• Published 23rd Jan 2020
  • 13,496 Views, 613 Comments

Cold - NightCoreMoon

Sunset Shimmer recovers from the Anon-a-Miss incident, and struggles with the post traumatic stress as well as forgiveness towards Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo. Part of my Equestria Girls chronology.

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8b- Stoplight


“I can't escaaape myyyseeelf~”

Scootaloo’s earbuds blared many an anthem of teenage angst. Growing up in elementary school alone and friendless breeds a bit of a different taste in music than that of the more well adjusted crowd, who ascribe more to Top 40 fare than edgy anthems of rebellion and introspection.

“So many tiiimes I've triiied~”

She rested her head against the car window, the cold of the outside contrasting with the warmth of her body. Pale grey streets bathed in moonlight were coated in fresh snow that continued to fall. Streetlamps illuminated the frozen sidewalk every block.

“But I’m still caaaged iiinsiiide~”

She huffed and glared at this new city, this ugly concrete mess of decaying bricks, degeneracy, and corruption. Canterlot. Another stupid freaking horse pun because of a stupid freaking culture that uses a stupid freaking horse religion to name everything. Ugh.

“Somebody help me through this nightmare~”

Much as she stewed and harrumphed and hemmed and hawwed for the past few months, it did nothing to stave off the unstoppable truth. She and her family really were moving to the big city. And there was nothing she could've done to stop it.

“I can't control myseeelf~”

She felt a hand on her knee, so she paused the music and glanced over at its owner.

“Hm?” She asked.

“Things will be better,” the woman said, comfortingly.

“Tch. Sure.”

The woman sighed. “Canterlot High’s middle school program is really good. And the soccer team has a junior division. You'll make friends. It won't be like it was before.”

“Yeah right. We’re moving from the country to a rich kid school full of a bunch of trust fund preps. I'm sure they'll love an emo tomboy.”

“I really wish you didn't use that word... ‘emo’ has such a negative connotation. But there's nothing wrong with liking music about dark themes, or being a tomboy. There's more than one way to be a girl, after all. And anyway, a lot of kids are in on federal grants, academic and sports scholarship, or extracurricular volunteer hours. It's not all people who pay to get in, there are people like us there too.”

Scootaloo smacked her head into the headrest behind her. “You can't know that for sure. You haven't been to school since you were a kid so you don't understand what it's like anymore.”

The car slowed to a stop at a red light.

“Baby, please... will you at least give it a try? If it doesn't work out, we’ll figure something else out. Your father and I want what's best for you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine, mom. I'll give it a try. Whatever that means... the Wondercolts seem alright, at least. Spitfire’s mom is a war hero, and there's that Rainbow Dash girl too. But they're all in high school already. I don't wanna have to wade through the idiots who are my age just to get to hang out with the older kids. I'm mature enough for high school now, I should be able to just skip ahead, right?”

“You certainly are intelligent enough to do so, little miss straight As. But I feel you should still have the same experience as all of your peers, and I don't want you to miss out on the middle school life to help you move on, culturally... and, who knows, you might even try your luck with the boys.”

“Ewww, mom!” She complained, cracking a smile. “Boys are gross.”

“I said the same thing at your age. But look at me now, a fool in love with your father.”

“Dad’s not a boy, he's... a dad.”

“He used to be a boy once. A long time ago.”

“Nah.” Scootaloo crossed her arms. “I refuse to believe the universe existed before I was born.”

The light turned green, and the car started to roll forward.

“Well trust me because I lived for a while before you were born-”

Suddenly the brakes slammed, but the car still skidded forward a bit. A screaming motorcycle came from the left and the two vehicles very nearly collided. The bike had to roar around, veering way left in its course just to not get hit. The two in the car directed their attention out the right window.

“Holy shit,” the older woman breathed as she put a hand to her chest. “I almost hit that person!”

The cyclist skidded to a stop in the middle of the road, before steadying the vehicle and looking back. She took off the helmet revealing a young woman with long red and yellow hair. She glared at the two and stuck one very rude finger into the air; admittedly it was somewhat deserved but hey, the light was red.

“You didn't though,” Scootaloo supplied. “It was a close call.” As she turned she noticed something on their left, but not soon enough before it was too late. It was a pair of oncoming headlights. “Mom-”

The truck barreled into their car.


