• Published 23rd Jan 2020
  • 13,496 Views, 613 Comments

Cold - NightCoreMoon

Sunset Shimmer recovers from the Anon-a-Miss incident, and struggles with the post traumatic stress as well as forgiveness towards Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo. Part of my Equestria Girls chronology.

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8a- More Tinder...


“And then after Sunset fell back asleep in AJ’s arms Dashie came in and slammed her shin into the coffee table and then she dropped an F bomb and asked why the heck the coffee table was in front of the door and then she and I helped AJ put Sunset in bed with you and then I put ice on her leg and we watched the rest of the movie and fell asleep.”

Fluttershy nods. “That's illuminating. Poor Sunset. I hope she doesn't forget that we love her again. That would just be awful...”

“Luckily AJ was right there and ready and she knew just what to say to make Sunset know that last night was real and did everything right. I guess she’s really good at all this older sister type stuff. I never really got the experience because Marble is really independent and even when she wasn't there was Limestone and Maud to step in and do all the older sistering, and Dashie is an only child, and Zephyr is a younger brother and that's different than having a younger sister and also Z is kinda... um... well if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.”

“He's an idiot.”

Pinkie nods. “Hey, you said it, not me. Oh hey by the way what outfits did you have picked out? Can I see ‘em?”

“Sure, they're on my bed.”

Sure enough, as the two girls proceed down the hallway into the bedroom, the outfits are laid out. The blue dress Fluttershy seems to have her heart set on takes up the majority of the room, while a few others decorate the edge.

A maroon blouse sits in one corner, accompanied by a black pleather miniskirt. In another is a black t-shirt patterned with a pair of lips and some short jean shorts. In one more is a flowy top with some black butterflies and grey flowers in the shape of a skull, and a long white skirt.

“You wore these when you were younger?” Pinkie asks.

“Not really... mom and dad bought me some of these when I was going into middle school because they knew that it was trending, but...” Fluttershy puts her fingers together. “I didn't wanna show a bunch of skin, or wear anything sexually suggestive or occult. I've never worn any of these before. But I think Sunset might like at least one of these, right?”

Pinkie picks up the dress. “What about this one? It looks nice, like something you'd wear.”

“I did, once. Maybe twice. But then I hit puberty and it started being really, um. Form fitting. Around the chest area. And hips. It started to show a lot of thigh. I haven't worn it since then.”

Pinkie sets it back down and puts her hands on her hips. “It's really nice of you to offer all this stuff to Sunny like this. Even if she doesn't like any of it I'm sure she'd appreciate the gesture. Back home I basically just wore what Maud and Limestone didn't fit in anymore until I was bigger than them but I started wearing stuff from my older cousins. All hand me downs, no hand me to the sides, you know?”

“I think I understand. And, thank you. It's really nothing. I don't wear it, she needs a change of clothes, and I felt like giving her something. She deserves to have something new, anyway, since I know she ruined some of her other clothes with b, um. Blood.”

“Right...” the two girls share a moment of somber silence before Pinkie breaks it to change the subject. “Hey, um. Shy?”


“Does Dashie have a crush on Sunset?”

Fluttershy blinks a few times before tilting her head to the side. “What?”

“At the breakfast table earlier, when Dashie was talking to Sunset. She said stuff like, I love you, and I wanna be with you, and spend time with you, and stuff. I know that it was probably platonic love and friendship and stuff but she’s never been like that with anyone else before. Not even with you. I've never seen her say she loves you in front of the rest of us like that. So I wanna know if Dashie, you know, like-likes her.”

Fluttershy sits, molding her face into that of curiosity and confusion. “Well, I mean, I don't know. She doesn't really talk about romance or anything like that with me. And I don't know her, um, sexuality. She could be but she also couldn't. But either way, I mean. Wouldn't it be her business if it was?”

Pinkie joins her, sitting. “Well if she is gay, than asking that question might make her uncomfy and drive her away from me. And if she isn't, she might get the wrong idea. I just thought I'd ask you because you would be the best person to know, I feel.”

“Oh, I understand why you asked me, out of all the people to ask. But my question is, why do you want to know? Would it change anything if she was?”

