• Published 23rd Jan 2020
  • 13,500 Views, 613 Comments

Cold - NightCoreMoon

Sunset Shimmer recovers from the Anon-a-Miss incident, and struggles with the post traumatic stress as well as forgiveness towards Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo. Part of my Equestria Girls chronology.

  • ...

7- Torch


The night passes without incident.

Applejack is the first to awaken. Her eyes adjust quickly, as the bedroom door seemed to be open. The hall light just outside is off, but residual light from the kitchen bleeds through, painting a single stripe of pale beige across the bed. The streak passes right across the space between Applejack’s face and the crimson-and-yellow hair of the girl resting in her arms.

Over Sunset’s head, Applejack can just barely make out Fluttershy’s forehead. She doesn't dare move for fear of disturbing the quiet sleep before her, but simply allows her mind to wake itself up. Through the curtains on Fluttershy’s window, the sun just begins to rise. Clearly, years and years of waking up at dawn have firmly set her circadian rhythms in place.

Perhaps because of this, in no time at all, Applejack's limbs grow restless. They yearn to perform manual labor. Still, momentary discomfort will be worth it if Sunset slept, so suffer in silence she does.

Not that it is such a terrible fate, or anything like that. There are much worse sensations in the world than cuddling. The bedding is soft, Sunset is soft, and the only thing Applejack can really criticize is the fact that due to a variety of reasons, she had to skip bathing Sunset. Not this time though. That will be the first thing on the ledger for the morning, aside from ointment and fresh gauze.

Thinking beyond that, though, puts Applejack in a mood difficult to describe in words. She frowns, as her mind wanders to the events of the previous night. Rarity, Scootaloo, Flash, and who knew how many other people will stand opposing Sunset’s innocence and recovery. Still, hopefully it wouldn't be too terrible for too long. Surely the worst must be passed by now.

Across the bed, Applejack feels movement.

“Hey Shy,” she whispers. “You awake?”

Fluttershy merely grunts in response. Applejack suppresses a giggle, as before this moment, she didn't think that noise was even capable of coming out of that girl.

“I'll take that as a yes, then.”

“Apple...jack?” She asks, sitting up and rubbing the grit out of her eyes. “You... slept here?”

“Mmhmm. Sunset had a... sleepwalkin’ incident last night. So I put her back to bed and got on her other side, to make sure she stayed. Hope that's okay with you.”

Fluttershy nods. “That's okay. I just didn't expect to hear you when I woke up. She sleepwalked?”

Applejack sighs and feebly attempts to extricate herself from Sunset’s iron grip. “Yeah... I woke her up and she was scared to death I was gonna hurt her. Said she thought last night was just a dream.”

“Oh...” she puts a gentle hand on Sunset’s head. “Poor thing...” she sighs. “I... we really messed up. Didn't we.”

“Mhmm. But what's done is done. Past is past. Now we just focus on what to do next, and help her one day at a time. And on the schedule today is definitely... a bath.”

“Yeah, I wasn't gonna say anything, but it smells like she hasn't taken one in a while. I'm gonna go ahead and wash the sheets and pillowcases today. Where, um...” she slips out of bed and stands up, faded grey nightgown trailing behind her. “Where is everyone going to be today, actually?”

Applejack shrugs, or at least tries to. “I definitely gotta go home an’ talk to my sister. Whether Suns comes with me home is gonna be up to her. Dash an’ Pinkie, I dunno their schedule. It's probably up in the air now that Rare is...” she trails off.

Fluttershy frowns. “Right... Rarity.” She huffs and crosses her arms. “That girl really peeved me last night. She came to my house, she insulted my friends, she instigated with them, and then after a simple misunderstanding she called me and...” she leans against her dresser and glares at the floor. “I don't know what I'm going to do when school starts up again on Monday and I have to see her again.”

“It'll be fine,” Applejack assuages. “I'm sure she got the message to steer clear of you. At least until she apologizes for what she did, and... well I can't say she’ll ever believe Sunset didn't do nothin’ we accused her of if she ain't already, but hopefully sooner rather than later she forgives Sunset for the illusion of wrongdoin’. For now though, there's still a whole weekend left before we gotta worry about that.”

“Yes... you're right. Right now Sunset is more important than me or Rarity. I might start to make breakfast. I think there are english muffins in the refrigerator. And eggs, but...”

“Don't worry none, if I want eggs I'll make ‘em myself. The muffins sound just fine for right now. I'd come with, but I'm... otherwise occupied.”

Fluttershy nods and heads out of her room and down the hall. Once in the living room she smiles at the sleeping forms of Rainbow and Pinkie. The former lay atop the latter, sprawled out on the couch. Both were snoring loudly.

Fluttershy enters the kitchen and makes busy with the toaster. In just a few minutes she has two perfectly toasted muffins coated in just the right amount of “butter”. It's made of soy, not animals, and tastes (almost) the same. She sets one on a paper towel and takes a bite of the other.

Before her, she notices Rainbow beginning to stir. She sets her own breakfast down and readies another set. Once the toaster begins working its magic, Rainbow pulls herself up from her human mattress.

