• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 7,626 Views, 292 Comments

After the Honeymoon - Pokey the Unicorn

Shining Armor and Cadence have returned with a special announcement.

  • ...

Soup, Secrets, and Shaking Walls

She recognized it instantly. Sharp, but not rushed. Heavy, but not obnoxious. Cadence scrambled to her hooves as soon as she heard the unmistakable hoofsteps. Only one pony walked like that.

Shining Armor was coming for her.

He smiled as soon as their eyes met, then held up a set of keys and twirled them emphatically.

"Hey Cadence."

As soon as the gate was open, Cadence shot out and grabbed him in the biggest hug she could.

"I came as soon as I had a chance." He said, returning the tight embrace.

When the hug ended, Cadence took a step back and smiled wistfully. "Hi Shiny."

Shining Armor leaned in and nuzzled her; she knew what it meant.

"Yeah." She sighed. "I'm just really glad you're here."

"Let's get you out of here." Shining Armor turned and led the way. He nodded as he passed the keys back to one of the guards that was stationed at the entrance.


The couple walked in silence. Shining Armor took Cadence into the nearby park. The walk felt good; she was beginning to get cramps in that cell, and the fresh air was wonderful. She smiled when she recognized the feeling of moist dew on her fetlocks. Shining Armor looked back and grinned as he led her into a secluded spot. There was a table and chairs built into the course, and a bag sitting there on the table.

"Shiny, what is this?" Cadence trotted over and opened it curiously.

"Sorry, I know it's not much. I have to be back on duty in twenty minutes."

A bowl of soup to-go and a slice of crusty bread floated out of the bag. Cadence gasped. "Ohh, this is amazing! Thank you!" She leaned over and gave him a quick hug before tucking in vigorously.

Shining Armor took a seat opposite her, taking a moment to enjoy the down-time. After a few minutes, he cleared his throat.

"There's a napkin in the bag too, you know." Shining Armor grinned, tapping the corner of his mouth.

Oh, thanks." She said, chuckling. "So, what did I miss?"

"Well, you'll be pleased to know that Princess Luna is handling the case. Celestia gave her complete authority. The Changeling Queen has disappeared ever since she tried to break into the castle, and... that's it, I think."

"I hope your guards aren't hurt?"

"No, just a few cuts and bruises. They'll be back on the job in no time."

Cadence paused. "Wait... pleased to know? Why would I be pleased?" She asked, tilting her head.

Shining Armor's smile disappeared. He looked around, waving a foreleg uneasily. "Listen, we need to talk."

"What about?" Cadence asked, taking a bite of bread.

Shining Armor paused to take a breath. "A reign of tyranny." He quoted.

Cadence blinked. "Huh?"

"Reign of tyranny." He repeated. "Those were your exact words. I've been putting it off, but we need to talk about this." He frowned. "I need to know."

Cadence stopped eating. "...When did I say that?" She asked quietly. Shining Armor wasn't listening; he sat there, eyes squeezed shut, and rubbed his temple.

"Yeah, you walked into that ballroom and everything just went to Tartarus." He continued. "We could easily have pleaded coercion, but after what you said, I just don't know. I'm worried for you, Cadence. I mean, I was shocked. I had no idea you felt that way about the princess. All this time, you've never said anything, then all of a sudden you're working with a known enemy and accusing her of tyranny and xenophobia? What are we all supposed to think? And you never said a word about the Changelings. All those nights you came back from your walks, you'd been meeting with the Queen? I could've helped you. I just... Why? Why aren't you talking to me?"

Cadence started to shiver. "Shining, you're scaring me. What are you talking about?"

The Guard-Captain faltered. "Huh?"

Cadence ruffled her wings and looked up at him, her expression unreadable. "I don't remember what happened in the ballroom." She whispered.

"What? How can you not remember?" Shining Armor cried, leaning forward.

"I've been thinking it over again and again, and it's all just a blur." Cadence continued, staring at the table. "One moment I'm outside, and the next I'm standing in the middle of everything, about to free you and Twilight. I don't remember saying anything, and now you're telling me that I... a reign of tyranny? Oh hoof!" She cried, holding her head in her hooves. "No no no, that doesn't sound like me at all, I'd never say such terrible things to the Princess. That sounds like the sort of thing that Chrysalis would s-"

Cadence went quiet. Her eyes widened as the realization sunk in.

