• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 7,627 Views, 292 Comments

After the Honeymoon - Pokey the Unicorn

Shining Armor and Cadence have returned with a special announcement.

  • ...


"This isn't good." Twilight said to herself as she paced back and forth. "The Changelings are up to something, and they've obviously done something to Cadence. But why let us go?"

They've been in there for a while." Applejack said to the rest of the group. "I still don't understand what's going on though. Cadence and the Changeling Queen are chummy all of a sudden? Smells like bad apples to me."

"Cadence said something about appealing to the Royal House." Rainbow began. "Maybe they're talking about something?" Twilight's eyes widened.

"Yes, yes! Cadence said that... Chrysalis, I think her name was, requested asylum some time ago. But why would they want to live in Canterlot?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe she's requesting asylum by force?" Pinkie suggested.

Fluttershy gasped. "Maybe she's planning a takeover!"

"With twenty-something Changelings? Let 'em try!" Applejack scoffed.

"It's entirely possible that there are more Changelings somewhere in Canterlot." Rarity said. "They could be disguised as anypony. Nevertheless, I think it would be best if we wait until we know more before throwing around accusations. If Cadence is indeed herself, there might be more to Chrysalis than we thought."

"But what did she mean when she said that Princess Celestia is xenophobic?" Fluttershy asked.

"That didn't happen." Twilight snapped.

The six friends had been waiting in the garden for over fifteen minutes. Finally, the doors opened. Cadence trudged out, leaning on Chrysalis. Shining Armor and Luna followed, the latter slinging a comforting wing around the captain. All four of them looked unhappy. Shining Armor called for his wife's attention, cantering up to her. The two shared a hug, and Cadence wept.

"I'm going to fix this, okay?" He reassured. Cadence kissed him, and he smiled before galloping off somewhere. The alicorn looked around, noticing the element bearers waiting nearby.

"Luna?" The Moon pony smiled, nodding.

"Of course. But only ten minutes." Cadence looked up at Chrysalis.

"Come meet them." She said, galloping over. The Changeling Queen followed reluctantly.

There was silence for the longest time, as nopony knew quite where to start, or what to say.

"Hello everypony." Cadence began, glancing around the group. Twilight took a step forward.

"Cadence, I think we deserve an explanation. What's going on?" The alicorn took a deep breath and sat down.

"Well... you already heard what happened. I found Chrysalis and her subjects while on a walk. I decided to wait before telling Shining Armor about it, because I wanted to know exactly what I was getting into beforehoof. I yelled at her at first, of course, but we eventually started talking. Over the next few nights we met again and again, and I slowly began to trust her. Her subjects were going to starve, so I allowed them to feed on me. I learned a lot about the Changelings, and much of it surprised me."

"I already knew that Celestia had turned Chrysalis away, but I didn't think anything of it. It was just one of those bits of information you hear in passing. When I agreed to get her an audience with Celestia, I knew that simply walking in wasn't an option. Ponies would riot in the streets, so I had Chrysalis disguise everyone and enter the castle, and I drugged the wine. I understand that the cocoons were an awful idea, but there was really no other way. We needed everypony to just sit still and listen."

Cadence looked at the skeptical faces of the element bearers. "Do you understand now?" She asked quietly.

"Cadence..." Twilight began. "I can understand that you'd want to preserve the species, but that doesn't change the fact that you've committed treason! You've betrayed the princess! What if she banishes you?!"

"It's only treason because Celestia makes it treason..." She replied bitterly. "She has no real reason to ostracize the Changelings. She just doesn't like them."

"They did invade Canterlot darlin'" Applejack pointed out.

"Yeah, what's up with that anyway?" Rainbow demanded, glaring at Chrysalis.

"I had to feed my subjects!" The Queen shot back.

"Rainbow." Rarity interjected, turning to address Chrysalis. "I suppose we'd like you to tell us what's going on. We're having a hard time believing that you'd invade Canterlot by force one week, and be diplomatic the next." Chrysalis didn't reply. Instead, she stood up and turned around, then spoke to Cadence.

"This is a waste of time. I shouldn't have to explain myself to them." She said, and began to walk away.

"Chrysalis wait! Please just talk to them, they'll listen to you." Cadence ran around and stood in front of the Queen, looking up at her pleadingly.

"You gave me a chance. Give them a chance too. They can help you." Chrysalis glared down at her, faltering.

"Please?" Cadence asked, nuzzling her friend. Chrysalis grumbled.

"... Fine! Fine, I'll speak to them." She returned to the group, glaring at them angrily.

"I remember all of you." The Changeling Queen began. "You're the ones that tried to stop me with the elements of harmony. And you!" She snarled, stabbing an accusing hoof at Twilight. "If not for your meddling my subjects would still be alive!"

Twilight's ears drooped a little. She had never thought about it like that. She knew that it wasn't her fault that the Changelings had died, but part of her did feel bad for the Queen. Cadence placed a comforting hoof on Chrysalis's shoulder.

"...but I suppose there's no point dwelling on the past." She added stiffly. "What do you want to know?"

"Please explain everything as thoroughly as you can. It will definitely help your case." Luna said. Nopony had noticed her walk over.

"Cadence has already told you everything. She agreed to help me get an audience with Canterlot royalty."

"I am Canterlot royalty." Luna said. "But I was not present during your previous appeal, and had no knowledge of it. Why do you seek asylum in Canterlot?"

"I never said that it had to be Canterlot. Anywhere in Equestria would be fine." She looked down at Cadence, who nodded, urging her to continue.

"Something had to be done. My swarm is the last of its kind left in Equestria. As our numbers grew, it became harder to find reliable food sources. Our usual methods didn't work on a larger scale. We were starving."

