• Published 19th Nov 2019
  • 3,610 Views, 149 Comments

Mother Moon, Cousin Love - ShadowStar_IMHP

Princess Luna, and Nightmare Moon was saved by the Elements of Harmony. Now Nightmare moon is her own pony a filly just a year old, when the Changelings attack Canterlot. Nightshade has only one thing to say to them... "MINE!"

  • ...

Chapter Six

Peppermint Heart sat the two foals down in the crib. Nightshade and Buster curled up in a multicolored mass of fur and fluff. Sighing he heads to the kitchen seeing the sun has already set. “How am I going to tell Lady Twilight Sparkle about this?”

That was when a knock came to the door. He headed overseeing Buttercream holding a crying Cream Puff. “Oh, um. Peppermint Heart can Cream Puff spend the night? She has been fussy ever since she came back from the Daycare. She mentioned Nightshade a few times so... I guess she wants her friend.”

“Sure Buster here as well. It can be a sleepover.” He took the whimpering filly from the mare. “Oh, do you have Mr. Flops?”

“Mr. Flops?” Buttercream blinks.

“You know Cream Puffs stuffed bunny.”

“Oh yeah, the bunny.” Reaching into her saddlebag she brought out Mr. Hops. “Here you go Mr. Flops for my baby girl.”

Got you as well miss changeling. “You must be tired from preparing for the wedding. A whole night without worrying about a foal will be a good time to catch up on sleep.”

“Thanks, Peppermint, indeed it going to be a wedding few would ever forget.” Buttercream kisses Cream Puff on the forehead before walking away.

Closing the door he looks down at Cream Puff. “So they got your mother as well.” A stern look came to the nanny’s face as he settled Cream Puff among the other foals. All three bunch up together as herd instincts kick in. With the mix-matching colors, it was hard to identify one foal from the next, an evolutionary eyesore of rainbow hues. Much like looking at an Optical illusion.

In the kitchen, he starts brewing. “Spirits of my ancestors, please aid me in making this brew. A potion to show what is true.” The pot he was brewing the concoction in was nothing like a traditional shaman would use. But the gas burner provided the heat and the simmering brew glowed a shade of green. In another universe where the changelings' invasion won Zecora used this same brew on the ponies hiding in the Everfree. In this universe, Peppermint Heart hopes he has it right.


Traveling by day was not normal for Princess Luna. It was wearing her out so as the night moved on she settled down in her tent to let her mind connect to the dream realm as her body tries to recover.

Outside the tent, Nodes looked on acting the part of a guard until he heard the princess breathing slowly. Turning his head he looks at the tent. How many nights did Luna visit the club, and socialize with the common ponies? It was true she had to be brought there with Cadence, but she interacted with the common citizens. Something his Queen didn’t do. A snort Queen Chrysalis doesn’t even bother remembering names just assigns numbers. Tick and Mandrake have even been called the wrong numbers a few times. Why couldn’t he have been born a pony? It would be so much easier never being hungry, having friends. These doubts ran across his mind as the other changelings came. Soon the tent was surrounded by the troops sent to investigate the assault. Tonight a Princess was going to die. It was for the good of the Hive, good for all changelings, why did he have doubts?

49 smiles and shifts her form to an Ursa Minor. “Let's get this over with."

The fire was raging all around her. Ponies screamed in terror as the sky filled with smoke and black chitin-covered forms buzzed around. The Changeling swarm was attacking ponies getting snatched off the ground all around her as she ran.


Nightshade was running in fear, her the terror of the night, mistress of nightmares was afraid. She wasn’t fully grown but not a foal anymore, her body looked more like a preteen or tween as some would call it. Out of an alley came a voice “SUCH FEAR...” Nightshade skids to a stop, that voice she knew that voice. It was her own or more to the point it was...the form of Nightmare Moon walking out of the shadow.

“Your mother doesn’t care little one.” The sadistic predatory smile of Nightmare moon caught Nightshade’s eyes. Did she look like that? No wonder the ponies of Ponyville were scared of her.

“She left, like the coward she is. She left you, she left Canterlot. She always runs. Like she did a thousand years ago she ran from her troubles. We are the result of my other-self. Luna won’t help us, no one ever helped us.”

