• Published 6th Feb 2020
  • 2,151 Views, 41 Comments

Honest Hearts - YuCheng Huang

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Chapter 2 - Locals, friend or enemy?

Author's Note:

Some tribals don't speak English at all, so I highlighted them red. Hope this won't be a problem to you all.

Wearing a brown pants, a tan long sleeve button-up shirt (ranger casual outfit)and a ranger brown hat on his head, Tom was a true cowboy. After getting shot in the head by Benny, and dug up by Victor. Tom had brought peace to region, and punish those who do the opposite, like the Fiends and the Powder Gangers, using his trust worthy .44 magnum which he got from a stranger who played good music with his guitar. He had a companion, a former owner of Cassidy Caravan, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, recruited while working with the Crimson Caravan, since they both love traveling and the most important 'whiskey'.

When he finally reached Vegas, and dealt with Benny with a bullet to the head (Talked about irony). He was running out of caps, and was trying to find some job to do. He went to the Old Mormon Fort to stock on some stimpaks.

"I think these will do, and thanks for these free stims, Julie." Tom said shaking Julie's hand, and gave her a gentle smile.

"It's no big deal." said Julie Farkas. "After all, you deserve these, for what you done for us, for Freeside."

"Alright, I'll be on my way then. Adventure calls." - Tom turned to his companion - "C'mon Cass, let's hit the road."

"Finally, this place makes me want to chug more whiskey." Cass complained. "Tom, the next bottle of whiskey is on you."

Tom looked at Julie, giving a awkward smile. "That's Cass for you. Thanks again, Julie." and waved goodbye to the Follower scientist.

"So, what now?" Cass asked.

Tom showed Cass his Pip-Boy. "I got a new broadcast about a caravan that is now hiring, and it say it will be better if we have a Pip-Boy." - Tom changed his Pip-Boy to the map option pointed at the map - "They're at this location on my map." the icon pointed at north of New Vegas.

"Well, ain't that convenient." said Cass

"Let's move on then." said Tom.

"Lead the way." said Cass.

When they reached their destination at Northern Passage. They met up with five people, three male and two female. And the owner of the caravan, Jed Masterton, greeted them.

"Howdy there, you must heard my broadcast and are here for the job." Jed said.

"Indeed we are. Now let's get on with the job." Cass said impatiently.

"Jeez, calm down there young lady, I was about to." Jed said while backing up a little. "Ahem." Jed stood his ground. "Now,let's cut to the chase. Do any one of you have a Pip-Boy?"

"I do." Tom said showing his Pip-Boy.

"Then you're in." Jed said. "Sorry, young lady. I'm afraid that you can't come with us." - Jed looked at Cass - "We only had one more room for your boy friend here."

"Wow, that's fucking bullshit!" Cass said angrily and pointed her finger on Tom's forehead. "When you come back, you're better repay me for leaving me here in this fucking place." - Cass turned around - "I'm going to drink my ass off at the Atomic Wrangler, peace out." and left.

"Why're you still alive." Jed whispered to Tom.

"I have no idea." Tom replied.

Jed shook his head, "Now, back to business."


Applejack opened her eyes and found out that Fluttershy was still unconscious right next to her. They are not in Equestria anymore. It was dark around her, assuming it's night time. And decided to find them a temperate shelter. She found a space near the cliff side with a tree and some bushes in front of it, making a good cover.

"Guess that will do." said Applejack. She carried Fluttershy to the trees and started a camp fire. "How did we get here?" she thought for a few moment. "We were at the map room, and suddenly the light," - Applejack jumped - "That's it, the LIGHT!"

"Ahhhh!" Fluttershy screamed and curled into a ball. "Please, please don't hurt me..."

Applejack ran to Fluttershy and embraced her. "Ah'm sorry, sugar cube. Ah just figured out how we came here."

Fluttershy looked around, and started to panic. "We're really not in Equestria anymore." - Fluttershy embraced Applejack harder - "What are we going to do?" she started to sob.

"It's alright, we still got each other. We're gonna find this friendship problem, solve it as soon as possible, so we can go home." Applejack kept patting Fluttershy on the back.

"But, how are we going to go home ?" asked Fluttershy as she started to feel more relieved.

"You remember the light ?"asked Applejack. Fluttershy nodded. "The light came from the cutie map, and it sent us here. I assume that if we finish our task, the map will send us back."

"I hope so." said Fluttershy.

"Now then, let's get some rest, we will try to find locals around this place tomorrow morning, and hope they speak Ponyish" said Applejack.


Applejack awoke from her sleep upon hearing somepony speaking. She took a sneak peek at who was talking, and was shocked at what she saw. Six biped creature that looked like Minotaur, but much smaller. They all wore some kind of clothing. What made her more surprised was that they were speaking clear Ponyish. She woke Fluttershy up, told her what she saw. Fluttershy was intrigued, a new creature that could talk, she liked to learn more about them and other creature in this world.

"Ain't no way we're coming back out the way we come. And then what?" Stella complained.

