• Published 6th Feb 2020
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Honest Hearts - YuCheng Huang

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Chapter 7 - Do it for Chalk, Part 3

The coyotes were stunned witnessing their meal flying away, and the alpha was the first to snapped out. "Bob, stop acting like an idiot and go after them!"

Bob shook his head. "Aye aye, ma'am!" When he was about to start his pursue, his legs were wrapped by rope. Down to the ground he fell.

"Oh no, you don't." Applejack said. "Show me your moves."

The other two coyotes both charged at Applejack. One opened it's jaw and the other swung it's paw at her. Applejack swiftly backed up from the bite and dodge the swing. The two coyotes crashed together, feeling dizzy, they could barely stand. Applejack then turned to her back and gave them a good buck from her powerful legs. One went down, but the alpha managed to steady herself from the attack.

"Is that all ya pups got?" Applejack taunted.

The alpha just gave her a sly grin, and let out a loud howl, that even the camp could heard it. Applejack's proud expression was gone when she saw half of dozens of coyotes joined the fight. The joined coyotes helped out their tied up comrade, and the alpha turned away and ran after the flying pony and bighorner.

"Oh, pony feathers."

Meanwhile, at the Dead Horses' Camp, Tom was waiting for his companion's return, then he heard the loud howl coming from the mountain. "Oh no." he then ran into the Angel Cave to find Joshua. Joshua was looking after Chalk, and he noticed the panicking Tom.

"Tom, calm down. What's wrong?" Joshua asked.

"I heard howls from the mountain. Fluttershy and Applejack might be in danger right now!" Tom said.

"What!" Chalk was shocked by the news, "Then we must go save them!" and tried to get up, but was stopped by Tom.

"No, Chalk. You are not in a condition to fight." - Tom put his hand on Chalk's shoulder - "We'll bring them back, I promise."

"Wait!" Chalk stopped them and took out a war club.

"I want you to have this." - Chalk handed the weapon to Tom - "Safe them for me."

Tom received the weapon, "Thank you, we won't let you down."

"Ready, Joshua?" Tom asked. Joshua just nodded. "Good, no time to waste."

Chalk just sitting on his mattress, looking at his caring father and best friend's back as they left the cave. "Good luck..."


On their way to the rescue, Joshua stopped Tom, "Wait, we're entering Bighorner's territory. We can't risk to get spotted by them, they will only slow us down. " he said.

Tom thought for a moment, and he realized something that might come in handy. He reached inside his inventory and took out two little device, and handed one over to Joshua.

"Stealth boy, good thinking." - Joshua pointed to the mountain - "There's only one way up, I'll meet you up there."

"See you on the other side." and they both activated the Stealth boy.

When Tom entered Bighorner's territory, he noticed that the bighorner herds seem to be affected by the howl, too, they were running all around the area, they were horrified. He kept moving forward, carefully dodging any bighorners that's in his way. Eventually, he heard something, something that made him mad, extremely mad, the scream of Fluttershy.

"Fuck stealth. I'm going in!"

"God damnit, Tom!"


Fluttershy was still on her escape carrying Stevie. Stevie was shivering in her arms, and that made her a bit hard to grasp on him, but she decided to ignore it. She then noticed the mountain beside them stood like ten or more furious coyotes. Fluttershy started to panic, "Oh, no no no No!" but she was exhausted. She couldn't fly higher to avoid those ruthless predators. Her speed dropped a lot, since Stevie's weight was heavier than a grown pony, plus the Epinephrine effect went out. Coyotes started to pounce at their prey one after another.

"There's no escape." one of the coyote taunted after its fail attempt and returned to the high ground.

"Just give up." said another coyote.

Fluttershy tried her best to dodge any fierce attack and not affected by their taunts with Stevie in her arms, but the coyotes wave just wouldn't stop and she already got a few scratches on her body. Her pupils shrunk, for she saw the alpha coyote appeared from the mountain and pursuing her flank with the speed of fire.

The alpha used her whole strength to jump into the air, "IT. ENDS. NOW!" and struck Fluttershy's wing. Fluttershy let out a painful scream and fell to the ground.

Fluttershy noticed Stevie was no longer in her arms, she then looked around her to find him next to her. She crawled to him and embraced him again, opened her wings to fully protect Stevie from any harm.

The coyotes surrounded their preys. "Well, well, well. Still not giving up, eh?" the alpha struck Fluttershy again, injured her wings once more.