Scootaloo shakes her head and blinks a few times, returning to the present day. She draws her attention to the people around her; Sweetie Belle’s family is gathered, looks of concern in their eyes.

She grunts and wipes at her eyes. “This is stupid!” She roars, pulling away from the group. She glared at the tv, a freeze frame of a car accident flickering on the screen. “It's just a movie! I'm fine!”

The memory still rings fresh, stinging the same as it did when it happened. But it was in the past. It's in the past. It shouldn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter go away go away GO AWAY-

Her train of thought is interrupted by the arms of her best friend, her secret girlfriend, secured tightly around her torso.

“You started screaming again...” Sweetie Belle murmurs. “Same as before.”

Scootaloo grinds her teeth. “Yeah... the movie just... I didn't know there was a car crash in it. And it...” the fingernails dug into her palms draw blood. “It reminded me of...” she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

Sweetie Belle turns to her sister and mother. “She'll be fine, she just needs some time.”

Cookie nods. “You know how best to help her. We’ll be in the kitchen... come, dear.”

Rarity follows, sparing a last look at the two young teens before shutting the door.

“What was that?” She asks.

Cookie sighs as she begins to tidy up the kitchen. “Her mother died in a car accident. When Scoot is reminded of that dreadful incident, sometimes she has flashbacks.”

“Like ptsd?”

“Possibly. I'm not sure. Only her father has her medical records, I only know what she's told me.”

Rarity steps over to the coffee maker and begins a brew. “How often does something like... that... happen?”

“You mean the screaming for her mother? Not too often. Maybe once every couple of weeks. In this crazy city of terrible drivers, there are quite a few wrecks. None fatal, of course, not since that one wretched day, but... it seems her mind sees a car accident, and it brings her back to when the tragic accident happened.”

Rarity leans back against the counter as the brown nectar drips into the carafe. “Why have I never seen it happen before?”

“You aren't here very often, dear. Always with your friends. Which is okay, I'm not saying that to make you feel guilty. But it usually happens when you're gone. In fact I've only been present for a few. This happens more often during times of stress as well, sometimes she has nightmares. Last exam week, when you were studying at Cloudy and Igneous’ house, she woke us up at one in the morning.”

“She doesn't need a trigger? She just remembers it?”

Cookie nods, somber. “It's a terrible ordeal, made only worse by this Sunset Shimmer business. This is what I was talking about earlier, but I didn't think it was my place to tell you if you didn't know. But now, well, I'm sure you'd just worry, and it isn't as if you can ask right now. You may be home more and witness this, so I might as well tell you now.”

The coffee maker dings.

Rarity sighs. “I never knew... that’s awful.”

“True, but it's all in the past now. She's getting better as time goes by. One day she may even get past this. But for now... ah. The market. I should leave before too long, as I have errands to run. Can I assume you can help with anything they might need until I return?”

“But of course.”

Cookie nods, gathers her purse, and heads out.

Rarity sits pensively in silence for a while. She pulls out her phone and begins searching, typing through local news and obituaries. Yes, there is indeed overwhelming evidence that such an event did occur. Woman killed by drunk driver, young girl left motherless, drunk driver kills woman, local man grieves dead wife, and the photographs used all shared a remarkable likeness to a young Scootaloo.

She put the phone back down, biting her lip. Guilt and shame cross her face. “To think I doubted- wait...” After a moment, confusion joins, and she heads across the room to a desk in the corner. She reaches for a pen and a piece of paper tucked inside a stationery cabinet and begins to write a few notes:

Sunset makes Anon a Miss blog. Sunset gets caught. Sunset threatens to out Scootaloo. Sunset holds my nudes hostage to extort Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Sunset cuts herself for sympathy. Sunset pretends to try to kill herself and makes Flash and Applebloom corroborate the story. Scootaloo lies to say Sunset followed her. Sunset blackmails Applebloom to take the blame. LIE. Sunset blackmails Micro Chips to lie to Pinkie. Sweetie Belle tells Applebloom to lie and agree that Sunset threatened Scootaloo.

Rarity taps the pen on the paper a few times, deep in thought.