"Shiny, please tell me that you know that wasn't me." Cadence urged, reaching across the table for a hoof. "You know that I'd never say those things, right? I don't even think that about the Princess, I don't!"

Shining Armor just sat there gazing at her sadly.

"I checked you." He said. "No evidence of brainwashing. Nothing." He shrugged. "I confirmed it for the Princess. You saw the look on her face when I told her." He hung his head, letting out a weathered sigh.

"Listen, it's eleven-thirty. I have to take you back to-"

"NO!" Cadence sprang to her hooves, backing away. "Nonono, I can't go back there now! That trial is going to be my death sentence! I'll rot in that cell, I can't!"

"Cadence, please." Shining Armor stood up and walked around the table.

"No, there has to be a way to fix this." Cadence shook her head, backing away. "There... we need to find Chrysalis. We need-"

"We need to calm down. You have to trust me, I'm doing everything I can to track her down, but if you leave now, you'll jeopardize any chance you have. You need to go back." He said, holding out a hoof.

Cadence closed her eyes. "...I'm sorry." She whispered.

Without warning, a blast of blue magic knocked the Guard-Captain clean off his hooves. His head smashed into the ground as he fell to the grass, and he groaned, trying to regain his bearings. With a spark of his horn, he teleported back onto his hooves and looked around, holding his head.



"She seems quieter than usual."

"Yes, that's why I want to talk to her." Rarity replied. She and Applejack strolled into their room, deep in conversation. "There's something going on between her and Twilight, I'm sure of it." Rarity continued, following Applejack over to their bed. "I'm not sure she'd be able to talk to Twil-oh my..."

Applejack had turned around, coming nose to nose with Rarity. Hunger shone clearly in her eyes; she didn't need to say anything.

"Applejack..." Rarity bit her lip. "We can't-I mean, here? Now? What if somepony walks in on us?" She murmured, backing away. "...again?"

"Nopony is going to walk in on us." AJ stated, herding her toward the bed.


"Rarity, we've finally got some time to ourselves. Flutters and Pinkie will be gone all day." Applejack leaned in and nuzzled her. "Twi and RD are with the Princess." She continued, leaving a kiss on her marefriend's neck as she trailed up to an ear. "Aren't you pining for it too?" She whispered.

Rarity shuddered. B-but I..." She protested faintly, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Shh." Applejack pushed her onto the bed gently, and climbed on with her. Using one of her powerful hooves, she rolled Rarity onto her back, then leaned in and and kissed her lustily. The unicorn murmured something as their lips met, returning the kiss reluctantly. Chuckling quietly, AJ continued downward, nipping at her neck. Rarity had to stifle a gasp when she felt AJ's toned chest graze across her stomach, and a stray hoof trail down her side lightly, almost teasing. She found Applejack so hard to resist when she was like this. The Earth pony's breathing quickened as she worked. Rarity whimpered quietly, pushing at her shoulders.

"nnn... No, we'll be caught..."

"Not if we're quick." AJ countered. "Besides, I only need five minutes to make you scream."

"Applejack!" Rarity exclaimed, quite serious. AJ paused, arching an eyebrow.

"I... I'm sorry." The unicorn mumbled, looking away. "Rainbow Dash is coming. She'll be here any minute, I'm sure of it."

Applejack drew back, frowning. "And why would she be coming here? She's talking to the Princess." She asked, her voice holding a note of suspicion. Rarity averted her gaze.

"Because I asked her to. I wanted to speak to her as soon as breakfast had finished..." She paused to take a deep breath. "... so I asked her to come here as soon as she could."

Applejack blinked at her. "You asked Rainbow Dash to come here? Now?"

"Yes. You know how she is, Applejack. The Princess wanted to speak with Twilight, not her. She'll get bored and leave."

"Leave?" Now you're just being paranoid." AJ chuckled. "She wouldn't walk out on the Princess. You know that."

"I... I suppose..." Rarity admitted, fiddling with her hooves.

"At least we'll have the rest of the day to ourselves after your talk." Applejack muttered, leaning in for another kiss.

