• Published 6th Feb 2020
  • 2,151 Views, 41 Comments

Honest Hearts - YuCheng Huang

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Chapter 3 - Road to Angel Cave

Fluttershy was desperately trying to find anything through tons of corpses to help Applejack. Fluttershy flew around, feeling sick, but could only find those long metal stick thingy that she didn't know how to use. She then saw three duffle bags sitting right next to a body with a tomahawk in its chest, she decided to search over them.

"Come on, come on! There must be something useful in here!" Fluttershy said out loud. But, all she could found was more of those stick thingy, some candies like metal and bottlecaps. Basically, nothing was nearly useful.

"ANY PONY, HELLLLLLLLP!" Fluttershy yelled and started crying on the floor.


Tom found himself standing on a canyon. The scene before him, was on giant scar on the Earth. The sky was as red as fire, and the wind as sharp as knife. He heard tons of gun shots, monstrous screeching and something traumatizing him, all kinds of screaming, men, women, and even children. Then he saw someone, the one that once he loved, she was screaming as she was being tore apart by a four legged creature. He witnessed the whole scene and was not able to defend himself, he would be the next victim. The creature stared at him, its jar opened, and then a giant leap.

Tom quickly opened his eyes, his heartbeat was faster then his first encounter with cazadors. It was just a nightmare. He heard someone calling for help, but was too weak to stand up. He ripped the tomahawk out of his chest and threw it on the ground. He looked around, only to saw a tribal that was readied to execute someone. The revolver was still in his grasp, so he took aim with his shaking hand, and pulled the trigger.


Fluttershy jumped up and saw what just happened. The tribal slammed to the ground, dead. Fluttershy ran next to Applejack, and was relieved to find out that she was still breathing. Only a few minor cuts and bruises. She looked at the one who did this, the creature that was next to the duffle bags. She softly put Applejack on her back and walk to the creature.

"Thank you for helping me and my friend." - Fluttershy reached out her hoof - "I'm Fluttershy."

"I'm T-" - Tom eyes opened wide - "You can talk!?" - Tom started to freak out - "I must still be dreaming." - Tom lifted his weak hand to pinch his own cheek as hard as he can, realizing that this is not a dream - "What in the god damn."

Fluttershy found out she had scared the creature before he (She knew the creature sound like a he) could introduce himself. "I'm so sorry, I don't mean to scare you. I'm so sorry." she started to back up.

"Oh my, she has the sweetest voice I've ever heard." Tom thought in his mind that was beginning to melt. He pulled himself back to reality, "No,no. It's okay. It's alright." - Tom calmed himself - "I'm Tom." and he reached his hand out, still shaking.

Fluttershy saw kindness in his eyes and knew he could be trusted. "Nice to meet you, Tom."


"You're horribly injured, doesn't that hurt?" - Fluttershy looked at Tom's bloody wound and took off her saddle bag - "Let me see I can help you, I remember that I brought some medicine and bandages."

"I'm fine, Miss Fluttershy. Save those for other times." - Tom searched his inventory through his pip-boy - "I have this." he took out an injector.

"What's that? Is that safe?" asked Fluttershy.

"It's called a 'Stimpak', a wonderful pre-war invention that will boost our body's regeneration effect." - Tom injected himself with a stimpak, and his wounds were soon gone and left with scars - "It's only for wounds, though." - Tom took out another stimpak - "Let me help your friend with this."

"Oh, thank you so much, Tom. I don't know how to repay you." Fluttershy said and hugged Tom.

"That's nothing. It feels good to help anyone in need." Tom tries to stand up, but he somehow couldn't. Even though his wounds were treated, but he still felt weak. "Ugh, I don't know what's happening to me." - Tom tried to get up again but failed - "I - I feel sick..."

"Oh, no. Let me hel-" Fluttershy was stopped by Tom.

"No, heal your friend first. I'll be fine." Tom insisted. Despite saying that, he knew he was poisoned. He didn't want to worried Fluttershy.

Fluttershy couldn't leave Tom like that, but still took his words. She injected Applejack with the stimpak and her wounds are cured in a few seconds. And moments later, Applejack slowly opened her eyes. "Flu-Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy gave Applejack a big hug, "Thanks Celestia, you're okay." - Fluttershy pointed at Tom - "Applejack, this is Tom. He saved you from that brute and treated you with this amazing medicine of his."

Tom tipped his hat. "Howdy, Miss Applejack."

"And, Tom." - Fluttershy pointed at Applejack - "This is Applejack."

Applejack tipped her stetson hat. "Howdy to ya, too, partner." - Applejack put her hat in front of her chest - "And thanks for saving our life."

"My pleasure, Miss Applejack." Tom said. "She reminded me of ma." he thought. "I think we still need to move on. This is not a safe place to stay." - Tom tried his best to stand up - "These damn legs..." he still managed to get up. "We have to cross that bridge, it's the only way."