“No. I won’t listen you are nothing but echos of my doubts.” Nightshade stood tall her form shifting to the more mature adult form as she got hold of her fears. “this is just a nightmare, just like you nothing but a bad dream.”

Laughter from a thousand changelings and Nightmare Moon’s laughter was heard all around her. “There a reason for bad dreams as you know very well. The changelings are already here.” The castle shales and Nightshade watch as it falls to the ground fall below.

“It going to happen and you can’t do anything about it.”

“ENOUGH!” A flash of blue and Princess Luna appears beside Nightshade. Everything else stops. Changelings in mid-flight, fires stop burning, it was if the world was put on pause.

“Nightshade? I... I heard you call out to me and I find this. Nightmare happening, what’s going on?”

“Mom... The threat you went to investigate is a distraction. Changelings are already in the castle, they replaced the guards. Buster's father is one of them. It was his instincts that clued me in. You are in danger the guards that went with you.”

“Could be changelings... Have you told Celestia?”

“How? my physical body doesn’t have the physical nerves and muscle control for much talk those are still developing. Even if a could talk properly in that foal body of mine their no way I could get to Celestia without alerting the Changelings. I alerted Peppermint Heart by using my toy blocks he has me and my friends for the night.”

“Alright, I head back righ...” The form of Luna vanished into smoke.


In the real world, Nightshade wakes up “MOMMY!”

Pain... pain in her horn brought her to the waking world. The tent was blasted away as the large Ursa/changeling smashes it’s massive paw onto her horn once again this time a loud crack was heard as the horn broke. “Aww, I broke your little horn. No magic spell casting for you princess.” The Ursa Minor disguised Changeling smiled with a psychotic grin.

Other changelings thew ropes across Luna, as she squirms trying to rise as the mass of changelings, continue their assault. Another stabbing of pain as one of the changelings used his sword to hack at her wing joint severing tendons.

All but one changeling was in the mob attack. His eyes widen as he watched the swarm brutalize the princess.

“NO!” Nodes' body bursts into flame as he takes up the shape of an Ursa Minor and swats five changelings away. “THIS IS WRONG!”

“TRAITOR!” 49 hissed and turns to tackle the traitorous 42.

That small moment was all Luna needed to get to her feet. Even if her wing was now hanging crippled and her horn broken she was not going to allow that to stop her. “A whole regiment just to take me down. I should be flattered.” With a battle cry, she charges the group of Changelings. “HUZZAH!”

Changelings aren’t normal fighters they are infiltrators and manipulators. Very view bothers learning how to properly fight. Luna was a skilled fighter with combat training that was needed just to survive a thousand years ago when Equestria was unruly after Discord. Even before that she fought against Tirek and his brother. It might have been helpful that the majority of changelings that went on this mission weren’t very bright.

Like many dim-witted minions, they bunched up not wanting to be the first to fight the angered, wounded, but still aggressive Princess.

Not to mention there was a fight between two Ursa disguised Changelings going on behind Luna.

“I’m Going to enjoy this, Nodes. You were always pathetic!” 49 charged tackling Nodes in a very Sumo Wrestling style tackle.

“If I’m so weak, how come you haven’t won yet. You know this isn’t right. It isn’t our way!”

“What the Queen Wants is our way! FOR the Hive.” 49 lifts Nodes Ursa form and moves to slam it. At that moment the watching changeling scream as it dawns on them where Nodes was going to land.

The bunch of Changelings scatters as both Ursa’s go tumbling to the ground. Just missing Luna in the process.

Nodes change his form yet again to a bugbear and pose his stinger up just as the momentum of the toss causes him to hit the ground. 49 eyes widen as she realizes she couldn’t stop.

Blood splattered Nodes face as 49 looks down at the stinger driven into her body. “Seems you... win.” 49‘s body then changes back to a changeling hanging off the tip of the bugbear stinger dead and lifeless.

Nodes shoved off the body and rose to look to the gathered changelings. “Who’s next?”

The other changelings look at each other then took off flying, scattering to the wind in a blind panic to flee.

“Coward every one of you!” Luna called out then turns to look at the bugbear changeling. “Well except for you. Why did you save me?”

Nodes turned back to his normal form and look to luna. “Please forgive me...” He then took up the form of Mixer “I understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore after this..”

“MIx... Mixer? How long?”