Pinkie sighs. “I don't know. It shouldn't. It's not that I personally have a problem with people like that, on paper. But in real life, you know, my parents aren't real happy with gay stuff. I mean Limestone went through a phase where she had a girlfriend but then she decided that she's straight and our parents, well. They weren't happy about it but they weren't anti gay. And I kinda feel a little bit the same way. I know I shouldn't but it's just how I was raised. But if Dashie did like girls, you know. We fell asleep together on the couch. I'd wanna know sooner rather than later if she was. Same with any of you. You, AJ, Sunny, even Rare... oof.” She winces. “Sorry.”

“It's okay. You can talk about her in front of me. I just...” Fluttershy rests her head on her friend’s shoulder. “I just wish she wasn't so... freaking stubborn.”

Pinkie gasps a little at the vulgarity.

“Sorry...” Fluttershy leans back away and stands up. “No, you know what, I'm not sorry. Rarity is out of line. Sorry for almost cussing but that's how I feel.” She takes a meditative breath before sitting back down. “Anyway, to get back on the subject. I can't answer your question. You'd have to ask Rainbow about it yourself if you want to know the answer for sure. But in my opinion, if it wouldn't change anything, then there's no point in asking, and if she hypothetically was gay, then she would tell us all if and when she was ready to tell us.”

Pinkie nods and leans back onto the bedsheets. “Yeah, I guess I see where you're coming from.”

The bathroom door opening distracts the two from their conversation, and drives them to their feet. Applejack enters the bedroom with Sunset in tow, both clad in towels. The former’s is wrapped around her waist below her tank top, and the latter’s is around her chest.

“I figured you two’d be in here pickin’ out an outfit,” Applejack says, crossing her arms and leaning a shoulder against the wall. “Whatcha got for us?”

Fluttershy smooths out the dress and begins to speak as if she were a talk show host.

“Well first off I have a tent dress in periwinkle, almost a powder blue actually, with a gentle floral print. Looks to be fleur de lis but I could be mistaken and they're irises, but either way they're a pale cream that matches the lace at the collar quite nicely. I have a pair of tights here, plain white, about the same shade but if not you can only really tell in specific lighting. There's also a denim jacket cut to a little above the waist with some of woman’s best friend, pockets, and some copper snap buttons that you of course don't use because their main purpose is to add a splash of color without overpowering the palette. To top it all off, a newsboy style hat in a dark gray. I don't have any shoes that go amazingly well with the rest of the ensemble but the denim gives you much more freedom and flexibility with your footwear choices. Oh and there's three other outfits comprising a few other styles. So, what do you think?”

Applejack and Pinkie share a moderately perturbed look at the very un-Fluttershy-esque display, but Sunset takes no heed as she puts a hand to her mouth.

“That's really nice...” she murmurs. “It's really pretty, Fluttershy, I don't know what to say.”

“Oh, you like it?” Fluttershy asks, her face lighting up. “That's wonderful! So will you wear this today?”

“Yeah, that... that would be really cool of you. And, don't worry, I'll give it back after a wash-”

“Oh, no, that isn't necessary, you really don't have to do that. I don't wear it, and it either doesn't fit or doesn't really match the aesthetic of the rest of us. If you like it, I want you to keep it.”

Sunset steps forward and feels the fabric in her fingers. “If you're sure, then... okay. Thank you. Really.”

The sound of the main door opening carries into the bedroom. Pinkie glances back and steps away from the group, leaving the room. Applejack turns and looks between the door and Sunset and back.

“Hey, uh,” she begins to ask. “Suns, you gonna want one of us to help you into the dress?”

“Uh... yeah, sure.”

A beat of silence passes and Applejack facepalms. “That wasn't supposed to be a yes or no question.”


“I think,” Fluttershy begins, stepping between the two. “That Applejack is asking you which of us you want to have help you get dressed, because I'm sure you don't have the mobility to do it yourself yet.”

“Oh...” a slight frown covers Sunset’s face. “You're asking because... you want me to say Fluttershy and give you a break? I mean I don't mind that but-”

“I ain't sayin’ that at all!” Applejack waves her hand as if doing so physically waved the ascertainment aside. “I'm sayin’ that, y’know, she's better at the whole dress thing, and it's her apartment and her bedroom and her clothes and you just spent a long time with me. I was more givin’ you a sense of freedom to make your own choices rather than me just tellin’ you what to do all the time.”

