• Published 13th Feb 2020
  • 2,359 Views, 140 Comments

Vámonos, Equestrian Exploradora! - Autum Breeze

Instead of enjoying Pokemon Shield on my new Nintendo Switch... I wind up in Equestria as DORA THE FUCKING EXPLORER!

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Chapter 4 (Call)

Chapter 4


“Llamada,” I nod. “Good choice.” I look to the others.

“Who’s going to call to her?” Shining asks. “I mean, we’re not like her. She’ll be able to tell we’re not her kind right away and that could scare her off.”

I roll my eyes. “Shining eres gruesa. You know that?”

The stallion just stares at me, while Dash snickers. “Uh… no?”

“Espera aquí,” I roll my eyes again, swimming towards the princess and calling out, “Hola, soy Dora!”

At once, Skystar whirls around, looking left and right, before she spots me swimming towards her.

At first, it looks like she will swim off in fright, before her eyes light up and she rushes towards me… my gut dropping us I realize my mistake.

“Oh my sea stars, you are adorable!” she practically yells, grabbing me and spinning me around, making me dizzy. “What are you? I’ve never seen you before. Where’d you come from? Are there more of you? How many? Are they all as cute as you are? Did your people get attacked by The Storm King too? Oh, I hope not. Your kind must be adorable! What’s your name? How old are you? Would you like to be friends?”

“Soy… Dora?” I say groggily, the world spinning too much for me to really think.

“Um… hello there?” I feel my body no longer being spun around and I can make out the blurry shapes of the others. Was that Rarity talking? I don’t know. I’m trying not to lose my lunch.

A gasp comes from the one holding me and she lets me go. “Wow. I’ve never seen Sea Ponies like you before! Where’d you all come from? Where’d this pequeño come from? Is she with you? What happened to her kind? What happened to yours? I wanna know everything!”

“Why do Ah feel like Ah’m talking to another Pinkie Pie?’ Applejack mutters to Shining as I shake my head, finding I’d been swimming in their direction without knowing it due to having no sense of direction thanks to the spin cycle the princess just put me through.

“I’m Prince Shining Armour of the Crystal Empire,” Shining says, swimming forward. “I came here with my friends…”

He glances to me, as if asking something, before it clicks and I quickly whisper, “Princess Skystar. She has a mother.”

“Princess Skystar,” he continues without missing a beat, “to speak with your mother about inviting some of your people to our Friendship Festival in two weeks’ time.”

Skystar blinks, before her eyes light up. “Seriously?! Oh, mom will be thrilled! Come on!”

She swims off, leaving us all trying to recover, before we realize she’s getting farther away and hurry after her.

“So, how’d you come here?” Skystar asks as we catch up, looking confused. “I didn’t think Equestrian ponies had moved to live in the ocean too or even had the means of doing so.”

“Es una larga historia,” I sigh, shaking my head.

She smiles at me. “That’s okay. I don’t mind long stories. You can tell me on the way.”

I blink. “You speak Spanish? Erm, Stirrupainish?”

She nods. “Si. Hacemos.”

I cock an eyebrow at her. “Nosotras? You mean, all Sea Ponies speak it?”

She nods again. “This is going to be so much fun!”

It’s certainly going to be interesting. That’s for sure.

We meet up with several Sea Pony guards, including General Sea Spray, about three minutes later, Skystar quickly explaining we’re friends and that we have a message for the queen.

The guards seem suspicious, but agree, escorting us and the princess back to Seaquestria.

As we pass through, many Sea Ponies stop what they’re doing to watch us go. The little ones are especially interested in me and I wave to them as we pass, smiling.

It’s not long before we’re in the throne room.

“The princess has returned, Your Highness,” Sea Spray says as we all enter, said queen sitting on her throne, looking rather bored, just like in the movie.

Skystar makes a beeline for the throne. “Mother, look what I found!”

Queen Novo sighs. “Is it another shell?”

Skystar titters. “Mm-mm.”

Novo groans, sitting up. “Because I am telling you if it is another shell, I am—” she stops when she sees us, her eyes moving specifically to our tails and lingering on me. “I… what?” is her only response.

“Probablemente tengas muchas preguntas, Reina Novo,” I say, her eyes locking onto me due to my speakining Spanish. Thank you for the tidbit, Skystar. “But, first and foremost, our prince has something to say.”

I look to Shining and it takes a moment before it clicks. He is royalty, after all.

Well, technically, I guess I am too, since Dora did become a True Princess back in Dora’s Fairytale Adventure, but that’s not important right now.

Shining swims forward. “Your Majesty, as prince of the Crystal Empire, I wish to offer an invitation to you or any of your people of your choosing to come to our Friendship Festival.”

The reaction we get is not what I would’ve expected… though, thinking on it… I should’ve seen this coming.

The queen blinks. “The Crystal Empire? As in, the Crystal Empire of Equestria? You come from Equestria?”

“Yes?” Shining says uncertainly.

She looks to us in confusion. “But… how? How can you come from Equestria if you are of the sea?”

“I have this magic bracelet, Su Alteza,” I hold up my wrist to show the item in question. “It was a gift from a good friend. It gives me power similar to your Pearl, allowing me to turn into a mermaid and any holding my hand when I transform into aquatic versions of themselves.”

The queen looks stunned. “There’s another magic artefact that can change one into sea life?” Then her eyes narrow. “So, first you abandon us is our time of need, then you send in scouts to take us out?! Are you working for the Storm King now?!”

Um… wait, what?

I blink. Uh oh. I think we’re getting into spoiler territory here… but since it’s Novo saying it, I can’t really give a reason to stop her without blowing the fact I know what she’s talking about and it’s implications.