"Um... actually..." Rarity chuckled. "I'd planned to meet with Twilight after that."

AJ froze.

"I'm not sure what I was thinking." Rarity continued. "Everypony was so troubled at breakfast, and-"

"And now you're fixin' other ponies' problems." AJ snapped. "Darnit Rarity, I knew you'd do this!"

Rarity sighed, gazing down at the bedsheets.

"All I want is one day. One day, Rarity!" AJ yelled, throwing her stetson on the floor. "When are you going to start putting yourself first? Or us? We're supposed to be taking a break up here!"

Rarity looked up. "We are taking a break up here." She said pointedly.

"And yet we've got more trouble to deal with." Applejack growled, waving her hoof. "We can't relax with this Changeling business hanging over our heads. There's so much going on all of a sudden that we can't get a moment's peace, and yesterday was almost as bad as a branch in the darn cider press!"

"How so? Aside from the... 'Changeling business,' the rest of the day wasn't bad." Rarity sat up.

"How so? We were both tired after working yesterday morning. When we finally got a spare moment, the day was already over. We didn't even go out after dinner like our friends did. We ate, we made love, and we went to bed. We don't need to be in Canterlot to do that, Rare."

"Well maybe tonight we can do something special." Rarity suggested, smiling wistfully. "Just us."

AJ sighed. "I'd like that." She said, rubbing her foreleg. "You work too hard for this sorta thing. Hay, we both do. I know we can't just abandon everypony, but I'd have liked it better if we could spend some time together without the others, for a change."

"Actually, um..." Rarity turned bright red. "I wanted to speak to Rainbow Dash privately, and I'd prefer if you weren't there when I meet Twilight." She offered an apologetic smile.

Applejack took a step back, glaring incredulously. "So you planned out your whole day without me?"

"Not really the wh-"

"You know what? Fine!" Applejack yelled, stamping her hoof. "Fine! I'm leaving. I'm goin' right now!" She turned on the spot and stormed out the door, slamming it behind herself.

Rarity flinched. "Oh, how could I have been so thoughtless?" She lamented, sinking into the bed. "How-"

Applejack burst back into the room and ran up to the bed. Without a single word, she kissed Rarity. The unicorn, surprised at first, accepted the kiss gratefully. She felt AJ reach forward with a hoof, which she took in her own and held to her chest. Applejack stood there quietly, ending the kiss and giving Rarity a gentle, almost mournful nuzzle. Rarity wrapped a foreleg around her, frowning, and stroked her back gently.

Applejack pulled back and sat down. "I don't wanna fight, Rare." She muttered, gazing at Rarity with sad eyes.

"Neither do I, darling. I'll make this up to you, I pr-"


"I'll make this up to us, I promise." Rarity smiled. Applejack sighed, resting her head on the bed. After a few moments, she spoke again.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you like that. I guess I was just looking forward to us finally spending some time together. After what happened to Big Mac last week, I've been working myself flat-out, and I guess it's made me a mite grumpy."

Rarity lit her horn and picked up the stetson, returning it to its place atop AJ's head. "Please don't apologize, darling. I must admit that I've been quite stressed recently as well. Business is starting to pick up at the boutique, what with the winter months drawing near. Ponies buying scarves and such." She explained, twirling a hoof. "I've had to start preparing earlier than usual. New designs to create, quotas to fill... I probably worry about it more than I need to." Rarity looked up. Applejack was gazing at her.

"I'll never understand how you run that place all by yourself." The farm pony mused. "I reckon you need to start hiring ponies to help out, give yourself a break."

Rarity flicked her ears as she thought. "But who? Nopony understands my designs as well as I do. I don't even know anypony who can make clo-"

"Nono, not to work on dresses!" AJ exclaimed, waving a hoof. "I mean just a general workhoof, somepony to help out and do oddjobs, cleaning, organizing, all that."

"Hmm." Rarity mused, not disliking the idea. "I suppose I could use an extra set of hooves around the shop. I'd have to find somepony that could handle the work though..."

Applejack adjusted her hat. "Well, what about Apple Bloom? She has about as much fashion sense as a diamond dog, bless her heart, but she's darn handy with a set of of tools."

