• Published 6th Feb 2020
  • 2,167 Views, 41 Comments

Honest Hearts - YuCheng Huang

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Chapter 8 - Campfire Talk

After their refreshing clean-up, Applejack and Fluttershy joined their friends at the campfire.

"Whooeee, ah'm hungry like a horse." - Applejack browsed her saddle bags and took out an apple - "Only two apples left." she sighed.

"Maybe we should save them for another day." - Fluttershy took out a banana yucca fruit - "Is this edible? Stevie said the bighorners love this kind of fruit." and showed to the humans.

Chalk took a good look at the fruit. "Ah yes, the banana yucca. Bighorner's favorite. I don't know about you, but it's not poisonous to us."

"Well, guess we have no choice, but to find out by ourselves." Fluttershy stared at the fruit nervously, she slowly took it in front of her mouth, and took a small bite of it. "It taste pretty good, and it's very juicy." she passed one to Applejack. "Give it a try."

Applejack took the fruit, "Well, here ah go." and took a bite. Her eyes went wide, "Yer right, it is good." and chewed a bit faster. "How many banana yoca thingy did ya pick up in the mountain earlier today?"

Fluttershy checked her saddle bags. "About six. It should keep us going for a while."

"Do not worry. I did a lot of scouting, and I can say there are plenty more around the valley." Chalk said. "And I know how to cook a delicious gecko steak with banana yucca. Mind if I take one?"

"Sure, here you go." Fluttershy gave a fruit to Chalk.

"Alright, I already have a gecko steak here," - Chalk took a steak from the campfire - "and we just squeeze the juice out of the fruit and drip on the steak," - Chalk squeeze the banana yucca fruit - "plus, some pepper." and finished it by seasoning it with Jalapeño pepper.

Tom was intrigued. "Woooo, it looks delicious, and smells wonderful. What do you call it?"

"Gecko kebab." - Chalk gave Tom the kebab - "Here, have a taste."

"Wow. Thanks" and started enjoy the kebab.

"Hey, Tom." Applejack called. "So, what's your story? You only told us your name."

Tom finished of his kebab and cleared his throat. "I'm a courier for Mojave Express, and my last job almost, I mean almost, took my life."

"What happened?" Fluttershy asked.

"A checkered suit wearing bastard called 'Benny' hired some Great Khans and ambushed me at Goodsprings. He took my package, and shot me in the head."

Everyone except Joshua was shocked. "You were shot in the head by those metal thingy? Ah saw the damage that thing can do, how did you even alive by now?" Applejack asked.

"Well, a cowboy securitron named 'Victor' dug me up, and took me to a nearby doctor, and he managed to save my life." - Tom took out his revolver - "By the way, this is called a 'gun'."

"What a skillful doctor." Fluttershy complimented.

"You must be as strong as Joshua." Chalk said.

"What's a securitron?" Applejack asked.

"They are security robots armed with heavy weapons produced by RobCO before the Great War. Mainly patrolling the Strip." Tom answered.

"Guess this 'Strip' is very secure." Chalk said.

"You can say that." - Tom sighed - "But I hope they can patrol the whole Mojave wasteland to keep the road save from raiders." Tom said. "The only people I know to keep the road safe are the NCR and the Legion."

"What kind of place is this Strip?" Applejack asked.

"It's the heart of New Vegas, it's where you gambles, gets drunk or," - Tom cleared his throat - "satisfies your sexual desires."

The mares blushed, Applejack covered her face with her hat, and Fluttershy hid hers behind her mane, "So, it's...it's like Las...Las Pegasus in Equestria." Fluttershy tried to speak as loud as she could, but she was too embarrassed.

"Damn, clever horse puns." Tom thought, then he realized the situation, "It's no shame to have those kind of desires, we're all animals inside." he said.

The mares came out of their covers, "You ain't wrong, but let's just skip this kind of conversation, alright?" Applejack said.

"Sure, sure. Sorry about that." Tom said. "So, got anymore questions?"

Applejack cleared her throat, "You just mentioned the Legion keeps the road 'safe'? Aren't they the bad guys?" she asked.

"They're cruel, that's for sure. But some caravans said that they felt save when they cross Legion's territory as long as they are permitted." Tom said. "Hey Joshua. What do you know about that lunatic Caesar?"

"That human, Caesar. Was he, your friend?" Fluttershy asked.

Joshua put down his book, "Used to be. Edward Sallow, Caesar, he was once with the Follower of the Apocalypse, young and smart. I met him when I was still a missionary for the New Canaan. He and the others tried to teach some tribes." Joshua said.

"Then why did ya become one of his...what does it call..." - Applejack pondered for a moment -"Legate! Right, legate."

"He needed a translator, and that was where I came in. Translation became giving orders. Giving orders became leading in battles. Leading in battle became training, punishing, terrorizing. A series of small mistakes before the great fall." Joshua said.

"Don't you hate Caesar for that?" Tom asked.

"Love the sinner, hate the sin. With Caesar, it's often very difficult to see through all of that sin to the person inside. I can say that we were both lucky that NCR's supply lines and land routes north of Mojave Outpost were destroyed before the Battle of Hoover Dam." Joshua said.