“Okay. If she doesn't have Flash and Applebloom in on her lies, Flash could have hit her with his car. That's dangerous, a sociopath would never put themselves in harm’s way. And if she has Flash and Applebloom in on it, she must have something terrible on them. Even worse than having a small penis or... hm. Actually come to think of it, Anon a Miss never posted anything about Applebloom...”

She furrows her brows.

“Come to think of it, she never posted anything about any of the kids. Even though she knows Scootaloo is a lesbian. Somehow. Hm... If she’s using Scootaloo’s sexuality as leverage, it was foolish of her to tell me she was bi. But then again, she probably knew I couldn't use that against her without it turning the others against me when she eventually earned some of our trust back. But how would she know she only fooled some of us?”

She begins to chew on the pen as she thinks of that one Shadow Spade novel where the up and coming rookie was framed by the record holder, and he was only caught by a chocolate stain on his scarf.

“I need to find that chocolate stain... or even just eat a few chocolate chips would do-” she freezes in place.

“Micro Chips!”


Applejack and Sunset step out into the living room. Everything seems to be in order. Applejack asks ‘what happened’ but with a glance and a head nod.

“Dashie dropped the knife block.”

Applejack blinks. “How.”

“I, uh... didn’t know there was a thingy on the bottom to balance the weight out.” Rainbow grins in a sheepish manner. “Lucky I stepped away first before it fell and rained blades. Handle first but still, coulda been dangerous.”

“I don't even know why mom and dad have such sharp knives in the first place... they don't even cut anything with them. Everything they eat is either steamed, microwaved, or takeout... Oh, Sunset,” Fluttershy finally looks up from her tea. “The dress looks so good on you!”

Sunset shrugs. “Eh, it looks all right on me. But I like it. Thanks.”

“All right?” Rainbow asks. “You look awesome!”

“Yeah Sunny,” Pinkie adds. “Sooooo~ cute!”

Sunset shrugs. “If you say so.”

“Alright y'all, we should talk transportation before too long. Shy, you're stayin’ here?”

“Um, yes... if that's okay with all of you.”

“Nice. Suns, we’ll stop by your apartment first to get your journal. I'll be headin’ home last cuz duh, and I'm droppin off Sun n Rain- heh- at Rain’s in between. That leaves Pinkie as the only one with a decision left to make.”

“I’d rather go home and get ready for a super fun-tiffer-astic time for tomorrow! ...but it doesn't matter to me when.”

“Alrighty, that was quick n’ easy. Sun, Dash, Pinkie, home, works out well. Anything y'all need to do before then?”

Rainbow and Pinkie both look down at their pajamas, look back at each other, and shrug.

“Y'all will freeze.”

“Psshh, I'm protected from the heat by a solid wall of muscle and pure awesomeness.”

“And I'm built like a bunny <3”

“Alright,” Applejack concedes, turning in place. She freezes for a second, contemplating what Pinkie just said, but shakes her head and drops it. “Ain't no time like the present. Fluttershy, thanks for havin’ us.”

“Yeah, you rock!” Pinkie cries.

Fluttershy politely waves. “It was nothing really. I liked seeing you all.”

Rainbow and Sunset hug her from opposite sides, holding for a few extra moments than most would deem necessary. They pulled away slowly.

“Text me when you all get to where you're going please,” she asks, stepping back from the group. “I’m probably going to take a bath myself soon. We should do this again. Maybe not this weekend but maybe the weekend after that? Or it could be this weekend if you want it to be-”

“Shy.” Rainbow stops her. “How about you just tell us when you're ready to have us all over again?”

She pauses, blushes, and lets out a nervous, demure giggle. “That sounds like a plan.”

With very little pomp and circumstance, the quartet make their way out of the apartment to finally give the timid girl a much-needed break from people. The trek down the hall to the elevator is about as uneventful as the ride itself down, save for Pinkie dancing and humming along to That Song. As the doors finally opened to the parking garage, she immediately regrets not wearing full length pants.

The overcast sky and dreary weather don't affect them long as the girls move quickly to the truck. Sunset still needs help getting in and buckled but she is still able to at least close the door herself. Applejack fires up the engine and pulls out, and in no time at all she hits the open... ice. Needless to say they don't go very fast. The radio plays.

“~He said I wanna see you again~”

“Nice!” Applejack exclaims, bumping the music up slightly. “I love this band!”

“~But I'm stuck in colder weather~”

Rainbow Dash makes her displeasure at the southern twang known.

