• Published 19th Nov 2019
  • 3,610 Views, 149 Comments

Mother Moon, Cousin Love - ShadowStar_IMHP

Princess Luna, and Nightmare Moon was saved by the Elements of Harmony. Now Nightmare moon is her own pony a filly just a year old, when the Changelings attack Canterlot. Nightshade has only one thing to say to them... "MINE!"

  • ...

Chapter Five

Nightshade was worried she now knew that changlings were around but what could she do? First on her list was to protect her friends. Just the thought she had friends was strange, a thousand years isolated on the moon, now she has two friends. True they are foals and easily gullible but they are friends.

To get them safe means she has to do something she hasn’t done for well over that thousand years. Something so annoying and frustrating just the thought bothers her. She has to trust someone.

“You alright there little princess?” Peppermint Heart had picked her up from daycare and noted her frustration.

“No, I’m not alright. The city being attacked and no one knows about it!” Sighs she replies knowing that Peppermint wouldn’t understand. Her language skills were getting better as nerves and muscles developed. It was a miracle she was able to get her friends to articulate her name properly.

Nodding to the babbling Princess. “Don’t worry your mother will be back soon.”

“Wait... Luna’s leaving?” Why would she be leaving? Of course, it must be a trick to get rid of the better Alicorns. So next they are going to try to do something about Cadence, everyone knows Celestia lazy so would be a pushover."

Once they were in her suite Nightshade rushes over to her toys. Then skids to a stop looking back at Peppermint. ~are you, you?~ She needed a test a way to be sure.

“FRU FRU!” She calls out to her nanny.

Peppermint stops and looks at her “Fru fru? Oh, I remember how you said that right before... oh. Alright, let get you to the potty.”

Instead of letting him help her she runs to her toys and yanks out her blocks. Each side of the blocks had different designs, including letters.

Peppermint stops now confused. “So you don’t need to use the potty?”

She starts moving the blocks she stops a flaw in her plan she only has so many letters. -ME WRIT- she then moves the E from Me to the end of Write. Then she starts again moving letters around as she needs to.

-You are safe. Bad Ponies Changelings. In Castle bad guys here now-

Ever since the Discord situation Peppermint knew Nightshade was more than a normal filly. Not just powerful but the mind of Nightmare Moon. Thought most of the time the foal behaved much like any foal he knew. This was not normal.

He had to sit down “Alright I go tell Celestia she know what to do.”

Nightshade stuck out her tongue. Then shifts the blocks again -Already in guard. Buster dad one, Aunt stupid-

“Don’t talk bad about your Aunt. I’m sure she can figure something out.”

-Stay protect friends.-

“What do you mean protect friends?” Nightshade started moving blocks when a knock came to the door. She quickly made it look like she was playing.

Peppermint rose to get the door looking back at Nightshade. “Coming.” He opens it to see Buster’s father there with Buster. The foal was saying the same thing over and over.


“Oh... Peppermint Heart. I hope you don’t mind but with the city on high alert. Can you babysit Buster? He seems to want his little friend.”

“Sure Stonewall how your mate doing? Shouldn’t she be able to watch Buster?”

“Oh, well she busy with the wedding and everything. Thanks for keeping an eye on him.”

There wasn’t anything obvious about how Stonewall was behaving. Then again it wasn’t often that Nightshade had him visit. As soon as the colt was on the floor he bolted for her earning a smile from Peppermint. “He does like visiting. Just hope this time he doesn’t try to shove a doll up his nose.”

“Yeah, that was silly but he’s a foal. Alright, I need to get back to work.” Stonewall turns and walks away as Peppermint shuts the door.

Once Peppermint couldn't hear the sounds of hoof steps “Of course it was Cream Puff that did that. Caught you...” He looks to Nightshade “Alright I believe you now. Still, we need to tell Celestia somehow.”

Nightshade hated what she had to do. She spelled out one more thing. -Tell Twilight-

“Twilight? You mean Twilight Sparkle?”

This wasn’t working she needed something more than blocks. Looking to Buster “I’m going to magic on Peppermint. Be good it won’t be very long.”

Then she narrows her eyes and focuses all she had on the proper spell. A string of magic came from her horn and connects to Peppermint’s forehead.


As soon as the line of magic touched his forehead the world fell away and he was standing in a field of white. No walls, no sky, nothing but solid white. Then a flash of royal purple and a full-grown Nightshade stood before him.

“That spelling was way harder then I thought. Alright, Peppermint Heart we need to talk now. The Changelings are masters of deception and manipulation. If they are already replacing minor guards like Stonewall they have Celestia surrounded and watched.”

“They drove my Mother away because of Mind Magic, Luna can detect dreams, dreams like the ones the changeling victims have. Right now she not aware of them because she too focused on Nightmares. However, if most of the castle staff seem to be dreaming loving dreams when they should be awake she might notice.”

“So they lured Princess Luna away so she wouldn’t detect them. But what about Twilight Sparkle she doesn’t have any dream walking magic?”

“She does. She hasn’t been trained in it or even tried, but she the bearer of the Element of Magic, and her talent is magic. That little unicorn can learn any magic she comes across if she wants to. Just by having the potential she will be protected by the mind manipulation of a changeling.”

“Wait Changelings can affect minds? That wasn’t in the legions I read about.”

“Legions forget things. Like Luna’s name lost in history until our return. It makes sense that a changeling can cloud the judgment of others, make them more susceptible to manipulation. Easier to control and feed off of. Its weak magic affects a pony like a drug would, clouds the mind. It not easy to mind control but manipulate is easier. Except for ponies that have mental magic already. Like my Mother, Twilight Sparkle, and I.”