"Apple Bloom? Heavens no! My poor boutique barely survives the weekly Cutie Mark Crusader sleepovers. I shudder to think what would happen if she were working while I had Sweetie Belle over. Just imagine the antics the two of them would get up to. Imagine what would become of my poor boutique!" Rarity cried, holding a hoof to her forehead.

Applejack grinned, and the two ponies shared a hearty chuckle.

"Listen, how about I cook dinner tonight?" AJ suggested, perking up a little. "Something nice. There's a huge market nearby, and I'll see what I can do about renting the castle kitchen for an hour or so."

Rarity licked her lips. "That sounds wonderful, darling."

Applejack gave her marefriend a contented smile. "I'll see you later, okay?" She turned to leave, but Rarity reached out and pulled her in for one last heartfelt kiss.


Luna paced back and forth, plagued by a headful of worrisome thoughts. The throne room shook gently, rattled by a steady, rhythmic thudding that came from somewhere else within the castle. The doors swung open suddenly, and Twilight Sparkle galloped in, flanked by a colorful pegasus.

"Princess Luna? You wanted to see me?" She couldn't decide whether to look at Luna, or stare dumbfounded at the shaking walls.

"Thank you for coming, Twilight." Luna replied. She walked over to her visitors with her ears slightly flattened, and an uneasy ruffle in her wings.

"Princess... what's going on? Why is the castle shaking? Is it Chrysalis again?"

"No." Luna muttered, looking away. "Twilight, I must apologize for burdening you with my own personal matters, but I am in need of your assistance."

"Of course, anything."

Luna paused. "If you could please follow me." She led them out of the throne room, walking at a brisk pace.

"I called you here because I wish for you to speak to Celestia on my behalf." She explained. "I am worried about her. She has been acting strangely ever since the wedding, and I fear that there is something troubling her. She refuses to speak to me when I bring attention to it, and she has been doing... strange things." The Princess finished uneasily.

"What kind of strange things?" Twilight asked.

"Sharing the metamorphic spell with you, for one. It is decreed that such a decision must be passed by all ruling parties. Celestia never told me anything."

Twilight tilted her head. "Then... how did you find out about it?"

"You have wings." Luna replied plainly.

Twilight mentally chastised herself for being so careless with her new powers, then noticed that the thudding had grown louder. They had reached Celestia's bedchambers. Luna fidgeted uncomfortably as Twilight and Rainbow stared at the doors, twin bewildered expressions on their faces.

"As for other examples... well, see for yourselves." She opened the doors and gestured them inside.

As soon as the doors opened, both ponies were bombarded by a blast of intense music. They reeled, taking a moment to steady themselves before stepping inside. Their ears folded back in a fruitless attempt to protect their tender eardrums from the aural attack, and they both stood there, gaping.

The bedchambers were beautiful. Vast, and adorned in a white-and-gold motif, the room contained an office on one side, and a lounge on the other. An ornate winding staircase lead into the room above, where Celestia's private bedchambers were most likely situated. Even on the lower level, the windows were far larger than any Twilight had ever seen.

The most unusual sight, however, was also the cause of the deafening noise. Twilight immediately recognized it as the oversized turntable and sound system used by the DJ at her brother's wedding reception. A white unicorn in dark shades stood behind it, busily mixing her cacophony. Vinyl records whirled around her head as she worked, her tongue curled over her lip as she busily turned knobs with her magic and flipped switches. Her head bobbed gently, matching the tempo of the music.

Princess Celestia was lying nearby. She had draped her royal form over a chaise lounge, her mane and tail cascading down to the floor like a colorful waterfall. She lay on her back with her head hanging off the lounge, eyes closed.

Twilight and Rainbow exchanged baffled looks as they galloped over to the princess. Twilight yelled as loud as she could. She could barely hear herself think over the noise. Celestia didn't hear her, and continued to kick her legs idly, lost in the music. Twilight groaned, glancing at Rainbow, then yelled again.


Rainbow reached over and poked the Princess in the side. Celestia flinched. Her eyes shot open, and she smiled when she recognized her guests.