"God damnit, Stella, heard you the first time, and the fifteenth, too." - Jed crossed his arm in front of his chest - "The New Canaanites will know a way. And if they don't, we got the maps on our friend's pip-boy over there."

"New Canaanites? Is that suppose to be the locals here?" asked Fluttershy.

"Maybe. Let's keep on watching." Applejack replied.

"Enough lollygagging! Get moving and keep an eye out for tribals!" Jed said. And the caravan started moving.

"They're moving! Aren't we going to follow them?" asked Fluttershy.

"Not yet, Fluttershy. They seem kind of aggressive to me. We'd better be more passive." Applejack said.

"Shhhhh! Hold on now..." Jed warned everybody. "Could swear I heard something up ahead."

"Wait! Did they spot us!?" Fluttershy hid in the bush.

"Just calm down, I don't think they are mentioning us." Applejack said.

Suddenly, a loud bang rang through the air, and one of the biped creature's head got blown up to pieces.

"Goddammit, ambush! Cover, people! Watch yourselves!" Jed shouted taking out his 10mm pistol and took aim.

Applejack was totally horrified by it. When she tried to hide with Fluttershy. She couldn't. She was paralyzed. Applejack couldn't help but saw more of the biped creature brutally murdered by other biped creature.The image of the carnage would never left Applejack head.


After a long time of traveling, Tom had become friend with all of the member in the caravan except for Ricky because he's an arrogant piece of brahmin shit and even dumber than that guy he encountered when he first entered Nipton. Now, they just arrived at Zion, and already got ambushed by tribals. He tried everything to protect his comrades, but they were overwhelmed, and soon they all fell before him. Even himself, was hit by a tomahawk in the chest. He fought off the last wave of tribals. And rested along the cliff side, then fell unconscious.

After the fight, the air was filled with silence. Fluttershy was first to get up since her eyes was closed and her ears were covered the whole fight. She saw the horrible scene of the aftermath, dead bodies and gores were everywhere. Fluttershy felt sick, and she turned her head back just to see a traumatized Applejack.

"Oh my goodness, Applejack! Applejack!" Fluttershy tried her best woke Applejack up. After a few try, Applejack flinched a little. "Applejack! Are you alright?"

"No, ah'm not." Applejack sighed. "How could this happened? These creatures just got murdered for nothing. And ah just witnessed the whole massacre! I want to go home..." Applejack was so frustrated that she started crying.

Fluttershy gave Applejack a big warm hug. "I miss home,too. And I'm sorry for what happened to you. But, now, we're going to finish this quest together, so I hope you can pull yourself together. I need you, Applejack."

Applejack wiped out her tears. "Thanks, Fluttershy. I think I'm better now."

"Hey, I think I heard someone talking there." tribal A said and pointed to the two mares' location.

"I'll go check it out." tribal B said started sneaking his way through.


Applejack stood up."Alright, let's get going then. Ah think we'll be fine if we avoid any eye contact with th-"

"Well, well ,well. What do we have here." tribal B approached the two mares.

"Oh, hi there. I'm Fluttershy. What's yo- " Fluttershy was pulled back by Applejack.

"Stand back, Fluttershy. This one looks like those who started the attack." Applejack tried to look brave, but she wasn't ready for this. Fluttershy then hid behind Applejack.

"Two talking beasts, chief will heavily award me for this." tribal B said with a sly smile.

"Ah don't know what he was saying but ah one hundred percent sure it's not giving us a comfy place to stay." they both started slowly backing up. "Fluttershy, wait for my signal. And give him the Stare."

"I don't know, Applejack." Fluttershy's legs started shaking.

"We ain't gonna see our family and friends again if we let him capture us." Applejack said as they both were almost cornered.

The fear on Fluttershy's face was replaced by determination. She had to do this for her animals, for her friends.

"Now!" yelled Applejack.

Fluttershy spread her wing, fly to the height of the tribal, and started her 'Stare'. Tribal B felt overwhelmed, didn't know what happened. Applejack passed through the tribal, and gave her best buck to the tribal's butt. He crashed into the rock surface, knocked out in a just a blink.

"We made it." - Applejack swiped her sweat on her head - "Ah think we're save, for n-"

"Hey! What take you so l-" tribal A saw what happened to his companion. "That idiot can't even catch these two colorful animals. Fine, I'll do it myself." and took out of a fire axe from his back.

Tribal A charged at the two ponies, and swung his axe at Applejack. It was a quick attack, Applejack barely dodged it.

"Fluttershy, RUN! I'll keep him busy." Applejack dodged another swing and struck him with a hoof to the stomach.

"Gahhhh!" the tribal let out a painful scream. And charged at Applejack yet again."Stupid animal, stop moving!" tribal A shouted and started swinging his axe fiercely.

Applejack tried her best to dodge all the attack, but her dodging pattern was figured out by the tribal. Her head was hit by the butt of the axe. She fell to the floor, her vision was blurred. There was no hope for her. Before passing out, she heard a
loud bang within the ringing, and she was out.