• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 7,626 Views, 292 Comments

After the Honeymoon - Pokey the Unicorn

Shining Armor and Cadence have returned with a special announcement.

  • ...

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...

The first thing that Twilight noticed when she awoke was that she had awoken. Hang on, I was at the party. Why was I sleeping? Where am I? It only took a few seconds to realize that, to her horror, she was encased in a green changeling cocoon. Panic overtook her, and she screamed.

"Twilight, darling! Is that you? Oh my dear, are you alright?!" It was Rarity.

Twilight looked in the direction of her voice, gasping for breath. There were translucent windows on all sides of her cocoon, allowing her to see all around. When Twilight saw what was around her, she had to stop herself from screaming again. There must have been dozens of them. Rows and rows of cocoons lining the ceiling of the ballroom, filled with every pony Twilight cared for. Celestia, Luna, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor, and what looked to be the entire assembled forces of the Royal Guard. They all looked at Twilight in turn, sharing the same horrified expression.

"I think I'm okay Rarity." Twilight said. "What happened? Is everypony alright?"

"Nopony knows." Shining Armor told her. "I'm glad you're okay though Twily. You had us worried for a minute."

Any further discourse was promptly cut short by the loud thwack of the entrance doors swinging open. The Changeling Queen walked in, looking up at them. She had taken Cadence's form again.

"You!" Shining Armor growled. "What have you done with Cadence?! Why have you taken her form? You have no chance of tricking us a second time!" A cold chill washed over Twilight when she realized that Cadence was missing.

The Changeling Queen sighed, looking up at the Captain sadly. "Hush my love, I'm right here." She lowered her head before turning to the door. Her horn glowed a light sky-blue and the doors opened a second time.

"Chrysalis!" Cadence called. The true Changeling Queen strolled into the room slowly, looking around. She didn't smile. She didn't laugh, or gloat. Instead, she walked over to Cadence and sat down off to the side. Everypony gasped. Celestia spoke for the first time since they had awakened.

"Mi Amore Cadenza! What is the meaning of this?!"

"We're ending your reign of tyranny, aunty." Her tone was almost sorrowful.

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" Luna boomed.

"I've formed an alliance with the Changelings." Cadence said, looking up at Luna angrily.

Twilight glared at Chrysalis. She wouldn't let the evil Changeling get away with this again. Everypony could see what was happening, and this time, they would all stop her.

"No!" Twilight interjected. "Cadence, I don't know what The Changeling Queen has done, but this isn't you! She's controlling you just like she did with Shining Armor! You have to fight it!"

Cadence's expression wavered. A second later it vanished, replaced with pain and fear. Her stance lowered. Her body shook. She screamed.


"Aah! N-no! Urrrgh... Twilight! Please! She's controlling me, I can't..." It ended as abruptly as it began, and she stood glaring up at Twilight.

"Cadence no! You have to-"

"Oh just stop!" Cadence spat. "I'm sure you'd all love for Twilight to be right, wouldn't you? Oh look, the disgusting evil monster is back to threaten our lives again! Quick, blast her away so we can get on with our day-to-day!" Everypony faltered, confused by her words.

"I drugged the wine." She admitted.

"Cadence?" Shining Armor asked quietly. "What have you done?"

"None of you understand. The Changelings were dying. I had to do something." Cadence sighed in frustration, rubbing her head with a hoof.

"Fluttershy! Could you come in here please?"

Everypony stared in utter shock as the yellow pegasus skulked into the room, flanked by two Changeling drones. Twilight thought that she was being held prisoner at first, but she noticed that the drones weren't detaining her. They were following her.

"Fluttershy?! Cadence, if you've laid a hoof on her, I'll-" Rainbow Dash was cut off as Fluttershy spoke.

"Don't worry everypony, I'm fine." She shifted uncomfortably. "I know this looks bad, but please hear her out, okay?" It was then that Twilight noticed more Changelings entering the ballroom. There were about twenty or thirty in total. Six flew in carrying another each, and the rest hobbled in after them. Aside from said six, the Changelings looked... awful. They didn't march triumphantly, or flit in menacingly. They looked sick and weak. Some could barely stand, and their bodies were absolutely riddled with holes. Twilight had assumed that it was normal for a Changeling to have holes in its legs and wings, but these ones had them everywhere. They looked as though they were more empty space than Changeling. Twilight spotted one with a hole above its eyes that went right through its head. Some didn't even have a proper set of wings.

