• Published 13th Feb 2020
  • 2,359 Views, 140 Comments

Vámonos, Equestrian Exploradora! - Autum Breeze

Instead of enjoying Pokemon Shield on my new Nintendo Switch... I wind up in Equestria as DORA THE FUCKING EXPLORER!

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8


“So, how exactly are you… here?” I ask the Apple parents.

We’re on the train heading back from the jungle towards Ponyville. The Bobos are going to stay in the jungle, Ahuizotl’s even offered them jobs keeping an eye out for Daring Do’s remaining enemies/thieves.

Daring was … oddly distant before we left. After I changed Stallion back into a pony, she took him away, refusing to talk to anyone except Ahuizotl.

I caught her looking at me once or twice… with a look I don’t understand. To quote John Hurt’s Doctor, “I’m trying to think of a better word than dread”.

“Well, t’ be honest… we don’ know what happened,” Bright Mac shrugs as his way cuddles their daughter. “We tried to discuss it with Miss Do, but it didn’t clear anything up.”

“Best we can remember, we were feeling kinda ill, were trudging through the forest and then found outlives there, late at night, Miss Daring camped not too far away,” his wife says, shaking her head. “We didn’t know what happened… but somehow, time moved on around us.” She looks down at her daughter. “You were just a foal last time I saw you and look at you now. So big and you even have yer Cutie Mark.” A tear slides down her cheek. “We missed so much.”

“Dora, estás bien?” Scootaloo asks as I hold me head.

I nod, a frown creasing my brow. “Yeah, I… I just… I dunno. I feel like I know something here, what they’re talking about, but I can’t remember what or why.”

“Well, whatever the case, we’re back now,” Bright Mac says, pulling his wife and child into a hug. “That’s all the matters. Whatever we missed, we’ll make up fer it fr’m here on out.”

“Grand Pear’s gonna be so happy t’ see ya!” Apple Bloom says cheerfully.

My head shoots up and I stare at her as her parents look down in surprise.

“Pa came back?” Pear Butter says, her eyes wide.

I’m staring wide eyed too… but for entirely different reasons.

Grand Pear has already come back to Ponyville and made up with his family? The events of Perfect Pair have already been and gone?

But… but how? That’s season seven. We’re still not even out of season five.

I’ve accepted that the movie’s happening out of sync from what I know, but at least it makes sense and I can rationalize why that would be. The Perfect Pair happening out of order though?

I… but… HOW?!

“I can’t wait to tell Mom and Dad we helped Aunt Daring defeat Stawwart Stallion and help her learn Ahuizotl’s actually a good guy!” Scootaloo says to Sweetie Belle, grinning.

“Si,” I nod. “That will be quite…” I stop, my brain catching up with the rest of what she said. “Wait! WHAT?! Aunt Daring?!”

Scootaloo nods casually. “Yeah. She’s Mom’s sister.”

I blink, my brain putting Mane Goodall and Daring side by side, before my eyes widen.

That… that makes WAY TO MUCH SENSE!

They’re both pegasi, both share similar colour palates AND both are explorers.

I… but...


Sweetie Belle smiled as she watched her friend chatting happily with her long lost parents. She’d never seen Apple Bloom so happy, not even when they’d gotten their Cutie Marks.

“Next stop, Ponyville!” a stallion’s voice called down the cart.

Sweetie blinked, before looking to the human, only to become worried. Very worried.

Dora was just sitting there, her eyes staring, unblinking, a smile her face and head tilted slightly to the side.

Gulping, she slid off her chair and slowly inched over and sat down next to the biped.

“Um… Dora,” she asked with a slight quiver in her voice, “are you okay?”

“Oh, estoy bien,” the girl replied, her tone somehow cheerful and monotone at the same time, unnerving the filly further. “Mi cerebro se está reiniciando para encajar en un conocimiento previamente desconocido que redefine mi comprensión de los árboles genealógicos de ponis y son ramificaciones serias de lo que pensé que sabía todo este tiempo.

“O…kay?” the filly said slowly, further unnerved despite not actually knowing what Dora just said.

She glanced back at the others, none of whom had noticed Dora seemingly having become like a doll.

What the hay had happened in the last couple moments that could’ve done that? All Scootaloo said was she was related to Daring Do. It’s not like anything insane had just happened.

She glanced back to Dora, but she was still just staring blankly with that disturbing smile.

She gulped. She was going to be living with this girl for the next couple weeks? Seriously?

Maybe she should see if her parents would let her back out of staying at Rarity’s and live with them again. It had to be safer, right?

The train started to slow down, so Sweetie stood up on her seat and looked out the window— only to yelp and duck down upon what she saw on the platform. Or, rather, who.


Scootaloo is related to Daring Do! Scootaloo is related to Daring Do! Scootaloo is related to Daring Do!

