• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 7,626 Views, 292 Comments

After the Honeymoon - Pokey the Unicorn

Shining Armor and Cadence have returned with a special announcement.

  • ...

Secret Rendezvous in the Forest

Cadence inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh night air. She enjoyed the cool sensation as it breezed down her throat, filling her lungs. She loved spending time with her new husband, but she still needed to have her alone time. Night strolls had been a tradition of hers for years now. Finish up her nightly duties, dinner, et cetera, then take a walk outside. The cool night air always cleared her head, and she found the hushed silence extremely relaxing.

Tonight was no different. Shining Armor had promised to cook dinner for their first night, and cook dinner he had! It might not have been a three-course meal, but there was something to be said for a simple, lovingly home-cooked dinner. Especially a delicious one. Cadence had even asked for seconds!

She giggled as she remembered his shocked face. Shining Armor had barricaded himself into the kitchen and spent at least two hours cooking noisily and haphazardly. She had giggled so much as she sat in the next room listening to the sound of his frantic yelps and crashing crockery and cutlery. He had even begun to yell at one of the pots at one point, scolding it for misbehaving. Cadence decided that she had better go in and help him, but as soon as she announced her intentions he had burst out, panting, and insisted that he was fine. The spaghetti strands hanging off his nose and rump, plus the ones in his mane said otherwise though.

Shining Armor had very nearly had a panic attack as he watched his wife take the first bite. His eyes widened as a pleased little smile formed on her face, and her little "Mmm!" nearly blew him out of his seat. Cadence had to insist three times that she liked it before he started to believe her, and once he had calmed down and tried it as well, he was so happy that he started singing to her about it.

Cadence was pulled from her thoughts by a choice; she had come to a fork in the path. Left or right?

Right. It seemed to curve back towards where she was staying, and was lit better. She strolled down the path, humming to herself. She reached a surprisingly large clearing when she turned a bend, and had to stifle a scream.

It was the Changelings. About twenty or thirty of them sitting in the clearing, huddled together. The Queen was there as well, pacing back and forth. She turned around to pace forth, looking right in Cadence's direction.

She's back?! What is she doing here?! How did she find us? Wait, she hasn't seen you yet. Run!

Cadence heard the Changeling Queen gasp. Too late. She decided to stand her ground.

"You." Cadence growled.

"You! How did you find us?!" She shot back.

"I wasn't even looking for you. If you're trying to hide you've done a pretty bad job."

The Changeling Queen looked around, glancing in every direction. "Changelings! Keep a lookout in every direction. If you see a pony, you tell everyone!" She shouted. Cadence tilted her head confusedly.

The Queen glared at her defiantly, horn aglow.

Before she had a chance to react a green horn bolt struck Cadence in the chest, blasting her backwards. She then felt her body lurch forward, pulled in by the Queen's telekinesis. Cadence came to a stop in front of her black hooves.

"Changelings, surround her! This is where we shall make our stand." The Queen barked, glowing horn swinging in all directions. Cadence cried out, keeping her eyes on the savage Changelings all around her.

Something was wrong though. If Cadence hadn't known better, she would have sworn that she could hear fear in the Queen's voice. There was no lust for conquest, no gloating. Her voice wavered. She sounded tired. Then Cadence noticed the Changelings themselves. She had expected the swarm to be all over her by now, but... They moved slowly, hobbling. None flew, but some crawled. There were holes in their bodies. Holes everywhere, many more than last week. Some of them had so many holes in their legs that they couldn't even stand on them.

Cadence yelped as a rough hoof rolled her over to look up at the Changeling Queen. She glared down at Cadence with such anger, but there was still that subtle hint of fear.

"Where are they?!" She growled.


"Where are they?!" The Queen raised her head and looked around wildly, shouting into the empty forest. "I've taken your princess hostage! You will show yourselves! Come out slowly!"

Cadence's mind worked quickly. She had to take control of the situation if she was going to make it out alive. She must think that I have a squad with me. She stood up, staring down the Changeling Queen.

"I have no less than twenty horns trained on you from every direction. Tell your army to stand down." The Queen's eyes widened, and she gasped.


"Yes. You will cease your attack immediately, or we will fire." The Queen blinked at her confusedly, then scanned the trees again, growling.

"We're not attacking, you foal."


"You think it's all about you, don't you? I wasn't even aware of your presence. Your surprise attack caught us completely off guard. Congratulations, pony." The Changeling Queen sat down suddenly, sighing.

"Go on, do it."

"Do what?" Cadence asked. She was confused by the Queen's words, but kept her guard up. It was probably another trick.

"Finish the job!" The Queen snarled. "Get it over with!"