"Are ya alright, Tom?" Applejack asked.

"I'm fine, thanks for the concern. But we have to keep moving." Tom replied.

"So, what are you, Tom?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, I'm a human. I'm omnivorous, that means I eat both meat and vegetable." Tom said. "What about you two, I've never seen your kind before."

"Well, we're ponies. And what do ya mean you by that?" asked Applejack looking nervous.

"It is said that your kind was completely extinct after the Great War." Tom said.

"Extinct!" Applejack and Fluttershy both frustrated by the statement.

"Does that mean we are the only two ponies in this world?" tears came out from Fluttershy's eyes.

"I don't really know, exactly. And I'm sorry to tell you that." - Tom petted Fluttershy's mane - "And wait, you're not from this world?" Tom looked at Applejack. "I thought you two were created by radiation or something like that."

"We're from Equestria, a land of peace and harmony. A magical map took us here to solve a friendship problem." Applejack said.

When they crossed half of the wooden bridge, another one of those hostile tribal found them and started shooting them from afar with a machine gun.

"A friendship problem?" Tom was confused by the concept as bullets started raining."Get Down! And stand behind me! We'll continued our conversations later." yelled Tom. Applejack and Fluttershy hid behind him.

"Damn, this fucking poison is making my arm shake like I'm high on psycho or something." - Tom took a few shot at the tribal but all missed - "I can't FUCKING AIM!" his mind was on fire.

The tribal had shot for a few moment, but still haven't hit one of them. "Ha, that guy can't aim sh- God Dammit!" a bullet hit his one of his knee. "A bullet to the knee! It hurt like hell but I somehow find it funny." he thought.

"Tom!" Applejack and Fluttershy cried.

When the tribal was enjoying his time, "How's that taste. HAHAHAH-" there's a another figure snuck up on him.

'Whack' 'Bang' 'Bang' 'Bang'


The trio looked up and saw the mysterious figure, and he stayed neutral when they were crossing the bridge. When they reached the other side, the mysterious figure greeted them.

"Hoi, White Legs don't leave survivors often. You're some kind of lucky, let me tell you." he said.

"Thanks for saving us." Tom said. "And, who are you, by the way."

"I am Follows-Chalk, I am a scout for the Dead Horses tribe." - Chalk looked at Tom's wound - "Are you okay?"

"Got hit by a tomahawk, still feel weak." Tom replied.

"You are poisoned, drink this." - Chalk handed over a flask of liquid - "It can cure dark datura poison." - Chalk looked at the ponies - "These two yours?"

Applejack was a little triggered. "Excuse me, Mister. Me and Fluttershy here don't belong to anypony."

"Woah, they can talk!?" Chalk exclaimed. "Oh, I almost forgot. You came from outside, didn't you? From the civilized lands?"

"Yes, I am. And thanks for the anti-venom." - Tom pointed at the ponies - "And these two are from the another world."

"Wow...Joshua will want to hear about this." Chalk said.

"Who is this Joshua?" Fluttershy asked.

"I heard about him when I was wandering the Mojave wasteland." Tom said. "He was Caesar's legate, conquered many tribes for him. He was the meanest, toughest son of a bitch in the whole damn Legion."

"Oh my..." Fluttershy didn't even bother by the profanity. She was frightened.

"In the first battle of Hoover Dam, he made a huge mistake. And was punished by Caesar to teach everyone that even the highest rank, failure is not tolerable." Tom said.

"Wha...What happened to him?" Applejack asked.

"He was covered in pitch, lit on fire, and thrown into the Grand Canyon. It is said that he didn't even scream on the way down." Tom could feel the chill, even in this hot place. "I can't believe he is still alive. Is he here? In Zion?" he asked Chalk.

"Yes, he is." - Chalk's face became serious - "I do not know much of his past. But, when I was very young. He was...different. Prouder, yes, but harder, crueler, more driven. Really, I was terrified of him. We all were." - Chalk become calmer - "When he came back, I didn't believe he was the same man. He was...humbler."

The trio looked at Chalk. "He wanted to protect, not to destroy." Chalk finished with this strong sentence.

Fluttershy had a little faith in Chalk's words, she believed that maybe even someone like Joshua could change. On the other hand, Applejack wanted to trust Joshua, but he could still be a monster.

Applejack whispered to Tom."Can we trust that Joshua?"

"To be honest. We don't have much of a choice." Tom said.

Applejack sighed. "Guess you're right." - Applejack looked at Fluttershy - "Come Fluttershy, time to move."


On their way to meet Joshua Graham, Chalk told them some of the tribal survival technique, like they hid foods or healing herbs inside some specific logs. They also witnessed the wonder of the Zion canyon, to the ponies, it's like Appleloosa, but in different world.