“Toast...” she murmurs, before yawning. She pulls herself off the couch and migrates into the kitchen, throwing an arm around the shoulders of her oldest friend. “Mornin...”

“Not had your coffee yet?”

Rainbow nods.

“I can get some running for you if you'd like.”

“Nrr... I got it...” she pulls away and slinks off into the corner. She pulls out the big pot of grounds and sets off on making the wake-up juice. By the time the machine is ready, her ‘toast’ pops up.

“Margie’s here already,” Fluttershy murmurs, pulling a jug of orange juice out from the fridge and setting it on the counter. “I'll bring Applejack hers then be right back.”

Rainbow pops her a thumbs-up before setting to work with the toaster.

Fluttershy swiftly returns to her bedroom and delivers the breakfast.

“Thankee kindly,” Applejack greets, taking a bite. “Oh, that ain't bu’er. Ain't had mar’rine since I was a kid.”

“Rainbow’s making coffee.”

“Coffee, eh?” Applejack swallows. “I'll be out once this one wakes up.”

“I could stay here with Sunset while you go out there.”

“I appreciate that gesture but I ain't movin’. This girl’s got a trap like iron.”

Fluttershy sits. “Then I'll just sit here with you until she does.”

They eat in silence. Applejack is conscious of the crumbs she can't help but leave behind, but lets the tension go free as she remembers the sheets would be washed anyway. After all, Fluttershy didn't seem to mind. But then again, she never actively seemed to mind anything. You could pour soup into her lap and she'd apologize to you, so last night’s actions towards Rarity were entirely uncharacteristic. However, considering the extenuating circumstances, AJ not only understood but also agreed with them.

Sunset eventually stirs.

“You awake, Sunshine?”

She groans and nestles deeper into the embrace. “Yeah...” she murmurs. “I think so. Unless this is a dream again...” she chuckles lightly at this. “Nah. I didn't really dream last night but I did feel magical presence emanating from alicorns. Must have been the princesses. Or, eh, the main two, not including Twilight and, uh, whatsherface. Forgot.”

“How's that?” Applejack asks. “That'd be Celestia and Luna, right? Aren't they the princesses over in Equestria?”

“The very same.” Sunset turns over, freeing AJ’s arm in the process. “I think Luna must’ve flipped out because I dreamt of Celestia, which I haven't done since, well, the time of Nightmare Moon.”

“Who's that?” Fluttershy asks.

“Oh, hey Shy,” Sunset greets. “Didn't know you were still in here. Eh, I don't really know too much, just that she was an ancient legend that turned out to be real. But sometime between me coming here and Twilight coming here, Luna was evil and tried to take over the world, but Twilight stopped her and turned her good again. Heh. She sure does that a lot, doesn't she...”

“Heck of a coincidence that she did it twice. I'm sure glad it happened to you though, Suns, ‘cuz I like ya a whole lot better good.”

“I like me better good too.” She sniffs the air. “You making coffee?”

“In the kitchen,” Fluttershy answers, holding a hand out. Sunset graciously accepts the help, and allows herself to be pulled up. “And toast.”

“Is it the whole grain kind of bread?”

“Oh...” Fluttershy turns and looks away. “Yes but it's not bread, it's English muffin.”

Sunset blinks. “What the heck is English?”

“It's named after a country called Anglo.” Applejack stretches, and cracks her spine back in place. “It's somewhere across the ocean near Saddle Arabia. Maybe. I dunno, it doesn't matter. I got a hankering for some coffee, we can talk about geography later.”

The three trail down the hall and into the kitchen proper, to find that Pinkie Pie had not only awoken, but was eating a short stack of pancakes that was covered in whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and sprinkles. She waves, mouth full of sugar.

“Pinkie?” Fluttershy asks. “Where did you-”

“Don't ask,” Rainbow warns, a shellshocked expression adoring her face. “You really don't wanna know. Oh, and uh, I toasted the rest of the package.”

“Thanks Dashie.” Fluttershy steps next to her, letting the other two at the counter. “I'll just buy more with the card this week. How's the coffee?”

Rainbow flashes a thumbs up as she chugs down from the mug.

“You know,” Sunset slowly says as she looks at the bread. “When you said muffin I thought something completely different. This looks more like a... like a flat crumpet.”

Rainbow cocks a brow as she wipes off her mouth with the back of her hand. “WTF is a crumpet?”

“It's like a biscuit,” Applejack adds. “And I guess it kinda looks like a flat biscuit.”

“What?” Sunset leans back. “How does this look like a biscuit? It's...” she pokes one. “It's bread. Biscuits are, like, crunchy cookies. Or crackers.”

“Biscuits ain't crackers!” Applejack cried. “You eat ‘em with gravy.”

“You put GRAVY on your COOKIES?” Sunset asks, bewildered.

“And they sure as heck aren't cookies either!” Rainbow’s eyes bulge out of her skull as she says this.

“I'm just saying what they look like to me!” Sunset defends.