"An excellent idea." Cadence said brazenly. "You will surrender."

The Queen scoffed. "No. I refuse to surrender. If you're going to murder me, murder me."

"However, if you have the decency to oblige me a dying wish, I only ask of you to spare my Changelings. They are on the brink of death. Slaughtering them won't be necessary." She spat bitterly.

Cadence just stared. Kill them? She wasn't going to kill them. Nothing added up. Why were there so few Changelings? Why did they look so weak? Why did the Queen seem so... defeated?

"What are you doing here?" Cadence asked. The Changeling Queen sneered at her.

"What are you doing here?!" Cadence pressed.

"We were simply minding our own business when you ambushed us. You're attacking an outnumbered, largely defenseless enemy. Does that make you feel guilty, pony?" She jeered.

"You're not attacking?" Cadence asked softly.

"No, we're not attacking you. Do you understand now, or do I need to say it again?"

"I'm not attacking either."


"This isn't an attack." Cadence took a deep breath. "I'm alone. There's no squad."

"No squad..." The Queen almost smiled.

"Hooray!" One of the changelings shouted. The Queen held up a hoof, calling for quiet.

"Why would you tell me that?"

"Because I don't want to fight you." Cadence said. "I was taking a stroll and I just found you here. If you're not after me, I want you to leave me alone. Don't follow me." The pink alicorn turned and ran.

"WAIT!" Cadence stopped. There it was again. Fear. Desperation. This wasn't the Changeling Queen she was familiar with. Her curiosity won, and she returned to the clearing.


The Queen's gaze dropped to the ground, and she looked away. Cadence heard her mutter something softly.

"I can't hear you. Say again?" The Changeling's horn glowed, and she dragged Cadence closer, muttering again.

"Help us."

"... help you." Cadence repeated, dumbstruck. "Help you? Why in Equestria would I help you?! You almost ruined my wedding, you took my husband, imprisoned both myself and my sister-in-law, attacked Canterlot, and now you have the gall to ask me to help you!?"

"They're dying." The Queen said, gesturing toward her subjects.

"Dying? What do you mean dying? Can't you just kidnap somepony and feed on them?" The implication of her words sunk in as soon as she spoke them. Cadence did her best to appear neutral, backing away subtly.

"You want to know what I was doing before you barged in?" The Queen growled. "I was trying to come up with a way to save them. Most are too weak to walk, and I can't take them all with me. We're too far away from any food sources, and one wouldn't be enough. They're all going to die, and... and I'll be the last one left."

"No you won't. You had an entire army when you invaded Canterlot. Where are they?"


"Dead? All of them?"

"They were all killed when you blasted them out of the city. This is all that remains. And they're not an army!"

Cadence wasn't sure what to think of that. All of those Changelings had died by her hoof? She, who personified love itself, was a murderer?

"Well... I'm sorry, but I couldn't have known that that would happen. And if they're not an army, what are they?"

"Just Changelings. Citizens."

"Citizens of where?" The Queen didn't reply. She just looked at the ground sullenly.

Cadence snapped to, catching herself. She had almost felt sorry for them.

"No. No, this is all just another trick. I'm going. Leave me alone." She took no more than two steps before green magic ensnared her once again.

"No." The Queen stated firmly. "I can't let you leave. I can't let you just walk away. Not now." She dragged Cadence over to the Changelings, holding her in place firmly.

"My subjects! You will take no more than what is necessary. Line up." Cadence kicked and screamed wildly as the first Changeling hobbled over to her. The thing was going to bite her, or do something awful. She held up her hooves defensively, covering her neck.

"Aah! No! Get away from me! Stop this!" The first Changeling drew closer, reaching for her neck with its fangs...

"Somepony help meeeeee!!!" She felt it brush against her neck, nuzzling hungrily. It was too late. Any moment now, sharp fangs would sink into her neck. It would happen over and over again, draining her like the Queen had done to her husband. She would be left an empty husk. There was no point screaming. She came this way because she knew that there was nopony around, and now nopony to hear her.

Cadence felt warmth gathering in her body, welling up and ready to be sucked out. Dizziness followed, and she barely noticed that the Changeling had withdrawn without breaking her skin. It gazed at her with a drunken smile on its face, then turned and shuffled away.

It hadn't been as painful as Cadence had been expecting. She calmed down slightly, enough to notice that the creature had not bitten her. The warmth caressing her body remained as the second Changeling approached, pulling itself forward with its ragged forelegs.

"What's going on?!" Cadence asked, thoroughly confused. The Queen looked down at her, frowning.

"I thought it had been made clear the last time we met. Changelings feed on love. They're feeding now."