“...oh.” Sunset traces her fingers over the fresh gauze, her arms smelling a bit like disinfectant and itching ever so slightly. “Okay, yeah, that makes more sense. A lot more sense. Sorry.”

“You're fine, if I have a problem then I'll tell ya. But until that point, I like bein’ around ya. I don't really give sponge baths to people if I hate their guts, y’know?”

Sunset nods. “Yeah. Makes sense. Um. Actually... yeah. Can you help?”

“Of course.”

Fluttershy takes a step back. “I'll get out of your way then.”

“You don't have to leave, Fluttershy,” Sunset says. “I don't wanna kick you out of your own bedroom.”

“Oh, it's not anything to do with you. I just need to make sure that Rainbow puts the knives back in the right spot.”

Sunset furrows her brow. “What about knives?”

Fluttershy ‘eep’s and covers her mouth, eyes going wide.

Sunset’s face darkens a little. “I was wondering where the knife block was when we used a spoon to spread butter... I take it you girls moved it because of me, right?”

Applejack puts a hand on her shoulder. “It was my idea. I didn't want you to think about the bad stuff while we were here. It ain't cuz’ we don't trust ya or nothin’ like that. I just want you to be happy and focus on the good stuff. We all do.”

Sunset sighs and slumps her shoulders. “It's fine, it makes sense. Sorry again.”

“You don't need to apologize so much,” Fluttershy says, missing the complete irony of the statement. “You've been through a terrifying ordeal these past few weeks, so it's only natural to feel a little suspicious of our intentions at first thought. But a little thing that I use myself, is that the first thought you get is just what your environment has conditioned you to think, and the second thought you get is who you really are.”

Sunset nods. “I think I heard that before, once. Princess Celestia said something like that, I think. I don't really remember the context though, I had tuned her out because I was thinking about the mirror that brought me here... it's funny. Much as I regret all of the terrible things I've done in my past, I'm thankful for my missteps because they lead me to you girls.”

“If I may,” Applejack adds. “I'm also thankful for ‘em because otherwise we’d never have met ya. And to be honest, if it weren't for you tearin’ us apart before, I doubt we'd have been as close together as we are now. I mean, there was one time way back when, me an’ Dash were at the mall with Fluttershy, and Dash was talkin’ to the clerk at the guitar store...”

“Oh, I remember that day.” Fluttershy giggles. “Over fifteen minutes passed because Rainbow was buying the guitar she uses today, and me and Applejack just stood there in silence the whole time. It was so awkward.”

“Yeah, n’ that was before we all stopped talkin’ to each other. So you know what, Sunset, thanks for all you did, cuz now I certainly consider myself and Fluttershy to be really close friends.”

“Oh, me too!”

Sunset turns and puts her arms around the two girls, who reciprocate the hug. “Thanks guys,” she whispers.

A clattering of several metal objects from the kitchen distracts the three, before they hear Rainbow’s voice saying “My bad!” Fluttershy extricates herself and zips out to investigate the noise.

“Here,” Applejack says, stepping over to the bed and picking up the outfit. “Let's get you changed.”

The process isn't too dramatic. Applejack carefully avoids bumping into the gauze and Sunset avoids falling over. In no time at all Sunset admires her new outfit in the mirror in the corner of the room.

“Fit well?” AJ asks.

“Fits great.” Sunset adjusts the hat. “My hair’s a bit frizzy right now but it'll go down.”

“Looks nice on ya.”

“Aw thanks.” Sunset steps away from the mirror, deliberately avoiding looking at her own face and trying not to think of her dreams last night.

Applejack clamps a hand on her shoulder. “Now let's make sure Dash didn’t break anything.”


Author's Note:

It's a short one because I spent a week with my boyfriend but then my work shut down because of this stupid fucking fake-ass infodemic (people won't drink corona beer because this country is full of idiots who will get into fistfights over toilet paper) and I haven't been able to focus (or sleep long or awaken feeling rested) and have been just starting at an empty doc, so I just put the finished section here now and the second bit will just be part 8b. Ideally I'd have had a short bit with Scootaloo and Rarity's chess game and then the road trip with Applejack dropping everyone off at home but making words go is hard right now. Sorry for the inconvenience.