"Who was those tribals that attacked us?" Tom asked Chalk.

"White Legs, nasty bunch. They been raiding deeper into Zion ever since New Canaan was wiped out."

"New Canaan was wiped out, how?" Tom was shocked by the news. "My caravan was going to do business there."

"That's what Joshua said. The White Legs came down from the Great Salt Lake in force, fell on New Canaan before they could mound a defense." Chalk explained. "Joshua found some of the survivors led by a man named Daniel. Most of them had fled the valley, but Daniel stayed on with the Sorrow tribe."

"How's the relationship between Joshua and Daniel, Mr.Chalk?" asked Applejack.

"They have been arguing over whether to stand and fight the White Legs or take the Sorrows and the Dead Horses out of the valley." Chalk said. "Oh, you can just call me Chalk."

"That's it Fluttershy, this has to be the friendship problem we have to deal with. Just like the Kirins remember?" Applejack said.

"Now you mentioned. Yeah, they sure feel similar." Fluttershy said.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you two. What was that 'friendship problem' you spoke of?" Tom asked.

"Oooo, interesting stories." Chalk said.

"Well, a friend of ours, named Twilight Sparkle, who is a princess that lives in a castle which has a map that can call us to solve friendship problems." Applejack said. "Still couldn't believe that it send us here to solve a problem."

"Woah, a princess. Life must be good to be a princess or her friend." Chalk said.

"Not really, we're pretty busy. Me and my five other friends, including Applejack and Twilight, are kind of a 'harmony bringer' of our world, Equestria." Fluttershy said.

"What do you mean by that?" Tom asked.

Just when Applejack was about to explain, they heard something roaring.

"Freeze!" - Chalk blocked the others with his hand - "Don't move a muscle."

"What is it?" Applejack asked.

"It sounds like a bear!" Fluttershy suddenly turned excited, wanting to make some new friend.

"Don't, it's a Yao Guai." Chalk said.

They looked up, and they saw a body of a giant green gecko, headless, dropping in front of them. The ponies were shocked. And a some how rotten-skined bear peeked out the edge, and looked around. And then it left.

"That was some kind of lucky. Guess that one was full of gecko, neh?" Chalk joked about the scene.

"What in tarnation are those!" - Applejack pointing at the body of green gecko - "Is that a gecko? Why is it so big?"

"It mutated. Just like another animals in these wasteland." Tom replied.

"That bear was mutated, too?" Fluttershy asked. "Every animals in these world are mutated!?"

"That's not entirely correct, my dear." Tom said. "There are still non-mutated creature in this cursed land."

"Don't get used to it, though. Yao Guai are plenty mean as rule." Chalk warned the others. "Let's get going."

Applejack and Fluttershy was confused by this new world, they definitely had to ask Tom all about it.

Before they reached the Virgin River, they saw a line of lifeless head on a stick. Tom was a little disgusted, but the ponies are totally disgusted, that they tended to throw up.

"See those dead sentries? Shamans say our enemies' soul are trapped in them, but Joshua says it shows we're serious about fighting the White Legs." Chalk commented.

Tom just shrugged, "That makes sense to me." and looked at the mares. And they just stared back at him angrily.

"What? Don't look at me like that!" Tom said, but he was rather enjoying it. They were just too adorable for him.


They walked down a slope, and a clear river was in front of them, the Virgin River. What interested the trio was that there had fish in this river. Tom heard about it from Cass, but she said it was just a toy or something, he got to tell her about this. And the ponies were glad that these fish were as normal as those back at home. The huge rock in front of them have some kind of painting on it.

"What are these painting suppose to mean?" asked Applejack.

"These paintings show the Dead Horses' victories against other tribes. Lots of them since Joshua came to us." Chalk said.

As they walked along the river, Applejack and Fluttershy was washing the dust and blood on their body. Tom was looking at his new found park ranger hat he found in a welcoming booth. He wasn't looking at the floor, and he almost stepped on to a bear trap.

"The river was full of traps. Gotta keep out the White Legs, eh." Chalk minded them.

"Why was that welcoming booth has some kind of white prints on it?" asked Fluttershy.

"The pre-war buildings and some caves are considered taboo by the Sorrows, think they have some kind of god in it, so they marked it with the hand prints. The Dead Horses didn't go in there, either, because they were scared by it." - Chalk looked proud - "Good thing I don't buy those things."

After a moment, the narrow river ended and they saw a small camp on the bank of the river.

"Here we are, the Dead Horses' Camp." Chalk said. "It is good to be back."

The trio was astonished by the marvelous scene, not noticing Chalk had backed onto to the land.

Chalk waved his hand at the trio, "Come, Joshua awaits." he yelled.

Author's Note:

Here we go, another chapter. Hope you like it.