"But why aren't they... biting me or something? Why do I feel good? What are they doing?"

The Changeling Queen scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I see. You think that it's supposed to be harmful. What a surprise. Tell me something, did you see any bite marks on your husband?" She asked.

"Well... no." Cadence admitted.

"Changelings are infiltrators, not warriors. What use would we have of such barbaric practices?" Cadence was speechless. Despite herself, she sat and watched as every last Changeling fed. Once they were done, she stood up. She had expected to feel weak or drained afterwards, but she actually felt quite good. Warm, comfortable...

"I suppose we owe you our thanks." The Changeling Queen relented.

"So what are you going to do now?" Cadence asked.

"Why do you care?" The Queen retorted. Cadence stared expectantly, remaining silent.

"Well." The Queen began. "You have given us time. I should be able to find something to sustain them now."

"You mean kidnap somepony?" Cadence shot.

"Perhaps." The Queen replied aloofly.

"No. I can't let that happen." Cadence stated. "This feeding. Will it cause negative side effects over time?"

"No?" The Queen was confused now.

"Then stay here. I'll return tomorrow night to ... feed them." Cadence replied stiffly. The Changeling Queen stared at her.

"You're helping us?"

"No. I'm helping them, not you." The alicorn replied. The Queen scowled.

"Well we don't need y-" She stopped herself, glaring at the ground. Without another word, Cadence turned around and left.


Cadence returned the next night, somewhat relieved to see that the Changelings had not left. Nothing was said as she sat down and allowed the swarm to gather around her. The Queen sat on the other side of the clearing, facing away. After some time, Cadence broke the silence.

"How do you know?" The Queen didn't respond at first.

"Changeling Queen! I was talking to you!" She looked up.


"How do you know? That they're all dead?"

"I'd be able to feel them." The Queen replied wistfully, tapping her temple with a hoof. "And my name is Chrysalis. Not Changeling Queen, or 'you.'"

"Chrysalis? Oh. Well, hello then Chrysalis." Cadence chuckled despite herself. She had never considered that the Queen would have a name, and the idea of it seemed funny to her. Silence returned, only to be broken a few minutes later.

"Chrysalis? Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Invade Canterlot. I don't understand how you could do something like that."

"...I don't know why I'm telling you so much. Stop asking me so many questions."

"Hey, I'm helping your subjects! You at least owe me an explanation." Chrysalis growled in response.


"Fine. You want to know why I attempted to take Canterlot?" Chrysalis turned around, rubbing her hooves together. "I was in line to become Queen from a very young age. For as long as I remember, we have lived like this. What you see now is the way of the Changelings. We travel, trying to find cities where we can survive without being discovered. We don't kidnap ponies, we simply disguise ourselves and walk amongst them. It has been my ambition to lead the Changelings to greatness, to find a home for us, a kingdom worthy of my title."

"Wait, so you wanted a place to stay in Canterlot? Why not just ask? I'm sure Princess Celestia would have obliged you if you had made a formal request."

Chrysalis scoffed. "You think I didn't already try that? Celestia turned us away. She saw us as monsters. We weren't good enough for her city."

"She turned you away?! I don't..." Cadence considered it. Celestia had been dragging her hooves on the griffon treaty. It could be true.

"Well." Cadence began. "It's a shame you ruined it by attempting an invasion. She might have considered giving you a second chance."

"Then again, I'm not comfortable with leaving you to roam around Equestria preying on innocent ponies. I'm a princess. What if I were to escort you into Canterlot and speak on your behalf?

"You want to help us??" Chrysalis was floored.

"The way I see it, you made a bad decision. I don't like you at all, but this isn't about me, it's about them." Cadence gestured towards the Changelings. The Queen looked at her for a long time, thinking. Eventually, she spoke.

"How do I know that I can trust you? This could be a trick. We walk into Canterlot and your Royal Guards capture and execute us. Is that what you're planning?"

"For you, perhaps." Cadence stated flatly. "I'll protect your subjects though. They deserve a fair trial, but they need a better representative."

The Changeling Queen rubbed her foreleg indecisively, glaring at Cadence.

"Swear. Swear that you'll help us."

"Alright, I swear to help them."

"But not me? Fine." Chrysalis sat down. She glanced over at her subjects, smiling, then turned back to Cadence.

"You're not like most ponies, are you Cadence?" She mused thoughtfully.

"How not?"

"You're helping Changelings. Ponies don't help Changelings."

Cadence shrugged. "Listen, it's getting late. I have to go, otherwise Shining Armor is going to start worrying. So uh, bye."

"Goodbye." Chrysalis sat and watched as Cadence left. She had some things to think about.