"These are the last remaining members of the Changeling race." Cadence announced. "Many perished when they were banished from Canterlot, and these odd-thirty barely survived. I encountered Chrysalis while Shining Armor and I were on our honeymoon. She was hurt, but had still managed to gather her subjects. I found them while I was on one of my late-night strolls, on the brink of death and extinction." Cadence paused to take a breath, then continued. "I had thought the Changelings evil as all of you had, but seeing them there, I could only think how wrong I was. They're not an evil aberration. They're a shunned species fighting for survival. Chrysalis appealed to me, begging for a fair audience with the Royal House, and I agreed to oblige her so long as she swore that nopony would be harmed."

Cadence faltered, and began to cry softly. "I'm so sorry that I had to do this to all of you. This past week I've been so scared, hoping that everything would turn out okay. I feel like I've been plotting against everyone I love, but you forced me Celestia. I knew if I escorted the Changelings into Canterlot—even just the queen—that all of Tartarus would break loose." She glared up at the alicorn angrily.

"You're so xenophobic!" She cried, stamping her hoof. "Canterlot has been locked in a diplomatic stalemate with the griffons for decades now. They are still not recognized as true citizens. Why can you not accept other species? Where does it end?"

"My special talent is love, and understanding. Love can't be hoarded, or kept to yourselves. It has to be shared with others, otherwise it festers and turns into something ugly." Cadence walked over to Chrysalis and nuzzled her. "Chrysalis has appealed to the Royal House in the past, and been driven out by you, Celestia. All she wanted was acceptance and asylum for her subjects, but you brushed her off with a hurricane of feeble justifications. Protecting your subjects!" She scoffed. "Let me show you what you were protecting your subjects from!" Her horn glowed, and Twilight's cocoon came away from the ceiling with a loud snap.

Chrysalis's eyes widened. "Cadence, wait!"

"Shh, it's okay." the pink alicorn said, placing a hoof on her side reassuringly. The cocoons that held Twilight and Shining Armor floated to the ground, and ripped open. Brother and sister climbed to their hooves, and embraced.

"My family..." Cadence whispered. "Do you still trust me?" Twilight and Shining Armor exchanged glances before nodding.

"Always" the stallion affirmed. Cadence whimpered softly, embracing her husband.

Cadence, what's going on?" Twilight asked. The alicorn smiled, breathing a sigh of relief. They were listening to her.

"I'd like you to meet the Changelings." Horn aglow, she selected two Changelings from the group and levitated them over, setting them down across from the unicorns. One wobbled on its feet, and Cadence rushed over to help it regain its balance.

"Are you okay?" She asked. It looked up at her and smiled, then turned to Twilight. The lavender mare stared at the Changeling confusedly, unable to accept that these were the same creatures that had laid siege upon the royal wedding just one week ago. Shifting her hooves, she let her curiosity take the helm.

"Hello. I'm Twilight Sparkle." She said, offering the Changeling a hoofpump. It smiled and accepted the gesture.

"Hello Twilight Sparkle." It replied in a raspy voice. The Changeling moved in to nuzzle her slowly. Twilight wasn't sure whether she should be feeling scared, disgusted, or fascinated. She wanted to pull away, but decided against it when she noticed Cadence smiling at her reassuringly. She slowly began to feel a warmth in her body, flowing around like liquid. slight dizziness followed as the Changeling pulled away and sat down with its eyes closed.

"It's feeding." Cadence announced. "The process is nothing more than simple proximity. No attacks. No killing. Twilight, how do you feel?"

"Warm, maybe a little dizzy..." Twilight announced to her friends. "Not bad in any way." She observed.

"Of course not!" Cadence exclaimed. "Changelings feed on love, and it's a pleasant experience for both parties. Why would you ever think differently?" Twilight looked at her Changeling. The holes in its body were disappearing! Hollow areas filled slowly until only a few holes remained in the legs and wings. It sighed contentedly, then smiled at Twilight.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, I guess..." Twilight replied, chuckling uneasily.

"Shiny? Twilight? Could you help me with all of the cocoons please?" Cadence asked.

A minute or so later, everypony was free, and Cadence called for their attention. She gestured to the group of starving Changelings.

"Please, help them."