Rolling off the lounge gracefully, Celestia stood up. She flashed a quick grin at her visitors before casting her gaze over to the DJ pony and igniting her horn. Twilight and Rainbow looked over and saw Celestia tug the mare's ear to get her attention. The DJ gasped, fumbling, and one of her records shot off sideways. She bit her lip and ran after it, but had unfortunately forgotten about her headphones. Rainbow had to stifle a giggle as she watched the mare fall backward, caught up by her head, then spring to her hooves. She retrieved her records, now sporting a deep blush, and rushed back over to her turntable, frantically flipping a few switches. The music quickly faded into silence, leaving nothing but the ringing in everypony's ears.

"Twilight! How wonderful to see you again." Celestia chirped, untangling her tail from her legs. "I must ask though, why are you in my bedchambers?" Her voice held the same jovial edge it usually did.

"Um..." Twilight hesitated, glancing sideways at Rainbow. "Princess Luna escorted us. She told us that she's worried about you, and asked us to speak on her behalf."

A moment of silence passed as Celestia looked out her window, a distant smile on her face.

"Thank you for asking, Twilight, but I'm fine."

"... uh, are you sure?" Twilight ventured, noticing the twitch of pain dart across her mentor's features.

"Very sure. I just have a headache." She explained, rubbing her temple. "I'll be sure to talk to Luna as well, I don't want her to worry."

"Well, okay..." Twilight muttered, frowning. She stood there uncomfortably, her mind urging her to press the matter, double-check, make sure. Her gaze drifted over to the turntables, and she noticed that the DJ was looking at her. The white mare gasped and ducked below her turntables when their eyes met, but tentatively peeked over a moment later.

"Now." Celestia exclaimed. "I don't believe that the three of you have met properly." She gestured for the DJ to come over.

She was short. That was the first thing that Twilight noticed about her. She was even shorter than Rainbow. She walked over slowly, almost cautiously, glancing out from under her teased fringe.

Celestia smiled. "I'd like to introduce you to Miss Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl, this is Twilight, my personal student and friend, and her close friend, Rainbow Dash."

"Hey there." Rainbow chirped, waving a hoof.

Vinyl smiled awkwardly, and returned the greeting in a hushed voice.

"As you can see, Miss Scratch is highly skilled in her trade." Celestia explained, draping a wing over her. "After hearing her talent at the royal wedding, I decided to appoint her as my official Purveyor of Wubs."

Vinyl giggled softly. "Princess..."

Celestia chuckled, grinning cheekily. "Is that not the right way to say it?"

"Wubs?" Twilight asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"You know, the music!" Dash prodded her. "Like what was playing at that place we went to last night."

If she were not in the presence of her mentor, Twilight would have made a chafing remark about how the noise her ears had just been subjected to could qualify as music. "Ah, that..."

Vinyl's ears pricked up. "Hey, you two go clubbing?"

Twilight and Rainbow exchanged glances. "I guess we do, yeah." Rainbow said, shrugging.

Vinyl traced her hoof back and forth along the ground, hesitating for a moment. "...I'm playing a set at this really nice bar tonight. Would the two of you maybe wanna come?" She asked hopefully, her voice a timid whisper, and her cheeks a deep crimson.

Rainbow looked at Twilight. The unicorn couldn't help but chuckle. Dash was champing at the bit, her eyes twinkling with excitement. Twilight rolled her eyes, and turned back to Vinyl.

How could she say no?

"We'll be there." She said, nodding.

"Wonderful." Celestia said, beaming at Vinyl. "Now, let me escort you all back to the main hall." She walked over to the doorway and stood by it patiently.

Vinyl ran over to her turntables and hurriedly packed up her records. She disappeared behind the huge structure, and with a sharp click, the speakers began to fold up. A pair of wheels popped out of the sides of the rapidly-shrinking box, and a harness on wooden beams ejected from what was probably the front. Twilight watched with fascination as the DJ pony galloped around to the harness, lifted it up with her magic, and shimmied backward into it. She looked back to make sure that everything was packed up, then looked over at the three ponies sheepishly before hauling her load out the door.

Rainbow gasped. "Hey, wait!" She cried, zooming after Vinyl. Twilight followed curiously, and Celestia walked out and shut the doors behind herself. Rainbow returned a few moments later, rounding a corner.

