• Published 23rd Jan 2020
  • 13,501 Views, 613 Comments

Cold - NightCoreMoon

Sunset Shimmer recovers from the Anon-a-Miss incident, and struggles with the post traumatic stress as well as forgiveness towards Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo. Part of my Equestria Girls chronology.

  • ...

3- Combustion

Applejack quickly stands up, placing herself between Sunset and Rainbow.

“Easy there Dash,” she warns, putting one hand forward, palm out. “Sunset didn't hurt Fluttershy.”

Rainbow squints her eyes, but she crosses her arms and adopts a slightly less aggressive pose.

“Alright...” she says, quietly. “So she didn't hurt Fluttershy. Today. But the lying bitch hurt all of us with that blog. So why the fuck is she here?”

“She didn't do it.” Applejack steps back and sits on the toilet lid. “Go on sug, tell her.”

Sunset lets out a dark chuckle. “‘Shimmer, you're dead’... Funny you phrased it that way, Rain. But it doesn't matter. Like I said a hundred times before, I’m not Anon-a-Miss. I just have proof now.”

Rainbow snorts. “Still in denial, huh? I'd have been less pissed with you if you were just up front and honest about it.” She leans forward. “And I see you slashed the shit out of your arms to get sympathy points.”

Applejack stands and puts a warning hand on Rainbow’s shoulder. “Applebloom told me that she’s Anon-a-Miss. Not Sunset.”

“Bullshit. Applebloom couldn't have posted any of the stuff from our phones.”

“May I interject?” Sunset asks.

“No.” Rainbow smacks Applejack’s hand away. “Applebloom’s lying because she feels bad. But whatever. I take it Fluttershy passed out when she saw the blood?”

Applejack sighs. “Yeah, she's fine. But my sister is not a liar.”

“Right.” Rainbow nods. “So for that entire month where she allegedly ran that blog and framed Sunset, that wasn't lying? Really? Please. You're so gullible, AJ.”

“Don't insult me.”

“Insult you?” Rainbow laughed. “If I wanted to insult you I'd call you a liar for staging a friendship emergency when there was none, just so you can try to feed us a sob story about the bitch queen herself. She's manipulating you like she always has, since we first even came to school here.”

“She is not! You weren't there in her apartment!”

“Let me guess. She was sitting in the cold and the dark in just a hoodie, covered in blood, trash and dirty laundry thrown everywhere, they shut the water off, I have no money left, whatever. But I bet her phone still has service.”

Sunset stands up. “I tried to kill myself today.”

“I'll bet.” Rainbow rolls her eyes. “Remember the year before last when you wanted to take over the soccer team and you pulled the same stunt to me then in order to make me miss out on the practice where you planted weed in my locker? Almost got me expelled? ‘Oh Rainbow Dash, I know I've been mean to you in the past but I really need a friend right now.’ You don't fool me for a second.”

“I’ve already apologized for that!”

Applejack steps over and forces Sunset to sit. “She ain't gonna listen to you. Save your energy.”
She turns to face the athlete. “What can I do to make you believe that I ain’t- that WE ain't lying?”

Rainbow shrugs. “I dunno. I’ll let you do this friendship emergency but I'm not doing anything for her unless there's solid actual evidence. Give me the IP address, then I'll believe you.” She turns and leaves the bathroom.

Sunset kicks the wall.

“That ain't gonna do anything but make your toe sore.” Applejack kneels down. “Come on, let’s finish these last couple cuts, okay?”

Sunset nods, dislodging a single tear. “...Okay.”

It only takes another minute or so, before the job is done and Applejack wraps Sunset’s other arm with fresh gauze. The two walk back into the living room.

Rainbow had pulled Fluttershy’s head into her lap, and is now gently rubbing her scalp with her thumb.

“Rare and Pinks should be here in a sec,” she says when they emerge. “I had Rare park the car while I came up here solo. Thought Fluttershy was the emergency...”

The two take a seat on the couch opposite Rainbow. An awkward silence emerges.

“I'll be civil,” Rainbow eventually says. “If everyone else believes you then that's fine. I'll go along with it. I won't say anything negative. But don't expect me to be all buddy-buddy about it. You hurt my friends and betrayed their trust.”

“That's fair,” Sunset says. “It's a step up.”

“But.” Rainbow points an accusing finger. “If you do anything like this again, and hurt Fluttershy, AJ, Pinks, or Rare... I will hospitalize you.”