It sounds insane, like some random headcanon someone would come up with, but… the more and more I go over it in my head, the more and more it makes sense!

How did none of us ever notice this!

That means, Scootaloo idolized the mare who idolizes her own aunt all this time! This… this is so insane, I just… How am I supposed to react to this?!

A loud eeping sound yanks me from the downward spiral my brain was heading through and I shake my head, turning to Sweetie Belle… who’s next to me?

When did she come over to sit next to me? And why’s she suddenly ducked down onto the seat and curled into a ball as if trying to hide from something?

Turning and stretching up to look out the window, I suddenly understand as my breath catches in my throat upon my eyes meeting the disapproving glare of a certain alabaster mare.

Before I can react beyond my stomach filling with dread, however, I suddenly feel a warmth surround my right ear, before it’s yanked painfully, pulling me towards the door.

“Ow, ow, ow! Rarity!” Sweetie whines as the two of us are pulled off the train, dragged by our ears.

“Ow, ow, ow! Eso duele!” I whimper, my eyes watering from the pain. My parents had only pulled my ear one or twice in my early childhood, so I’d forgotten just how damn painful it was.

“We are going home, now!” the mare says firmly, turning and trotting off with a huff.

We both whine and I want to just dig a hole and die as ponies stare at us, the clear mothers in the crowd giving us a look that says they think we’ve misbehaved and deserve whatever punishment is coming our way.

For crying out loud, I was over twenty years old less than seventy-two hours ago. I should not be getting subjected to this!

We dragged, by ear the whole way, back to Carousel Boutique, myself and Sweetie both begging Rarity to at least let go of our ears. I’m honestly starting to worry she’ll accidentally rip mine clean off at this point.

After what feels like hours, though was probably only a few minutes, we arrive at the boutique and Rarity drags us in.

It’s only now, once we’re inside and the door is closed behind us, she drops her magical hold on our ears.

At once, I’m rubbing my ear, Sweetie Belle mirroring me as Rarity gives the both of us a very disapproving look.

“I cannot believe you two,” she scolds us and I find myself wincing for some God only knows reason. “Do either of you realize how worried you made me? You should both just count your lucky stars that it turns out Daring Do’s arch enemy was not actually that! You both could’ve been in serious danger!”

Sweetie Belle and I glanced at each other, silently agreeing we shouldn’t mention the whole “Stalwart Stallion holding a knife to my neck and threatening to stab out one of my eyes” thing.

Rarity looks us both over, before pointing to her right. I follow her direction… and see a mannequin with the dress she’d given me and three small ponequins that are naked.

I blink, not quite following… before I glance down at mine and Sweetie’s explorer attire… and wilt. Oh.

“Care to explain why those three outfits for fillies and the one you are wearing are not there?” the mare asks me firmly.

There’s a flash from the Wishing Crystal and magical swirls surround both myself and Sweetie Belle, her outfit and mine vanishing, the latter being replaced by my dress, the explorer outfits, plus I’m assuming Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s, appearing on their holders too.

“No estas ayudando!” I hiss through gritted teeth at the rock around my neck.

Rarity points up the stairs. “To your rooms, both of you!”

“But it’s not even late afternoon!” Sweetie says firmly.

Rarity’s eyes narrow. “To. Your. Rooms!” She thrusts her hoof at the stairs. “Now!”

We both wilt, hurrying up the stairs.

“And you’d better have eaten on the train because you can forget about supper tonight!” Rarity’s voice calls after us.

As we reach the top, Opalescence is sitting on the railing a little away from us, giving us both a disapproving look.

“Normally it’s not my place,” he glares, “but you both made Mistress very unhappy.”

“Oh, zip it, cat!” I snap, glaring back. “It’s not like we planned that adventure or anything!”

He pauses, staring in blank shock.

At his reaction, Sweetie glances at me. “You talking to my sister’s cat now?”

I blink, before remembering how I apparently start making animal noises once I start speaking to animals. I nod.

Sweetie deadpans. “Do I wanna know what he’s saying?”

I shake my head.

“Whoa, whoa. Wait a second. You understand me?” Opal walks over, his eyes wide. “Only that Fluttershy pony has ever understood me. How’re you able to?”

“I don’t hear little feet and hooves heading for their rooms!” Rarity voice calls warningly from down below.

Sweetie and I glance at each other before hightail it, going our separate ways to get to our rooms.


I’m sitting on the edge of my bed, looking out the window.

I’m wearing a pink nightgown that has short sleeves. It’s top half is light-pink, with the lower part being a darker shade, one from the many outfits Rarity made for me and made me model for her before Shining and the others had arrived, leading to the whole Sea Pony adventure.

I’m holding the Wishing Crystal in my hands, just staring down at it.