“You never did tell me how you liked that Blue Dimond I made.”

“That long ago? Its been over a year.”

“That long. A club a perfect place to gather what we need to survive.”

“Why? Why attack now if you been in Canterlot for so long.”

Sighing “We are dying. Our whole race is on the verge of extinction. All because of Discord. There used to be many hives, many different kinds of changelings. Some fed on the pride of the Yaks, arrogance of the Gryphons, the greed of the dragons. Then Discord happened, every other hive starved to death. Our hive almost did as well, but survived. We did it by figuring out a way to cocoon Ponies in a magical jell. In the cocoons, they experience a happy and joyful life. The love they feel as they dream we fed on. This is what happened to the real Mixer and other ponies we replaced.”

Mixer/Nodes looked up. “Then Discord got free again. The fear he caused during that brief escape was enough that our Queen came up with another plan. Instead of hiding in the shadows getting a little love at a time. We going to capture all of Canterlot in one go, turn it into a new Hive nest and use all the captured ponies as our food. Then spread out, that way we will never risk starving to death again.”

He lowers his head “But... it’s wrong. My instincts telling me to mimic and infiltrate. What the Queen wants now is... worst then Discord. It goes against everything we are. Even using the cocoons in such away is against our instincts. We are not normally aggressive Princess Luna. We only fight when we have to.”

Luna looked in the direction of Canterlot and starts walking shifting her damaged wing as she goes.

“Princess where are you going?”

“To Canterlot, my daughter, my family are in danger. There nothing that going to stop me.”

Nodes look down then to the Princess. “First let get that wing bandaged up. It is faster if you don’t have to drag it.”

Luna stopped and look at Mixer/Nodes. “I know what it's like to be judged for being different, I know what it like knowing you done wrong. Mixer I won’t condemn you for what you have done like you said it was for your survival. You also fought to protect me, because of that I still consider you my friend. Help me. Help me save my family, save my home.”

“My real name is Nodes, and... it means I have to fight my own family.” He gets the first aid kit and starts treating the wounded wing and try to ignore the broken horn on her head. “I’m sorry about the horn.”

Luna sighs and looks to the broken tip of her horn. “If the core was damaged, that would be a crippling injury. Luckily it is not that bad just the tip was snapped off. I can’t focus my magic through it like this, but the core of the horn wasn’t damaged it will mend the damage in time.

Luna nods and lowers her head “I understand. I will have to do this on my own then.”

“No Princess, I... I made my choice.” He looks to the body of 49 “I already have the blood of my sister on my hooves. You won’t be returning to Canterlot alone.”

“Could you become something large enough to fly us back to Canterlot?” Luna asks looking at him.

“I’m sorry Princess, but I used up most of my magic fighting her. Unlike you ponies we don’t recover lost magic, we need to feed off the love of others, which becomes the magic we use in our bodies. After not one but two large shapeshifting I’m spent. I have only enough magic left to become a pony again without feeding.”

Luna looked at the body and with her good wing hugs Nodes. “Thank you, my friend. Now let get her a proper grave.”

“But the attack on Canterlot?”

“Your Family can wait. This is something I can see you need to do first. Besides, there is something you all forgot.”

“What did we forget.”

A sad smile comes to her face “My daughter, she more powerful then you realize and she knows the Changelings are there.”

Author's Note:

Made some changes after talking with Vaguely Demented.

Changes are a few changes in the fight. 49 now starts the fight as an Ursa Minor braking Luna's horn. I made it clear that Luna's horn will recover after a for healing. I also thought of a reason why Nodes can't become a dragon or some other large beast to carry Luna back to the city.

I got this done in one go! So... I expect there bound to be some more spelling and grammar errors because I didn't read this over more than I normally do. I read it three times before posting. I use spell checkers and Grammary to double-check my work, however, I can't afford Grammary Paid version. So I only use the free version it has reduced functions.

The truth is I was not expecting or planning on braking Luna's horn. It was something I came up with as I typed. That whole wounded wing I did have in my outline draft.

Looks like I should have read it over a few more times before posting!

P.S. I would like to talk with someone to brainstorm with. The MLP Movie in this universe is the next story I have in mind. I just don't have it fleshed out as much as I like before writing. So any Victims, er volunteers?