“Dash,” Applejack warns. “Don't say things you'll regret.”

“I don't think I'm gonna regret saying I'll hurt someone if they hurt my best friends. I've said the same thing to lots of people and I meant it each time. Luckily they all believed me and never did anything. So if Sunset is a good little girl and stays pretending to be good from now on, there won't ever be a problem.”

“It's fair, AJ,” Sunset murmurs. “I really don't think Bloom or Belle are gonna do anything else with this.”

“Belle?” Rainbow sighs. “You're dragging Sweetie Belle into this too?”

“It makes sense-” Applejack starts before being cut off.

“Oh yeah, Sweetie Belle posting her own sister’s underwear pics from Sunset’s phone. That makes sense. You know, it's believable that Applebloom would share that story about your family nickname because whatever, but there's a huge difference between piggly wiggly and everyone slut-shaming Rarity. Sweetie Belle wouldn't do that. What next, Scootaloo, the one person in the whole world who idolizes me more than my parents, photocopied my progress report to show everyone I have all Ds?”

Applejack shakes her head and looks off to the side, pressing her fist to her mouth.

Sunset continues to stare glazey-eyed out the window, silently willing the rest of the group to arrive. Luckily her prayers are answered somewhat as Fluttershy begins to stir.

“Shy?” Rainbow asks, voice instantly softening. “You awake?”

“Nnnn... Dashie?”

Rainbow grins and leans in closer. “Yeah, it's me. I heard you passed out.”

Fluttershy slowly leans up and scoots over, staying in her oldest friend’s embrace. “I did?”

“Me an’ Sunset are here too,” Applejack chimes in. “We came here, you saw the blood, and passed out.”

“Blood?” The sleepy teen rubs some grit out of her eye. “Sunset?”

Rainbow rubs her shoulder. “Pinkie and Rarity will be here any second now. For the... emergency friendship meeting.” She spits these last words as though they were poison.

Fluttershy finally opens her eyes and blinks a few times, bringing the world into focus.

“Oh... right. Sorry Sunset.”

“It's okay,” she says. “I'm not upset.”

Rainbow shoots a dagger or two at her before returning her focus to the friend in her arms. “So... you believe them when they say Anon-a-Miss was Applebloom?”

She nods, yawning. “It makes more sense. And anyway, if Applejack says Applebloom said something, I believe both of them. I just don't understand what could have driven Applebloom to start the whole business in the first place. Sunset didn't deserve any of what happened.”

Rainbow bites her lip. “And the other two?”

“What other two?” Fluttershy asks, turning her head to the side slightly.

“You know, Belle and the squirt. Their involvement in this mess. You really think they'd be in on it too?”

“I... I don't know honestly. I feel like it would make more sense that Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were jealous of all the time we started spending with Sunset, than it would that Sunset would just go and post all of our secrets online like that. I really truly believe Sunset is a good person now, and that she just got framed.”

Rainbow sighs and pulls her oldest friend close. “I won't tell you to change your mind but... please just be careful. I don't wanna see you hurt ever again.”

“You mean you don't believe it was the kids?”

“All I'm saying is, Sunset’s done similar to this before. I personally believe it's just another stunt.”

“Warn’t no stunt,” Applejack snipes, refusing to make eye contact. “You weren't there.”

“I was there before, AJ,” Rainbow volleys right back. “Last time she did this whole charade. But hey, you wouldn't know that, since you just up and shut me out after the bake sale mixup.”

Sunset snaps her attention to the altercation. “Don't.” She growls. “Rainbow, you're upset with me for Anon-a-Miss, so don't take it out on AJ. Besides, the bake sale was my fault anyway, remember?”

“Yeah, maybe you sent those fake texts,” Rainbow accuses, standing up. “But she didn't even talk to me. At all. You know how long I was beating myself up over every little thing I might have said to make her upset with me, upset enough to give me the cold shoulder over a suspicion? Probably not, because you were too busy fucking over the rest of us!”

“You're choosin’ NOW to bring this up, Rainbow?” Applejack stands as well. “Right now when Sunset needs us? In Fluttershy’s apartment no less. Oh, c’mere hun,” she coos as she steps over the coffee table to comfort Fluttershy, who had begun to cower as Rainbow started yelling.

Rainbow glances down and then away, guilt written on her face. She then turns her attention back to Sunset.