“Wait they be able to manipulate even Celestia?”

“Yes, she a feeble old mare. She doesn’t have any mental magic herself so she would not have any defenses. Her judgment already cloudy because of her old age.”

“You shouldn’t be talking about your Aunt that way. You may be a grown-up in this... um.. mindscape. But you still a foal and should show respect.”

“PBTHHHHH” It was odd seeing the grown Nightshade stick her tongue out and blow a raspberry. In truth as he watched Nightshade form reverted to that of a 5-year-old. “Celestia poopy head.”

“Nightshade... I think you are loosing...” The spell ended and Peppermint Heart finds himself in the suite. Before him, Buster was pushing a sleeping Nightshade with his hoof.

“Buster she’s alright, just sleepy. She used a lot of magic and needs her rest.” He picks up the whimpering colt. “I help get your daddy back you see.”


Luna watched as the sun starts to set. For a year now she has been beside her sister during this time to change the day tonight. A year being with her family, now she was miles away in a clearing by a lake alone but for the guards making camp. Once again her heart yearns to return to Canterlot, a nagging feeling in her mind that she was needed.

“My Ponies need me... this is for them.” She looks off into the distance as her horn glows and the moon rises, the night has begun.

On the other side of the camp alone stallion watches Luna raise the moon. Nodes sigh as he thinks of how a group of changelings was meant to take Luna out of the picture. Even an Alicorn can be overpowered but they need the advantage of surprise.

“We can kill her you know.” A mare moves up beside Nodes. “Even she needs to sleep, snap her horn and wings she be grounded and powerless.”

“Is killing her necessary 49? We can cocoon her and feed off of her for generations she already lived a thousand years and the younger sister.”

“Always so careful 42. You need to toughen up, even the Queen sees you as weak. That way you are in charge here she testing you.”

“She put me in charge. So what I say goes, we cocoon her. We did this for food after all why waste such a meal. Only a fool would want to waste that.”

“The Queen wants that. Are you saying the Queen is a fool?”

“No... no, if the queen wants it there a reason.”

“Your weak that what it is. Don’t get cold shoulders now 42. Soon the Queen’s plan will be done and Canterlot will be ours.” 49 turns and heads to her tent.

“The Queen isn’t a fool... I’m just not sure she’s sane.” He looks at Luna once again.


Many traditions wrapped up in what we call a wedding. Many different groups have different spins or flair. The Ponies of the Fillypines dress in red wedding gowns. Still, other traditions are more a modern version of older traditions. The Bachelorette Party is such a tradition. It this tradition that Cadence and her friends now head into the reserved room of the Club Arcane.

“I’m GETTING MARRIED!” Bouncing like Pinkie Pie on a sugar rush Cadence prances about the chamber.

“About time too. How long have you and Shining been sneaking dates?” Minuette smiles as she snatches a stuffed mushroom appetizer into her mouth.

“I can’t believe she having Celestia do the ceremony. That like unheard of, I looked it up she hasn’t performed a wedding ceremony for 127 years.” Lyra smiles showing off her wit.

“Okay Cadence settle down. Its time for some toasts!” Mixer walks in with a tray of glasses and a wine bottle. “I got a rare treat for you, Princess.”

“Aww, thanks, Mixer. You aren’t upset that I’m getting married are you?” Cadence was a little worried her friend seemed off for some reason. Thought as much as she tried she couldn’t figure out why she felt so.

“Ah, Cadence you know my heart is breaking. You marrying Shining Armor... oh how I going to miss his face as I compliment your eyes.” Mixer smiles and starts pouring the wine. “TOAST! To a day that Canterlot will remember for a very long time.”

“CHEERS,” The four ponies drank and once by one the glasses fall. The room starts spinning and Cadence looks to Mixer as he seems to be engulfed in green flames.

Crystalis looks on as Cadence struggles to her feet. "NO! I..." In another universe, Cadence doesn't have any fight training. In another universe Cadence, fear takes over. In this universe, Luna meets Cadence early and gives her that training. It was pure willpower that kept Cadence from succumbing to the drugs in the wine. Such willpower that Chrysalis steps back as the Pink Princess charges forward slamming her left hoof into the Changeling queen's face. "I'm Going to get MARRIED and I won't let you stop me!"

The door to the chamber burst open and ten more changelings charge in. Even outnumbered the pink mare gave it all she had swinging and kicking with gusto. But she was drugged already and outnumbered, as well as still a trainee. A few more blasts of green magic and she was on the ground panting. The long legs of Chrysalis slowly forward savoring each pain-filled gasp of the princess of love. "I underestimated you, Princess. It doesn't matter, no pony can stop the swarm." A flash of green and the Queen of the Changelings was now a copy of Cadence.

“Wha...” She gasps out as she sees herself looking down at her. “Don’t worry I will be taking good care of Shining Armor. Looks like I’m the one getting married after all.” The last thing Cadence hears is maniacal laughter of the Queen of the Changelings echoing off the soundproof private chamber.

Author's Note:

Well, now we are at the point just before the Show. Evil plots are moving along, just who's plot will manifest first?

How will the story change if Twilight Sparkle gets told about the Changelings? Will Peppermint Heart be able to get to her in the first place? Next chapter Chrysalis is now replaced Cadence and she starts making her move.

Like always there something wrong somewhere. If you see spelling and grammar errors you may fire at will!

P.s. Oh and thank Vaguely Demented for the idea of having Cadence go down fighting!