"She forgot to tell us where to meet her!" She explained. "Seven tonight at The Brass Horn. Don't forget."

Twilight chuckled. "Okay, got it."

The three ponies walked in silence as they returned to the main hall. Twilight needed to say something. She felt uneasy, as though she hadn't tried her hardest to help her teacher.

"Um, Princess?" She ventured. Celestia looked down at her, her face neutral. "If there's something you'd like to talk about... I'm here." Twilight smiled awkwardly, kicking a leg. "Especially close now, in fact, as I'm staying in the castle. Normally you'd have to write a letter, but nope, I'm right here, now! You can-"

"Twilight." Celestia prompted gently.

"Yes Princess?"

"Thank you, but I really am perfectly alright."

Twilight sighed softly. "Okay."


The heavy clunk of opening doors pulled Rarity's attention from her sketchbook. Rainbow Dash walked into their room, not too early, and not too late. Twilight was right behind her.

"Hi Rarity!" Twilight said, squinting a little as her eyes adjusted to the room's lower lighting.

"Hello, dear." Rarity replied, placing her sketchpad to one side and slipping off her bed. The pencil aligned itself against the upper margin as she approached her friends.

"Hey Rarity." Rainbow wandered in curiously, looking around. Her behavior of this morning had been most peculiar. Even now, Rarity could see something amiss. While Twilight stood there being her relentlessly cheerful self, Rainbow seemed almost reserved. She stood closer to Twilight, her head held slightly lower, and her ears flat.

"Hello Rainbow Dash." Rarity said, hopefully completing the round of greetings. She turned to Twilight, clearing her throat. "Twilight, if you could please excuse us, I wish to speak with Rainbow."

Then, considering Twilight's occasional naivety, quickly added, "Alone."

Twilight was immediately suspicious, and her eyebrows furrowed accordingly. "Talk? Alone?" She poked at Rarity with her gaze, only to be waved off by a white hoof.

"Yes. I wouldn't worry dear, it's simply a small matter that I wish to discuss with her."

Rainbow looked back and forth between the two unicorns, shuffling backward.

"Well, okay." Twilight said, a tinge of worry in her voice. She turned to Rainbow Dash and frowned. "Are you alright? Is there something going on?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm fine." Rainbow assured.

"It's not about before, is it?" Twilight pressed.

"That's enough questions dear." Rarity nodded curtly, interposing herself between purple and blue. "I shall meet you on the grassy field below our room in half an hour. Now leave us! Shoo!" Waving white hooves ushered Twilight out the door, and not another peep was heard out of her.

"So?" Rainbow began, fidgeting.

Rarity trotted over to her bed, indicating Rainbow to follow her. She cleared her throat. "Well, I couldn't help but notice that you've been acting strangely this morning. ... Especially around Twilight. Why so glum, Rainbow? You're not your usual bubbly self."

Rainbow looked away.

"I'm worried about you, dear." She explained, putting a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "If something is happening between the two of you that's troubling you, you should... I mean, is there anything you need to talk about?"

The dressmaker frowned when Rainbow scowled apprehensively, shimmying backward.

"What? Worried about me? Talk? I'm-"

"Rainbow Dash." Rarity interjected, holding up a hoof. "Please, you know you can talk to me frankly. I'm concerned, that's all."

Rainbow sighed. She stared at the floor for a brief moment before taking a deep breath. "Okay, but everything I say stays between us, right? You can't tell anypony."

"I'm insulted that you'd even suggest such a thing! Now, come on." She pat the bed, smoothing a space in the sheets for Rainbow's rump.

The pegasus climbed aboard gingerly, then sat down a short distance from Rarity. She sat stiffly, glancing around, then cleared her throat.

"... Okay, I guess I wanna ask you something." Rainbow muttered, rubbing the back of her neck.


"Well, ask away, dear." Rarity said, trying her best not to giggle; the bridge of Rainbow's nose had turned a light shade of red.

"...You know about this love stuff, right?" Rainbow asked, giving Rarity a sideways glance.

"Well, I've had my fair share of romantic experiences, yes." Rarity mused, bouncing her curls with a hoof. "You could hardly call me an expert on the subject, but..." She paused, blinking at Rainbow.