“You wonder why I don't trust you...” she mutters, before turning and pulling the front door open. She then walks directly into Pinkie Pie, and the two fall to the floor. Rarity shrieks at the sudden movement.

Sunset murmurs a curse to herself as she steps over to the tangle of limbs. “Need help up?”

“Hi Dashie!” Pinkie greets from the floor. “Vertical hugs are new but hey whatever works!”

“Gah... sorry Pinks,” Rainbow regains her footing and reaches a hand out, pulling Pinkie back to her feet. “Sorry Rare, didn't mean to scare you.”

“It's quite all right dear,” she placates, putting a hand over her chest, clothed in a black turtleneck sweater. “I just wasn't expecting anyone to barge out of the door. But what on earth was that about?”

Rainbow huffs. “Ask her.”

She then turns, and the four new arrivals notice Sunset. Their expressions changed instantly. Pinkie’s to confusion, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle’s to alarm, and Rarity’s... to pure blind rage.

“It's okay!” Applejack whisper-shouts from the couch. “She's with me. Sunset, get over here and sit down, let ‘em in.”

Sunset obeys, as everyone slowly filters into the room. Scootaloo, who takes up the rear, closes the door. Sunset takes the side of Fluttershy opposite to that of Applejack’s, and gently rubs the timid girl’s shoulder.

“Explain.” Rarity snips, voice curt. “Someone bloody well better explain what in the hell SHE is doing here.”

Silence rings as Applejack, Rainbow, and Sunset share a silent conversation through their eyes. After a few moments, Rainbow sighs. “Applebloom told AJ that she’s Anon-a-Miss, AJ and Fluttershy believe that, I don’t, and the three of them also assume that Belle and the squirt were part of it. Which is, of course, bullshit. Sunset is the so-called friendship emergency... she tried to kill herself today, apparently.”

Rarity snorts. “What are you blackmailing Applebloom with?” She pointedly asks Sunset. A few seconds pass with no response, and she takes an aggressive step forward. “You disgust me, traitor.”

“I didn't post your fucking pictures, Rarity,” Sunset spits. “And I'm not blackmailing-”

“And you!” Rarity growls, whirling on Applejack. “How can you just abandon your sister like this? For Sunset Shimmer? If it were anyone else I might understand, but this? What is wrong with you?”

“Can ya tone your voice down a smidge? Fluttershy-”

“It wasn't Sunset,” Fluttershy murmurs. She looks up and wipes the tears away. “And even if it was, that's no reason to be mean to Applejack!” She glances over to Rainbow. “And that goes double for you. We’re supposed to be friends. Friends don't yell at each other like this!”

“Friends also don't accuse people who didn't do shit,” Rainbow retaliates, before turning her attention to Scootaloo. “Squirt, according to them, you’re in on the Anon-a-Miss gig too.” She turns back. “I don't wanna be mean to you, you know this, but right now you're... making a really bad decision. And it's hurting everyone in this room.”

“The only one in this room who’s hurt is Sunset!” Fluttershy puts her arms around the former pony. “She’s been hurting herself for weeks because of us.”

“She's even to the point of suicide,” Applejack adds. “And we don't even have any hard proof whether she did it or not. All we have to go on is that Anon’s colors look like her hair, Anon had access to pictures on her phone, and my sister full-on admitted to runnin’ the blog. All signs point to her bein’ the mastermind and us bein’ a bunch of ignorant fools.”

Rarity clenches her fists. “Do you really think that your sister is capable of hurting all of us as much as she did? That Sunset isn’t above blackmail and cutting for attention and concocting a fake story about killing herself-”

“It ain't a story!” Applejack roars. “Applebloom told me she saw it!”

“Then you're just gullible,” Rarity responds, crossing her arms and looking off to the side.

“Thank you!” Rainbow cries. “Tried to say that earlier.”

“Applebloom didn't lie about that.” Applejack takes a breath. “She was upset today. More than she’s been in years. It was the guilty kind of upset, not the helpless kind of upset. Y'all don't know my sister like I know her. And she was tellin’ the truth. We made all her favorite foods, and she didn't touch a thing. That's how she shows guilt. And anyway, she ain't got nothin’ to be blackmailed by.”

“Then threatened.” Rarity narrows her eyes at Sunset. “Maybe what you saw as guilt was fear. What was it, Sunset? What did you threaten her with?”