Fluttershy let out a quiet and painful cry, "Never!" she yelled with her maximum volume.

The alpha let out a sigh, "Why even bother? You both are already dead." and struck Fluttershy in the face, leaving a scar on her cheek. "I'll give you one more chance. Give up, and we may make it quick and painless."

Stevie realized that everything happening right now was his fault. "Mi...Miss Fluttershy." Stevie tried plucking up his own courage. "This is all my fault. Just leave me here and save yourself and your friend."

"No...I'm not...leaving you."

The alpha just started laughing and followed up by her crew's, "Touching." said the alpha. "I will consider that was your last words." - she gestured at some of her minions - "Do me a favor, give this flying hero and the bighorner a honorable death, and take both them back to the hive." The alpha walked out of the pack.

"I still have unfinished business."


Fluttershy was almost fainted, "This is where it end, I am going to die in this cruel world, never to see my friend again." her eyes watered. "I'm sorry, Applejack. I was not able to save Stevie," She closed her eyes, "and you." prepared for what was going to happen.

Suddenly, her ears flicked, and she heard a familiar voice's battle cry. She opened her eyes and looked to the direction where the voice came from, "Tom...?" but nothing was there.

The coyotes became cautious, due to their great perception, they all started charging at the sound. Fluttershy was confused by the scene, even her vision was blurred, the coyotes just charged to nothing. And then, she saw that some of the coyotes were thrown into the mountain, and beaten by something, invisible? When there was only one coyote was left, it was lifted into the air by the mysterious force. And then, the coyote was surrounded by some electric field, and two human figure appeared from mid air.

Tom threw to coyote on the ground, "Scram!" he yelled. And the coyote whimpered and ran away. "Oh my god, Fluttershy!" Tom and Joshua ran towards the injured Fluttershy. Fluttershy finally released Stevie from her arms and laid on the ground.

"Fluttershy, is that?" Tom looked at the bighorner.

"Miss Fluttershy," - Stevie noticed the presence of the Burned Man and started trembling - "who...who are they?" Stevie asked.

"Friends..." - Fluttershy petted Stevie on the head - "Trust me...on this one." - Fluttershy turned to Tom -"Yes, the missing calf..." Fluttershy said on her breath, "Applejack...needs help." and pointed into the mountain.

"Tom, I'll stay here with Fluttershy, I got some medical supply." - Joshua took some healing powders - "Go save Applejack."

"Got it." and ran to the rescue.


"Tis but a scratch." Applejack said after struck by a coyote.

Applejack stood her ground, dodging any incoming strikes, giving strong bucks whenever a coyote approached. She's a born fighter, but she was still outnumbered. She bucked one, the coyote retreated, and another just filled its place.

"Guess this where ah meet mah end." - Applejack panted - "Ah hope Fluttershy made it to safety." and prepared to make her last stand.

Not soon after she heard Fluttershy's scream, "Fluttershy!" Applejack was furious, she beat the coyotes in front of her, and tried to make a break through. She charged at the coyotes like a full speed locomotive and all of the blocking coyotes were crushed. When she got rid of the coyotes, she check her back, and let out a relieved sigh when she saw no coyotes were following her. Turning back, only to met with a lone coyote, the alpha, its menacing stance made Applejack nervous.

"So...yer the alpha...huh?" - Applejack dropped her stetson - "I will not...tolerate," - Applejack let her mane down - "anyone that Hurt My Friend!" She then charged at the alpha, giving out a powerful punch.

But the alpha wasn't someone to be underestimated. She quickly sidestepped the attack, and scratched Applejack on her waist. Applejack let out a small grunt, and kicked her back leg at the alpha, but the alpha jumped backward to avoid any impact. Applejack finally got another match. The alpha was a coyote version of Rainbow Dash, her attack was not that powerful, but she was too agile to hit. Her hit'n'run tactic was working, Applejack's motion gradually became slower after several missing reckless attacks. The alpha noticed it, and struck Applejack's leg. Applejack fell to the ground, painfully groaning and struggling to get up. The alpha put her paw on Applejack face, growling into the sky, claiming her victory.

Usually, whenever the alpha growled like that, tons of coyotes would start gathering around her, she found it strange for no coyotes have shown up. And then she heard it, "YYYYAAAAAARRRRRRR" coming from her back. When she turned around, only could see a human raising a wooden stick into the sky. SMACK!

The alpha fainted, "Lights out, bitch!" it was very effective."Applejack, are you alright?" Tom asked while checking on Applejack's condition.