"Wait, love? You mean yourself and Twilight?" She exclaimed, leaning forward.

The change was instantaneous. One moment, Rainbow's face was its usual blue color, maybe a slight redness in her cheeks, and the next she was red as a tomato.

"No! ... I mean, I dunno, I think I might, but she doesn't really feel the same way. I don't think she does but I'm not sure, and I'd really like if she did, but I don't know how to tell and I'm not even sure what..."

The pegasus' words caught in her throat as she realized that she'd just confessed everything. Her hooves shot to her mouth and she shrunk back, mortified. Her stomach churned as she spoke her next words.

"And uh... you know."

Rarity squealed. "Oh my goodness, that's adorable! I knew that there was something going on, and I'm so glad you've told me, darling!" She threw her forelegs around Rainbow, squeezing her and bouncing excitedly. "You must tell me everything!" She cried, sitting back down and waving her hooves.

"Well, uh... There's not much to tell." Rainbow admitted, rubbing her side. "Nothing's happened."

Rarity smiled when Rainbow gave her an uncertain look.

"Don't worry about a thing, Rainbow Dash. I shall help you!" The dressmaker declared, shaking her hoof resolutely.

"Thanks Rare." Rainbow paused for a moment, then looked up.

"How did you know?" She asked, her posture relaxing slightly.

"Know what?"

"That you and Applejack liked each other?"

Rarity thought for a moment, tapping her chin.

"Well, there was no sudden realization. We were both spending a lot of time around each other, we enjoyed one another's company immensely, and I think we both fell for each other without even realizing at first. When Applejack made an overture, neither of us stopped to question it. It just felt natural, as though it were the right thing to do."

Rainbow's ears flopped. "That's cool, but how is it supposed to help me?"

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "There are no rules or answers when it comes to love." She pressed a hoof to Rainbow's chest. "You have to go by what you feel in here."

The pegasus looked away. "I was actually hoping that you could give me some advice." She murmured, her voice wavering. "I-I've never done this before."

Rarity frowned. "Well, I'm not quite sure what to tell you, dear. On the one hoof, I could tell you that you should tell her how you feel as soon as you can. The longer you leave it, the more time you have to overthink it and start doubting yourself. On the other hoof, you could be rushing into this too soon. You do have a tendency to act before thinking, dear. You might not be in love, per se..."

Rainbow drew back. "Might not be? What? How do I tell?"

The dressmaker tilted her head, smiling. "How does she make you feel?"

"Well..." Rainbow began, swallowing a lump in her throat. "I feel happy around her. I really like seeing her smile, and... when I get close to her, my heart starts to pound, like I'm running a race. I get sweaty hooves, my mouth goes dry, I can't focus..."

An awkward silence stretched the seconds out. When Rainbow finally looked up, Rarity was gawking at her.

"Dear Celestia, Rainbow, you're in love! How long have you been sitting on this? You have to tell Twilight how you feel. You simply must!"

"You really think I should?"

"Absolutely." Rarity gushed. "Don't leave it another day."

Rainbow's gaze drifted sideways as she thought to herself.

Rarity knew what she was thinking. "But don't rush off and tell her right now. You must find the right time. A quiet moment alone, for example."

Rainbow sighed, hanging her head. "But what if she doesn't like me the same way?"

Rarity put a hoof on her shoulder. "I wouldn't worry too much, dear. It's fairly obvious that Twilight feels something for you."

Rainbow's head snapped up like a rocket. "It is?"

"From what I've seen, yes, definitely. The two of you have been almost inseparable recently, and for a pony that values her solitude as much as Twilight, that's quite unusual. And I've seen the way she looks at you now, too."

A smile crept its way onto Rainbow's lips. "...Awesome."

Then, as Rarity's words sunk in, her smile grew wider and wider until she abruptly sprang off the bed, cheering loudly.

"Aw yeah!" She cried, throwing her hooves into the air.

Rainbow executed a tight backflip that narrowly missed the overhead light, then flew over to the door and kicked it open. Grinning elatedly, she flew back to Rarity, hugged her, then dived backward, waving as she glided out the door headfirst.

"Thanks Rare!"