On the third night, Cadence was late.

"Hello, sorry I'm late! We went to the cutest little restaurant for dinner!"

"Hello. To eat?" Chrysalis enquired. Cadence sat down, and the Changelings gathered around her. One even nuzzled her gratefully before helping another over with its magic.

"To eat? Of course to eat. That's why ponies go to restaurants. Shining Armor loves pasta, so naturally, I was dragged off to an Italian place."

"What's it like, eating?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I've never eaten pony food with my mouth before. I did take a bite of something that Twilight Sparkle's friend made, but it felt so unusual that I had to spit it out." Chrysalis blinked inquisitively, and Cadence giggled, smiling broadly.

"Hmm... Well, you put the food in your mouth first. There are a lot of kinds of food, and they all taste and feel different. Once it's in your mouth, you have to chew it with your teeth. Then you swallow it." She explained, miming each action as she described it.

"And it goes down your throat? Euhh..." Chrysalis shuddered.

Cadence nodded. "Yep! You eat until you've filled up your tummy." She said, patting her stomach. Chrysalis stared at her own torso, wincing.

"Could we perhaps talk about something else?"

Cadence chuckled. "Look at us, meeting up and talking like friends."

"You find that concept amusing do you? You and I being friends?" Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.

"I think everything is amusing right now." She replied, grinning.

Chrysalis eyed her suspiciously. "You're acting rather... strangely tonight, Cadence." The alicorn rubbed her foreleg sheepishly.

"Well, I might be just a tiny little bit tipsy..."

Chrysalis tilted her head. She had no idea what 'tipsy' meant.

Cadence sighed. "I had a drink at the restaurant." She explained.


"Of alcohol."

"Oh." Chrysalis's eyes widened. ... Oh.

The pink mare giggled. "Chrysalis? Thanks."

"Thanks? For what?"

"Just for being nice, talking to me."

Chrysalis grumbled. "You're helping my subjects. I have to be nice to you."

"Are you sure about that? You didn't have to talk to me you know." She teased. The Queen looked away.

Cadence gazed up at the embarrassed Changeling, smiling warmly. "Hey." She called softly. Chrysalis looked down at her.

"Why don't you try being nice to me? Just because you can?" Cadence asked with a gentle smile on her face. Chrysalis frowned at her.

"Because you're a... you..." She exhaled through her nose sharply, thinking.

Cadence giggled and cocked an eyebrow cheekily.

"Does this mean that we're friends now?" She asked the alicorn wearily. Cadence considered it, tapping her chin with a hoof. She nodded to herself, then walked up to Chrysalis and nuzzled her.

"Aah!" The Changeling cried, scrambling backward. "Get away! What are you doing?!"

"This is called being affectionate, you silly thing." Cadence poked her tongue out, grinning. "Let me just show you. Don't run away this time."

She nuzzled Chrysalis again. The Changeling's body was soft, to her surprise. She didn't have any fur, but her skin was smooth and Cadence could feel body fat on her.

"You're squishy!" The pink mare exclaimed.

"I'm what?!"

"Look at you! You're squishy! You feel just like a pony! I thought you'd have a hard exoskeleton, like an insect." Chrysalis glanced around uncomfortably as Cadence poked and prodded her chest.

"You're prodding me!" Chrysalis whined in disbelief.

"Uh huh!" Cadence replied.

"Stop it!"

"Nope." She giggled, prodding the Queen again. Chrysalis growled and poked Cadence in retaliation.

"Ooh!" The alicorn moaned, flashing her a silly grin.

"This is ridiculous! Stop it!" Chrysalis shouted, poking Cadence.

"No!" Cadence shouted back, subtly keeping her hooves to herself.

"Yes!" Chrysalis poked her again. Cadence gave her a victory smile.

"Having fun?" She asked. Chrysalis drew back when she realized what she was doing. She turned away quickly, grumbling to herself. Cadence skipped over and raised a hoof to the Queen's chest. Chrysalis stared at it.


She gasped. She looked at Cadence's playful grin. A smile slowly formed on her face.

Both mares burst out laughing.

"What is the matter with you?" Chrysalis wondered aloud.

"What's the matter with you?! You didn't even realize that I'd stopped poking you!" Cadence exclaimed through fits of giggles. As their laughter died down, they looked at each other curiously. Suddenly, Cadence gasped.

"Oh no! How long have I been out here?! I promised Shining Armor that I wouldn't be out too long tonight! I've gotta get back! I'll see you tomorrow night Chrysalis!" She waved, then ran back down the path to home.

Chrysalis pouted as she watched Cadence leave.

"... Oh. Already?"