"Just like ah said, tis but a scratch." - Applejack managed to get up by herself there's pain on her face - "Welp, maybe a bit more serious than a scratch."

"Here, stand still." - Tom gave Applejack a shot of stimpak - "This will do the trick." Tom looked straight at Applejack in her natural appearance and blush a little. "Boy, is it wrong to think a pony hot?" his mind was a mess.

Applejack then remember something important, "Is Fluttershy alright?" she asked.

Tom pulled himself out of the mess he just created, "Don't worry, Fluttershy is safe in Joshua's hand." then picked up the stetson hat on the ground,"You have done well." and put it on Applejack's head.

"Thanks, sugarcube." - Applejack stood up and tied up her mane - "Let's go meet up with the others."


Joshua knelt down next to Fluttershy, "It's gonna hurt a little." and applied healing powder on her wounds. Fluttershy bit her lips to endure the pain and let out small moans, but still, it's better than let it running its course.

"You stay here for a while with the calf, I'll be around picking up some herbs." Joshua then stood up, walking around collecting whatever he needed.

Fluttershy just sat there watching, and turned to Stevie. "There's no need to fear of Mr.Graham, Stevie. He's not as scary as he looks." She then noticed Joshua was making something, might be medicine.

After giving his medicine a final touch, Joshua knelt next to Fluttershy, "Can you hear me clearly?" Joshua asked. "Because I need you to listen carefully." Fluttershy nodded.

"Good." Joshua then show Fluttershy the thing he made. "This is bitter drink, and you have to down it in one go."

"O...okay." Fluttershy sat up and took the bowl from Joshua. She stared at the liquid for a moment, didn't like the smell. Gaining some self-confidence, and she gulped it in one go. It was bitterer than anything she has ever tasted, and her stomach felt awful, no wonder why Joshua said about it. But, with the effect of the healing powder and bitter drink, her pain around her body has eased effectively.

"Better?" Joshua asked.

"Thank you, Mr.Graham." Fluttershy then gave Joshua a big hug. "Thank you for saving me and Stevie."

Joshua just petted Fluttershy head, "No big deal, just doing the Lord's work."

"Fluttershy!" a familiar voice came to Fluttershy's ears, she immediately turned to see Applejack ran towards her with Tom right behind. "Applejack!" and they shared a warm embrace. "Ah'm so glad that you're fine." - Applejack looked at Joshua - "Much oblige, Joshua."

Joshua just nodded, "Let's take Stevie back to his kind, and called it for a day, Chalk is worrying about you." - Joshua reached his hand to Fluttershy - "Shall we?"

Fluttershy gave Joshua her hoof with a warm smile on her face and stood up. Applejack could felt the joy coursing through her vein, but she was exhausted after the battle, this made her really wanted to enjoy a good ol' massage at Ponyville Day Spa. Tom felt relieved that the ponies were safe, but he realized that he hasn't been that angry for a long time since...

"Tom? Yer alright, sugarcube?" Applejack kindly asked.

"O...of course. Something just popped from my head." Tom gave an awkward smiled at Applejack. "After you then."

As the Element of Honesty, Applejack knew that something was bothering Tom, she wanted to help him, but she knew that this world was not as peaceful as Equestria, what if Tom had a past that he didn't want to be mentioned, she was concerned about him.


At the Bighorner territory, the bighorners herd finally calmed down from the coyote incident, except for Belle, she was still panicking beside Big Horn, "You have to send some bighorners to go find my son!"

"No, Belle. We can't risk it. It's too dangerous." Big Horn said. "They're more savage than those humans."

Belle was frustrated, "Fine then, I'll find him my-"


"Oh my goodness, Ste-" - Belle noticed the human companions - "What are those Humans doing there?"


"Human alert!"

The bighorners surrounded the group, and they're far from happy to see their lost calf's return. "Get away from my son, you blood thirsty hunters!" Belle yelled.

All Tom, Joshua and Applejack could heard were still angry roars, "Fluttershy, you and Stevie better do something about it. They don't see so happy." Tom said.

Applejack facehoofed. "Ya don't say."

"Wait! I can explain." Fluttershy walked towards Belle. "Me and Applejack found Stevie inside the mountain, not knowing he was a bait to lure your kind. We were ambushed by the coyotes."

"Then why is the human here?" Belle asked.

"They were my friends, they heard the coyotes howl and sneaked through your territory to save us, including Stevie." Fluttershy explained.