Pinkie dips her head in. “Hold on a sec. Hey Sunset, what am I eating?”

She looks over at the plate. “Uh... pancakes. Or, uh, is this a trick question? Really thick crepes.”

“Not flapjacks?” Pinkie asks.

Sunset nods. “No, aren't those like granola bars or something?”

Pinkie puts a finger to her chin. “What do you call the fried potatoes that come with hay burgers?”


“Guys.” Pinkie looks around the room. “I think that Equestria’s british.”

“Ooohhh...” chimed everyone- excluding Sunset- at the revelation.

Sunset merely blinks. “What.”

“We call scones biscuits here.” Pinkie explains.

Sunset snaps and points her finger at the muffin. “Yes, it looks just like a flat scone! That could definitely go good with gravy for a savory angle but I usually use raspberry jam... why do you guys call things the wrong name? Is that a regional thing?”

“No,” Rainbow corrects. “You people in horseland call things the wrong name. Here, we get the names of food from all the immigrants who came here dozens of decades ago. Like the Koniks and the Hanoverians. You know, my people.”

A beat of silence passes before Pinkie snickers. “Nerrrrrd!”

“It's not nerdy, it's history!”

“That’s pretty nerdy, sug.”

Rainbow gapes. “Wha? Come on! Fluttershy, help me out here!”

Fluttershy purses her lips. “I am an impartial mediator.”

Rainbow slumps her shoulders, defeated. “Maaaan...”

“I honestly didn't know that,” Sunset says, ‘butter’ing a muffin. “I never really studied geopolitics or socioeconomics. I'll have a discussion with Twili-” she gasps. “The journal!” She turns. “Hey, uh, AJ, can we go get it at some point soon? I wanna answer Twilight as soon as she replies.”

“We can get it today, darlin’,” she promises, clapping a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “We actually gotta talk about who’s gonna go where today anyway, all of us, because uh... I've got the only car now that Rarity is... away.”

Everyone continues preparing their breakfast before transitioning the conversation to the table in the dining corner. Applejack takes the corner seat, and sitting clockwise from her is Pinkie, then an empty seat, then Rainbow, then Fluttershy, and finally Sunset.

“Fluttershy,” Applejack begins. “First off, please let me thank you for bein’ such a gracious host today n’ yesterday. We all appreciate it, especially Suns.”

“Oh yeah,” Sunset says, nodding. “Definitely. Thanks Shy.”

Pinkie and Rainbow offer their thanks as well.

“Oh, it's nothing. I enjoy having you girls over... for a while. I might need a quiet night alone tonight though because of... all of the drama.”

“Alright,” Applejack continues. “That brings us to the second point nicely. Dash, Pinkie, Sunset, the three of you need to figure out where I'm takin’ y'all tonight to stay. Ya don't gotta go home but as Fluttershy says you can't stay here. Now, Sunset, I ain't lettin’ ya stay in your apartment alone. You understand that it's because I want you to have a friend around and not because I don't trust you to be alone or anythin’ like that, right?”

She nods. “Yeah. I also don't want me to stay in my apartment alone. Not yet, anyways.”

“That's good to hear. Here's the main issue I’m seein’, though. Now, y'all are more than welcome to stay with me for the night. But with that bein’ said, Applebloom is there, and I don't know where you are, mentally, to be around her considerin’ what she did to you.”

Sunset grips the table, turning her knuckles white. “I can't see her. Not tonight. Sorry.”

“Don't apologize to me, Suns. You ain't ready, you ain't ready. So now, it falls to...” she turns her attention to her left. “You two. Dash, Pinkie. What were and are y’all’s plans for the weekend?”

Rainbow sighs. “Well, the three of us were gonna go to the mall, but that isn't really gonna happen. My plans are all up in the air now, but I can do whatever. Mom and dad are home all weekend so I can use the car, assuming it made its way back home safe. Pink?”

Pinkie shrugs. “Mommy, Marble, and Maud are home, Daddy and Limestone are still at the farm conference, I can do whatever too but I can't drive. Ball’s in Sunny’s court!”

Sunset begins to fidget her fingers together. “So like... my choices are to stay at Rainbow’s or to stay at Pinkie’s then?”

The two nod.

“I mean, you’ve been to Pinkie’s house already,” Rainbow says, gazing intently upon her finger nails. “It would only be fair if you stayed the night with me.”

“Nuh-uh, that doesn't count!” Pinkie defends. “That was everyone, it wasn't just Sunset. She hasn't had a chance to see what my house is like when it's not party central. To just have a nice and quiet night away from the noise and traffic of the city.”

Almost on cue, a train rolled by, rattling the walls of the apartment. Conversation effectively halted for a minute before it passed.

“Okay you make a fair point,” Rainbow replies, resting her head on a fist, elbow propped up onto the table. “But consider this: Sunset’s never even seen my house. Granted not very many people have. Except Fluttershy. The number of times she’s been to your house? More than zero.”

“Okay miss smarty pants, counter-counterpoint. It wouldn't be fair to me or Applejack if Sunset got to spend the night at your house and we didn't. Therefore, I get her tonight. You can get her tomorrow.”