It’s only really just hitting me now… I’m not going home for possibly weeks. I’m going to be stuck, like this, in Equestria and have no means of letting my family know what’s going on.

They must be so worried. Once they realize I didn’t go home, since they can’t contact me anymore, they’ll come over and learn I didn’t get home, if they haven’t already.

They must be so worried about me right now, not knowing where I am and having no way of finding me.

It’s not like the Australian Police Force have a means of scanning interdimensional space to find lost people turned into little girls from a cartoon that ended up in a parallel dimension based on another cartoon.

I thought about asking Discord for help, but even wishing on the crystal didn’t give me a chance there. It didn’t react and he didn’t appear in response to his being called.

I even tried just gushing about how amazing a character he is, going over the top, in the hopes his ego would be stroked enough to come.

No such luck.

A knock on my door pulls me from my thoughts.

“Adelante,” I call, not bothering to even turn around.

I hear the door open and the sound of hooves trotting on the floor.

I don’t even look up as Rarity comes to my side.

“Everything okay?”

I shake my head.

There’s silence for a moment, before Rarity sighs and sits on the bed, putting a hoof on my shoulder.

“I know you’re not really a child, Dora, so you don’t like me treating you like one this way, but you are going to be living under my roof until we can get you home,” she says in that tone adults do when they’re trying to be kind while also trying to remain firm to make you understand. “I can’t have you just running off on adventures without letting me know, and especially after I’ve told you not too.”

There’s silence for a few seconds, before I feel something furry brush up against my other arm and I glance to it to see Opal there, rubbing against me, looking to me with concern.

“Sweetie has explained further about the situation,” Rarity continues, sounding a tiny bit uncertain. “As have Apple Bloom’s… parents. Sweet Celestia, it’s weird even saying that after all this time.”

I don’t answer, just petting Opal with my other hand as he pushing against me, both to get affection as well as give it.

Rarity clears her throat. “Anyway, they informed me about things more clearly than you and the Crusaders did last night, so, I’m willing to let it go this time. But, in the future, I expect you to respect my authority on this, okay?”

I give a small nod.

I see Rarity out the corner of my eye. “Okay, Darling. Try to get some rest.” She pulls me into a hug, which I don’t have the energy to resist. “I know this is hard for you, Darling, but it will be okay. You’ll see. I’m certain Twilight will have you back home in no time. Goodnight.”

“Buenas noches, Rarity,” I say quietly.

She slides off the bed and heads out, closing the door behind her.

I slowly get into bed, settling into the covers.

Opal walks over and snuggling next to me.

“Goodnight… Dora, isn’t it?” he says.

I give a small nod.

I close my eyes, hoping for sleep to take me soon.

I just want to go home.

Author's Note:

This chapter isn't a much as i'd originally wanted it to be, but i think it at least helps to set things up for a new start for Dora to move forward in the next chapter.

Spanish Translations

Oh, estoy bien = Oh, I’m fine

Mi cerebro se está reiniciando para encajar en un conocimiento previamente desconocido que redefine mi comprensión de los árboles genealógicos de ponis y son ramificaciones serias de lo que pensé que sabía todo este tiempo = My brain’s just rebooting to fit in previously unknown knowledge redefining my understanding of pony family trees and they're serious ramifications of what I thought I knew all this time.

Ow, ow, ow! That hurts! = Ow, ow, ow! Eso duele!

You’re not helping = No estas ayudando

Adelante = come in

To say this was easy to write AND publish to day would be a gross lie.

you all can have a good guess why it might've been harder than usual for me, but it also doesn't help that my local library have changed their computers. it's a whole new system and setup to get used to and i'm not so sure i did so well enough.

So, does the idea of Scootaloo being Daring's niece and Daring being Scoot's mum's sister seem too out in left feild for you, or does it make way too much sense when you stop to think about it?

Let me know. i'm curious.

and i actually have an ulterior motive for that you'll see later on in the story. for a hint, listen to the lyrics of the Dora's Home song from Dora's Big Birthday Adventure :raritywink:

also, for a bit of a laugh, listen to the Dora and the Lost City of Gold version of Hooray! We Did It and when it gets to Alejandro's part, picture The Storm King trapped in a cage, in an aquatic form, underwater, guarded by several Sea Ponies. It's quite the amusing image :rainbowlaugh:

I honestly don't know when i'll get the next chapter of this or any other story out, as having the drive to write today was honestly harder than i'd expected. I'll be posting a blog, hopefully some time tomorrow, explaining things in more detail.

anyway, i hope this was enough to wet your whistles until i can get into the Movie's events themselves and then beyond. Hopefully i'll be able to get to those before June.

Yeah, with everything going on, i'm setting a long date to give myself the time.

whatever the case, i hope you enjoyed this chapter and, til next time, mantenerse a salvo, niños y niñas