“What...” Sweetie Belle asks before clearing her throat. “What exactly did Applebloom say?”

“She said she's the one that made the blog.”

Sweetie Belle shares a glance with Scootaloo, who nods. “I... don't believe that. She'd have told us about it.”

Sunset turns her head and glares at them.

“And besides,” Scootaloo continues. “She has been acting a bit distant recently. Come to think of it, that's about the time when... when Sunset started following me around town.”

“You LYING BITCH!” Sunset screams, standing.

“Don't fucking cuss at her,” Rainbow warns, putting a warning finger up. “Or I'll throw you out the fuckin window. Don't even think I'm playing.” She turns and nods at Scootaloo. “Go on, kid, you're safe here.”

She glances between Sunset and Rainbow before taking a breath and turning back to Applejack. “A couple weeks back she told me something like, we need to stop hanging out together, or something... said she didn't want me to get hurt. I didn't know what that meant at the time, but the next day I thought I saw Sunset behind me. She followed me into an alleyway. She was far back, but it was... scary.”

Applejack sighs. “I gotta make a phone call.”

Sunset puts her hand out. “AJ-”

Applejack nods her head. “Guilt ain't fear, Suns. I trust you. I just need to call Bloom and see if the story checks out. If you really are innocent, you ain't got nothin’ to fear, okay?”

Sunset sighs and nods, but something behind Applejack catches her eye.

“Who ya texting, Belle?” She asks.

“Don't talk to my sister.” Rarity snaps. “And Applejack, I can't believe you can sit right there and believe Sunset over Scootaloo. What cause does she have to lie?”

Applejack narrows her eyes. “Hold up Rare. What, may I ask, could be more important to you than Scootaloo’s safety and well-being?”

“I'm...” Sweetie Belle gulps and sticks her phone back in her pocket. “I’m telling mom and dad that... I'm... with Rarity. Because they... don't know where I am.”

Rarity turns at this. “...Why?” She asks. “They already knew you were at Rainbow Dash’s house. That's what I told them. And then I texted them in the car.”

Rainbow stands as well. “Yeah, and your dad called my dad to check in. Because they're, like, drinking buddies. The fuck’s going on, Sweets?”

Scootaloo makes a quick hand signal.

“She's texting Applebloom,” Pinkie says from the kitchen. She's swirling around a glass of water as everyone turns in her direction. “She typed her number as soon as AJ said she was gonna call someone.” She drained the glass fully before clunking it back on the counter. “And while you all were fighting like a bunch of meanypantses, I had Micro Chips do a trace on the Anon-a-Miss blog to find the parent email. He just told me he tracked it to an internet connection he recognized...” She points an accusing finger at Applejack. “It was the same one that your GameStation 360 uses when we play Star Destroyer 6. I remember it because I typed it in so many times.” She turns her finger to Scootaloo, and a single tear falls down her face. “Why are you lying just to hurt Sunset?”

Silence runs through the air so deep, the only sound any of them could hear was Sunset’s slow but heavy breathing becoming slightly less slow.

“Pinkie...” Applejack murmurs. “What does the 360 have to do with any of this?”

“Not your 360, AJ. Your wifi domain. Anon-a-Miss’ blog was first made on your internet. The Piggly Wiggly post was uploaded through your internet connection. So unless Sunset was in your house that day... it wasn't her.”

Applejack slowly dials her sister’s number, and puts the phone to her ear.





“Eeyup?” Big Mac’s voice says through the device.

“Mac, did Sweetie Belle just text?”


“What’d it say?”

“Says here... uh... AJ call. scot lie. say sun threaten scot. say you no hang scot no want get hurt. they're onto us... looks like a bunch of paranoid gibberish, sis. You need to talk to her?”

“Mhmm. Put her on,” Applejack whispers, putting it on speaker. After a moment passes she locks eyes with Rarity.

“...sis?” Applebloom asks.

“Did Sunset Shimmer threaten to hurt Scootaloo if you didn't tell me that you made the blog?”

“What?” She asks, confused. “N... no. Like I said, she jumped in front of that car. I hadn't seen her before that since y'all stopped bein’ her friend... Is she okay now? Can I talk to her?”

“I...” Applejack turns her head to see Sunset’s eyes boring holes into the kids. “Don't think that's such a good idea right now. She's okay. Just... she’s more angry than sad now. That's all I needed to know.”