Rainbow taps her fingers on the table for a second before sighing and leaning back. “Okay fine, you win, but only because I probably need to clean my room before anyone comes over anyway. That and if we’d gone Rock Paper Scissors you'd win anyway because you always win.”

“Yay!” Pinkie exclaims. “I win Sunset for the night!”

Sunset frowns in confusion. “So, wait, you guys were debating about which one of you... ‘gets’ me? Not which one of you has to have me?”

“What do you mean?” Pinkie asks, tilting her head to the side. “What's the difference?”

“Hold up.” Rainbow leans back forward. “Sunset, did you think we were trying to pawn you off on the other or something?”

Sunset hesitatingly shrugs.

“Dude, we like being around you. We...” Rainbow sighs. “Well, I know it seems like we don't, or at least didn't, all this past month. But that was just because of stuff that wasn't true. Like I told Fluttershy, you're more than just a friend to us. You’re family. And now that all the Anon a Miss stuff is behind us, I wanna start to make it right. I wanna be as good a friend to you as you've been to us. I...”

She pauses as she drinks her coffee, and sits pensively for a moment before continuing.

“You know, AJ has Mac and Bloom. Pinkie has Maud, and Limestone, and Marble. Rarity has Belle. Fluttershy has Zephyr- well, he hardly counts- but she also has me, and I have her. And I would give anything in the world to keep that even if I lost everything else. But you... when you were bad, and you drove that wedge between us, I was alone. I had the team, but that was about it. And when I went home I had nobody. So I know what it's like to be alone, and miss having had close friends. I know what you must feel like. And I care about you and I don't want you to feel like that any more. I don't know about Pinks but as for me... you're my friend and I... and I love you. I wanna prove it to you. I wanna spend time with you, I wanna hang out with you, I wanna just sit and do nothing while you're there next to me. And I don't want you to feel like you've clearly been feeling these past few weeks. I need to do my part to fix what I helped broke, you know?”

She wipes her eyes with the heels of her hands. “Sorry, I...” she sniffs. “Ugh, that was so sappy.”

Sunset stands and strides around the table, taking the empty chair between Rainbow and Pinkie, then puts her arms as not-awkwardly as she could given her semi-limited mobility around Rainbow.

“I don't think it was sappy, I think that's sweet. I didn't know that I made that much of an impact on you. On any of you. It... makes me feel so much better. I honestly thought you guys were having a, ‘let's try to make the other person have a better reason to take me on’ type of deal. This whole conversation kinda seemed like... you know, AJ saying ‘not it’ because of Applebloom, and Fluttershy saying ‘not it’ because I was here last night, and... kinda went a little crazy. But that whole ‘I need to fix what I broke’ thing, let me tell you that as much as you say you felt my isolation, I feel that. I was so terrible to all of you for so long. Especially to you, Rain... I mean if you all can forgive me and get past all the evil things I did, I'm having no problem at all forgiving all of you. The lie the kids put together was airtight when all three of them were working together, so given all of the circumstances and evidence I understand why you did what you did and said what you said. I guess I just had a little trouble just now in getting back into the mindset of, not everyone hates you, you know?”

Rainbow grips back, burying her face in Sunset’s hair.

“Even when I hated you I didn't really hate you, until you planted the drugs in my locker. But even then after Twilight came, and you apologized for that, and we moved on, I... I don't want you to think that we’re trying to unload you onto each other. I'm actually legit bummed that I've gotta wait another night before you and I get to have a sleepover. But I do hope you have fun with Pinkie tonight. And I can just wait an extra day.”

“Dashie...” Pinkie murmurs. “You can have her tonight if you really want to. I can wait. I didn't know it was that important to you.”

Sunset pulls back slightly- not enough to leave Rainbow’s embrace, but enough that Rainbow and Pinkie could have an unobstructed view of each other.

“Really?” Rainbow asks. “But what about you?”

Pinkie shrugs. “You need Sunset more than I want her. And, uh. Being completely honest, I haven't told Maud that Sunset’s not Anon-a-Miss just yet. Maud kiiiinda might try to destroy Sunset on sight.”

Everyone chuckles at this, except for Pinkie.

“No, girls, I’m serious. Maud knows capoeira!”


Rarity wakes up to a gentle hand on her forehead.

“Are you awake?”

Rarity moans, turning away from the voice.


The hand begins stroking softly.

“I heard from your sister that you had a bad night.”

“Yes, mother.”

Cookie kisses her daughter’s forehead. “Bow picked up his car last night when your father got home. You shouldn't have to deal with those girls for a while yet, until they get some sense about them.”

Rarity turns at this. “Sense how?”

“Well, of course, by realizing that that absolutely awful Shimmer girl is lying and manipulating Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo’s little friend.”

“Ah...” Rarity sighs and turns back away. “Yes. I’m sure they will. Eventually. I'll be here waiting for an apology, exchanging it for forgiveness. I just wish I wouldn't need to wait. How are the girls?”