“~Maybe tomorrow will be better~”

“AJ, play something good!” she whines.

“~Can I call you then~”

Sunset clenches her hands into tight fists.

“~She said you're a ramblin' man~”

“Driver picks the music, passenger shuts ‘er cake hole!”

“~You ain't ever gonna change~”

Soft piano chords and a melancholic violin supported the dramatic vocal delivery.

“~You got a gypsy soul to blame~”

“I don't mind it,” Pinkie chimed. “It's really pretty!”

“~And you were born for leavin’~”

Sunset suddenly shudders, letting out a sob, and presses a hand to her eyes.

“Sorry girls, I...” she catches her breath, and sniffs. “The song just...”

Applejack clicks the dial over to another station. “We don't gotta hear that song, no big deal.” The next one plays some random pop song that nobody pays attention to. “Too close to home?”

Sunset nods. “Yeah...” she wipes her eyes as well as she can. “A little.”

The car slows to stop behind a red light.

“Well, you have changed,” Pinkie insists. “Ever since Twilight came, and you got blasted with those rainbows, you've been different than you were before. Way different.”

Sunset nods and turns to face her. “Thanks Pinkie.” On her way back she glances out the driver side window, as the light turns green. “Hey, don't go yet.”

“Hm?” Applejack asks, frozen for a second before a car roars by in front of them. She blinks and tracks it before checking both ways and continuing forward. “Boy howdy, that coulda been bad. Good eye, Suns.”

“This light sucks,” she replies, settling back in her seat. She glances at the base of the streetlamp as it passes out of her vision. “The yellow ends right as soon as the green goes. I saw a garbage truck absolutely cream this sedan a few years back. I heard the driver died.”

“Heavy,” Rainbow says. “I think I heard that story somewhere, actually. Just can't remember where.”

“That's sad.” Pinkie sinks a little deeper into her chair. “We should write city council to fix it or something.”

“Maybe.” Applejack pulls into a parking spot outside Sunset’s apartment building. “Someone should do somethin’ ‘bout it. Don't know why it's still like that after a tragedy like that. Anyway, best not to dwell on it. Sometimes sad things happen. It sounds heartless but the best thing we can do is help people move on. The people we’ve lost in the past would want us to stay happy even though they're gone.”

A somber silence passes the group, broken only by a commercial break. After a second, Applejack kills the engine and unbuckles.

“Suns, you wanna stay here while I go get your journal?”

Sunset nods. “Yeah, I... don't wanna go back in there just yet. Too many bad memories.”

Applejack nods and pops open the door. “I'll be back in a minute.” With that she shuts the heat in and bustles her way up the steps.

Once she was inside, Sunset turned to face Rainbow and Pinkie.

“Hey, girls...”

They face her, expectantly.

“What.. happened to her parents?”


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I just wanted to explain the delay. My mom caught the virus. One of the fucking morons she works with went to the beach, got sick, and came to her workplace, SICK. She had to go to the doctor and get an inhaler because she was showing a whole lot of symptoms. She's okay now. But for a while I was too concerned and worried to write anything. And in the wake of the forced quarantines, social distancing, and stress about finances from my workplace shutting down permanently, it was pretty much completely impossible to focus on getting a whole chapter done. And to top it all off, my cat's liver failed and we had to put him down. So a whole lot of bad shit happened pretty much immediately after I said "this fake-ass infodemic" LMAO. Do not trust this weatherman.

Anyway, I wanted to keep some of the information unveiled in this chapter to stay hidden for a while longer, but a lot of you are getting really angry with Scoots. Rightfully so, but I was a little bit concerned that it would seem unrealistic sooner rather than later, and since I'm approaching a long block of slice-of-life prose I wanna get some stuff up to pace and actually happening plotwise, for better narrative flow. You guys seem to be enjoying this story, or at least parts of it, and I want you to continue to enjoy reading it.

Anyway, I hope to get back to a better uploading schedule in the near future. We seem to be coming through the tunnel out the other side into hopefully a better tomorrow with a less so completely fucking useless it's actively harmful government next term and I for one can't wait to see it. Without further ado: the chapter.

*to any new readers, I will be putting this author's note at the end very soon; this is not the norm, and this is only here because of the extenuating circumstances