"And it's all true." Stevie said. "We almost became coyotes meal, but thanks to Miss Applejack, we got an escape chance, Miss Fluttershy protected me from any harm, and the humans beat those coyotes like you did to protect me." Stevie ran into her mom. "I'm so sorry, I won't run around by myself again. I promise."

Chief Big Horn heard the whole conversation, "Well, that does it then. Back down, everyone." and the bighorners backed down. Applejack and Tom let out a relieved sigh, but not Joshua though, he was calm all the time. "For the first time in my life, I feel threatened because of bighorners." Tom said.

"Miss Fluttershy, I don't know how to repay you for saving my son." Belle said.

"You don't need to, just make sure your tribe to make peace with the humans, and they will, too." Fluttershy said.

"I'll tell my kind to stop being aggressive when your kind came up here, you have my word." Big Horn said.

"Mr.Graham," - Fluttershy called Joshua to come - "they agreed to make peace with the Dead Horses as long as you stop hunting them."

"Indeed. I'll make sure my people stop hunting bighorners in your territory." Joshua said.

"Chief, the humans agreed and will not hunt any of your kind in your territory." Fluttershy informed.

"You are a friend to us, if you ever need help, come seek us." Big Horn said.

"Thank you for your kindness, but our quest may be too dangerous for your kind."

"I understand. My offer stands." Big Horn said.

"We'll be on our way then." Fluttershy waved goodbye to the bighorners and turned to her companions. "Let's head back to the camp."


Back at the Dead Horse's Camp, Follows-Chalk had got up and waiting for his friends by the campfire.The sun was setting from afar, but Chalk's heart was still felt like hanging in the same place, worrying about his pony friends. His heart beat faster when he saw four figures coming from the mountain, he waved at his friend.

"Oh, thank God you're safe." Chalk was getting excited, "Come, you must be very tired."

"Ya boys go first, me and Fluttershy gonna get ourselves cleaned first." Applejack said.

"That would be wonderful." Fluttershy said. And they both went to somewhere much more private.

"Sure thing, just don't leave the camp, alright?" Tom yelled. "Huh, does it get hot around here?"

"We are next to a campfire." - Chalk pointed the blazing campfire - "If that's why you're asking." Joshua chuckled, even he found this conversation amusing. "God, that was embarrassing." Tom thought.

Tom and Joshua sat down next to the campfire, Chalk took the Gecko steak he just cooked and handed to Tom. "Here, you must be hungry."

"Thanks." - Tom received the steak and took a bite - "So how it going?"

"Pretty well, can't wait for our mission tomorrow." Chalk said. "So, how was the bighorner problem?"

"It went pretty well, the girls returned the lost calf. And a peaceful treaty between your tribe and the bighorner was signed." Tom answered. "No casualties, maybe knocked out some coyotes, but who cares? They're the bad guys."

"Glad to hear it!" Chalk cheered, but he turned a little depressed after that. "What's the matter?" Tom asked.

"Oh, I just worrying about our future, will Applejack's plan work?" Chalk said.

Tom put his hand on Chalk's shoulder. "Come on Chalk, this place is a paradise. If the Mojave can produce crops, I don't see why this place can't. Your apples may be even better."

"Thanks, you'll be the first civilized people to taste our apple." Chalk then realized something. "No, you'll be the third, since Joshua and Daniel are civilized people, too."

"That's fine." Tom said. "But I think we're talking about this a little too fast, we still have ONE problem to deal with."


Applejack and Fluttershy went behind a giant rock in the middle of the river, not far away from the camp, and proceed to wash out all of the dust and blood one their body.

"Fluttershy, may ah ask for a suggestion?" Applejack asked.

"Sure." Fluttershy said.

"I saw Tom blanked out several times, and when I asked him what's wrong, he said he was fine, but I know he was not telling the truth." - Applejack sighed - "This world is not a nice place, maybe something horrible happened to Tom. I don't want to hurt him in any way?"

"I don't know, but concealing one's feeling is extremely harmful. We'll ask him, but we need to wait for a right time." Fluttershy said.

"You're right." - Applejack put her stetson back on - "If we're done here, let's head back to the camp."

Author's Note:

Finally, another Chapter. College life is kinda harsh. Writing this story can help ease the tension, but everything is better, when they're still in the brain. On to the main quest line we go. Anyway, feel free to give me any feedback, or correct me if you want, it will(may) help improve my writing skills.