“Oh, they're fine. A little bummed that Applebloom is grounded, but otherwise in decently high spirits. They're watching Neightflix in the living room while I watch my soaps on the computer.”

A meow interrupts their conversation.

“Hello Opal,” Rarity greets, putting a hand over. “Psspsspss?”

Opal ignores her, and steps over her body to curl up in the corner of the bed.

“How are you feeling?” Cookie asks. “Sweetie mentioned that your friends insulted and cursed at you.”

Rarity huffs and crosses her arms. “It wasn't entirely unprovoked, but yes. Rainbow called me a... a whore-”


“Yes. To be completely fair it was in response to my insinuation that her intelligence was low for believing in Sunset’s lies. But she also threw her car keys at me, and used profanities that I won't repeat. And then when I got home, Fluttershy told me over the phone that she and I aren't on speaking terms until I believe Sunset.”

Cookie nods as she strokes her daughter’s head. “Sounds rough. I wish there was something more I could do to help. The things I would do to that vile Shimmer... and to top it all off, making up rumors about Scootaloo’s... sexuality, ugh. After everything she’s been through with her mother...”

Rarity blinks. “Her mother?”

“Oh, you... didn't know?”

“Didn't know what?”

Cookie retracts her hand and stands. “I've said too much already. I didn't know she hadn't told you. In any case, it’s best not to discuss such matters at a time like this. Is there anything you need? I can get a tub of that vanilla oatmeal ice cream you always turn to when you're in a low mood. Or just some space if you need some time alone.”

“The vanilla oat swirl... the vanilla oatmeal is a different kind altogether. But that would be delightful and appreciated. Thank you.”

“Wonderful! I'll head out to the market in a little bit, just gotta do a load of laundry first. I'll see you in the evening, I'm making fried meatloaf tonight. Oh and don't worry, I know you don't eat fried meat so I'll get that cranberry salad you like too. I love you!”

“I love you too, mother...” Rarity turns and faces the wall as her mom shuts the door behind her.

“Scootaloo’s... mother?” She muses silently. “Come to think of it, I know nothing about her parents other than that her father is anti gay. Hm...” she buries her head back into her pillow. “Five more minutes won't hurt anyone...”


“Alright sug,” Applejack says with a sense of finality as the meal concludes. “We’ve delayed long enough, but ya smell bad. It's bath time.”

Sunset shrugs. “Might as well. Got nothing else to do. And uh. I'm sure if it’s as bad as you say it is, then it is. Hopefully this one involves less of your spit than the last one did.”

Fluttershy and Pinkie give each other a strange look as Rainbow cracks a smile. “She gave ya the ol’ spitshine TPA, huh?”

Sunset snorts laughing at this, but Applejack glares like a stern mother, even balling her fists and placing them at her hips.

“Yes,” she says, disappointment flooding her voice. “But I would prefer you call it something more family friendly. Such as CPB.”

“Pffft, okay square.”

“Square? Oh, you varmint-” Applejack grabs some leftover whipped cream from Pinkie’s plate and tries to wipe it on Rainbow’s head. “Come here, see how ya like scrubbing sugar outta your hair!”

“Party foul! Party foul!” Rainbow manages to fight off the onslaught of milky aerosol and keep it from besmirching her multicolored locks. “Keep the hair out of this!”

Their play-wrestling brings them to the floor, Applejack straddling the athlete to keep her held in place. Rainbow began to blush furiously, clearly due to the blood rushing to her head from the sudden physical activity and for no other reason.

“Okay, okay, you win, uncle! Just... go for the face, not the hair!”

Applejack does as asked before winking, removing her hat, and placing it on Rainbow’s head. She leans back and pumps her fists in the air, victorious.

“Wholesome language wins again!” She cheers, before sliding herself backwards a little. “Now say it.”

Rainbow motions to find a place to put her arms, and settles for flat against the floor. “Okay, CPB. CPB. Now come on, get up, you're... look, muscle weighs a lot.”

Applejack does so, and Rainbow scrambles to get back up. She wipes the cream off her face and steps back to the table to wipe off her hand. She exchanges a glance with Sunset, with Fluttershy, and with Pinkie. Sunset and Fluttershy give her looks of concern, while Pinkie just confirms that she got the schmutz.

“Alright,” Applejack exhales and tries to catch her breath. “That's enough exercise for the morning. Hoo-wee!” She takes her tank top and wipes her face with it, unknowingly causing Rainbow’s face to blanch. She drops it back down and sets a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “Alright, filly, that's enough delay. Time to get you clean.”

The two head off to the bathroom, Sunset sparing a quick glance back. Rainbow just gives her a half hearted smirk and a nod before the two head inside.

Applejack clicks the door behind her, before quickly opening it back up. “Oh hey, Shy, hope you don't mind picking out some clothes or something you don't wear anymore that Suns can try on when she's out. I ain't apt to make her wear the same stuff twice. That okay with you?”

Fluttershy nods and takes Rainbow by the hand into their bedroom.

“And... I'll wash the dishes!” Pinkie supplies, as the two doors pull themselves shut.