“Okay... can you tell her I’m sorry? I ain't got the right words that she deserves right now, but I want her to know that...” she sniffles. “That if I could take it all back, I would?”

Applejack nods. “I can do that... now do as your brother says. We will talk about this whole mess later, okay?”

“...okay sis. I love you.”

“I love you too...” and with that, she hangs up, and slips her phone back in her pocket.

“So that means...” Rainbow murmurs. “She wasn't lying?”

Applejack nods. “Not today. For the past month she absolutely was, but as for today... Sunset really does need our help.”

Rainbow puts her face in her hands. “Damn it...”

“Big deal,” Rarity murmurs. “So Sunset has dirt worse than I thought-”

“Oh, are you fucking kidding me Rarity?” Rainbow snips, throwing her hands down and standing up. “She didn't do it. Unless, what, you think she’s also blackmailing Belle, Scoots, Applejack, Pinkie, and Micro? Really? Applebloom’s the fuckin blog.”

“Oh please!” She drawls, stepping over to her sister. “You and I both know exactly how deep her tendrils can crawl, how complex her schemes can run, how much influence she has over people. Do you really think that my own sister would dig into Sunset’s phone, send them to herself, send them to Applebloom, and have her post my pictures? My personal, private pictures that I entrusted to her like a fool? You think my sister would invade my privacy like that? Then you really are as stupid as everyone says you are.”

“Rarity!” Pinkie yells.

Rainbow’s mouth falls open as she takes a step back. Her eyes glisten and her face darkens. She clenches her fists and seethes. She takes a step forward, but is held in place by Applejack.

“Don't!” She snaps. “Not here!”

“But she-”

“I know... grr, Sunset!”

Sunset walks on the coffee table to jump on Rainbow’s other side, helping contain her.

“The fuck is wrong with you?” Sunset growls at Rarity. “Why would you say that?”

Rarity rolls her eyes. “As if you're one to talk. Or have you so easily forgotten the past fall formal?”

Fluttershy stands. “That has nothing to do with Rainbow... I want you to leave.”

Rarity scoffs. “Very well then. Fluttershy, please accept my apologies for overstaying my welcome in your home. I will be waiting in the car. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, let’s go.”

Rainbow stops struggling, and slumps her shoulders.


Rarity freezes in her tracks.

Pinkie gasps, covering her mouth.

Fluttershy turns and gapes.

Applejack widens her eyes, and Sunset closes hers. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo push past and out the door.

“Well, Sunset...” Rarity whispers. “I hope you're proud of yourself.”

Rainbow rips out of Applejack’s loosened grip and hurls her keys just to the left of Rarity’s head.

“Fucking drive yourself home. I'll walk.”

Rarity takes a deep breath in and lets it out. “I ought to slap you. But that's what you want... isn't it? A fight? Whatever. I'll be waiting to accept your apology.”

Rainbow waits until Rarity picks up the keys and gently closes the door behind her. Then, she falls to her knees and begins sobbing.

The remaining four standing girls exchange glances between each other, Rainbow, and the door.

“Rainbow...” Fluttershy murmurs, coming down to her knees and pulling her crying friend’s face into her lap. “You shouldn't have said that... but she shouldn't have said that either. Stay here tonight.”

Applejack follows her down, and puts a hand on Rainbow’s back. “It'll be okay darlin’...”

Pinkie comes to Rainbow’s other side and offers support herself.

Sunset just sits down, her face a blank slate.

“Great...” she murmurs to herself. “Just great.” She glances at her arms and sighs.

‘If the car didn't miss... this wouldn’t have happened.’


Rarity stands with her arms crossed as the elevator brings the trio down to the parking basement. At her side stand Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who simply hold hands and stare at the floor.

“The nerve...” she bitterly grumbles. “Call me a whore... she’s probably had more sex than I have. Walks around braless in crop tops. No shame in the girls locker room after gym. Wears yoga pants every day she can get away with. Just wants to show off her ass to all the boys. She's the slut.”

The elevator dings, and the three exit.

“Not my fault you've never had a sister you can trust. Not my fault you believe any lie that bitch spoonfeeds you. Not my fault you blamed my sister for something she wouldn't do... Sweetie, Scootaloo, go ahead and warm the car up, I'm too restless to drive, I need to pace a bit.”