"So being desperate made you civil?" Applejack challenged.

"No! Desperation drove us to invade Canterlot. Tell me, had you ever heard of Changelings attempting to take cities prior to the invasion? Did you even know that we existed?!" Everypony looked at Twilight, who shook her head.

"How dare you." Chrysalis growled, rounding on Applejack. "You infer that we are uncivil? That we are evil?! You ponies are all the same. You can't-"

"Why did Celestia refuse your appeal?" Luna interjected.

"She told me that she wouldn't allow her kingdom to be marred by our kind's filth." Chrysalis sneered. Luna drew back as if she'd been struck.

"Surely you paraphrase?"

"No." The Queen replied. "Those were her exact words. I was thrown out of-"

"ENOUGH!" Twilight yelled. "I won't let you talk about Princess Celestia that way! She is not xenophobic! She's the kindest, wisest, most wonderful pony in Equestria!" Twilight's words struck Rainbow somewhere deep, but she wasn't sure why. Luna scoffed bitterly. Chrysalis looked over at her, surprised. The two gazed at each other, a flicker of mutual understanding appearing in their eyes briefly.

"You're wrong! You're evil! You've done something to Cadence!!" Twilight ranted. Luna walked over, placing herself between Chrysalis and the unicorn.

"Twilight." Luna began gently. "I believe that Chrysalis's words are based in truth."

"No! I can't accept that! It's not true! All of you, shut up!" Twilight turned and ran, teleporting away.

"Twilight!" Rainbow called after her, but she had already disappeared. No point going after her now. She could be anywhere. The pegasus thought. She returned to the group and sat down. Fluttershy winghugged her.

"Chrysalis." Luna continued, thinking. "What do your normal feeding practices entail?"

"We are nomads. We travel from town to town and set up camp somewhere secluded where we can go unnoticed. When the time comes to feed, we simply disguise ourselves and head into the town. Not all at once, of course. Simply walking around and interacting with others provides the love we need to sustain ourselves. As a rule, we try to avoid becoming too involved. Too many things can go wrong, and we run a far greater risk of being discovered." Chrysalis sighed, rubbing her foreleg.

"We were discovered once, long ago. One of my subjects forged a strong friendship with a citizen after saving her from a housefire. A week later, he showed her his true form. She accepted him, and their friendship remained. This had never happened before. I didn't think it possible for a pony to befriend a Changeling. Witnesses told me that they saw his body cavities disappear entirely. I thought that it would be a good day for the Changelings, but unfortunately, she told her family. Word spread quickly, and we were hunted, driven out of the town. Slowly, our numbers grew, and it became more difficult to survive, so I appealed to Celestia for help. We needed a home. We couldn't hide anymore. When she turned us away with such... revulsion, I decided that drastic action was needed. I divided my swarm into two groups; one in Canterlot, and one in Ponyville. They were to wait while I devised a plan to take over Canterlot. I would introduce my Changelings into the city and make everypony see that we're the same. Oh it would have been glorious! A city where the ponies live alongside my Changelings without fear, without hate, and without Celestia."

"Without fear?" Rainbow questioned. "They attacked everypony when you set them loose on the city!"

"If you recall, I told them only to feed. We simply secured the city. Nopony was threatened or injured in any way."

"But you fooled everypony! You almost ruined the wedding! You enjoyed it all!"

"And why should I care about any of that?" Chrysalis growled.

"Because you messed up our friendship for a week! You messed with royalty!" Rainbow shouted.

"And what makes you ponies so important that we should all care so much?" Chrysalis yelled. Rarity cleared her throat loudly, interrupting the shouting match before it got out of hoof.

"It appears that we might have misjudged you. If this is indeed true, I see no reason why you should be denied your rights."

"But Rare, nopony is going to go for this." Applejack said. "They invaded the city a week ago, they strung us up in those green cocoons, and now they want us to accept them and pretend like everything's hunky-dory? It ain't gonna work!"

"Applejack, all they're asking for is a little compassion." Rarity exclaimed.

"Nuh uh, nothin' doin' Rarity. They gotta earn it first!"

"Well then give them a chance!" She shouted back. "How do you propose they do that when you won't let them?"

"IF I may get a word in edgewise." Luna said. "I believe that Rarity is correct in this case, fair Applejack. While it would be unwise to extend our complete trust at such an early stage, I staunchly believe that we must give Chrysalis the benefit of the doubt."

"Thank you princess." Chrysalis said, surprised. "Luna, is it?" The moon pony nodded.

"I will discuss these matters with my sister." Luna decided. "Rest assured that I will speak on your behalf, but for now I must escort the two of you to the dungeon."

Everypony gasped. "The dungeon!?" Luna nodded.

"Yes. Celestia's verdict will be issued tomorrow morning. Until then, Cadence and Chrysalis are to be imprisoned."

Chrysalis groaned. "Cadence?" The alicorn sighed and stood up. They began to walk away, following Luna.

The element bearers watched them leave, each deep in thought. Rainbow flew over to Chrysalis, falling into pace beside her.

"So what are you?" She asked. Chrysalis glanced at her.

"In essence, we are ponies just like you. We're simply... different."

"But you have insect wings!" Rainbow pointed out.

"And you have feathered wings." Chrysalis replied. "Are you a bird?" Rainbow grumbled in response.


Celestia watched her elements of harmony interact with the traitor and the Changeling beast from her balcony. She smiled when she saw her faithful student yell and run away, but she was saddened to see her own sister side with the beast. She sighed, then returned to her bedroom to brood.

They're turning against you Celestia. They're all being drawn in by false sympathies and doubt. The beasts are going to turn your kingdom against you, spreading out like a black, unclean plague. Your beautiful kingdom will be tainted...

Something must be done.