“Alright Suns, let's take a look at those arms first.”

The two sit down, as Applejack begins to unravel the gauze. She goes for both sides at once, fingers lithely dancing as they unwrap. She raises her brows as the cuts began showing.

“Oh, that's a good sign, they ain't too infected. I'm gonna press on ‘em gently to see what your pain tolerance is like, if that's okay?”

Sunset nods her consent and braces for the pain. And yet surprisingly, it doesn't come.

“You do it?” She asks.

“Mmhmm. Did you feel it?”

“Well I felt your finger but I didn't feel any pain. Well maybe a little but like not enough for me to register anything.”

“Well that's most likely good. I ain't a doctor so I don't know, but these don't look as bad. I feel like they healed on their own somewhat over the course of this happenin’. They look clean too without all the dry blood. I mean there's still some fresh, but it's mostly just congealed splotches. Here’s hopin’ we can just use water to get it off, but we’ll go gentle, okay?”

Sunset nods. “Yeah. Oh, and um. I know you saw me topless yesterday but are you sure you're fine with seeing me, you know... bottomless?”

Applejack shrugs as she brings Sunset up to standing. “It's just a vagina, hun, it ain’t gonna bite me. Unless y'all in Equestria really do have teeth down there, heh... and anyway, like I said before. I helped Mac pee when his arms were broke. This ain't gonna be nothin’ for me, so don't worry, okay?”

Sunset sighs. “Alright. With that outta the way let's get this over with I guess.” She puts her arms forward as Applejack gets to work removing her clothes.

Needless to say it was a lot easier getting everything off than it was getting it all on. Especially seeing as Applejack didn't really have any qualms having her fingers brush up against Sunset’s less-platonic bits. She didn't react or comment and so it didn't particularly bother Sunset. It just felt... clinical. Natural. Normal.

After less than a minute Sunset stood before Applejack wearing as much as she did back as a pony. Which was nothing. Applejack stepped back and removed her tank top, sending Sunset’s eyebrows up.


“Well I'm gonna get a little wet,” Applejack explains, also removing her pants. “Hope it ain't gonna bother you. I mean, you did see Rare in her underwear so it shouldn't but if it does I suppose I can try to be a bit more careful or borrow some of Fluttershy’s-”

“Oh, that isn't necessary. I get it. I was just, I guess confused? Back in Equestria we had public bath houses. The real upper class places had unicorns and pegasi with hydrokinetic tendencies moving the water around without it touching you. No big deal.”

“Hydro what now?” Applejack asks, turning on the hot water.

“Hydro, ki-net-ic. It means, sometimes pegasi are born with the innate ability to move water with their minds. In small quantities of course. Typically about as much as a cloud. Most of them either go to work at the rainbow factories, where we make rainbows and clouds and snowflakes and lighting bolts and all sorts of stuff, or they find work in Canterlot, spas, bathhouses, et cetera.”

“Oh, that's cool.” She adjusts the cold water a bit. “How do you want the water?”

“Whatever’s best for you and isn't ice, I'm not picky.” Sunset steps into the tub, letting the water warm her feet. “Oh, that's nice... I forgot how good hot water feels on the skin. Anyway, yeah, like I was saying, we didn't have to worry about getting wet, and I just forgot for a second that there isn't any magic in this world.”

“Well, there's some magic. It's just not, you know, from unicorns.”

“Right, right, the latent magic. Just, you know what I meant.”

“Mhmm. Just givin’ you a hard time.”

Sunset gasps in mock offense. “Hoooow could you?”

Applejack playfully splashes her with her fingers. “Because I'm eeeeevil~”

“Gasp. Oh no. What ever shall we do. Hey Twilight, we got another one! Work your magic!”

Applejack snickers as she turns the water off. “Heh. I guess we do have our very own purgin’ stone just a dimension hop away... I just wish we could see her sooner than two and a half years from now.”

Sunset crouches and sits in the water, stretching her legs forward. “Purging stone?”

She shrugs. “It's from a video game. It's an item that removes curse, a status effect that halves your max hit points.”

“Hit... points?”

“Your, uh. Your health. The number of times you can get hit before you die.”

“Oh. So uh. Why not just... not get hit?”

“That's where the fun comes in.” Applejack reaches for the soap. “Do y'all want the cucumber melon, the kiwi lime, the rosemary mint, or the... uh... sawdust grinder?”

“If it's for hair, I like mint.”

“Mint it is.” She grabs the bottle and squirts some into the palm of her hand. “You able to get it wet yourself?”

Sunset nods and maneuvers herself forward, partially submerging her head in the water. She emerges, hair drenched and sticking to her body halfway down to her back. Pale brown rivulets drip down into the tub, staining the water.

“Your hair’s real pretty,” Applejack says, ignoring the spread of the grime. “What do you usually use to condition it with?”

Sunset gives a little melancholy half-smile. “Mane and tail... yeah, the horse stuff. But my hair’s so thick and coarse that it's basically the same deal. I'm not really sure how much of it to use. Probably not enough since it’s usually so rough and wiry.”