She hands them the keys before continuing on past the dark blue SUV on down the parking lot. The two kids exchange a glance and so as they are asked.

Once inside the car, Sweetie Belle groans.

“What’s wrong?” Scootaloo asks.

“Applebloom’s gonna be grounded forever because of us...”

Scootaloo sighs. “Yeah, probably... what's worse is the plan kinda blew up in her face. Now AJ is gonna spend way more time with Sunset than before.”

“Right... and I don't really think you'll see Rainbow that much any more.”

“Eh, it's fine... I have you.”

“Pfft, whatever...”

“And hey, it worked well for you. You'll probably have all the time in the world you wanna spend with your sister.”

Sweetie hits her head against the window. “Yeah, I guess. I just feel bad that I'm the only one who benefits from the whole ordeal. And that Rainbow cried.”

“Rainbow’s strong, and she has friends. She’ll get over it. Besides, they're just low grades and a few mean names. She'll be fine. Nothing she hasn't been able to handle before.” Scootaloo flashes a confident smile. “And Applebloom will only be grounded for so long."

“You think she’ll forgive us?”

“Well duh. If she didn't, she'd have sold us out by now. She knows the risk. Problem is she cracked under the pressure. Of course Sunset was gonna try to hurt herself, but like, that car couldn't have been going more than twenty five on the street since they're all so icy. She'd have broken a few bones, maybe. It was just bad luck that Bloom was there when it happened.”

Sweetie leaned her head into her companion’s chest. “Yeah, I guess so... you don't think Rarity is suspicious?”

“Suspicious? Nah. If she was suspicious she’d have killed you. You're in the clear.”

“Still, I feel bad... you saw how she reacted in there. Plus, you weren't there when the photos got posted. She cried for hours. I feel like maybe that was going too far.”

Scootaloo shushed her and started stroking her hair. “It's fine, they're just underwear pics. Not like they were actual nudes. Man, lucky for you that Sunset doesn't know how to encrypt files on her phone, then we’d have been majorly effed. But you hit gold.”

“I don't know... Sunset looked pretty messed up. You don't think we went too far?”

“Really? Feeling bad for Sunset Shimmer? She's been an evil bully the entire time we’ve gone to school here. She's a jerk, and she deserves it. Even if she did end up dying.”

“Yeah...” Sweetie closed her eyes and snuggled in closer. “I guess you're right. Evil once, evil always.”

“That's my girl...” Scootaloo leans in and kisses her temple. “At least OUR secret will stay secret.”

Sweetie nods, smiling. “Love you.”

“Love you too.”


Author's Note:

Rainbow and Rarity were a bit of a challenge to write. They're both hotheads with some untreated wounds caused by Sunset, and that they believe were caused by Sunset. They're not exactly in friendly dispositions towards Sunset or anyone defending her. Unfortunately since they're both close to Fluttershy and Applejack, it's ripe for potential drama. Guys I think I might be a little bit sadistic. Especially for pitting them against each other with their berserk buttons (this is technically a prequel to my other fic Stupid Girl, after all) and loyalties with their siblings and friends. In fact everything is in turmoil between most everyone. I sure hope Sunset doesn't internalize that ;)

...ok yeah I'm absolutely a sadist wtf.

Anyway I know this one's a smidge short but a lot happened. I tried not to have an outline for this chapter in particular, and just go where the flow takes me. Literally everything from Fluttershy waking up was unplanned and spontaneous to give it a more organic feel. Until Scootaloo's lie. Then I had a plan. Oh yes did I have a plan. "Gee I forgot to have Pinkie talk at all... wait." In which they all forgot that she's the smartest of the group besides Twilight. Surely Rarity will change her mind in the face of some convincingly hard evidence, right? WRONG! "But why is Rarity so closed-minded?" Good question! Just wait and see, shall we 😈

And yes I'm sowing all the seeds for subplots taking place later in the timeline, as well as events to de-filler-ize this ever lengthening endeavor. However though it may not seem so by this chapter, the focus is still 90% on Sunset. But this chapter is important because it sets the stage for obstacles in the path of Sunset's healing, and the people who will help or hinder.

Unfortunately I might not upload again within the week because I will have to close a restaurant alone the entirety of Superb Owl weekend so I won't have a lot of time to write, and then I'm spending part of the week with my boyfriend, but next weekend I'll certainly be freshly inspired after the break.

I'm really glad you all have been enjoying this story ❤️