"What do you mean?" Tom asked.

"Something bad happened near Death Valley, at a place called the Divide. NCR couldn't cut across anymore and it slowed down their reinforcements. Terrible storms ripped entire companies apart before they even got to Nevada soil. The aftermath of Hoover Dam could have been worse for Caesar." Joshua said.

"The Death Valley, whew... I will never go to a place with a name like that." Chalk said.

"Interesting..." Tom said, then he remembered the dream he had. "The monstrous storm, the devastating landscape, and those horrifying creatures...why do I had a bad feeling that I have a link to that hell." Tom thought.

Applejack noticed that Tom went blank again, "Ah hope it's nothing big." she thought.

"So, Tom. What are the NCR you just mentioned?" Fluttershy asked.

"I have been told that they are the Bull's greatest enemy." Chalk said.

Tom snapped out his thought, "That's correct. The New California Republic, they had good intentions, they want to bring the old world ideals back to the wasteland. Democracy, liberty. They used to leave any tribe alone when they refused to join under their flag, but as time went by, they annexed it in the name of the old world ideals." Tom said. "That's why when the NCR entered the Mojave, most residents were against it."

"But, it's still better than the Legion, right?" Applejack said.

"Not really, if the NCR took over New Vegas, the residents have to pay taxes, and that's when things gone awry. Corruption, and it leads to rebellion." Tom said. "Joshua. What do you think about the NCR?"

"Better than Caesar, and you're right. They have too much love for money and ownership, not enough love of God and giving. Any society that derives its power and authority from the will of man alone lives apart from God and will crumble in the end." Joshua said.

"So that's why I chose to banish the two factions from the Mojave, make it a independent state." Tom said confidently.

"How are you going to do that?" Fluttershy asked. "You can't fight those two factions alone."

"I already had a plan. And..." - Tom took out a small poker chip - "this is the key."

"What does that do?" Applejack asked.

"This thing here, is why Benny shot me in the head. It is a key to unlock a vault under Caesar's camp at the Fortification Hill. It was a securitron vault, an army of securitrons were stored in that vault, and the chip contained a software upgrade for the securitrons, making them more deadly than before." - Tom gestured a one - "But there was an one small problem."

"And that was?" Applejack asked.

"The original owner of those securitrons, Robert House. Been alive for almost 250 years." Tom said.

"How can someone live this long?" Chalk asked.

"Technologies kept him alive, that's all I can explain." Tom said. "So, after 'dealing' with Benny and Mr.House, now I am making friends around the Mojave to help me with my plan.'

"At least friendship is still a thing in this world." Applejack said.

"Friendship is very rare in this wasteland, it only happens when you can trust your companion not to back-stab you at any time." Tom said. "Speaking of friends, Joshua, mind lending a hand with that?"

"Sorry, but I would not get myself involve in anything happens in the Mojave." Joshua replied.

"It's fine, after all you been through." Tom said.

Fluttershy sighed. "I can't believe that you have to be paranoid while making friends. Why can't things be resolved in more peaceful way?"

"I really wish that I don't need to worry about getting shot at any time. But, this is how this world works." - Tom stood up and stretched his back -. "Well, that's enough about me for tonight, and it's getting late. After all you been through today, you definitely need some rest."

"We'll do." Applejack yawned. And all of them entered the cave and prepared to sleep.


In the middle of the night, when everyone was in their dream land. Joshua Graham was sitting next to the campfire, not reading his book this time, then he suddenly heard hoofsteps. He turned back, found out it was Fluttershy.

"Ah, Miss Fluttershy, what can I do for you?" Joshua asked.

"Thank you again for anything you did for me today." - Fluttershy sat next to Joshua, and looked at him - "May I ask you a personal question?"

Joshua thought for a moment, he sighed. "It's not something I enjoy, but I pray to God that someone may learn from my mistake. Ask away."

"All these bandages, is there anything I can do to help?" Fluttershy was concerned.

"You are kind to offer, but no, there's nothing you can do." Joshua replied.

"But, doesn't that make you always living in pain?" Fluttershy didn't want to give up.

"Yes. And I deserved to live with this pain. " - Joshua looked at the night sky - "I used to serve the Legion, and made a lot of sins. When I was thrown down to the Grand Canyon, I crawled back home. I thought they would kick me out for what I did," - Fluttershy put her hoof on Joshua's back, trying to comfort him - "but they welcomed me like I was never left, never done anything to shame them."

Fluttershy was surprised by the outcome."It is the love and kindness, whether from God or my friends, that rekindled my will to live. I fell into a dark chasm, but the fire of friendship burned on and on." Joshua said.

Fluttershy dropped a tear, "I'm so proud of you, Joshua." and gave Joshua a hug.

"Thanks for listening to my nagging, Fluttershy." - Joshua gently push Fluttershy away and stood up - "Sorry, I'm not a hugging type. Now go get some sleep, your task hasn't yet, finished."

Fluttershy realized it was true that even a man like Joshua Graham, can get salvation through love and friendship. Sometimes you just need to give them a little kindness.

Author's Note:

Another chapter finished. Hope you enjoy!