“Girl, don't sell yourself short.” Applejack begins to massage the shampoo into Sunset’s scalp. “Your hair gives you character. It's, uh. Got volume. I think that's the word for it. Sometimes I overhear girls at school talkin’ about it, and they're a mite bit envious of ya.”

“Hmm...” Sunset closes her eyes and leans into the sensation. “I'll take your word for it then. Back home in Equestria, my mane style was in a league of its own. All the mares were jealous of my mane, behind my magical talent and closeness to the Princess. I knew it, too, which is why I always strived for it to be the biggest and fullest I could make it. Only problem is, well, it drew a lot of attention from the stallions. Luckily I was good at brushing them off.”

“You weren't much for datin’, huh?”

“That's not really the case, it just-” she pauses and opens her eyes, then mulls over her next words before sighing and closing them again. “I didn't really care much for stallions. To be honest I was more looking for mares. I mean, if I ever found a stallion who could keep up with me that’d be fine because I like stallions, but mares were, you know. More easy to dominate in a relationship.”

“You're... that way?”

Sunset shrugs. “I mean I guess so. It wasn't really anything special to talk about, just a normal part of our society. It's not really a certain ‘way’ for us, it's just life.”

“Oh. Well I ain't got a problem with that. I got two cousins who are lesbians. Well, one of them’s my second cousin once removed, an’ the other’s her partner, I don't got two cousins who are together, but uh. I ain't gonna treat ya less for it. It's your business.”

“I figure you're not an intolerant ass like some other people we go to school with. That's why I trust you enough to mention it.”

“I get that.” Applejack’s hands migrate down to the ends of Sunset’s hair. “If any of you girls were gay I'd be okay, really. I mean, maybe I wouldn't get naked in front of you, if it made you uncomfortable, but it wouldn't change nothin’ in our friendship. Okay I think I got it, let’s rinse.”

Meanwhile in the room across the hall...

“But what if it makes her uncomfortable and changes things in our friendship?” Rainbow whispers. “I just got AJ back into my life, I don't wanna lose her again. I already lost a friend in Sunset before, and now with Rarity...” she presses her palms to her eyes. “Gah, why can't I just be straight? This would be so much easier!”

“It might make some things easier,” Fluttershy soothes, laying outfits out on the bed. “But then you wouldn't be the Rainbow Dash we all know and love. And trust me, I really don't think you'll lose Applejack. Don't you know about her cousins?”

“Yeah, I... I know. But that's family.”

“And we’re family too.” Fluttershy steps over and pulls her friend’s head to her stomach. “And once Sunset is back to her normal self, you'll have all the time in the world you need to figure out when and where and who to tell. Although, you could talk about it now, and Sunset would feel better and be glad that you trust her enough.”

“Oh she... she already knows.”

Fluttershy blinks. “Oh. I didn't know that. Well. Okay then. So who else knows?”

Rainbow shrugs. “You. And probably Twilight if the pony version of me is out. And also a lesbian. Huh. I wonder if our horseland versions are the same in that way too... anyway, yeah. I told Sunset before, when she came to me that time to plant the weed in my locker.”

“Oh, I see. That makes sense...” she pauses for a beat. “What kind of cannabis?”

Rainbow pulls back. “What?”

“I'm just curious what kind of strain it was. It must have been purple hydrangea since it’s grown local by Tree. I could ask her if she sold to Sunset back then but I don't think she remembers that far back.”

Rainbow glances over to the poster on the wall of the red, yellow, and green stripes. She looks back to the other wall at the poster with the teddy bears and the skull over a red and blue background. She looks down at the 100% pure hemp threaded sheets she’s sitting on. Something in her brain clicks.

“Oh my god. Fluttershy, are you a stoner?”

She shrugs. “It helps with my anxiety.”

Rainbow shows no expression for a moment, and bursts out laughing.

“You... I... it... this...” she takes a breath. “Okay, I absolutely did not expect that at all. How long have you been like this?”

Fluttershy gives her a weird look. “What do you mean? Since middle school, of course. Just look at the other eco-kids.”

“...holy shit.”

Fluttershy looks over the outfits laid out on the bed. “These aren't really Sunset’s aesthetic, unless she likes wearing sheltered middle school girl with body image issues dresses. But I like this one,” she fingers a thin periwinkle dress with patterned white dots and a little bit of lace ruffles at the collar. “It would go really well with some white tights, this jean crop jacket, and maybe this charcoal newsboy hat. The color palette would contrast really well with her skin and hair, and make her eyes really pop.”

“Yeah, sounds good, how come I've never seen you smoke? Like, when do you do it?”

“Oh? Um. Usually in the mornings I might take a few hits... I don't do a lot. I don't get high, I just do enough to calm my nerves. Although recently I've been doing more of the oil. Um, I made a batch of cookies recently with some butter, and one or two of those is usually the same THC as a hit. I didn't know this meant so much to you.”

“Hm? Well, no, I don't really care about getting high. I'm just curious; you're my oldest friend and I still don't know everything there is to know about you. I like learning things about my friends.”

