare in confusion. “What makes so much more sense now, darling?”

“Twitchy tail, ear twirl, sleepy nose, dry tongue, blinking eyelids,” Pinkie says matter-of-factly.

Rarity just stares at her. “Um… come again?”

I don’t need any further explanation. Pinkie Sense. Exactly what that combo told her I don’t know and it’s probably safer for my mental sanity if it remains that way.

“So, how’re things on your end, Rarity?” the pink pony asks, changing the subject on a dime. “Mr. and Mrs Cake are already in Canterlot, so I’m looking after the shop and the twins. I hope Cheese and them can get along well enough.”

As if on cue, giggling comes from behind me and I whirl around to see a pair of foals with beady eyes smiling up at me, their heads cocked to the side in fascination.

“Hola. Soy Dora,” I say, leaning down to their level, finding myself unable to stop a small smile coming to my lips. How can you not smile when a baby comes up to you?

I mean, technically, I think they’re toddlers now, since at least two Hearth’s Warming episodes happened since their intro episode Baby Cakes and they’re not wearing diapers anymore… but they don’t look any older, so they’re still babies in my eyes.

The two blink up at me, before smiling and babbling, reaching up.

I can’t help giving a small laugh and pick up Pumpkin Cake, Pound immediately buzzing up to eye level.

Pumpkin looks up into my eyes, her smile so innocent, before she starts nuzzling into my chest.

I can’t help smiling more and close my eyes, holding her closer.

Suddenly, loud “Aww”s from all around me make my eyes shoot open and I realize everypony is staring at us, smiling.

At once, that comforting feeling is replaced with nerves.

Thankfully, Rarity seems to have anticipated this reaction as she quickly leads me, myself stilling carrying the little unicorn, to a booth and we sit down, Pound landing in the empty space next to me, his face still that innocent smile.

“You seem good with foals,” Rarity remarks as she sits down, watching as Pound clambers onto my lap to join his sister and the two snuggle into me.

My nerves ease a tiny fraction and I gave a small smile, sifting my hand through their manes. “I’ve had five younger siblings… though I think it’s more Dora’s ease around her own brother and sister here.”

Rarity blinks, her expression turning to shock, before sadness. “You have a brother and sister?”

I shake my head. “Two sisters, three brothers. All younger than me… well, they used to be younger than me, anyway.” I see my reflection in the Wishing Crystal. “Ahora soy la mas … unless Twilight can also give me my old body back.”

Rarity smiles sadly at me. “It will be okay, Dora. I’m sure Twilight can find a way. And, if she can’t, we can ask the other princesses to help. I’m sure they’d be more than willing to help get you home.”

I look to her and smile. I really hope you’re right, Rarity. I really, really do.

We spend the next couple minutes just sitting in the booth, myself playing with the twins, glad to finally be feeling a least a bit normal again.

When we get up to leave, Pinkie has to actually pry the foals off of me with a crowbar (it’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it, I’m not) and I can’t help wanting to stay as we leave.

I still don’t know if it’s Dora’s instincts for her own siblings (not helped by the fact her siblings are twin brother and sister, just like the Cake twins) or memories of my own brothers and sisters from when they were that age, but I just wanted to stay and look after them.

Maybe my mind’s just trying to distract me from my current reality with something at least a bit familiar to me.

Rarity and I spend the rest of the afternoon running errands around town. Not much, just fabrics for her future outfits, parchment and quills for drawing her future designs and groceries.

Rainbow meets up with us at one point and chats for a bit, but not for long, much to my disappointment.

By the time the day is over, I’ve met with a few other ponies, though none I really recognize, so likely background ponies.

We do meet up with Derpy at one point. She was very kind to me and gave me a muffin, saying it would help me feel better.

It did, if a little.

I go to sleep that night, my mind a buzz with excitement and worry about the movie events coming up, but the warmth from Opal at my side helps ease me off to slumber land.

Author's Note:

Spanish translations

Where’s Sweetie Belle? = Dónde está Sweetie Belle?

Uh, yeah. Going out on my own is definitely not something I should do just yet = Oh, sí. Salir por mi cuenta definitivamente no es algo que deba hacer todavía

Llegar de nuevo? = Come again?

Ya voy = I’m coming

De nada = You’re welcome

Ahora soy la mas joven = Now I’m the youngest

Okay, and we're back.

Honestly, this chapter was almost finished ages ago, but because of the library shutting down due to current events, i wasn't able to finish and post it til now.

Though, i'm honestly a little annoyed with this chapter. it feels like nothing really happens, but feels like i needed to write it, ya know?

Anyway, as for the updating schedule of this and other fics, i cannot make any quick promises. i intend to get at least 1-2 chapters of any one of my fics out each week, but, as we all know, plans don't always go as smoothly as we would like, so just be aware of that if no updates to anything happen from 2-3 weeks apart.

i have to write AND publish at the library, so i'm limited by how much i can do.

Wasn't like that a long time ago, well before moved out of the family home, as we'd had a computer there that didn't connect to the internet, so i'd always write on it and publish the chapters once i was able to go to the library, which at times meant around sometimes 5-6 chapters of something could be posted all on the same day.

i do miss that at times, but, times change and we all have to adapt, don't we?

whatever the case, i hope this chapter at least helps a little and that i can get the next one out sooner rather than later, regardless of which fic it is i update.

hope you enjoyed this long overdue chapter and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and see you later everybody