“The only king we know is King Sombra and he’s long gone!” Dash says looking confused.

“Don’t play dumb with me!” Novo snarls, looking from one pony to the other… am I being ignored because I’m a child and she’s now assuming I’m a captive or something? “We sent word asking for help long ago and you never responded! Now you come here in a small group, trick my daughter into leading you here and just happen to have an item like The Pearl?!”

“Pearl?” Dash and AJ share a confused look.

Damnit. Novo, shut up before you say too much!

“No no n-no! M-M-Mom, please!” Skystar swims in front of her mother. “It is so not like that! They only know about The Pearl because I told them about it on the way here.

“I’m afraid there seems to have been a miscommunication, Your Majesty,” Shining say. “When would we have gotten word from you regarding anything?”

“I had one of my guards sent with word of The Storm King’s attack on our home all the way back in Spring!” Novo says as if that explains everything. “When, at first, he didn’t come back, we thought maybe he’d gotten word to you.” She grits her teeth. “Now I see you held him captive and forced him to tell you about The Pearl so you could make you own and then pretended not to know too fool my daughter!”

Oh, this is spiralling out of control way too quickly.

“Spring?” Dash asks, before her face blanks. “Wait. As in… last Spring?”

I blink, quickly going over the episodes between now and the start of the show… before I cringe. Oh… that would explain a lot.

“Shinin’?” Applejack slowly looks to him. “Wasn’t yer weddin’ in…?”

“Spring?” Shining say uncertainly. “Yeah.”

This just seems to anger Queen Novo further. “You ignored our pleas for help because of a wedding?! Is your kingdom more important than ours? Is that what you’re saying? That our kingdom being invaded isn’t as important as your prince getting married.”

“No, no!” I swim forward, waving my hands. “No es así. The wedding itself isn’t why they didn’t answer your pleas, Su Alteza. The invasion of Canterlot was.”

That causes Novo to pause, though it could be because she’s directing her anger at the ponies and therefore is treating me as the child I physically am. “What do you mean? Did the Storm King invade you after all and you escaped, pequeño?”

Skystar is also now looking worried.

I shake my head. “Not The Storm King, no. Canterlot was invaded by creatures called Changelings, beings able to change their appearance,” I explain, getting confused looks from all but Rarity. Thank God she’d talked a little about the wedding, so she isn’t suspicious how I know this and also thankful for my unintentional word choice so we don’t have to worry about us being mistaken for Changelings. “During the weeks leading up to Prince Shining Armour’s wedding and, subsequently, the Changeling’s invasion, Canterlot was under heavy guard.”

That causes Novo’s eyebrows to furrow. “So, you held my guard in custody under the guise he was one of these Changelings?”

I shake my head. “Sadly, Canterlot had already been infiltrated. Their queen and several of her drones had already gotten in and she had taken on the appearance of Shining’s bride. It wasn’t found out until the day of the wedding, and even then, only because his sister knew the mare he was supposed to be marrying too well to not notice something was off.”

Novo thinks for a moment, before looking confused. “But how does that stop Equestria from getting our pleas for help?”

“If I may, Your Highness?” Shining says, causing our attention to turn back to him. “What with the fact Queen Chrysalis had already infiltrated Canterlot with several of her drones, some who’d even taken on the forms of our guards, I wouldn’t be surprised if the guard you sent was stopped by the fake guards and they’d taken him.”

I blink, before blanching. Oh… God. Does that mean that poor hippogriff is still in a Changeling Pod in the Changeling Kingdom right now and won’t be freed until…?

I hold my hand over my mouth. I think I’m gonna be sick.

“She probably planned to go after yer kind once she took over our home,” Applejack says, putting the pieces together.

“So… you didn’t come… because you didn’t know we’d asked for help to begin with?” Novo’s eyes are wide with shock and horror. “We’ve been forced to hide all this time… and you never even knew?”

“Por favor, su alteza,” I ask, attention being drawn to me, “we only came to invite you to the Friendship Festival. Equestria has no idea your home was invaded.”

Telling the truth without having to admit it. Thank you, creative thinking.

She remains silent for several minutes, before sighing and nods. “Very well. We will use this invitation to reconnect with your rulers. My daughter shall go as my envoy.” She looks to her daughter. “Be safe.”

Skystar cheers, hugging her mother. “I promise, I won’t let you down, mother.”

The next day, we leave Seaquestria, with twenty Sea Pony guards and Princess Skystar.

As we leave, I cock an eyebrow, glancing up in thought. I wonder what would’ve happened if that someone had chosen for us to follow Skystar instead of talk to her.

“You don’t gotta worry, kid,” a voice says from next to me and I glance to see… a Sea Pony Screwball? The fuck?

She winks. “I fixed it so you won’t have to worry about those choices again. You’re all good. Have fun at the festival. Adiós.”

And she’s just… gone.

Um… what?

Author's Note:

And that's finally that chapter done.

Yeah, thanks to Screwball popping in, there will be no more multiple choice chapters, so don't worry about that. that was just to screw with Dora for a little.

And, yes, you'll notice it didn't matter which choice was made, they end the same. it's the lead up that changes is all.

would say more, but i've less than five minutes

Spanish translations:

Shining eres gruesa = Shining, you are thick

Espera aquí = wait here

Es una larga historia = It's a long story

Si. Hacemos = yes. we do

Nosotras = We

Probablemente tengas muchas preguntas, Reina Novo = You probably have a lot of questions, Queen Novo

No es así = It's not like that

Su Alteza = Your Highness

pequeño = little one

Por favor, su alteza = please, your highness

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. til next time, adios amigos