“Ah.” Fluttershy sets the outfit together on the bed. “Yes, this looks really good. It's a bit short on the thigh now which is why I stopped wearing it but I know that won't bother Sunset... do you think it would help her?”

Rainbow tilts her head. “What would help who?”

“What if I had Sunset smoke a little, or have a cookie. Do you think maybe it would help her out mentally and emotionally?”

“Help out how?”

Fluttershy sits at the edge of the bed. “Applejack told me Sunset sleepwalked last night. What exactly happened?”

Rainbow leans back, resting her head on her hands. “Oh, I wasn't here when it happened. I was putting your knives in AJ’s truck.”


“I took the block of steak knives and put ‘em in AJ’s truck. You know, in case they trig’d Sunset.”


“You know, uh... if they made her think about the cuts and she had, like, war flashbacks.”

“Oh, trigger. Yes, that... that makes sense. I get it now. So, Pinkie and Applejack saw what happened?”

“Yeah, just not me. Sorry.” Rainbow leans back forward. “I should probably go get ‘em before too long, huh?”

“Yes, that might be for the best. If she sees them in the truck when you all leave it'll probably just make her feel bad. She already has a complex about being a burden on us, we don't wanna give her any justification for it.”

“Right. Got it. BRB. Oh, uh, you can ask Pinks while I'm gone. Win win.”

Back in the bathroom...

“Feel better?”

Sunset leans back against the wall, sighing contentedly. “Much... it's nice to feel clean.”

“And ya smell better too.”

Sunset splashes her. “Yeah, whatever... thanks.”

“Ain't a problem, sug. Happy to help.” She pulls her hair out of her ponytail and lets it down. “Once I getcha out I might go ahead and shower myself. But for now, let's get you medicated up.”

Applejack pulls her legs out of the water and sets them on the floor towel. She uses it to dry off, then stands and steps over to the medical cabinet. She pulls out two bottles of ointment and stares at them. After a bit of deliberation she puts one back, grabs some fresh gauze, and comes back over.

“Okay, we got this ready. Now we just wait for y’all to soak and then once you're dry, we’ll make sure all those scars heal up nice.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Sunset closes her eyes. “If I don't fall asleep first.”

“You ain't slept enough last night?”

Sunset shrugs. “I haven't really slept at all since before Anon a Miss. I mean I've went to sleep but I never woke up rested. Just slightly less tired. Like. I could sleep for twelve hours, one hour, three days, and it would all just feel like five minutes.”

Applejack frowns at this. “Right... depression makes ya feel that way. Sorry to tease ya for that.”

“Oh, it’s fine. It's over now. I'm getting better... I don't wanna die anymore, really. I mean I still have some residual thoughts about how, like. You girls got along fine without me, so I could just go ahead and do it and you all would be okay.”


“I won't do it.” Sunset sets a hand on Applejack’s arm. “Now that I have concrete proof that you guys actually wanna spend time with me, that you all really do care for me, I'm not gonna kill myself. It would hurt you all so much for me to do that. So I would never put any of you through that pain. The only thing is...” she sighs and drops her hand. “I'm just... not ready yet to have any reason other than that yet. I don't really have any abject desire to live for myself. Not quite yet. I know I will, one day, but it's just that for right now, I just see a long and hard road full of trying to salvage my already ruined reputation in the wake of all the lies. I don't see a light at the end of my tunnel. You girls...”

She leans her head forward, into Applejack’s side. “You're my light.”

Applejack caresses her head.

“I got no problem bein’ the light in the dark until you find your own. I'll be with ya long as I need to be until that happens.”

“Well... if it never happens?”

“Then I'll be your light until I get snuffed out.”


Author's Note:

Betcha thought you were gettin' a hot sexy bath scene ;) nah, if you want that there's my fic Water Conservation ;) ;) ;)

Anyway, sorry about the delay in posting. Time just sorta got away from me. But I pushed past this first bit of Act 2 and now I know the ball will be rolling again. And hey, at least you didn't have to wait literally two years for a next chapter like some of my other fics 😅.

I kind of have a specific plan on how I want the rest of the fic to go. I won't go too far into detail about it here and now but every subplot I bring up is gonna tie together with Sunset by the end of the fic, culminating in the climax. Because I have the perfect climax in mind.

I don't know if you all noticed but I LOVE the gilligan cut. I've used it like 4 times so far in this fic alone and I'm gonna use it at least 4 more times. It's perfect for dramatic irony *evil laughter*

*Fluttershy voice* it's always 4:20 somewhere

I hope that ending was more thematic than cheesy but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Okay so, I'm not sure what the update schedule is gonna be like. I know that my Thunderlane X Lightning Dust fic has literally a 100% thumbs up rate so far but as I said, it isn't a priority. This is my priority right now. So I hope you all enjoy this chapter. And trust me when I say that more are coming. Very soon. In March. Early March. Not mid-March because I'll be spending another week with my boyfriend but ideally one in early March and in late March at the absolute bare minimum.

Thank you all for your patience, your comments, your support, and your readership. ❤️